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Fantasy Angels VS. Demons:The Eternal War [Accepting!]

Malori left her twin Luna at the burial grounds, she couldn't take being there anymore. The servants had better take care of the burial. She knew Zania was safe, the small dragon was with her brother Malias and would come get Malori if she was needed. She hated to fight but she'd help her brother if he needed it. The Angel was probably dead by now, she could sense Electra fighting and then sensed death. There would be blood so Malori steered clear of that area, instead going towards the back where the army waited.

She stood on the balcony railing looking down at the many demons that seemed to be preparing for war.
Electra did this, if she had left the princess alone then none of this would've happened! She wanted to hate her sister more but couldn't find the strength to, not after seeing so much blood from the queen's corpse.

Malori jumped off the railing to land on her feet, a guard rushed over and bowed low,
"Your highness, what brings you here?" He seemed to be hiding something but Malori wasn't sure what, she waved her hand and the guard bowed again and left her alone. She wanted to be left alone, she wanted to grieve and be left alone. She didn't even want her dragon servant to see her like this.

Clapping her hands against her cheeks, Malori straightened,
"Pull it together, you are the youngest demonic princess in the demon realm. Your subjects looked up to you as they look up to my siblings. You can't let them see you in emotional pain. Demons don't do that!" Shaking her head she jumped on top of the barracks that was located at the back on the castle where demons came to join the demon army and train to protect the royal demons. Sitting down, she stretched out and laid there on top of the roof and just stared at the dark clouds that always hovered over the demon realm. She could smell the soot from the ever burning fires that were like a pool around the castle walls. She refused to cry, she never cried unless in the comfort of her room and she refused to hide in there until peace was brought back.

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Luna watched the fight between Electra and Light unfold. A strange feeling in her heart awaken as she watched the angel struggle to fight. Eyes as cold as ice looked toward Electra as she took the angel down with ease. This was not her sister, this was some other creature that had taken over her body. Luna cringed at the sight of seeing the angel being beaten and bruised, so she turned her eyes away. Though the angel was her enemy, she did not bore any hatred towards her. All she felt was sadness, which intrigued her. This emotion was foreign to her, one she only felt if one of her other siblings were hurt. This women, who she has never seen nor met, had made her feel such great sadness. As a demon, she should not feel this way about any type of angel, only towards the being of her own family. So why? Why did she want to go help the already dead angel? Nothing would be able to bring her back, she just wanted to stop the sadness the reigned within her.

Luna watched as Malori had left the scene. She stared after her sibling, wanting to run after her but staying put. Not knowing what to say would be useless to Malori. She wasn't much to comfort someone, she never really knew how. Turning quickly on her heel, she left the dead angel and her sister. Luna stole a quick glance at her mother, sighed and continued walking. Never being able to see her mother again was more saddening then the angel. Feeling remorse and depression, she made her way inside the palace.
The taste of power flowed across his skin as the angel released her powerful energy. It was startling, feeling the throne room crack and fall apart around him. Barely, thinking, he reached over and grabbed Zania, pulling the small dragon into his arms to protect her from the wave. When it died down, he saw the angel lying motionless. Dredging up the rest of his strength, he focused. He wasn't going to allow the body to remain intact, to be used as an example or picked apart.

Blood ran from his eyes like red tears as he snapped his fingers, lighting the Angel's body on fire. The blue flame licked at her feet before immediately exploding outward, consuming quickly "I honor your death with my flame and return your body to the energy it was created from" he coughed a little "Either as an ally, or an enemy, you are a worthy being, I hope that in a future time, in another life, we may meet and fight on more friendly terms"

He sighed and leaned back before looking at Zania "Well, my little dragon, I hope you are alright" he said softly.

@ChristinaXIV @Abana

Letting out a small squeak, Zania was suddenly enveloped within Malias' arms, protected from the wave. She watched as Malias used his flames to burn the angel's body and thought, Shame, that Angel could've been useful.

Looking up, she felt a drop of blood land on her head. She seemed to nod her head to Malias' question if she was alright. Squirming out of his hands, she pounced onto the floor and shifted to her demon form. She ripped a piece of fabric from her cloak and dabbed at Malias' head wound. "It's not my place, but I think the Angel should've been enslaved like Neria was."

@Seraph Darkfire
"Neria was different" he said softly "That angel would have died had we fought her or not" he sighed as he let Zania do as she willed "Besides, I can only use that magic once and since I used it on Neria, I can never use it again, even if she dies" he flexed his fingers, pain lancing through his body. The angel blood was still running its course. The problem was that it damaged about as fast as he healed.

His muscles were taking the brunt of the attack, but his entire body was dealing with the pain. He was surprised that Electra wasn't dealing with the pain as well, but he supposed that drinking her mother's blood had dulled the effects of his own blood. But it was simply a temporary fix, once her power high died down, she would be racked with the same pain as he was.

Malias smiled at Zania "Any way, I am glad you are alright, I wouldn't want the punishment Malori would give me if I allowed something to happen to you" he chuckled "Disappointing my little sister would be a worse pain than anything else" he chuckled "And losing a very little sister like you would be devastating"

@Abana @Bambie
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Charmeine pulled from her husband when the general spoke, telling her to come with them to the throne room. Charmeine, of course, could not refuse this. Her husband would peg it suspicious right away and she couldn't afford it. So humming with impatience at her plan already going awry, she followed the archangel to the splendor of the throne room, where, for some unknown reason, a mass group of people were filing in. Charmeine looked at her husband in disbelief.

