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Fantasy Angels VS. Demons:The Eternal War [Accepting!]

Axaefel and Ybael

The two most loyal and strongest of Malphaerus' Watchers stood silent in observation, however, that didn't keep them from taking in the situation before them. They had emitted a mental empowerment field around them, they could, themselves, feel the dark taint overwhelming the mental defences of the psychologically weakend Queen. They stood still like statue, and as the Queen woke up, and the King stood her close, they both made sure to respond as per their commander's orders.

"Our royal highness the Queen, his majesty- we have been instructed to direct you to the Archangel- he holds information most valuable." Axaefal spoke, however, his voice was most weird- it was a voice torn by time, something few angels had ever experienced. "I will lead the way, please follow my lead, royal highnesses, you need not even lift a finger should something occure, we are enough for whatever threat which may have slipped into heaven." Their voices were apathetic, training away emotion was something an ideal soldier would have accomplished and these Watchers were more dedicated to their duty than their own life.

Ybael began taking his steps, they were as if soundless and weightless- and he lead his rulers with most grace and discipline.

@Guilded Clover @RiahB
Gabriel Denen Kortsy - Fallen

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/downloadfile.jpeg.d94ae4351292f1d5c3a435f90add0eca.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54913" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/downloadfile.jpeg.d94ae4351292f1d5c3a435f90add0eca.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Gabriel listened to Electra speak with what would have been fear, but instead...He didn't know what to feel. His old self was telling him what to think as was his new self, at the same time.
"Ohh, nothing special. Just made you attractive, more powerful, less bratty and more...heh...demonic." He heard her say. He would have been sickened, but instead...relieved? He felt good in his new body. He felt like he didn't have to be afraid or ashamed of his dark thoughts which he had since he was born. He embraced them. He looked at himself, at his body. She hadn't lied about making him more attractive. Maybe he would marry. Heh. Maybe have little Demon babies. Wow, he thought, he was settling into the whole "Evil" thing easy. When Electra ordered him upstairs, he said nothing, just complied. He stood, and he felt wobbly in his new him. He would have to get used to the longer arms, legs, neck, longer...heh. He opened the double doors of the Magic Room and wandered, eventually finding the Staircase, and heading up. He found a washroom, and looked in the mirror. "My my, that Demon Princess has really changed me! Grey hair, red eyes, more mature of a face...I like it. Maybe Hell is where I belong." He said aloud to himself. He noticed some blood coming from his nose, and he cleaned it with his hand, leaving the blood on his hand. He then go out of the Bathroom and waited upstairs until he was told what to do. He looked out the window of the Castle into the vast Realm of Hell. "Pretty" he said, once again, aloud to himself.




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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Winner.jpg.ac778675f1b05050522d59173e25ce81.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54919" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Winner.jpg.ac778675f1b05050522d59173e25ce81.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> CHARMEINE KORTSY (THE QUEEN)

Charmeine was silent as Inias spoke, dazed. She looked past him, staring off into the distance, trying to pick up the broken pieces of her reality. She barely glaced at her husband when he wrapped his arms around her form and then blinked rapidly, pulling into the present when the watchers spoke.

"Our royal highness..." She looks at them, nods, and then rises on unsteady feet. The soles of the apendages are sore and had she looked at the bottom of her feet, she would have seen shallow cuts, as if she had walked barefoot on sharp rocks... She walks with them, her husband surely at her side. Her face portrayed no sign of pain in her feet, but it was there.

When her husband had told her that her hair was still white, she felt relief. The queen was sure that since her throat felt on the verge of breaking and her feet tender to the touch that her hair had some how been colored black. Purple bled across the soft skin of her throat, partially hidden by her curls falling down the front of her chest, abdomen, and hips.

Soon, she found herself face to face with Heaven's most prestigious general, but her eyes, for some unknown reason, could not bring themselves to meet with his. An unfounded fear planted itself in her chest, as if looking into his eyes would open the realm she fell into in her unconcious state, for now she knew with the bruises and pain, that her soul's experience had refleced upon her living flesh.

Her element had forsaken her.




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Inias stood with the Queen with his hand in hers. Listening to what the Watchers said, he and Charmeine quickly followed them to where the Archangel was standing. He took a step forward towards him. "Malphaerus, why have you called us?" As much as he trusted his general, he didn't understand why he would run off like that. Scenarios started to play in his mind again. He tensed up, squeezing his wife's hand tighter than usual. Taking a deep breath, he continued. "What happened? I have had a long day; I hope it doesn't get any worse."

Jude Vesheriah Ambrose

"Thank you." Vesher made a strange face at the empty air where the apparition had been, "Yes... I... I did. Is Light Verashoth dead? Did you know her?" I hope that was real. Maybe we're both just hallucinating, or being manipulated.

