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Fantasy Angels VS. Demons:The Eternal War [Accepting!]

Malori shoved her back against the door, "no A'Merie! This door stays shut! Daakoon please grab her!! Remember you are a demon in disguise, they can't know you're here!!" She shoved harder against the door though it was difficult since she was sitting, This Angel is freaking strong... She tilted her head as she heard Zania out there speaking to Gabriel, "A'Merie, your brother is the fallen one coming for my head. If you are an angel at all, you will not open this door!" She wanted to knock out the girl but Daakoon might retaliate and throw Malori out to Gabriel so hopefully Daakoon would grab the Angel.

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"Sup" the man sitting there said with a sly smile "Nice to finally meet you Electra, I've been looking forward to meeting my granddaughter" he chuckled and waved her in "Come on, come on, take a sit next to me here" he patted the spot next to him. It was strange, he held none of the malice of a demon. Yet there was no mistaking his overwhelming power. It permeated the air of the room they were in, even Electra's dulled senses would recognize him as a ruler. He was the Demon King of old times, he was the master of darkness and god of hatred and lust.

He was the True Devil, the one all other kings have taken their name from. This being was the ultimate evil, the origin of all evil. He is the darkness to God's light. He is the father of Lucifer himself. The large ring on his finger proved it. When Lucifer was banished from heaven, his father paid the ultimate price. This ring bound him to the deepest pits of hell, unable to rule as his son was allowed to. Of course he didn't want to rule, he enjoyed playing jokes a making things a mess.

His power was so great that he was able to project a weakened version of himself onto earth. That is where he met an angel and fell in love. They both paid the price for that. What happened to him is anyone's guess as there are many rumors of why and how the war between the angels and demons started. Not even Lucifer knew the full story.


Meanwhile, Malias was sitting in the love seat again, flicking through a book. It was the first time he got to read an actual book without someone showing up to complain or ask for help.


Elicia froze at the top of the stairs, looking down at those who were gathered at the Library door. She frowned and decided to stay back, waiting to see how things unfolded.


Ēlectra "Haydie" Elstife

Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt

Hells greatest...

When the light dimmed down, Electra squinted until she could make out a figure. It was a man. He was tall,handsome, was obviously a demon due to his overwhelming aura. Electra almost felt a bit afraid to be in his presence. Still she was more curiouse then anything. The man said that he was her grandfather! Just looking at the man made her blush an it almost made her feel bad. Hah, almost. 'Ok, I seriously come from a long line of fucking sexy..' Electra gulped and shuffled over to sit next to her grandfather shyly. Being up close to the man didn't make matters better as she turned her gaze to the plate of french toast that she had set in her lap. "Your...my grandfather..? Wait what the hell is my grandfather doing in a closet in my idiot brothers curse?" she asked, sounding more like herself now. All of this just didn't add up. Was this a part of Maliases plan? Was he going to make her talk to her "grandfather" so that he could talk some sense into her? Either way, she would play along with her brothers little game. It was kind of fun really.

@Seraph Darkfire
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2cfca3a4_DaakoonAincrasMendellon.jpg.0c65422841be6646ae0897d3647dea04.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="56513" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2cfca3a4_DaakoonAincrasMendellon.jpg.0c65422841be6646ae0897d3647dea04.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Daakoon felt that things were progressing along quicker than they should have. Gabriel...A'Merie's younger brother was just outside....and he was asking for Malori's surrender under orders from....Electra? Gabriel was Angelic Royalty wasn't he? Fallen? What? How was he Fallen? He had only just recently handed the small angel child to Electra...how could he possibly be Fallen? A'Merie was attempting to reach her brother now and Daakoon's mind swam too fast and he wasn't receiving answers to his multiple questions fast enough.

What the hell was going on? Then it officially dawned on Daakoon. Electra had turned Gabriel and twisted him and transformed him into a Fallen Angel. A demon like him. The Gabriel that A'Merie knew most likely no longer existed. Guilt slammed into Daakoon's gut like a tidal wave and in his hesitation and shock at what trouble he had caused for everyone and the tragedy he had just caused A'Merie and her family, Daakoon was unable to stop A'Merie from fleeing out of the library door.

"I've done it again......" he gasped...though these words were meant for him, no matter who else heard them.

He had caused such a small matter to spin unbelievably out of control and become so much more worse then it needed to be. He was a cancer. He was a disease. Why did he still exist? He closed his eyes for a minute and once more the visions of his nightmares returned. His past haunted him once more.

He could still see it. He could still see and remember that night. The guns still smoking in his hands as they had been fired until emptied....bodies everywhere....bleeding and dying...he had killed them all....and she had been caught in the crossfire and paid the ultimate price for loving him....

Was it worth it? She was dead and could no longer answer. His fiancee was no more. He remembered seeing his own wounds finally. He died as he held her corpse in his arms...

Was he to repeat his past today? This time...A'Merie was to pay the terrible price?



@Seraph Darkfire



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My Heart Is Broken . . .

The rhythm of my heart...

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Everything was spinning. Faster. Faster. Faster. Faster. Everything began to blur around her and she couldn't help but to squeak as the tears began to pour from her eyes. She was..to late. She was to late to save her brother. Now he had fallen from grace and was working the very person they sought to over throw. Her mother and father would be devastated and extremely displeased with her for not protecting her brother. 'Dene..I...I'm so sorry.' she thought as she sank to her knees in front of the door and sobbed silently. A'merie wanted, no needed to help her brother, regardless if he had fallen or not. He was her brother and she loved him dearly. "Dene.." she squeaked as she covered her face with her hands. What could she do? Her choice was to either burst through the door, blow there cover and potentially get them all killed or stay in the library, possibly keeping them all alive but miss a chance at rescuing her baby brother. What was the "angel thing" to do indeed.

