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Fantasy Angels VS. Demons:The Eternal War [Accepting!]

Ayrabelle did what she was told. She hid her wings quickly, afraid that someone will see them. She turned to Lavina, "are you okay?" She can handle the dirtiness in the air on Earth, but she didn't think about Lavina. She mentally scolded for not thinking about how coming on Earth effect others. "I wanted to eat those fluffy coloured clouds again," She said, unable to think of a name for the human sweets, "But if the air is making you feel comfortable then we can go back." She looked down to her feet, "I can come here another time to get them..."

(sorry for the short post >~<)

@Guilded Clover
Malias lifted the dead bird's body and head frowning. With it's speed and abilities, it could have easily dodged or even blocked his attack. Normally he would have continued to work it over, or even simply have destroyed the body and head to prevent any surprises. Even if the bird was dead, there was plenty of magic that could reanimate a dead body. He didn't have the time as the Angel was now attacking him.

His brother's scythe form was indestructible and he used that to his advantage to deflect the blow aimed at him 'Damn she's fast' he thought as he twisted the weapon with himself, aiming it's blade at the girl, the tip burst into flames "I like angels" he said grinning "But you are so much like a Demon it is funny"

He'd never met an Angel so happy to kill before. It was strange. He knew there were angels that could kill, they were in a prolonged war, he just didn't know that there were Angels who actually enjoyed it.
Her body recoiled back wards as the stroke of her blade was deflected and dodging the scythe point. "Thing is.....I'm not a demon....But I might as well be.....Due to what they did to my brain....Oh well." She sighed as she thought about the doctors that explained her situation and the side effect it caused to her sanity. "Its not my fault I'm crazy" She said as she charged after towards the boy again.

Her hand was out as she flew and when she got close to the boy she completely changed her direction and grabbed at her bird ripping its head off and held it in her hand checking for any wounds to the head, when she finished checking she griped it tightly to make sure it didn't get lost as she flew. She blasted back at the boy now. She only hovered for a moment to slash at the boy from the side, then she moved just barely to get behind him to make an upward stoke and then her body moved again to slash downward from the opposite side that she had started the attack from.
He began to rapidly spin his scythe around him, creating a nearly impenetrable defense "Maybe take that up with your bosses in your next life" he said before he let his body burst into flames and proceeded to press the attack "I do not like death so I will make yours quick" he said calmly "What the rest of my family does with your body will be up to them"

"If you are lucky, perhaps my fire will burn your corpse away" as he spoke, he didn't hold back, continuously laying on his attacks. If she couldn't move, she couldn't use her speed to dodge his attacks.

As a Demon Prince, he would not let this Angel get away. Had she not killed the Queen, he would have been willing to let her go, but he had an obligation to the siblings he cared about.
Malori watched her brother Malias as he spun her scythe around himself. Looking over to the Angel, Malori felt a little bit of pity for the creature, she could have lived but she choice to kill the queen. Had their father been around he would have kept her alive to torture for the rest of her life. While she sat there, she stroked Zania's hair, "looks like your power wasn't needed, Zania, you can revert back to a dragon and rest now." Zania had been dozing off to sleep from using so much of her powers while injured so once she heard Malori's words Zania instantly became a little dragon and fell asleep. Malori set her dragon on her lap and pet her, looking over to Zechen and Luna.
Luna flapped her wings as Zechen had finished heal it. She still felt a slight pain as she moved them, but she could handle it. "Thanks Zechen. You can rest now." As she said this, he turned into his child form and closed his eyes. He layed his head in her lap, making her chuckle. You love this form don't you. You always have, you only go to your dragon form if I ask. Luna gave out a soft chuckle as she stroked Zechen's hair and looked up towards the Angel. She wished that she could have done something, but she was inexperienced. Malias could handle her, she knew that. All she felt was rage towards the angel and hated her every being. With the shake of her head, Luna looked at Malori. "You okay? I know seeing Electra take mothers powers was quite rude of her, but I just want to know how you're holding up."
She all but evaded three attacks that left three streaks of open wounds against her stomach before she put up her blade to let the metal be bitten away, she really wanted to stab him now, but she had no chance to even get her blade through. If she tried to run she might as well be dead. She did nothing but block and walk backwards, with all focus on the scythe that repeatably spinned over and over again.

