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Fantasy Angels VS. Demons:The Eternal War [Accepting!]

Jude Vesheriah Ambrose

Vesher felt the uncomfortable prickles of goosebumps. "I can feel a thorn amongst the flower petals, an ebon glow amongst the holy onyx"... Oh dear god, please, please don't be talking about me. He couldn't help but quietly take a few steps back, to where he no longer stood in front of a column, but to where he was in its shadow and closer to the wall. He tried to be as unsuspicious as possible while logically breaking down his panic. He wondered if he should leave, then chastised himself for being so paranoid. Not everything is about you, you know, He mentally hissed at himself, You should be more concerned about the safety of Heaven than whether of not everyone seems to think you're an inherent screw-up. And besides... if that ancient warrior thinks I'm a threat, not only is he probably right, but even if he isn't, nobody would believe in my word against his.

But then the princess mentioned a friend from another world, perhaps the foreigner Malphaerus detected, and he felt a little comforted. At the same time, his goosebumps were not dissipating, almost like... he was being...

Through a crack in the wall behind him, he could see a golden eye peaking through. In one swift movement, he darted through the door and unsheathed his sword, drawing it on the spy, "Who are you and what do you think you're doing?" he growled in the best soldier-voice he could muster. He still wasn't used to this, after all.

@Malphaestus @RiahB @ChristinaXIV @WeabooTrash


Ēlectra "Haydie" Elstife

Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt

Hells greatest...

Her eyes fluttered open as the light from the outside world crept past her curtens. Looking from side to side, Electra sighed and just closed her eyes again. She was home, safe, and surrounded by her little pets; Alec, Darius,Emmet, and Ragon. The five of them lye atop of the furs of her bed, nude and seemingly content. Seemingly. Electra was a bit troubled. While she slept, she dreamt that she was fighting someone, someone that frightened her. Frightened HER! The person she fought and feared was none other then...herself. She found herself in a epic battle to the death and the real her lost. No one helped her. No one mourned her death. She was just...dead. Of course this didn't sit well with the future queen. Something was definitely wrong. She was slipping and didn't know what was causing it, but she would slip no more, that she swore.

Sitting up in her bed, Electra moved her limbs and stretched a bit, checking to see if her body was finished having its little tantrum. One long annoying tantrum. then her stomach growled. Apparently her body wasn't done acting up just yet which made her sigh. 'Well, at least i'm just hungry' after taking a cleansing breath just sat in silence and thought for a while before finally speaking,
"Darius. I'm hungry. Fetch me some food" and as if Darius was Laserus, he immediately woke up to the sound of his queens voice. The demon servant wasted no time. His queen was hungry so he would tend to her needs and bring her a feast for her to choose from. "Yes my queen. I shall return momentarily." Darius said as he pulled his pants over his legs with one hand and and slipped on his t-shirt with another. He was out of the door in a flash and headed to the kitchen where the cooks would surly be preparing breakfast for the royal family. Electra sighed dramatically and sank back onto her bed as Alec and Ragon wrapped there muscular arms around her "Good morning my queen. Is there anything this one can do for her highness?" Alec said as he sat up from his place at the foot of her bed. The five of them fit perfectly with more room to spare. Electra was always one that loved the finer things and that included a bed that was capable of fitting across a small room.

The demoness simply groaned in response to Alec's question which made him smirk a bit as he tried very hard not to laugh. Before much longer, Darius had returned to the room and had brought four other servants with him who carted in platters of food. The dishes consisted of; pancakes, bacon,sausage,fruit,muffins,more fruit, juice,french toast, the list went on. Except eggs. She hated eggs. The smell of the food had taken over the lovely perfumey smell that always lingered in her room and it made Electra's mouth water. Even her servant boys had started salivating. Of course, they knew that the food was meant for their queen. They would not complain.
"Go. My queen wishes to eat in peace." Darius commanded which made the servants scurry off in a bit of a run. Though Darius to was a servant, he was a special, more high ranking servant if you will. At certain moments the four men had the authority to command lesser servants so that Electra didn't have to waist her breath doing it herself. After all of the servant's where out, Darius began fixing a plate full of food and brought it to Electra as she sat up in her bed. She wasted no time and began scarfing down the food as if she haden't eaten for day's. COme to think of it, she hadn't. The most she had was a couple of grapes the previous day. Seeing as Electra drank blood for sustenance, she had no need for "mortal" food. It was mainly a delicacy for her. However, today was different. "Eat." she commanded to her four warrior's, and as always they did as they where told.


