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Fantasy Angels VS. Demons:The Eternal War [Accepting!]

"I haven't exactly been up to much. Checking to make sure mothers burial grounds was going smoothly and all. I've just been either locked up in my room or venturing out into the demon world." Luna replied as she squeezed Malori's shoulder."So...where's the last place you saw Zania? I feel like we're getting nowhere because I have no idea where to look..." She said as she stopped walking and turned to Zechen, watching as he curiously sniffed the floors before shooting up and flying down the hallway. Her eyes widened as he disappeared around a corner, Well that was odd...wonder where he went off to, Luna thought as she stared down the hallway, wondering what the hell was going on around this castle.


She growled again, that jerk practically threatened me! I can't get this out of my head! Lifting her hands, Malori pressed them against her temples. Sometimes I hate being royalty, so that demon has no idea what I've been through! He died as a human and was sent here to be a demon, whatever he did was cause enough to be sent to my home. MY family's domain. I haven't done anything! I was born here! Does he honestly think I wanted to be born a demon?! Maybe I wanted to be an angel, hell maybe I wanted to be a penguin!

Sighing she heard her twin talking to her, "Last time I saw Zania? We were walking to the library when she decided to take flight elsewhere. Does it matter if we wonder aimlessly? I usually find her whenever she runs off by getting lost." She smiled, the most genuine smile she's given all day.


She was curled up in a ball asleep on the rafters of princess Electra's room, she could hear whatever the demons said but she chose to ignore them. Though she wasn't suppose to be there, Zania tended to go places that she wasn't allowed and would listen for information to give to princess Malori. She woke up at the sound of the princess talking about a new pet. Zania peeked over the edge of the rafter to watch the princess as a young boy walked in.So that's the boy the princess helped turn fallen. she made sure to stay hidden from any of the demon's eyes as she listened to the princess but she just sent him a o a corner for saying the princess' name casually.

@WeirdPrincess @Bambie
Malias chuckled "Don't mind Daakoon, many of the common folk believe as he does" he said to A'Merie "And for the most part, he is right, Electra, my father, most of my family believes them better because of the blood that runs through their veins, even my little sisters, as kind as they are, have mainly been raised in a higher form of life" he sighed "I don't know much about what Daakoon has been through, even less in his life as a human, but I can see what he sees"

"Before I became a demon, before I became a prince, I lived a pretty low life, my mother was sick all of the time and my father no where to be seen" he rubbed the back of his head as he set up candles in a circle around the princess "I spent a lot of my time working to pay my mother's bills and keep her healthy, as well as feed myself, then my father shows up and reveals to me that I am the reason my mother was always sick"

He sighed as he took salt and began to use it to draw symbols within the circle of candles "I had no choice but to leave my mother, to become a demon, it was the best way I could think to keep her alive, then I came here and became the eldest prince of the Demons, and I hate it" he chuckled "Everyone here is constantly beating on the weaker groups, hell for the first few years I was here, I was Electra's personal plaything, man did she hate me, it is how Malori and I got so close as siblings, she used to take care of me after Electra would torture me"

"Then Elicia became my servant, and suddenly, I had someone under me, someone I could push all my pain and suffering on, she was lower than me right? But I couldn't. I took the scythe my father had given me and I trained, I pushed my body and I sought out the power my demon body had. I found I could create ties to other people, that stopped Electra from attacking me" he grinned "At the time she wasn't much of a trainer so I easily caught up to, and exceeded, her strength"

"It was then that I decided I was going to be King, so I could destroy the Class System that existed. I want to create a world, where even the weakest of demons can have a rightful place to live and prosper" his eyes glowed "It is the major reason I wanted peace with your people, maybe the demons would learn to be kinder to each other if they can learn to have peace with their enemy"

He stood back up and looked at her "Alright, lets see if this works" he lifted his finger to his mouth and bit into the tip. A small bead of blood appeared before he gently pressed it to the center of A'Merie's forehead. When he moved back, the candle's lit themselves and the symbols began to glow. The blood pulsed and spread before it suddenly exploded outward and wrapped around her.

The fire then followed suit, lifting from the candles in a great arc and spinning around her, turning the blood from it's normal red to a complete black. After several seconds, the fire vanished and the dried, black blood began to crack and fall away from her body.

Malias grinned as the blood fell away, revealing A'Merie's new appearance. It was temporary, but it was certainly effective.



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Dunkler_angel.jpg.9a61c4ef9c5ed76ab6b602ba3a4b9b19.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="56240" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Dunkler_angel.jpg.9a61c4ef9c5ed76ab6b602ba3a4b9b19.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

- - - - - - - - - -

My Heart Is Broken . . .

The rhythm of my heart...

[/media] - - - - - - - - - -

A'Merie closed her eyes and allowed the magic of Maliase's spell take hold of her. The blood that was placed on her forhead had bled down and surrounded her like a cocoon. Though the magic did not harm her as The young prince promised, it did feel a bit strange. Even so, she did not move a muscle. The blood turned black and hardened and eventually began to crack and soon the cocoon that held her in place broke into tiny pieces around her feet. There she stood, and angel turned demon within seconds. If magic like this existed then she would have to do her best to bring peace to their worlds and prevent it from ever being used a s a weapon against the angels.