Then she stumbled and fell. A stone brick had just tripped her and she looked up to see the boy her sword had fallen from her hand. All she ever did was try to keep herself alive that's all she ever did. She'd do anything to keep herself alive even get someone she loved killed. Her body started to crawl away from the boy until she hit a wall. She leaned her back against the wall as she sat and stared at her executioner. She was going to die this day she told herself, unless if this boy showed her mercy. She looked at her wings that had tired out. She was nothing with out her wings. She wouldn't be able to fight the way she was trained and she wouldn't be an angel. She sighed. Her emotions started to show, fear could be seen in her eyes. "I'll do anything..." She said and then her body rolled up into a ball as she said her next words with desperation as she cried "Ill be your slave.......You...You can clip my wings....." Then she screamed waiting for a blade to slash her in half.
"Oh no, I'm fine. I'm just not used to this air yet," she replied. "Cloud-shaped candy? I don't think I remember seeing that... Oh! I remember those, but it was such a long time ago. Do they even have those anymore? They should still have it. Humans tend to stick with things they like."

Looking around, Lavina saw a small town in the distance. It looked like they were having some type of festival. There were streamers and balloons everywhere. Her level of excitement went up exponentially. It looks like fun! Plus, it looks somewhat safe. Humans were running around, buying and eating food, and playing games. Lavina felt like a little child in a candy store. She picked Ayrabelle up and put her on her shoulders. She pointed to the direction of the town. "Do you think that's where the cloud candy is? Ha, come on! We've got a world to explore!" She used her speed to run towards the town festival.

It was so easy to crush people; humans, demons, angels, they were all the same in his eyes. Electra thought he didn't deserve to be King of the Demons, but he understood the things she didn't. Demon's were part of a balance of power that, if broken, could destroy everything. All his sister wanted was power and to rule over all. But she possessed no restraint, no control over her own emotions.

Malias would show his family what a true ruler did. A true ruler controlled through both fear and awe, they gained the respect of everyone and crushed their opponents with an iron fist. Punishment, not death. That is what this Angel deserved. His eyes glowed as he watched the Angel fall and cower from him. Fear from his enemies, it was easy enough to attain. You overpowered the weaker opponent and they offered anything for fear of their life.

His father had Assassins, this one would be his. He couldn't rely on gaining the services of his father's demons when it became time for him to rule. He needed to build his own force, his own servants. He would start with this Angel.

The blade of the scythe went in the ground, just next to the Angel as he knelt down and grabbed her neck, picking her up and looking into her eyes "An Angel's wings are precious to them" he said softly "My mother once told me that, so I won't kill you, nor will I clip your wings"

"I say this now" his voiced boomed throughout the Throne Room as power flowed from the ground and wrapped around him "Angel, I am Valien Malias Sanguine, here now known as your Master" chains slowly wrapped around his feet and crawled up his legs and around his hand and her neck "From this day to the end of eternity, you shall be a servant to the Royal Demon Family"

When he released her and let her drop to the floor. Around her neck was a single pitch black collar. This was the magic of ancient times, magic used to force those unwilling into servitude. Anyone could do it, but only the user could release it. Even the current King of Demons couldn't break it.

This Angel was their servant until the day she died or the entire Royal Family was wiped out. She could not break it, nor could she harm any of the Royal Family. Any attempt would cause crippling pain. This also prevented access to the portal that left the demon world. It wouldn't accept her. This meant she could never simply run away. She was firmly trapped as their servant with no way of escaping.

Lifting his Scythe from the ground "Alasci, it is time to return to normal, being a weapon can't be good for your pretty face" he said grinning.
Her hands moved to wipe the tears from her eyes. She looked up to the boy who had just sparred her, and gave him a surprised look. She then whispered "Thank you...." to the boy. Then her hands started to play with the collar that had some how appeared on her neck, oddly enough she found it comforting. "Won't they kill me though..." Referring to his siblings. They had more the enough reason to want to cut her into a million pieces. Nerian stood up and stared into the boys eyes. She moved her arms so they would wrapped around his waist and stood on her tippy toes so she could whisper into his ear "I'm sorry I killed your mother.....I'm sorry......And I'll be your tool until I die...."