@EasternGhost @Abana

Gabriel Denen Kortsy - Fallen


There is no saving this forsaken child.


He has fell from grace, he has been shunned from his former home.


By his mother, by his father, the royalty of the Heavens.


There was once a War between the Angels and the Demons inside of him, and the Demons won. The fire of evil burns bright within the child's soul.


He hears things that aren't right, that are Evil. He sees things that aren't there, that are Evil. He wants to do things that are...terrible. that are Evil. He will do things that are Evil, and he has no remorse. He has no conscience. He doesn't do things like...justify these things to himself, he just does them and moves on. He shows no empathy, and he does not care for anyone's welfare, expect for his Sire and those she orders him to protect. He takes orders from none other but his Sire. He is not able to be tamed, he is not able to be cured, he is a lost cause, the old him is...gone, only remembered by those who loved him, who love him no more.


The seeds of Darkness have been forever planted into his soul, and the only way to get them out...


Is to kill this monster.


To kill this Demon.


That will be NO easy task.


Good luck.

Gabriel stood with his men, in Phalanx Position, now 347 men, since reinforcements had arrived. He looked narrowly at the Human-looking Dragon. She was pretty, he thought, at least, in her teenage human form. He walked right up to her, standing slightly taller than her in his new form. The Blades of Gabriel were currently not in his hands.

"Hello, Zania. I am Fallen Prince Gabriel Denen Kortsy. I am under orders from Princess Electra to take Princess Malori to the Palace to be questioned about Suspicion of Rebellious Conspiracy. If she is not a Rebel, you have nothing to worry about, so you may stand aside. If you do not, we'll just assume she is a Rebel, and she will be slain. So, if I were you, I'd step aside. Don't think you can defeat us. There's millions of us, and you are a sole Dragon."
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Zania smiled sweetly but since the demons knew she didn't mean it, "Dear Angel Prince that is Fallen, my princess Malori is a rebel and isn't a rebel. But I am not alone, for there is two of us dragons here and have you seen one in action? We are pretty fast. So I can't let you pass." She smirked, "but do try, it will be fun to see blood pour." She raised her blades and threw one at a nearby demon, hitting him between the eyes. The demon collapsed as the blade withdrew and flew back to Zania's hand. The were special blades that Malori had ordered custom made from who, Zania didn't know. All she knew was that Malori had needed a vial of Zania's blood before the blades could be forged.

She took a step back beside Zechen and crouched, ready for them to attack. "You won't be slaying anyone within this room." She growled. She looked up the stairs and could smell Maloas's scent, That's not Malias....is it?

@WeirdPrincess @KurtH6355 @Seraph Darkfire
The man snickered "I'm not really here" he said grinning "Poking through dimensions is fairly easy for me, and yes your feelings are right, I am here to talk you into cooperating with Malias" he took a bite of the french toast "Oh he's a good cook" he chuckled. He shook his head "Anyway, Malias, his way is the better way of living, creating peace among angels and demons allows for the prolonged life of both species"

"However, he is a sentimental fool and demons are morons who won't listen to a kind demon" he grinned "That is where you come in, you are much more proper when it comes to dealing with unruly demons, you know how to strike fear in their hearts" he patted her head "That's my girl, however, you tend to go too far and push them too hard, it invites rebellion and incites rage and cockiness in yourself"

"You and Malias should work together, to balance each other out, if not, neither of you will have a kingdom to run" he sighed and watched her face for a second "If he becomes sole ruler, he'll create a momentary peace before both he and the demon world is destroyed, however, if you rule solely, then you will destroy the angels, as well as yourself"



Elicia sighed as she walked down the stairs towards them "Now, it isn't prudent to be causing such a ruckus down here" she said as she walked through the soldiers. They actually shied away from her as she was Malias' direct servant. If anything were to happen to her, then he would seek revenge, no matter how nice he was normally. It also helped that they knew what her claws could do.

"You are acting like humans, using a majority to pressure the minority" she sighed "Act like demons and issue a formal challenge, no demon can refuse a proper battle challenge" she stepped up next to Zania and Zechen "If you want Malori, simply issue a challenge to her. She picks her champion and you pick yours" she grinned "We are demons, we settle things by fighting, something a fallen angel like you wouldn't understand"

She pulled out a small scroll and held it out to Gabriel "A standard battle contract, read and sign it. It states that if you win, Malori will go with you without a single struggle, from anyone," she gave a look towards the two dragons behind her "but if she wins, then you leave without a fuss and any anger directed at you will be dealt with by my Master Malias"

The demons following Gabriel shifted. Declining such an agreement would be a sign of weakness on his part and they would lose loyalty towards the fallen angel. They didn't want to incur Electra's wrath, but they didn't want to follow a weak leader either. However, if they were to abandon a weak leader, they could side with Malias instead and let him take the brunt of the Dark Princess' anger.

It was a simple tactic of course. Elicia understood how most low class demons thought of the upper class and strength was extremely important to them. Demons always fought for supremacy and the Royalty were supposed to be the strongest. Should Electra have a servant who couldn't even handle a challenge of this level, then they would deem her weak for placing her trust in such a creature. This would aide Malias in his rise to the throne and direct Electra's anger towards whoever was the cause.

@Abana @KurtH6355 @EasternGhost
Gabriel Denen Kortsy - Fallen


There is no saving this forsaken child.


He has fell from grace, he has been shunned from his former home.


By his mother, by his father, the royalty of the Heavens.


There was once a War between the Angels and the Demons inside of him, and the Demons won. The fire of evil burns bright within the child's soul.


