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Fantasy Angels VS. Demons:The Eternal War [Accepting!]

Malori put down the book she had been reading to see that A'Merie had let a tear slip down her cheek. She is an angel, only natural for them to cry when given something like that necklace. She stood up when a light glowed from the necklace once A'Merie had touched but didn't take from Malias, Malori wanted to back out of that light but she was already up against the wall. She growled when A'Merie took the necklace and tried to dim the light, "please put that light out.." She wanted to hide but refused to run from the light of an Angel so she stepped forward behind Malias.

@Bambie @Seraph Darkfire @EasternGhost
Daakoon frowned. Jewelry? He remembered back in his human life how people would have slaughtered and massacred entire groups of enemies and allies alike if they felt fortune and wealth was to be their reward for doing so. Looking upon the jewelry Malias had just bestowed upon A'Merie, he was reminded of the type of individual he had once been. Yes, even in those days, he himself would have been one of the people fighting and shedding blood for such a trinket. However, when he looked at it now, he felt nothing. No longing or wanting to hold it. No lust to rip open A'Merie's throat and claim the jewel as his. Yet why? Where had this disinterest in such things come from? Who was he now? Too many things that he had understood were no longer present now. Too many things he did not understand were everywhere instead.

"Death was supposed to be a blessing and a relief" Daakoon muttered to himself, hoping no one else had heard his words for he was unsure if they would have understood his meaning behind them.

Even now, he wished to leave them all behind. Everyone inside the library...leave them all to die at Electra's hands and settle with his booze and his solitude. Yet, watching A'Merie's face brighten with some form of hope as she thought peace could be established. Watching Malias as he prepared to lead such a movement against his sister Electra. They were all crazy. They had to be. That was the only explanation. Yet, here he was going down the same path as they were headed down, whether death greeted them or not. He shook his head bitterly.

Angels and Demons...how could they be so different...and yet so alike in ways neither truly understood? Maybe not even Daakoon understood the entirety of it. Was he willing to die to try and understand the similarities between the two?

Death had been an empty promise to him in the past. He'd only traded one life of conflict for another and this one was potentially dozens of times more destructive as the one before that he had been gifted with death to leave behind. Insanity....all of it.

Yet once more, he looked upon A'Merie and felt....something. He couldn't describe it and he knew not the word that could give it a name. It was just an emotion of.....something. He shook his head slightly and began to wonder what he was going to become in the future because whatever he had just recently been, he was no longer that anymore.

Insanity. All of it. Yet no matter how insane it was...Daakoon was determined to see where this path led in searching for a peace that he didn't truly believe was possible. But maybe he was wrong. He wanted to know if he was....and so he had to pick a side and see what happened. Peace it is. A'Merie wanted her brother and Malias wanted a lasting peace. Daakoon could've laughed at the side in this conflict he had chosen. When he had been human...he would have sided against such people like the two of them and tried his best to kill them because there was little profit in peace.. Now however....he wasn't sure what to do now that he had allied with such people. The darkness of his heart was still present....it had never left. Now though...something had settled alongside his darkness and was beginning to force it out of him. If his darkness was taken away.....what was left of him instead? That was a good question.



@Seraph Darkfire
Malias smiled at A'Merie and at her response. He didn't know how important the necklace was, but seeing her look was enough to tell him that he'd done the right thing. He wondered what it was though and even more, where the angel he'd met before had come from. The light was beautiful, it flowed across his mind like a warm river. This angel was kind, far kinder than anyone he'd ever met. This girl was like the complete opposite of Electra. It was funny really. When he was human, this would have been his ideal woman. But now, the only thing he could think of was 'She couldn't challenge me like Electra can' it was a strange thought.

