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Fantasy Angels VS. Demons:The Eternal War [Accepting!]

He looked at him and his expression grew darker. "What...." His fists gripped. "...did you say?" He shivers with rage, and a dark aura forms around him. "My dear Erina is dead?" He gritted his teeth. "How?" An awkward silence followed, broken by Lous fist hitting the wall, sending shockwaves, as Chunks fell from the ceiling in the other floors. "HOW!?" He loved Erina with a passion, and he got antsy when someone even threatened touching her in some innaptopreate way, like poking. Imagine the pain worse than death to the man who killed her. And he was not even there for the funeral...
Malori's knees nearly gave out from Alasci handing her mother to herself and Luna, it wasn't that she was heavy but it fact that it was her mother's corpse. She wanted to be angry at Alasci for tossing their mother like she was nothing but she wouldn't since the queen wasn't his real mother. Malori suddenly remembered those rare occasions when her mother would braid her hair and say sweet things to her. Times like that were rare because Electra wasn't around, their mother tended to love all her children equally whenever Electra wasn't near. She was going to miss those times.

Luna suddenly took to full weight of their mother like it was nothing, Malori couldn't help but smile weakly to her twin grateful her sister was so kind to her. Malori then heard Electra and wanted to murder her elder sister, in front of all to see so that Malias could have his rightful place as heir without that girl in the way. Electra then declared herself the new queen and wanted to scream with denial but held back since she now had the powers of their mother. Instead she glared, for it was all she could do.

Touching her sister's shoulder, she motioned for them to go to the castles burial site where all royalty was buried. "Zania, tell the servants to prepare for our arrive. Tell them where we bury our queen, had better be fit for her." After Zania nodded, she flew off to do as she was told. Ignoring the other gathering demons, she gently elbowed Malias to take charge of the gathering demons while Luna and she tended to their mother. "Luna, we best hurry if Alasci is telling father. We at least have to get her changed out of this bloody dress before he sees her. For our sake more than his, I don't know of angry he will be if he sees we didn't take care of her properly."

@WeirdPrincess @Seraph Darkfire
"Greetings, from Winter."

Either A'Merie was somewhere no one would expire suspect her to be, or Winter was dim witted.

Giving up, Winter dressed into her practical, royal blue dress with sandals, and grabbed her flute as she headed downstairs. Known as one of the eldest princesses, any servant bowed or curtsied to her as she continued around the royals' quarters, which she tried to return with a nod to each and every one of them.

"Ma'am," Winter asked a maid, "Have you seen any of my siblings lately?" Maybe one of them knew more about A'Merie's disappearance.... And Winter also didn't want to make a habit of losing track of her brothers and sisters.

"O-oh! Lady Winter!" The maid scrambled into a sloppy curtsy, and Winter smiled politely.

"I-I haven't seen much, lately I have been working to upkeep Lady A'Merie's garden. I do recall a squire informing us that Hael had left the castle? That's all I know, though I would think he would have started a search party."

"Hmmmm...." Winter murmured, twirling the flute in her hands. Then, she curtsied.

"Thank you very much, ma'am."

Before the maid could protest, Winter walked away from the castle, before spreading her large wings and taking to the sky, swooping in and out like a hawk every so often. Perhaps she could find her brother on Earth and find out more?

Or maybe he would spot her first. She didn't mind. She didn't want to miss out on something like this.
Malias stepped up and looked at the gathering crowd. With a pulse of his own power, there was a sudden pressure on all of them "This is not a show for your enjoyment" he said simply "I suggest you all return to your homes and stay there for a while, there is still another, free, angel out on the loose"

"You will be notified once she has been dealt with" he saw that even with his display of power that the demons were still skeptical of him. After all, he was half blood and lesser in their eyes, even if he was their prince "If any of you think you can handle a guardian of the princess we have in captivity, you are more than welcome to try" demons were strong, but most of them weren't stupid. Hearing that it was a guard of a Princess, the demons began to disperse.


Elicia sighed as she followed the smell of blood deep into the forest. The Angel Princess had been very quiet, she supposed that it was worry for her friend. Elicia stopped when she spotted two figures sleeping near a tree. Making sure that the Princess was hidden, she stepped out into the open and began to walk towards the two figures. She couldn't tell who they were just yet, though she hoped that they were going to be friendly.

