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Fantasy Angels VS. Demons:The Eternal War [Accepting!]

Elicia giggled "It is because you are part of this family" she said "This family is always in trouble" she grinned "Being part of the Demon King's family tends to bring ruin, even to those who aren't at fault" she looked thoughtful "After all of this business is over, I am going to teach you how to fight properly, Malias has taught some basic martial arts to me, so I am sure it could be useful to you"

She cracked her knuckles "Then you can beat the snot out of anyone who gets on your nerves" she said with a smirk. Despite not being a particularly good fighter, she enjoyed the sport of fighting.

Malori leaned her head against Zania as she regarded Elicia, "beat the snot out of someone? I like that thought." She grinned slowly, "so you'll teach me what Malias taught you. I bet you'd like the idea of a royal letting you beat her up. Anyone would like that idea." She mumbled grudgingly. "I wonder how things are fairing within the main foyer." She wanted to go watch but it could be dangerous, Gabriel might grab her on sight. "So what all was on that contract? I didn't get a chance to read it."

@Seraph Darkfire

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2e26f9fa_KilliganPerrigote.jpg.9f9964dc895096348ed1d6451b89dc72.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="57274" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2e26f9fa_KilliganPerrigote.jpg.9f9964dc895096348ed1d6451b89dc72.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Killigan grinned as he watched Gabriel emerge victorious over Daakoon. Killigan had suspected Gabriel to overcome Daakoon however. Royalty from both Angels and Demons seemed to possess something that other Angels and Demons of non-royal blood often seemed to lack. However, Daakoon had nearly proven that royalty could be beaten. Almost.....

Maybe next time?

In those last moments of the battle, Killigan had prepared to intervene on Daakoon's behalf. He hadn't traveled so far and waited so many years only to watch him die to some Fallen Angel the very moment he found him. However, while Daakoon proved defeated and even looked deceased, he wasn't. Killigan had noticed a few years ago that he could feel Daakoon's presence from far away which had set him on his journey to find him. This was how he knew Daakoon still breathed...though he was very broken and would need intense healing magic. Killigan realized that somehow Daakoon and he were connected though apparently Daakoon hadn't awakened his connection with Killigan for he hadn't spotted Killigan amongst those watching the battle. A pity. Still....there was time. Daakoon was not dead so there was still time. Killigan was fairly positive that Gabriel could be killed rather easily since he was gravely injured in his duel with Daakoon. However, this was not a time to plot such schemes.

He needed to remain silent and bide his time. Daakoon would return to him soon enough and together they would wreak havoc and bloodshed as they once had. Lately, Killigan had been feeling a third presence, one other than Daakoon. The only person Killigan could have guessed it to be was Shyne Sayecoten who had been the third member to the trio Killigan and Daakoon. Recently he had felt Shyne's presence growing nearer. No matter, Shyne would be gathered after Daakoon was secured. Hopefully Shyne would make his way to them though. Maybe his connection had awakened as well? Only time would tell. Daakoon's seemingly dead body lay broken as Gabriel walked away from the battleground having won the duel.

He roared for the rebels to come forth.

Killigan grinned. How would things turn out now? Would they obey the contract and hand over Princess Malori? She was obviously to be beheaded or executed in some other horrific manner by Princess Electra. Were the rebels so foolish as to believe the insane woman? Killigan hoped not. He wished to have a valid reason to face the rebels on the battlefield. He only needed one. Something simple....something.....interesting......yes.....

"Now then, what will they do?" Killigan muttered to himself, his eyes seemed to glitter and give off a light of madness and insanity that only beckoned and begged for bloodlust and monstrous amounts of bloodshed and violence.