He hears things that aren't right, that are Evil. He sees things that aren't there, that are Evil. He wants to do things that are...terrible. that are Evil. He will do things that are Evil, and he has no remorse. He has no conscience. He doesn't do things like...justify these things to himself, he just does them and moves on. He shows no empathy, and he does not care for anyone's welfare, expect for his Sire and those she orders him to protect. He takes orders from none other but his Sire. He is not able to be tamed, he is not able to be cured, he is a lost cause, the old him is...gone, only remembered by those who loved him, who love him no more.


The seeds of Darkness have been forever planted into his soul, and the only way to get them out...


Is to kill this monster.


To kill this Demon.


That will be NO easy task.


Good luck.

Gabriel looked with a smirk at Zania, the beautiful Dragon Woman, and his men slowly approached her. He thought about spawning his Blades of Gabriel, but he decided against it. He was about to speak again, when a woman walked through the ranks of his men and began to speak.

She spoke of a "
Standard Battle Contract." Gabriel was intrigued. The woman reached for a Scroll and tempted him to sign it. To fight Malori's greatest one-on-one, mano e mano. He grinned with evil intention at the new idea. He took a pen and wrote his name elegantly on the Scroll that the woman held out to her.

"Go find my next victim. We'll be waiting in the Main Foyer."

The Demonic Troops yelled in response to their Leader's bravery and in Anticipation of the Duel that lay ahead of them. No doubt it would be bloody, and not one of the Troops doubted that Gabriel would be Victorious. A Guard of 40 men were left behind to make sure of the Escort and to fold any Escape Attempts.


@Seraph Darkfire

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'Leave it to a child to sign a contract without reading it' Elicia thought as she retied the scroll and slipped it into her pocket. She mused over the many things she could have gotten this boy to agree to. Unfortunately, Malias didn't like unfair contracts. He didn't like it when people were tricked. He liked a fair duel. Well, at least the contract guaranteed Malori's life at least until Malias and Electra returned.

She sighed as she turned and entered the Library 'Malori definitely needs some training, after this is all over, I'll have to give her the same hand to hand combat training that Malias gave me' she smiled when she saw Malori "So I have some good news and some bad news" she said, quickly taking in those she hadn't seen before but not changing her attitude to show this.

@Abana @EasternGhost @Bambie
Maloti jumped when the door opened behind her, "oh, it's just you Elicia, I would've known it was you but too many presences outside the door were making my head spin" she stood up and hugged the servant girl, she trusted this girl with her life like she did with Zania and Zechen. Stepping back she noticed a rolled up letter in her hand, "Elicia, what do you have there? And what happened outside the door? The presences I sense are dispersing.." What had this girl done that Zania and Zechen couldn't? Malori looked around, everyone was watching her and Elicia which frightened Malori a bit.

Zania walked in as her form return to a dragon, flying up to rest on Malori's shoulder. The small dragon rubbed its cheek against Malori's resulting in her smiling and scratching under Zania's chin as the dragon purred.

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Ēlectra "Haydie" Elstife

Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt

Hells greatest...

The young princess rolled her eyes and tilted her head back the moment her grandfather had started speaking. Of course he was here because of Maliase. Why wouldn't he be? Maliase was the "good" child. God did he sicken her. Even though Electra didn't want to hear anything her grandfather was saying, she couldn't tone him out for some reason. It was annoying. You would think that now that she didn't have super human hearing ability's she would be able to tune out the chatter with no problems. 'So much for that theory'. This whole situation was really starting to push her buttons. It was bad enough that she was reminded on a daily basis that people thought that her brother was the better ruler and made better decisions. 'Such a weak idea..' Sure Maliase would probably bring everyone closer together into one big snuggle hug, but how long would that last? It was like her grandfather said; shit like that would get hell destroyed. Electra had to stop herself from leaping up from her seat and start jumping up and down singing "I told you so!!" like first grader. When was she ever wrong? And when would people start excepting that she was always right?

Electra snorted like a bratty teenager as she cut a corner of her french toast and popped it in her mouth.
"Destroy myself? What the hell are you going on about old man?" she giggled after she was done chewing her syrupy treat. "And why shouldn't I rule on my own? I am far smarter, stronger, and more of a demon then he could ever hope to be. He's always a loner, never listens to anyone..." she rambled on, sliding another piece of french toast into her mouth,"...and he's stupid." she mumbled, sounding like a pouting child. "And what makes you think he'll want to rule with me!? He hates me just as much as I hate him! And anyways your stupid little plan isn't going to work anyways. Maliase is my sibling. Unless your saying you want me to hook it up with my brother." the demoness shot back, but it wasn't in a angry tone; more whiny and taunting. Before she knew it she was scarfing down another large piece of french toast. 'Since when did mutt face learn how to cook..?'

@Seraph Darkfire
Elicia chuckled "I set up a challenge battle between his best fighter and your best fighter, if you win, then you will be left alone...unfortunately, if he wins then you'll be locked up until Electra and Malias come back" she made a face at the thought of having to wait for Malias "However, either way you won't be killed" she sighed "There is only so much I can do though, I don't have as much pull as I'd like, I'm only tolerated because of my connection with your brother" she chuckled and shrugged "Other than that, I'm no one special"

She then clapped her hands "Now, it is time to decide who will fight for you" she said and looked at Daakoon "You look like you've seen some battles in your time" she said grinning "How good are you in a fight?"

@Abana @EasternGhost


"If you continue down this path, you will eventually be destroyed by someone immune to your powers" he said calmly "If either of you rule alone, you both die in some way. Worst case scenario, one of you loses their minds and destroys everything" he frowned "Let me show you" suddenly, the room vanished. They were still sitting down, but now they were in the palace once again. However, everything had been destroyed "This is one possibility. You continue to push Malias to the point where he breaks and actually kills you, then wounded beyond his ability to heal, he drains you of your blood, using your power to heal.