He couldn't help feeling just as confused as Deux seemed, which he did not like. The situation was spiraling out of control so rapidly. The more he thought about it, the more unsure he was that he even had a way to get back into heaven. Even if he did, the mere thought of what would await him back in heaven terrified him. If he returned without the princess, there was nothing to stop them from believing he may have helped her kidnapping, even if he managed to get Deux to defend him. Nobody would believe a demon, nor a new recruit with a bloodstained heritage. They won't kill me because I'm now one of only two connections to the loss of the princess. No, they'll keep me alive, and it will be terrible. And if she is truly gone, she could be suffering, she could be in the hands of hell once again, I will have been the one to let her slip through the cracks. Some warrior I am. I'd deserve whatever they do to me. Vesher' frustration was fading, replaced by dull panic, guilt, and sadness that welled up in his chest when he recalled her happy reunion with her parents just a short time ago.

"Deux, I need you to come with me. Help me find A'Merie." Vesher tentatively let go of the half-demon, "I... don't trust you, and I don't see why the princess allied with you, but if it was anything that mattered, anything at all, help me. She is acting very irrationally and could be in significant danger."

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"Alright... Well, tell me, do you think I'll find the demon that killed Light?" His grip tightened around the knife as he moved towards the angel. "She... She died to save not only me, but A'Merie as well... She told me to protect her, and vice versa, for her to protect me. I want to end this, I want to find the one who killed Light..." His brows tensed into a firm line as his lips set themselves in a scowl. "There will be no mercy for the stain they have put on my heart..." His knees shook violently, "But... I'm weak... And cowardly..." Deux buckled under the stress and fell to his knees, "I have no power... I wouldn't be able to do anything, I'm just so useless." He groaned, running his hand along the leather scabbard of the knife. "It's not fair... You know? Being this weak." He began to hiccup as he bit back tears, his back heaving violently, "I... I don't wanna lose! I wanna avenge her!"



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A lot of time had passed since Maka left the front lines long ago to train his mind, body, and soul to withstand the upcoming war previously announced once before. Upon returning to Heaven, Maka made his way to his personal quarters and started on plans to meet up with the few commanding officers at the time. "After I'm fully situated..." he said, "I'll be sure to get the full report in order to better prepare myself." Maka equipped his full armour set and sword and sheild. He stood in the doorway a moment more, thinking back on the times where events were much less drastic. He simply sighed and whispered to himself "... thing's change..." then left his personal quarters as they were. Having only arrived, it wasn't unexpected that no one knew of his return, that bothered him little though. Of course, everyone's mind was focused on the war and defending Heaven from the demons. Maka thought that anything other than an Angel entering Heaven would be more of an uproar than a returning warrior. "Once they fill me in on the details, I'll need to reestablish my next move and consider if I'll need back-up or not." he said. Maka hoped that the news he was looking for wasn't bad at all. The thought that he'd been gone from Heaven too long weighed on him as he looked for someone to fill him in.​

It's been two hundred years since Faeroh was put into a deep slumber, one that allowed his essence of hell to further his abilities even in his unconsicous state. However, news of this war had Hell in a ruckus and full of commotion. The stir of events woke Faeroh from his slumber, and his lust for blood seeped out of his chambers like a thick fog. This fog cleared after Faeroh emerged from his chambers and stood about looking at what hell had become. "So this... is what it's come to, eh?" he said letting out a deep sigh as he walked onward towards the opposite side of his chambers and equipped his armour and blade. He unsheathed the blade and calmly spoke to it saying "Oh, how've I've missed you... it's time we return to the playing field and reclaim our old kill count." He sheathes his blade and leaves the area completely, entering a different side of hell. In hell, the indistinct whispers of wandering souls spoke of a war between angels and demons, one Faeroh had no knowledge of. He grinned slightly as he listened to the souls rant on about the current standings of both sides, even the many losses of both angels and demons. "Hehehe, I've been waiting for this opportunity... the chance to pluke the feathers off those uptight and righteous slackers." Faeroh bursted into laughter at the excitement of fighting angels as he left to find a demon who could fill him in on what's going and where he could find the King of Hell.


Malphaerus Albyraux Agni The Archangel

Upon the arrival of his most trusted of angelic warriors; Axaefal and Ybael, and the arrival of the King and Queen, a sudden surge seemed to push itself onto him. He staggered briefly as he stood atop the marble, awaiting that the Queen and King close the distance between the three of them. He stood as he stared upon the now dead flowers, he knew why they were dead, for he had done it. He had doomed them to death the moment he unrooted the Golden Lily from the earth.

As he heard the King and Queen closing the distance he could feel a great unease etch itself into his mind, he couldn't comprehend what it was, but it carried soul wretching pain- but in the face of this he merely spillt a single tear, but a tear nonetheless. He quickly raised his arm and violently, yet gracefully ripped the tear out of its place- throwing it towards the earth, upon the place where the golden lily had once loomed.

