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Fantasy Angels VS. Demons:The Eternal War [Accepting!]

Malias moved back away from his sister. It was unconscious and immediate. The power flowing from his sister was a clear and immediate danger and he did not have the strength to fight her and the angel. He suddenly coughed and knelt down, blood coming from his mouth. His body was suddenly racked with pain "Not now" he mumbled. The Angel Blood he'd drunk before the battle with the Angel Assassin was finally finishing it's course in his blood.

In some ways, he supposed his sister's interference was a blessing. Had she not arrived, he'd have been wide open to the Angel's attacks "Damn, fine Electra" he said softly. He could barely move his body as he stood up and moved to the side, sinking against the wall as his body was racked with another bout of pain.
Zania shifted to a small dragon and sat beside Malias, she saw he was in pain but couldn't do anything. She sat there and stared at him while Electra became more demonic. She wanted to bite Electra but refrained, Electra could kill her with just a look. So she sat there beside the eldest Prince and waited.

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Deux clambered to his feet, gazing up, much as he did as he descended from Light's presence, she'd left him, she said she'd protect him. He buried his head in his hands as the heat grew, a burning anger and remorse inside him as he began to cry as well, almost in rhythm with the girl whom he'd arrived with. "Light... Why!?" He slammed his fist into the dirt as he felt his knuckles grow sore, "Why!?" He looked up to the heavens in which she was made, "WHY HER!?" He curled up into a small ball and began to remember all the things she had said to him, for the feeling that the princess was having was mutual, he knew he'd never see her again.




The rhythm of the fight had changed, Electra, the one girl she sought had made her appearance, she coughed violently as she fell to one knee, and then rose, her attacks seemingly having done something to phase the prince into coughing up blood, that was a tad motivating. With her left hand, she placed the handle of her knife in between her thigh and fingers, pushing up to her feet. "Good... You're the one I want..." She smiled a bit as her vision began to fade, her heart was pounding now, she could feel it.

"There's a fine line in this existence between those with courage, and those with stupidity, I guess..." She looked at her tattered armor that she was wearing, "I've got a lot of stupidity..." She felt a tear slip as she saw the boys face, the demon who she had worked so hard to rescue, side by side with the princess, "But maybe... That's just the way things were meant to be..." She gave a halfhearted laugh, her voice shaky now as she could feel her tears coming in weak volleys. "There isn't much of me left... But I knew this from birth, I've always been dying, and now... Well..." She looked around, "This is a good place to finish my mission, alive or dead!"


She formed another white-toothed smile as she looked up for a moment and just simply yelled into the air, no context to her words, just a firm yell, meant to vibrate through the room, and vibrate it did as she stopped her elevated tone. "I've had enough of the deceit and lies! It's time to find out... If the one truly responsible for creating me knew his purpose for me after all..." She readied her blades in the same stance she had fought Malias in, her brows narrowing until coming to a crease above her nose, "I'm not dying, not yet!"

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Inias stood up with Charmeine. "You are not useless. You, my Queen, have endured the worst out of this situation and I will make it right. But I cannot let you go into Hell with me," he took her hands into his own. "I won't risk losing the one I love, especially in the hands of those demons. I will find our children and return them to safety. You need not worry any longer; I will tear Earth and Hell apart in my search for them. The very best I can do is to let you go to Earth. It is much safer compared to Hell."

"Rulers of Heaven- I heard the peoples call, I am here; I have reawoken."

The familiar voice made the king hold his breath for a second. Out of the corner of his eye was a figure, someone he was waiting for for a long time. "Malphaerus. It has been a while." Inias's voice took on a serious tone. "Something has gone terribly wrong. My children, our children, have left Heaven. One of my daughters has been captured and taken to hell while the other two ran off to Earth. My son is trying to find a way there, thinking he can save the day and impress me," he started to become angry. "Why did I not see this coming? I'm a horrible father; forgive me Heavenly Father." He tried to refrain from shouting in front of his wife and shedding tears in front of his finest General. "Malphaerus, will you and your army join me in a quest to save my daughter A'Merie from the demons? We cannot let them off free for what they did. If they killed her, we will tear Hell apart."


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Ēlectra "Haydie" Elstife

Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt

Hells greatest...

Electra was all but vibrating with power. Everything in her screamed for her to kill the angel. Which she would and this time with no interference. At the moment Electra was at the point where she just needed to kill something. But she wouldn't just kill this angel...she would destroy her. Her very aura was visibly seeping from the floors around her, as it did when she was to fight the other angel that killed her mother.

With another swift move, Electra held tighter to the angel's throat, digging her nails into her flesh, then threw her across the room like a rag doll; after which, she did not move, but rather just stood there. Her eyes piercing into her like daggers. Then, as if it where a competition, Electra threw her head back and let out a loud and mighty roar that could be heard even outside of the castle. Her silken wings that looked like those of a fallen angel had ripped out of her back and where spread wide as she locked her eyes back on the angel before her.