A'Merie stood with her eyes closed until the spell was complete. When she didn't feel anything after a while, she slowly let her eyes flutter open and looked around her at both Maliase and Daakoon and then to herself. She slowly lifted her hands up to her face and touched it as if she had felt her own face for the first time. Her eyes had shifted from that breathtaking grey color to a dreamy grey/blue. Her skin was as soft and smooth as it always had been, but the color had darkened a couple shades into a eerie pale grey. One thing that remained the same was her perfectly snow white hair that still hung down past her shoulders to her waist. Her torn up and bloody clothes had been replaced by a all black, ripped up half dress with fur encircling her neckline. Lastly, her wings. They where no longer that brilliant ivory that reflected the light off of its feathers. Now they where a mate black color and where a tad smaller then her angel wings. Though A'Merie was somewhat dressed as if she where a common demon, her appearance still gave her that look of importance.

On the inside where no one was able to see the changes, A'Merie didn't feel to different. She still felt like her ordinary self. Still selfless, loving, and eager to end this war. And most importantly, she was ready to save her brother. After removing her fingers from examining her face, A'Merie turned her attention back to Maliase and Daakoon who still haven't said a word about her transformation. "W..well? Oh!" the girl squeaked as she noticed the change in her voice. No longer was it that sweet and silky sounding. No. It was deeper. Not deep in a manly way of course, but deep in a seductive way. Her voice was smooth and outright sexy in her opinion. A'Merie was so use to sounding like a shy child that she couldn't imagine her voice ever sounding like this. It was strange and out of place but....she liked it. A lot.

@EasternGhost @Abana

@Seraph Darkfire



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Inias heard his wife's words. "I only hope so," he gently put his fork down. "And if needed be, I will make it so." Wiping his face, he turned to Charmeine. "Why aren't you eating? I don't want you to go hungry." He pushed her plate closer to her. Inias didn't want to see his wife look so sad. "We are going to be okay, all right? We must show our subjects that even in hard times, the leaders never show weakness." He gave a little smile before returning to his food.



@Seraph Darkfire

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2cbaf5e1_DaakoonAincrasMendellon.jpg.760b0b1cf8f3ee0c84b2f54b2f3c0e4f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="56321" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2cbaf5e1_DaakoonAincrasMendellon.jpg.760b0b1cf8f3ee0c84b2f54b2f3c0e4f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Daakoon looked upon A'Merie's transformation and he felt himself gulp a little louder then he had hoped to. Daakoon was slightly drunk so his usual reservations were slightly dulled. A'Merie had been beautiful before in a innocent and sort of kind and pure way and this alone had gathered Daakoon's sole undivided attention. Now however, she was....different. Where she was beautiful only by her manners and form...she was now strikingly attractive in a more seductive and alluring manner. One that made his eyes slightly widen and he put on a light cold sweat. She was.....stunning...nothing less than that. She was the epitome of beauty in Daakoon's mind...

When she spoke, her voice had changed and he felt his ears attempt to rip themselves free of his body if only to be nearer to her lips to hear her more clearer. Daakoon was nothing less than entranced by her view. She was...perfect. As she spoke...he felt himself blush....and he had to look away to try not to be seen in such an embarrassing manner.

"You look.....good" was all Daakoon managed to speak before his voice failed him and his tongue curled up within the roof of his mouth.

She was more than "good"...but how was he to say that so suddenly?



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Gabriel Denen Kortsy - Fallen


There is no saving this forsaken child.


He has fell from grace, he has been shunned from his former home.


By his mother, by his father, the royalty of the Heavens.


There was once a War between the Angels and the Demons inside of him, and the Demons won. The fire of evil burns bright within the child's soul.


He hears things that aren't right, that are Evil. He sees things that aren't there, that are Evil. He wants to do things that are...terrible. that are Evil. He will do things that are Evil, and he has no remorse. He has no conscience. He doesn't do things like...justify these things to himself, he just does them and moves on. He shows no empathy, and he does not care for anyone's welfare, expect for his Sire and those she orders him to protect. He takes orders from none other but his Sire. He is not able to be tamed, he is not able to be cured, he is a lost cause, the old him is...gone, only remembered by those who loved him, who love him no more.


The seeds of Darkness have been forever planted into his soul, and the only way to get them out...


Is to kill this monster.


To kill this Demon.


That will be NO easy task.


Good luck.

Gabriel almost laughed in Electra's face. Who did this girl think she was? She was certainly not Queen. The King yet to pass away. Gabriel stood straighter and spoke clearly. "As far as I know, one, the King is not dead, so you wouldn't be inheriting the Throne yet. But if you want to play your little game and make believe, sure, I'll tag along. A little roleplay is fun every once and a while." Gabriel said this with no Scorn or Defiance in his voice, just casually. He wasn't going to do anything hasty, but this was sort of ridiculous. He looked around, and laughed at still being gawked at audibly. He then turned to Electra, saluted, stood real straight, and said elegantly "How may I be of Service, my Queen?"
Malias whistled "You certainly look more mature" he said chuckling "Before you looked more like a child, innocent you know" he looked at Daakoon and chuckled again "Close your mouth, you'll let in hell flies" he said grinning before he moved over to check A'Merie over curiously. He had to make sure that nothing had gone wrong. The magic had certainly made her sexually appealing, though Malias had seen enough sex appeal in his life to not really be interested in it.