This would also anger your father, however, having the full complete power of the Queen of Darkness would give him an edge. Malias, driven mad by his own power would then kill your father and take his power as well"

A sound came from their left and a figure stepped from the darkness. It was a strange and powerful creature, fire burned within it's skin and darkness filled its soul. Large black, hideous wings stretched from its back.


"That is your brother, completely taken over by all the power he'd absorbed, in another scenario, it is also you, completely driven to chaos. Evil without temperament" he sighed and with a wave of his hand, they returned to the room from before. He chuckled "Even I'd have a hard time against that monstrosity"

"Now, there is also a good scenario" he said thoughtfully "one where you and Malias share the throne" he smiled "That one I prefer" he waved his hand and the area around them changed to that of the palace again. This time it looked much different. From their spot, they could see a man standing on the balcony, over looking the demon world.


"King of Hell and Master of his Domain, Valien Malias Sanguine, taken over after your father retires, as we Kings must after some time" he grinned as they looked at the man. He seemed to be physically older, more comfortable in his own skin "Now that is a King, and that," he pointed towards someone walking towards Malias "is his Queen" stepping up next to Malias was none other than Electra herself, slightly older but just as beautiful. She wasn't even dressed as provocative as normal either.

"We are demons, what does it matter if family marries each other? He's your half brother anyway, more human than demon as you know" he chuckled and waved his hand, making the scene before them vanish "If you are against it for sexual reasons, simply don't sleep with him, it could be nothing more than a marriage of convenience" he shrugged "The Demon King is allowed many concubines and the Queen her own, you have your boys if I'm not mistaken"

He grinned "But," he shrugged "You are stubborn and I can't force you to do something you don't want to do, if you really don't want to share your throne with him, there is nothing I can do" he continued to eat her French Toast

Malori tilted her head at what Elicia had said, "imprisoned? Within the darkest parts of the castle? I think I can do that, but we have an angel among us. A creature of light. How long before my siblings return?" She was for once frightened and really only spiders scared her, she had never been afraid for her life before. She thought of death came calling then she'd go willingly, if fate willed it then so be it. But she didn't want to leave Luna, Zania, Zechen, Elicia, or Malias. She loved them all including Electra despite what she had done. "And Elicia, you are special. You're special to me and Malias." She smiled and patted Elicia's arm.

She looked at her hands, "I love you, my selfish elder sister Electra, despite what's going to happen." Looking up, she glanced at Daakoon as Elicia spoke to him. Would he take the place of her fighter? Would he risk his life for that? No, I don't think he would.. She looked at the door, "I sense soldiers still out there. Does Gabriel think for one second that a princess of this realm would run and risk dying? If I ran A'Merie could die, hell Luna and our dragons could die including Daakoon. I will not run anymore!"

@Seraph Darkfire @EasternGhost
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Ēlectra "Haydie" Elstife

Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt

Hells greatest...

Electras eyes locked on the dark figure that lurked from the shadows and there was no doubt in her mind that it was Maliase. Looking at the man caused her chest to tighten painfully for some reason which made her turn her gaze in the other direction. Why was seeing him in that state so upsetting. Normally, if she where still a demon and not a mortal, the sight of Maliase that way would have made her grin. The power radiating off of him was terrifying.; but if she where normal it would have made her all tingly in her princess parts. Power was sexy to her. And not only did Maliase look and feel incredibly powerful, but she knew in her heart that he could dominate her. Why was that so exciting. For a moment she had seriously been questioning who and what she was.

Before she could get her thoughts together, her grandfather had waved his hand and taken her to another place where she saw another man who she recognized to be Maliase again, of course. However, this version of her brother was different. In this vision he was still terrifyingly powerful and strong looking but it didn't give her a bad, fearful feeling. This one looked like a man. Still held the appearance and aura that threatened to dominate her deliciously, and he still looked like a strong demon who was a great ruler, beloved by his people and by his....wife...? 'That's..me..?' she thought as she looked over the dark goddess that stood by Maliase's side. She was breathtakingly gorges, queenly as always, but she looked like a completely different person. And the way she looked at him..and the way he looked at her...why did this bring butterfly's to her stomach. Could this really be their future? Could this really happen?

"Stop your mind games old man. I've had enough..." she said softly rather then commanding. Her expression looked like she was deep in thought; furrowed brow, eyes cast down while she chew her lip. All of this was just to much for her to handle in one day. First she gets dragged to another dimension, then gets attacked and has to deal with not being able to use her powers to save her life, to Maliase saving her life and risking his own to do it, to these unknown and unfamiliar emotions rushing through her, to now being faced with two supposed scenarios for her and Maliase's future. Everything had started to sink in and it started to make her stomach ache. The poor girl had even lost her appetite, the french toast no longer satisfying to the eye. Pushing the plate towards her grandfather, Electra stood up, clutching on to the sheet wrapped around her chest and walked over to where the door to the closet would be if they where still there, "What makes you think Maliase would rule by my side willingly? He hates me just as I ha..." she couldn't finished her sentence. Why couldn't she finish her sentence? This didn't help with her already emotion over load and aching tummy. "...just...take me back.."

@Seraph Darkfire
With a snicker, her grandfather opened his hands and the door opened, revealing the room she'd picked "If I am correct, and I usually am, Malias has never once said he hates you" he said "Despite all you've ever done to him" he grinned "I think that this vacation is exactly what you needed, always high and mighty, too much pride can be very...dangerous you know"

"Oh!" he grinned and pulled off the other ring on his finger before tossing it to her "Take this, when you finally decide on what you want, give that to Malias, it is a symbol of my approving your union with him, your father can't ignore my wishes after all" he chuckled and waved at her "Maybe we'll see one another again sometime...though it probably won't be for a very long time" with that, the door shut on her, separating Electra from her grandfather.

The door looked different as well, like a normal door. And sure enough, if it were to be opened, it would reveal only a closet beyond the door.



