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Fantasy Angels VS. Demons:The Eternal War [Accepting!]


ectra "Haydie" Elstife

Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt

Hells greatest...


Though Electra heard what her brother was saying behind her back to their sibling's as she walked, she pushed it to the side but definitely not blowing it off completely. Maliase was shortening his lifespan rather quickly in her mind, yet he insisted on pushing her. She continued to walk down the hallway and soon Maliase caught up with her. Instead of keeping his mouth shut and walking however, he chose to yack at the mouth more which was seriously unwise. After he had finished his last sentence, Electra had hit her limit and swiftly moved to push Maliase against the nearest wall, hand wrapped firmly around his neck and claws grazing his skin. She. Was. Pissed. "You listen, and listen well. I don't need a half breed like you instructing me on how to rule MY kingdom. You. Are. Nothing. Nothing but a human made demon thanks to MY father squirting you into exsistance. How dare you think you can come into MY house and run the empire my father worked so hard to create. You know nothing of what it means to be a TRUE demon. King? You are no king." Electra all but said in one smooth breath, then let her hand that had been clutching at his neck and let it slide suggestively and slowly down his chest, leaning in closer to his face until she was a mere couple inches away from it, "Face it Valien...the most you will become after daddy dies...is my good little blood bag..." she breathed seductively closing in the space and letting her lips and warm sweet breath brush against his chin before releasing him all together and began her strut down the hall again.

@Seraph Darkfire

The second she released him and began to walk away, he reached forward and grabbed her hair, yanking her head back so that she was forced to look into his eyes "Half-breed this, half-breed that" his eyes blazed "That is all you ever complain about, but I don't care, I'd still be the same, but you revel in your demon blood like its some sort of prize. But see, I've done my research, the very first demons were Angels fallen from heaven, the next were evil humans, humans so dark they deserved their places in this world"

"I don't like fighting and killing, but I'm not so pure that I've never done it, I hate it because I'm so good at it" this time it was she who was pressed against the wall, him holding her hair straight up "A True Demon isn't decided by their blood, it is decided by their power"

The ground under him cracked as his power flooded from him and for a second he had to fight to reign it in. The Angel Blood was burning through his system, letting loose the demon he continually held back, and he grinned "Blood Bag huh? Sure why not?" he released her hair and grabbed her jaw before biting into his arm and letting the blood run free. He then forced her mouth open and let his blood fall into her open mouth "Drink and know that from now on, my filthy half breed blood will lie within you"

He then shut her mouth and forced her to swallow it before wiping her mouth clean and letting her go before he then took the lead "Oh, and try to use those eyes on me, your head will be on the floor before I utter a single sound of pain"


ectra "Haydie" Elstife

Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt

Hells greatest...


Electra had just began to walk when she felt something tug at her hair, forcing her to turn and face the person responsible. At first anger had seized her body and she was just about to lose all control that she had been clinging desperately to, seeing as their target was the angel and not each other. But then he pinned her against the wall which oddly got her slightly turned on; though she tried helplessly to push that feeling away. Never had ANYONE EVER try to dominate her and live to tell the tail. She looked into Maliase's cold now more demon like eyes and it just made that pesky feeling worse. What the hell was wrong with her!?

She sadly, due to her being so distracted by her filthy mind, did not pick up most of what Maliase was saying to her. It had all just went from one ear to the other. As did most things in her defense. Especially whatever He had to say. In her eyes, the guy knew nothing. He only thought he knew. He thought he knew what it meant to be a demon when he clearly didn't. Nearly every full demon she knew was pretty much just like her. And every half demon was pretty much just like him. Weak willed and chained down by emotions. If he truly believed that he would become the ruler of the underworld the way he was now, he was sorely mistaken. What kind of hell would be created if a demon bound by human attachments where to rule. Why, it would most likely turn into another heaven! It was sickening to even think about. No. Hell was created for a reason. Hell was a place where the most sinful creatures could do just that. Sin. That meant kill, steal, and destroy. Take what you want and give nothing back. Be who you want and give no second thoughts to anyone else. This was the way of hell. This was how she would keep it.

