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Fantasy Angels VS. Demons:The Eternal War [Accepting!]


Zania flew into Malias and squeaked, she clung to his shoulder then crawled around his neck. She purred in his ear grateful she didn't have to fly anymore and moved her wing like she was pointing in the direction she had just come.
That way Prince! Princess Malori and Angel princess! That way! she didn't know if he understood her because all she heard was her small chirps and squeaks but she hoped he would head the way she was indicating.

She thought it weird to befriend an angel but princess Malori wanted to do just that. Princess Malori was young but had the heart of both a demon and an angel, Zania thought it strange since she was born purely demon but she loved Princess Malori like a mother and wouldn't question it. She waved her wing more trying to get Malias to move.

@Seraph Darkfire


Ēlectra "Haydie" Elstife

Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt

Hells greatest...

Everything was working out well this morning. Sure she had a pretty crappy day yesterday, but today was a new day and she was determined to get what she wanted. Suddenly Eurynome, one of her finest generals to hells army was by her side. Hearing her comment almost made her lose her composer, but she held it in so that she wouldn't frighten her little captive. Instead of turning to give her general a good hard, painful glare that would send her reeling with pain, she simply smiled at the boy and ignored the fallen angel at her side. For now. "Awwh dont be so mean Dene. I thought we where friends. And besides, you hardly ever come to Earth realm anymore. I thought since your parents where so strict and wouldn't understand our friendship if they caught us that I should bring you here to play. Away from prying eyes." she leaned in closer to his face and looked into the boys eyes, "We can play alll day and no one will bother us." she said, taping Dene's nose once gently with her fingernail then stood strait and smiled down at him. "Now! Why dont we take a little tour through the castle,hmm? At the end, I have a little surprise for you." Electra was being oddly...friendly. Something that was never seen before until she met this little boy. But of course, this was part of her plan. She would use the boy to do her bidding. After a few quick tweaks to his brain, Electra would have created the ultimate weapon to use against the angels. The king a queens own son.

After patting the little boy on the head, Electra placed her hands on his shoulders and turned him in the opposite direction of her and towards the door to the great hall
"And we're off!" she said with a cheer, then quickly tuned her head slightly to the left of her and spoke to Eurynome in a voice low enough that only she could hear, "If you ever..address me so informally again, ill have your head and hang your pretty tainted wings above my bed. Now, forget what your mission was before and ready your men for battle. We're taking a little field trip." and with that said, Electra nudged the little angel forward and began their "tour" of the castle


Gabriel spoke with Electra as they took this tour. "You think it would be easier on my strict parents to kidnap me instead of seek me out peacefully? Your logic confuses me, Electra. I see through your feigned friendliness, as well. I know there is something you want of me, what is it? Use me as a bargaining chip to get more little Angel Children to use as captives? Make me a Demon as you have offered before? Or maybe you just have a fetish for 8 year olds? Oh, I think that's it. Isn't it?" Gabriel asked coldly "And don't call me 'Dene', only my relatives call me 'Dene'" He knew she had some use for him, so he decided to push his boundaries a little, say what he never would at any other time. As they walked the Castle, he found it bland and dreary. Too...militiant, everything revolved around the War. He couldn't understand how they could live like this. Then again, they were Simple-Minded Demons. "Your Castle is disappointing, to say the least, Electra" he said, continuing to walk the Tour. Like he had a actual choice.

Malias nodded "Alright I get it" he said after Zania became more insistent. He started heading in the direction she was indicating. He wondered what was going on and extended his senses further, feeling the energy of another angel and frowned "This is strange" he said softly as he walked. What had Electra done now? If it was anyone's fault it would be his sister's. She was always causing trouble. She was also the first thing he thought of when something went wrong.

He felt the newer power in his body flare up with his annoyance towards Electra. He wondered if Electra had gotten any control over this new power yet. They now shared the same energy and were fairly equal in strength, at least by his estimation. They were balanced out. Now it was more of who could use this new power effectively.