Ēlectra "Haydie" Elstife

Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt

Hells greatest...

Before anything more could be said, her grandfather was gone. She stood there, back towards the closet door, holding her sheet up to her body with one hand and clutching the ring with the other. Electra began to think about her grandfathers last words to her, as if she didn't have enough on her mind. What did he mean? The hand that had been clutching the ring had slowly unfolded, revealing a dazzling gold ring with a ruby as its center piece. It was pretty, but what would she need to give this to Maliase for?

Electra turned and opened the closet door, only to be greeted by nothing but distasteful clothes that hung from the rack. With a sigh, she closed the closet door and made her way out of her room and into the kitchen. Never had she been more thirsty in her life. Just as she reached the kitchen, Electra looked up and saw Maliase lounging on the couch. He looked...peaceful. Like nothing in the world could bring him down. Well, except her of course. The thought that she was the one that was causing him so much stress pained her. But why? The girl lived to torture her brother. She didn't know anything else.

Her gaze didn't leave him. The great demon princess was stuck in her tracks, staring at the man who could potentially be her king. Well, according to a phantom image of her grandfather that she found in a closet. 'What the hell is wrong with me...?' nothing in that world made any sense. Everything that she thought and did was almost the complete opposite of who she was back in hell. It had to be Maliases spell. That was the only explanation for why her mind seemed to be running in circles, her stomach always ached and why she just couldn't for the life of her stop gawking at Maliase.

"If I am correct, and I usually am, Malias has never once said he hates you, despite all you've ever done to him" her grandfathers words echoed in her head which made her gasp and finally allowed her to rip her gaze from her brother. 'No..he's wrong..he does hate me. Maliase would never say it, but I know he does...' the thought almost made her eyes water as she stiffened where she stood and looked down at her feet. Why did she care whether the guy hated her or not? She was Electra Haydie Elstife! Beautiful, powerful and soon to be queen of all raw damned. What did it matter if one stupid guy hated her? He would soon be kneeling before her regardless of his feelings towards her. So why? Why did the thought of Maliase being underneath her heel upset her so?

@Seraph Darkfire
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2d995597_KilliganPerrigote.jpg.3b5bb3d61d3644342990c709b1d92db8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="56913" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2d995597_KilliganPerrigote.jpg.3b5bb3d61d3644342990c709b1d92db8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Killigan chuckled at the idea of a fair one on one duel between Gabriel and whomever it was that these malcontents were mustering forth. Such a shame it couldn't have come to a chaotic melee with many bloodthirsty killers warring with one another in one entire frenzy of blood-drunken madness and savagery. The idea of such an encounter brought bliss to the very tips of Killigan's toes. However, it was not to be. Whomever this servant of Malias was....they had decided to make things more simple and less...messy. How unfortunate. Gabriel's pride had been stoked however when the servant of Malias....(what was her name, Killigan was unsure) had mentioned Gabriel's lack of Demon nature and understanding of Demonic customs. Being Fallen Angel and all was as demonic as any Demon, but was still not a Demon. Not entirely of course. Regardless however.....who was to be the champion of the other side? Killigan still felt giddy with anticipation.

He turned to Killigan and watched the young fallen and felt himself split his face open wide with a grin. Lovely. As violent minded as Killigan had hoped. Maybe not chaotic and savage enough to completely amuse Killigan, but he would more then suffice enough for the time being. Only until other matters became more pressing, than Killigan would indeed move on elsewhere.

"You do promise to make this little show of pride of your's....interesting correct?" asked Killigan to Gabriel.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2d9b105d_DaakoonAincrasMendellon.jpg.a8828be0234db7b88251468c4e415953.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="56915" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2d9b105d_DaakoonAincrasMendellon.jpg.a8828be0234db7b88251468c4e415953.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Daakoon snarled as he thought of what was to happen now. Elicia, Malias's Primary Servant had more or less volunteered him to be the Champion.

Well aint this a bunch of bullshit Daakoon thought to himself.

He turned to Elicia.

"How good am I? I don't know when compared to Royalty. Gabriel is formerly Angelic Royalty so he'll be a cut above the others I've faced in my time. Fucking lovely I swear. All this because I had to take a shitty job from Electra. Why hasn't somebody assassinated that witch or something!!?" Daakoon cursed.

He took deep breaths for a moment and then turned to look over A'Merie, Malori, Luna, Zechen, and Zania. They all seemed to need him to face this battle even if none of them knew it or would admit it if they did. They were all insane. They would all die because everyone who became too overly connected to him always died in some manner. One way or another. Insanity. All of it. All of them were crazy...especially Malori whom he turned to and chuckled bitterly.

"You still have affections for that insane bat Electra even though she more or less wants your head on a pike for all to see? It must be a Royalty trait because that unconditional love just doesn't make any sense to me. Either that or it's just you" Daakoon said to Malori.

He looked over to A'Merie however and wondered if it was really as crazy as he had just said.


"Elicia, I guess I volunteer to face Gabriel. It's my fault that he's the way he is, so in a way...this whole confrontation was created by me. Indirectly of course....but nonetheless I had a large hand in it. I suppose it's my duty to accept the consequences. Anyway, if I happen to be killed, make me a promise? Gabriel does not touch A'Merie or Malori and Luna. Promise me they will survive this whole mess. It would be kind of pointless for me to go out there to die and then they suffer the same fate as me. I've died a pathetic death that way before, failing to protect something. Please don't make me have to suffer that same fate a second time. You have no idea how......horrible that is. Nightmares and flashbacks. Booze is a wonderful thing you know? I'd kiss the creature that made it even if I regretted it later" Daakoon said as he began to prepare himself to face Gabriel.

He looked up for a moment and closed his eyes.