What surprised her was when Maliase had bit a hole in his wrist and fed her his blood. At first she tired to turn her head and refuse it. But not really. I mean, Electra was a admirerer of fine blood. And oddly, his was....not....bad....

Once released, Electra watched Malias walk away from her for a moment as she reluctantly licked her lips of the left over blood. He WAS a half breed, so she had expected his blood to be tainted or a bit on the weak side. Oh was she wrong. His blood was unlike anything she had ever tasted. And though she wished that she didn't, she wanted more...

Electra's eyes went pure black. Partially from anger and part from her blood lust. She would show him who was boss around here. In a flash Electra appeared in front of her brother and smiled a dark and hungry smile
"Don't you know better then to tease a girl when she's hungry?" the demoness purred as she quickly repined his body to a wall again and did something that she didn't even think she would do. She bit him. Hard; and had completely forgotten what had came with her biting someone and drinking there blood. Ecstasy. She felt it...deep within the pit of her stomach. Her skin crawled with pleasure and even a hint of pain. Because of the angel blood in his system no doubt. She had definitely detected something else in his blood but couldn't quite point it out but it made his blood have a spicy kick to it. Blissful. Drinking blood was as normal as breathing to Electra, and though angel blood was said to have repulsed and made demons like her sick, for some reason it didn't quite do that to her. Possibly because his blood over powered that of the angels?

@Seraph Darkfire

She was surprisingly powerful when she was hungry. When she bit him, he growled in pain and anger and for a second almost conjured his scythe in between them, an action that would have sliced her in half. As she drank his blood, he felt more like himself again, less the demon and more the human. He then grabbed her and pushed her off of him. He could see the lust in her eyes and had never thought she would stoop low enough to drink his blood.

Then he remembered the things he'd done under the influence of the Angel's Blood not two minutes ago and sighed "Electra, get a hold of yourself, the tension of everything is getting to the both of us" he rubbed his neck where she'd bit him "We need to find that Angel before she causes even more problems"


Elicia was almost done, with a flick of her wrist a large portal opened up underneath the dragon, hopefully catching her by surprise. If it did, the Dragon wouldn't have any time to fly out of the portal before it shut. Then it would take her too much time to return to the demon world and get back to this place. By that time, Elicia would have already taken the Angel Princess.
Nerian gazed at the sight in front of her with absolute bliss as she thought about what was in front of her. She hit the jackpot. The room she just stepped into was filled with vocal cords just ready to squeal like baby pigs. She got even happier when she noticed something even better. The Queen. She was being pampered by ten servants that were dressed up as dolls. On further inspection they were dolls, they were not breathing. She sighed. But these dolls were all, but oblivious to the girl that had found her way in. The Queen on the other hand had noticed the scent and was having her servants dress her up in armor. The armor was a dark grey and hardly gave her any protection from a sword. The armor looked as if it was from one of those pervy mmos were none of the girls had actually armor, but in fact were dressed up in rather revealing metal covered bikinis. The queen herself was quite beautiful and looked rather similar to her daughter Electra. Then Nerian wings sprouted from her back. Her wings were rather large compared to another angel. They were in fact a normal shade of white and hand nothing special about them except for the size that could propel herself with a single flap of her wings.

Then her body blasted to the queen that was standing directly in front of a stain glass window. In the next few moments everybody that was paying attention to the outside of the castle could see their beloved queen being rammed through glass and an angel who had a bloody grip on her. Then she let her fingers and hands relaxed to drop the queen only to see that when she was about to hit the ground she sprouted a set of bat like wing and was emitting fire from her gut and out of her mouth. The queen had now found herself hovering just off the ground. The demons fire never stopped for a breath as the angel dodged every ounce of fire that came in her direction, the fire never even came close to the girl due to her speed, but the queen was blocking her own vision with the flames. Then the angel did something unpredictable, she began to lift herself higher and higher until she flapped her wing so they would propel her to the ground. Just before she went through the flames her wings were being pulled back in the body. As she plunged herself in the flames she could only feel the heat, there was no pain. She was moving fast enough that she wouldn't get burned, just like when someone moved their hand through a flame as fast as they could. The next thing the queen found instead of fire was a burned fist that had licked up the fire that had been coming from her just moments ago. The angel began to remove her hand from the queen mouth but not before a quick jerk of her hand ripped the tongue out of her mouth and tossed it behind her. As the crouched angel readjusted her sword so it rested on the queens neck. Ready to slit her throat she gave the queen a look as if to say you move you die.