"I am happy I can help, Princess A'Merie" he said returning her bow "If it helps bring our two people closer together, I would do anything, even if it meant fighting my sister for control of the throne"

He sighed "Speaking of which, I have a plan to deal with Electra, though I am not sure how to deal with the aftermath" he scratched his chin "I can get rid of Electra for around seventy eight hours, but during that time, I'll be gone too" he looked thoughtful "I'd need things to be taken care of while we're gone" he frowned "The second everyone finds out the two most powerful Demon Children are missing, there is bound to be chaos"

"With Electra gone, finding A'Merie's brother will be far easier, Electra tends to guard what she thinks of toys well, if we hadn't been attacked before, I would have never been able to get A'Merie out" he moved over to a book laying on the table and picked it up, flipping through the pages "But first, let me find the right spell to make our angel look a little darker, we can't have her walking around looking so...innocent"

"Feel free to look around" he said to them all "I am probably going to be busy for a little bit, there are sixty spells to kill an angel, but only three or four that can hide them" he chuckled "I think that old spell to turn water into wine is still around here somewhere if you still want to drink Daakon" he grabbed another book and handed it to Malori "This is a book on Dragon Rearing, it has some very interesting stuff on Dragons, some things I'm sure you didn't know and I'm sure Zania would like some information on her species" there weren't many Dragons alive anymore and most that existed now were relatively young and raised by creatures who new very little about them.

@Bambie @Abana @EasternGhost
Daakoon's ears catching the words..."water to wine" made him snap out of his own consuming thoughts.

"Seriously?" Daakoon found himself saying, unable to resist taking the bait.

Demons turning water to wine? If only to be a fly on the wall when Humanity learned of that. It would possibly be one of the few endlessly amusing things he would probably ever witness. Wine was a little to rich for his blood when he had grown accustomed to the almost sludge-like gruel that commoners, peasants, serfs, and lesser military personnel were brandished with. Once upon a time that would have irked Daakoon. Now he saw it as a good thing. It only meant he got to lose his wits much quicker and with much less raunchy and loud conversation needed. But then, it was more or less common that nobility was normally long winded and enjoyed talking endlessly about nothing. Or so he had noticed a few of them here and there doing so. Malias and Malori? Daakoon couldn't remember. Most likely the booze was responsible for that lack of memory there.

He wasn't a drunk was he? Nah. He had a reason to be one though if he was. His sleep nowadays was plagued with dreams of a time he wished he could call nothing more than a dream.

They were all cursed in one way or another even if a few didn't realize it themselves.

He remembered his most recent dream.

Watching the high caliber shells erupt from the barrel of the military grade issue M-16 Assault Rifle and slam into the chest of his fiancee, Daakoon felt his mind grow silent of thought and his heart turn numb. That's it.

He remembered his last thought that his mind had processed before it ceased to care about logic and reality or anything else.

"That's it. I'm broken".

A fresh clip of ammunition slammed into the twin Ingram Mac-10 Sub-machine guns he clutched and with one last deep breath, hot metal exploded in any and all directions as bodies fell and corpses began to pile up and blood formed rivers and pools in and around his vicinity. He himself took several rounds to his own body, blood gushing from multiple direct gunshot wounds and yet he felt none of them. They weren't real. All that was real was his guns....the death they spat, and the death that consumed all those he could and couldn't see who wanted him dead.

When the gunfire ceased and all was still and silent except for a few moans here and there of those who were near death and foolishly thought they could resist it. No, they would not survive. Daakoon had been efficient hitting vital places in their physiology. They would all be corpses...even he. His twin guns still smoked even though every bit of ammunition had been emptied. They fell from Daakoon's hands and made slight burn marks on the floors from how hot they had been when they were still being used.

He was growing light-headed and his limbs grew increasingly heavier. Blood caked the insides of his shoes and weighed down on the rest of his clothing as he continued to bleed from half a dozen places that were fatal...and twice as many that were not. How he was still standing alone was a miracle and a mystery. He had a few minutes at best before he would leave this world.

He found his fiancee's final resting place...her corpse as beautiful in death as she had been in life. It wasn't fair for her. She had died because she loved him and had refused to abandon him when he had tried to force her to do so. Now she was dead because of her love and stubbornness.

"The good die so young" Daakoon felt himself whisper...the words so difficult to speak as his breathing became strained and his eyesight grew blurry.

He lay next to his fiancee's still bleeding corpse as his blood and her's mixed and associated upon the hardwood floors of what had once been their home. Before Daakoon closed his eyes one last time, he rested them upon his fiancee's peaceful face.

"Should've ran away" he whispered to her, hoping that in her next life, she would hear the words...and listen to them.

Then....he was gone as well.

Daakoon snapped back to the present time. Yes, that had been an awful dream of his past. He wondered if this was his fate in the future as well. Well...at least he had experience in tragic endings.

"Yes, please set me up Malias. A little wine will be lovely. As much as you can manage for tonight as well" Daakoon responded to Malias's offer of wine.