"Everything seems to be fine" he said softly "How do you feel?" he wondered. If the spell was done right, she shouldn't feel any different, just look different. It was hard to tell with spells that were altered to be temporary.

@Bambie @EasternGhost
With love~Å'Merie


When you'd cry I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears

And I held your hand through all of these years

And you still have all of me.

The rhythm of my heart...


A'Merie's cheeks burned a bright pink when she heard Maliase's whistle and Daakoons reply. Though yes, she was indeed beautiful, you would think that she would have attracted immeasurable amounts of attention. However, it was the complete opposite. A'Merie almost never left the castle which resulted in her not meeting and greeting very many people. And the only people that she did see was her royal servants, guards and her siblings.

The now cloaked angel's blush did not leave her cheeks when Maliase began looking her over. Though she knew that he was only checking to see if the spell had worked properly, she couldn't help but to feel slightly shy with him so close to her. No one had ever really gotten up close and personal with her for fear of disrespecting her royal status. All of this royal business was making her exhausted.
"I..well..I feel fine. As if nothing has changed." she said in a tone that filled her heart with a twinge of vanity. "It looks as if it worked. Thank you.." she purred, saying it partially just because she wanted to hear her voice again. Never in a million years did she think that she would have the opportunity to step into the shoes of a demon and walk amongst them as one of their own. A'Merie was a very curious girl after all, and merely wanted to know about and explore everything that she could. "You are risking much aiding me. I owe you much, prince Maliase" the woman said with a respectful bow. A'Merie felt very lucky to have all of them helping her it brought a warm feeling to her heart.


@Seraph Darkfire

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2cbe51a8_KilliganPerrigote.jpg.c26debaefbfd2dda31e06fb187c9f490.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="56331" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2cbe51a8_KilliganPerrigote.jpg.c26debaefbfd2dda31e06fb187c9f490.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Killigan grinned. It had taken a while to get to where he was now. He had eavesdropped and silently implanted himself in certain minor circles of unimportant associates that had finally led him to where he was today. Where he was today of course, was within the grasps of reaching the current station of power in Hell. Princess Electra. Yes, most thought it to be an even contest between her and Prince Malias, but in Killigan's personal opinion, Electra had a large chunk of the military behind her, if not most of it. It didn't matter however. Whatever happened between the succession for the crown mattered little to Killigan.

He weaved his way through the halls of the royal hall and while he noticed most of the nearby guards and servants eyed him oddly, they made no moves to apprehend him. It was most likely because who in their right mind would storm the throne room when it was Eldest Princess Electra herself who awaited their arrival? This brought a bit of a chuckle from Killigan. He had arrived in the capitol city several days ago when a tip off from a local sergeant from the barracks in the capitol had mentioned the presence of the one person Killigan wished to see. Daakoon Aincras Mendellon. An old friend of Killigan's from the days when they both bled human blood and fought foolish wars in streets paved in the blood and corpses of the weak and helpless.

Those days were so distant now....but he hadn't forgotten them. Nor had he forgotten Daakoon, who had once been the most brutal and bloodthirsty of them all. Yet he had been changed...by her. That woman. She had begun to change him...make him kind and generous....make him weak!! Luckily she was dead now as had been the result of his assault on their home all those years ago. Of course Killigan and Daakoon had killed eachother back then that same very night as well...but sacrifices must be made for the greatest of all things to become reality. So he had come to the throne room as he were. He needed to find Daakoon and see if he had returned to his old self. His better self. Killigan needed his ruthless and cold-hearted friend back....they needed to shed blood together once more like the old days. Yes.....like the old days Killigan thought as his eyes locked onto the form of two individuals.

One of course being the Princess Electra herself...several servants in and around her. Though the other of the two Killigan's eyes had locked onto was another. He briefly bowed to the Princess and Killigan's interested was piqued. However it was unimportant at the moment. He proceeded to stand in front of the Princess...aware she might dislike his presence without an actual appointment. However, he wished to explain his case. And so he did.

"Greeting you're Majesty, my gracious Eldest Princess Electra" Killigan began with a grin that he wondered whether it seemed authentic or not.

It didn't matter. It only needed to suffice. Nothing more.

"I have traveled a great deal to arrive where I am today before you. I have come in search of an individual whose name I will disclose once I am assured you are willing to receive me in service. I've come to pledge my service to you or whomever is concerned, I only ask I have time to visit an old friend of mine from years long past. We have much to catch up on" Killigan spoke.

Meet his old friend and in the mean time...be given employment directly from Princess Electra herself....what could be better? Killigan noticed the young man next to him. He seemed....familiar. He could have enlisted with the regular military, but why? He had special talents....that he was sure were a cut above any normal grunt. So why lower his standards?





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Ēlectra "Haydie" Elstife

Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt

Hells greatest...

Electra hadn't so much as flinched when the boy spoke to her in such a casual way. If Electra hadn't known better, Gabriel's head would be disconnected from his tiny body and rolling on the floor before her. If she didn't know better. But she did. If the spell worked properly. which it would, Gabriel would be turning on his heel and heading towards the corner at any moment. Why? Because he couldn't help it. Now that the little angel had allowed himself to be lured in and had a ancient spell cast on him from the wicked witch herself, he would feel helpless against the pull to do exactly as his lady commanded of him. Still, this boy did annoy her to no end. His smart mouth and disobedience toward her really made her skin crawl. No one disobeyed her without the proper whip into the right direction afterwords. Either that or they died. Whatever the young princess was feeling that particular day. After yet another long drawn out moment of silence, Electra flicked something from underneath her fingernail and cast her gaze upon Gabriel, allowing their eyes to lock and her painful compulsion to activate. By this time, Gabriel would have been doubled over in pain. "Little rats should learn their place in this world. In a hole in the corner. Now GO!" her queenliness commanded in a harsh tone as she amped up the pain of her compulsion at the end of her command before letting her gaze released him and focus on the new comer in front of her.