Soon, within mere moment, a sappling of gold showed its face where the tear had fallen- a new golden lily had taken shape- it held a small tinge of blue- but it still seemed like the most beautiful of flowers. Malphaerus was facing one direction, that opposite of the king and his wife, the royal tree they had planted was within Malphaerus' field of view- it was the only plant which hadn't decayed- or even aged. It stood impervious, like an Emperor amidst a battlefield defiled with death.

"A human man once said: "What is life if it's lived alone, it's empty and useless- real power comes from desire." I had heard that desire is a thing gained from love, but also many other things."

As Malphaerus began to speak towards his valued loyals, Axaefal and Ybael stood dead in their tracks, spear pointed towards the heavens and shield held in proper manner. Malphaerus crossed his eyes, gazed out towards the clouds, and then turned to meet the King and Queen face to face, eye against eye. He could sense the Queens worry, he could see her injuries- he wasn't a guardian of the royal family in name only, he held the skill and assets to back-up any claim against his duty. "I can sense your tire, your worries- my King, and that is why I am here." He looked towards the Queen and King respectively, formulating the best strategy for telling the terror he held as fact in the best possible way.

"Ybael, Axaefal. Please make sure that we're alone, redirect any stray maid and any worried servant from this area." Upon the Watchers' departure and their duty of guarding the garden, Malphaerus began to speak the words of worry. He raised one of his hands, within it's palm but beyond his fingers lied a red, no- rather black pool of hardened demon blood. The taint which Malphaerus had spoken of seemed to erradiate off of this very thing. Whilst this level of transmitter held no chance of ever contaminating Malphaerus, he did worry for the King and the Queen due to their lowered psychological ability to resist the taint- so he kept it beyond arms reach, closing his palm and crossing his arms before anyone would ever have the urge to actually feel this dangerous a discovery.

"I will break it to you simple, Inias." Malphaerus dropped the honorifics, there was no time for pleasantries- these things were more serious than the actual threat of demon spies- if someone would have spread taint within the confines of heaven, then unprescedented collapse would ensue. "You both should relax, but I wouldn't recommend it. This piece is the only taint within the holy halls and there lies nothing beyond the palace keep- nor within heaven." He spoke with a serious gaze, his former golden eyes had turned red, hatred was growing internal- he had to unleash his hatred at the unrigtheous before- well, no need to talk about that. "This possibly cataclysmic event could've caused a destruction so unholy that heaven might not recouperate, I feel myself obliged to investigate these matters. But before that, my King..."

Malphaerus lacked the proper way to distribute the damage of the upcoming news, so he simply chose to say it plainly.

"After my many ages of life, I have gained the most refined of investigatiory skills, and I have great evidence to claim the princess to harbour a demon within this palace upon her arrival. The first sign was her 'saviour', the second was this single lock of hair-" With a wave of his hand, a single lock of hair, it's color hard to define- be it silver, white, or the color of iron, it didn't matter- it carried the small essence which coursed through any angel, it was how they were able to sense each other without simple eye contact. That lock of hair was definately hers. "I found it upon the ground, by destinies will it had not blown away with the wind- it stayed there in hopes of someone picking it up." Yet, the lock carried a slight sense of alien, something beyond the confines of heaven had attached itself to this lock of hair. "As to that essence, I feel you have the duty of learning it yourself."

"Did you know that Michael Gizmo, arguably the greatest warrior ever to be born from the heavens, died an unmarried angel? He claimed that he loved his duty, and the duties he recieved just seemed to love him- destiny's chosen child." Malphaerus began gazing towards the clouds, it was clear that he had entered a new sense of his own self, one filled with only lust of war, of battle. "All angels desire the title of Michael, I feel myself worthy... However, I cannot allow myself such honor upon allowing this to occure upon my pressence... My King, my Queen.. If I were to return successful..."

Malphaerus turned once more, connecting his eyes with the Queen and King- however, behind the gaze there seemed to loom something unexplainable, maybe it was the Archangels' extreme sense of valour, duty, and honour- maybe it was his own self-hatred remaining unspoken of, silent amidst the dead flowers, or maybe it was the fact that there lingered an inner demon- something of jealousy and lust, but also pride and desire? Unexplainable things were hard to put to the edge of ones blade, therefore few would ignore it, and most wouldn't even sense it's pressence- but there seemed to be an abyss within the red eyes of the most dutiful of angels, and within every dark sea there lies a leviathan.

"I can sense destiny repeating, when the time has come, I would like to honour you, my king and queen, with a Michael you would most desire. I want to be this Michael, to protect the virtues of heaven from any assailant."

@RiahB @Guilded Clover

♦♦♦ E U R Y NO M E

A weary Eurynome strolled about the castle grounds, calmer now that time had passed. In her angel days, a long glide through the clouds would wash her worries away, but these were not those days. Instead, the forlorn Fallen was forced to travel the layers of the Underworld, her anguished and rage-filled cries drowning in the agony of lost souls' screams. It could never compare to the comforting feel of air beneath her wings, but it did the trick.