His dreams would be even more fierce and horrible tonight. He knew this for sure.

@Seraph Darkfire


Malori took the book from her brother, actually interested in it. She thought about what they had said but she wasn't a fighter, she could sneak around and play dumb when it was needed but that was it. Hopping onto a cushioned chair, she hung her feet over the back of the chair and began reading upside down as her hair flowed over the carpet. Zania would love this book!

She looked over at Daakoon then A'Merie before going back to her book. I wish Luna were here.. she probably would like this book too and then we could play with Zania and Zechen! Zania is probably with Zechen right now anyway.

@WeirdPrincess @Seraph Darkfire @EasternGhost @Bambie
Luna sighed as she slumped against the wall."Where is everyone? I leave for a while and now I'm just left here by myself...how sad." She walked around for a while, Zechen resting on her shoulder as she did. You know...I could always just teleport to where everyone is. Or at least where Mal is, since I like her the most, Luna thought as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She had learned how to teleport after staying in her room for so long and it had come in handy when it need to. Concentrating on the place she wanted to be, smoke swirled around her before completely engulfing her. When she opened her eyes a few minutes later, she stood on a beach."Well...this isn't where I wanted to go. Still a bit rusty I see." She chuckled to herself before starting the procedure over again, not caring if anyone saw. The next to she opened her eyes, she appeared in front of Malori."Finally! I've been looking for you everywhere! Where is everyone anyway?" She asked her, tilting her head as she watched her sister read a book while she layed on a chair upside-down."Why are you sitting like that?" She laughed as Zechen hopped off her shoulders and sat on the floor next to her.

Malori squeaked, as she instinctively threw her legs forward and falling out of the chair. "Twin!!" Scrambling to her feet, Malori hugged her sister, "I'm sorry, I found an angel and now I'm helping her and Malias along with one of the demon soldiers to get her younger brother back." She glanced at Zechen and blanked, Zania, why're you not with Zechen?!

Stepping back, she looked back to A'Merie, Wonder if she'll freak if she sees another demon here. Malori felt a bit giddy to see fear from the Angel.

@WeirdPrincess @Bambie
Luna laughed and hugged her twin back."Hello Malori. It's nice to see you again too. Angel? What Angel-" she stopped as she turned around, seeing an angel in the room. She gave her a blank stare before looking back at Malori,"Right...I'll help too. If that...you know, helps or anything." She stated, rubbing the back of her neck. Luna looked at Zechen and smiled as the flame on his tail blew higher every time he took in a breath. She looked around the room, noting seeing Zania."Where's Zania? Isn't she always with you?"

Inias watched Malphaerus rocket into the sky and open the portal to Earth. When it closed, he began a whispering prayer, only his lips moving. He put an arm around Charmeine to comfort both of them. What has that monster done to my daughter!? When the Archangel returns with the princess and the demon, I'll be here all right. And if my daughter dies, no one is safe. His thoughts buzzed around in his head like angered wasps.

Pulling Charmiene closer to him, Inias held her tight. It had been a very long day for the both of them, and Inias was sure that any more surprises would cause the two of them to fall over dead. "Charmeine, let us sit and eat. Hunger can make even the most level-headed lose themselves." He backed up and looked into her eyes. He could sense Charmeine's worry. "I understand that this is a hard time for you. It is for me too. But we cannot attack an enemy when we cannot even keep ourselves in line," he looked towards the castle. "Come, let us go inside."

@Malphaestus @RiahB

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Winner.jpg.55c595f0fbdebd74346f459da8fd4e7f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="55962" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Winner.jpg.55c595f0fbdebd74346f459da8fd4e7f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> CHARMEINE KORTSY (THE QUEEN)

"Malphaerus," the queen cries out after the archangel. She watches in shock and horror as he rockets up and disappears. She gives a small gasp of denial. She was sure her kingdom was going to suffer a horrible loss if it hadn't already. She allowed her husband to lead her away, not registering the words he whispered kindly into her ear. She sat at the large dining table, but she only stared at the plate in front of her, not seeing the beautiful dish the servant presented her. Charmeine slumped, pulling her wings into her back. She looked up to Inias and gave him a grim smile, trying to comfort his ailing heart.

