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Fantasy Angels VS. Demons:The Eternal War [Accepting!]

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2ce0d727_KilliganPerrigote.jpg.57fab267b8825ed0de998862859fe570.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="56429" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2ce0d727_KilliganPerrigote.jpg.57fab267b8825ed0de998862859fe570.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"My name is Killigan Perrigote. As for soldier...not really. I was never officially apart of the military. I guess you could say I'm a freelancer. I owe allegiance to none but am capable of serving all. Or at least I was once that way. I'm thinking Princess Electra is a better source of service than any others I've encountered elsewhere. I suppose I'll stick around for a bit longer than I usually do" Killigan said.

Yes....things are indeed exciting here aren't they?



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Winner.jpg.42cd9f1c7eb3e1240c45587541ed6e63.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="56426" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Winner.jpg.42cd9f1c7eb3e1240c45587541ed6e63.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Charmeine smiled halfheartedly at her husband and picked up her fork, pushing the food around gently on her plate, not really bothering to lift the food to her lips.
"I feel useless, Inias. We sit here at our large table in our large home while our children our out experiencing awful things that we can't even imagine," she began, her heart thumping painfully in her chest. "I don't want to eat, I want to find my kids." She looked up at her husband, unshed tears in her eyes. "All of them are gone. Every single one of them except our son, and he nearly left as well." Charmeine stood, suddenly angry. "What kind of mother am I, Inias? What kind of mother sits with a silver spoon in her mouth while her children could be dying? What kind of mother does that make me?!" She pushed the plate down the table and sweeps from the room, her tears finally breaking the dam of her eyes. She takes the steps to her room quickly and slams the door shut, her back pressed firmly against it. She turns the lock and looks at her room unsure of what to do next.

It was classy, the furniture white and gold. She knew it was wrong to lock her husband out of his own bedroom, but she couldn't handle much more of hos havoc. She looked to the double doors that led to the balcony and approached slowly, her earlier vision of falling of coming to mind. How easy would it be to just fall? But her children would need her, wouldn't they? Or would they? Were they even alive? The wind blew her white curls across her face as she stepped onto the balcony. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. It would be so easy to step off the edge. Something in her soul ached for the release. Her life of tragedy and suffering would be over. Centuries of unavoidable pain would cease to exist. Could she do it? She stepped forward and stopped herself just as quickly. Not without explaining. She couldn't without having Inias and any of her living children understanding why. But first, she needed to make up her mind.

@Guilded Clover



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Ēlectra "Haydie" Elstife

Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt

Hells greatest...

Electra walked and walked until her feet began to hurt. 'God this jungle is endless!' she thought, stepping over yet another tree root. Finally after wandering aimlessly through the jungle, Electra spotted something in the distance. A twinge of relief washed over her as she thought she had found the way out of Maliases twisted mind games. It was oddly amusing that she had allowed Maliase to get the jump on her when she was suppose to be teaching him a lesson in manners. So much for that..

Her pace began to quicken as she got closer, but as soon as she was in range to clearly see what she was looking at, anger surged through her.
"No..." It was the same tower that she had started off. She had gone in a circle. "No..that's..that's impossible..". This panicked Electra a little as she dropped the train of her dress that she had been holding while walking and began running in the opposite direction of the tower as if someone where chasing her. She didn't care what she had to do. Electra Haydie Elstife would NOT be stuck in a deserted place with Maliase. Something about the whole thing just messed with her head.

After running long and hard, the same tower slowly came into view which made her stop in her tracks and ball up her fists in anger.
"Maliaaaaasssssse!!" the helpless demon screamed in frustration, turning on her heel and began to run in the opposite direction again. Before she could get to far Electra's foot got caught in a root on the ground causing her to trip, scraping her foot and falling face first into the grass. Letting out a cry of pain, lye on the grass and groaned in annoyance. Plus, the scrape to her foot started to bleed and it actually kind of hurt. 'Calm yourself Electra. Just...breath...' the woman chanted soothingly in her head so not to go on a, now, not so demon rampage.

Just then she heard a ruffling in the bushes which made her jump in surprise and look towards the bush. It was faint, but she was sure that she could hear a low growl coming from behind it. Her eyes began to darken as she began to stand, thinking that whatever was back there was going to be a easy kill. Well..that was until the pain from her foot shot through her body and reminded her that she was now mortal. 'Damn..' was her thought before quickly scrambling through her brain to think of her next best option. Another growl was heard from behind the bushes which helped make Electra's next decision. Run.