Malori was headed to the library but something told her to go to the barracks, stopping she tugged the Angel down another corridor towards the outside of the castle. The demons trained but Malori kept the Angel close so that the demons didn't sense her presence. Reaching the barracks, a guard opened the doors and bowed, "how may I be of service, princess Malori?" , "Bring me Daakoon." The demon seemed to frown but ran off in search of Daakoon.

Malori went further inside, dragging the Angel with her and sat on a table crossing her legs. "Might as well sit down Angel." Malori was still waiting for the Angel to introduce herself to Malori but she could be patient with that. Demons around them cursed at each other and started punching, this didn't faze Malori but she knew the Angel would be frightened by the violence. So she pulled the angel to sit beside her on the opposite side of where the violence was occurring.

@Bambie @EasternGhost

♦♦♦ E U R Y N O M E




Eurynome's hands formed fists around the hilts of the swords at her waist, her grip so strong the gold molded to her fingers, allowing her dagger-like nails to poke against her palms and draw the faintest amount of blackened blood. Certainly she was surprised at the lack of an outburst from the royal, but more angry was she that her presence had been ignored entirely, by both parties at her side.

Set off by past events, the normally cold Fallen had reached a breaking point.

Here in this manor of monsters, shadows lay abundant, dark and dank and lacking any sort of friendly warmth. But these such shadows often spoke to the Fallen, whispered secrets in her ears, and they spoke to her now: to follow would be folly most unwise. There must be a reason of some sort for the demon princess' sudden change in demeanor. Certainly she had something planned for the angel boy whose hand she held. But that didn't stop the shadows from gathering at her feet, licking up her legs like flames while the two made move to depart. Her hand struck out, blocking the girl from moving forward.

My sincerest apologies, Princess. I humbly ask your forgiveness." She forced a calm into her voice and a placid look upon her face, the shadows dispersing at her words. "My men stand at your Father's command, ready and waiting my crow's call. Allow me, please, to make up for this transgression and escort you about the castle. The fortress is in weary shape, after all; it would be unwise to travel alone with the threat of avenging angels in the sky."

She would not be ignored again, no matter the threat from the royal. And so she followed along, mere steps behind the two, devouring every word said between them.

Dene? Dene... Where have I heard that name before? Dene, Dene... Who was-- And it hit her, like a bitter slap to the face. Electra had stolen not just any angel child, but a prince! She had never met this young fledgling, having been banished before A'Merie herself grew into her wings, but she had heard the name upon the wind many a time in her travels.

Eurynome was torn; here lay the chance at corrupting one of the King's own, the ultimate strike to his heart, and yet... he was barely a babe despite his high-sounding words. The Fallen lost focus at her task at hand, beginning to trail father and farther along behind her charges, consumed with broken thoughts.

@Bambie @KurtH6355 ]
Daakoon was contemplating ordering some of the privates who were knowledgeable as to where the shot glasses were to find some for him. When soldiers weren't training or fighting or eating or cleaning their quarters, they were normally gambling on card games or drinking. It was a soldiers profession and joy since ancient times. When all you did was fight and kill or train to fight and kill......drinking became sort of a "break" from all of the bullshit that soldiers experienced daily. Also, it was another form of gambling. Who could drink the most before they spilled their guts onto the table. Daakoon had won a few of those drinking matches already, but he was only an average drinker at best. He didn't care for the victory, he just drank because it passed the time and basically ripped him from reality for a while. An amazing gift once in a while.

He was just about to call for a private to do just that and gather a few others to having a drinking game at the round table in his own office room when a messenger bearing the summons from one of the Royalty, Princess Malori arrived.

More royalty? Since when had he become the personal errand boy for the Royalty? Since when had he gotten so down on his luck? He muttered a few curses here and there but sighed, and sucked it up, sending the messenger back to his own duties and heading for the Princess.

"This can't be good" Daakoon muttered to himself, his face as usual...void of any sort of emotion, but his head was pulsing with irritation and his chest beat wildly with nervousness.