Deux paused, he'd been caught, completely, his appearance practically reeked of demon, he'd never had time to change from the time he had arrived in this beautiful land and he still wore his demonic leather armor, the shreds and blood on it marking him as someone who had seen combat, though, in truth, Deux wanted no part of it. He was cornered now, he could feel the blade near him as his eyes were clamped shut and his knees practically quivered in fear.
"I... I... I just... I'm... Um... I'm..." With the sudden confrontation, he stammered about as he tried to remember his name.

"D-Deux..." He swallowed a hard lump in his throat as he raised his hands in defense, "Please... Please... D-Don't hurt me..." His eyes were frantic now as he looked all around for a route of escape.

@s o l o
With love~Å'Merie


When you'd cry I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears

And I held your hand through all of these years

And you still have all of me.

The rhythm of my heart...


Before A'Merie could confide in her mother, she heard someone in the hall speaking to a mystery person. It was Deux. He hadn't listened to her and entered the castle. She could feel it. "No..." quickly she dashed across the room and out of the door where she spotted Deux being held by sward point "No..no please. Don't hurt him! He is my friend." the princess exclaimed as she ran over to Deux and stood in front of him protectively, "Please...do as your princess asks of you..please put down your sword and stand down. He is no threat to us." as always, A'Merie NEVER commanded, only asked of her subjects to do as she wished. And though they where in a dire situation, her voice remand that silky sweet tone that she held so well. A'Merie vowed that she would keep Deux safe and give him a home and that she would do..no matter what.

@ChristinaXIV @RiahB @Guilded Clover

Jude Vesheriah Ambrose

Vesher studied the culprit quickly, deciding he was certainty from Hell, and possibly a warrior if his bloodied armor was a true indicator. He was surprised that someone who looked to be a warrior utterly lacked the manner of one. Perhaps it really was just a costume, though he couldn't think of a reason to wear such a thing in Heaven's castle, of all places. Maybe it was his behavior that was the act. Demons were tricky like that, after all.

The half-angel's stance remained guarded and his tone calm, "Nobody has to get hurt here, Deux." Though he was suspicious, his instincts didn't seemed to be as alarmed as he thought they should be. He hoped it wasn't because of his own empathy for the clearly frightened demon, after all, spying in the throne room was serious business. You're such a weak heart. Concentrate! "For your own sake, as long as you cooperate-"

Suddenly the princess was shielding the demon, and Vesher withdrew slightly in alarm, his sword at half-mast. Holding his princess at sword point was certainty not something he wanted to do, or be seen doing, "Princess! I- I- I will certainty do as you wish, but please get away from him. I am obligated to protect you, ma'am, and I am not certain this fellow can be trusted. Please, step away. I do not resort to violence unless it is clearly needed." His posture grew much more relaxed, and his sword tip touched the ground, but he knew that if he needed to, he could move lightening fast.

@Malphaestus @WeabooTrash

The half-breed gave pause as the blade halted itself, he was being hassled, but gently, the angel who was holding him in his solid movement seemed to have a way about him, for some odd reason or the other, Deux believed that he wouldn't have died. The princess stepped in, granting him a subtle salvation from whatever punishment this angel was about to dish out for him snooping. "I... I wouldn't... No, never..." He looked down and saw his bloody garments as he forced a gasp from his lungs, "I... Princess, tell him, please... Tell him about everything, I'm not a threat, I swear on my life!" He was becoming more and more frantic as his situation became more dire. If any of the bigwigs sitting in the room opposite the one he was in heard the commotion, he'd be dead within moments.

Daakoon frowned as he had witnessed the conflict between between the Royal Family member Electra and an Angel who whispers and subtle voices had named "Light". Light? It seemed ironic and slightly amusing in a way that a being named "Light" was snuffed out by one of...shall we say..."Shadier" proportions. In all famous fairy tales, the Light always defeated the Dark. If only that were true. Sadly, reality tends to spit on those fairy tales and most naive individuals never even realize it until their lives are mauled and beaten and they themselves are little more than hollow shells of whom they once were.

It didn't matter however. Daakoon had long ago made peace with his past regrets and painful memories. They still ached and burned at his conscience, but then what Demon didn't feel some sort of pain somewhere? Daakoon wasn't an Angel...he didn't flutter about and look "pretty". No, he was where he was comfortable. A demon. He was of no particular high class or great rank. He was little more than a lowly minor officer in the endless ocean of Demon warriors, but it was comfortable. He remembered his human life and during those days when he had had wealth, respect, and authority, it had been....troublesome. Too much responsibility. Daakoon was openly admit he was lazy and would want to do as little possible as he could and get by with it.