OOC NOTE: She can die right....If not I'll delete this....
Letting out a delicate cough from the soot and smoke that filled the hallway. Malori looked at the damage that Malias' fire had caused feeling a bit satisfied it wasn't her that had caused the damage as she thought of their father. Malori grind her teeth together not liking taking orders from Electra but Malias and Electra could handle one creature. From what was going on, the rest of the siblings would be needed to stand together to handle what was going on farther out within the demon realm. "Ziana, stay with Zechen. Follow once you feel up to it." Ziana nodded as Malori stood up tall on her heeled boots turning to Luna, knowing she is probably beyond angry at being commanded to do something by Electra. "Twin", was all Malori said before leaving the room to head towards the castle door, gliding through the walls to take a straight shot towards the exit of the castle. She could hear Malias and Electra fighting again, she wanted to aid her brother but left it alone to continue her walk towards the gates.

At the gates, Malori closed her eyes trying to sense what was out there. She could smell the blood and it was a large amount, not small like a cut but a slaughter. Malori growled low and deep, a slaughter within their realm done by not a demon but an angel.



ectra "Haydie" Elstife

Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt

Hells greatest...


Electra drank and drank until she was finally pushed off which made her growl with anger. Her eyes remained that horrid black color as she was just about to unleash a horrific attack on Maliase, lifting her hands on either side of her as a black aura emanated around her, but there was a loud noise in the distance which made her stop and snap her head in the direction of which it was coming from. Without wasting another minute, Electra darted through the hallway and through the door's of her mother's thrown room. The window was broken as shards of glass decorated the perfectly polished floor. The demoness looked out of the window only to witness her mother and the angel that they had been tracking. 'No...mother...' the angel had the upper hand and was just about to take the demon queens head 'Mother!' it took no time at all for Electra to spread her magnificent raven colored wings and throw herself out of the window to aid her mother, the queen.

@Seraph Darkfire @The Akolite


With love~Å'Merie


When you'd cry I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears

And I held your hand through all of these years

And you still have all of me.

The rhythm of my heart...


It had been hours though it seemed like days, that A'Merie had been trapped in that cave with the dragon. What it wanted from her was beyond her, but she would wait to find out. It wasn't like she had much choice in the matter anyway. The little angel sat in the corner of the cave as graceful looking as ever, though her clothes screamed anything but. Her once pure white dress was now splattered with blood and had patches of dirt all over the bottom half. Her arm that once held giant gaping holes was now healed but streaks of dried blood tainted her pale perfect skin. She looked like hell(Hah!).

Nitiri never took her eyes off of the angel. That was the one thing about the beast that Electra loved the most. She took order's and followed them well. No questions asked. Just like a loyal servant should. Everything had been still and quiet for a long while. Nothing bothered them and no one showed up. Until...Nitiri felt a presence just beyond the entrance of the cave, but before she was able to react she was sucked into a portal to earth. The great beast tried to flap her wings and come back through the portal, but it had closed just as her snout got but inches away. Naturally, Nitiri was a portal jumper so returning to hell was but a hop,skip and a jump. However, she knew that once she had returned the angel would be gone. This was not good on her part. Her carelessness would surly result in her punishment. So, accepting the fact that she had allowed the angel to slip through her finger's, Nitiri had roared a mighty roar before dashing forward, her speed creating a portal back home to hell. 'She has escaped' was all she wired telepathically back to her master Electra. She would not be happy.

Back at the cave, A'Merie witnessed the whole scene with wide eyes as the beast was sucked away, making her the only inhibitor of the cave. 'Oh..I do hope the poor thing wasn't hurt.' she thought to herself before standing, dusting herself off and looking in the direction of the presence she felt lingering behind the cave entrance
"H-hello? P-please come out. I will not harm you."