Electra was gone. She was almost completely lost in her emotions and drunk with power. There was no turning back from this. With another swift motion the demoness had vanished and appeared right beside Light again, leaning in to whisper in her ear, "She is going to die.." the woman said, then another Electra appeared on the other side of her and whispered, "It's all your fault." then, yet ANOTHER Electra appeared right in front of her, hand on her hip and head tilted to the side, "You killed her the minute you left her alone." she said, shaking her head from side to side and began to laugh, sounding as evil and seductive as ever. All of the clones of her disappeared when suddenly A'Merie was standing in the middle of the room, tears poring down her cheeks as she reached her hand out to light, "Light..help me....help me plea-" but before the little angel could finish her plea, Electra materialized behind her with a devilish grin as she brought a knife to her throat and slit it wide open; blood spraying out as she choked and collapsed on the floor in front of her.

Of course, none of this was real. It was all an illusion thanks to her little brother's power yet again. Electra hadn't moved a inch from her spot the minute she spread her wing's. She had been standing there, black smoke still surrounding her as she crawled her way into Lights head. Which was far to easy in the angels weakened state. Electra hardly even had to try.

@ChristinaXIV @Abana @Seraph Darkfire




She'd panicked when A'Merie had appeared in front of her, naturally, remembering that the girl was safe on her way home, she had thrown the thought aside and ignored the attempt to get into her brain. However, the event within itself had seemed so lifelike. Unfortunately, as she stood their, her life was slowly dripping down the wall, and this girl, this demoness was moving much faster than she had before, she seemed far more ferocious, no, she was gone, this was a beast now.

She gritted her teeth at the mockery that woman made of her princess and charged, her blade held high as she lead with a thrust from the dagger and followed with repetitive slashes from her sword, all at blinding speed despite her inability, surely if the blade itself wouldn't connect, the shockwave would smash into a wall and destroy it,
"Enough! I'm not playing games with you!"
With love~Å'Merie


When you'd cry I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears

And I held your hand through all of these years

And you still have all of me.

The rhythm of my heart...


After minutes, though it seemed to have been hour's, A'merie had finally stopped crying. 'Merie, stop this. You are a princess of heaven. You need to bare your pain and get this boy to safty. Your people need you!' but of course, her little pep talk didn't completely make her forget what had just happened. Still, she would do what was right. She would do as Light wished and return home and maybe...just maybe...they would be able to save her and bring her back home where she belonged.

After whipping her tears and swallowing her pain like a pill, the little angel stood up strait, taking a deep breath, in and out, then shook her head in approval of herself. She was ready to do her duty. As an angel and princess of heaven it was her duty to help, honor, and protect her people, which included the demon boy that came through the portal with her. He obviously meant something to light and Light to him. Letting out yet another breath, A'Merie approached the wailing demon, crouching down by his side and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder.
"ssshhhhh hush now dear. Relax your mind of what ails you." she cooed as she pet his shoulder in understanding. It took all she had not to start crying again. Not only was it painful to think about light, but it was also painful to see one of her loved ones cry as well; and though she didn't know him, she understood him and judged him not. Before thinking it through, A'Merie unconsciously lifted the boys head gently laying it in her lap as she combed his hair through her finger's and began to sing a sweet, soothing song. Her voice itself was said to have healing powers. Of course, it was the mind and soul that was to be healed and not a cut or bruise. The boy was troubled. She could read that much about him without even having to know him. Why else would Light allow him to tag along with her?





He could feel a soft comfort that wrapped their arms around him, only reminding him more of when Light had draped her arms around him to take the blades for him, the way she had wrapped her arms around him to protect him as they slept, the arms that had wrapped around his body to carry him away from the darkness.
"I... She's...-" He paused, he felt a part of him fall away as he stopped crying, he stopped moving, he was just there, in the princess' lap, "Princess, how much faith do you have in her? I mean really?" He sniffled as he sat back, he was still so young to be doubting himself as such, but he began to wonder if he could ever amount to anything she was, "Tell me... Do you think she'll win?" He shook his head as the tears began to flow again, falling slowly as his lip quivered.

"No... Of course not, I'm being stupid, she..." He broke down as he slammed his fists into the ground like a little kid again, his voice cracking as he cried out, a terrible shake to his tone, "LIGHT! COME BACK!" The stinging in his eyes had gotten progressively worse, "I... I know... I'm just wishing..." He swallowed a hard lump, "But, she saved my life you know?" He released a shaky breath and let the tears fall silently, "And here I am, so close, but I can't help but feel this isn't how it should end... She's on her own fighting, and we're here... laying back like cowards!" He clenched his fist tightly, "I hate this! I hate being so weak, I just... I can't..." He murmured softly as he swallowed another lump, "Where is this perfect place she told me of? And why couldn't she come with me!? It doesn't make any sense..."

He was like a puppy now, and one with a master that had up and disappeared, his stomach growled, and he grew mad. He rammed his fist into his gut as he keeled over,
"Just shut up! How could you think about food at a time like this!? Can I really complain when she's facing death... And... She knows it... That's it... She knows it, she thinks she has to die just because she saved a demon..." He gasped and covered his eyes with his arms and pulled up his knees. "No... No... She wouldn't, she wouldn't abandon me... Her heart is too kind for something like..." He hiccuped, "No... Light... Please... Don't put me through loss again... I can't lose you, not after all we've been through..." And indeed his prayer to the nothingness was heartfelt, she had saved him, broken death momentarily to come and rescue him, to put him on a path to safety, he was breaking on the inside. "You..." His voice became that of a pitiful whine now as he repeated the name over and over, "Light..."