"We'll be okay," She murmurs, but her voice is raw. It was not warm and comforting as she intended, but almost a plea. "We'll be fine."

@Guilded Clover



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♦♦♦ E U R Y N O M E

She could feel it, his ire, it rolled from his form in waves and brought a small smirk to her lips--she did so enjoy being the cause of another's displeasure--thought is vanished soon after his explanation.

Imprisoned? Please, now, my dear, I've no fondness for lies," she began, his request for her name going unanswered. "But I suppose the reasoning for your absence is of no import, hm? What matters only is that you were not by your dearest King's side, especially with the Queen's funeral so quickly approaching. A pity, I think, for talent such as yours to go wasted." A single corner of her lips pulled back in a show of disgust.

Moronic beasts, came her thoughts raging in her mind as she gazed upon this so-called Archdemon and the strange sense of glee that morphed from his annoyance. They're always planing something. Be it the Electra, this warrior, or even the King himself, Eurynome had become increasingly familiar with the conniving look of the demons' faces and every look would send her frustration surging. Always plan, never move. This seemed to be the tactic they held most dear, a tactic much too opposite from the angels' for Eurynome to ever agree. So she simply huffed, rolled her eyes, and chose not to comment.

"Hm. But if you must know, I am called Eurynome, a Fallen mercenary for the sweet King. Where you fail as lieutenant, I reign as Commander of Hell's army. So stay wary, my dear. It would do you no good to step on my toes." To punctuate her threat, she flashed a pointed glare at the demon's gaze, a warning indeed.

@Kenji Jensai ]
With love~Å'Merie


When you'd cry I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears

And I held your hand through all of these years

And you still have all of me.

The rhythm of my heart...


The little angel couldn't help but to continuously stare at the necklace she had been clutching in her hand. Yet anothing thing for her to protect. It was a tad bit surprising that Maliase thought to give it to her, however she expected nothing less from the young prince. He had claimed that all he wanted was peace between their people, and what better way to prove his intentions then to hand over a very powerful, very sacred item that the angels assumed was long beyond there reach forever. This gave her a whole new outlook on there little group and a huge boost in her confidence. This all could work out after all. However, she realized that she couldn't just walk around the castle with a necklace that shone with an angelic light. She would be spotted for sure, and though she wasn't sure how to get the light to simmer down, she had a idea. Closing her eyes, A'Merie concentrated on the necklace and its power, squeezing her eyes tight in concentration. After a moment the light had began to dim down a bit and soon it was just a soft barely visible glow again.

After the getting the whole necklace dilemma under control, A'Merie turned her attention back to Maliase.
"So, umm..prince Maliase. What is this...spell..you plan to use on your sister? Will she be harmed at all?" she asked as Luna walked in the room which made her tense in her place, not sure whether the princesses appearance in the library would set something off. The girl wasnt suppose to be there after all and she didn't know where this new comer stood with this plan that they where formulating. Without even realizing it, A'Merie had stepped a bit closer to half hide behind Daakoon from Luna. It wasn't out of fear of course, or at least because of what she was;a demon. It was because she didn't want to cause any more trouble with this family that she already had. She didn't know this princess and didn't know whether her presence should be known to her or not. This whole situation was very intimidating indeed.

@EasternGhost @Abana

@Seraph Darkfire



Ēlectra "Haydie" Elstife

Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt

Hells greatest...

Electra had finally finished ordering around yet another slew of servants as she made her way to one of the main halls that she made kind of her own little thrown room. Sitting upon her thrown, allowing her servants to pamper and cater to her every need, which was one of her favorite things to do after a long day of ruling 'It's good to be queen..' she thought to herself as she finally had a minute to stop thinking about everything that had been happening and relax. She needed it.

"Anna. Bring me my new little pet." Electra commanded while her eyes remained closed as one of her servants combed her perfect raven hair. The girl-Ann, looked rather puzzled for a moment as she was trying to put together who her princess could have been talking about. It occured to her, however, that she had been talking about the angel that she had taken prisoner just hours prior. Before waisting any more time and risking triggering Electra's bad side, the girl bowed respectfully, whispering a "Yes, right away my lady" as she shuffled off in search of Gabriel.