"Have you already assembled the soldiers?" she asked, only mildly shocked as she was trying to figure out a way to get out of the throne room so she could open a portal to Earth and somehow find the entrance to Hell. Charmeine's plan faltered. Where was the entrance to Hell? She had no idea. How was she to travel to Earth and then Hell if she couldn't find the way in. She looked to her husband and found an alternate route to her concoction. But would they make it in time?

It does not matter," Charmeine said, answering both the question she asked aloud and in her head. "We must hurry. We haven't the time." What the queen hadn't noticed was the babble of the people silenced when they walked in, almost as if they were expecting someone else, before they all began to sink into a bow, a wave of heads lowering in symbol of their loyalty and respect. It made the splendor of the throne room (already intricately designed with pillars, marble floors, and a ceiling that seemed to try to reach out of Heaven) seem as if it belonged on the wall as a painting. It was so beautiful.





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Ēlectra "Haydie" Elstife

Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt

Hells greatest...

The angelic power surged through the thrown room and had completely destroyed it and almost everything around it. Electra had simply knelt down and wrapped her beautifully flawless black wings around her to protect her from the debry that threatened to harm her. After everything had died down, the demoness slowly removed her wings from around her person and looked up to see a now dead and burning Light. She had did it. She killed the angel. Not that she had any doubts that she would. Still, she was not in the slightest bit satisfied. She was STILL angry, still over run by emotions that she could not understand. Everything in her vibrated and made her body shiver as if she where cold. "Sto...stop it...." the demoness semi whined to herself, pushing herself upward to stand once again. The flames had died out however, the smoke around her remained and her eyes did not change back to its original blue green color. She could not get herself to go back to normal. "...STOP IT! NO!!!AHHHHH" Electra had lost it, screaming at the top of her lungs which sounded more demonic then anyone thought was capable, trying desperately to control her body and the power in it. The princess began clawing at the flesh of her legs, leaving deep red ribbons of blood to trickle down her thigh high stockings. The combination of her mothers strong demon blood and the angel blood that she had ingested was finally taking its coarse in her body, combating each other as if it were at war inside her. The angel blood began to cause pain to her inner muscles. The pain felt as if it where burning her from the inside out. The demon blood however,empowered her tremendously. Almost to much even. If she had simply drank her mother's blood she would probably still be in the same situation minus the pain. Though she would never admit it, she wasn't completely ready to take on THAT much power. Even so, she was determined to control it at any cost.

after a moment, Electra's screams had died down as she sunk to her knees to the floor. She seemed to be back to her old self.
"Kill...kill them... all of them....KILL THEM. KILL THEM. KILL THEM. KILL THEM...." she repeated over and over and over again and ended it with a loud agonizing sounding roar, clawing at the floor as she did. In that moment she needed something that she would NEVER in a million years ask for....help.

@Seraph Darkfire @Abana


With love~Å'Merie


When you'd cry I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears

And I held your hand through all of these years

And you still have all of me.

The rhythm of my heart...


The angel couldn't help but to smile when Deux had finally taken her hand. To her it was a sign of trust. A'Merie knew all to well how angel's thought of demon's and vise versa. So the fact that this demon had trusted her enough to let his guard down and allow her to take him with her was a huge thing to her. She would most certainly not betray his trust. After taking his hand gently in her's, giving his hand a gentle pat with her free hand, a set of vibrant ivory wings appeared behind her. With a couple of flaps of her wings, the two where propelled into the air and where on there journey back to heaven. A'Merie checked periodically to make sure that Deux was alright, making sure that she did not fly to fast or tug his arm to hard. The breeze felt nice as they flew. It seemed to have been a long while since she felt the warm rays of the sun or feel the crisp cool air cares her face. But this was nothing.

Soon the two found themselves crossing the portal from Earth to heaven. The change in the atmosphere was definitely noticeable as they crossed. The air was one hundred times cleaner and she could smell the flowers and fresh grass while she was still in mid air. "We are home Deux. We are home." the angel looked down at her new found companion and smiled brightly, curious to see his reaction to this new environment. It seemed to have been years since she had been home. After everything she had been through A'Merie was feeling very much home sick. She missed her mother and father, her sisters and brother's, her garden, her servants...everything. Her need to be home grew inside her which unconsciously made her fly faster towards the castle which was now in clear site of them. 'Home....im home.'

Once the two had made it safely inside the border's of her great castle, A'Merie descended and hovered just long enough to set Deux down on his feet, then touched her toes down to the ground as well. She had taken them to her garden first so not to alarm anyone at the site of her with a demon. Not that she cared at all, but not everyone was as understanding and kind willed towards there kind as she was.
"Please Deux, if I may ask, wait here. I must speak with my mother and father about what has happened...and of your arrival. You will be safe here. I promise." the girl breathed, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder before turning and walking towards the castle. As she walked, A'Merie of course allowed herself to take in the sights and sounds of her beloved garden before making it to the side entrance to the castle. She stopped, took a long deep breath and nodded once to herself, then pushed open the doors and made her way down the hall towards the thrown room. Of course, the few servants that so happened to be walking by saw her and immediately began asking questions and even cried at the sight of there princesses return. But she couldn't stop. She HAD to get to her mother and father and let them know that she was alive, well and safe by the grace of god.