When she let go of the boy she bounced back and gave him a smile. In a way he gained her trust, but more importantly she was in his debt and she would repay it in any way she could. She would never betray this boy, she would never try to harm anyone he loved. She would become his faithful servant to the end of days.
Malias looked down at her as she spoke "My siblings are easily riled up and enjoy killing as much as the next demon, but they are all smart and understand the value of a good servant" as he said this, he knew it to be true. Not even Aion would destroy a valuable tool of his.

"It is not I you should apologize to, she was not my mother, nor did she care for me as one" he chuckled "She hated me the most I think, stealing the Eldest Seat from her dear pure blooded Daughter" he ran a hand through his hair and dropped his hood "I defended her out of a love for my siblings, as I will always, but she is dead now and killing a useful servant like you won't change that"

It was the deepest truth in his heart. He loved all of his siblings, even the more murderous ones. In this life as a demon, they were the single most important thing to him and he would do anything to protect them, even if it meant fighting the entire Angel Army on his own.
Malori looked at Luna, her eyes somewhat dim, "I don't know." She didn't know how she felt or how she was still holding it together though she knew she felt numb. She was the weakest of the siblings, the cry baby. She felt like she would shatter at any second. She was a demon princess that didn't like death but would kill for her siblings in an instant. She stood slowly, cautiously, her eyes locked on the Angel, her dragon nestled against her breast asleep and trying to bury herself deeper. Looking at Luna and Zechen, Malori was somewhat confused as to what Malias had just done. Instead of questioning him like she always did, she walked towards her mother.

Her mother, despite lying in the arms of death, was still the most beautiful, she envied Electra for having their mother's beauty. Kneeling, Zania held tightly to her, Malori touched her mother's ever so soft hair. "Rest mother, your time is done. You don't need to cling to this world anymore." Malori wasn't certain where demons went after death but she hoped her mother went somewhere that made her happy.
"I'm useful....?" She said in a shy voice, cocking her head and readjusting her hands behind her back. "At least you had a mother..." She said with words that had no real emotions attached. "She's dead....My mother I mean...My life caused her death" She sighed as she talked about the women she never knew. "I've never seen her....not even in photo...." Then she stopped talking. Realizing that she shouldn't be talking about her mother to her master. "I'm sorry master, I didn't mean to ramble on about my life. Its not like you care about me anyways"

She just shrugged off her own emotions, she still disliked demons, but she could sense the humanity in this boy and she found it comforting to have someone that wasn't completely affected by what they were. "I'm assuming I'm going to be used as a puppet that has to rush to complete the task you assign me or be punished.......? "
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"Greetings, from Winter."

"Mmmmmmmmmmm....." The angel groaned as she rose from her slumber.

Allowing her glorious white wings to spread, she uneasily studied her surroundings. Tall grass, sprinkled with wild flowers, stretched into possible miles before her. The trees gave Winter shade from the blazing sun. This was definitely Earth.

But why was she here?

"Oh..... Winter, curse you." She huffed, brushing dirt from her shoulders as she gazed up at the trees, sunlight peeking between the leaves. "One simply doesn't fall asleep in the mortal world looking for her sister!"

Winter, normally uninvolved with most events in the heavens, had definitely noticed when her sister, A'Merie, had disappeared. With Winter's luck, everyone probably already knew where A'Merie was, and Winter was about 5 steps behind. Though Winter knew little about her sister, there was not one reason to not find out where she was. You could see that the middle Princess had disappared when you looked at the servants- it was as if they had lost someone dear to their heart. And, knowing A'Merie, they probably had.

Winter fully spread her wings and took to the sky.

"Oh, Miss Marie, what happened?" A frightened voice called, belonging to a servant of Winter's, around 30 years of age. Her name was Poppy, and she obeyed every order the elder princess gave her, if she ever did, but always seemed to forget that she preferred to be called "Winter". Perhaps "Miss Marie" had a ring to the name.

"Miss Winter, please. And I was apparently more tired than I thought I was."

"Oh, no worries, Miss Winter. You've got some dirty spots, but those can be taken care of easily. No need for a bath, unless you'd like one?" Poppy raised an eyebrow, expecting a no.

"No, thank you. You're through here, and thank you again. I'm sure someone else needs your talents right away."

"Right away, Miss M-Winter." Poppy curtsied quickly, before leaving the royalty's presence.