Gabriel Denen Kortsy - Fallen

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/downloadfile.jpeg.b2190090673f2d79c9ba7dc1675b170e.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="56005" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/downloadfile.jpeg.b2190090673f2d79c9ba7dc1675b170e.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Gabriel continued to look out the window for what seemed like hours, waiting, until he heard soft yet rapid scurrying footsteps. He looked to his right, and saw a young nervous looking girl, young, no more than 16, or, she couldn't have stopped aging by 16, she's probably over a century old by now.

She gulped and said
"Princess Electra would like to see you, Mr. Kortsy" she said timidly, fiddling with her hands and standing far from him, bowing on arrival. "About time. Thank you for letting me know" Gabriel said with a genuine smile. This provoked a hesitant smile from the Servant as Gabriel walked past her toward the stairs. It was apparent that she was not used to good treatment from her superiors. Gabriel hoofed it down stairs and asked the Servant "Where is Electra now? Still in the Magic Room?" "Princess Electra is in her Throne Room, Sir. If you go to the end of the hall, take a right, and at the end of that hall go up the steps and that will be the entrance to Princess Electra's Room, Sir." The Servant said very politely and respectfully. "Thank you, Servant. As you were, thank you for your service" Gabriel said, and he begun to walk towards Electra's Throne Room, the Servant heading back to the Magic Room to clean.

Gabriel walked into the prestigious Throne Room with a Confident Swagger. He liked the new scenery, felt confident in his new him, and he enjoyed the looks he got from the Female Dancers in the room. After his strut, Gabriel parked himself in front of her, not at attention, but standing casually. "What do you need, Electra?"




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Oh how interesting a fallen angel and a high ranking one too he thought to himself at a second past realization hit him like a punch in the face."Wait did you say the majesty herself is dead!" he said.Well, what a pity seems as if fate already made the devil pay for his crimes in my place and it seems twice the amount I could have, did he thought."If that's the case then Electra must be queen, wow hell has changed since I have walked its grounds" he said in a normal tone.Well, I better find out the whole story from that wretched brat satan calls his child he thought to himself."Mademoiselle Eurynome was it well would you escort this lonely devil to where he could find the current queen, I have some questions for her majesty" he said to her.@ataraxiandream
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Malias picked up a second book and flipped through it before handing it to Daakon "This book holds the right spell" he said "It even has spells to create wine glasses and pull water from the air" he turned his head towards the Angel Princess "Well, if the spell is done correctly, nothing more than her pride should be hurt" he said as he went back to his books before grinning "Here we go" he said.

"Demonic Conversion for Angels" he lifted the book and held it in one hand as he moved over to A'Merie, taking her by the shoulder and leading her to a clear spot in the room "Now, the spell I am going to perform won't hurt, though it will feel a little weird. It's designed to change an angel into a demon, however, with a few minor changes and a weakened magic, I can make it temporary"

"My best guess is that it would be for around twenty four hours, during that time your energy will feel completely demon, as well as your appearance being common for a demon. You'll be completely indistinguishable from any other demon, even to some of the most powerful beings such as our fathers" he then began moving around the room, gathering materials before smiling "Hello Luna" he said as he passed by her.

@Bambie @Abana @EasternGhost @WeirdPrincess


Meanwhile, Elicia sat up in bed and stretched. She'd been asleep for a good while, opening multiple portals in one day was extremely tiring. She heard a knock at her door and walked over. It was a servant with a letter from Malias. She sighed as she read it "Malias is busy so he wants me to train his new servant" when she'd first arrived, she'd heard some commotion about Malias claiming a new servant, though the letter shed more light on it "An Angel?" she smiled "Oh that should be fun"

She wondered where this angel was. According to the letter, she could leave without his permission. Then Elicia suddenly realized something "Oh! This means I have a subordinate!" she clapped her hands and hurried to get changed.

@The Akolite
♦♦♦ E U R Y N O M E

A smug look tugged at Eurynome's expression as she watched her words dawn on him.

Indeed. Quite the catastrophe, I would say. His Majesty has yet to be seen, surely grieving in some ruddy dimension to drown in his sorrow. Pathetic, really."

A moment's pause before the Fallen opened her mouth the hastily deny the absurd Archdemon's request, though the emergence of a certain malevolent aura belonging to none other than the princess in question saw her lips seem together. Of course dearest Electra would make her presence known in such a garish manner, no doubt taking her place at her makeshift throne to relish in the forced affection of her servants. Eurynome cursed her so-called blessing of empathy, always forcing her to take notice of the joys and sorrows of those around her. She made no effort to hide the roll of her eyes.