@Guilded Clover
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Malphaerus Albyraux Agni, The Archangel

There were no mistaking it, there was fear, terror, and worry running amidst the heavenly splendor which should be heaven- it was unmistakable, but he could also feel taint in his homeland, much like a single black flower amidst a field of yellow flora. It was a thorn at his side, however he continued on still, listening to his king; however he was unable to release his gaze from Charmeine, she fielded the lips of a woman who had seen death and lingered on still- filled with unexplainable emotion, like total turmoil.

However, he held no right to feel what he did, he wasn't the king, instead he listened closer to the King than he'd ever listened to any king prior- a war with demons has occured? The situation of which his majesty descibed sounds unlike anything he'd ever heard and now he truly understood why the people had awoken him to this hellish scenario.

The king had revealed his true self, the father- but no one could stand against hell on their own, not even the king, not even himself. Given that Malphaerus took the greatest warriors of the war and went into hybernation it was clear to him right away that the armies had went into great decline.

"My Lord, I can sense your worries- the worries of your people, and also the things that has happened, through your very action."

Malphaerus glanced at the king and queen's tree, then he eyed the golden lily. Whilst his face remained calm, untouched, his mind went quick into motion- strategies, tactics and battle formations, all accounting for every possible scenario which he could possibly know. As he glanced at the golden lily he quickly came to pick up the flower, disconnecting it with the ground.

"Much like the holy flower, heaven is strong- beautiful and also essential to its surroundings. Should it die, then all flowers around it will do so too. Only an assisting force may keep it alive, even in tough times, this is your duty."

Much like any other flower, the Golden Lily would normally die upon disconnection with the ground, however the holy force eminating from Malphaerus kept it alive, it didn't die- instead it thrived more so now than ever.

"My King, I am with you. I have long awaited the day Hell be raptured by the waves of our holy warriors. My knowledge, my expertise and the unrivaled skill of my Watchers will be at your helm. But when attacking a citadel, a fortress, you need strategy, a plan. Otherwise you will bring down heaven with you. If you were to do that, then I will not forgive."

@Guilded Clover @RiahB
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He looked at the angel responsible for the death of his wife. "Do you know who I am?" He sat next to her. "I am called the original sin, a man of both wealth and taste." He touched the Angels shoulder. "But first and foremost...I am a man of...Reason." He squeezes the Angels shoulder, an it feels like it might crack. "And I don't see how you even could kill her..." He squeezed a bit harder, and you could hear a little crack. He had shattered a bit of her shoulder. Leaning in close to her ear, abs whispered. "I am the lord of Darkness. Your power is nothing to me. The worlds smartest angel or man is no more a threat than the worlds smallest termite. Wich is why I seem not to care about much. " his grip got stronger, and his eye glinted yellow. "You have made me care..." He shoved his hands down to dislocate her shoulder. "I will make an example of you." He says. "I will Tourture you, corrupt you, and once I have taken everything you love away from you and create my new world, I will put you in a place that everyone can see. What happens when you go against me."
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The Queen could feel the archangels unwavering gaze on her face as her husband spoke. She glanced his direction and found her different colored eyes locking with that of the general's. His stare was knowing, as if he saw through to her soul and the chains wrapped so tightly around her slim neck. It made Charmeine feel vulnerable and before she could stop herself, her gaze dropped to the ground to stare at her bare feet peeking from the grass of the garden.

I am queen, she thought to herself, scolding herself. I do not submit myself to anyone but my king. She should have kept eye contact until he looked away, but the thought was unbearable. It felt as if he knew her every heartbreak, ocean deep secrets, and pain she could never inflict on others by sharing; as if he knew all of the words she never spoke in her years as queen and as Inias' wife. As if he knew that sometimes, she felt her only way to not feel her agony was to not feel at all and there was only one true way to not feel. To die.

It was, of course, non sense. Her feelings did not matter. How could she be so selfish when her children needed her so? How could she be so self centered when her husband talked of travelling to Hell and battling in a war with their sworn enemies? What would she do if she lost Inias? Surely, she could not live without him. The idea of life without the king by her side was as unbearable as being split open by the piercing gaze of the archangel.




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Hael had been patiently waiting in the armory, examining the different kinds of weapons and armor he could use in the battle against evil. His gaze stopped at his childhood armor - the one he used to use during weapon training in his youth. It was too small for him, unfortunately, and he was surprisingly not as dumb as to try it out. But another one also caught his eye - made of the finest steel in Heaven, one with emerald ornaments and gold decorations. It was quite pleasant to the eye and looked as though only the finest of warriors have the right to think about wearing it. He, however, thought that the fact he himself is royalty gave him the luxury of actually wearing it on his trip to Earth, and then - Hell. Thus, he ignorantly took it like the bad prince he was. Without even considering the latter reactions of his father.

Walking up to the room with the armor in both hands, he carefully put it on a manikin he for some reason owned. It was supposed to be for observation of human clothing but... not anymore! While still wearing those human "sheets" he had put on earlier, he walked towards the enormous window in his bedroom and stared at the havoc he had created inside the kingdom. That made him panic, wondering what went wrong. He was beginning to breathe heavily, wondering how he could bring peace to his people. (Although he didn't own them...) Walking around his room in circles, he returned to the huge open hole in his wall, analysing the situation.