Not fear, but nervousness because he was just sure some other randomly insane mission was to be given to him. His good luck had left him and his bad luck had apparently decided to push him down, drop it's pants and piss a hot steaming mess on his face....and didn't even give him the luxury of thinking "maybe it's rain".

He appeared outside of the barracks and came face to face with the Princess.

"What can I do for you My Lady?".


Ēlectra "Haydie" Elstife

Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt

Hells greatest...

The two walked aimlessly through the castle on there little "tour" and all the while the boy had not stopped talking which started to greatly irritate the demon princess. It wasn't JUST his talking that irked her, it was his smart remarks and lack of respect for her. Demon or not, the boy should have known better then to disrespect someone of royalty in their own home seeing as he was of royal blood himself After walking through countless rooms in the castle and having to listen to this little brat whine and complain, Electra had enough. The demoness stopped in her tracks, eyes closed, as it was nearly the entire time she had to listen to the boy speak to her as if she where one of his snot nosed little play mates as she called to him sweetly,"Oh deeene?" and the minute the little boy turned around, Electra lifted her right hand high over her shoulder and back handed him hard across the face, knocking him unconscious. "You talk to much..." she said with a smirk, finally silencing the loud mouthed parasite. Picking the boy up in her arm's, she looked down at his unconscious expression,making a face that looked as if she would vomit all over the halls. Angels where so repulsive. The woman then made her way down the hall, down a couple a flights of stairs and into the spooky looking basement. There, she was met with a verity of failure faces. "Hello my beauty's" she purred as she glanced over her many jars and vials of potions that she had collected over the cores of her life. Yes, Electra knew witch craft; as did most of the royal family, some more then others.

Electra made her way to the center of the large room and placed the boys limp body on the floor. After which she proceeded to gather up a few jars and vials from the various shelf's in the room that she would need for her spell and placed them all on a near by table. After gathering everything that she needed, Electra picked up a jar of deep purple powder and began sprinkling it on the floor around the boys body, encircling him. Then she proceed to gather a few dark red candles, lit them and placed them in a circle around the powder that surrounded the boy.
"Hem achtu mecht shtinbroza echt." she chanted in a ancient tong as she turn to the table adjacent to her and began picking up different vials and pouring small amounts of each into a small crystal glass, stirred, then made her way back to the sleeping angel as she began her ancient chant again. As she chanted, the flames from the candles flickered and grew more intense. Electra's eyes shifted black and her dark aura began to swirl around her. She felt it again. That power that she once felt when she had drank her mother's blood, but this time it was much more bearable.

Stepping over her the purple powder and candles and into her circle, Electra lifted the cup high in the air as she continued to chant, then, after a moment, lowered it and herself to her knees as she reached to clasp the boys chin and pulled down slightly, opening his mouth and pouring in the liquid mixture she had conjured up, after which she closed his mouth again and held her hand over his mouth, making sure that he swallowed it and didn't try to spit it out. Once the boy swallowed it, her spell would be complete. His soul would darken and he...would become her slave to do with as she willed. She...would become his sire.


Malori stayed seated as Daakoon approached, "Hi Daakoon, how are you this beautifully burning day in hell?" She sat back on the table and waved her hand to unveil the Angel, but she expected Daakoon to keep his gaze on Malori since she was of royalty and could have him punished though he probably knew she wouldn't do that. She didn't torture anyone like her siblings Electra, Aion and Alasci did. "Oh and by the way, I brought an angel with me." Demons around hissed and backed away as Malori began to stand not the table. "Listen up vermin, don't you dare rat this out to Princess Electra or I'll have my dragon rip out your organs and I won't mention what else she'll do, you all know Zania has a very large imagination." The demons nodded, knowing how Zania was all too well.

Sitting back down and crossing her legs, the Angel had fully been unveiled from Malori's cloaked spell. "Now, how are you, Daakoon?" The demons went back to arm wrestling and cursing as Malori watched Daakoon, she was very much interested in what was going on his the demon's head. Looking beside her at the Angel Malori poked her arm, "You aren't very polite for an angelic princess. I've waited for your name and you have yet to give it." Malori pouted a bit.