Electra remains nothing more than a princess, despite what she likes to think," she spat the words like venom on her tongue. "There has been no official coronation, and even so, her father still stands as King despite his absence. You do indeed have much to learn, demon." Once again did the Fallen shoot her newfound comrade a pointed glare, forcing upon his mind clarity of his stance with that single stare. He had missed much in his millennium away, changes in politics and war, and she would make sure he remembered that. Nonetheless, she pivoted on her heels towards the exit of the grand throne room, her arms still crossed around her waist in a defiant lack of manners.

Come, then. You wish to see the false queen? I shall take you to her. But be wary; the little princess you may have known before days in chains is all grown up and eager to slit throats. Tread lightly." And so she stepped forward without so much as a backward glance, her gait heavy, determined. Her teeth grabbed hold of her tongue, forcing herself away from any stray curses that yearned to leave her lips; Eurynome was a warrior, an avenger, not some silly guide or servant.

@Kenji Jensai ]
Malina shrugged, "I don't know where she is, she went off somewhere to clean off some blood but hasn't come back yet." She grinned when she saw the Angel back up towards A'Merie, "A'Merie, this is my twin Luna. She won't mess with you, not with Malias protecting you." Daakoon didn't really concern Malori all that much but she would acknowledge him since Malias had told her that this room meant they were all equals. She sighed and looked back to her twin, "want to help me find Zania?"

@Bambie @WeirdPrincess
With love~Å'Merie


When you'd cry I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears

And I held your hand through all of these years

And you still have all of me.

The rhythm of my heart...


The moment Malori had confirmed that Luna wouldn't be a problem as long as she had Maliase, she couldn't help but to look over as the prince gathered things for the spell and blush a little. She was use to being protected, though it displeased her at times, she felt it a bit strange yet...flattering to have such a powerful demon protecting her. Not just him of course, but all of them. It was a warm feeling.

A'Merie's blush nearly vanished before she noticed where she was standing. She had placed her body just inches away from Daakoons back and hand her hands barely touching his back so that she could hide. The guy was pretty built and towered over her, plus he was closest to her making behind his back the perfect hiding place. Her blush burned brighter as she quickly let her hands drop to her sides and tuned her back on the warrior.
"S-so prince Maliase. H-how would we go about...um...casting this spell?" she asked finally after several moments of scrambling to find anything to say, stuttering as she always did when she was nervous. This whole situation made her heart race. Here she was in another dimension AGAIN, but not just any dimension; but hell, after she had just returned home and was finally reunited with her family. She didn't know where her brother could be or if he was even still alive. The thought made her cringe and sick to her stomach. On top of all of that, she was just about to be turned into a demon (temporarily of course), was constantly worrying about Deux and if he was alright on his own AND help lead her people and his out of the war zone where they would all finally have peace. Yup. All in a days work for your friendly neighborhood angel.

@EasternGhost @Abana

@Seraph Darkfire

Daakoon accepted the spell of water turning to wine from Malias. He would have to remember to thank the Prince after he was perfectly toasted and lit. One good intoxication and hopefully he would be ready for whatever. He didn't consider himself foolish for thinking in such a way. This whole mess he was now irreversibly entangled within was just....well....a mess. He noticed another demon appear and Daakoon noticed A'Merie was at his back before he had noticed her moving. She was fast....interesting.

However she had first thought to conceal herself behind him in fear and hopes of protection. Daakoon felt flattered and something else....a sensation...a warm one....? He could feel her behind him and this alone made his body begin to lightly sweat and his thoughts raced for particularly no reason at all. The room seemed to grow slightly smaller and he and A'Merie were at the center of the entire room itself. He knew he was blushing but his face was emotionless thankfully. Couldn't have himself looking too much like an idiot. There was a time and a place for many things...now was not the time for such moments...was it? No. Impossible foolishness.

She'll just be killed like anyone else who happens to encircle my life. Foolish Angel.....she should leave my presence and live while she can. It's a good possibility we all could die in the coming times....I need no more innocent blood on my hands....

"No more" he felt himself say a little louder than he had meant too speaking his thoughts slightly out loud.

He noticed A'Merie looked away from him before his eyes could meet hers as he turned.