@Seraph Darkfire



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Elicia grinned "It doesn't matter if you are a royal or not, getting to beat up anyone is fun" she chuckled "Malias says that when you fight, you should see your opponent as an equal person, no matter their status or race" then Malori asked about the contract "Well, it simply states that if your champion wins, you are free to go, without any trouble. However, if Gabriel wins then you will go with him with no fighting" she smirked as she heard Killigan calling for them to come out "This only applies to the signer of the contract though, if he sends someone else to pick you guys up, it won't be considered running away from him"

She giggled as she locked the door. Being protected by the room, no one could use brute force to open the door, they'd have to figure out how to unlock it "As long as it isn't Gabriel himself asking for you, we can do whatever we want, so everyone gather around me, we'll be making a trip to Earth" she wasn't bothered on the surface, but underneath, she was worried. The fact that Killigan was calling for them was a bad sign. It meant that Daakoon had lost. Of course, she was smart and could use semantics to avoid turning Malori in. Even if they were recaptured, she could easily use the fact that Gabriel himself hadn't arrived to gain some leverage.

'Three days' she thought 'We should be fine for three days on Earth, then when Malias and Electra return, we can come back'

As everyone gathered around her, she focused and a portal opened underneath them. In a second, they dropped through a the opening and landed in the middle of a forest. They seemed to be far from human civilization so they had no need to fear being found out.

She sighed and sat down, taking a deep breath. That still took up a lot of energy. Being Royals, the twins should be able to hide their presences and A'Merie was still cloaked thanks to Malias' spell. She sighed "Do any of you know a spell to create a house? We are going to be here for a while"

@Bambie @Abana @WeirdPrincess


Ēlectra "Haydie" Elstife

Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt

Hells greatest...

Electra hadn't noticed Maliases presence as he made his way to stand in front of her, seeing as her demonic powers where stripped from her. The woman's head shot up at the sound of Maliases voice being so close to her all of a sudden. He was just sitting on the couch just a moment ago after all. Not being able to find her voice, Electra just froze where she stood, clutching onto the sheet around her chest tighter. How did he appear in front of her so quickly? Why did his presence make her feel uneasy and confused. He had asked her a question and she was just standing there like an idiot. 'Get a hold of yourself Electra. Remember who you are.' her subconscious yelled.

After a awkward moment of being completely uncontrol of her body, Electra finally straitened her shoulders and turned her back on Maliase to walked towards the refrigerator.
"I'm fine." she replied, pulling out a pitcher of fresh cold water, pouring herself a glass, then placed in back in the refrigerator. 'I'm fine. Right?' the thought couldn't help but to cross her mind. Lately she had been losing it and it wasn't entirely because she drank her mothers blood. No. This started right before the queens death. 'Whats happening to me?' this was not like her. Never had she acted in such a way. Never had she allowed anyone to get the jump on her. What was it about Maliase that made her feel like she was going insane? Whatever it was, there was only one thing that she could do to prevent it from effecting her any longer. She had to stay away from him.

@Seraph Darkfire
Malori sat on the ground, appalled with herself for allowing Elicia to take her outside the castle. "I ran. I swore I wouldn't but I did anyway." She whispered as Zania shifted to human form, "Princess you have to shift to human form. People will wonder about your horns." Zania tried to plead with the princess but Malori seemed numb and couldn't hear the dragon turned human.

I'm a coward, I ran! I have to go back. I'm a princess and I will not be belittled like a coward! Those demons have no right to imprison me and that fallen has no right within the demon realm! I'll kill him! Malori stood up, anger seething from her pores as she looked at Zania, "we go back. I'll kill him." She snarled, Malori couldn't focus on anything except killing the fallen. She die trying if she had to.

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Elicia sighed and walked over to Malori before slapping her hard "Now listen here, I promised two people that I'd keep you all safe, and I don't break my promises" she said putting her hands on her hips "And what do you mean you'll kill him? I could beat you down with one hand tied behind my back" she grinned as she cracked her knuckles "I'm strong enough to deal with Zania too you know" she said "So we are all going to stay here for three days until Malias and Electra come back, then we'll get Malias to convince Electra to pardon you"

"Until then, I am going to work you hard and keep you busy" Malias was rarely serious about a lot of things, but training was one of them. His training could be considered torture if he was so inclined. She'd spent many a late night, breathing hard and sweating, and not in the good way.