But as he looked around, examining the environment outside, he saw the royal messenger flying to his window. As the elderly man arrived, panting, he gave him a list of angels, who were willing to participate in the expedition to Earth. Luckily for Hael, one of them was high on magic, thus that angel could possibly open a portal to the wished destination. "How convenient!", Hael thought. Was it really as simple as he expected it to be? Let's hope so.

"Royal messenger, I greatly admire your efforts in completing your duties! But I wish of you another request - announce a meeting for these brave angels... " - he pointed at the list of names, "... inside the throne room, after exactly 20 minutes!". "But...", the messenger knew that was going to be yet another bad idea, coming from the prince's mouth, but was obliged to follow royalty's orders. Thus he nodded and left the castle with smooth flying capabilities.

Little did Hael know was that there were rumors of him already being outside of Heaven with the search party. The next news of the messenger were going to cause even more confusion in the kingdom, but he never really thought about how they WOULD feel if he did anything drastic. Thus we are awaiting the next unnecessary drama caused by this foolish prince...
"You will not harm my servant" a glowing light rippled from the collar around Neria's neck and pushed the Demon King away from her. The power of the King paled in comparison to the magic that bound the Angel to Malias. It was magic from before the fall of the Angels, magic that was bound to the old world. Malias had stumbled upon it a long time ago, when he first came to the Demon World.

The magic was special, capable of only being used once, but no other magic in the universe could shatter it. Malias had originally intended to use it on either Electra or the King himself, but the magic couldn't be used on demons and Dragons had a certain immunity to most magics. However, Angels and Humans were susceptible to the magic. Without Malias' express consent, no other demon could harm his servant.

The opposite was also true for other Angels and Humans, they could hurt his servant without needing to ask Malias.

Should Malias die, the control of the servant would go to the person he trusted most. The King and Electra were very far down on that list.

Malias grinned, feeling the magic activate 'At least one thing is working out' he thought. Adding his new Angel servant, his plans would work out even better than before. Hopefully, with the return of the Angel Princess, he could gain some footing with the Angels. If he could gain their trust, it would make things far easier. If he could unite the Angels and Demons, he could create a new golden age for them all.

Should he have to fight his father, he'd definitely need their help, especially if it meant fighting some of his siblings who were far more loyal to their father.

@gogojojo331 @The Akolite
She looked at the king with a wonderful smile. "It was quite easy do to the fact you left in protect" Her smile grew even brighter and a satanic cheer gave out when the pain appeared "Torture is something I enjoy your majesty..." She laughed at his threats, every single one. When he dislocated her shoulder she screamed with joy. "You have no family to kill, because their all ready dead to me, your job was completed before you could even start it" She found this king absolutely ridiculous. Then she saw the light from her collar and her new master. A person she believed she owed her life to because he spared her. She gave a smirk to the king as he was blasted well away from her. She thought about the ancient Magic the was used in the contraption that wrapped around her neck. She remembered the story now, the one her father told her before he gave up.

His pale face was bright in the darkness of the room. Her father was a small and frail man with eyes pale blue and stomach that revealed his ribs. His daughter resembled him in many features, but her beauty came from her mother. The three year old Neria chuckled when her father finished up a story and the girl wanted another. Her father told her a gruesome tale about a slave and the magic that held him by his masters hands. Abuse was the main topic of the story and she found it quite disturbing.

"How the hell" she questioned her self from remembering something so long ago. Then she looked up to the boy she grew fond of. "Hello" she said with a fake grin. She herself wasn't to sure if it was the magic that made her like him, but she didn't mind it. Her hand moved to relocate her shoulder. Cracks could be heard, but the girl was unfazed as she smirked at the king.
"Malias, my boy..." He smiled, and came behind him. "Very interesting of you to defend the person who killed mommy dearest." He smiled. "Shame when a man can't trust his children. " He walked down the hall. "Time to reset the worlds anew." He grinned and laughed. In a flash, he was gone. He as a king with no trust in his own family. A King Lear. No matter, as it seemed what the old scriptures had said was true. He sat next to his dog. "Come Boy." He pet him. Long term plans truly weren't his things anyways. Although good on Malias for his corruption ability.

Another warp, and he was in the room of true darkness. It was actually like another dimension, made by whatever precursors came before him. No one dared enter this scared realm, as many before him had been riven mad, or died. Maybe both. Either way, it was impenetrable, based o the magic of old. "Time to start the end of the cycle. " He sat with his wolfs, his snakes, and many more of his 'Pets'. Time to press the big reset button on existence itself. Ragnarok, the End Times, The great rebirth. "RELEASE RESTRAINT LEVEL 1." In a flash, the wolves Skoll and Haiti looked at each other, and warped. "Fylliz fiǫrvi feigra manna, rýðr ragna siǫt rauðom dreyra. Svǫrt verða sólskin of sumor eptir, veðr ǫll válynd." As soon as these words were stated, the worlds began to rumble. A huge shadow was shown on both of the worlds, shadows of beings not yet seen, and Hell and heaven experienced the likes of which they were dreaded and amazed by. The appearance of snow. "Brœðr muno beriaz ok at bǫnom verða[z] muno systrungar sifiom spilla. Hart er í heimi, hórdómr mikill—skeggǫld, skálmǫld—skildir ro klofnir—vindǫld, vargǫld—áðr verǫld steypiz. Mun engi maðr ǫðrom þyrma. " With that, he sat and waited. No one would dare come. After all, This is what they wanted. The survivors would be fit in the new world.
Inias nodded at the Archangel's response. "You're right. We need a plan. But there is no time." He started. "They have my daughter; I can't give them anymore time. They might be using her to get to us, to get to me. I mustn't allow myself to be baited like this, but they have gone too far. If a plan is what we need, a plan is what we get. We must hurry, but we need to be efficient. Time is of the essence." He started to go through horriffic images of what could be happening to his daughter. Shaking his head, he continued. "Do you have any ideas? Surprise attack, maybe?"