Without another second spared, Electra turned and quickly darted through the trees. With each step on her right foot pain surged through her body but she pushed forward regardless. The sound of paws against the damp grass could be heard behind her as she ran through the tree's, but she didn't dare turn back to see what it was. However, soon the pain from her foot became to unbearable and her lungs began to burn from her pushing her body to far. There was only one thing to do. Electra came to a quick hault, wincing from the pain of the impact of her foot to the floor. She looked around quickly until she saw a fallen tree branch that was just long enough for her to clasp onto and big enough that it would hurt if something where to be hit with it. Now she'd wait. The anticipation of what could have been chasing her was killing her, but soon she was face to face with her culprit. A large black panther crept from behind the trees baring its teeth at her. Normally she would not be frightened, but considering she had no way of protecting herself, Electra felt that unfamiliar emotion take over her body.
"Stay away from me you fowl creature." she huffed, raising the tree branch in the air and swinging it back and forth in the panthers face. This obviously infuriated it, resulting in it lunging forward outstretching its paw and sharp claws towards the princess while she quickly tried desperately to dodge before it hit her. "AAAAAAAGGGHHHH!!" Her scream echoed through the trees as the panthers claws made contact with her back, leaving three long red claw marks on her back.

@Seraph Darkfire


Ayrabelle Kortsy

Ayra was having a full on blast. Mind you, she knew that she was going to be in some deep doo doo if Charmeine, her kind step mother, found out she had left Heaven without her guard, but she couldn't find it in her to care very much- until the rain came. The storm was bad and scary and Ayra knew that it was Charmeine that was making it happen. She worried if it was because something awful had happened to A'Merie. Ayra hoped she was okay and home safely before Charmeine tore the world apart. She turned to her servant friend and her new angel friend. "Maybe we should go home," she called over the whirling wind.

Soon, however, the storm died down and briefly after that the clouds broke, allowing a little sunlight through. The youngest princess fidgeted, hoping it was good news, until the clouds pulled together again. Her step mother must have been having an awful time. which meant father was also having an awful time. Biting her lip, Ayra decided it was time to go home before she contributed to the problems her parents seemed to be facing.

@Guilded Clover

(OOC: Not my best, but I had to catch her up.)

Gabriel Denen Kortsy - Fallen


There is no saving this forsaken child.


He has fell from grace, he has been shunned from his former home.


By his mother, by his father, the royalty of the Heavens.


There was once a War between the Angels and the Demons inside of him, and the Demons won. The fire of evil burns bright within the child's soul.


He hears things that aren't right, that are Evil. He sees things that aren't there, that are Evil. He wants to do things that are...terrible. that are Evil. He will do things that are Evil, and he has no remorse. He has no conscience. He doesn't do things like...justify these things to himself, he just does them and moves on. He shows no empathy, and he does not care for anyone's welfare, expect for his Sire and those she orders him to protect. He takes orders from none other but his Sire. He is not able to be tamed, he is not able to be cured, he is a lost cause, the old him is...gone, only remembered by those who loved him, who love him no more.


The seeds of Darkness have been forever planted into his soul, and the only way to get them out...


Is to kill this monster.



To kill this Demon.


That will be NO easy task.


Good luck.

Gabriel laughed audibly when Killigan spoke his occupation, again when he spoke his name. The name was so fitting for the dreadful and Demonic man Killigan Perrigote was. Nerves of steal, cold blooded, destructive....murderous. He was a Killer.

Gabriel figured that Killigan was probably some kind of Killer in his Human Life aswell as his Demonic Life, probably went out in a blaze of glory, something out of a Hollywood Movie.

Maybe he was Military? Maybe he was Police? Maybe a Gun-Toting Criminal? Perhaps all three? Gabriel could picture Killigan as a Mafia Don, a Tuxedo on his body, a Thompson in his hands, a Cigar in his mouth, and armed thugs flanking both his sides.

Within two minutes, Gabriel and Killigan reached Lucifer's Tavern, a small Brown House with Red Trimming, and five Torches spread across it's pointed roof that burnt almost as bright as The Blades of Gabriel. Gabriel stood aside and waited for Killigan to open the Door to the Tavern for him.