Winter chuckled to herself in amusement, before going to her bedroom- just for a little peaceful minute or two as she picked up her flute- it was rare to catch her anywhere without it or her clarinet.

Where would A'Merie be?

"Surely, if she'd left for the mortal world, she would have left some kind of notification, right?" Winter wondered, pacing the room. In fact, Winter thought, any angel would send a warning that they were gone.

If only soothing music could soothe herself...
Luna was shocked. This Angel that had killed the queen and she lived, only to become a servant. She pondered as to why Malias would do such a thing, but couldn't find the answer. She did see the Angel beg for her life and even bargained to have her wings clipped off just so she could live. If she were in Malias' situation, she would have just clipped off her wings and been done with it. A large grin replaced the frown on Luna's face as she thought about how she could use the Angel. Everything about it made her whole body warm with delight and shiver with the satisfaction of using her as a small blood bag. Standing on her feet, she quickly adjusted Zechen to be in her left hand and rested his head on her shoulder. Luna gently stroked his hair, making Zechen squirm and put his head in the crook of her neck. Biting back a smile, she made her way over to Malias and the angel.

Upon arrival to her older sibling, Luna wrapped an arm around the waist of the angel. She leaned in close and whispered softly in her ear,
"How about you come to my room later and we can have some fun. I haven't eaten yet and I'm very hungry. You wouldn't mind, would you dear brother?" She asked, looking at him for a small approval.

Zechen's Form Now<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.92e7adf065f62a8d85b8d0aef900afe8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53585" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.92e7adf065f62a8d85b8d0aef900afe8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Ayrabelle Mariana Kortsy

"If you insist Lavina," She smiled the nodded, "they are very fluffy and soft and sweet. I hope they still have it. I'd do anything to have some of them right now." Ayrabelle held on once she was on Lavina's shoulders. She giggled the replied, "yes!" She laughed happily as Lavina ran towards the town with her on the shoulders. She saw the balloon, even from far away, and she could see many stalls set up. This is definitely a festival, she thought, this is going to be fun.

She looked at the festivals and children her age running around then a thought came into mind. What would she be doing if she was normal like them? What happened if- She shook the thought out os her head then changed the subject. Her mind wondered about the royal family. They must have heard the news of A'Merie by now, and there should be a search party. Ayrabelle would love to join it, but she knew that she'd only be in the way. She frowned then asked Lavina, "Hey Lavina, do you think A'Merie and Light is safe?"

@Guilded Clover

Hearing Alasci speak so coldly to Luna, Malori stood and went to her. Standing beside her twin, she showed every ounce of her fury towards Alasci, "No, Alasci, you back off. My twin wasn't speaking to our eldest brother." She hated that he relied so much on Malias, that Alasci could form such a bond with him. Alasci wasn't much older than Luna and herself but he acted like he was to be the right hand of the king. If it came to that, Malori wouldn't hesistate to leave and start her own kingdom of sorts. There were many loyal to Malori who hated her siblings except for Luna and would love to leave with her.

Aside from that, Malori looked at their mother, "Can we at least forget about this..." She looked at the angel, "..soon to be defiled brat, and tend to our mother? She deserves a proper burial."


Zania, having healed and woken now, bared her fangs at Lady Malori's brother letting out a hiss. She never would do this to a royal demon but she would protect her Lady, Lady Luna, and Zechen from this wretched beast. She squirmed out of Malori's grip to curl around the back of her neck, watching the princes. She didn't fear for her life as she should because Lady Malori would get vengeance as she already would with Aion.

@Moonstruck @Seraph Darkfire @WeirdPrincess
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"You're so cold, dear brother. I just wanted a taste of the Angels blood. She looks appealing," Luna sighed happily and gazed almost lovingly at the her," be that as it may, I suppose I will take my leave. A loyal servant as Zechen is always good enough for me. There is no need for rudeness brother." She glared at him before taking her leave. All I wanted was a slight taste and here comes mister possessive, telling me to move along. She thought as she saw Malori come over to them and defend her. Only she could withstand being in her company, since others pissed her off to much. Malori was her second favorite person, out of everyone. Zechen was always the first.