Bossing people around was annoying. He hated to be bossed around but it was simple and after he finished his job, he was left alone. That was satisfactory. Rank was irritating. It took a special kind of person to be able to lead endless legions of people properly and not make a mess of it or let the power go to their head. Daakoon had never reached that level, but he didn't see himself as much of a leader and so didn't think he was that type of special person. He was the lone wolf. Too many people meant too much movement. He'd learned to be wary of crowds and large groups when he had lived as a human. That habit had saved his life several times. He'd never dropped that habit. It was a part of his personality now, and so was needed.

The military barracks were abnormally warm during these days, and sitting in his particular room which he shared with no one, courtesy of finally reaching a minor officer rank, he felt satisfied in his solitude. He didn't mind people, but solitude and silence had this sort of relaxing vibe that couldn't be recreated any other way. Electra....the great and favored one of the King. She had turned out to be a little "nutty". I suppose a sudden influx of strength will do that to you. Sometimes Daakoon could relate. Sometimes. He didn't know her background and her history so he felt no need to judge or think much of it. Everyone had nails in the coffins of their pasts that needed to be carefully treated. Everyone hurt from something. Life was fragile like that. No one was immune. No one was truly invincible. It just takes the right combination and anyone and anything can become fallen. Living as a human so many years ago had taught Daakoon this. It was sweet though while it lasted. Not all the memories were bad ones. Just most of them.

So a new war with the Angels is on the horizon? So annoying. Just when Daakoon was just finally getting settled. Nothing remained golden forever.

Nothing is beautiful because it lasts forever. It's beautiful because it's time is limited and one day it will be gone forever. Like a rare and precious jewel. Peace. Such a fleeting dream. Did peace truly exist? Or was it all a dream that Demons and Angels would soon awaken from. Almost like a pleasant dream which morphed into a nightmare. It seemed possible. Maybe it would be. Hunger gripped Daakoon.....he left his room in the barracks and made his way elsewhere. Food. One of the last few beautiful things i a world where Demons live and breathe.

Imagine that.
With love~Å'Merie


When you'd cry I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears

And I held your hand through all of these years

And you still have all of me.

The rhythm of my heart...


As the solder lowered his weapen, A'Merie felt herself relax a little. She turned to the now frantic Deux and placed her finger over her lips "Sssshhhh" she hushed hum as she took the hand of both the solder and Deux and ran down the hallway before anyone could spot them. She ran and ran, ducking and dodging any servant or solder that was on patrol in the castle. The princess didn't stop running until she got outside, deep into her garden away from prying eyes. After checking to see if the coast was clear, A'Merie let go of the boy's hands and turned to face them,"Now, Deux...I...I need to hide you. I'm going to take you to a safe place until I talk to my parents. But right now I really need you to stay low." she hoped he understood her actions. At that moment it was not safe for him, and it was not the right time to pour everything out to her parent's. They where already on edge as it was and she knew that if she told them now that they would just act on emotion and would probably kill him. She couldn't have that. She wouldn't. A'Merie then turned her attention to Jude, "And you...Jude is it? I need to you do something for me. I know it is much to ask, but....I need you to keep this a secret for me. Can you do that?" she asked, hoping that he would do as she asked. Of course she would tell her parents soon. Right now she just needed everything to cool down.

@ChristinaXIV @s o l o

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Malori yawned and rolled over, nearly plummeting off the roof of barracks. Though she didn't freak out, it would take a lot more to scare her. Looking over the edge, she draped her arm to hang off the side as she laid on her stomach. She watched the demons come and go eating pieces of meat cups of blood, it's morning, I passed out and slept on this wretched roof all night. Groaning she picked up Zania who was now in a dragon form and rolled off the roof to land on the ground, crouched low so her legs wouldn't take much from the impact. Standing up straight, she stretched then combed her fingers through her hair as she made her way back inside the castle. She headed to the kitchen and noticed servants were already preparing her meal. She loved human foods, it didn't fill her appetite but it sustained her for a bit.

A plate was set on the table with foods around it and a glass of blood making her cringe although she loved the taste, the sight made her queasy sometimes. Zania remained asleep on her lap as she ate the meal and drank the blood.

Finished with her meal, she went back outside and went to the training grounds. A servant brought a chair over so Malori sat down and pulled her legs underneath her, Zania squirmed to get comfortable and fell back to sleep. Curled up she leaned on the arm of the chair and closed her eyes, the sound of demons fighting, growling, cursing, and training oddly sent her to sleep.


Ēlectra "Haydie" Elstife

Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt

Hells greatest...