"I'll call you Kill."


- - - - - - - - - -

My Heart Is Broken . . .

The rhythm of my heart...

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A'Merie stood and watched as Maliase had placed her in Daakoons care and walked out of the library. What where they to do now? Obviously wait until Maliase had finished the spell and Electra was out of the castle, but what about the rest of the royals? What about the servants that where loyal to there mistress? Would they have a hard time finding her brother? Was he alright? When would they know when Maliase was finished and that they where clear to go off and search for her brother. All of these questions swirled through her head as she stood there in silent thought. After a while though, Daakoons voice had snapped her out of her train of thought and brought her back to the present, reminding her that they where the only two there. For some reason the sound of his voice made everything disappear and she was sure that everything would be alright.

His first comment about angels always making things more difficult made the little demon girl look down at her hands and twiddle her finger's. Daakoon must really be annoyed with her, was the thought that came into mind. Maybe it was because she hid behind him or touched him? Maybe he just didn't like to be touched, or maybe he just doesn't like her kind and doesn't want to be anywhere near her? He did say he hated royals, and she was a princess after all. A'Merie hung her head in shame. It pained her to know that Daakoon didn't favor her much. Though he threw in the part about her not being as bad as Electra and Malori, she wasn't quite sure how to take that particular comment. "Daakoon, I.." the girl started as she bit her bottom lip in nervousness. "I..I am sorry. I didn't mean to cause you any trouble. I see that my presence here has been nothing but a hindrance to you. But I..I promise I wont get in the way. In no way do I hold you responsible for my well being while I am here. I will fend for myself." she said in a low and shy voice, looking as innocent as ever, yet her appearance did not match with her behavior. Now she was a demon. Now she was expected to act as if she where one of them. This would prove to be one of the toughest challenges she had ever faced.

After saying what she needed to say, A'Merie shyly walked over to Daakoon, instinctively raising her hand so that she could touch his arm but pulled away just before her fingers came into contact with his toned arm. Instead the little demoness looked up into Daakoons eyes and smiled a small shy smile, "I never got to thank you.." A'Merie breathed as she slightly bowed her head towards him respectfully as if he where of the royal family as well, "For aiding me, for risking your life, for your protection...thank you.". Her words where sincere and so where her actions. A'Merie knew nothing of the struggles that commoners or those less then that of royal status had to go through, but she had a pretty good idea. A'Merie of course didn't want him to feel that way. She didnt want anyone to feel as though they where less important then the person next to them. Everyone was equal in her eyes. Everyone deserved respect.


Suddenly, Malias was there and tackling the panther. He'd gotten worried about Electra, normally, she should have arrived back at the house. When she didn't, he'd decided to go looking for her. It was easy enough to track Electra down as she and the panther weren't exactly being quiet. It was good that he did. He hadn't expected a panther to attack, the animals were supposed to stay away from the house. However, he assumed it had attacked because of Electra's wild flailing around.

Humans naturally hunted creatures stronger than them all the time, and demons were very similar. Malias had gone hunting plenty of times on his own to test his strength. Even with his now human strength, he possessed the agility of a hunter. He twisted around the panther and pinned it to the ground, though it's powerful legs easily propelled them both backwards. Making sure to keep away from its claws, Malias directed a strong punch into it's temple, stunning it for a second.

While it was stunned, he leaped for the tree branch and suddenly struck the panther over the head. It didn't kill the creature, but it certainly startled it. With a loud yowl, it took off back into the deeper parts of the forest.

Malias took a deep breath, a little tired from his fight before he moved over to Electra and lifted her up into his arms "I told you to relax, but no, you have to be stubborn Electra and try to leave" he said softly as he carried her back towards the house.

Once inside, he laid her face down on the couch. There he proceeded to rip open her ruined shirt and began to clean her wound "Better be glad I learned a lot from being in the hospital with my mother all the time" he said getting up and moving over to a small cabinet in the wall. There he pulled out a tube of ointment and a rag along with some bandages. After wetting the rag, he returned to Electra and began to lightly wash the claw marks before drying it gently and applying the ointment.