The young demon wasn't much of a fighter, though she was good at running away. Even in their training sessions, Malias went easy on her. She could hold herself well against most, using her claws and small size, but if it came to a direct fight, then she'd most likely lose.

@ChristinaXIV @Bambie
Luna turned to look at her sister and gave her a sad smile. When Malori gave her a nudge to head to the royal burial grounds, she nodded and made her way over there. She paid no attention to the passing demons as she flew past them with her mother in her arms. Thinking back on the times that their mother actually payed attention to them when Electra wasn't around. It made her smile and remember only the good memories that she had. Their mother reading her a story, teaching her the proper way to kill a human, and even playing with her and Malori. She would dearly miss those times with her and would always cherish the memories that she had with their mother.

Luna landed softly on the ground once they reached the royal burial grounds and looked towards the servants that were there.
"Change our mother out of these blood stained clothes and put her in something more beautiful," she said, handing her mother to one of the Royal guards. Looking around the area, no coffin or hole was seen in site. She growled,"Will someone please bring the coffin and dig the fucking hole? Or do I have to do it myself!" Luna barked angrily at them.

"No Lady Luna! Never! We will get the burial area ready and you won't have to lift a finger." A servant stated before scrambling to find a shovel. Luna sighed and rubbed her forehead, thinking about how irritating the servants were and how she just wanted to kill one of them. "Here you are Lady Luna. The queen in an appropriate attire." The Royal guard said, handing Luna their mother. She nodded and muttered a thanks before adjusting to hold her mother bridal style again. The gown she was wearing was completely black and it suited her. They seemed to have put a small amount of makeup on her too before bringing her back.

"Hey Mal? What did you like most about mother?" Luna asked Malori as she looked at her. The servants seemed to be taking awhile digging the hole and she had nothing more to do then just stand there. So she decided to ask her twin a few questions while they waited.
Malori was smiling as her sister took charge of the situation once they had mad it to the grounds. She could sense Zania had been hear but she wasn't here anymore, strange, where did that dragon run off to at a time like this?

A servant then brought back their mother in a black gown and Malori wanted to cry, it would be the last thing she saw her mother in. She looked at her twin when Luna suddenly asked her a question. "What I like most? About mother?" There were many things she liked about their mother. Seeing her put her make up on, seeing her yell at the servants when they were being disrespectful to her little twins, "I think my most favorite thing about mother was her love for dragons. Do you remember when we walked in on her rubbing Zania's belly while Zechen played in mother's hair like it were string that a cat would play with?" She remembered it like it were yesterday. She sighed, Malori would always remember the playful side of their mother. "What about you, twin? What was your favorite thing about mother?"
Light & Deux

The two figures hadn't move much throughout their sleep, the blue insects illuminated the place a dim azure as they littered themselves around the forest. Light's hair blew gently to the side of her face as Deux stirred, feeling the presence, and, in a slow and groggy groan, opened his eyes to let his optics fall upon the demon. Immediate panic filled his heart as he reached around Light and retrieved the knife, he held it up firmly as he began to stand, his knees shaking violently,
"L-Look.... I mean you no trouble... J-Just go away... I don't wanna have to hurt you..." The pain from his earlier wound on his back forced him to wince as he moved his second hand to the handle of the knife.

"Leave!" his voice projected, causing a slight mumble to escape from Light, "Shut up..." She slightly opened her eyes and then fell back asleep, her wound still bad, but looking much better after the cleaning she had received. It was hard to determine who their new visitor by the dim lights, but Deux had a pretty good idea. He planted himself in front of Light, "If you're here looking for a fight, then you're gonna get one..." He gave pause as her stared into the darkness with his amber eyes, "I-I am the bravest warrior of the underworld! Deux the Terrible!" Despite his obvious masquerade he was playing, his eyes told a different story, in his mind, he believed that he truly was terrible. After killing those demons a few hours ago, he had warped himself.