Luna agreed with Malori,
"I second that notion. Mother deserves to be buried properly." She looked over to their mother and gave a sad sigh. She wouldn't cry, not today or any day after. She would hold everything in until she couldn't handle the pain anymore. Until she finally broke and lost all control. Shaking her head, she cleared her thoughts and looked down towards Zechen. She shook him a little to wake him up. "I need you to change forms for me. The baby dragon is needed."


Being shaken awake had put him on the wrong side of the bed. He groaned and pulled at Luna's hair, earning a hiss. Zechen quickly sat up and looked at Luna apologetically,
"Sorry Princess Luna," he muttered. She gave him a smile before telling him to change forms. Quickly changing, he moved out of her arms to rest on her shoulder. He thought about how he was useless and how he couldn't protect Luna, Malori or Zania. I will train to make my human form more useful to Princess Luna and the others. I promise that to myself. He thought as he fell back asleep.


ectra "Haydie" Elstife

Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt

Hells greatest...


Electra, now enraged by what the foreign angel had done, had stood to her feet, shoulders back, blackened eyes, as smoke emanated from the ground and her finger tips. The power. The power that she had absorbed from her mother's blood was pulsating through her. Her body all but radiated it. The night sky had become more blackened by the dark clouds that had begun to roll in. It was then that she would have made her assault on the angel; she would have undoubtedly killed her. Mercilessly. However, when Electra had tried to move, she couldn't. Her body was stiffened by the blood surging through her at a rapid pace. The demoness was juiced up. The power from all of the blood that she had dank that day, from her demon servants, to Maliase's blood that was amped up with angel blood, and now the blood her mother. At this moment, Electra was far more powerful then she had ever been; but she was having a hard time controlling it. She was harnessing all of that power at the same time which nearly took over her. She wouldn't let it of course.

The princess remained calm and still. She willed herself to calm down, despite the angel that had slaughtered her mother was still alive and kicking and was bet a few feet from her. She would calm herself so she didn't burst into a rampage and kill what remained of her family. She knew in this state that it would be all to easy to. Taking a couple deep and soothing breaths, Electra was able to get control of herself again, willing the smoke that had been encircling her to clear and her eyes to settle back to her naturally beautiful blue green color. 'Breath..just breath..'

When she refocused herself and opened her eyes the fight was over, yet the angel was STILL alive. Why haven't her brother killed her yet!? Why was this bitch still standing! How dare he! Electra had to close her eyes again and take more deep breaths to calm herself yet again from the sigh before her. She was simply disgusted. However, when Maliase declared her as their servant, for some odd reason she was alright with that. Beside's, this only made it this much more enjoyable for her to make this angels life a living hell that she had never seen before. Despite them already being in hell..

Demon'a had begun to gather at the scene, which didn't help with Electra's irritation. She heard every whisper, every comment, every tear shed and every laugh did not escape her ears. This triggered something inside of her as she was finally able to move her now aching body as it trembled with power. She turned towards the crowed that had gathered around and put on a calm face. Her posture was demanding all of there attention as power all but glowed off of her skin. Taking in all of the faces of her subjects Electra finally opened her mouth and spoke, sounding so authoritative and...well..royal,
"Bare witness my creatures of the night. Feast your eyes on what has become of your beloved queen; and pay your thanks to the monstrosity that committed the act." She then bent down and gently pick up her mothers corps bridle style and walked the few steps to her brother Alicsi as she continued her speech, "But fear not. Though the beast still lives she is also dead in the same. As all of her people are soon to be..." Electra handed her mother's body to her brother, kissed her head, then turned to face her attentive audience, "We have enslaved one of the angelic princesses. And with her, we shall raid heaven and take over the kingdom of heaven. I, Electra, will do this. I who have absorbed the queens power and taken her burden as my own. I, your new queen, will lead us to a great victory. We will take our vengeance on those who have wronged us. We will slaughter our enemy's and snatch the lives that they have stolen from us from there bloody jaws. There will be a new kingdom of hell; on earth as it will be in heaven.." the great self proclaimed queen roared as her subjects cheered and growled in response to their new "queen".

Content with the response of her subjects, Electra made her exit, making her way back to the castle.