[OCC:So normally Nitiri would have easily sensed that girl from a mile away, but ill let it slid nevertheless. I kind of want A'Merie to interact with everyone anyways.]



"Mother? You are no son of mine, bastard child."

The blood sprayed and splattered just as soon as the demon queen finished her final lines. Her lungs blasted of into a fit of luaghter. "You shouldn't be surprised that your mother hates you....I mean most of her children aren't even her own or so I've heard..." She sighed. "And how the hell were you speaking...." She muttered as she looked back to the discarded tongue. The white dress that fitted her body was now stained with even more blood thanks to this lady. She gave the boy a cheeky smile just to piss him off. Then her wings emerged in an instant and she took off. If there was one place she knew she could fight it was in the air. "I'm the Butterfly. I'm an assassin and I love the screams of your kind. To bad I didn't get to torture your mother....." She looked at the demons and admired every ounce of their devilish beauty. 'You still have to kill them in the end' she thought to herself. She shook her head as she prepared herself for an attack.

"Damn it, all because Electra and I can't work together without fighting" Malias said spreading his wings and taking off after his sister. When they arrived at the Throne Room, his face turned to anger as he saw what had become of his step mother. She didn't like him, the same way she didn't like most of her husbands children from other women. However, she was like Electra, family despite her attitude. This meant that it was his duty to protect her, just as he would do any of his siblings.

When Alasci arrived, he was disappointed to see how the Queen referred to him, though he wasn't surprised. Fire licked at his fingers as he spun his scythe when the queen was killed. This was one of those rare times he was prepared to kill. This Angel wasn't getting out of here alive.


Elicia came from around the corner and leaned against the wall "I'm not scared of you, I'm just trying to catch my breath, you have no idea the energy it takes to move a Dragon through dimensions" she said softly before taking a deep breath and walking towards the Angel. She chuckled "You are in pretty good spirits after dealing with Electra's torture" she held out her hand to the beautiful creature "Come on, lets get out of here before that Dragon returns" if she'd had the time, she would have fawned over the Princess. Seeing an Angel up close was something she'd always wanted.

Unfortunately, she didn't have the time, they needed to find somewhere to hide from the Dragon until Elicia could reopen the portal to Earth, then the Angel could get to heaven on her own.

@The Akolite @Bambie @Moonstruck


ectra "Haydie" Elstife

Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt

Hells greatest...


Everything since she had jumped out of the window seemed to have gone in slow motion. From her brother passing her by and pointing his sword like arm towards the angel, to the angel slaughtering her mother. From then on, things had started to pick up. Her mother's bloodied body now lay on the grown as if she where nothing. Electra landed and approached her mother's corps and fell elegantly to her knees. 'Mother...' and for the first time EVER, Electra's eyes began to water, though she didn't let a single tear fall. She couldn't. Tears where a sign of feeling's which where a sign of weakness...a weakness she couldn't afford. The demoness reached forward and picked her mother's body up tor cradled her in her arms, combing her blood splatted hair back out of her face. This woman was her role model. She was one of the many reasons why she was the way she was today. Electra had so much to thank her for. Because of her Electra had grown up to be a powerful, beautiful and witty woman just like she was. She owed a thousand debts to this woman. Her queen. "Rest in ashes..my queen." and with that, Electra opened her mouth wide, baring her sharp pearly white fangs and buried them into her mother's neck. She would not let her power and beauty be wasted. She would absorb it into herself. She would take on her burdens and her crown. It was her right.

After draining her mother dry, Electra lay the queens body gently down on the ground and stood slowly as black smoke began to surround her. Her wings ruffled and her hair whipped around as if a gust of wind had just blown past her. And when she finally stood strait, she looked up to the sky with her now darkening eyes again. This angel would die. Tonight...if it was the last thing she did.

@The Akolite @Seraph Darkfire


The Douma
How peculiar. To let a young child, especially a female, out on her own despite it being a safe haven here, demons are still able to lurk around these places. It must be lonely to be all alone but it seemed he was wrong as another angel came up behind the girl calling her 'Ayrabelle' and with a 'miss' in front of it,"

Oh... could she be part of royal?