Light stirred again,
"What part of shut up do you not-" She opened her eyes slowly, actually taking time to look around, "It seems we have a visitor." Her hand crept over to her lance, signifying her firm grip around it from the metal gauntlets latching around the object. "I suggest you do as the boy says and leave, on top of it all, could you leave us be for awhile, we've each been through a lot and I'm awfully tired..." She slowly began to stand up, despite her staggering due to the wounds prior this event, "And someone interrupted my nap!" Her eyes flashed as she spun the lance. She could already see the girl, she couldn't hide in the darkness, rather, her eyes flashed almost in the bleakness. She readied her lance above her shoulder like a javelin, already ready to toss it into the darkness that enveloped her.

@Seraph Darkfire
"They should be. Light is very good at what she does; it would make sense that they would be okay. If they're still out there, search parties would be sent. Don't worry Miss Ayrabelle, your sister will be fine." Lavina spoke as they made their way to the town festival. "Light is a good fighter and a great protector. They would have to get through her to get to Miss A'Merie."

She stopped at the edge of the forest a couple of yards away. Gently putting Ayrabelle down, she did a quick survey of the festival. It was loud and filled with humans running around, laughing, playing and having a good time. There was also a heavy stench of foods she never had before, foods she will get to try for the first time. She also noticed that everyone was dressed differently from her and Ayrabelle. "Looks like we'll stand out quite a bit," she chuckled. "Maybe we can find clothes here so we won't be too suspicious." She took Ayrabelle's hand and led her to the festival.

As Hael sat aimlessly in the garden, staring upwards at the sky, he got a genius idea - to form a search party in order to help save his beloved sister! "Why, of course! Unity is always the answer!" he thought, standing up from the comfortable spot he had found on the grass, grabbing the unnecessary book and old sword he left on the ground. Walking to the castle, he stumbled upon one of the royal servants and greeted him with a somewhat confident smile. "Hello there, sir!", Hael exclaimed, giving out his hand as a gesture for the servant to shake it. "A wonderful day, isn't it?", the prince tried starting a conversation, although going a bit off-topic. The servant, a bit confused, shook the hand in a questioning manner, and upon trying to say something, Hael interrupted him: "You know, I think it'd be a great idea to call out a searching party for my dear sister, A'merie. Don't you think, royal servant?"

"Well, uh-", again interrupted by the prince, the servant let go of the younger angel's hand and listened to what the royalty has to say. Hael patted gently the servant's shoulder and exclaimed with a surprisingly serious tone for him: "Listen closely, as this is an order - call the royal messenger and alert him of the princess's absence. Tell him to announce the news to the whole kingdom and call out for volunteers to form the search party for her.". "But, Your Majesty-" "Now!" Hael did not realise this was a huge mistake to be made as the news, known only to the royal family would bring panic upon Heaven's citizens.

The servant left, although skeptic about the whole situation, but his duty was to follow royalty's orders - and that's what he was going to do.
Ayrabelle nodded her head, "I hope so..." She looked around once they'd reached the festival and her eyes sparkled with happiness. She could smell all the different kind of food, but she couldn't figure out what they were. She looked around for a place that they could find clothes and her smiled brighten up when she saw a store not too far from them on the left. She jumped off Lavina then pointed to the store. "I think we can get them from there," she smiled then start heading towards it, but stopped when she realised that they were missing something: money. "Lavina," she said quietly, "we're forgetting something."

(sowie bed time for me xD )

@Guilded Clover
Luna laughed at the thought of her mother playing with Zechen and Zania. She was fond of that memory, it always made her laugh when she though about it. She tilted her head as she thought about what her favorite memory was."I think it was when mother use to brush our hair and sometimes sing when she did. Or when she taught me how to wield a gun." She said was a chuckle,"I didn't know how to control that thing. I was just so trigger happy, I couldn't control myself. I ended up killing a lot of servants that day!" She exclaimed, an excited look in her eyes.

"Miss Luna, the hole has been prepared and the coffin is ready." A servant stated, bowing as he reached the twins. Luna nodded quickly and turned towards Malori, signaling to follow her. The coffin was a deep maroon color that shiny because it was newly polished. Carnations, Amaryllis and Roses lined the inside and Luna gently set their mother around the arranged flowers. Leaning down, she gently placed a kiss on her head before setting a Heather between her hands.
Elicia took a step back "Actually, I'm not here to fight, I'm looking for an angel" she squinted a bit in the low light "I am not sure, but I think you may be her...though why you have a demon guarding you is a little beyond my knowledge" she shrugged and clapped her hands together "My Lord, the Eldest Prince Valien Malias Sanguine, would like to sincerely apologize for his sister's actions towards the angels and as a sign of good faith, would like to return your princess"

She turned and headed back into the forest before returning, holding the hand of the beautiful angel as she led her forward. Elicia was a bit sad that she hadn't gotten to know the Angel Princess a little better, it wasn't everyday she got to spend time with one. The girl seemed far too sweet, even by angel standards.