After finishing her breakfast, Electra had dismissed her cuddly man servants and decided to get dressed and get started on her new plans. Plans to destroy heaven and every angel in it of course. The demon princess went through her daily routine; taking a nice hot bubble bath, followed by primping in front of the mirror for hours (not really) due to her being so vein, and finally getting dressed, sliping on a long black dress that hugged her body perfectly and had a huge slit down the front to show off her long flawless legs. Her hair hung down in big loose curls, falling down past her shoulders like black silk. She was perfect. As always of course. She was ready to start the day and take on the world as if yesterday didn't happen.

After she had finished dressing and primping, the marvelous self proclaimed queen burst through the doors of her room and began strutting down the hall way towards the kitchen. She had a bone to pick with the cook. The minute she walked into the kitchen everyone had immediately stopped what they where doing and bowed,
"Good morning princess" they all chanted in unison. but of course she payed them all no mind. All she wanted was, "You..." she hissed, pointing one long well manicured fingernail at the head cook. "What have I told you..." the woman hissed as she walked square up to the demon chief and wrapped her hand around his neck, letting her long claws pierce his skin. He knew full well what his mistake was. Egg's. She HATED them and yet the cook chose this day out of all days to forget and serve it to her anyways. Of course, this greatly pissed her off. Electra needed order and for people to do what they where told and if they strayed from that...well..."The next time you serve it to me you little cockroach, ill scramble you up and feed you to my dragon. Do. you...understand me?" the chief choked and groaned beneath her claws, slowly turning blue in the face from the lack of oxygen he was getting, "Y...ye....princ.....ess....." the cook barley choked out, which resulted in Electra finally releasing him. The chief fell helplessly to the floor and began gasping for air, rubbing the wounds on his neck gently for comfort. Everyone began scurrying around her and got back to work for fear of being the angry princesses next victim.

As she was just about to leave the kitchen, she spotted a solder mustering up a plate of food when she had an idea.
"You there, boy. Come here." she commanded as she wiggled her finger at him. After her business in the kitchen, Electra was just about to be on her way to the barrics to pick out a solder to do her bidding. However, why would she need to walk all the way there when there was a perfectly good solder right there that was somewhat fit enough to do her biding.



Daakoon hadn't even fully drowned his plate in the beautifully sloppy and greasy food when he heard a voice that made him outwardly groan. It may have been a little louder than necessary, but considering Electra herself had called for his attention, it felt right. He sat his plate down onto the serving line, quite sure it would be cold and unfresh by the time he returned to pick it back up. He had no illusions that Electra would care if his food was warm or not. Or maybe she would, who knew? Most people in the barracks that Daakoon had noticed, hoped that they never met Electra face to face or were ordered by her to do something personally. Daakoon wasn't quite sure if he should chuckle at his luck, or ball a fist up and throw a tantrum. Throwing a tantrum seemed tiresome to Daakoon.

Daakoon sighed deeply and turned to face his upper crusted leader.

Electra had always been noted for her beauty, even amongst the grunts and pawns in the barracks. Her outward personality completely gutted and mauled her attractiveness and made her completely undesirable. Of course, she being of the "High End" of the Demonic Society, the lower specks of military like Daakoon and the others of the barracks needn't surface on her her radar. Which was fine with Daakoon. He liked nuts with his chocolate, but Electra sometimes struck Daakoon as a PayDay bar in the human world. All nuts...very little of anything else.

Daakoon didn't really like or trust any royalty. They all thought they were more important than others like him, or so they seemed to act that way. Maybe they didn't really feel that way, it didn't matter however. Daakoon just wanted to eat. However the "boy" title had irked him a bit. Daakoon had never been very skilled at showing facial expressions, and seemed to always look bored. One other soldier a while back had commented that his eyes seemed to the eyes of a corpse. Void of anything resembling life. Maybe so.

"What do you require of me my Lady?".
Jude Vesheriah Ambrose

"Good." The half-angel sighed. He really hadn't wanted to use force, or upset the princess, "Then there's no need to panic. Now, it's not my place to judge what should happen. I need to take you with me to the-" Vesher's eyes widened as the princess took his hand and pulled both him and Deux. He fought the reflex to break free and let her tug him along, feeling obligated to do as she wished, but nervously hoping nobody had seen him being yanked like a rag doll through the hallways. Not to mention, he hoped that the fact he'd nervously shrunk away, then quickly slipped out of the room, then ended up sprinting away, all when the ancient warrior mentioned an intruder, had not been noticed by anyone in the throne room. Though he had his reasons, that had to look bad.

Oh, I've done it now. I really should have been more firm- even if she is the princess. Who am I kidding, I can't order anyone around.