Then he gently fitted the bandages to her back, taping them down with medical tape "Try not to move around a lot just yet" he said softly "While we are little more than human right now, we still heal faster than they do, you'll probably still be sore even after being healed though"

After making sure she was alright, he moved to clean his own wounds. He hadn't gotten out of that fight unharmed. They weren't as bad as Electra's, but he'd gotten scratched across one of his arms and a little on his face. He'd certainly have a bit of a scar after all of this.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2ce16665_DaakoonAincrasMendellon.jpg.451685062dd29d4cfb807f2061eb229e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="56431" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2ce16665_DaakoonAincrasMendellon.jpg.451685062dd29d4cfb807f2061eb229e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Daakoon nodded at A'Merie's words. Then he placed his hand on her slender shoulder and squeezed lightly. Yes, he had not spoken as he had really meant to. He sighed and struck up a bit more resolve...he needed to move past his initial thoughts of Angels.

"You're not a hindrance. As far as I've noticed, you haven't gotten in my way. You remind me of things I had forgotten long ago. Anyways, it's fine. Stick close to me for the time being. I'll see that you aren't harmed to the best of my ability" he said.

"Who knows, when this is all over, maybe there will be......more?" Daakoon hinted towards A'Merie and then he felt his mind travel elsewhere.

Back to the days of being human. Back when sub machine guns smoked from his hands and bodies lay all around him. One in particular had stood out. His fiancee of that time. Daakoon gritted his teeth angrily.

Fate is a pain in the ass I swear...



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Malori pulled Luna through the library door and slammed it shut, gasping for breath she sat down in front of the door and whispered, "Oh Zania, please stay alive." How could my sister order this? I wasn't the only one that was doing this, is it because she wants to hurt Malias? Damnit if only I was a fighter and not raised in shelter! She punched the ground beside her, frustrated and scared beyond belief. Looking up she saw Daakoon and A'Merie still within the room, she could get Daakoon to help but he wouldn't since she was so cruel to him. Sighing she leaned her head back against the door, all she could do was wait for the killers to get here.

@WeirdPrincess @EasternGhost @Bambie


Ēlectra "Haydie" Elstife

Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt

Hells greatest...

The panther towered over her as she lay on the ground staring up at what she thought could have been her death. How rich. Dieing as a mortal in a unknown land where no one would know. This had to be exactly what her older brother wanted. However, just as this thought crossed her mind the panther was tackled off of her and across the field. It was Maliase. He had actually come to save her. 'M...maliase..?

Before she knew it she was being carried back to there little vacation house and was being bandaged up on the couch. Electra had been so in shock that she actually didn't complain. Aside from the occasional groan or hiss from the pain, she was relatively still and silent. When he was finally finished patching her up, Electra watched as Maliase had started looking himself over for wounds from his rumble with the panther. His wounds werent as bad, but they still needed to be tended to. A slow and shaky sigh breezed passed the princesses lips before she painfully began to sit up, scrunching her face up in pain but held in the groan that threatened to escape her throat.
"Here stupid. Let me see.." Electra covered her chest with what was left from her town up black dress before reaching over to the coffee table and plucking a couple of cotton balls, pouring some alcohol on them and reached over to dab it on Maliases skin just below his colar bone. She did this silently, cleaning his wounds carefully and dabbing ointment of them, then blowing on it so it wouldn't sting as much. A low "...thank you...." could be heard just after she switched from his neck bone down to his right pectoral, ripping the already torn shirt just a little more so that she could get to the wound. Her voice was low, a low whisper but loud enough to be heard. The phrase was foreign to her and she didn't know where the need to say it came from. It just...came out.

@Seraph Darkfire
He chuckled as he let her clean him up "We are family" he said softly "I'll protect you even if you don't want me to" he grinned. After she finished, he stood up and headed upstairs. After a few minutes, he came down wearing a simple pair of pants and a shirt before he handed her similar clothing "We shouldn't be wandering around in half torn clothing, even if there really isn't anyone else here"

"I'll make us something to eat, we need food to heal" he said softly. He'd actually been in the middle of making something when he'd decided to go find Electra "Anything you'd prefer?" he asked her. It was funny, he didn't know what kind of food she liked. Normally it was blood all the time with her. Without her powers, blood wasn't going to do much for her now. She needed some proper food in her stomach.


- - - - - - - - - -

My Heart Is Broken . . .

The rhythm of my heart...