It was a little funny to her, this was probably the most any Angel and Demon had spent time together and between the four of them, it was the most either of them had cooperated with the opposite side.

"My Master has told me that he hopes to form bonds of friendship with the Angels once he takes over the Demon World from his father, and I hope that this action helps that along" she sighed a little "It'd be nice if demons and angels could actually coexist like he wants, though I don't see that happening anytime soon"

@ChristinaXIV @Bambie

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Winner.jpg.1a0e6c6559cb632bfa6794f0768d49bd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54214" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Winner.jpg.1a0e6c6559cb632bfa6794f0768d49bd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


And suddenly, the Earth is shrouded in dark storm clouds, thunder rumbling deep within the sky. Rain, in one large swoop, pours over the people below. The wind whips the droplets with such a force, they welt the skin on contact. The world has a never seen such unified weather. Deserts, tropical areas, and places deep in winter are experiencing the same forceful storm.


The slam of the doors to the dining hall echoed through her beautiful home. Her voice, normally gentle and soothing was full of the wrath of a mother. No man knows vengeance lest he feels the fury of a woman. The Queen was on a hunt for her children, and she would find them if she had to go out and drag them home herself!

Her beautiful daughters-missing! Her beautiful boy-missing! HER HARE BRAINED HUSBAND HAVING NO IDEA WHERE THEY ARE! Fear was seizing this queen's breast. She knew her lovely middle princess was taken hostage and her youngest daughter, the love child of her husband and for which she held no ill will toward because she had been in one of her "I'm not in love with you" moods and he had strayed, was stranded on earth somewhere! (The queen loved children and held the little princess on very high regards.)

Her son was on his way to Hell! The Queen was sure she'd faint, if she didn't throttle The Gaurd instead.

The Angels of the Gaurd looked at their queen in fear. They did not offer her an answer. When she got a hold of those wild children, they'd all wish they had stayed glued to their mothers bosom like their lives depended on it- because they did!



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With love~Å'Merie


When you'd cry I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears

And I held your hand through all of these years

And you still have all of me.

The rhythm of my heart...


It was strange to have ended up in hell of all places; and was now being led around by yet another demon. What a day she was having. And what a day she would have to explain all of this to her father if she was to live to see her home again. The princess wasn't frightened. She was lost, yet intrigued by these creatures so foreign to her. She had heard so much about demons. How they where so evil and blood thirsty for instance. Which of course to her this was very untrue. People didn't understand nor did they want to. To her, they where all just misunderstood.

A'Merie had followed the demon girl around aimlessly but she did not utter a word of complaint. The girl was just trying to help her which she was extremely thankful for, seeing as she knew nothing of hell. Before she knew it, she was being returned to light and she could never be more happy. A'Merie's eyes began to water as she covered her mouth with her hands in disbelief. Light had come to the very depths of hell to save her.
"L....light....oh light!" the little angel cried as she ran towards her guardian and embraced her in a gentle hug. "Light, oh light. How happy I am to see you. I am so sorry. I am sorry for causing you so much trouble." the princess wailed, tears flowing down her flushed, delicate cheeks. Everything would be alright now that she knew that her light was safe. The woman meant so much to her. A'Merie was adventurous and got into trouble while she had been growing up and all the while, light looked after her. She was her hero.

After a moment, A'Merie pulled herself together, dried her tears and looked back towards the angel that rescued her,
"Thank you. Thank you for caring for me and bringing me to safety. I owe you much, friend.". With a smile, A'Merie approached the demon servant, taking her hands in her own. "Fear not. There will be no quarrel over this incident. Please let your gracious prince know that he has nothing to fear from the angels. I wish nothing but peace for he and his family."