"Maybe I can finally atone for my mistakes. Hopefully anyways".

....."It's a good way to die right?" Daakoon said to Elicia but not really waiting for an answer.

He came and approached Gabriel.

"I offer myself as Champion of the opposing party. I think it's fitting I suppose. I caused you to be this way...it's only right I suppose that we settle this between ourselves. Even though I'm sure you care much, I am sorry for what's happened to you. It shouldn't have happened. Fate is a cruel thing. Believe me...I know" Daakoon said as he began to sign his particular part of the contract.

Once signed he took a deep breath. For the first time in many years however, he smiled. It shocked him at first. He wasn't sure why he smiled either. He had forgotten what it felt like to smile. He wasn't happy or joyous so that wasn't the reason. All the Demons, Dragons, and Angels present had now saw him smile for the first time since he had been human. It was ironic in a way. A battle that could mean the end of his life if he lost was the time he finally learned to smile again. Reality was fucked....simple as that. Someone needed to hit the reset button somewhere because things aren't computing correctly somewhere. Glitches and short-outs and whatnot. Something....

"Oh well. Let's get this crap over with. Death's the easy part of it all" Daakoon said.

We all pay for our mistakes in one way or another whether we realize it or not. Hopefully my debt will finally be paid after today no matter the outcome of this whole scene Daakoon thought to himself.




@Seraph Darkfire



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Gabriel Denen Kortsy - Fallen


There is no saving this forsaken child.


He has fell from grace, he has been shunned from his former home.


By his mother, by his father, the royalty of the Heavens.


There was once a War between the Angels and the Demons inside of him, and the Demons won. The fire of evil burns bright within the child's soul.


He hears things that aren't right, that are Evil. He sees things that aren't there, that are Evil. He wants to do things that are...terrible. that are Evil. He will do things that are Evil, and he has no remorse. He has no conscience. He doesn't do things like...justify these things to himself, he just does them and moves on. He shows no empathy, and he does not care for anyone's welfare, expect for his Sire and those she orders him to protect. He takes orders from none other but his Sire. He is not able to be tamed, he is not able to be cured, he is a lost cause, the old him is...gone, only remembered by those who loved him, who love him no more.


The seeds of Darkness have been forever planted into his soul, and the only way to get them out...


Is to kill this monster.


To kill this Demon.


That will be NO easy task.


Good luck.

Gabriel reached the Main Foyer, the future Battlefield of this Duel that would decide the fate of many a life. He walked elegantly, his men behind him, marching, hooting and hollering in anticipation of the Duel to come. When the Foyer was gotten to, Gabriel's Soldiers formed a Circular Ring for the Duel, that stretched to the outer reaches of the massive Demonic Palace's Main Foyer. Gabriel and Killigan stood at the center of the Foyer, the Blades of Gabriel still not making a show of themselves. When Milligan spoke, Gabriel replied sinisterly -

"Interesting...You could say that. I'm going to kill him. Then my sister. Then Malori."

Just then, a all too familiar Demonic Soldier walked from the direction of the Libary and through a gap in the Ring of Soldiers and stood Elegantly a few yards away from Gabriel. He spoke with a fancy tounge.

"I offer myself as Champion of the opposing party. I think it's fitting I suppose. I caused you to be this way...it's only right I suppose that we settle this between ourselves. Even though I'm sure you care much, I am sorry for what's happened to you. It shouldn't have happened. Fate is a cruel thing. Believe me...I know"

Gabriel stood straight and begun to analyze the Demon. He knew exactly who he was. Gabriel motioned for Killigan to get out of the ring, which he did. Gabriel then spoke to Daakoon. To the man who destroyed his old life, and formed his new.

"Hello again, Demon. Daakoon, was it? My kidnapper? It is fitting, I agree with you, but I do not accept your apology. You should be ashamed of what you've done. But, it was all for the best. It would have happened sooner or later. Now, for your punishment. Prepare to die!"

With his last three words, Gabriel threw himself across the Foyer within seconds, spawning the Blades of Gabriel who burned brighter than ever. Gabriel zoomed at Daakoon, and when he was within a Yard he sent both blades into Daakoon's chest, causing a moderate amount of damage, and Gabriel pulled himself towards Daakoon still by the chains that allowed him to grip his mighty weapons. When he was within whispering distance, he shouted to Daakoon

"Did you miss me, Soldier!?"

When Gabriel reached Daakoon, he put both feet out infront of him and slammed them into Daakoon's chest, pushing him up into the air and sending him flying into the opposite wall, at the same time ripping his Blades from Daakoon's chest, blood spraying from the Demon Soldier's body as he flew.

Gabriel landed and went immediately into a defensive stance, ready for Daakoon's retaliation.

"I got this in the bag"

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Elicia whistled "Someone is high strung" she said after Daakoon had left. The man had not even allowed her to say a word after her question. He seemed ready to fight even if he cursed about having to do it. She grinned and even though he was already gone, she decided to honor his request "I promise" she said. With her powers, she could easily transport all of them to Earth if she needed to. She turned to A'Merie and cocked her head "You know, I thought you looked familiar, it is good to see you again" she grinned. A'Merie was certainly sexier in this form.

"That was your brother huh? Damn. Electra really did a number on him, turning him all dark and what not" she frowned "Malias might be able to help with that but...I don't know much about magic, that is more his thing" she shrugged "Sorry"

She smiled at Luna and Malori "You two really know how to get in the thick of it all don't you? Just like Malias in that respect, he can't keep his nose out of people's business either" she chuckled.

@Abana @Bambie @WeirdPrincess


Malias slowly opened his eyes and sat up, stretching. Then he noticed Electra standing in the kitchen. He immediately hopped up and walked over to her "Hey, are you alright?" he asked "You shouldn't be moving too much or you might make your wounds worse" his eyes showed genuine concern "Agitate them too much and you might scar, and I know you are very prideful in your beauty" he chuckled before looking a little closer.