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A'Merie did not raise her head while Daakoon spoke to hear. 'More? What could he mean by that...?' she thought, and just before she had the chance to ask, Malori and Luna had stormed into the room, shutting the door and sitting in front of it protectively, muttering to herself. This worried A'Merie greatly. "Lady Malori? Is everything alright dear?" she asked as she made her way to the twins side, dropping gracefully to her knees in front of her. "What has happened?" panic began to crawl its way into her chest. Anything could have gone wrong. Malori could have been hurt, Electra could be on her way there to kill them all, something could have happened to their poor sweet dragons. Anything. She needed answers and fast before her heart exploded from the anticipation.

@EasternGhost @Abana



Ēlectra "Haydie" Elstife

Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt

Hells greatest...

After finishing up cleaning his wounds, Electra lye back down on the couch plunging her face down on the soft cushion. 'Blood..' she thought in response to her brother's question, though the thought of drinking blood in this state actually made her sick to her stomach. "Breakfast." was her reply to him finally, turning her face so that she didn't suffocate herself on the couch. "I like...french toast.". Yes, breakfast food's was by far her favorite human thing to eat. Most of the time Electra wouldn't bother eating human food, but there was something about breakfast foods that made her tummy sing; especially french toast. At the mere thought of her diving into a full plate of thick steamy slabs of french toast, her mouth began to water and she was sure that she could almost smell it in the air. Her life was fairly privet. She didn't like to tell people much about what she liked and whatnot. It was no ones business! And besides, the only thing that people needed to know when they thought about her was that she was a ruthless and magnificent queen. The end. Yet here it was different. Here everything felt different. Smelled different. Her wound hadn't healed right away as it always did and when she moved it was painful, but in some strange way there was a twinge of pleasure hidden underneath. Not in a sexual fetichy way of course, but because she was so use to never being wounded that the pain actually felt kind of nice. A change of scene if you will. Even Maliase saving her had impacted her in a way she hadn't expected. As she lye there helpless and wounded, she couldn't help but to play the scene in her head again; her being pinned down and was seconds away from being panther chow, to Maliase risking his now mortal life to rescue her. 'Why would he...?'

A question popped into her head that made her rethink everything about their time there.
"Maliase..tell me. If we die here..do...we really die? Will there be no returning home?" Electra couldn't help but to ask but was afraid of the answer. All she wanted to know was had Maliase really put his life on the line to save her's or was there no real danger. A part of her knew the answer. If there was any going back and no risk to there lives then there would be no reason for him to save her and no reason to patch her up as he did.

@Seraph Darkfire

"French Toast it is" he said smiling as he headed towards the kitchen. Then he paused at her question "....yes. If we die here, we are dead, there is no returning to the demon world" he sighed "I needed a place that was as human as possible and a place that we can die in is pretty close" he smiled "Just stay out of the forest and you should be fine, this house has everything we'll need for the next three days"

It was weird seeing Electra so...normal. It was odd. He turned and continued to head into the kitchen. After a second, the sounds of him beginning to cook was heard. He'd cooked plenty of times before, this was nothing different.

@Bambie ((Sorry about the short post))
Malori looked at A'Merie, she didn't want to show fear but it was evident within her eyes, "I had Zania spying on my older sister Electra. She ran back to me and told me that Electra ordered a fallen to bring her back my head. Zania and Zechen are nearby and will try to stop anyone that comes near this library but we are safe here. This library reduces everyone's abilities to human status." Saying this out loud didn't alleviate her fears though.

Zania, having grown to her full demonic form of a 16 year old and with the blood of Malori flowing through her veins, stood up straight and pulled out her twin blades from her lower back. She had made it to the library and was pacing down the hallway, watching every movement that passed her eyes. She wouldn't let anyone touch her master.

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Ēlectra "Haydie" Elstife

Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt

Hells greatest...