@EasternGhost @Bambie

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/downloadfile.jpeg.68583a27e10bd82654d5d89eaed67ed4.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54791" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/downloadfile.jpeg.68583a27e10bd82654d5d89eaed67ed4.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Gabriel could feel nothing through his unconsciousness. The occasional "Hem achtu...Echt..." some kind of chant that made him uncomfortable. He heard sounds, though, from within him, roars, screams, he saw images, vile images that he could only see some of. His head hurt, and not from the smack Electra, that bitch, had given him. His brain was swimming with new, and dark, evil thoughts. His hair began to change from Blue to a dreary Grey, and his eyes transformed to a dark red. His nails became blood red, his clothes seemed to change to a black shirt and jeans seamlessly, and his body elongated and matured unnaturally, within a span of a hour. A hour he was under, and it was when the Dark Liquid came into his mouth that the true transformation took place. There was a whole new War between Angels and Demons, and the Battlefield was within him. Within his Soul. After the hour, the Demons had won, and he was now one of them. He woke, tired, sweaty, and confused, not knowing where he was, until he spotted Electra. "What have you done to me?" He asked in a deeper, gruffer voice.




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With love~Å'Merie


When you'd cry I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears

And I held your hand through all of these years

And you still have all of me.

The rhythm of my heart...


A'Merie had followed silently after the two girls right back into the pit of hell. So much for her big escape. Coming back to this place immediately made her think of Light. She wondered if she was still alive or maybe enslaved somewhere. A'Merie did not know for sure that Light was dead as she kept hope alive. Poor girl. In thinking about Light she couldn't help but to also think about Deux. He was on Earth all alone where she had left him. 'I'm sorry Deux...please forgive me. But...I have to do this...I have to rescue my brother...' A'Merie had left him in a secluded area, far away from civilization with a place to lay his head and had even covered his scent. Her magic should last him at least until she returned back to Earth realm. Still, the little angel sent a silent prayer his way anyways, hoping that he would be safe and stay low until she had returned. All the while the angel had been thinking and praying to herself, Malori had been speaking to her, but of course, she was to preoccupied to have heard the girl ask for her name.

Finally, after walking through the castle, the two of them ended up in the barracks where many demon soldiers where fighting, drinking, cursing and doing many things that made A'Merie a little startled as she placed a hand over her chest. The girls waited patiently for someone, someone that she did not hear Malori call for so she hadn't known that the man she had summoned was none other then the demon that kidnapped her little brother.

A'Merie semi jumped when Malori spoke to her again, asking her for her name,
"Oh, m-my apologies. My..my name is.. A'M...." and then she saw him. Daakoon. He had made his appearance and A'Merie just stared at the man in awe, "You..." the girl whispered as tears ran down past her tear ducts. "You!" and that was when the girl broke. A'Merie ran right into Daakoons chest and began pounding at it with her fists. "Why! Why did you take him! Why didn't you just take me! where is my little brother! Answer me!" the angel cried as she continued to pound on the demons chest. Of course, her punches where no where near harmful to him. They where more like soft love taps.

@EasternGhost @Abana

Daakoon frowned at the Princess and felt himself muttering. Beautiful day in hell? Her sense of humor was disturbing, and that was an understatement. Daakoon said nothing for he had a feeling there was more to this meeting than he was getting the hang of. Then Amerie was revealed. He felt his nausea slam into him with an intense ferocity and his nervousness climb back up into his chest and cause his voice to die away and his ability to speak desert him. Then Malori ordered all present to say nothing and forget all on pain of death.

What the hell was going on?

As Amerie yelled at him and pleaded while lightly banging his chest as tears consumed her facial features. What could Daakoon say in response to her questions. There was nothing he could say as guilt threatened to overwhelm his other senses. Yet Malori's presence disturbed him and brought abut great curiosity.