Finally the angel princess made it to the grand hall, and when she caught sight of her father, something in her snapped. "D...daddy!" she cried as she ran square up to the king and jumped into his arms
"Daddy...daddy...im *sniff* im home daddy..."

@ChristinaXIV@RiahB @Guilded Clover


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Angel-Warrior-Desktop-Background.jpg.9c5352eb31287307276920a41d661011.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54575" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Angel-Warrior-Desktop-Background.jpg.9c5352eb31287307276920a41d661011.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

King Inias Bethor Kortsy

Inias nodded at his wife's response. "Very well then. Malphaerus, Charmeine, let us continue to the throne room." Once they were inside, the King noticed something different. There were more people in here than usual. Scattered around the room were many low-ranking soldiers, including that Ambrose boy standing near the columns. Inias's eyes narrowed at the sight. Something is going on. Who sent all of these Angels here? The king's anger levels started to rise. His authoritative side began to show as he approached the great table. "Attention. Who called you here? Was it my son? This is a private room. Where is my son?" When no one dared to speak, he tried to calm himself. "I will ask one more time. Where. Is. My. SON!" That last word caused the whole room to shake. So did the king. He was shaking with anger; his face started to turn red as well.

"Very well. We will wait for him here. I will let him explain himself in front of everyone. Come now. Take a seat everyone. Let us wait." He was smiling, but it wasn't genuine. It was one of those angry smiles. The kind that are also a little creepy if you looked at it too long. He kept it up while walking through the room to his seat. The sound of his metal boots hitting the floor echoed throughout the quiet throne room. Angels were moving out his way, careful not to push the king over the edge. When he got there, he took his Charmeine's seat, which was on the king's right, and pulled it out. The anger was still in his voice. "Sit next to me, My Queen." He also pulled out the seat adjacent to him and gestured to the Archangel. "Malphaerus. This seat is yours if you wish." Before sitting himself, he addressed the crowd in front of him. "Why does everyone look so sad? This is a joyous time. I finally get to see my son since I haven't seen him all day. I, for one, am dying to see him. If he wants to make me wait, I will wait. We will all wait." He then took his seat and began to wait.

"Daddy...daddy...im *sniff* im home daddy..."

The king looked up and saw his daughter run through the room and into his arms. He expected to break down, but he didn't. Remaining emotionless, he just sat there, staring straight ahead.

@Malphaestus @s o l o @WeabooTrash



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Slowly Malias stood up, feeling a little bit stronger, though he almost stumbled upon his first step. He watched as Electra seemed to go into a strange fit. Ever so slowly, he walked over to her and knelt down. He took her face into his hands and stared into her eyes "Electra, you are definitely unable to handle all of that power you absorbed from the queen" he said softly "So I am going to do something that we are both not going to enjoy"

"Hate me, hit me, whatever you want, but right now, I am going to help you, whether you want it or not" with that he pressed his lips against hers. This was not a romantic gesture, nor a sexual one. Magic was best accessed through the mouth, it was the most sensitive place in the body. His eyes glowed as he began to sap the excess magic from her body, draining it into himself. Luckily, he was particularly low on magic so he wouldn't receive any negative repercussions from draining the magic from her.

Eyes glowed with a blazing aura as the new form of power flooded his system. It was impressive that Electra had been able to use it without destroying everything around her. The Queen had certainly been powerful.

Slowly he broke their connection, the last of the extra magic flowing from her mouth and into his before he sat back, releasing her. Unfortunately, he couldn't get rid of the pain of the Angel Blood in their systems. It was something they'd just have to deal with.



Deux had found himself whisked through a portal as the dynamics of the air changed rather immediately, he wasn't quite sure oxygen could taste so good as he practically inhaled it through his mouth. His hand was tight around the young angel's as she flew him higher and higher to the extent where he was certain if he'd have let go, there would be certain death awaiting him. However, the view distracted him from the life threatening situation, it was truly beautiful, a remarkable sight to behold as his pale ivory skin reflected the sun, a soothing breeze rushing itself through his hair, it felt so calm.

It was then that they had landed, finding themselves outside of a large stone structure, one with ornate design that seemed to bear a very close resemblance to that of a meeting room. What's even more odd is that the princess asked him to wait outside, naturally he was willing to be compliant, but found himself a little nerved as he sat on the steps leading to the building, foreign eyes upon him, gasps, silent judgement being cast. In a short sigh, he propped his elbows on his knees and rested his chin in his hands, gazing out into the blue sky,
"Yeah, yeah... sure..." She disappeared from his sight, "So... This is the place she wanted to show me, huh?" He felt a certain blank in his heart whenever he thought about her now, as though something had happened, "It's beautiful..."


Ēlectra "Haydie" Elstife

Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt

Hells greatest...