"Malori, I am going to train you, and don't worry about using up your energy to hide the fact that you are a demon, there aren't any humans for miles" she said calmly "Here, on earth, we are neither princess or servant" a grin split her face "We are Master and Disciple"



"Well, if you say that you are fine, I will believe you" Malias said "I brought us here so we could relax, you are always so busy with whatever scheme you are planning so I figured you could use the rest as much as I did" he chuckled "Of course you are too stubborn to admit that you need a break once in a while"

He grinned "Maybe I could even train you a bit, build up your physical endurance, you are a really big wimp without your powers" he chuckled "Unlike me, you've spent all your time being pampered by servants, relying on your powers to do everything for you" he rolled his eyes "Even if you copied my form, you'd still be weaker than me, untrained as you are you wouldn't be able to pull off half of the skills I can"

Malias rarely got a chance to poke fun at Electra. This time, he could tell that something was bothering her. Of course he had no idea that it was the thought of him that was weighing on her mind. His offer of training her was to get her mind off of whatever was troubling her. To get her acting at least half of her normal self, but not so much that she turned back into a bitch again.


- - - - - - - - - -

My Heart Is Broken . . .

The rhythm of my heart...

[/media] - - - - - - - - - -

Everything went silent. Everything froze as the little angel, now made demon sat on her knees in silence by the door. Her bother had emerged, Daakoon was now off to fight her brother and here she was sitting helplessly in the library, not able to do a thing to help. Maybe if she was allowed to confront her brother she could talk some sense into him. However, her brother was now corrupted thanks to a certain demon queen, so she was sure that trying to talk to Gabriel wouldnt work, no matter how much she wished it would. "Gabriel...Daakoon..." the girl whispered to herself as she tried not to tune herself into the fight happening in the other room not to far away from where they hid. What she wanted more then anything was to break out of that room and dash to the room that they fought in and stop it. She hated violence. Despite her brother now being a fallen, she loved him all the same, and despite Daakoon kidnapping her brother and handing him over to be toyed with by the very demon that threatened to do horrible things to her, she still forgave him.

After a while, a voice could be heard announcing the battle to be won as well as for her and the others to be captured. This caused panic to rise within her, yet she couldnt move. She still sat neatly in front of the door; the same spot she claimed when she heard her brothers voice asking for their surrender. Before she knew it, Maliases survant had called to them, ordering them to get close to her as she opened a portal. A portal to run away no less. A'merie rose to her feet, body slumped over itself and expression of that of someone that had been defeated. She would put on a show. She would make it seem like she would follow them wherever to safety. However, at the last minute, A'Merie jumped back and allowed the portal to close with her still inside the library. She would not run. She HAD to save her brother and help Daakoon. The order for their capture, as Elicia said, meant that Daakoon was defeated. Was he dead? Was he imprisoned? There was only one way to find out.

A'Merie took a deep breath and straitened her sholders. She had the whole day of being cloaked by her demon form ahead of her and she would not waist it. Instead, she would use it to her advantage. No one knew who she was anyways because no one had seen her, so the only one that would know that she was an angel or even apart of the resistance was Daamoon. She would be safe to wander off in plain sight. After listening from behind the saftey of the library door, A'Merie deemed it to be clear and opened it, looking around before stepping out and into the openness of the hallway. Following her senses, the once sweet celestial maiden, now dark seductive demon walked through the halls until she found the grand hall that they where in and gasped to herself quietly. 'Daakoon!' it took everything she had not to scurry over to him and heal him. Though she knew that if she did, she to would be captured and both of them would surely be killed. 'Daakoon, Gabriel...ill save you..'

@EasternGhost @Abana

Ēlectra "Haydie" Elstife

Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt

Hells greatest...