Why would a Demon of Royalty openly defy her elder sister by bringing an Angel of similar Royalty so deep into Hell? What was happening here?

However, he caught Amerie's fists as they balled up to attack him once more and he held them down and then stepped a few steps backwards and got down on one knee.

"I'm truly sorry for what I've done. I....didn't want to do what I did. I would never dare ask for forgiveness because somethings are beyond such generosity of anyone. I made a vow to the child that if he was to be killed by Electra, I would take my own life in atonement. Still, to be killed by someone who was obviously close to him....is just as worthy an ending for someone like me. I leave my fate in your hands" Daakoon said, unsure whether his demonic life was to end just as pathetically as his human life had done so.


With love~Å'Merie


When you'd cry I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears

And I held your hand through all of these years

And you still have all of me.

The rhythm of my heart...


A'Merie blinked in surprise as the man clasped her hands and kneeled before her. He spoke of how he wished he didn't have to take her brother from her and how if her brother where to die that she was to take his life. The mere thought of this made A'Merie uneasy. Her? Kill someone? Never. Not even if that person had a hand in a relatives death. The girl just could not bring herself to do it. Still, there was something to be learned from Daakoons actions. It was that he was not the terrible demon that he believed himself to be. Despite him kidnapping her brother, A'Merie saw something in this man. She looked deep into his eyes, looking past the man, past the demon, right down to his very soul. This man wasn't bad. He was wounded. He was lonely and angry. That's all. There was nothing "demonic" about him from what she saw.

A'Merie allowed her weeping to cease as her expression softened. She reclaimed on of her hands that Dakoon had held in his and let her fingers just barely touch his cheek.
"No. There will be no more blood shed. To much blood has be spilled this day. If you wish to atone, you will help me bring my brother back to safety." her expression was calm, her eyes understanding, her heart not filled with hate or malice, but with love and forgiveness. The angelic creature then shifted her gaze to Malorie who still sat atop of the table. "I have heard of your brother, the prince, and his wishes to make peace with that of the angels. This...this is how it can be done. Please...please help me bring my brother home. I know that I ask much, but I believe that your actions in doing so will most certainly put us on the right track to formulating a peaceful alliance together." for once in her life, for the first time ever, A'Merie began to act like a true princess. All she ever wanted was peace. For both realms to live happy and prosperous lives as equals. But she knew that it would take a lot of work to build up to that. In that moment she swore to herself, she swore on her honer as a royal princess of the Kortsy family and on her life that she would do any and everything in her power to make things right again. This war WILL end.

@EasternGhost @Abana

Malori started laughing as the Angel tried to hurt Daakoon with her delicate hands until Daakoon stopped her. Malori looked at him when he mentioned suicide, "you will do no such thing, Daakoon. You will help to get that boy back, won't you?" She stood up and crossed her arms, "you don't think I'll allow an angel to be the reason one of my favorite demons die, do you?" Daakoon was her favorite besides her brother Malias but of course she was just Malias' sister so no hope there.

Sighing she leaned back against the table, "
stand up, Daakoon. Did Electra say anything as to why she wanted the boy?" Malori craved peace and hoped Daakoon would aid with that but she wanted him to keep guessing on her motives as to why she was asking question that a demonic princess would never ask. Hell, she wanted him to keep guessing why she wanted to befriend an angel.

She had heard the Angel speak but kept her focus of Daakoon, she'd get the boy back but the Angel didn't know how to get around Electra. She withheld her growl when the Angel barely touched Daakoon's cheek, jealousy raging through her,
"Angel, let the demons worry about your brother. Right now I need to keep you a secret from Electra for as long as I can."

@Bambie @EasternGhost
Amerie's words were....unexpected. Malori's....even more so. Favorite? Was someone tossing him a bone and then trying to whack him in the jaw with it when he reached for it? It felt so. A trick? Pretty damn good one.