Desperately, Electra tried her hardest to control the power radiating inside her. Her blood flowed faster then it should, her heart raced as if she had been running for hours, her body quaked and the smoke in the room just got worse and worse. It was almost unbearable, even for Electra. Suddenly, she heard a familiar voice speaking to her which caused her head which was rusting on the floor to shoot up as she growled and bared her fangs at him. She didn't want to hurt him, but everything in her screamed for her to kill him. Kill them all. End them all. But then something unexpected happened. Maliase kissed her. This made Electra's eyes widen and her body still. Why was he doing this? What in the world had gotten into him. Didnt he know better then to approach her when she was in this state. Hell everyone in the castle knew not to trifle with her while in that phase. However, this kiss was different, as she soon found out. The energy in her body had slowly begun to calm down. She had stopped shivering, the smoke had begun to diminish, even her eyes had slowly shifted back to normal. However, there was one thing that remained; her heart continued to beat rather quickly, but it wasn't a bad feeling. It was...weird. It was...unusual. It was her emotion's. Though the power was now being absorbed by Maliase, her emotions where still all over the place which made her feel exposed and weak.

After Maliase had finally realeased her, yet another unfamiliar emotion washed over her and made her body sag a bit and her heart sink. It was all to weird for her and made her feel slightly uncomfortable. Snapping out of her trance, Electra mentally shook herself and tried to stand which resulted in her body giving out on her and she sank back down to the floor. The poor girl was exhausted after fighting herself so hard. What she needed most of all was rest.
"I did not ask for your help. I don't need ANYONE!" she cried, sounding a bit vulnerable and angry as a single tear trickled down her cheek; not out of sadness, but frustration. Electra felt the tear and immediately wiped it away and tried to stand again and this time she was successful. Before disappearing down the hall, Electra looked back at Maliase, her heart pounded which mad her more irritated,"Don't you EVER presume to touch me or act as if you care about me. I know that deep down all you want is to see me dead and take the thrown..." she said bitterly, though it almost sounded a bit sad which was not Electra at all. Before anyone could say anything to her, she was gone. Out of sight and retreated back to her room and locked her doors. But not before she rounded up a couple of her personal warriors to guard her room as she rested. She trusted no one.

@Seraph Darkfire @Abana

Malias sighed as he watched her walk away. She was so difficult to deal with at times. Had he really wanted her dead, he could have killed her so many times. He'd lived in the same palace as her for many years, he knew her habits, knew her desires and what she wanted most. He could have used any of those to kill her and secure his place on the throne. But he did care about her and so he didn't attempt to kill her.

Just like Luna and Malori, she was his sister and he'd do anything to protect her, even if it meant kissing her to drain the excess magic that was driving her crazy. He slowly stood up and touched his lips before frowning. Then his stomach growled "I need to eat" he mumbled. He'd realized that he hadn't eaten at all today. All this fighting and magic had drained his energy and on an empty stomach, it was a horrible feeling.

"Zania, go make sure Malori and Luna are alright" he looked towards Neria "Time for you to actually do some work, go out and find Elicia, bring her back to the palace" he said "You'll recognize her from before, when you attacked us with bugs" his stomach growled again before he sighed and slowly began to make his way out of the throne room, heading off to find himself something to eat. After he was full, he could finally deal with his new servant and start getting the throne room repaired.

Zania stood there dumbfounded, Electra had been screaming in pain and then Malias had kissed her. One thing she was sure of, a lot of power had seeped through Electra to Malias and all Zania could do was stare and watch. Electra then yelled at Malias and stormed off, she heard Malias mumble about being hungry. She straightened, keeping her eyes low as Malias spoke to her telling her to check on Malori and Luna. "Yes, Prince Malias." She curtsied before shifting to dragon form and spreading her small wings, jumping into the air and flying out the throne room's doors.

She passed servants that were scurrying about doing chores, some squealed and tried to grab her as was habit whenever they saw her. They seemed to like hugging the life out of her, literally, so she lifted herself higher towards the ceiling. She saw Luna and the princess was walking out of the burial site but Zechen wasn't with her, Zania wanted to find him but she wanted to see Malori first.

Flying out a window, she flapped her wings harder to soar towards the sky. Reaching her preferred height to observe the area, she saw Malori laying down on the roof of the barracks. Malori was curled up on her side, her fingers twirling through her hair as she hummed a lullaby.


Her fingers were knotted in her hair but she didn't mind, she didn't mind the slight headache from twirling her hair too tight. Instead she just laid there humming and hacking at her hair.

Zania was suddenly in front of her shifting to human form, she looked about fifteen now. The young dragon crossed her legs and sat up straight to reach over and untangle Malori's hair from her fingers. Zania gave a small wave so Malori sat up and turned her back to Zania, Malori knew Zania wanted to braid her hair. The young dragon loved braiding her hair whenever she knew Malori didn't want to talk.

They both sat there, both quiet as the demons below trained. "Prince Malias kissed the power out of princess Electra." Malori blinked taken aback but remained silent. Electra must have lost control of their mother's power, strange though, Malori really did thing that Electra could handle their mother's power. Guess not.


Ēlectra "Haydie" Elstife

Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt

Hells greatest...

After lying in her bed, tossing and turning from side to side, Electra groaned and sat up weakly. The girl was obviously tired, but for some reason she couldn't sleep. "Stupid angel...stupid power....stupid Maliase...YOUR ALL SO STUPID AGHHHH!!!" then she flopped back on the bed again. Her mind was going a hundred miles an hour, thinking about everything that happened when she was "out of it". Thinking back on her actions just made her MORE irritated. How could she have acted so impulsively!? It was definetly unlike her. Electra was always one to think things through before acting, always keeping every avenue and consequence in the back of her mind before acting. He father taught her that. So why? What was going on with her and why couldn't she get herself together!?