" Douma thought now frowning at the thought of it. He had nothing against the royal family but he do wonder why status should be part of the angel's society as it seemed like a useless system in his opinion but then again, maybe the girl just had very protective parents who have other angels care for her. He smiled at the fellow angel seeing how lovely her black locks were,"

Quite swell. A pleasure to meet you, Lavina, Call me Douma.

" He said and looked towards Ayra, now Ayrabelle,"

Actually, I live no where. I'm a wandering angel meaning I do not stay in one place.

" Douma explain,"

It's useless for me to find someplace to call as home. Usually, I stay on Earth in what is known as a



" He added.

Ah. It seemed that Ayrabelle was indeed part of the royal family as he tilted his head at why she would lie for such a thing but shrugged as he chuckled, covering his lips,"There is no need to worry and..." Looking towards Ayrabelle, he gave her a sad smile patting her head gently,"

My apologies, Ayrabelle, but it is time for us to depart. I do wish I could have stay longer to play but I have to go and do my duties. I hope to meet you again.

" He said getting on one knee and took Ayrabelle's hand in his, placing a quick peck the back of her palm before he got up and turned towards Lavina,"

Farewell until next time.

" He said also taking Lavina's hand doing the same as he did with Ayrabelle before he disappeared into a portal towards the human world.



https://www.rpnation.com/profile/15398-guilded-clover/@Guilded Clover

Luna nodded at Malori as she left and decided to head to the throne room. She could sense that her siblings were in there and decided to follow her instinct. "Stay with Zania Zechen. Take care of her as best you can." Zechen nodded and with that, she turned to head to the throne room. Danger was near and she could sense her siblings and an angel. Though something made her very worrisome. Someone had died and she could guess who, though she didn't hope so. Quickly spreading out her wings, she took flight towards the throne room. In a matter of minutes Luna stood in the door way. Walking ever so slowly, she gazed out of the shattered window. Anger and sad broiled within her as the queen layed dead next to Electra. She had adored the queen with a passion and it was made her want to cry. As Alasci transformed himself into a scythe, Luna flew down towards her sibling and landed on the floor. The angel would die today, she would work together with the others and help destroy the angel. She destroyed what Luna had loved and adored since she was little. The queen had taught her so much and though they were never close, she still loves her. As would any child that had a mother, though maybe some could hate them. Quickly drawing out her sword, she flew towards the angel out of pure anger.
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Pacing by the gate waiting for her siblings, Malori stopped and smelled more blood coming from the throne room. She didn't dare go back, she didn't want to be overcome with anger or sadness from seeing the blood or the person it was coming from.

Unable to take it, Malori turned and ran back towards the castle running through the walls to get to the throne room. Once there she froze from all the blood and it was coming from the queen. Sinking to her knees, Malori let out a scream of agony as tears poured down her cheeks. Anger, grief, and absolute pain coursed through her. Anger that Electra and Malias hadn't saved their mother in time. Anger that an angel, a creature of light, could cause such grief for herself and her siblings.


Zania sat on the ground beside Zechen thinking how stupid she was. "I should've dodged that last blade." She grumbled aloud but more to herself. Her wounds would heal of course but not as fast as regular dragons.

Suddenly hearing a scream, she jerked.
"Lady Mal!", she slowly stood and looked at Zechen knowing he wanted to go to his master like she did.

Hate. Disgust. Revenge. We're all words to described the look in the princesses eyes. Insane. Crazed. Blood Lust. Was in her own. She wanted to hear their screams. She wanted to see these beautiful people shriek. She wanted to see them die. She would kill them.

Her dove like wings began a dance that seemed to make the girl flash from place to place. Her speed was her only advantage and the girl would abuse it. She wouldn't stop moving until her lungs gave out. With a flap of her wings she was bolting downwards. Avoiding a reckless demon that charged out at her with pure anger. Then in a zig zag motion she blasted her self up and down slashing at the demons wings that kept her afloat. Phsycopathic scream of joy could be heard every time she past the girl.