Electra's heart felt heavy in her chest as Maliase told her what she already knew to be true. "Why..." why indeed. Her eyes that had gone wide as a result to her brothers answer had relaxed and softened. Even her eye color had shifted to a lighter blue. "...why would you save me...?" her voice which always roared and sent chills down her underlings spines had changed to a tone that was unlike hers. It was gentle, almost...normal sounding. her entire aura had changed and in that one moment, she was a normal woman. But of course knowing Electra it didn't last long. Her thought process had changed from that who was grateful to that who was angry. Electra sat up quickly despite the pain, grabbed the clothes that Maliase had given her in on hand and held her dress up with the other. "You know what, no. I never asked for your help. Your a fool for risking your life and getting in my way. I can take care of myself!" with a huff and a sharp intake of breath, the princess stood and walked past the kitchen and down the hall with wobbly legs and didn't stop until she found a vacant room. A large vacant room to be precis. After closing the door to her claimed bedroom, Electra dropped to her knees and squeaked in pain. 'God this hurts. I hate being human.'

It was a slow and painful path to her bed just across the room where she plopped her body down and let out a shaky sigh. It was funny that she seemed to not be able to have a normal day anymore since capturing that angel. Her world had been turned upside down in a matter of days and it was definitely something she was not prepared for.

@Seraph Darkfire
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.0456cb0095e18253b8289b4cd1195ba0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="56449" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.0456cb0095e18253b8289b4cd1195ba0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Luna frowned as she leaned against the door. She doubted that both of them being against the door would work, but at least it could spare them some time. Watching as A'Merie made her way over to them and dropped to the ground in front of Malori. As she spoke, Luna stared at the Angel in curiousity. Why would someone like her care about what happens to a demon? Weren't they suppose to be enemies? Her innocent demeanor could one day be her downfall. She pulled out her long sword and leaned the tip against the floor."If they somehow get past Zania and Zechen, I'll try my best to defend you. I won't let anyone hurt you." Luna said in a determined tone as she looked at Malori before looking at her long blade. She ran her hand along it and smiled a little before leaving the tip on the ground again. She didn't know how, but she would try to protect her. Even if that meant she had to die trying.

@Abana @Bambie



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2cec07c0_DaakoonAincrasMendellon.jpg.fd27d1a9c599e800e9061e54435fcb68.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="56464" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2cec07c0_DaakoonAincrasMendellon.jpg.fd27d1a9c599e800e9061e54435fcb68.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Daakoon only sighed when Malori brought the news of an assault coming there way. As A'Merie moved to Malori and Luna's side, Daakoon grunted at his luck. He had just been more or less courageous enough to even mention anything to the Angel Princess and now they were going to be attacked.

"Fate is an asshole" he snarled more to himself than anything and then he prepared himself.

"Well then Malori, and....I don't know your name..." Daakoon said to Malori's supposed twin, whose name he hadn't caught yet.

"Looks like we get to make a mess of this pretty little library...." Daakoon said, then sighed at what a waste it would be.

He thought for a moment, he never was quite able to avoid battle. It was like it followed him everywhere he went. He looked at A'Merie and sighed. He hoped she wouldn't be another death whose blood was on his hands because he became involved with her. As much as he didn't care for Malori, he didn't wish her or here twin to die today either.

"Malori.....A'Merie....try not to die guys if this turns nasty.....it would suck to have more blood on my hands......" Daakoon said with a deep set frown.






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Malori was shocked that Daakoon would tell her not to die, I thought he hated me. She looked at her twin and grabbed her hand, "Don't fight to save me. Keep the Angel safe. We have to make sure Malias' peace treaty works." Even though saying this she wanted her twin to protect her not the Angel but she would help Malias to the end. "Her name is Luna, Daakoon, my elder twin sister." She smiled a bit to Daakoon, "Let's try not to destroy Malias' library, ok?"

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Malias chuckled at Electra's attempt to sound normal even when she was still in pain. He listened to her head down the hallway and shook his head "She is so stubborn" he said as he cooked "I really wish she would just relax and enjoy her time here" if she was able to relax, then maybe he could too. He certainly didn't need her getting attacked again. Most of the time they were like Oil and Water, they just pushed each other around and one spark would destroy them both. He hoped this vacation would help a little bit.

He sighed as he set the french toast on a plate and grabbed the powdered sugar and syrup before heading down the hallway to the room Electra had claimed as hers. He knocked softly on the door before opening it "I make you breakfast and you go off hiding in another room, how rude is that?" he asked grinning.