Her mind began to wander through everything that had happened. Her mother dieing and her absorbing her power, the angel escaping (which no one had ever escaped her before), their home being attacked by angel's, her killing Light and then to Maliases kiss which she knew all to well was just to absorb a portion of her power to ease her pain.
"Hmph. That's all he ever wanted. My power. That's...all." so why did this upset her. She knew that Maliase wanted to ensure his place on the thrown, but would he really stoop so low as to take a portion of her power from her? Was that all she was to him? "No! He's an idiot. I bloody fool!"

Suddenly there was a knock on the door which snapped her out of her train of thought,
"What!?" the princess growled as she tried sitting up again. The door opened slowly and in walked on of her beefy servant men. It was Ragon. "Princess." he bowed low and respectfully, then straitened himself out and began to speak again "I heard word of your battle. I thought this one could be of service to your highness.". He was not the only one that came to check on her. To her surprise, in came her other three loyal blood bags looking as scrumptious and manly as ever. The sight of her four man servants made her angry expression soften. 'They...came to check on me...?' this was obviously a surprise to her because she was convinced that no one TRULY cared for her. Electra was in a sense the big bad wolf and the rest of the world where the sheep; fearful and spiteful towards her. Though she didn't care of course. Well...at least she thought she didn't...

The demoness sat quietly on her bed, feeling (yes FEELING) everything sink in at once. She wanted to forget. She wanted to forget her mother's death, her failure to keep the angel prisoner, and most importantly...she wanted to forget the kiss between Maliase and herself.
"Boy's...my sweet boys...come here." she cooed softly as she out stretched her hand towards them. The four men immediately moved simultaneously towards there queen; each taking a spot atop her bed with her and crawled in close to her. Alec had sat positioned in front of Electra as she let her hand gently graze his cheek which made him shiver with delight. "My sweet boy's. Help your queen forget...will you..?" she breathed, leaning suggestively into Alec whom in turn slowly leaned into her as their lips met in a gentle kiss. The other three men had eagerly taken there invitation without question, each one moving to touch, cares and comfort their beloved queen. Ragon trailed gentle kisses up her left arm while Darius leaned in to smell her raven hair and kiss the back of her head. Emmet nuzzled his face into her neck and just held her which was one of her favorite things he did for her. She would forget this night...she had to.

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When the king began to yell, Charmeine gave an audible startled gasp and jumped slightly. She touched his arm gently, trying to remind him that it was not the troops fault that their son was ignorant in the ways of war. He began walking toward the table in the throne room. When he pulled the chair out for her, the queen winced at the wood scraping the marble floor. She sat immediately at his demand, touching him to sooth him. It was in her nature to calm souls, though she lacked the ability to calm her own.

"Daddy-" Charmeine froze in her seat.

"A'Merie?" She whispered and then gasped when her daughter threw herself upon her father. She gave a whimper of relief, standing up and sending the chair flying behind her, the queen hit her knees in front of the chair where her husband sat and her daughter clung. "A'Merie!" She threw her arms tightly around her daughter before standing and yanking her up. Her hands roamed her daughter's face and arms, searching for injury, for anything, and sending her healer's magic through her daughter's skin despite finding nothing. All the while she spoke to the princess, chastening her, telling her she loved her, demanding why she left Heaven in the first place, and asking how she escaped.

The tears of relief streamed down Charmeine's face and finally she just pulled her daughter against her chest and sobbed, petting her hair gently.




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With love~Å'Merie


When you'd cry I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears

And I held your hand through all of these years

And you still have all of me.

The rhythm of my heart...


Letting her everything go, A'Merie cried and cried as she embraced her father, regardless of him staying stock still and not returning her embrace. That was her father. Her rock. And though he did not so much as move to show that he was happy to see her, she knew that he loved and cared for her. At the sight of her daughter, the queen had all but snatched her up from her father and hugged her tight; a hug in which she eagerly returned. Joy, relief and peace washed over her as she absorbed the comfort and love from her mother's warm embrace. "Mother...oh mother. I am alright. By gods grace I am well." she choked as another wave of tears rushed down her cheeks. Oh how she longed to be in her mother's loving embrace once again. While in hell she was sure that she would be killed and would never see her family again. What a glorious day this was. She was grateful. She would rejoice.

After crying in her mother's embrace for some time, A'Merie had finally stopped crying and reluctantly released her mother, drying her tears and clearing her throat. The girl had shifted from a bumbling, sobbing little girl to the glorious and graceful princess she was trained to be. Looking from her mother to her father, then back to her mother again, the little angel took a breath and began to speak,
"Mother..father..if I may, I must speak with you privetly. It is urgent." she said, hoping that what she had to tell them would not anger them as much as she assumed.

@ChristinaXIV @RiahB @Guilded Clover

Malias was sitting in the royal dining room, stuffing his face. He couldn't stop eating. Once he'd started, he'd realized that he was starving. The servants couldn't bring the food out fast enough. His stomach was like a bottomless pit and every bite warmed his very being. Finally, he was full, and it felt amazing. He felt a thousand times better, as if eating had lessened the weight of everything that had happened before.

With his stomach full, his mind was clear and he had time to think about Electra's strange attitude. It must have been the influx of power coursing through her system, having it abruptly evened out could have upset the delicate balance of her mind. He'd have to see how she was later, after she'd properly rested. He sighed and stood up before looking at the servants "I appreciate you dealing with my hunger" he said to them "and I thank you for serving me such delicious food" he looked thoughtful and began to clean up his dishes.