As he was pulled into the garden, he caught his breath, and stared at A'Merie with disbelief, "Are you asking to harbor an intruder? Ma'am, please, I don't doubt you have nothing but good intentions. But you are 16, and not a military strategist. Also, you could be under other influences... I know full well that Hell has mind altering effects." His eyes darted to the demon. Jude.

Vesher's eyes widened, "Yes I- nobody has called me that... in a... in a very long time..." Memories of his mother were triggered, something that was usually very fleeting, and he shook his head as if to clear it. He felt weakened by the emotion suddenly clouding his head, "Most call me Vesheriah, or Vesher. I want nothing but to follow your wishes, princess, but I am greatly concerned for your safety, and Heaven's safety." He frowned, his head swimming with uncertainty. Let him go... and risk disaster. Take him in... and ignore the desperation n the A'Merie's eyes. Deux has to mean something to her for a reason for her to take a risk like this.

@ChristinaXIV @Bambie

"I... Light." He paused, understanding the only thing he could remember was the one girl's word. Her name, a sole verbal excuse he had formulated in his mind. His recollection was poor, his eyes darted to the princess, then back to the warrior, a slow daze to them as his mind was filled with remorse. "Her name... Was Light..." He clenched his fists, "She promised me... We'd all leave together..." He turned to the princess as he hung his head, practically shaking in his blood soaked armor, "We'd all leave together!" He put his hand on her shoulder and pushed, hard. "She never completed that because she had someone to protect! I'm a fault to blame, but on that note, so are you!" He felt tears sliding down his cheeks in that secluded place. "She could've still been alive... If it wasn't for... If it wasn't for..." He gritted his teeth as he began to shout, "All of this is your fault! I could've still been living in peace with that gang if she hadn't come to that damned place looking for you!"

@Bambie @s o l o


Ēlectra "Haydie" Elstife

Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt

Hells greatest...

With her sensitive hearing, of course she heard the demon soldier groan when she called him over. Her instinct was to simply rip out his throat and find a new, more eager soldier to do her bidding, but instead, she wrote it off. For now. "I need you to do a little mission for me. Discreetly." Electra remembered the last time she had someone do something for her, her brother had interfered and ruined everything. Well she would NOT let that happen this time. "I need you to go fishing." yes, the request was odd, but she obviously didn't literally mean for him to go fishing for her. No. There was much more meaning to what she was telling him, "Go to earth realm. Station yourself there and be on the look out for...an angel. A small child. Eight. Blue hair. He shouldn't be hard to find. Bring him to me at once." she commanded, then turned and made her way to the kitchens exit, "Oh, and please don't fail me. If you do...well....you really don't need me to tell you the consequences of failure, do you?" with a little wink, the demoness to her leave and made her way down the hall again.



A small child with blue hair?

The hell?

"I should've stayed in the damn barracks" Daakoon muttered to himself.

Go to Earth.

"This little "mission" will be so nostalgic and annoying, I swear it feels like someone set it up just for me. How thoughtful of them...." Daakoon muttered as he collected his food tray once more.

"Imagine that, it didn't take long enough for it to go cold. Funny".

Daakoon ate his meal and then prepared to move on to the Earth Realm. He knew how to reach it and was quite capable of making it there alone. He'd built a life as a human there once upon a time. Kidnapping an angel child. Sounds like the beginning to a horrible B-rated comedy movie. One with an annoying ending that makes no sense and causes someone the set the theater on fire when they are refused a refund. Funny how the mind can create such interesting scenes. Who needs television nowadays.

"Don't fail her eh? I can't say I'm too worried about that. The worst she could do is kill me. I've been down that road already. Not fun, but it's familiar" Daakoon muttered, his irritation growing but none of it showing, yes, a poker face from hell....literally.

Using his usual methods of portals and whatnot, Daakoon chose his old stomping grounds from when he was human. They were the same old gutter slums they had been when he lived in them. Daakoon only had one particular destination in mind however. A certain graveyard that had more meaning to him than any other place in any other world in the cosmos. He and his fiancee from when he was human had been buried side by side each other. He knew because he had witnessed it. They never tell you in these psychic books and ghost hunting shows about this phenomena of how you overlook your own funeral before you pass upwards to Heaven or downwards to Hell. Maybe it's like some final rite of passage to wherever before you fully "move on". Maybe it's one last joke from Life Itself before it sends you to your last homeground that awaits you in Death. Maybe it's all bullshit and someone was pulling his leg personally.

"It's not like it matters however" Daakoon whispered to himself.

It never did. Why would it? He was one deceased soul amidst a river of souls just like his. He didn't stick out....and he was grateful for that. Being unique was troublesome. Being human had taught him that. Being human had taught him many things, good and bad.