Annoying...he thought to himself....though he was wondering why it bothered him. He couldn't grow attached. Death awaited all who linked with him. History had proven so. Why should it change now? Why? Could it?

He felt his eyes turn to Malori for a brief instant. As always...she had the same superiority look as she always had when she briefly regarded Daakoon. He grit his teeth. Yes he knew now that not all royalty was bad...but he still hated most of them. Even those who seemed to be his allies....or so they said. He couldn't keep his tongue shut for as he thought back to the amount of others in his past who had looked at him with those same sneering eyes...his anger surged. Back then he had most likely deserved them. Now...he was attempting to do the right thing even though his entire survival senses screamed at him to leave them all behind to die in whatever way the fools saw fit. Why was he joining them? It was insanity!!! All for her?

Daakoon wondered if it was just A'Merie that had influenced him to join this foolish plan for peace. He still didn't believe it would work. He expected himself and everyone in the library to die for this foolish ideal. Yet...he felt he needed to try.

Angels....they always make things more difficult then they should be.....

Daakoon took one more look at A'Merie's back before he spoke to Malori. She was beautiful......

"Princess Malori.....let's be frank and honest here. I'm sure you being of the elevated status that royalty brings and me being the lesser class that I am, you consider yourself better than me. Let's make one thing clear....we all die the same deaths and we all bleed the same blood. I think this whole plan for peace is foolishness. I don't really think peace can be bought between Angels and Demons. I'm only here to get A'Merie's brother back as I promised. However...if we're supposed to be allies...please refrain from looking at me like some servant trash!!! Otherwise.....I might happen to look away when you need help the most....and then all that royal blood and status will be worthless when you're blood is spilled on the battlefield. Remember that." Daakoon snarled.

He hated beings who thought themselves superior.

"I hate royalty" Daakoon snarled at them all though his eyes were upon Malori mostly as he stomped out of the library and a little ways down the hall just far enough to lean against a wall, produce the spell of water and wine and a few minutes later...he was drinking...

"I hate royalty" he snarled again....."Why was I even brought back to this miserable world. Should've just let me go to the void....reality is...annoying" he muttered as he consumed the delicious nectar of drunkeness.



@Seraph Darkfire
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Luna raised an eyebrow at the angel before turning to Malori."Sure I'll help fine Zania. Zechen might know where she is." She stated as she put an arm around her twin and Zechen flew up to rest on their shoulder. She lead them out of the library so they could fine Zania."It's weird not seeing her with you. I've seen you two together a lot and with Zania gone, it doesn't feel right. We're on a mission to find her!" She stated as she marched off in some random direction.

She couldn't move, she was furious at what Daakoon had said to her even if she knew he was right. Why are the males usually right?!? she hoped her twin wouldn't do anything to Daakoon for this, he'll she kinda hoped Malias would get angry for it. He was her crush but he didn't barely acknowledge her, guess it was time to let go.

She watched Daakoon leave and had this absurd feeling that she should apologize, instead she smiled to her twin as they walkedout of the library with Zechen on the shoulders. "Yes, a mission." Though she couldn't quite get Daakoon out of her head for saying what he did to a royal. If she told Electra then her sister would kill him on the spot. Maybe. Big maybe not, she didn't know. But she wouldn't, she wanted to help her brother with this peace he dreamed of.

@WeirdPrincess @Seraph Darkfire @EasternGhost
With love~Å'Merie


When you'd cry I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears

And I held your hand through all of these years

And you still have all of me.

The rhythm of my heart...


A'Merie jumped at Daakoons sudden outburst, placing her hand over her hurt in hopes of soothing her quick beating hurt. He hated royals? So...so that meant that...

A'Merie hung her head a bit as Daakoon made his exit. He hated her? Did she truly bring about such feelings in him? Why did his words bother her so? So many questions ran through her head as she swallowed down a lump in her throat. No one had EVER expressed their feelings in such a way towards her and it didn't feel good at all.

After a moment of thought, A'Merie decided that she should push the thoughts out of her head for the time being. She did want to apologize to Daakoon for for whatever it was that upset him, but there was time for that. Right now her main focus was this cloaking spell and saving her brother. After making up her mind, A'Merie mentally nodded her head once, straitening her shoulders and plastering on the best false 'im ok, nothings wrong with me' look that she could muster up and waited for Maliase to do his spell.