Elicia was heading towards the Library. A passing servant had mentioned the commotion that was beginning to take place down there. Apparently, Electra had ordered an attack on Malori. Malori shared her love for Malias, there was no way she could let her get hurt. It would bother Malias the most and Elicia would feel troubled for not having done anything. Besides, Malori was cute and Elicia would never forgive herself for not protecting something or someone cute.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2cf1a799_KilliganPerrigote.jpg.1c3e60c130edc4ef5d3636cdd3f15eb2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="56478" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2cf1a799_KilliganPerrigote.jpg.1c3e60c130edc4ef5d3636cdd3f15eb2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Kill? Aren't we creative?" Killigan said in slight sarcasm, though he did like the nickname though.

The blood red tinge in Gabriel's eyes were in a way mesmerizing. The color was......enlightening. Yes, it seemed he would get along well with the young fallen. Perhaps in the future, they could create wonderful bloodbaths together. However, other matters were more pressing.

Killigan grabbed the door, held it open for Gabriel to pass through and find the informant since Killigan didn't know their face. So many rough characters were present that Killigan felt the aggression and bloodlust literally seeping through the air of the tavern.

"So much potential in a place like this" Killigan remarked to himself.



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Gabriel Denen Kortsy - Fallen


There is no saving this forsaken child.


He has fell from grace, he has been shunned from his former home.


By his mother, by his father, the royalty of the Heavens.


There was once a War between the Angels and the Demons inside of him, and the Demons won. The fire of evil burns bright within the child's soul.


He hears things that aren't right, that are Evil. He sees things that aren't there, that are Evil. He wants to do things that are...terrible. that are Evil. He will do things that are Evil, and he has no remorse. He has no conscience. He doesn't do things like...justify these things to himself, he just does them and moves on. He shows no empathy, and he does not care for anyone's welfare, expect for his Sire and those she orders him to protect. He takes orders from none other but his Sire. He is not able to be tamed, he is not able to be cured, he is a lost cause, the old him is...gone, only remembered by those who loved him, who love him no more.


The seeds of Darkness have been forever planted into his soul, and the only way to get them out...


Is to kill this monster.


To kill this Demon.


That will be NO easy task.


Good luck.

Gabriel walked into the Tavern with his Blades present, flaming at each of his sides, burning brighter than the Sun, and his head was held high. Space was immediately created for Gabriel to stand in the Center of the Tavern. He stood straight, and ordered a bottle of Scotch. The drink was thrown to him, it being free, and Gabriel recognized Electra's Informant immediately sitting in a corner, drinking a mug of beer and looking out a window, absent-mindedly. Gabriel approached the beer-toting Informant whose name Gabriel did not know, and he despawned The Blades of Gabriel and sat in front of the Informant, Killigan standing next to Gabriel, and Gabriel passed the Scotch to the Informant and begun to speak to the Informant in a Authoritative Voice.

"What is said here does not go to any other ears other than mine, your's, and my Associate. I need to know the location of Princess Malori, I am under orders by Princess Electra to Locate her. She is suspected of Rebellious Conspiracy."

Gabriel spoke in a very low tone of voice, so that no one could hear him but himself, the Informant, and Killigan, though Killigan could barely make out what was being said. After Gabriel concluded his speaking, the Informant spoke in a equally quiet tone, obviously having some experience in this sort of thing.

"Yes, Prince Gabriel. The Princess is currently in the Demonic Palace. I am not sure where, but the most likely is the Libary. It's secluded, it's rarely passed through, and best of all, you can't Assassinate someone protected by the Magic that the Libary is laced with. I am sure no more details are required, Sir. I wish you and your Associate the best of luck in all endeavors"

Gabriel did not respond to the Informant again, but he instead went toward the Door of Lucifer's Tavern, which was opened for him by the Owner of the Tavern. Gabriel walked with Killigan at his side to the Palace, where he sent orders to the Northeastern Military Barracks to send a hundred troops to the Palace to deal with a "Suspected Rebellion." The Troops arrived and they fortified all the exits to the Palace, and a Spell of Binding was cast over the Palace, which made it so nothing could get in or out within a moderately sized area of the Palace without casting a reverse spell or the Caster of the Binding Spell withdrew the forcefield-like invisible wall. After the Palace was put onto Lockdown, Gabriel stood by the large stairway down to the Library with Killigan and many Soldiers, and spoke to the hiding Rebels.