@Seraph Darkfire @ChristinaXIV

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Light & Deux


Light took the girl longingly into her arms, tears falling from her ducts and taking a slow and swift trail down to the girl's shoulder,
"A'Merie... You're alright." She ran her hand up and down the girls back in a soothing rhythm before returning it up to her neck as she let the girl let go, her injuries forcing her to stagger as she fell onto Deux. She managed to recuperate. The young half-breed's arms wrapped tight around her as he aided her to standing straight, slowly.

Deux couldn't help but smile as he gazed at the reunion, but deep in his heart, all he felt was pain. There were the two, in harmony with one another, and he remained where he was all along, being only the tool behind her that was holding her up. There was a certain sense of absence in his heart at that moment as his hands left Light after the short time they had caught her.

She turned to the boy and smiled, before presenting him forward,
"M'lady..." She put a respectful hand on her chest as she bowed her head, "May I introduce a very special friend of mine who has managed to keep me alive. This, is Deux." He chuckled a little bit at the recognition he had received and placed a hand behind his head, a small blush to his cheeks which spread then to his ears, "Yo..."

It was then that he felt her hands come off of him and she stood on her own, looking at the girl,
"You need to return to heaven immediately, get yourself treated for any injuries..." She grabbed Deux and pushed him forward, "And take him with you, the poor boy has been through enough." The half-breed stumbled forward as he rubbed his head sheepishly, "Um, hey? Light, what are you doing." She returned a soft glance as she planted her lance on the ground to support her off-balanced weight, "I've got a mission to complete... It may be some time before I join you again." She looked him dead in his eyes now, "Keep her safe, that's all I'm asking, my fight is far from over..."

Her eyes then fell on the princess,
"Surely you must understand... After all that has happened, I cannot simply leave, not without doing everything I can... And most certainly not without paying Electra back for her insolence." She repeated once more softly as her free hand went to cover her wound of exposed flesh, "I have one more fight to finish..."
With love~Å'Merie


When you'd cry I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears

And I held your hand through all of these years

And you still have all of me.

The rhythm of my heart...


After reassuring the young demoness, A'Merie turned to face Light as she spoke to her. When she introduced the demon that had been accompany her, she smiled and bowed her head slightly in hello. Her attention however, had been ripped from him and was glued to her guardian. Light was hurt;badly. Before light could take off, A'Merie quickly approached Light and grabbed her forearms shaking her head from side to side. "No light. I will not allow it. You are badly injured and are in need of rest.". Her voice sounded concerned, almost pleading. She was right though. Light was in no condition to fight. If she where to do so she would surly be killed. A'Merie gently tugged at Light's arm, leading her to sit against a tree so that she could heal her. "Please light. Your princess wishes it." she said with pleading eyes. Though A'Merie was a princess and she had every right to command anyone to do her will, she had never done such thing. She had always simply asked or wished that people would do what she requested of them. And in that moment, she wished that Light would allow her to care for her. She could only hope.

@Seraph Darkfire @ChristinaXIV

Light & Deux

She resisted the gentle touch as Deux watched with concerning eyes, seeing the woman who had saved his life refuse to be treated, and even worse still, want to stay in this horrid place, was just something he was completely unheard of. "M'Lady... I have received my orders from higher up, your father commanded me to protect you ever since you were young, to cower away now would be pitiful." She cupped the girls hands together and set her lips in a straight,
"Listen to me now, I may not be coming back from this, and you clearly know this well..." Her voice was a low hush as Deux strained to listen, "But, my purpose is to remain here. I wish to combat these formidable opponents that would put your life in harm's way, I fear no death." She tightened her grip on her hands, "I was created for this sole reason, to protect you, and getting you back to heaven is all I have left, the rest is a personal path I must cleave." There were strength and resolve in her eyes, though, a certain weakness and paleness to her skin.

She extended A'Merie's hands outward as she placed the lance in her grasp,
"Give this to my lord and tell him that I'll serve him until I draw my last breath rather than surrender or cower away now that I am faced with the demonic presences. I will combat this evil, there is nothing you can say or do to change my mind... I love you darling, you must stay alive, and that means leaving, now. Understand that you are now holding this boy's life in your hands as he is holding yours in his. Be kind to him, please..." She pushed A'Merie back a bit and leaned against the tree for support, "Leave. Now."
Malori stood beside Luna looking at her mother, "the others should be here." She was talking about their siblings and their father. It was rude for them not to show up but understandable, she didn't want to be here either but she would always love mother. "I want to talk to that angel who did this." She wanted information that would be useful if the Angel decided to attack again. She turned and walked away from mother and Luna, Zania was still no where to be found but she wouldn't need her at the moment.