She wondered again of the princess she served and the little angel prince she guided around; what dastardly plans might Electra have for him, what sort of fiendish creature might she turn him into? It was doubtful, of course, that he might fall to her feet with a slit throat stained scarlet--if she wanted to kill him, she could have many times. No, she had some sort of trick up her sleeve, some trump card she was dying to show off, but what could it be?

Not for the first time did Eurynome cursed her broken mind, always wandering in different directions and pulling her focus off the task at hand. It was this mind that made her fall behind the two and lose them to the maze of the castle halls. She could feel her ire returning at the mere thought of this failure, the jagged scars that writhed across her back growing sore and drawing a gasp from her lungs.

O-ow, fuck...!" She dropped to her knees and a hand reached over her shoulder, fingers stretching towards the side of her back as if her touch could heal the pain, but her misery only worsened as the scars grew to burn, searing lines down her spine. She slammed her reaching hand on dirt and all at once the pain faded into a mere memory. The Fallen panted in quick, short breaths as she sat slumped upon Hell's ground, her ruby gaze eyeing the palms of her hands in her lap.

Calm... Just breathe... Be calm...

This had happened before, the soreness where her wings once stretched, but never had it burned to fiercely. Was it because of her hands? Were they still cursed by the taint that took her wings from her back? Or perhaps something else...?

Her head jerked up toward the Demon King's lair, sensing sinister auras that seemed familiar in a fading way. Eurynome pushed the thought of pain aside, stood, and made for the castle entrance. A warrior or two had awoken from slumber and she would take up the task of filling them in.

@KingDalmasca @Kenji Jensai ]

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Winner.jpg.486f029e7b1f2a0437f48e98059941ab.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="55020" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Winner.jpg.486f029e7b1f2a0437f48e98059941ab.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> CHARMEINE KORTSY (THE QUEEN)

Charmeine shuddered. Malphareus was right. A'Merie was harboring a demon... something punishable by death. She gasped a quiet sob at the thought of her daughter being executed at the hands of he own kingdom. Was there an explanation? Had A'Merie fallen to Hell when she had been abducted? Where was Light?! Where was her daughter's gaurdian?! She was ordered to protect her daughter and she was failing. There was a black seed in Heaven Zumek had said. Something had been here in their home and Zumek's spirit, if it were not a nightmare, had said she had planted it amongst her children. Had she planted a dark seed in her children or were one of her children the dark seed? Was A'Merie the black in the golden flower bed?

Charmeine did not speak to the archangel, but instead watched him address her husband, which seemed to be her normal behavior where the warrior and her husband were concerned. But what was she to say? Was she to tell them she suspected herself of giving birth to the very downfall of their kingdom? Was she to tell them that she was hallucinating or dreaming of a demon spirit and managed to bring the injuries of her dream into her reality? They would think she were insane! Imagine that! Queen of Heaven has lost her marbles. Queen of Heaven is hallucinating. Queen of Heaven claims demon spirit has pointed her child out as Heaven's enemy.

The Chaos that would insue after that hit her people would be catastrophic.

The Queen watched the two angels speak with empty eyes. She decided she couldn't tell them what she saw for the safety of A'Merie, but it felt as though her soul had fragmented. It also felt as though that chain was still wrapped tightly around her neck, stopping her from warning her husband of the sure betrayal that had taken place. Her duty as a queen ws to her people, but where was her duty as a mother? Did that not matter?

Oh, can't I end this? She thought, picturing longily of falling off of her balcony without opening her wings. But that would help no one. It would damage her kingdom and her children. Angels didn't end their own lives, especially angel queens. So she just stood, quiet and steady, her eyes trained on the flower that had bloomed by the archangel's feet. It was quite beautiful, a little sad, but beautiful. And it would surely die like everything else if Heaven fell.


@Guilded Clover



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Malias nodded "We should head towards the library" he said softly "It is quiet there and we'll be more likely to notice someone listening in on our conversation" he looked thoughtful "We may also be able to find a book on certain magics that will help us in our endeavors, I have a spell I've been working on, but I need to do more research" he looked towards A'Merie "Perhaps we can find powerful spell to give our friend here a more demonic appearance, you may have her cloaked Malori, but a strong enough demon can taste her angelic presence, especially this close"

He couldn't let Electra do whatever she wanted. She was really asking to be hit again. He really hoped that his spell would work, if it did, then he would have a few days of peace without her trying to cause some sort of problem.

@Bambie @Abana @EasternGhost
Malori suddenly felt appalled with herself, she had strong magic abilities but not for cloaking. She was good at cloaking herself with a glamour rather than someone else, "Yes, Malias but I did warn the demons not to look too closely at her." She points at Zania on her shoulder, "you know Zania's vicious when I want her to be." There was a glint in Malori's eye that said she actually wanted to sic Zania on someone just for the fun of it and Zania knew it.