He felt the gentle squeeze from Charmeine on his hand. He lifted her hand to his lips, kissed her hand, and let go. "Be safe, my love." He was sure these were the last words he was to ever say to her. He then turned his attention towards Malphaerus. "Come now. Let us speak about this somewhere more private. The throne room, perhaps?" While walking to the castle, Inias took another look at his beloved wife. From that distance, she looked so calm, so peaceful. But even he knew that this wasn't a time of peace.

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Charmeine opened her mouth to speak when her husband began to walk away from her. The warm pressure of his lips on her hand heated her chest, affection blooming through her veins, but then he let go. Her hand dropped back to her side, sharp pain stabbing in her heart. Don't let me go, she screamed internally, but that too was selfish. As he walked with the general to the throne room, he glanced over his shoulder at his wife. What he saw was calmness, what she felt was hopelessness. Would she lose him? Would he die never hearing the three little words he had strived for their entire marriage? Would he return, but with their dove bloodied and as dead as her mother's unmoving hand, cold to the touch? Would Charmeine blame Inias for not getting there in time?

Her entire thought process floored. Would Inias get there in time?! The planning, the meeting, gathering the troops?! Her realization hit her like a freight train. He'd be too late! She had everything she needed. The five elements. But she, the queen, had one thing she'd have to do before setting out.

she called, suddenly running toward him like a mad woman, her heart pounding in a frenzy. "INIAS!" Her silver wings shot up behind her in one powerful stroke, casting silver light across the grass in which her feet whispered against in her haste to get to her husband. Her white curls streamed behind her as she began to fly run, her feet occasionally leaving the ground. Could she do this? Could she do it in case she never came back? Oh he'd surely blame himself, but he'd have at least something to hold on to when she was gone.

And then her small frame was barreling into his chest, her arms wrapping tightly around his neck. She jerked his head down and pressed her lush lips into his own, kissing him with all her confusion, turmoil, and resignation. She poured her soul into that one kiss, that last kiss. It ended too soon and she held his face in both of her hands. This was it... She could say it...

Say it, Charmeine, she commanded herself. Tell him. This is your last chance to tell him.

"Inias, I-," She faltered, staring into his face. SAY IT! "Inias, I love you!" Charmeine stared up into his face, her eyes wide in disbelief at her own confession. She did it.




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His lips quivered as the humans delicious blood poured out from her body. This girl had been his feast for a while now. She was his and she loved the control he had over her. He held the girl bridal style as he sunk his fangs back into her neck. He had pampered the girl with an extreme amount of love and comfort. Today was the last day of her human life. For she had made a deal with a demon. She traded her soul for a wish. Now she was his till she died. He started to suck out all the delicious nectar from her veins. Draining her of all her blood and in the next few moments the girl was dead. She would now be found trapped in a jail cell in hell that could only be opened by him. Her body would be exactly the same except with a few demonic features.

Asaolle had found himself running for his life when he saw that dragon. He had a fear for his sister that was larger then life. His life had changed that day. When he ran he found a town. A small town he could call his own. He found a girl who loved him to peices, one that would give herself up to be with him forever. He developed his tricks, first he mastered the ability to pull monsters out of his shadows, that could walk and fight. He trained for a fight that he now believes he can win.

He was over come with grief that day he couldn't save the Angel due to his own weakness. If he would have stood up, their might have been a chance he could have saved her. He was weak ,but he would redeem himself.

Asaolle moved through the forest now making his way back to hell. He moved with purpose and he was driven to make it there. He would not allow his sister to abuse him. He would make sure of that. His hands rested on the side of the cave wall that led to hell. He jumped and his body was slick with speed as he crashed down to the floor. His body moved on itself as it went into the castle, on the move to find someone or something.​
Charmeine's screams were enough to make Inias stop in his place. Her voice carried so much and echoed throughout the garden. He could hear his wife's feet padding along the grass and her wings flapping in the air. He tried to not to turn, for that would only result in tears. But she was getting closer by the second. He loved her too much just to ignore her when she needed him the most, so he turned around.

Right when he did, Charmeine's body ended up against his and so were their lips. All of the passion, the grief, and the hurt from Charmeine was in that kiss and Inias felt it. It didn't last long though, as his wife pulled back and held his face in her hands. And there he saw everything: pain, grief, and confusion, all mixed together into one face, the face of his beloved.

"Inias, I love you!"

Those words froze his world. In that moment, everything was gone, just the two of them. Inias didn't say a word; he didn't even breath. While there was no whimpering or sobbing, tears trickled down his face. Staring into Charmeine's tired eyes and voice seemed to break him. I love you. Those words were words he was wanting to hear ever since he was first married to her. For centuries, she never said that sentence no matter how much he said it to her. But now she said it. At the last possible moment.