He nodded and stood as Malori addressed him further. Help save the boy? Peace between Angels and Demons? That seemed....hilariously impossible...yet it was an idea he could get behind....even if he thought it was foolish. In his human and demon lives both...heroes always met tragic endings at the hands of the villains. Yet here he was...considering becoming such a thing as a hero.

"You're all insane . Going against Electra is going to be so annoying. I'll join you though. It will be a change of pace I think. Playing the reluctant and unwilling villain is annoying....so where do we go from here?" Daakoon asked as he eyed both Amerie and Malori...beginning to realize his fate was tied to theirs in more ways than one.

It wasn't so....annoying.
Malias showed up at the baracks, under the direction of Zania and spotted Malori and Daakoon. He then noticed the small figure near them and cocked his head. She was well cloaked, that was for sure, but he was able to recognize her. He walked over to them and placed his hand on top of Malori's head "Sweet sister, care to tell me what is going on" he said gently running his fingers through her hair.

"A lot of things seem to be happening when I am trying to rest and I am assuming that it is our sister's fault" he sighed "I can't even take a day off without her causing some sort of commotion" he was still relatively weak after the previous days events. He had a few ideas on how to deal with Electra, though it depended on him finding the right magical spell.

@Abana @Bambie @EasternGhost
Malori blushed when Malias appeared, running his fingers through her hair nearly purring herself from how good it felt. "Um, I th-thought you might help w-with the dilemma Electra has brought upon us. Apologies for being a nuisance, brother." She looked away trying to hide her blush and cleared her throat, "Daakoon took this angel's brother to Electra and I want to get him back." Zania hissed at the Angel and was rewards with a glare from Malori, the little dragon hopped off Malias onto Malori's shoulder. She glanced from the Angel, Daakoon, and Malias, quickly averting her gaze from Malias,"maybe we should talk somewhere more private?"

@Bambie @Seraph Darkfire @EasternGhost
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Daakoon frowned as more Demon Royalty felt the need to make it's presence known. Malias. Daakoon knew very little...if anything of him. Very few mentioned negative comments on him. Though few mentioned Malori either so maybe there was a trend there somewhere. Daakoon eyed Malori and Malias and wondered if he had made the correct choice. He was more or less about to join a rival faction of Electra who was more or less Queen...even if she hadn't been thoroughly crowned and it wasn't official.

Insanity....nothing less.

Daakoon eyed Malias and felt the need to ask a question which in a indirect way, was meant for Malori as well.

"So, I assume I'll be the royal errand boy considering my rank as nothing more than a fancy commoner and for the fact that I'm little more than a Squad Leader in the military?" asked Daakoon, once again wondering if he was making the right choice.

Had he just traded one type of Royalty for another? Still, Amerie's presence made him question even those views. Maybe he was making the right choice. That was the problem with Fate. It never gave you clear cut answers....it just forced you along for the ride and dumped you off at your destination whether you enjoyed it or not.

What kind of demon was Malias? Maybe his response could decide.

@Seraph Darkfire

Malias looked at Daakoon "Do what you believe is right" he said calmly "Follow, Lead, whatever makes you comfortable" Malias did believe ruling over his subjects was a good thing, but he didn't believe in treating them poorly based on when they were born or what family they grew up in. How someone acted in the face of a hard choice was what he liked to see.

"I won't force you do anything you don't want to do, but if I believe you are the best choice for the task at hand, I'll ask you to do it, it is your choice whether or not you refuse me" Malias said "I'm not like Electra and I won't threaten you with pain if you choose not to follow me"

"A king works for his people, not the other way around" his eyes glowed "I can't change the way demons are, some are evil and love hurting others, some are kind and would prefer a peaceful life, but it is my job to help them all, no matter how I feel on the subject"

He looked at Malori "Yes, lets find somewhere to talk, Electra is bound to have a pair of ears listening for talks against her" he would help Electra too, whether or not she wanted it.

@EasternGhost @Abana @Bambie
Malori looked at Daakoon when he asked his question, she hadn't heard a demon speak like that to royalty so it came as a shock to actually hear it. She stood beside her brother and nodded to what he said, "Malias is right. You can choose to help or hide away with the booze. But if you are going to help then take us somewhere so that we may speak privately."