Zania suddenly jumped off her shoulder and jumped on a demon's head. She sat there as if there demon were a friend until she bit his ear causing the demon to scream and flail his arms everywhere. Malori burst out laughing, "
I claim that dragon!" Malori was holding her stomach from laughing so much as the demon proceeded to flail his arms everywhere.

Catching her breathe, the demon stopped screaming and started to pull Zania trying to get her off his ear, "
that demon was watching us too much, anyway. Zania, come here." The little dragon released the demon only she didn't let his ear go, she had bitten so hard that his ear was still in her mouth. Blood dripped from her fangs and down her pure white scales on her neck as she hopped onto the table spitting the ear onto the floor. Malori pat Zania's head cooing, "Good girl." She refused to look at the blood though as she continued to pet Zania's scales.

@Seraph Darkfire @EasternGhost @Bambie
Just as there were ArchAngels there also ArchDemons.This is a particular one called Azazel.in the First Great War between Angels and Demons Azazel had partaken in it.He had fought side with Lucifer.He was particularly more vicious.He painted the battlefield red with the blood of his foes.Even after the war he still murdererd thousands of Angels,Humans and even a few if his kin.Lucifer and his wife had decided that he was to great an asset to lose.They came up with a plan to chain him up so that his merciless slaughter.One day Lucifer invited him for a drink,Lucifer gladly applied for Lucifer was like a brother to him.While Azazel wasn't looking Lucifer put a sleeping agent in Azazel's drink.When Azazel was fast asleep Lucifer ordered him to be chained deep underground in hell.When Azazel woke to find himself chained he realized he had been tricked.He struggled and struggled but he eventually gave up.He decided that he would bide his time and wait all the while getting stronger in the cold dark chamber that held him.He vowed that one day he would return and get his revenge.Of course he cound't kill Lucifer but he could sure piss him off.He now has felt violent intent coming off from both sides Demons and Angels.Their blood lust for one another have stirred this acient evil from its long rest.As he opens his eyes he grins insanely,"Oh how l have awaited this moment" he says as he breaks the chains.He summons a small ball of fire to illuminate his surroundings.Having just awoken from an ancient slumber he wasn't so terrifying in his ripped,mangled and ancient garments.He snapped his fingers and a brilliant tux had appeared."Hmm that should suffice.He looked around for the exit from his inprisonment and saw a big brimstone door in front of him." Lucifer did you think that could stop me"he said.He then noticed a flight of steps leading from the dungeon that had once held him to the Demon Kings Castle."Time to go pay my pal Lucifer a visit"he thought.

@Seraph Darkfire


Daakoon thought Malias's idea of warping A'Merie's image to look more demonic a great idea. Any slight mistake amidst Hell for an Angel was typically fatal. Especially a lone one and being of Angelic Royalty was only more strikes against her life. Many more strikes. Besides, he felt the idea of A'Merie being slain in Hell quite......upsetting. In the moment, his thoughts were disturbed when Malori's pet Zania decided to assault a nearby demon who Daakoon admittedly agreed had indeed been watching a little too closely. If he remembered correctly from his observations, this particular demon was a well hidden informant for Electra.

"Good catch Zania" Daakoon mentioned to the dragon.

Malias apparently had more or less without actually saying so, named himself the de-facto leader of their small and newly formed "resistance". It wasn't called a resistance, but it was definitely nothing else but that. Sure, it was attempting to stop a war...but to do so, they were obviously going to have to fight and kill anybody who disagreed. Either that or capture and or convert the others who were more easily swayed to their cause. Of course, people would have to die. There was no such thing as a bloodless war. That was a thing of fantasy and overly naive thinking and foolish dreaming. Still, hopefully not too much fighting would need to take place. War was....a painful ordeal that changes people and usually they never understood how until it was too late.

"Well enough chatting. Electra has more informants I'm positive. Zania can't eat everyone here without someone getting away and sending out some alarm or signal. Electra is too intelligent for it to be that easy I'm sure. Very few members of Royalty are idiots as far as I'm concerned" Daakoon mentioned.
Turning his eyes away from Zania's actions, Malias took the lead and led them out of the barracks, aware of the looks he received as he walked. Electra's ability to instill fear was one to be wary of, though Malias assumed that most of that fear was directed towards her eyes, which could cause pain in an instant. Once they'd left the barracks, they began to head down towards the library.

While they walked, Malias began to think of the angel he'd met there. It was still bugging him more than anything, the woman seemed to be right at home and by the way the door had appeared, he could assume she wasn't even in the demon world. It was very rare to meet a being that could create such a complex system without even alerting him or his siblings. Magic to link two areas together was extremely advanced and tended to look rather sloppy. This was refined power.