@EasternGhost @Abana

@Seraph Darkfire



Ēlectra "Haydie" Elstife

Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt

Hells greatest...

The boy had finally walked into her thrown room when she was being served little appetizers such as fruit and nuts while having her feet rubbed. When Gabriel had failed to address Electra properly, every eye in the room turned to gawk at the boy that was so bold as to speak to their lady in such a way. One woman who had been carrying a vase passed the boy, dropped the vase, appalled by his tone.

Everyone in the room had some sort of surprised look plastered on their faces. Everyone except for Electra. The self proclaimed queen and reached into one of the crystal bowls that one of her servants held onto for dear life and plucked a single almond out of it, outstretching her arm high in the air above her head and dropped it in her open and waiting mouth. She didn't say anything for several moments as if no one had spoken to her; chewing her almond and resting her eyes while her servant gently continued to rub her feet.

After about a minute or so of silence, Electra finally opened her eyes, staring strait at Gabriel and tilted her head slightly to the side.
"Now..is that any way to address your queen? Go. Stand in the corner and think about what you've done."

Electra outstretched her arm in front of her and fanned her hand out in a shooing motion, as she closed her eyes again and relaxed in her chair. "Back to work you fools..." the woman said casually as she placed her hand in the crystal bowl again and popped another almond in her mouth. At her command, every servant in the room immediately got back to their chores.


Luna gazed at Malori in curiousity and nudged her with her hip."So...How have you been? Seeing as how I was gone for a while. Anyone you're interested in...like that Daakoon guy for one. He's pretty cute." She said as she lead them through a few rooms, searching under everything there was. "Why did he yell at you like that? Do I need to teach him a lesson or something to not mess with my twin?" She questioned as she glanced at Malori.

So much has happened since I've been gone...did I really miss that much? I guess I'll just ask around to see what's been happening and why we're helping out an angel, Luna thought as she stopped in her tracks. She was lost in thought about what to do and where exactly to look for Zania. How troublesome this was...though it was kind of fun bonding a little with her twin.

Malori smiled and laughed as Luna nudged her, "I'm ok, and I've always been interested a someone though he barely acknowledges me. Daakoon? Yeah he's cute but not my type, I think that Angel is into him though. He yelled cause 'my eyes' belittle him for being practically a peasant. But I didn't say anything! So i don't know what's his deal. I would prefer you leave him alone, I'm attempting this being nice for Malias and playing along thing." She growled as they walked with no real destination. "What have you been up to anyway?"


Daakoon frowned in the midst of guzzling. There was one thing he despised about his enhanced demonic body that he never had any problem with when he was human. When he had been human...he had been a lightweight in drinking. Quick to be the guy snuffed under the table in a drinking contest, and usually first to spend the night in a drunken slumber snoring like the bears who ate Goldilocks and pissing away the morning until it was almost like he had a bladder infection. Being demon however meant it took longer, either that or he was just a cut above the rest. Either way it was infuriating and disappointing. The disgusting gruel that foot soldiers and grunts he shared the barracks with made homemade was by all means disgusting in taste and made of most likely unhealthy ingredients...but it got the job done.

Now Daakoon knew why the water to wine spell had been more or less dusty and rarely used. Wine was never as highly alcoholic in volume as other things. Wasn't that a shame?

He noticed Malori and whomever the lookalike was along with her dragon Zechen head elsewhere and he frowned. It was most likely he was overreacting, but he knew a look of superiority when he saw one. Regardless, it was best he hadn't voiced his opinions so openly and readily. Yet it would have come out eventually whether it had been now or later. It had been an overstatement to say he hated all royals. Yet he hated most of them with the attitude similar to Malori's. So he had little in the way of positive thoughts when it came to Malori. He wouldn't shed a tear if she happened to disappear and was never seen again, however he knew he shouldn't think that way now that he and she were supposed to attempt to become friends.

I'm sure fish will grow legs and run marathons and worms will grow wings and fly before that happens.

He found himself decently enough buzzed and he was sure the smell of alcohol rolled off his breath and clothing like an overly strong air freshener and this only made him shrug and head back into the library. He should probably apologize to A'Merie and restate what he meant by hating royals but he was sure his breath was flammable at the moment.

"This is all so annoying. When does something actually happen?" he muttered.



@Seraph Darkfire

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