Lucifer woke up and stretched a bit in his bed, he looked around and smiled. What a glorious day! With a snap of his fingers, he changed to his usual attire. Stepping up out of the bed, he scratched his head, and looked out the window, enjoying the glamour and sprawl of the city. "I overslept again..." He moaned and bowed his head in shame. "Now my Precious daughter and I won't do the father-daughter hangout I had planned!" He punched the wall in anger. "DAMMIT!!" He yelled. The punch and the shockwave reverberated so hard that everyone felt the ground quake underneath them, a sound that thier kind King had awaken....and he was in a bad mood. "Oops..." He said, noticing the commotion he'd caused. His wolf Fenrir whimpers and nuzzles his masters leg to tell him it's alright. Lou laughs and pets his head. "You little rascal! Did I wake you? I'm so sorry!"
"No one will touch the Angel, she is mine first and foremost" Malias said "Everyone will be allowed to enact their own punishment in due time" he brushed Alasci off of him "Perhaps another time brother" he said chuckling, though in his mind he spoke 'I understand your concerns brother, more than you know. Electra's speech should curb the desire for revenge for a little while, at least until she realizes that I've already moved the Angel Princess, but I'll deal with that burning bridge when I come to it'

Malias looked at the twins and sighed before walking up to them "We'll give her a proper burial" he said softly before taking them both in a large hug, his wings folding around them.


Meanwhile, Elicia was outside of the palace, having wrapped the Princess in common servant clothing. This would both hide her appearance and her angelic smell, making it even harder to sense her. She held her hand firmly "I think your Angel friend was this way, though recently she's been causing quite the commotion out here, so I hope that we aren't attacked first"

She could also hear the commotion coming from the palace and sighed "Malias really owes me a vacation after this" she grumbled a little bit to herself as they walked.

@Bambie @Moonstruck @Abana @WeirdPrincess @ChristinaXIV

Light & Deux


Her heels pattered on the ground like slow rain, clicking on the firm rock as they echoed in the silence. She went to the desolate field of corpses before she realized that he had followed her. The small ebony skinned boy with the lance scraping behind him in absolute misuse. She sighed as she turned around, letting him comprehend that she had known of his plans for quite some time, he froze his expression and movement.
"I told you not to." He hung his head in shame, now faced with the accusation of disobeying a simple order she had given, and the first one she had given him at that.

He inched towards her slowly with the lance in his hands, as though he was an injured puppy that was crawling before its master's hand. He stumbled and dropped the weapon as it skidded to a halt at Light's feet, the tip of her metal boot being the blockade. He scrambled back up to his feet as he went to retrieve the weapon, looking up into her icy eyes,
"I... I'm sorry..." She placed a hand on her hip and offered the other to him. Deux took it and regained his footing as he stared at her, "I..." His voice was shaking, "I don't think I can do this..." She replied softly, "Then don't." He countered her proposal, "But, I couldn't just leave you here... I need to get out of here ya know?"

She nodded, complete acknowledgement to his statement,
"Look, I don't mean you any harm, to the contrary, I mean to get you out of here alive, but after your most recent display of... skill... I am left with no other option than to leave you hidden. I have to protect you, don't you see, to me, you're much more useful alive, and who do you think they'll send?! It certainly won't be a group as weak as the one I had fought against not but a few minutes ago!" She looked at the corpses and realized that she had crossed the line. Deux was gritting his teeth now and he shoved a firm hand against her shoulder, "Shut the hell up! You're not so bad! You're not as powerful as you think you are! Don't you think... Don't you think... I know I'm weak...?" He was huffing out his statements now as he fell back down to his knees, the lance resting calmly beneath him as he set it down.

He buried his head in his hands as he began to tear up,
"I know! Alright! Shut up! I know I'm weak, I can't amount to much of anything as I am, and the offer you proposed... Well, that's just an excuse to escape from a world where I know that weakness and strength are all that matters..." He looked up at her as she slowly descended her form to him, taking a knee and putting a protective hand on his shoulder. "I will not abandon you, I will see you to a better place where you can be happy..." He looked up at her with his glistening amber eyes. The two forces of both a red and blue, light and dark, meeting in the midpoint as she tenderly put both of her hands onto his sides and helped him up to his feet.

She then knelt down and retrieved the lance,
"Let's give you something a little more suited to your weight." She removed the knife from its sheath along the back of her hip and handed it to him, a much lighter weapon, her accepted it with grace and gave it a few swings. "W-Woah! It's much easier to use!" She returned his statement of silent gratitude with a subtle reply, "I'll want it back." He bowed his head and laughed a little, "Wow! So much more efficient!" She swung her lance twice freely with her right arm and let it rest swiftly with the base of the weapon on the ground.