He figured that it would only be polite to help them clean up his mess.
Jude Vesheriah Ambrose

Vesher had almost forgotten he was waiting on the prince as he lost himself in examining the throne room. It was the most extravagant place he had ever laid eyes on; it was almost too much to take in. The magnificent columns, the golden acanthus leaves embroidering every edge, the ceiling extending into seemingly infinite light like the Gothic cathedral naves of Earth... he didn't notice the other angels filing in, but snapped out of it when he heard a familiar deep voice. The king and queen marched into the room, to his surprise. The two looked equally surprised, and he could've sworn he saw a hint of annoyance when the king's eyes flickered over him. Vesher twitched involuntarily. He realized the others were bowing and hurriedly bowed himself, and tried to make sense of the Inias's fury. I knew we were requested by the prince but I'd assumed... surely he hadn't made us act against his father! He slipped into his poker face as Inias started yelling, to mask his confusion. He wanted to answer his questions, but sensed that he'd only make things worse. The king must be having one hell of a bad day if it was bad enough to awake an ancient army.

Vesher watched A'Merie embrace her parents and knew that she must have been gone and in danger- possibly kidnapped- for her to act in such a way. He stood silently and uneasily, studying the beautiful princess curiously, knowing that her brother was going to get a ten-ton earful when, or if, he appeared. Vesher was all too familiar with family drama, but he couldn't help being surprised that the royal family was not exempt from it.
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Hael was still looking out the window, looking at the many angels heading towards the castle - most probably the thrown room, where he had expected for them to go. As he took a deep breath, he thought, with a determined expression, ''It's time to save my sister!''. He walked towards the armour, wondering whether to put it on as a sign of his family's authority and to prove how well-guarded his ''army'' shall be. But that would, of course, put him in a lot of trouble if his father saw him even touching that particular armor. Hael... put it on. He changed into the glorious pieces of metal, with amazing emerald and golden ornaments, handcrafted by the most skillful of crafters in Heaven. He didn't know what to expect in the throne room, so he was feeling nervous.

Once he finished changing, he knew there were tons of Angel warriors waiting for his orders. At first the many voices he heard from above the throne room forced him to feel anxious, but then everything silenced and he heard a deep, angry voice, all too familiar to him. As he couldn't clearly listen to it, he Hael wasn't very sure of the owner of the voice, thus making him calm down a bit, as it was possible for it to not belong to the royal Angel he had thought of.

Leaving his bedroom, he started walking down the stairs to his destination. Before arriving, he started speaking:
"Fellow angels! I have called you here to form an important to this kingdom search party for my dearest sister-" and stopped there, shocked, looking at the sight of his younger sister embracing their father, Inias. "A'merie...? A'merie!" He shouted, flying towards her with his weak wings, hugging her tightly with a sincere smile. Running his hand through he hair, he quietly asked ''Where have you been all this time? ''

Upon further inspection, he saw his father's enraged expression, staring at him with a completely red angered face. Hael looked at him in shock and quickly let go of his sister, looking down at the ground to avoid his father's gaze. Was he mad because of the ''random'' search party he wanted to form? Or the fact that Hael was wearing the most expensive of armor? He was sure to get punished for whatever bad deed the foolish prince had done... Big time.

@RiahB @Guilded Clover @s o l o @Bambie (Forgot to tag ya guys~)
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Malphaerus Albyraux Agni The Archangel

Upon the king reaching, arguably, the most holy sanctum within heaven he acquired a most angered and annoyed tone- the same could be said for the Archangel. However, unlike the king, he held it within him, unwilling to display his inner demons to the outside world. As the King guided both Malphaerus and his queen to their designated seats Malphaerus held an angered glare- staring down anyone who dared meet eyes with him. Whilst it was not only made in a inner fit of rage, it was also to compare the current troops with his own, and he was far too disappointed- annoyingly so.

As his own watchers took to the scene and entered the halls they did so with utmost discipline and order, they held formation and displayed the obvious respects to both the king, queen, their general, and the sanctum itself which they were within. Their gear and their weaponry were held in tight check, even after untold millenia they have yet to dishonor their righteously earned military artifacts- there was no comparing the warriors of old with those of the current.

Malphaerus glanced at the King once more, and eventhough his rage upon entering this room had quieted down and been replaced by outermost silence, there remained still annoyance and anger in his heart. "My King, your forces-" However all was cut short upon the arrival of the princess, the woman whom they were supposed to rescue from Hell. But Malphaerus was glad upon witnessing that the King didn't flinch, he remained silent- they must both be waiting upon the hour that Hell be turned to it's rightful glory; a place of ash and dust with hellish demons cowering before the watchful gaze of all whom belong to the heavens.

But Malphaerus still held a slight displeasure, the black rose amongst the yellow flower field- he could sense it even closer now, almost as if it was within the very palace. He edged towards the King and whispered closely, only the Queen and princess would ever be able to hear his voice.

"My King, I can feel a thorn amongst the flower petals, an ebon glow amongst the holy onyx"

Whilst some wouldn't be able to comprehend his choice of words, or the trouble he spoke of, the King would, undoubtedly understand what he meant- this is what he was sure of. Malphaerus spoke of calamity amongst order, something which must be removed according to his principles of valor. Out of fear for the people, for the heavens, this Great General wouldn't dare to leave the side of his lord, and no one could stop this- the safety of his majesty was of highest priority, even amongst heaven.