The black bird its self was watching from afar ready to send its master telepathic messages when someone was about to get near her. "This should be good.....This should be good!" the bird screamed to himself.
Black wings spread as he embraced his brother in a hug. The anguish of his family rang in his ears. Malias took hold of the weapon his brother had became and tested it's weight "Thank you Alasci" he said softly. Fire rippled around him as he turned his head away from the battle and towards the single black bird that was watching the fight. His blood burned as the addictive poison of his sister's bite died down and the Angel's Blood regained its hold.

The desire to kill and destroy those who had hurt his family flooded his mind, yet he stayed calm, calculating. He'd deal with the nuisance first, remembering the bird from before. It was clearly aiding the Angel. As such, it would have to die. Within two steps, he vanished, his wings propelling him at a terrifying speed.

He was suddenly near the bird, his feet against the wall it was perched on, the blade of his new scythe just about to cut through the creature. Whether or not he managed to kill the creature, he would disrupt whatever concentration it held. At the same time, Malias' current position and speed would allow him to direct himself directly towards his raging sister and her opponent.
Ayrabelle Mariana Kortsy

Ayrabelle waved good bye as Douma left. She then turned to Lavina and frowned, "Please stand up Lavina, you know I don't like it when people does that." An idea popped into her head and a huge smiled appeared on her face. She looked at her bracelet then back at Lavina. She can go to Earth for a while, since Lavina is going to be with her. "It'll be okay...." she mumbled then her wings spread out, "I know a place that we can go!" After that she took off into the sky and flew higher and higher. She knew that Lavina will be able to catch up to her eventually so she flew as fast as she can. She twirled around in the air a couple of times then giggled. "Come on Lavina!" she shouted, "I'll leave you behind."

When she was high enough she opened the portal to Earth and hold it open for a little while for Lavina to get through. She could feel that the air wasn't as clean as heaven and it was thicker. Ayrabelle looked down and looked for somewhere to land, making sure that no human would see her. She decided to land in the forest, since landing in the city was going to get her noticed. She landed softly on the grass that was covered by the tree's shade and giggled.
She had made it to Earth, and now, the real exploring begins.

@Plushie @Guilded Clover
The bird gave a shriek, before it glowed a dull blue. Instead of the blade ripping through the birds frail body, the blade was caught with the birds beak. The bird had no strength but its indestructibility gave it the power to stop any blade no matter how tough. The bird yelled out to its master with his "Demon.....Attacking....Me." The angel suddenly changed coarse to help the creature she loved. The bird was apart of her past. The bird was her best friend she would never let it get hurt, after all it had her old best friend's mind. The boy she was friends with was her only rival in the training program. The two were best friends until the bitter end. The bitter end happened fast when the two had to fight each other for their life's.The boy would never had laid a finger on her, but she killed him in the end. Now the girl vowed to protect the remains of her best friend. The bird itself developed the powers of the boy except for the the third.

With brilliant speed and a flash she was now in front of the male demon and with a slash that was meant to split the boy in two. With this this distraction the bird was allowed to flee to another location. The girl herself backed away from the boy and went back at the girls wing again but she planned to completely chop off the girls wing. She opened up with a slash and with extreme skill.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.c071eae8d7c7b65fbbbe26c500255d82.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53398" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.c071eae8d7c7b65fbbbe26c500255d82.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Zechen nodded at Zania, though he couldn't blame her for not dodging in time. He was about to pick her up and carry Zania off when they both seemed to hear a scream.
"Lady Mal!" As Zania slowly stood up, he helped her. He wondered at all if Luna was okay and wondered what the scream was for. "Climb on my back. I'll fly us over to them, your injuries still need to heal." Zechen crouched down as he instructed Zania to climb on his back.