Stopping at the door, he pushed it open. Inside, it was very obvious that Malias had been in there just recently. Books were all over the place. Anywhere else, Malias was clean and proper, but the library was his domain, where he came to relax and act like a human, away from all of the demon politics that he was forced to deal with every day.

@Bambie @Abana @EasternGhost
Daakoon felt a strange sense of peace and serenity. It was a sort of sensation that was alien and unfamiliar to him. He couldn't remember a time where he hadn't felt the need to watch his back and somewhere in the back of his mind, paranoia hadn't screamed at him that an ambush was obviously just around the corner. Here however, he felt that intense and yet also familiar anxiety subside. He had grown so used to that feeling always constantly present that when it disappeared, he felt a small hollow space somewhere inside him. He looked at Malias and chuckled.

"I'm amazed I've never been to this place. At one point in time, I'd have killed anyone or anything to have been able to come into a place like this. A place where inner turmoil seems to just melt away........almost like a dream...." Daakoon said as his mind drifted elsewhere for a few moments.

"Of course, I'm not that person anymore. I'm not sure who the hell I am now. Thing's are unraveling from what they once were. Either that or I've drank more booze than what was healthy and I doubt it's that. Malori kind of ruined that for me a few moments ago. Was just about to go look for drinking glasses when she called for me" Daakoon said, and was sure that once upon a time he would have grinned at that.

The muscles needed to form a smile that he once owned had seemingly died long ago.

"And so the resistance begins.....if I had a drink, I could toast to not dying another pathetic death. I guess the thought will have to suffice for now though" Daakoon said.
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As he was walking up the stairs that led from the dungeon that had once held him he had noticed that a very powerful being like himself had woken from its deep slumber.As neared the end of he saw that a door lay before him. Upon opening the door he found out that it opened up into the demon king's throne room. As Azazel was observing his surroundings,So much has changed he thought to himself.Suddenly he felt a presence nearby."Hmm he thought to himself maybe I won't have to wait on that beat down at all maybe this is my opportunity he thought to himself.As he rounded the corner he saw it to be not the demon king himself but a common female demon warrior."Man this was not what I expected but I can still work with this" he thought. "If I can get this commoner to tell all that has happened since my imprisonment I might find the location of Lucifer and I might gain an ally, yes this could work" he said to himself."Excuse me mademoiselle my name is Azazel Leone Heart and would you be so kind as to fill me in on everything that has happened that would truly magnifique and benefit me and you so please tell me"he said in a jolly tone.


With love~Å'Merie


When you'd cry I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears

And I held your hand through all of these years

And you still have all of me.

The rhythm of my heart...


A'Merie remained relatively silent as her new found "partners" conversed amongst themselves. In a way it wasn't exactly her place to speak at that moment in time. They where in hell after all. A place that she wasn't familiar with in the slightest, hence her silence. Any plans of action at that point would have to be of their own creation. She would just play her part and help in any way that she can to not only get her brother back but to also lend a helping hand in the peace trip that they where all embarking on.

The four of them had finally left the barracks which put A'Merie's heart at ease. That place gave her goosebumps and a pounding headache with all of the loud yelling and violence. It was most definitely different back home in heaven.

Maliase lead the way to a library in the castle so that they would all have a quiet and safe place to talk. She hoped it was safe anyway. A'Merie knew that all the while she walked willy nilly around hell, especially the royal palace that she was that much closer to being discovered. What if she was caught!? What if Electra knew that she was there and tried to kidnap her again? What if because Maliase and the others got into trouble, or worse, where killed for helping her? This frightened A'Merie the most. The thought of someone else dyeing for her made her stomach turn over and her heart ache. 'No..no one else will die for me...' she thought to herself, placing the idea in the back of her mind. If they did get into any trouble, she would do all that she could to protect her friends, or die trying.

Once in the library, the little angels eyes wondered off to the many books that inhabited the room. There were certainly enough books that would last her a lifetime to read, though time was nothing to someone like her. If their two families/species weren't at war she could certainly see herself coming to visit this place and getting lost in a good book. Though, of course she could do that at home, it was more fun to explore different places and read books that one was not already familiar with.

A'merie kept quiet as she stood patiently waiting for instruction. It was all that she could do at that moment any way. She only hoped that she could some how be useful in some way.

@EasternGhost @Abana

@Seraph Darkfire

♦♦♦ E U R Y N O M E

Eurynome entered the castle with her hands clenched into tight fists at her sides, the burning scars on her back still fresh in her mind. As her strong stride led her past the entrance hall towards the massive throne room, her steps began to slow until she halted altogether at the ornate double doors that hid the source of the malevolent aura. Something seemed off, different, there was something strange about it... She had sensed this demon before, of course, while he slept away the centuries, but his was always such a faint presence and now...