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Lavina was confused. "What are we forgetting?" She turned to Ayrabelle. She tried to think of what they were forgetting. They already had everything: clothes, no wings, communication skills, mo- oh. They had no money. She watched a young couple pull out some money and give it to the vendor."Those colorful pieces of paper they carry around all the time? I thought they still had a bartering system like they used to." Lavina felt dumb. Where were they going to get money from. It would seem rude to ask and Lavina didn't like stealing. There is also no way for them to make said money. "What are we going to do?"



Inias Bethor Kortsy

Inias stood on the training grounds watching the new recruits show him how they fought. They were... unexperienced at best. Inias watched with confusion as the new recruits stumbled and tripped while practicing new moves, getting out of formation every two seconds. This lack of professionalism was really starting to get to him and he didn't have breakfast yet. After a few more minutes, he couldn't take it anymore; they were yelling at each other and completely disrespecting the authority that was standing right in front of them.

"CEASE AND DESIST!" His voice boomed. The recruits stopped immediately and tried to get back into formation. He calmed down before continuing. "Do you understand the situation here? We are in the middle of a war and you want to stand here and bicker? I thought you all were warriors, not little children. You have three seconds to get back into formation or so help me I'll..."

He was interrupted by a familiar voice. It was a voice of anger and fear, crying out for its children. It was his wife. But why would she be yelling for their children? They were all here, weren't they? Inias called forth one of his generals. "Make sure these lot do what their expected. I must check on the Queen." The general nodded and proceeded to lead the group of recruits to the field. Inias made his way to the dining hall when he saw his wife. Her usually soft and sweet face was twisted into a look of fury. She was berating a guard and it looked like she was about to kill him. "My sweet, what is wrong? Why are you yelling for our children? Are they not here?" He was starting to get nervous. He quickly put a comforting hand on her shoulder. "You need to calm down. You might be starting a storm somewhere."


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Winner.jpg.336e8534dfae040c8b4a35920ee8eb1b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54215" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Winner.jpg.336e8534dfae040c8b4a35920ee8eb1b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Charmeine tensed when a hand rested on her shoulder, but swirled toward the warmth of her husband when he spoke, burying her white curls into his chest in despair.

"Inias, my children! Our beautiful dove was taken by demons! And half of our children are running rampant somewhere on Earth, AND OUR SON IS THINKING HE CAN MAKE A SEARCH PARTY TO GO TO HELL! I can't find him anywhere!" She lets out a hysterical little wail, before jerking back from him. "If our Gaurds bring back our children in anything less than they left, so help me I will create a dungeon from the Earth and lock them away for eternity!"

Loud thunder claps through the black clouds in the Earth and then quiets to a slow rumble. The Queen had not been this emotional since their son had hit adolescence, which had been a few decades ago.

@Guilded Clover



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He winced a little at Charmeine's yelling. "Don't worry dear, we'll find them. A'Merie has to be in the care of one of the royal guardians. I can still feel her heart beat," he continued to soothe his wife. "I know that someone has to be with Ayrabelle and Winter. Come on now, we need to focus so we can find them." Inias was starting to become angry as well. What on Earth made my kids leave? When they get back, they are in so much trouble. They will be lucky if I get to them before their mother does.

Inias looked at one of the guards. "Hurry and go round up a search party. Tell them that they have to find the royal daughters. They might be in trouble. If they fail to find them, they'll have to answer to me. Now go!" The guard nodded and ran off to the training grounds. He turned to another one. "Go look for my son. I will need to speak to him. Tell him to meet me at the training grounds." That guard let out a 'yes sir' and went on his way. Inias turned his attention back to Charmeine who was held in his arms. "There is no need to get angry. Our children are strong. I'll deal with the demons that took our daughter away." He took hold of her chin. "Don't harm the Angel that comes back with Ayrabelle and Winter. I know there is one with at least one of them. Stay here and try to keep the peace. I'll be back." He gave Charmeine a kiss on her forehead and went off to the training grounds.