The demons in the area weren't cursing as loudly as they were before, they seemed to be listening and Malori really didn't want to sic Zania on the lot that were very obviously listening to their conversation.

With love~Å'Merie


When you'd cry I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears

And I held your hand through all of these years

And you still have all of me.

The rhythm of my heart...


When Malorie seemed to be on board with her plan, the princess couldn't help but to smile as a wave of relief washed over her heart. She wasn't the only one seeking peace after all it seemed. Just then, Maliase had walked in with the familiar little dragon on his shoulder. A'Merie bowed her head towards him in greeting and in respect. It was only appropriate to show proper respect to one of his standing in his own home; she expected no such gesture in return of course. A'Merie was never one for formality's towards her. Bow. Don't bow. Neither mattered; though she some what preferred for people not to. Though, yes, she was a princess, everyone was just as much deserving of respect as she was.

As the conversation trended on, A'Merie just listened which was all she could do at that point.

'So, this is Maliase..' the girl thought, and couldn't help but to feel oddly grateful to him. In some strange way, she was in his debt. Actually, she really WAS indebted to him. It was he that sent his servant girl to free her from Electra's dragon and protect her until she made it safely out of hell. The girl owed him much.

From beside her she could feel Daakoons tension from what she assumed was him trying to figure out what course of action to take. Of course she hoped that he would choose to help her. Help them. But as Maliase had stated, it was entirely up to him. Gently, A'Merie placed a gentle hand on his arm to reassure him and tried to communicate through her eyes that everything would be alright. She forgave him. Though yes her brother was still captive and it WAS his doing, she forgave him. Why? Because he was worthy of forgiveness. Everyone was.

@EasternGhost @Abana

@Seraph Darkfire

Daakoon was once more reminded of Amerie's presence nearby when her soft hand was placed upon his arm. He turned and her grey eyes bored into his own and he decided right then and there.

"Alright. Shall we move along then? Like usual, spies are nearby. I live in the barracks with them...I know most of those who are in and out at all hours of the night informing and tattling on their neighbors to people of Higher position in hopes or promotion. I can point out certain grunts and which Royalty they report too. Not all, but quite a few Better to be moving now while we can" said Daakoon.

"Physical pain and death aren't worth fearing. A person's mind can do far more harm to themselves than anyone else can do with a fist" Daakoon said.

Guilt was a deadly thing because if left unresolved....it killed you slowly and more painfully than anyother way.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Winner.jpg.39ed5f8f315c3ff785f0eba71697563c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54838" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Winner.jpg.39ed5f8f315c3ff785f0eba71697563c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> CHARMIENE KORTSY (THE QUEEN)

I walk to my marriage tree, the white bark glinting- sparkling, but that does not confuse me. It is normal. The light in the garden is bright, brighter than it normally is. It is golden and it colors my dress as so. The grass on my bare feet suddenly is no longer soft but hard, cutting into the soles. I look down to see rock, dark rock. The rock of a cave floor. My heart begins to race, jump, scamper about my chest. I felt as if it were trying to get out of my ribs. A dark precense loom sbehind me. I feel it.

"There is a dark seed in the Garden Of Heaven, Charmeine." I jump and gasp, my legs going weak. The voice chuckles, mocking me, and a hand grips my bare shoulder, claws digging into my flesh, but I do not bleed red. My blood is silver, dripping down my skin, running down my forearm. I do not feel the pain, but I do feel the horror. "You have planted a dark seed in the midst of your home, in the midst of your children."

"I am not awake," I whisper, my voice quivering. I know I am not awake. I am dreaming.

"Oh, but you are, little angel. Your soul is awake."

"How are you here, then?" I ask, my voice a whisper. "You have no soul."