The Fallen wondered for a brief moment what she might be getting herself into as she pushed the doors open and marched into the room, her cool cardinal gaze falling at once to the nonchalant demon before her.

Excuse me, mademoiselle, my name is Azazel Leon Heart..." Her eyes widened ever so slightly. Azazel Leon Heart? She had heard stories of this madman, mere rumors, of course! To think he still walked among the souls of Hell certainly shocked the Fallen, to say the least. "...and would you be so kind as to fill me in on everything that has happened that would truly magnifique and benefit me and you so please tell me." It was his jolly tone reminiscent of the fat man in red himself that stole her awe away. Her stare narrowed, growing as frigid as the Ninth Circle of Hell.

Do not patronize me, demon. I am no friend of yours." Every word struck bland tones against her vocal chords and she stepped towards the suited beast, looking in over, appraising him, before she spoke again. "Azazel, you said your name was? Interesting. Tell me, my darling, why might such a trusted lieutenant as yourself fail to appear before your King in his hour of need?" Eurynome lifted her arms to wrap one across her waist and rest the other's hand upon her cheek.
"None of the royals really come here, this is Malias' place so normally everyone keeps away." Malori strolled into the library behind A'Merie as Zania flew off somewhere to clean off her scales. Pointing to a chair, she motioned for A'Merie to sit, "you don't have to stand if you don't want to. This little meeting might take a bit." Walking up to the bookshelves, Malori slide her fingers across the spines smiling. She remembered coming here when she was younger asking Malias to read to her whenever she was trying to hide from Electra.

Watch how you say my name, Daakoon, I don't want distrust between us but there will be if you don't remember that I have the higher rank." She was nervous because this demon, she wasn't used to being spoken to so casually but someone lesser than her except by Zania and Zechen. Clearing her throat, she picked up a book about the supposed beginnings of dragons and sat in a corner on the floor. She wasn't good at talking to others so she'd let her brother start up the plan for whatever he had in mind.

@Bambie @Seraph Darkfire @EasternGhost
Inias listened with a heavy heart. How could this one day ruin everything? He looked intently as Malphaerus spoke. Fear struck his heart. Taint? "Who left that here? How could someone...," his voice trailed off as the Archangel spoke. He could feel the Archangel's anger rise. The king couldn't blame him; he was becoming just as angry as him. "Well, I am glad that you were able to find this taint. I do see that you weren't able to find the one responsible for leaving the taint."

"After my many ages of life, I have gained the most refined of investigatory skills, and I have great evidence to claim the princess to harbour a demon within this palace upon her arrival."

Anger and fear hit Inias like a freight train. How dare this general accuse the king's own daughter of bringing a demon to Heaven! If she did, then she have broken one of the most sacred laws of the land. He thought back to what she was trying to tell him while they were in the throne room. Realization finally came to the king. A'Merie was trying to tell him about a Demon: her 'savior'. But how could a Demon save an Angel Princess? So many questions, so little time.

Inias heard the words 'Micheal Gizmo' come into light. He was so busy thinking that he didn't clearly hear Malphaerus. He said something about destiny repeating and Inias shuddered. May the Lord forbid such things. "Malphaerus, if you are to return with my daughter alive and well and were able to prevent another war, you would become one of the greatest Angels who ever lived. You may even become the next Micheal yourself." He had to say something, something to calm himself down. "Go out there and find that Demon my daughter brought here and bring him to me alive. If any Angel aided in the escape of the Demon and the princess, also bring them to me alive. I have a few words for the both of them."

"We are all equals here Malori" Malias said softly as he took a seat in a big armchair and closed his eyes with a soft sigh "I really hate bringing this kind of stuff here" he said before opening his eyes and looking around the room "This place feels so peaceful because it was originally a conference room, where Angels and Demons would come to speak about ways to improve their lives" he looked at A'Merie "The Angels should have one as well, though it is possible they either destroyed it or blocked it off"

"Fighting is forbidden here, bound by a magic so powerful, the current leaders and heaven and hell would be forced to sit and talk peacefully" he suddenly remembered something and looked back to A'Merie "That is right I...found something that I thought should belong to the Angels" he hesitated to say where he really found it as he reached into his pocket and pulled the necklace out. It shown with the same light as before, as if it held a peace of heaven within the gem on the front.

"It certainly doesn't look like it belongs in hell" he said chuckling.

@Bambie @Abana @EasternGhost
Azazel couldn't believe that the first person he had met after a millennium would question him in such a smart tone."I am no friend of yours demon, "Azazel, you said your name was? Interesting. Tell me, my darling, why might such a trusted lieutenant as yourself fail to appear before your King in his hour of need?" she had said.Awe so you have heard the legends than I have a question for you why do you dare question my actions I would crush you if you weren't of some value to me he thought to himself.