The Archangel couldn't think of any other way for the princess to be removed from the golden fields of heaven but through kidnapping, or something along the lines- Malphaerus wouldn't allow such taint to befall his holy palace; heaven, once more. As the princess spoke Malphaerus made his own opinions clear as well.

"During times of great strife, and unorder, I cannot allow the king and queen to go unguarded. It is my duty and I will fulfill it, not even the palace is as safe as it was since times past."

Time, however, was cut short as Malphaerus' eyes widened in disbelief upon witnessing the sight of a man, most probably the prince, in the same armour that had been blessed upon the 100 Watchers. The man held not the same composure, nor the same discipline- not even the same air around him. Opposite the man stood the 100 Watchers, not even displaying their emotion at this very sight- but they were sure to be as innerly infuriated as Malphaerus was, but none of them showed it.

However Malphaerus could feel his very foundation of order, principle, and valor breaking into a fit of anger and rage at the very sight of this boy who dared wander into the holy sanctum with such an appearance and demeanor- ignore the fact that he is prince, such action was unforgivable- but all this lingered on inside his head, on the outside he looked as calm as feathers, no sight of unorder or annoyance. He was unwilling to display any action which would belittle his creed.

@RiahB @Guilded Clover @Bambie @ChristinaXIV @WeabooTrash @s o l o

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The half-breed sat patiently outside, though he could hear some elevated tone within the structure, whatever was happening, he didn't want to get involved, in fact, the latter, it made him want to run away. He slapped himself mentally as he thought of Light, what would she have said to me if I was being so negative about myself...? He stood up and began to pace on the grass, raising his finger and coming up with a new scolding remark each second, mimicking the deceased angel, "Don't think just because you're weak that that means you'll always be, even a single blade of grass has its importance." He paused, "Right... I'm just a single blade of grass, who a flower died for..." He placed his hands on his head and groaned, AGH! It doesn't make any sense... Why'd she do it? He began to question, giving himself pause as he let his thought channel themselves out, baiting him away from tears which he was certain were on the brink of erupting.

It was then he felt it, a cold gaze upon him, as though someone was thinking about him, or rather, like he had been mentioned, this peaked his interest and he developed an urge to solve the curious nagging in the back of his mind. He stared up at the large structure and moved up to the large doors, it took more than courage to open the doors, as he struggled to push the massive wooden masses. Eventually he made enough room for himself to slip through as he crouched down, probably something he was actually good at, avoiding a direct approach.

Deux avoided any confrontation with staff or servants running about by throwing himself in or behind a conveniently placed scenery item, vases, plants, and even once he resorted into diving into a pool to avoid a group of bathing angels. He slowly gathered his strength as he stood before the massive doors that undoubtedly lead to the meeting place of which held great value to the princess. So, as he summoned all of his courage and might, he ducked to his right and into a room with a slight crack in the wall, he placed his eye up to it as he gazed in, and with the sudden change of view, his irises dilated. He couldn't believe he had seen so many angels before in his life, and especially those of great importance, they seemed to carry a certain height about them, one that was even greater than the rest. That's gotta be the king, without a doubt, A'Merie is clinging to him... And... Who the hell is that!? His eyes widened upon seeing the fierce looking warrior, and intimidating sight, he seemed far more experienced than even Light was. He terrified the boy, his eyes, his armor, the fineness of his face, it all seemed to hide something, and the not knowing was tearing up the half-breed, he watched on with dire interest, determined to hear what the rest of them had to say.

@Guilded Clover @Bambie @RiahB @WeabooTrash
Inias Bethor Kortsy

Shifting his eyes away from the door to his daughter, Inias kept his stoic demeanor. In the midst of crying and rejoicing from the crowd of Angels in front of him, he remained silent. He didn't move, except only to cross his legs as his wife and daughter reunited. I knew she could do it. He was feeling a mixture of anger, confusion, and relief at the current situation. When he felt a mixture of any emotions, he would just look unchanged, a blank expression on his face. He wouldn't move at all, unless he was supposed to be doing something. He tried to listen to the Archangel's words, but the calamity in the room was making it hard to hear. At this moment, he was sitting and waiting for his son. As much as he cared for his daughter, he needed to talk to his son.

And who arrived right on cue? That's right, Hael did. He was dressed in the most expensive armor they had, as if he knew how to use it. Inias stared as Hael hugged A'Merie in a tight embrace and when he realized his father was looking at him. Inias tried his hardest not to lose his composure in front of all these soldiers. So he rose to his feet, eyes still on his son. "Hael, what is going on? Why are all these Angels in this room? You know that this room is private, only for authorized use by the king," As he leaned in closer to Hael, his voice got deeper into a low growl. "Why are you wearing that armor? I swear, IF--," he cut himself off from yelling. Instead, he started to chuckle and proceeded to laugh. All of this is getting to me, I'm sure. The laughter from the king filled up the room. "I am so angry, that it's actually funny. If the situation wasn't so dire, I would just write this off as some sort of joke," That's when the laughter stopped. His voice got even more serious. "But it is not. You disobeyed orders, trying to do what? If you had succeeded in going to Hell, they would tear you apart. Didn't you think of what would happen to your parents if you got yourself and your sister killed? Go and take off that armor. You have been blessed with luck today; be glad I got to you before your mother did. At this rate, rejoice in the fact that I haven't disowned you."