He found himself overlooking the tombstone of his own human corpse and his fiancee's. By now, both had rotted away. Still, there they had lain once upon a time.

He took one last brief look upon his human fiancee's final resting place and placed a hand over the top of it. The tombstone was cold and wet from a previous light rain.

"May heaven smile upon you in ways I never could. Maybe we'll meet in another life. Hopefully not though. I'd hate to cause a scene a second time" Daakoon said before he left.

His attempt at humor had disappointed him. He wasn't much for comedy. Still, even total sob stories needed some lightening up. Somewhere.

"Find a kid with blue hair. An angel at that. What bullshit" Daakoon continued to mutter.
With love~Å'Merie


When you'd cry I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears

And I held your hand through all of these years

And you still have all of me.

The rhythm of my heart...


Disappointment washed over her as Jude had semi rejected her request for him to keep things between them. Then, as if thing's where not bad enough, Deux had started acting up again and began saying very hurtful things. It was her fault? The little angel let his words sink in which made her a tad sad. He was right of course. It was all her fault. Had she not disobeyed her father's order's to remain in heaven where she belong there would be no trouble to be had. Light would still be alive and well, Deux would have probably lived a content life with his little pieced together family, everything would have been peachy keen. Still, this was not the time to argue about who's fault it was and why. A'Merie had a duty to do and she would follow through with it. Everything had started to fall apart and she simply did not know what to do. If Jude would not keep her secret, he would surly tell her parents that she was harboring a demon. He would be killed and she would be banished. If he did keep a secret, there was no telling that Deux would do what she had asked of him and stay hidden. Even now it seemed that he held a grudge towards her, which proved her suspicious to be true. With little options left, there was only one thing to do. One thing she just did not want to do. However, she had promised Light and she would keep that promise no matter what. Turning to Jude, she smiled a sad smile, "Please...please do just one thing for me then. If you may...tell...tell my mother and father I said....I'm sorry." and before anyone could react to what she had just said, A'Merie's wing's had appeared behind her as she grabbed up Deux in her tight embrace so that he wouldnt struggle against her and took to the skys, faster then she had ever flown. She made her way to the portal in the sky and crossed it, returning to the Earth realm, not bothering to take a last glance at her home for fear that she would break down in tears. Earth seemed to be the only safe place for Deux for the time being until she talked some sense into him and was able to completely explain everything to her mother and father. For now, they would lay low here and hope that no more demon's found them and tried to kidnap her again.

A'Merie flew high and fast, scanning the earth below her until she found something hidden in the mountains. It was a little house, which humans would call a cabin. 'There. That's perfect' she thought to herself, and without further delay, she landed and set Deux down, releasing her embrace and allowing her wings to disappear behind her again. The little angel peeked up at the demon before her through her lashes, hoping that Deux wasn't to angrey with her. But she simply had no other choice. Before saying anything to him, A'Merie had closed her eyes and concentrated, calling upon the water element to aid her in her time of need. As she did this, she felt a coolness against her skin, letting her know that her element was activated and was ready to do her biding. A'Merie raised her hand up high in the air and whispered softly to herself which was inaudible to Deux, but Deux would have been able to feel the cooling sensation against his skin as well. After she was done with her chant, A'Merie relaxed her arms, letting them drop to her sides as she glanced at Deux and then down to the ground.
"I..I washed away our scent. No one should be able to track us for the time being. We should be safe for a while..."

@ChristinaXIV @s o l o


Naturally after his outburst, he fought the angel tooth and nail as she picked him up, struggling the whole way. His resolve had strengthened as they had landed in what felt like Earth, again, they were back, "What the hell!? Why'd you bring me here!? I... Why!?" He took a swing at her, however, he was uncoordinated and flimsy as his arm outstretched, aimed at her cheek, "I don't... I don't want your pity!" He could feel the cooling sensation going throughout his body as he stopped his arm, "W-Why...?" He fell onto his knees and looked at the ground, clenching firmly to the dirt as his tears began to fall and dissolve. "Why... Why did she have to die...?" He was whispering now, "Why couldn't it be me?"


♦♦♦ E U R Y N O M E

The gates to Hell's castle slammed upon the iron bars that caged the fearsome fortress as an outraged Fallen stomped upon its grounds. The castle staff cowered at the sight of her, the mighty commander whose features turned so twisted that she hardly resembled the soft angel she once was. Needless to say, this darkened demon was more than angry.