With tears still coming down his face and breathing heavy, Inias pulled Charmeine's head up towards his own, foreheads touching. He smiled a great big smile, only ever given twice: when Inias had his children and when he got married to his wife. Never looking away from her delicate face, he finally spoke. "I love you too. Don't you ever forget that." He pulled his face closer to hers and put his lips against hers. It was a loving kiss, a comforting kiss that meant that everything was going to be fine. And he was going to make that come true.

Jude Vesheriah Ambrose

Through the fog of his own misery, Vesher heard a clear and magnificent bell. He'd never heard it before, but he felt as though it signified something important. It certainty stirred a reaction in the many angels around him, some of whom looked joyful, others confused. He would have joined the chatter to discover the source of the bells, if not for his new found unpopularity... courtesy of one Inias Kortsy. He didn't want to mill about being visibly ostracized any longer, and he was curious.

Vesher unfurled his dark wings and took off with a running leap. He glided under the cloudy skies on a smooth current, feeling his blood dry coolly on his skin or fall off in small drops. At least it was finally slowing.

He tilted a wing to head towards the castle, towards the echo of the bell and the source of a moving, glimmering shape. As he neared, the metallic amoeba became discernible. It was a hundred soldiers, bedecked in ancient armor and armed to the teeth. The great warriors of old had awoken! Vesher was initially excited and fascinated, but he realized that Heaven's plight must be pretty dreadful for them to wake up. They weren't even Plan B or Plan C. More like Plan D For Demonic Doomsday. What a heartwarming sight.

The half-angel decided to turn back when he could pick out the forms of the King and Queen. He didn't want to get in trouble for spying. Or any trouble at all, for at least 24 hours. Or any trouble with the king, indefinitely. He arched back around to the training grounds, hoping he hadn't been noticed, and landed buoyantly on the grass.

He unsheathed his sword and decided to practice maneuvers alone, gracefully but quickly dodging and slicing an imaginary opponent, and thinking about the old warriors. He wondered if they were going to teach the new angels, just how long they had before they'd have to go to battle, and what exactly they were even fighting about. Vesher couldn't help feeling nervous about it, after his royal moral beat down earlier. He moved with fresh determination, his sword flashing to and fro like a silver eel.

The pitchy voice of an elderly messenger made him pause. All volunteers... yada yada... the throne room in 20 minutes... Alston, Alvarez, Amick, Ambrose...

Oh. I guess right now.
Right now is when I fight. OK. He saw the others lining up to march together. Why are you all so slow? You'll be late. He snapped his wings out once more and with one strong stroke, took off like a missile. He landed on the marble steps and walked quickly to the throne room, where he hastily brushed his windblown hair out of his face and stood still. Being the first one there, he had time to look at the throne room for the first time and catch his breath. He was awed, and couldn't help showing it.

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Malphaerus Albyraux Agni The Archangel
As the King agreed to this Archangels desires, with a most probable reluctance, they agreed to head towards the throne room, the center of military planning in all of heaven. During times of the previous war it was used to house the grandest tacticians and strategists that heaven had ever seen- but now, thanks to the passing of time, things were left in Malphaerus' hands to concieve a propper strategy. The Queen's turmoil was growing ever greater, this much was easy to tell simply by looking at her lips for they were stressed. Malphaerus could feel the gaze of a 'flying bird' in the heavens, thus he beckoned the King to follow him into one of the many halls leading to the Throne Room.

"My King, as reorganizing an already disorganized force here in heaven would take far too long and prove unresourceful in the end, I'd suggest that we utilize my hundred warriors- those who showed great strenght and valor in the previous war, yet living on. These warriors of mine have gained my every blessing, they will be enough to pierce the walls of Hell and later on purge evil from its walls."

But all was cut short, the Queen had closed in on the king, all to Malphaerus' surprise, instead of looking their way he simply carried on forwards- heading towards the Throne Room. Farther behind the Queen, and even further the King, followed the 100 Watchers, those who survived and probably the strongest military force remaining in Heaven. Thoughts of strategies and tactics echoed in his mind, once more he thought of formations and how best to optimze them with what he'd remembered of hell, it was a tough duty, hell was one of the greatest fortress constructions the realms had ever seen and such a thing wouldn't be easy to-

Thoughts were cut short as Charmeine, the Queen, shouted out Inias' name for a final time, it was a scream which held mixed emotion, the Archangel thought it was a plea for Inias to remain. Therefore he turned and what he saw was something words could not describe. The passion shared by the two of them, the short yet powerful kiss which seemed to carry the very power of their souls in harmony- it was something that would shake the foundation of the wicked and empower the heartful.

Yet Malphaerus stood silent with gazing eyes and a silent mind- he didn't know what to say, what to feel, or how to behave in front of this very sight. In his mental silence, however, he spoke the following words, and they were for everyone to behold.

"My Queen, follow us to the Throne Room."

Some might expect a kind, joyful, and enthusiastic response to such a wonderful event, however the Archangel, someone who has only experienced war in his life, was no such angel. Valor was all he cared about, and such it would remain- he'd purge the wicked, they who did wrong, no matter their alliegance. Or so he told himself, but there still remained silence in his mind, in his soul.

"My King, My Queen- I have founded our strategy I will show them to you in all their splendor upon the golden table within the Throne Room."