Electra gripped her cup tighter and tighter as Maliase spoke and when he was done, the sound of glass breaking could be heard, "Enough..." she said as she squeezed the life out of her glass cup, rendering it usless to ever be used again, "Enough of this. You want peace Maliase? Fine. But you can stop this act of how you care about me." Electra had not turned to face him as she spoke. Instead she kept her eyes on the counter where her glass of water use to sit. Now it was just a pile of broken glass mixed in with a puddle of water and blood as small shards peirced her hand. Finally, she turned to him, and the expression on her face looked....pained and offended. "Oh, and heres another thought. Stop trying to change me. If you really "loved" and cared about me the way you say, you would have no problems with the way I am. Your love is conditional. Your a fake. How dare you put so much time into trying to fix something thats not broken. How dare you only have words of criticism and judgment when you speak to me. How..DARE YOU..." she slowly began to walk towards him as she spoke these last words, "...think that you are some sort of hero and believe that you are saving me. I.dont.need.saving. And i most certainly dont need you.." finally Electras little rant was done..for now. It seemed that the demoness had so much pinned up that she just snapped. In the nicest way possible of course, courtesy of him stripping her of everything she was and taking her here. It was the worst kind of torture. Here she would have to answer to herself and what she had done all of her life and with Maliase in her ear reminding her of her "problem" it just wasnt making it any better. He was trying to help her, but in the worst way possible. Instead of helping, it almost seemed like him mentally beating down on her was making it worse. Sure Electra would now be able to see what she was really doing now that she wasnt blinded by her demonic blood which helped her cause all of the havoc she has, and was clearly out of her element; no servants and pesents to order around and do as she wished and all. It was just her and him and it was starting to make her a little uncomfortable.

Just a moment ago she was goking at her older brother, having the desperate urge to sit next to him while he slept and comb her fingers through his hair. What was different from now and why did she want to just punch him the face. Then it hit her. He was talking. Anytime Maliase spoke to her she always got angry. Maybe because he always had something stupid or negative to say about her and it just irritated the life out of her. However, when Maliase was quiet, when he was cool calm and collected, when he WASN'T trying to fix her all of the time Maliase was actually somewhat pleasant to be around. Sadly, in that moment he wasn't. He was in her face, again, reminding her of what a terrible person she was and how he thought she should change to be a "better". Who was better then her? In her eyes she was perfect. A godess free of wrong or shame. "Go back to sleep. You where more enjoyable when you didnt talk to much.." Electra spat, though it didnt sound as icy as she usually sounded when she was upset. It was just...normal. After she was done, the woman looked strait into Maliases eyes and had to catch herself for a second. Being around him was getting harder then she thought. Though being around him made her upset or bitchy, she felt a hint of...comfort in his presence. For a moment. Then it was gone again as she forced herself to focus and remain angry. After giving him "the look" which was obviously not as brutal and sinister now that she was more or less human, Electra turned and shuffled towards the sink as she began to pick out the shards of glass that was stuck in her hand. It hurt.

❶ ❷ ❸

@Seraph Darkfire
Malias smiled softly "It's not that I don't love who you are Electra" he said as he walked up next to her and began to help her remove the glass from her hand "In fact, it is your unwavering faith in yourself that has always impressed me" he grinned "Besides, it isn't my love that is conditional, it is me, I wish that you were nicer" he shrugged "But my love for you won't change, whether or not you do"

Once the glass was finally out, he wrapped up her hand "Another thing I wish is that you'd stop hurting yourself, I'm bound to run out of bandages at this rate" he chuckled "How about this? I'll stop criticizing you if you'll spend some proper bonding time with me?"

Malias wasn't without his own faults, he was too kind. He knew that, he wanted to help everyone, even if his idea of helping them ended up hurting them even worse. Electra was right, he was always trying to change her, but it wasn't entirely his fault, she'd made it so difficult to get close to her as a sibling. Maybe this way, he'd get to know the woman under the demon.