Eurynome had gone topside to scour the earth's mountains in search of an environment suited for a stronghold. That was her only mission and that alone was enough to contort her lips with a scowl most vile. To think that she, Eurynome the Fallen, had been reduced to a mere scout was most certainly inconceivable! But she grit her teeth regardless and did as was asked of her. 'Twas the least she could do, she had forced her brain to think; she followed the will of the demon king now, and she had no choice in the matter. They had so "graciously" taken in her in after her wings were ripped from her back, after all.

Such was the manner in which she set out--willing, yet bitter.

A shame that news from the birds did nothing to help.

The crows had swarmed her in the late hours of the night. Apparently, a battle was raging in the depths of the Underworld, but it wasn't just any skirmish; no, 'twas indeed an assault committed by the angels to rescue their darling little princess and it seemed to be rather eventful! One angel dead, another enslaved, a demon boy seeking refuge in Heaven, o the drama it must have been! Not to mention, of course, the foul murder of the Demon Queen herself!

And Eurynome had been left out of all of it.

Once the thought again reached the forefront of her mind, she couldn't seem to hold back the snarl in her throat as she burst through the castle doors.

Home, sweet home.~

@Bambie @Seraph Darkfire @gogojojo331 ]
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With love~Å'Merie


When you'd cry I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears

And I held your hand through all of these years

And you still have all of me.

The rhythm of my heart...


A'Merie did not expect for Deux to try and strike her which surprised her greatly. The girl couldn't help but to let her emotions slowly take over her as her expression turned sad, looking rather puppy like and completely innocent. "D-deux...please...." the girl said all to softly. Tears began to whell into her eyes and one trickled down her cheek. He was really angry at her. And for good reason. Everything was her fault and there was nothing that she would do about it. She couldn't change what happened, she couldn't turn back time though she desperately wish she could. If she had the change to do it all over again she would have stayed in the castle and would never return to earth again. "Deux I...I..I......." but then it became to much to handle. The guilt took over and she couldn't bare to be around Deux any longer. Turning on her heel, A'Merie began to run away from where Deux knelt and strayed into the forest and tears pour down her cheeks. Running. Running. She could not, would not stop running. The angel was not only running from Deux to hid her shame, but she was running away from her guilt, running away from herself. "I'm so sorry light...I'm sorry!"

Finally, after running aimlessly through the forest, A'Merie finally stopped and realized what she had done. A mistake on her part no less. After all that had happened to her you would think she would know better then to wander around unknown territory on her own.

The girl began to walk until she found herself by a stream where she stopped to rest. She peeked her head over the water to look at the girl that stared back at her 'Murderer'
"Im so sorry..." 'It should have been you.' "please forgive me Light." the little angel was at war within herself, feeling terrible about how everything had happened. She began to sing, sing to herself and to her reflection that stared back at her with disgust and disappointment. She sang her sweet and soothing song, hoping to heal her wounded soul.

@ChristinaXIV @s o l o

Daakoon had come to the conclusion he needed a place to crash for the upcoming days of what he knew would be complete and utter boredom until he came across a little angel boy of blue hair. When that happened, things would go from boring to annoying in zero seconds flat. Daakoon didn't hate Angels, he just felt that they were...full of it maybe? Who knows. Maybe he was just jealous. It didn't matter anyways. Still, he was sure that if Electra had sent him to kidnap someone from the Earth Realm, it was more than just some simple delivery job. That alone made Daakoon mutter angrily.

"Should've just stayed in the damn barracks".

Daakon spent the next hour or so looking for remote and secluded locations. The fewer humans who saw him moving around, the better. It was around then he noticed upon a small wooden cabin in the hills and decided it was suitable. Dark, secluded, and looked without electricity or even running water. It may have had these things of course and Daakoon was exaggerating. The cabin just looked dirty and busted was all. He walked around the place and examined the property searching out places where he could defend from assaults and ambushes if needed and also places to defend from and to escape to if he was overwhelmed.

Never hurt to be cautious.

Then he found himself hearing some sort of singing. He followed it to a random stream only a quarter mile from the cabin. There he found a young female angel, though her angelic scent was dampened and masked so he would have only noticed it if he was within a few yards of her. He and her locked eyes and Daakoon sighed in an annoyed manner.

The mission hadn't even started and it was already bothersome.

"I should've just stayed in the damn barracks" he muttered once more.
With love~Å'Merie


When you'd cry I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears

And I held your hand through all of these years

And you still have all of me.

The rhythm of my heart...