He frowned "Are you alright? You look...troubled" he said softly.
Malori's hand itched to slap Daakoon for saying something like that to her, Royalty this royalty that. For someone that doesn't like being looked down on, he sure does like to look down on us Royals! The only reason she restrained herself was what he said next about the promise of keeping them alive.

She looked at Elicia as Daakoon left, "I didn't do anything, Elicia, why does everyone keep assuming this?!" She was angry and scared which wasn't good for her, Zania purred softly but it didn't help Malori's mood at that moment.

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2da0fdec_DaakoonAincrasMendellon.jpg.ac216c71a30e5dc29abacf84633cf97a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="56931" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2da0fdec_DaakoonAincrasMendellon.jpg.ac216c71a30e5dc29abacf84633cf97a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Daakoon took the wounds from the flaming blades, Daakoon slightly taken by surprise and off guard considering Gabriel's sudden charge and the speed at which he had moved. Then again he had been awfully fast as a Angel, why would that change just because he aged a little further and changed a bit of color around. Noticing his own blood flowing from the fresh wounds, Daakoon decided it was time to begin.

"Guess I'll start with the basics. Art Of Solid Hammer Boxing. Always thought I'd use it on a Demon, never figured it'd be against an Angel....well sort of an Angel".

Daakoon charged Gabriel, throwing a few fast jabs, his Solid Hammer Boxing techniques taking over as he delivered a series of quick jabs , each single hit capable of bringing down elephants if need be. He spotted the blood splashing and coating on his fists from where his blows had connected with Gabriel's nose and jawline. His right fist soared upwards and connected an uppercut on Gabriel and in the moment that Gabriel was stunned, he followed this series of blows with one last haymaker which sent Gabriel staggering backwards. Sensing a possibly easy victory, Daakoon remembered his Berserk Tendency ability. He had used it before when he had captured Gabriel the first time when Gabriel had been using his speed enhancement when he was an Angel. While it had been used the one time a day it could be used, enough time had passed for Daakoon to initiate a portion of the abilities enhancements. He felt an extra surge of strength and energy surge into his body and breathing heavily at the intoxicating bliss of the adrenaline and blood roaring in his ears, Daakoon charged Gabriel once more. He once more fell into a series of attacks following his Solid Hammer Boxing Style.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2da21cc0_KilliganPerrigote.jpg.e9e76b4175f22c0bb12c7c6dfa33a91f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="56933" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2da21cc0_KilliganPerrigote.jpg.e9e76b4175f22c0bb12c7c6dfa33a91f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Killigan had grown completely shocked when he saw Daakoon, the very demon he had come in search for, appear right before him as the opponent of Gabriel's. There were very few things Killigan truly cared about and didn't want to brutally behead and rip apart in pure bloody glee. Daakoon however was one of the two people Killigan truly cared for. However, once again it seemed Daakoon had grown weak. He was defending Princess Malori and fighting as her champion against Gabriel. Why was it Daakoon always had a tendency to grow weak when women were around? Was Princess Malori his new lover? Interesting. Killigan had gotten rid of Daakoon's last lover...his fiancee, though both he and Daakoon had died as well in the chaos that followed.

Shame that had been.

However, Killigan could not allow Gabriel to kill Daakoon. No, Daakoon could not die again. Yes, anything causing Daakoon to be weak would die. Which meant Princess Malori and whoever else was in his opposing force. But Daakoon himself would live. Once all the weakness around him perished, then he would finally return to being the brutal and monstrous killer he had once been and together he and Killigan would once again be brothers in bloody mayhem and chaos. Yes.

Gabriel would not ruin that. For now, Killigan would watch. Hopefully he would not need to intervene.......



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Gabriel Denen Kortsy - Fallen


There is no saving this forsaken child.


He has fell from grace, he has been shunned from his former home.


By his mother, by his father, the royalty of the Heavens.


There was once a War between the Angels and the Demons inside of him, and the Demons won. The fire of evil burns bright within the child's soul.


He hears things that aren't right, that are Evil. He sees things that aren't there, that are Evil. He wants to do things that are...terrible. that are Evil. He will do things that are Evil, and he has no remorse. He has no conscience. He doesn't do things like...justify these things to himself, he just does them and moves on. He shows no empathy, and he does not care for anyone's welfare, expect for his Sire and those she orders him to protect. He takes orders from none other but his Sire. He is not able to be tamed, he is not able to be cured, he is a lost cause, the old him is...gone, only remembered by those who loved him, who love him no more.


The seeds of Darkness have been forever planted into his soul, and the only way to get them out...


Is to kill this monster.


To kill this Demon.


That will be NO easy task.


Good luck.

Gabriel laughed as Daakoon came toward him with mere punches. He dodged backwards when the first came, and ducked and stepped to the right when the second came, and when the first hook came, Gabriel slashed at it, aiming for the forearm to disablDaakoon's arm entirelyn', but his attack was intercepted immediately, his arm being popped out of it's socket by the force of Daakoon's attack. For a moment he thought he might have bit off more than he could chew, but in the next moment, he stayed confident. He roared in pain, Daakoon still coming.

"Fuck! You sorry prick! You'll pay for that! I'll have your head!"

Gabriel continued to retreat, holding his wounded arm, but the punches kept coming even in his time of vulnerability. Specifically in his time of vulnerability. Each punch could have concussed and most likely kill even the strongest and most thick-skulled Humans, and it almost did with Gabriel. Blood spew from his head, and a kick to his ribs broke not one, but two. After a half a minute of this assault, Gabriel dodged out of the way, in full retreat. He set his arm into it's regular skeletal position, and took his Blades of Gabriel firmly.