There stood a scrony man who claimed to have traveled far just to meet her and ask to serve under her royal guard. This intrigued her. Though yes, this type of behavior would have normally gotten on her nerves, there was never a man that was bold enough to waltz into her thrown room and address her without proper invitation. 'Interesting..'

Electra uncrossed and recrossed her legs as she stared down at the man before her, twisting a strand of hair around her finger. Just then a servant came rushing through the door, running just a couple of feet away from the princesses first step to her elevated pedestal where her thrown sat.
"Your majesty! I come baring news." the dark haired, scrony servant huffed quickly as he bowed his head low until he nearly tipped over frontwards. "Come." was as she said and immediately the servant came tip toeing towards her, leaning over to whisper in her ear. As the princess listened to the man, a wide grin began to slowly stretch across her face. 'Very interesting indeed..'

Tapping her bottom lip with the tip of her fingernail, Electra brought her attention back to the man in front of her and made her decision,
"Fine.." the demoness started as she uncrossed her legs and stood from her thrown. "You want to serve me? I will allow it. Under one condition." she descended the two steps that sat her up above the rest and slowly approached Killigan and circled around him as she spoke,"You will prove yourself worthy of baring the title of a royal warrior by completing one simple task for me.." she said, lingering at his right side as she traced a line across his shoulder with her long sharp fingernail before walking slowly around him again; like a shark circling its dinner at sea. "..there seems to be a rebellion rising within the castle walls.." then she leaned in and whispered, "I want you to extinguish it." in his ear from behind him before strutting back to her thrown, "Gabriel. Get up." Electra sat back down on her kingly like thrown and crossed her legs again, "You will accompany him. Show me that you have learned you lesson and bring me back my little sisters Malori's head. " and with that left in the air, she waved her hand towards them and shoo'd them out of her sight. Electra didn't expect for them to actually get the job done. Especially not the man that just walked into her thrown room without her consent, which reminded her that she would have to punish her guards at some point for letting a random stranger in. In addition to having a little fun with her new found toy, Electra also wanted to test out her new creation by sending him after her treacherous sister Malori, knowing full well that she or her sister where not the fighting type. Someone who was however the fighting type was her pesky older brother Maliase and there was no doubt in her mind that he would protect his sisters at all coasts. She would have to deal with him. And besides, it was about time to pay him a visit and pay him back for his behavior the other day. With a sigh, Electra stood and began walking towards the side exit of her grand hall. 'Ohh Maliase? Where you could you be hiding now..?'


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Malias shook his head and gently patted the top of her head "I am not risking anymore than normal" something in the back of his mind twitched. He could sense Electra heading towards them "Hmm, seems I'll have to move things ahead of schedule" he sighed before turning to Daakoon and walking over to him. For a second he stood there before he lifted his hand and flicked Daakoon across the forehead. When he did this, he sent a pulse of energy into Daakoon "Sorry to do this" he said. The energy was designed to sober him up "I'm leaving you in charge of A'Merie, please keep her safe"

His sisters could handle themselves well, they weren't all that powerful, but they were smart. However, the angel princess didn't know the layout of the palace. He was placing his complete faith in Daakoon. He looked back to A'Merie "Your appearance is that of a demon, but your personality isn't" he said "Try not to talk to much to those who aren't familiar with you, it could tip them off to who you really are"

Moving over to a desk, he reached into it and pulled out a small medallion before grasping it tightly in his hand. He then focussed and sent a mental message to Elicia, telling her what he was about to do and what he wanted her to do. Keep herself safe mainly, but she would also be his eyes and ears while he was gone.

Turning, he headed out of the library with a small wave towards the other two. He felt slightly nervous. If this spell worked, he'd actually have some time to relax. Something he hadn't been able to do since he became a demon.

@Bambie @EasternGhost


Ēlectra "Haydie" Elstife

Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt

Hells greatest...

Strutting down the hall as she always did;making the hall her runway, Electra allowed her demonic instincts to kick in, pointing her way to where Maliase was. It was funny in a way. Either Maliase had some business in her general direction or he was a gluten for punishment because just as she turned the corner she could sense that the eldest demon prince was headed her way. 'Found you.'

Once Maliase was in clear site of her, Electra smirked and placed a hand on her swaying hips as she walked towards him.
"Maliase! Just the lip locking, princess striking, half breed I wanted to see." she greeted, poking her lips out tauntingly. This was definitely going to be fun. At last, she was finally free from tasking herself to getting their castle put back into order, now it was play time. Finally she had the time to sink her six inch heel down his throat and remind him who was the HBIC(head bitch in charge). "You done cowering in your widdo room and come to take your punishment like a man?Or better yet have you come to apologize and kiss your queens feet?" Electra said as she stopped her approach and pushed her right leg forward, resting it on the balls of her foot while she rested her weight on her left hip. Her leg had pushed past the long slit in the center of her dress, showing it off which was only covered by the sheer black layer of her thigh high stocking. Electra made kissing noises at him as she wiggled her foot a bit in front of her. She would take her time and enjoy this as she very well deserved to. Maliase had to go.