Her song was like that of a siren. Sweet, hypnotizing, soothing, beautiful. And yet, it did not make her feel any better. "Maybe...it only works on others..." the angel whispered to herself sadly. A'Merie had never had to sing to herself for healing purposes simply because she never truly had a reason to be sad in the first place. Everything she ever needed and wanted was always given per her request. But this...this was the time that she needed her power the most, but sadly, it had abandoned her. Possibly because she had internally abandoned herself.

Just then she heard someone approaching behind her which made her stand and whirl around to meet the eyes of her visitor. At first she was sure that it would be Deux running after her, but to her surprise, it wasnt. Instead of meeting those familiar golden eye's she met with a pair of unfamiliar blue ones. He was a demon no doubt. For a moment, A'Merie was starting to get the impression that she was just a demon magnet, cursed to be chased down if she had ever set foot on earth. The question was, was this demon here to kidnap her again?

"H...hello. Who...are you?" the little angel asked the man as he stared into her sparkling grey eyes. He was...handsome. Dark hair, tall, pretty eyes...wait wait wait wait!!! How in the world could she be thinking about boys at a time like this! A'Merie had always secretly admired handsome men from afar but would never approach or attempt to talk to them. She was just much to shy for that. Still, this man was a stranger, and a demon no less. Not that she cared. She did not judge anyone by what or who they associated with. She judged them by there character. The question was, was this demon a threat to her and to Deux?

@ChristinaXIV @EasternGhost


Daakoon sighed. An angel. Not one he had ever seen before, but then he hadn't seen many. Or rather you didn't stop and actually see who they were and what they looked like in the thick of a skirmish. Either way, the small angel woman had long wavy snow white hair and a pair of steel grey eyes that seemed to see more than they actually let on. She was quite pretty, but "pretty" tended to be murderous in the least obvious manner, but the most destructive way. For example of course, Electra. He stared around to see if she was alone. He couldn't sense any other presences, but they could be masked the same as this particular Angel had been. This could be a dangerous ambush. One he had stepped into without even knowing how he had found himself there.

How to go about this? Might as well be direct about it, if it was an ambush then he was already surrounded. Nothing would change that regardless of what he said.

Just then the Angel woman greeted him and then asked who he was.

A name couldn't hurt. Not in any way he could assume.

"Daakoon Aincras Mendellon. Who might you be?" Daakoon asked as he tensed himself, prepared to react just in case some unseen opponent lashed out at him.
With love~Å'Merie


When you'd cry I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears

And I held your hand through all of these years

And you still have all of me.

The rhythm of my heart...


The celestial princess continued to stare at strange demon as he gave her his name. He didn't SEEM bad, though no one truly seemed bad to her. In her opinion everyone deserved a chance, everyone had good in them and had the power to control their own destinies. Of course, she had been called naive for this idea.

The demon had asked for her name in return,
"I am called..A'Merie." she replied simply, not disclosing her last name and for good reason. Though she did not suspect him to be, this man could easily be a assassin sent to kill or capture her. If he where to learn she was the angelic princess from the royal family Kortsy she was as good as dead.

A'Merie did not utter another word as she stared in awe at the creature before her. But after realizing her gawking, A'Merie blushed and quickly looked away, lifting her little fingers to her hair and tucking it behind her ear.
"I apologize...I...I hope that I am not intruding on your territory..". She remembered back when she first visited Earth, right before she was kidnapped, another demon had appeared to her and claimed that she was trespassing on his lands and that she should leave. Though the boy was only teasing her, A'Merie was not familiar with Earths customs, so she couldn't know. All she could do was hope that she was not intruding and that the man would not be upset with her. She didn't know if you could take another round of hurtful screams towards her. Not again.

@ChristinaXIV @EasternGhost

A'Merie? It was a name that rung a bell but Daakoon wasn't quite sure from where.

"Never heard of you. Though all you Angels seem to glow the same way or something so I'm not surprised. As far as trespassing, don't worry about that. If someone does claim this place, apparently I'm trespassing too. I hope not though. Getting into a battle at this moment in time would be poor timing" Daakoon said though he whispered, "There's always time for that later" to himself, knowing that when he spotted that angel child, it would be more complicated then simply making off with him.

There's always someone around to make things more difficult then just that. It was annoying. He noticed the young angel eyeing him steadily and he felt an sense of nervousness creep into him. He shoved it away and with another sigh, then decided to make his leave. He needed to return to that cabin and settle in and make the place at least slightly inhabitable if it was as bad as he thought it was.

He hoped he didn't run into anyone else. Especially of the human variety. While virtually useless in fighting against Daakoon now, humans would still try if some human did own the land. He knew. He used to be one. He took one last look at the Angel woman.

"You might want to leave here before nightfall. All kinds of assholes crawl around at night. Earth is famous for it....trust me".

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