Malori growled at Elicia, "bet you were just itching to slap me, weren't you? Fine train me like my brother trained you, least then I can let out my frustration but you can just forget me calling you master." She straightened and looked around, "where is A'Merie?.." Do not tell me that Angel slipped away before the portal closed to bring us here.. so it was just Zania, Elicia and herself here in the human realm while that Angel went and got herself killed by her own brother Gabriel. "Fine, not my problem anymore." Though she didn't say it, she was actually worried about the Angel.

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"Actually, yes" she said grinning "You were being too dramatic and suicidal" she suddenly froze when Malori mentioned A'Merie "Oh shit!" she cursed "I should have known it wouldn't have worked a second time" she sighed "and I don't have the energy necessary to make two more trips" she shook her head and ran a hand through her hair "Well, she'll just have to fend for herself for a while"

She was also worried about A'Merie. The Angel was just too cute.

Speaking of cute, Elicia turned her eyes to Malori "Alright, tell me about your stamina" she said "How long can you last during strenuous exorcise?" she wondered. Three days of training wouldn't make anyone a warrior, so she had to build up Malori's stamina before she built up her strength and fighting expertise.



Ēlectra "Haydie" Elstife

Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt

Hells greatest...

Electra had expected to have tended to her wounds on her hand on her own and disappear back into her room until the three days were up. However, now everything just couldn't go Electra's way and Maliase began to help her despite her wishes. Can't the guy take a hint?

After all of the glass was plucked from her hand and it was wrapped, Electra semi snatched her hand away, holding it up close to her face to examine it. This whole not healing right away was starting to get on her nerves. Another thing that got under her skin was when Maliase so casually liked to talk about how much stronger he was of her. The idea made her want to laugh but the thought that he actually believed this to be true was appalling. Still, she knew that men just needed their ego stroked every once in a while so that they can feel like a REAL man. 'In truth, it is we who sit at our mans side that hold the real power.' her mother would say to her as she continued to fill her daughters mind with wisdom. Her words had never dawned on her until that very moment. 'That's it...' she thought as she praised herself for figuring out one of the most hidden secrets known to man. This was how she would get back at Maliase. This was how she destroyed him from the inside out.

Looking from her bandaged hand to Maliase, Electra rolled her eyes then let her eyes rest on the counter beside them.
"Will it get you to shut up..?" she grumbled, letting her hand gently sink to rest at her side. "Because your really annoying when you talk." Electra didn't know what it was but the thought of "bonding" with Maliase excited her. It was aggravating. How the hell did she expect thing to "bond" anyway? What where they going to do; bake cookies together and sing Christmas carols?

@Seraph Darkfire
Malori shrugged, "I can run a good distance without stopping. Zania and I used to travel around Earth by walking. But other than that I'm not sure about my stamina." She didn't like man made things such as cars and the like. Looking over to Zania, the human girl was climbing a nearby tree and jumping off only to climb again, "Zania don't damage that form please." , "I won't! I'm just bored, princess!" Malori smiled, only Zania would do that from boredom.

She looked back to Elicia, "why are you wondering about my stamina?"

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"Me annoying? Really? I was unaware" he said grinning. Of course he knew that he got on her nerves some times. As long as she was mad at him, she didn't do much damage to anyone else. He nodded "Alright, I'll shut up if you spend some time with me" he said. He didn't know much about her surprisingly. He knew what she liked on the surface, but he didn't know other things, like the fact that she enjoyed French Toast, that had been a complete surprise to him. He figured that he could learn more interesting stuff about her this way.

He also hoped that she could learn some things about him. As the two eldest children of the Demon King, he wanted the two of them to become closer. Hopefully he could get her to open up, even for a little bit.



She nodded as Malori talked "Well, if I am going to be training you, I need to know how long you can train before you collapse" she grinned "So, to start with, we'll have you do a few basic exorcises" she walked around Malori as she examined her "One hundred push ups, one hundred sit ups, one hundred squats, and then we'll have you run ten kilometers, this'll give me a better understanding of how your body works"

She scratched her chin "Then afterwards, we'll see how tired you are and if you aren't super tired, we'll move on to hand to hand combat"


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