@Seraph Darkfire
"My lovely sister" he said grinning when he saw her "I was actually just about to come looking for you" he chuckled "Finally done kidnapping angel boys? I swear your tastes are just getting more and more perverse" he was feeling giddy, almost as if he was high. Of course, demons couldn't get high. Drunk yes, but not high. He continued to walk towards her "I was not cowering, unlike you I enjoy sitting and relaxing with a good book, something I think you'd actually enjoy if you'd take the time to step back from controlling everyone"

"Lately I've been thinking, our constant fighting is such a strain, not just on us, but on our siblings and our people" he chuckled "So I have decided to stop for a while, let everything kind of return to normal" he gave her his best loving smile before he promptly slapped her in the forehead with his hand and the medallion within it. There were no magical words for this spell, no incantations or set up. All he needed was this enchanted medallion. He didn't need to slap her in the forehead, all she needed to do was touch it, but he felt she deserved it.

Without a single noise, they vanished. One second they were there, the next, gone....


.....then they were standing on a large bridge that resided over a massive ravine. Fresh clean air filled their lungs with every breath and the sound of waterfalls and forest animals filling their ears. They seemed to be standing within a valley, a large forest on either side of them and mountains beyond that. Ahead of them was a massive tree that seemed to be a building as well. It was such a beautiful sight that it could take anyone's breath away.

"We will be staying here" Malias said calmly as he began to walk away from her, towards the tree "Three days, completely separated from everyone else, you can't even mentally contact your dragon" he smirked as he looked back at her "Oh, and don't bother trying to use your powers on me, they don't work here, neither do mine if that makes you feel any better"

He clapped his hands and laughed. It was not a mocking laugh, it was a pleased laugh, one that was free of burden "For the next three days we are as human as we can possibly be" he said "Hate me, love me, whatever you want, but for the next three days, all of your crap is not my problem anymore"




Ēlectra "Haydie" Elstife

Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt

Hells greatest...

Electra had been blocking out everything that Maliase had been saying as he walked up to her. She had been planning on making her attack right when he was in range but before she made a move she was slapped in the head with something hard and was transported somewhere else. The princess shuffled back as she took the impact to her head and just before she sprung up and lurched herself at him, she stopped, taking in the new sights and sounds around her. It had completely caught her off guard which was surprising because nothing did. Electra knew all before it would even happen. Well, with today being the exception.

"Maliase..." Electra called in a soft voice as she stared off into the lush green world that she had been transported to. "Where...where have you taken me...?". Before she could stop herself, the princess had taken a couple of steps towards the edge of the tower that they where on, unconsciously taking in a deep breath. As she exhailed it seemed that she released the haze that had captured her the minute she stepped foot in this new land. "Maliase!" her cool voice was gone and the sexy bitchy voice was back, "Maliase you take me back or I swear I will..." she trailed off a she tried to conjure up a ball of energy to throw at him, but there was nothing. It seemed that the jibber jaber that she had heard while gazing off into the distance was informing her that they had no powers there. That they where mortal. 'No. My-my powers...there...gone?' "MALIASE!!" now she had enough. Loud and hard clicks could be heard marching behind Maliase as he walked away from her, "You idiot! What have you done!?"

@Seraph Darkfire
Zania almost squeaked with shock and rage, she quickly crawled out a window and took flight towards Lady Mal's location. It didn't take long for they were walking down a corridor near the kitchen, mid flight she transformed into her demon form, "Princesses! You have to hide! Princess Electra is sending a fallen for your head Lady Malori!" She was out of breathe so she couldn't say more than that.

Princess Malori couldn't move, she was shocked her own sister would do this. Holding out her arm she growled low, "Zania, drink my blood, become stronger and protect your princess." After saying this she paused and sniffed the air, the presence of both Malias and Electra were...gone...they were there but then they weren't, like a light had been snapped on to cast out the darkness. Shit, so much for running to Malias for his help! Think Mal think!! Oh! The library! Zania's head was bent over Malori's arm, drinking the blood that would allow Zania to grow stronger if only for a day. Once finished drinking, Zania bound the wound with a cloth from her cloak and smiled, "hide."

Malori grabbed Luna's hand and sprinted down the hallways yelling back to Zania, "don't die!" The young demon that seemed to be getting taller as her hair shotened, merely kept smiling and waved making Malori want to cry but she kept running with her twin in tow towards the library.

Luna ran beside her twin as they made their way back to the library. She was shocked to hear that Electra would want to kill her own sister even though she was heartless. She knew nothing would be able to stop the fallen angel in his tracks, seeing as how she wasn't much of a fighter to begin with. Taking a deep breath, she gave out a low whistle which resulted in Zechen coming to them. He flew next to them as they ran towards the library."Go protect Zania and if she's wounded, try and heal it the best you can. Bring her back safely once the battle with the fallen is over." She ordered before Zechen transformed into his half dragon/ half human self and sprinted off in the direction that they came from. Sure, she was worried about Zania, but right now Malori mattered the most. Having her twin beheaded would forsaken her and put her into despair. She couldn't loose someone else she loved and cared for. Not today or ever."Why would Electra send a fallen for your head!? How cruel could she be?" Luna asked angrily, stilling sprinting down the hallway in hopes of making to the library in time to hide Malori and keep her safe.