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Nodding to Zechen and awkwardly climbed onto his back, trying to ignore the pain in her leg. She then started to laugh, "Just like old times whenever I'd tackle you and you'd just go with it and finish your work while I cheered on your back." She hugged him and closed her eyes with a smile. She would never voice her love for Zechen , it'd be too awkward and she didn't want to mess with their friendship. She waited for him to take flight towards their masters, wishing things would go back to their calm ways.
Lavina blushed a little as the angel kissed her hand and gave a slight wave as he left. She turned to see Ayrabelle fly up and open a portal. On the other side, there was grass and plants. Earth. Of course she would choose Earth. I guess it's my fault; I did say that we could go anywhere she wanted. Sighing, she went after Ayrabelle, stumbling a little. She hasn't used her wings in a while. Following after her, Lavina went through the portal. "Just be careful, please. Let's try not to be seen until we become familiar with this place." Lavina landed beside the small princess and looked around to see if anyone was around. There was a mixture of excitement and fear inside of her as she looked ahead.

She quickly realized that they were defenseless. Lavina couldn't fight very well and would probably die trying to fight someone. Maybe an animal or a human or worse, a demon. She shook the thought out of her head. "Come on now. Hide your wings so no one notices." After making her own wings disappear into her back, she noticed that the air on Earth was dirty and smelly. It made her cough some. Clearing her throat, she continued. "We must be careful down here, Miss Ayrabelle." A smile crept across her face. "Now what do you want to do first?"

@Chiryoshi @Plushie
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.92e930b90da68c4baeeaf158ec7dd900.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53404" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.92e930b90da68c4baeeaf158ec7dd900.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

As her wings got slashed, she clenched her jaw. It hurt more than it should have because she could handle pain. How reckless of her? Thinking that by charging towards the angel, she could easily hit them. It was stupid, now she could barely fly. Tucking her wings behind her, she raced around to escape the Angels upcoming attack. She needed to think before she attacked and she had to think fast. As the speed of how fast Luna ran, she watched as Malias attacked some bird. She could sense that it was aiding the Angel in some way but she didn't know how. The Angel looked as to have noticed and went off to go aid the winged creature. She tilted her head in thought, wondering why such a creature was important. Luna was momentarily distracted as she thought about what the bird could mean when she sensed that the Angel was coming back. The Angel must have done something to Malias to already be coming towards her again. Moving out of the way to avoid her wings being cut clean off and unsheathing her sword, Luna made a jab at the enemies back. She had to hide somewhere to think of a plan but she had no idea where.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.9354337e7ec050e4376214d5bce8dac7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53405" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.9354337e7ec050e4376214d5bce8dac7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Chuckling at Zania, he would have to agree. He dearly missed when she use to tackle him because he enjoyed it. His body buzzed as she laughed, a sound that was music to his ears. "Hang on tight. I'm going to go at full speed." He gently gripped the side of her legs and took flight. At full speed they were both a blur. Anyone could barely see them. He thought about how he would help Princess Luna as they made their way through the throne room and out of the shattered window. The scene had shocked him. The queen layed dead on the ground and saw Princess Malori on the ground. Zechen quickly took Zania over to her and gently set her down, not wanting her to get injured anymore. "Please be careful, I couldn't afford for you to get hurt. It aches me just seeing you in pain now." He gently placed a kiss on her forehead and with that, he took off to go search for Princess Luna.

@Abana @The Akolite



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With a flick of his wrist, he blocked the incoming attack from the Angel. That bird's ability was going to be a difficult one to get past. Then he heard Alasci's voice in his mind and nodded "She seems to be very fond of the creature" with a single flap of his wings, he took off after the small creature. No matter how tough its body was, he was going to cut it down.

If he played it smart enough, he could use the bird's call for help to strike down the Angel. He was sure she would come to its aid no matter what was attacking her.

Appearing near the bird's new spot, he changed his attack. This time he set the area around them on fire as he slashed downward. Even if it survived the slash, it would have a hard time getting through the fire unscathed.
Before the demon got near the bird, it had already warned her about him charging. She herself had no plans to save the bird this time. She only commanded it to change its stance so that its head would not be hit but its entire body instead. So when the scythe came down their was nothing to protect it from the huge blade. As long as the brain was in tact she was satisfied. She would not be irrational in this fight. She would use reason to win and she knew the boy going after the bird was just a trick to get herself killed. Now she was furious at the thought of them targeting a bird that was weapon less. She didn't charge but vented out the anger as she flew upwards to avoid the angels attack.