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Charmeine watches her husband walk away, worry eating at her chest. What was she to do? Sit and wait? She had a half a mind to open a portal to Earth and bring her daughters back. She began pacing, her gentle hands wringing together in fear.

"Please, Heavenly Father," she whispers, her heart squeezing. "Let my children be brought home safe and whole." She leaves the dining hall, walking to her garden, the silver wings protruding from her back making a whispering noise as the tips brush the grass.

She found herself standing in front of a majestic old tree, the bleached bark gnarled and knotted with its age. The tree had been planted in celebration of Their marriage. She touched the bark gently, trying to calm herself. The rain lifted on the Earth, but the clouds stayed steady.

What was she to do? Deciding she needed to calm her people, that were probably hysterical with her son's news, She made her way toward the large doors that led out of her castle and toward the village. She heard the soft steps of the Gaurds that trailed her always and felt reassured.

"M'lady, please ride in the carriage this time?" A servant girl called. The Queen walked by without answering and stepped out of the castle, following the cobblestones leading to the village, where hysteria could be heard.

"Give me strength," she murmured as she walked.

"The Queen-" "The Queen!" "The Queen approaches!" The voices reassured her and she prepared to calm her people despite her very own turmoil.

@Guilded Clover



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Jude Vesheriah Ambrose

Vesher was feeling a rare breach in his patience. He felt like yelling for organization, but he clenched his jaw instead. He'd be damned if he let himself dissolve into the chaos. The other recruits were acting like children, in front of their king and general, no less! He could see the anger glinting in Inias's eyes and the tautness in his ivory wings even from a distance. My first day, and already I look like an idiot. Amazing. I haven't even done anything wrong.

Any time he tried to stay in formation, the others would somehow scatter like frantic pigeons. They were a herd of yelling and boots scuffling, mixed with the din of the other troop that appeared to be trying to fight. The fellow marching next to him turned too quickly and smacked Vesher square in the nose with the joint of his wing.

"Oh sh-"

"CEASE AND DESIST!" Vesher froze at the sound of Inias's voice. He quickly snapped the hand back to his side that had instinctively flown up to his nose. He could feel blood dripping off his fingers, and now down his face.

He could hear a woman screaming. There was a disturbance amongst the officers. He stood still and waited, vaguely confused, as he had for most of the day. Some of the other angels looked afraid, and Vesher anxiously wondered if any of them were cut out for this.
Inias returned to the training grounds to find the recruits get in formation. Or at least trying to. They were in their lines, but some of the recruits still wouldn't stop. And the king wasn't having it. "How many times do I have to tell you to get in formation? Do it now. NOW!" He could feel his wings twitch with anger. First his kids are missing, now this? This is too much.

He walked down the columns of recruits and saw that one of them stood out a bit. The rookie's nose was bleeding but it was like he didn't care. He kept his eyes ahead, trying not to move. This made the king give a little smirk just looking at the rookie. With his arms crossed and standing beside the rookie, Inias began to taunt him. "I've gotta say, I've been doing this for a long time and I have never seen a sight like this. You're a rare one, aren't you? He's losing blood before we even begin training," he started chuckling. "I'll have the priests pray for you. Now clean yourself up, boy. Someone hand him some tissue paper. What's your name boy? You look like you've come from the darkest depths of hell."

@s o l o
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Jude Vesheriah Ambrose

Vesher felt a bit of anxiety as Inias swept back, his voice reaching new decibels. This dissolved, however, as he reminded himself of his dad's training. How many times had he stood perfectly still as his father screamed like a banshee in his face? Just think of him as Dad but like... big, all-powerful, royal army commanding. OK, maybe he's not like him at all. Speak of the angel...

Vesher tried not to twitch as the king stopped in front of him. Me. It has to be me. He'd almost forgotten about his nose in his effort to concentrate. When he felt the gazes of several others burn into him, he deeply resented the blush creeping into his sallow cheeks. Is he laughing at me?

He gave a tiny thankful nod to whoever it was behind him that pushed a tissue into his hand. He hastily tried to wipe the blood off his face, but probably only smeared it. Anyways, at least he could congratulate himself later for retaining eye contact, despite his embarrassment. You should see the other guy, he wanted to say.

"Thank you sir, I-I think. Vesheriah Amrose, sir." he swallowed, tasting salt in his mouth.

@Guilded Clover
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