He snickered as he walked "Transported us to a nice comfortable vacation home" he said "Unfortunately, I couldn't make it longer than three days, I'll do better next time" he waved his hands at her in a dismissive nature "I can't take us back any more than you can, I am powerless as well, but the tree ahead of us is fully furnished and full of food and drinks" he grinned "No servants though, we'll have to feed ourselves and clean up our own messes"

"Don't tell me that you are so spoiled that you can't even take proper care of yourself" Malias said "Anyway, I thought this would be a good time for us to bond, we are always fighting and frankly I am tired of it" he sighed "When I was human, I didn't have any siblings, my mother was always sick, and I never had time for a romantic interest" he smiled "And now? I have a full family, not all who love me but.." he shrugged "You are my family and I love you, despite all the crap you've done to me over the years"

"This is a...gift...for the both of us" he said softly "I really am tired of fighting and I want to enjoy this vacation, even if you hate it and me, there is nothing we can do for now"



Ēlectra "Haydie" Elstife

Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt

Hells greatest...

Electra stopped her forward march as she listened to what Maliase was saying. It wasn't as if she could do anything else. They where both powerless after all. 'Well, I can at least bash him in the face a couple of times..'. After Maliase had finished his little speech, a part of her chest had began to ache. However, of course she brushed it off and thought nothing of it. Maybe it was just her body adjusting to being so weak and helpless was her thought. With a long dramatic sigh, Electra rolled her eyes and began to walk towards Maliase, "Well so what? You managed to get me alone and powerless for three days. What are you going to do? Kill me? You sure better. Because come three days and you still haven't killed me, it will be the last mistake you ever make.". She didn't stop as she walked clean past him, bumping into his shoulder purposefully as she made her way into their temporary home for the next three days. It was almost as if she hadn't heard what Maliase had said about not wanting to fight with her. What did he mean he didn't want to fight? Hell, that's all she knew. That's all they ever did the minute he was welcomed into the family. What did he expect from her? What did he want? Peace in hell? The thrown? His mummy back? Hah. Tough. Maliase had to learn how to suck it up and deal. And they called her a child.

The princess made her way into the large living quarters and stopped to take it all in. It was nothing like she had ever seen before. Sure her castle was far bigger and was more comfortable feeling then this place. It was foreign to her of course. Yet the place had a bit of a homy touch. It was modern, open and vibrating with life. It was sickening. She didn't like it and wanted to go home; back to her thrown, her servants, her four boy toys and her own bed. She didnt like this place at all. It was a cute, but it wasn't home. 'God I hate him!!' Electra thought as she sighed and kicked off her heels, plopping herself down on one of the soft couches that decorated the lounge room.
"I'm going to kill you..." the demoness groaned like a child as she lay her body across the couch and stared at the love seat across the room in front of her.

@Seraph Darkfire
"I've said this before, if I wanted to kill you then I would have done it years ago" Malias said as he followed her "This is just a vacation, where I'm not going to fight with you" he walked in and chuckled as she laid across the couch. He sighed and took the love seat across from her and laid his head back. He closed his eyes and relaxed completely. The stress of the years seemed to melt away and his physical age showed once again. He was young, far younger than his attitude would imply. It was funny, because her physical age was even younger than his was.

They'd spent so long fighting, it was nice to just sit in the same room and relax. His demeanor showed exactly what he wanted, peace between them. His main goal was to relax and enjoy himself. But his secondary objective was to get the two of them to actually get along for a change. If he and Electra could learn to be civil among one another, the lives of everyone in the palace would improve exponentially.

It was very peaceful here. His senses were dulled to that of a human's, he wasn't constantly hearing the movements of servants, along with the many constant noises of the demon world. Then there were his supernatural senses, always aware of every high powered being in the palace. Now? He was barely aware of Electra sitting on the couch directly across from him. It felt so good. He definitely needed to do this at least once a year.



Ēlectra "Haydie" Elstife

Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt

Hells greatest...

As the powerless demoness lye lazily across the couch, she couldn't help but to drift off into a peaceful sleep. Now that her powers were striped from her, it felt like she was now resting for the first time in ages. There was many a night that the great demoness had peaceful sleep, or so she thought, but for some reason in this place everything was so...calm. Her new human ears allowed her to mute out everything around her. Her nose could only pick up the scent from the fabric on the couch she lay upon, while if she had her demonic senses she would be able to smell the couch, Maliase and the overbearing scent of nature around them. It was as if everything was standing still. It scared her.

After about ten minutes of being completely passed out in a peaceful sleep, Electra snapped her head up and looked around the room. Maliase was still sitting on the love seat on the other side of her and she was still stranded with him in god knows where. Quickly the woman sat up on the couch and began to sniff the air as if she where a hound trying to catch a scent, hoping to hell that this was all some sort of bad dream and that her senses would turn back on. They didn't. She
hated feeling so powerless. Hated not knowing when she was in danger. Electra had so many enemy's, so many people that would pay ridiculous amounts of money just to see her head ripped from her shoulders. Her powers is all she had to keep herself safe and alive. But now? Now she was stuck in a unknown place with unknown creatures living there, had no powers, no knowledge of how to care for herself (seeing as she was a spoiled brat all of her life and had others do everything for her) and to top it off, she was stuck here with one of the people she hated most. Maliase. This wouldn't do. Everything about the situation screamed danger and her nasty habit of self preservation kicked in.