She looked at the boy and didn't care for the girl anymore. "Why'd you kill him....." Her tears were fake as she looked at the torn up body of her pet. "You killed my only friend......How could you.....He was like a brother to me" The water poured from her eyes as she continued the act. "But I suppose were even then" She said with a wipe to her eyes and had a huge smile plastered on her face.

"I suppose you won't stop trying to kill me until I'm dead right.....Your probably directing all your anger at me right....Your going to use me as a punching bag.....So I might want to take it up a notch..." She smiled with pure glee before vanishing completely out sight. Until her body reappeared behind the demon and her sword was ripping through the ground just below her. Then her blade swiped upwards. Her skill a few moments ago wasn't what it was now. Her sword skills had at least doubled from what the boy saw and the attack was much faster then before.

She heard Zania and Zechen approach though she didn't bother to look but she sensed that Zania was now blushing as Zechen took off towards her twin sister Luna. She felt drained, unable to get up or acknowledge anything that was important. Electra had drained their mother and Malori was angry about that. Let the woman keep her magic and die with it peacefully, not take it just to become more powerful and become queen herself.

Malori finally looked up after what felt like a lifetime and smiled gently to Zania, the poor dragon was looking pitifully close to tears as she started at her master. Zania seemed to brighten a little when she saw Malori smile which in turned made Malori happy somewhat. Looking up towards her siblings, she breathed out, "Kill the bitch.", after saying this she looked back to Zania, "I need you to get really angry and grow." she looked back towards her sibling after Zania nodded.


After blushing from Zechen kissing her forehead, Zania looked at Lady Malori so concerned she was about to cry. She then saw Lady Malori's smile and Zania perked up, but became concerned again when Lady Malori whispered those words. Lady Malori then told Zania to get angry and grow, nodding because she had no problem with that. She thought of the pain from her wound, the pain from Lady Malori from seeing the queen dead, the anger from the royal siblings. It made becoming angry really easy.

All that was going on fueled her power and Zania began to grow to her sixteen year old demon form, then only thing that held her back was Zechen wanting her to rest otherwise she'd be up there with him and Lady Luna. Instead she sat there beside Lady Malori, guarding her against any threat that came their way.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.b1a6d7138bb6287b3c6c348bf3dbebbe.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53417" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.b1a6d7138bb6287b3c6c348bf3dbebbe.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Luna fell into a heap on the ground and hissed out a breath. Her wings were aching and she could barely move a muscle. The Angel seemed to be fighting Malias and didn't care for such a nuisance like her, which she understood. She was never a very skilled fighter to begin with and knew that she had to work on it. Everything needed work. "Fuck." Drowsiness came over her and Luna's eyes began to shut. Stay awake, dammit. You need to stay awake. Your injury wasn't even that bad. She thought, slumping against a tree. Zechen appeared next to her in a matter of seconds and nearly fell over. Her wings were outstretched and looked completely mauled. The top of the wings had a large open wound that stretched to the middle of her back. There were other minor scratches here and there, but he need to do something about the bigger would. Luna looked at Zechen and smiled, "Came to save the damsel in distress huh? I'm pathetic I know." A single tear trailed down her cheek and she gave a bitter laugh. Zechen looked completely horrified.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.904254582c13ff02eb1a43f816a49624.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53419" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.904254582c13ff02eb1a43f816a49624.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


He stared horrified at the way one of her wings looked. He could fix it yes, but it would take some time. "You're anything but pathetic. You're just not use to fighting is all. We can train when this is over." He picked up Princess Luna bridal style and walked back the way he came. She wasn't heavy for him to carry, he just had to worry about the wings. Tears ran along his face as he walked, making Luna frown. She hated it when her cried and he knew that. She reached a hand up to his face and wiped away the tears. "Don't cry, silly. It's only a slightly injury. I'll live until the day you die, you know I can't live without my best friend." Zechen chuckled and shook his head. How was he going to deal with such a Princess? She made funny weird faces as they arrived back to were Zania and Malori were. He had been laughing the whole way and couldn't contain it when he saw the other two. Setting Luna down next to her twin, Zechen moved his hands until the hovered slightly over the wound. He looked up and smiled at Zania before going back to healing Luna's wound.



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