Unlike before, Malphaestus now moved with determined steps, with great haste, and he expected the same of the king and queen. Love was no excuse for the destruction of things beloved, that is what he told himself- thus regaining his mental calm. Finally being able to think once more.

By now they were but one turn away from the gargantuan chamber that was the Throne Room and all its glory.

@Guilded Clover @RiahB

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Ēlectra "Haydie" Elstife

Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt

Hells greatest...

Normally Electra would have been giggling away at the angels reaction to her illusion, but this was not Electra. At least, not entirely. The woman standing before Light was a beast. A monster that her mother's blood as well as Maliases angel enhanced blood helped create.

With the flick of her wrist the demoness set the stage for a more interesting fight, setting the floors of the great hall into bright blue flames. Of course, Electra was immune to the flames, but she was sure that the angel wouldn't be as lucky. At the very most she expected the angel to have to take flight and fight from the air, knowing full well that Light's wing's where severely injured. This just added to her plan of a giving her opponent a agonizing and slow death. With another swift motion, Electra had reached down and pulled at the fire, creating a fire whip, courtesy of her mother, the queen. The queen was a very powerful woman. She had many talent's, one of them being her ability to control fire.

In another fluid motion, Electra swung the whip around her and flicked it at it's target; the angel. She was toying with her. Even when she wasn't herself, Electra STILL chose to take her time and play with her toys before breaking them.

@ChristinaXIV @Abana @Seraph Darkfire

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Her body was growing weaker by the second as she stumbled just to keep herself upright. The flames didn't help, apparently the princess had noticed her weakness and she was forced into the air just before the azure fire could lick her heels, she hovered weakly as she held her blade firmly, a slight pant to her, but in the quickness of the events, a whip came from the ground, no, rather the air, she'd materialized it from the flame it had seemed.

She swung it, and with the shape her wings were in, she knew there was no true escape from it, so she managed to perform an airborne roll as the weapon struck her cheek and left a gash there, she could feel fresh blood rushing down her chin now.
"C'mon! Let's go you coward!" She had been struck, but the wound had snapped her out of her daze as she charged forward with her blade to her side, immediately followed by a flurry of slashes, well coordinated and well executed. The speed was impeccable and the force behind each was enough to create a shock wave should it connect.

In her mind, she knew there was no chance of her winning, in fact, she'd accepted this fact long ago, that she'd be killed in battle due to her stubbornness to receive treatment, however, that's just who she was, naive to the last drop of blood. Her heart was pounding in her rib cage now, stinging as it beat itself against the firm bone of her rib cage. It gave her no quarter, much as her enemy, and this she was aware of.



Ēlectra "Haydie" Elstife

Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt

Hells greatest...

It seemed Effortless when Electra successfully dodged the angel's attack's, though one of them came rather close to blowing her arm off. Even in her current condition, the angel was still fairly strong. However, it was obvious that she was being over powered. A part of Electra wished that she was all healed up from her wounds. She wanted a fight that she knew the angel could give to her if she was in better shape and though the REAL Electra wouldn't bother fighting someone that was already down, she wasn't herself.

With a small smirk, Electra disappeared then reappeared behind Light,
"Why so eager to die, little angel?" This was not Electra's normal cool and seductive voice. She had practically hissed in Lights ear from behind before whirling around the angel, placing herself in front of her now as the floated above the smoldering flames below. "You shall have your wish nevertheless. I bestow this kindness to you...even though your retched kind seeks to destroy mine." after that was said, everything seemed to speed up. Before anyone knew it, Electra had ascended higher into the air above Light and swiftly brought her leg down to meet her wrist as if to shatter it, then snatched her blade from her, twirling herself in front of her again as she brought the blade to cut a deep gash in the angels wing, then brought it down again and aimed for her leg. Slowly Electra was starting to get bored of this angel, and just wanted her dead. And that she would be. Soon.



With love~Å'Merie


When you'd cry I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears

And I held your hand through all of these years

And you still have all of me.

The rhythm of my heart...


A'Merie just sat and listened to the boy speak as she would with anyone else. The boy was in serious pain which in turn, pained her as well. She was sure that her song would sooth the boy and put his mind at ease. It never failed with anyone else EVER. But this boy was not effected by her sweet soothing voice. It was rather...odd. Despite her efforts failing to help the poor demon A'merie still did not give up hope. She would help him if it where the last thing she did. After the boy was done with his outburst, A'Merie stood up from her position on the grass and held out her hand for him. "Come. I will show you the place that Light wished to take you. Though...I....I know that I am not Light..I hope that you would consider me as your f-friend. I will let no harm come to you. This I promise." and she meant every word. It wouldn't strike her as odd if the boy refused to go with her back to heaven. The invitation was extended to him through Light who was....indisposed at the moment. In her place, she would have to do, though she felt that she did not come even close to being the amazing person that Light was.

The princess stood with her arm outstretched, hand offered out for the Deux to take, which in her heart she hoped he would.





Her senses were on edge, especially as the princess moved in blinding speed around her, eventually teasing her as she rose upward, with the state she was in, there was no hope of dodging. Light's wrist was met firmly by the heel of the demoness, sending her in a downward spiral, and amid the strike, her sword was taken and used against her, she felt the blade slice up into her wing, leaving a deep gash which left her howling in pain. With the absence of use in her wing, she fell helplessly into the flames, crying out as the demoness landed her final strike, the blade digging its way into her thigh as it snapped her femur and rested in the meat of her quads.