Slowly but quickly, Electra used her stealthy skills to stand up from her spot on the couch and tip toe across the room, out the door, down a couple of flights of stairs and out of the door into the woods before Maliase could peep his eyes open. She'd have to remember to thank her dad and his men for teaching her a few things outside of there demonic ability's.

Once outside, Electra's eyes went wide as she made her way through the jungle. The trees where enormous and easily towered a couple miles over her head it seemed. Her feet where bare so she wiggled her toes and felt the cool damp soil beneath her feet. The scent of the leaves and green around her filled her nostrils and made a genuine smile spread across her face. Her demon senses where gone and yet everything there seemed to be genuinely enhanced without the need of supernatural powers. It made her giggle a bit, but the minute the giggle slipped passed her lips she clamped her mouth shut and straitened her expression back to resting bitch face. 'Get yourself together Electra. You have no time for silly foolishness. There has to be a way out of here somewhere.' she thought as she began to walk again, stepping over roots that protruded through the ground and pushing past bushes; the train of her dress loyally dragging behind her. Suddenly everything that was amazing to her in that flash of a moment was now annoying the hell out of her. The bushes scrapped against her skin uncomfortably as she walked through them. The dirt felt like ice beneath her feet and was starting to get the bottom of her dress dirty. She could hear the trees creaking every now and then and when she looked up to the sky it made her head hurt due to how incredibly tall the trees stood and how short she was in comparison.
"Stupid weak mortal body." she said to herself in a very hateful and annoyed voice. Electra was certainly out of her element. She wasn't use to this type of environment. Everything was so bright and full of life and here she stood, powerless, mortal and alone. Nature was something she knew little of, along with how to survive in the wilderness on her own. She was a demon after all, so something like this wasn't necessary for her to know. She would always be royalty, always be a powerful demon and would always have servants to push around and do what she needed to be done. There was no need to learn how to survive like a human. Boy did she ever wish she knew then what she knew now.

@Seraph Darkfire
Malias opened his eyes and sat up yawning "Man, I must have fallen asleep" he said chuckling before noticing that Electra had left. He shrugged, it wasn't like she could go anywhere. Knowing Electra, she probably assumed she could just leave. It wasn't that simple. This wasn't some random spot on Earth. It was a seperate dimension altogether, one that also looped back on itself. Going in any direction eventually led back to the house.

He hopped up and stretched "Might as well make something to eat..." he sighed "I'll also run Electra a bath, she'll probably need it" humans would sweat far more than a demon did and they usually didn't have servants who cleaned them up should they get too dirty. He made a face "I really hope she can at least bathe herself" he said sighing as he headed into the kitchen. It wouldn't take long to fix up a sandwich or something.

Malias hadn't been human in a long time, though he had a pretty good memory and he was always doing things around the palace with the servants, such as helping them clean up after he'd eaten. The more common things he still did on a daily basis. He trained constantly as well so even without his demon powers and abilities, he was in pretty good shape. He could handle being human far more than Electra could.

Gabriel Denen Kortsy - Fallen


There is no saving this forsaken child.


He has fell from grace, he has been shunned from his former home.


By his mother, by his father, the royalty of the Heavens.


There was once a War between the Angels and the Demons inside of him, and the Demons won. The fire of evil burns bright within the child's soul.


He hears things that aren't right, that are Evil. He sees things that aren't there, that are Evil. He wants to do things that are...terrible. that are Evil. He will do things that are Evil, and he has no remorse. He has no conscience. He doesn't do things like...justify these things to himself, he just does them and moves on. He shows no empathy, and he does not care for anyone's welfare, expect for his Sire and those she orders him to protect. He takes orders from none other but his Sire. He is not able to be tamed, he is not able to be cured, he is a lost cause, the old him is...gone, only remembered by those who loved him, who love him no more.


The seeds of Darkness have been forever planted into his soul, and the only way to get them out...


Is to kill this monster.


To kill this Demon.


That will be NO easy task.


Good luck.

"You...fucking....bitch..." was all he could manage as he was brought to the Floor by the Demonic Princess. He fell to the floor and gasped, unable to breathe. A Servant came to help him, but in his anger, he threw a uppercutt into the Servant's stomach. No, a blade. He had spawned a flaming blade. The Servant fell, dead, the blade sank into his stomach. Gabriel kicked him off his Flaming Blade, sending him back a very long way with his super strength, but he, and everyone else, was taken aback when the Blade extended for three yards, still in the Servant's stomach. The Servant then fell to the ground, and Gabriel pulled the Blade by it's chain grip back to him, and he held the Blades freely at his sides, the Blades a few feet extended. He looked....powerful, majestic, scary, like something out of the Worst of Nightmares. "Well, that's new. I shall call them the Blades of Gabriel." Gabriel said to himself with a laugh. He heard Elecrta's orders, and turned to face her, but she was....gone? What? Hmm. He decided he'd just do as she told. He felt compelled to do so. "Well met, Soldier. Follow" Gabriel said with Authority. Gabriel wasn't sure if he was a higher rank then the man, but he figured he was. He extended his blades one yard and let them curve forth at his feet as he walked, with power, with meaning, toward the Door of the Throne Room.