With that, he turned his attention to A'Merie. He checked to see if anything was wrong. His anger had calmed down well, but he was still irritated. "A'Merie, are you all right? Did those demons do anything to you?" He heard her request. He didn't know what to do. He took a look at Charmeine, who was tearing up. "What is it you want to tell us, daughter? Whatever it is, hurry. I have already wasted enough time as it is." He sat down once more.

@Malphaestus @s o l o @ChristinaXIV

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Winner.jpg.2e649ba382dcc90e46ccfeea23299808.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54615" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Winner.jpg.2e649ba382dcc90e46ccfeea23299808.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> CHARMEINE KORTSY (THE QUEEN)

A'Merie spoke of having to speak to them, but before Charmeine readied herself to listen, the archangel spoke of a black seed and then Hael burst through the doors, wrapping his arms around his sister. So help me, child, I will- The King spoke to their son and when the word "disowned" left his mouth, Charmeine gasped. It was a meaningless threat, she knew, but the thought upset her greatly.

"Inias," she whispered, walking toward him and putting her lips to his ear. "Remember that we have an audience. Do not speak about such private affairs in front of our subjects. You will upset them if you show that we are imbalanced." Charmeine spoke with experience of supressing her true emotions for the sake of those around her for centuries. She looked him in the face, communicating with her shadowed eyes that they needed to move from this topic immedidately before the people began to understand the true havoc and confusion. She looked to their general, noting his uneasiness. Smoothly, she meanuvered until she stood by him, her wings brushing his so gently it was unnoticable by the onlookers in an act of comfort. She could not help but wish to calm the soul of another person.

"What troubles you?" She asked, her eyes on her daughter and her king as he spoke, telling A'Merie to tell what ailed her. "What black thorn do you speak of?" She glanced at the general, her blue and green eyes fearful. There was always something it seemed that leaked in with any good that might befall her family.



@Guilded Clover



@s o l o



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With love~Å'Merie


When you'd cry I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears

And I held your hand through all of these years

And you still have all of me.

The rhythm of my heart...


Before A'Merie could speak further about their "visitor" A'Merie was graced with the sound of her older brother Hael. The boy grabbed her up in his arms and hugged her tight, shooting the same questions that everyone had been asking her since she had arrived back home. "Peace dear brother. All is well.." she reassured with a smile. Though her clothes where torn and bloody, she was not injured thanks to her healing ability's. If ever she was ungrateful for her gifts that where given to her, she was ever so grateful now.

Her concentration on her brother was broken when the archangel spoke of a black seed in the garden, which she knew what that meant. He knew. He knew that Deux was there which made her a bit fearful. She would have to act fast, though she would have rather spoke to her father when he was less angry then he already was. If her father found out that she brought a demon with her to heaven he would probably tear down the whole castle and banish her for sure. On top of which, there where about a hundred angelic soldiers in the room and the last thing she wanted to do was announce that a demon was in there midst. 'What do I do...?' If there was ever a time to be a true princess of heaven, this was it. She would have to think of a way to relay her message to her mother and father without setting her brother off, worrying her mother, making sure that the other warriors don't hear and most importantly, to make sure she doesn't push her father to the edge. 'You can do this A'Merie. You have to' and with that thought, A'Merie took a deep breath and began to speak, choosing her words carefully.

"Mother, father, brother..it is true that I have returned home safely and unharmed, however, this would not be so if I did not have help..." 'Good start A'Merie...keep it up.' the princess thought to herself as she took the time to look into the eyes of each family member one at a time, "...and in helping me it was my duty to return the favor to my savior. Mother..." the little princess turned to her mother and pleaded with her eyes for her to understand, yet she still kept up her princess like disposition,"...mother I...I have brought with me..a friend. A friend from another world that not only saved my life, but also aided Light in her search for me. He saved me mother. I wish to save him now.." sure A'Merie was somewhat beating around the bush with this, but really...how could she tell her parents that she brought with her their sworn enemy. No demon had ever set foot in the kingdom of heaven for centuries! A'Merie could only hope that her mother would understand and would keep her father on a tight leash. She was the only one that could save her from a lifetime of exile. The only one that could keep her brother from tearing Deux a new one. 'Please mother...his fate rests with you...'

@ChristinaXIV @RiahB @Guilded Clover @WeabooTrash


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Winner.jpg.164e385fef4959d1dbcf746b1bf0cdbe.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54632" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Winner.jpg.164e385fef4959d1dbcf746b1bf0cdbe.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> CHARMEINE KORTSY (THE QUEEN)

Charmeine looked at her daughter's pleading eyes and wrinkled her brow in worry. A sense of dread filled the queen's chest and she asked the question she really did not want to ask.

"Who-" she looked at the archangel before looking back at her daughter, her imagination going 110 miles per hour. "Or should I say What have you brought back with you, A'Merie?" Surely, A'Merie, in her desperation to find a way for her demon friend to stay, had forgotten that her nother had had a gruesome past with a demon which had made her develop an aversion to them completely. But, as this demon was a child, surely- maybe?

But all of this was unknown by the queen. She had no idea who- or what- her child had brought into the gates of heaven with her.

"Do not speak loudly, darling. We do not want the people to overhear."




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