"AGH!" She exclaimed as she forced the princess away from her with her intact leg, feeling the flames now engulfing her body. She extended her hands as a bright light shone and the flames dispersed, however, the girl was smoking, literally smoking, her armor had small tints of the flame left on it as she dislodged the blade from her own leg and picked it up slowly, her blood now pouring onto the ground, "No... Not like this..." She grimaced as the broken leg crackled. "NGH! It hurts..." She groaned as she used her blade to stand herself upright, though her leg was bent at an angle that did not allow her to rise the entire way. She cast a sharp glare at Electra as pain had stricken itself across her face.

Her wing hung limp and she appeared as a weakened child, one who had no hope, and she knew this, there was no hope for her body, but she had to try, just one last thing. Realizing this inner doubt and death inching its way towards her, she felt a small lump form in her throat. She could see his face, the boy who she had saved, his gentle amber eyes, his coy little smile, she could see the princess, the one who had driven her to this desolate wasteland where she was certain she faced death. She gritted her teeth together softly as she raised her blade into the air and then thrust it into the ground, the celestial steel piercing the marble and lodging itself firmly.

"Deux..." She could feel tears forming in her ducts now as she whispered softly, "A'Merie..." She groaned as her hand left the comfort of the handle of the weapon, and she left her form to stand weakened on one leg, "Inias... Charmeine..." She let the salty tears now run down her cheeks, mixing with the blood and dripping down off her chin as her brows knitted. "I failed, I couldn't... I couldn't win..." Her hands were shaking as she slowly raised her right in front of her, letting a soft photon of life form, she closed her fist around it as she felt the power radiating, growing warmer with each passing moment.

"Deux..." She blinked softly in her whisper as she spoke rather indirectly to him, "Grow... Become strong, I pray for your safety and for guidance as you become a man, that one day you may protect those you care about... And find true happiness..." She paused, coughing some of her blood out, "A'Merie, may you blossom into the beautiful and wise princess I know you're going to be... I hope you meet your prince charming one day..." Light laughed a little as thick streaks of crimson life ran from the corners of her mouth. "Inias... Lead your people to a new future, you're wise, intelligent, bold... A skilled fighter, and a loving father, so be the man you were born to be, the man you've molded yourself to become..." She could feel the warmth in her palm growing stronger as streaks of light began to flash from within, escaping through the crevices of her fingers. "Charmeine, you're a beautiful queen, one filled with majesty, your turmoil and internal struggles are only a signature sign that you're becoming stronger each day, whether you know it or not."

She staggered a bit as the power began to grow uncontrollable in her weak fist, her other hand hung limp from the wrist shattering she'd received earlier. "
Electra, you... most of all, you're the one who needs to change, you need to see the values in life," She writhed for a brief moment in bitter pain, "To cherish it... The path you're on now is rash, a brutal one that will only result in death and pain, though, I suppose you know this?" She let out a halfhearted chuckle, "No, I know you know this..." She held her closed fist to her heart as the light began to resonate in a beautiful rainbow-like aura, "Now... It's my turn!" She extended her arm as the room illuminated itself with a blinding light. An immense energy was released as the walls began to blow away and the roof was ripped off, the beam shooting up high into the sky as the broken girl was enveloped in it.

A few seconds of this overbearing power carried through the air before it began to fizzle and the throne room of hell began to fade to its bleak and lifeless form, the walls and roof completely gone as the girl lay on the ground, the pool of blood spreading beneath her. Light could feel her heartbeat against the cold marble,
One... Two... A beat... One... Two... Three.... A beat... One... Two... Three... Four... Beat... One... Two... Three... Four... Five... A beat... One... Two... Three... Four... Five... Six... Seven... Eight... Nine... Ten... Eleven... I'm sorry... Her eyes opened slightly as she gazed to her side, she could see them, two figures, A'Merie and Deux, the poor boy, crying his eyes out, for once in her life it had seemed, she was feeling regret as a real person should. Her usual tough-girl attitude had faded, the recent events had practically beaten it out of her, she was exposed now, a weakened figure to the elements. But in her hazy vision, as she witnessed the beautiful princess' kindness towards him, she found rest in comfort, it was then she allowed it, her final weakness to be shown. She slowly shut her eyes as the final tears came rushing out as they passed down towards the floor, over his nose as the soft water tickled her. It was time, and with one final shudder...


Her blade remained lodged a few feet from her head as her figure remained, completely silent, lifeless, not an ounce of light left in her eyes as a shallow breeze ruffled her hair, but to no avail, the angel did not move.



The boy sniffled, feeling something drop in his heart, his soul had just disappeared within the moment. A small cast of gloom hanging over his head as he gazed up at the princess, remorse in his eyes, his soft amber optics gazing up into her perfect eyes, "I..." He sniffled again as he took her hand, depression taking over, "Let's go... I want to see this place." His thoughts recalled her, the armored woman who had saved his life, "I... I want to see this place that Light wanted to bring me to."

He let a hollow smile cross his lips as he stood to his feet, his hand in hers, her song was helping him, folding him into a state of calm. His body became peaceful, his soul was at rest, though, part of it be severed.



"Ah, I've been waiting for you, Ariel."

@Seraph Darkfire



@Guilded Clover




@The Akolite

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