Blades of Gabriel

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2cddd00c_DaakoonAincrasMendellon.jpg.7b41ab8fd9e2fb9df48c71b5d0844c8c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="56420" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2cddd00c_DaakoonAincrasMendellon.jpg.7b41ab8fd9e2fb9df48c71b5d0844c8c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Daakoon frowned when Malias more or less left A'Merie to him. What was he? A babysitter now? On top of that...the bastard even killed his buzz away. Of all the things he hated....this was surely one to add to the list. It seemed nearly unforgivable. Either that or he was just annoyed with the whole scene. Daakoon turned to A'Merie and once more felt himself need to suppress a blush and look away slightly. Annoying. Of all the people to be left with, it had to be her. In some ways Daakoon thought this to be a heavenly situation, in others.....a situation that could backfire in some impossibly unpredictable way and he'd have to cover his tracks as he escaped.

"Why do Angels always make things more complicated than they need to be?" Daakoon muttered to himself.

He gazed upon her once more however. She was another type of intoxication to Daakoon. The kind that had led to tragedy for him in the past. Maybe things could be different? Daakoon wasn't too optimistic and positive about that though. Innocents suffered around him like he was some form of cancer. They always had, whether he had caused it directly or indirectly. A virus was what he had once thought of himself as. Now?

"Who knows...." he whispered under his breath as he turned his gaze from A'Merie.

"Looks like it's just me and you until Malori returns with something to say to me. I'm sure it'll begin with..How Dare I speak to royalty in such a way or some other bullshit. I don't hate all royalty by the way. I should have clarified. I just hate most of it. Malias isn't too bad for the most part and well.....you aren't anything like Malori and Electra so.....yeah" Daakoon said, a slight blush present, not quite able to say exactly what he had meant to say, but more or less complimenting her in the only way he could muster at the moment.

Angels....I swear they'll either be the end of my life or my sanity. Or something.



@Seraph Darkfire

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2cde2a7e_KilliganPerrigote.jpg.7986fb2ef2c4c796e4a1636cb061cbee.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="56422" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2cde2a7e_KilliganPerrigote.jpg.7986fb2ef2c4c796e4a1636cb061cbee.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Killigan grinned at the young demon. Gabriel was his name? Seemed familiar, but it didn't matter at the moment. No, only one thing did, but it would have to wait it seemed. He was being sent to wreak havoc amidst dissidents who wanted to cause Princess Electra trouble. Interesting. He looked Gabriel over and he noticed the reluctance to obey Electra, and yet the inability that left him unable to disobey. Interesting. Killigan wondered how such a connection worked?Maybe blackmail? Maybe worse? It mattered little regardless. It was of no consequence to his goals at hand.

He would revert Daakoon back to his old self. The bloodthirsty and vicious beast he had once been.He had to. He needed his brother from another mother back. Nothing else mattered. Any sort of chaos he could wreak upon others was only an extra bit of icing upon the fully finished desert.

"So Gabriel, where are we headed as of now? I'm afraid that Princess Electra didn't give me much in the way of details. I'm sure you understand. So enlighten me?" asked Killigan as he noticed Gabriel's interesting weaponry.

Maybe there was an interesting concept to Gabriel. Perhaps Electra had her reasons for keeping him more or less in mental chains.

This only made Killigan increasingly giddy and excited inside. Oh, what kind of damage could be wrought with those blades? It was an amazing thought. The nostalgic and pleasurable smell of freshly spilled warm blood entered Killigan's thoughts. It was almost here now. The time he had waited for.




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Gabriel Denen Kortsy - Fallen


There is no saving this forsaken child.


He has fell from grace, he has been shunned from his former home.


By his mother, by his father, the royalty of the Heavens.


There was once a War between the Angels and the Demons inside of him, and the Demons won. The fire of evil burns bright within the child's soul.


He hears things that aren't right, that are Evil. He sees things that aren't there, that are Evil. He wants to do things that are...terrible. that are Evil. He will do things that are Evil, and he has no remorse. He has no conscience. He doesn't do things like...justify these things to himself, he just does them and moves on. He shows no empathy, and he does not care for anyone's welfare, expect for his Sire and those she orders him to protect. He takes orders from none other but his Sire. He is not able to be tamed, he is not able to be cured, he is a lost cause, the old him is...gone, only remembered by those who loved him, who love him no more.


The seeds of Darkness have been forever planted into his soul, and the only way to get them out...


Is to kill this monster.


To kill this Demon.


That will be NO easy task.


Good luck.

"I have just as much of a clue as you do, Soldier. I figure we'll go down to Lucifer's Tavern and ask Elecrta's informant. If they have nothing, we'll go to the Twelve Tables Inn and ask the Spies there. I believe there is a full ring of them there, but the Twelve Tables is a longer walk. The Tavern isn't far."

Gabriel had looked at a map of the City and had gotten some information about this and that, so he was Confident in his Abilities of Leadership. He walked with the new Soldier with the Blades of Gabriel still outstretched a third of it's full extend, the Blades shining bright with it's fiery aura. The people made space, and the two had the roads to themselves. It was a truly amazing feeling, one that Gabriel loved. One that he wanted more of. They turned onto a low density street and began to near Lucifer's Tavern, which was at the end of the road. They walked swiftly and with purpose.

"I never caught your name, Soldier."


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