Daakoon kept coming, seemingly enraged, in a monstrous state. He seemed very intimidating, but Gabriel was ready.

Gabriel quickly jumped, dodging a huge flurry that would have definitely slain him. When he landed, he ducked under a thunderous kick, and then leaned back in a limbo-like way to dodge a venomous straight to his nose that would have killed him as well by sending nose bone fragments straight into his brain. After dodging the punch, he cartwheeled left, once getting to his feet he used both Blades of Gabriel to slash through Daakoon's Cartoid Artery. Blood came from Daakoon's throat like a Faucet.

Daakoon was immediately sent into retreat, and Gabriel immediately took control of the Battle, sending slashes into Daakoon's stomach, chest, and face, many cuts being inflicted, and much damage being inflicted.

Gabriel was glad to be once again on the offensive, though he was definitely damaged by Daakoon's last Assault.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2e1432a1_DaakoonAincrasMendellon.jpg.1a919b4b0e8d7d759529bcd9c8b96ad7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="57216" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2e1432a1_DaakoonAincrasMendellon.jpg.1a919b4b0e8d7d759529bcd9c8b96ad7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Daakoon gasped as the blood began to pump from out of his grievous neck wound and onto the stone floor beneath his feet. It wasn't fatal, at least not just yet but he would need healing soon if he survived this battle or he could die from blood loss regardless. The only good thing about being a Demon so far was that normal wounds that killed humans were, while serious indeed...not always life threateningly fatal. Demons could take more punishment indeed.

Having taken such a terrible blow by Gabriel's blades, he decided it was best to activate his Steel Skin Transformation ability at this point. He was wounded too deeply to make full use of it's technique so it wouldn't stay active for as long as if he'd initiated it at the beginning of the battle, his wounds were too serious. He'd made a mistake in that...maybe the battle would have gone differently if he'd thought of using the Transformation at the beginning. Still, it was too late to wonder how different the battle might have been, things were looking grim now and it was best to be activating it now. He could pull at best 50% of it's normal effectiveness so it was time to be about it now. A slight buzzing sound initiated in his mind as his Steel Skin Transformation activated itself at his inner request. Once it was prepared he sighed.

"50% indeed" he sighed.

He was going to go in battle half prepared once again. However it might buy his some time against those blades Gabriel wielded.




@Seraph Darkfire



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Gabriel Denen Kortsy - Fallen


There is no saving this forsaken child.


He has fell from grace, he has been shunned from his former home.


By his mother, by his father, the royalty of the Heavens.


There was once a War between the Angels and the Demons inside of him, and the Demons won. The fire of evil burns bright within the child's soul.


He hears things that aren't right, that are Evil. He sees things that aren't there, that are Evil. He wants to do things that are...terrible. that are Evil. He will do things that are Evil, and he has no remorse. He has no conscience. He doesn't do things like...justify these things to himself, he just does them and moves on. He shows no empathy, and he does not care for anyone's welfare, expect for his Sire and those she orders him to protect. He takes orders from none other but his Sire. He is not able to be tamed, he is not able to be cured, he is a lost cause, the old him is...gone, only remembered by those who loved him, who love him no more.


The seeds of Darkness have been forever planted into his soul, and the only way to get them out...


Is to kill this monster.


To kill this Demon.


That will be NO easy task.


Good luck.

Gabriel kept slashing, absolutely certain he could kill Daakoon if he kept doing this, and he just kept slashing. But on one slash, he hit metal, and the blade bounced off of Daakoon. Gabriel jumped back in surprise. Daakoon had turned metal! Gabriel approached, and kept slashing.

Aha! Fuck, no, didn't penetrate the armor. Slice! Dammit! It wasn't working! This wasn't fair! Gabriel knew he had to keep control. He threw a kick at Daakoon's chin, but it was caught, and a elbow was driven into Gabriel's leg, snapping the leg instantly.

"You stupid bastard! You motherf.....AGH!"

Gabriel was about to fall to the ground, but a right hook kept him standing, and he began to fall forward, into Daakoon, but a forceful push kick that crammed a few teeth down Gabriel's throat sent him backwards, quite a distance.

Soon, Gabriel lied on the ground, Daakoon upon him and throwing hammerfist after hammerfist into Gabriel's face. Gabriel couldn't defend himself. He couldn't put his hands up, he couldn't get up because of his leg...He thought to himself

"Am I going to die?"

Daakoon stood, looking down upon the beaten Gabriel.

"Any last words?"

Gabriel could barley focus on Daakoon's words. He was consumed by something else. Darkness. Now, a hazy light. Then, a image of the beautiful Ayrabelle, his sister. This fueled him. He adjusted his broken leg to its skeletal position, the same way he did with his arm. He wanted to survive.

He needed to survive.

"Yes. Prepare to die!"

Gabriel forcefully slammed both of his feet into Daakoon's stomach, causing the steel that plated Daakoon's abdomen to cave into Daakoon's body, blood spewing from Daakoon's abdomen and Daakoon staggering away.

Gabriel stood, throwing a flying knee into Daakoon's jaw, which sent Daakoon even farther back. Gabriel then turned spinned and used the momentum to jump and slam the back of his boot into the right side of Daakoon's head, the Steel coming off completely to show the second layer of skin, which was severely bloodied. Gabriel then did a jump back, and sent Daakoon to the floor with a Muay Thai Kick that could have killed most Demons.

Gabriel stood, with his Blades in his hands, slumped in injury, waiting for Daakoon to stand. When Daakoon did finally stand, Gabriel threw both blades into Daakon's chest, which buried firmly, and killed Daakoon. At least, that's what everyone thought.

Daakoon fell, a blood pool forming around him, and Gabriel despawned the Fiery Blades of Gabriel, and yelled

"Bring me those damn rebels!"

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