"Now to answer your question I was imprisoned for the last 1000 years or so I

apologize to the king for not helping out sooner he said.He crossed his arms and leans toward the female demon and says"Now I have answered your questions but you have yet to answer mine"."Also it is customary to tell ones name after hearing another tell their own" he said still in a jolly tone.His plan was working smoothly he had to earn this demons trust somehow or he could simply just demand to get the knowledge that he longed for.Either way in the end he would get what he wished for or he wouldn't stop till he did.
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Malphaerus Albyraux Agni The Archangel

Duty was no stranger to this Archangel. He had served and performed his duty well since time immemorial, now would be no different time to perform that which should be performed. Unlike any of his forefathers, he was now met with the strangest and worst terror even fathomable. To the King he responded short and simply, and with a gaze towards the Queen he left swiftly.

"I will bring back the princess with all my might, and the demon will also face the terror of the heavens. As per my suspections there has also been a traitor- and I'd be happy to bring him to heaven's door."

Suddenly, as if nothing had happened, the Archangel dashed towards the portal with the great power of his wings. With his wings no longer restricted by his unconcious desire to protect heaven, he was able to traverse the distance between him and the portal within the simple blink of an eye. As the portal flash alight, it was clear that he had left the heavenly realms high above all others.

The sight he was met with was a strange webway of twisting light and turning matter- the channel which traversed space-time in all its glory. Soon he was greeted with the vast reaches of humanity, something he hadn't seen in a long time. It was shocking what they had accomplished within such a short while, but he held no right to care for their insolence- as long as they didn't disturb his duties and his ill-will towards the demons then all would be well.

If they were to harbor this demon, however, things would be otherwise- he'd gladly kill put them to the blade. Malphaerus, having finished his little observation of the region, rapidly unleashed the might of his golden wings and launching himself high into the heavens. With his wings no longer enchained by subconcious barriers, they grew exponentially in size and carried him against the wind at my higher speeds- one might not even notice his pressence.

Suddenly, as if by simple chance, he was able to sense the pressence of a force most alien to this world- an angel! It was easy to spot them amongst the world of humans, and this particular one held a stench of regret. There would be no questioning it, and there would also be a demon close by. Angels do not emitt such emotional stenches unless a demon were to affect them in one way or another.

With Malphaerus' vast knowledge and proper analyzation of the situation at hand, he quickly dove and landed. He landed perfectly on two feet, and the wind didn't seem to have catched up with him, however, when it did...

Suddenly, what one might've thought as a hurricane enveloped the ground and the wind flew in every which direction, as if beneath the might of this one angel. The air spew across everything, and what was in actuality simply a couple seconds, turned into a fight for footing that, if lost, would launch you into a tree a couple hundred meters away.

Malphaerus stood at it's epicenter and with him holding his palm open, there materialized a sword so beautiful and erradiating of the sun itself. He raised this blade and pointed it at his suspects a couple hundred meters in front of him. "State your business, name, and duty here on Earth- now!" For now, Malphaerus didn't sense the demon, nor did he see him, however he felt as if he was close.

The hurricane was over as briefly as it had begun, and there was no trace of it ever being there, except for the trees who had given way.

@RiahB @Guilded Clover @ChristinaXIV @s o l o

With love~Å'Merie


When you'd cry I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears

And I held your hand through all of these years

And you still have all of me.

The rhythm of my heart...


Everyone seemed to have made themselves comfortable in the "conference room". Still, she remained silent and listened to the little chatter around the room. It was when Maliase had reached into his pocket and handed her a neckless that A'Merie seemed to finally snap out of her sielnce. She reached for it slowly, looking over it as if it where a long lost prized possession. "Oh my goodness....is....is this....?" she questioned. Of course her question wasn't for Maliase as he looked rather oblivious about what the object in his hand was. But she wasn't. The minute A'Merie clasped the necklace in her hand the soft glow grew brighter and shone throughout the room like another sun which made A'Merie release it, allowing it to dangle from Maliase's fingers again. "Wh...what...was that..?" the girl whispered more to herself them to them. The gem on the neckless began to glow that soft dem light again once the princess let the neckless go which made her all the more curious. The neckless that Maliase held in his hand was special, especially to the royal family and it had been missing for centuries. Of course, A'Merie only ever heard stories of such a gem. It was said to have been lost in the pits of hell where no angel could touch it again. Oh how they where wrong.

A'Merie reached her hand out again to touch the necklace, but the same thing happened. However, this time in stead of releasing the necklace, A'Merie clasped the gem in her hand to dimen the light so that it wasn't more noticeable to outsiders outside of the library. After staring down at the neckless clasped in her hand, A'Merie smiled and let a tear trickle down her cheek,
"Prince Maliase..thank you. You have no idea how much returning this to my family would me to them. To us all.." she said in the sweetest of voices, bowing her head respectfully to the demonic prince.

@EasternGhost @Abana

@Seraph Darkfire


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