"Hello, I am Fallen Prince Gabriel Denen Kortsy, and I have been sent to Imprison Princess Malori under the orders of Princess Electra, under suspicion of Rebellious Conspiracy. You will be treated humanely if all Rebels in the Libary come up the stairs slowly, with your hands in the air."
Zania growled as she walked up the steps with axe hen behind her, "Why are you here?" She knew why but she wanted to stall, some of the demon soldiers early knew who Zania was and began to mutter to each other, "Princess Malori's female dragon and Princess Luna's male dragon." , "I heard they devoured a demon ogre for walking passed the twin princess." "Be careful guys".

Zania smiled, rumors travel fast. That other was last week though he didn't taste good. She glanced over her shoulder to Zechen and blew him a kiss, "protect our masters, we shall, right Zen?" She twirled her daggers in her hands and licked her lips, looking back to the demons surrounding the exit from the library stairwell.

@WeirdPrincess @KurtH6355


Ēlectra "Haydie" Elstife

Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt

Hells greatest...

A loud annoyed sounding groan could be heard from behind Electras bed room door. Nothing more. Electra had been resting on her stomach shirtless, wearing only the black leggings that Maliase provided, her face pressed down on the soft comforter of the bed. Her body seemed to have just relaxed, her mind wandered off to nothing, not even the pain from her back bothered her anymore. The room was quiet and peaceful until Maliase ruined her zen and knocked on the door. Though...french toast did kinda sound yummy...

"Give me my french toast and leave me alone. Stupid.." the woman whined, turning her head to rest her face on her left cheek. She hoped that Maliase wouldn't bother her with his stupid come backs and just handed her the food and left. Of course, that would be asking for to much. She could never escape him.

@Seraph Darkfire
He chuckled and sat next to her, setting the plate on the table next to the bed "Fine" he said "If that is what will get you to relax, I will leave you alone" he then stood up and headed out of the room. After he'd left, there was a strange sound coming from the closet, a soft light under the door. The door itself was strange, covered in multiple strange symbols. There was a soft chuckle from behind the door "You two are cute, it is sickening, but cute" this voice was a deep one, male.

"I know the type you are Electra, stubborn, even to yourself, I'm the same way" he chuckled again "Loveless and unloved, that is the type of demon you are...well, it is what you believe anyway, completely ignoring the obvious care anyone ever directs your way, when you can muster the strength, please come on in...and bring that french toast, I love sweet things"


- - - - - - - - - -

My Heart Is Broken . . .

The rhythm of my heart...

[/media] - - - - - - - - - -

When Malori explained what happened, A'Merie couldn't help but to gasp and place her hand over her heart. "Oh my.." Why would anyone do such a thing? Especially to there own family? The young princess was never one to judge, but this was just wrong. Daakoon had stepped forward and asked them to be sure not to die; this of course adding to the little angels panic. To add even more to her anxiety, A'Merie jumped as she heard voices on the other side of the door. That is until the person speaking addressed himself. "Wait...Gabriel!? Gabriel is that you!?" A'merie cried as she stood up and began to try and open the door. "Let me out, its my brother! It's Gabriel!". The girl had finally lost her cool. She had been doing such a fine job of keeping herself together all of that time while he had been captured. Every second that Gabriel was away from her and in harms way, A'merie worried.

Of course, seeing as the princess had been strictly kept away from violence, she knew nothing of the dangers of running out unprepared. All she knew was that her brother was just behind that door and was alive.

@EasternGhost @Abana



Ēlectra "Haydie" Elstife

Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt

Hells greatest...

At first Electra had ignored the voice that she thought she heard from no where. Maybe it was just some weird part of this crazy illusion Maliase had her in. But then it sank in. "Who..." she slowly sat up on her bead and glared over at the glowing closet, "...the fuck?". Curiosity washed over her as the weak and helpless demoness scooted herself to the edge of the bed so that she could see the closet closer. Well, this was not a dream, that was for sure. It was strange. I mean, how many talking closets have you encountered in a lifetime?

After a moment of playing a game of mental tug of war with herself, Electra gave into her wonder, grabbed her plate of french toast and a sheet to cover her chest and hobbled over to the closet. She reached her free hand out, holding her sheet up to her body with her arms and lingered at the door knob. 'Oh for the love of hell Electra. Stop being a pussy cat and open the door.'. After her mental pep talk with herself, she twisted the knob and opened the door, allowing the bright light to engulf her. 'What..the..fuck..'

@Seraph Darkfire


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