"Everyone has a soul." He twisted me around, and as I was turned my garden bled away to the walls of the cave from so many centuries ago. What stood in front of me was not Zumek, not the one that I knew, but a gnarled mockery of the handsome demon. "But the soul shows what truly lies beneath the skin."

I begin screaming, shaking my arm to get lose from the monster. The tusks on his face are large, curved and bloodstained. His naked body has heads, dead heads with white eyes and open mouths, protruding from it. The flesh of his form is splattered with dry blood and gore. From the waist down, Zumek has the legs of an ox, the black fur clumped and the stench of decomposition hits my nostrils. I am still screaming, fighting. He presses his gnarled hand against my lips, silencing me.

"Look for yourself, Angel Queen," he hissed, holding a silver hand mirror to my face and I see myself... but it is not myself. My white hair is black and my eyes are a stromy gray. A thick chain is wrapped multiple times around my throat and when I see it, I suddenly feel it. It is strangling me, cutting into my skin and hindering my air supply. I sway and fall. Zumek drifts away from my sight as the black falls over my vision.

The Queen wakes in her garden with her husband and two watchers looming over her. She jerks upright, clutching her throat in panic and crying out. Her fifth element is running rampant, causing her soul to jump in her core. She tries to calm Spirit, begging it to relax her. Begging it to relax itslef.

She looks around her quickly, looking for Zumek and the cave walls, but they are not there. The queen pulls her legs to her chest and rests her head aginst her knees.

"Inias?" she whispers, looking up to Inias with her large Blue and Green eyes, swimmin gwith unshed tears. "What color is my hair?" She brushed her hand through her still snowy curls, her fingers shaking enough to tangle them in the strands.




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Ēlectra "Haydie" Elstife

Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt

Hells greatest...

All the while her magic was taking its coarse in the boys body, Electra had begun cleaning up and reorganizing her "magic" room. Call it spring cleaning if you will. "Finally awake I see..." the princess commented casually, not really paying to much attention to the demon made angel that sat up from within her still binding circle. The transformation was complete, however, her binding the boy to her was not. Not yet. "Ohh, nothing special. Just made you attractive, more powerful, less bratty and more...heh...demonic." As Electra placed the last remaining potion bottle on the shelf, she taped her chin and smiled, proud to see her hard work pay off. Her room of doom was now all reorganized and to her liking. 'Damn, I love me...'

Heels where heard clicking from behind the boy as the demoness stalked over to a table just outside the circle. Picking up the same jar that contained the deep purple dust used to create her magic circle. Electra pinched a small amount from the jar, walked up to Gabriel, knelt down so that she was eye level with him and blew it in his face
"Nemun.". NOW her binding was complete. From that moment forward the boy would be bound to her, compelled to do as she wished. Sure the boy had a mind and will of his own, but when it came to Electra he would willingly desire to do as she wished. It was not mind control. More like a personality switch. The spell that the princess had cast on him was "cordisreformationem" which literally translates to "change of heart". For the spell to work, one must harbor darkness in their heart, which normally for an angel is nearly impossible. That was until she had found her little "friend".

Now that everything was put into place and her spell was complete, Electra stood and raised her hands at either side of her as she chanted under her breath, then went around the circle and began blowing out the candles, closing her circle. After she was finished, she turned around and looked down at her new creation, priding herself on what an amazing job she had done.
"Now, be a good little boy and go upstairs and get washed up. Mama has some business to take care of." she said in somewhat of a motherly tone, though she still sounded like the same old bossy Mc bossy pants Electra.

Relief washed over Inias as Charmeine woke up. He leaned back as she sat upright. "Are you okay? Do you need to go to the infirmary? I'm so glad you're alright. I thought..." Charmeine's whispers silence him. "You hair? It is white, like it always is. Why do you ask?" The question seemed so random. Inias looked at his wife with concern. How can she not know what color her hair is? "Charmeine, what is the matter? Did something trouble you?" He took a step back to look at the scene. She must have had a bad dream. He got closer to her and wrapped his arms around her. "It is going to be okay. No matter what happened and whatever will happen, I'll be there."


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