She stood as a patron to the silence that blew through the underworld,
Huh, I'd figured it'd be much more rowdy, more chaos. Perhaps I wrong, much I was wrong to assume every demon was some merciless warrior who wanted nothing more to end the life of others such as me. Her eyes wandered over to a training Deux, a smile strung across his face as he gave thrusts at invisible opponents. "Hey..." His head turned as his eyes fell upon her, "Yo?" She readied her lance, "Let's get you some practice in." His smile had turned into a beaming light which tore through the facade of his demonic figure, revealing his true self. He readied his knife and began bouncing uncoordinated on both feet, tossing the blade in between his hands, "So, yeah, I come at you like this yeah!?" He ran towards her and she dropped her lance as she absorbed all of the weight and took him to the ground, slamming him hard enough to knock the wind out of him. "No. You're too unbalanced, too rash."

He grunted as he clutched his chest and his knife flew out of his hand, sliding a few feet away, the alluring presence of the angel above him forcing a small blush,
She's really close to me now... I... Wow, she smells nice... No, why are you thinking like that!? He scolded himself mentally as she removed her body from him and laid her lance down gently on a nearby rock, far more careful to take care of the heavenly steel. She removed the blade in its scabbard from her back and let the two weapons rest, side by side as the leather straps that had been holding it in place hung loosely on her back. "Once more, this time, focus, try to fake me out."

He got back in his stance, not too keen on jumping around after the embarrassing take down he had just received. He moved a little slower this time as Light raised her hands in defense, ready to grapple him if he got too close. He lunged at her abdomen, swinging the small weapon with speed yet with no control as her hand came down on the blade, her steel gauntlets protecting her hand as her other hand came down on his wrist and knocked the knife out of his hands. She swept it cleanly out of the air reversed the situation with the steel pressed against his neck,
"Too sloppy... No control." He groaned as she moved him off of her, flipping the knife around so the handle faced him. He took it slowly, then sat down on the ground, looking at the weapon, "I can't fight... I'm no use to anyone... I... I wouldn't be able to help, I'm just a liability Light..." She knelt down near him again, "I know you can't fight." Her lips moved like a poisonous instrument, the pale-pink gently battering against each other with each word, she laid her hand on his shoulder again, "But I can, and I will protect you..." He shook his head, "Why am I so worth protecting!?"

She paused, asking herself that question over and over again in her mind.
"I don't know." He began to breakdown again, bursting into tears as he slammed his fists into the ground, letting the knife rest in his lap. She ran her hand along his back, finding it best that she didn't speak and allow him to have his fallout. "It's not fair! I lost mom... And dad... I never knew him!" His voice was shaking now as he seemed to retract in age, breaking down into a solemn river of tears, letting the hard rock be soaked. "Why am I so worth protecting!? What could I ever amount to...? I'm useless...." His hand found its way to the knife as he tightened his grip and brought it to his neck, "I deserve nothing better than death..." He was crying, his salty tears falling on the blade as it slipped down the edges, and just before he thrust it, Light extended her hand and drove the knife from his hands, pinning him to the ground, "Shut your damn mouth!" He was completely trapped as she let him go slowly, he curled into ball and kept crying, the dim darkness around them being the only comfort.

"I... I... I'm gonna die... Light, I want them to kill me... It's better than all of this hopelessness that I am feeling right now..." She put her arm around him softly, pulling him close, "Shh..." She ran her fingers through his hair as she opened her eyes to the sky above them, rain beginning to fall, "I won't let you die..." He responded as his tears fell onto her breastplate, "But, I want to..." She laid her head on his, she could feel the presences coming closer, nearly twenty of them. "No, you don't." He looked up at her, his lips shaking as he fell out of grasp and onto the ground, feeling the rain beating upon the back of his leather armor. "I... I can't do it!" He began to cry out at the top of his lungs, "I want to survive, but I just can't! I'm not gonna make it!" She crossed her legs over one another as she watched him go through his pit of sorrow.

"Tell me!? Where is the hope in this!?" Thunder rolled in as lightning flashed in the distance, and it was then that Light could see them, even if Deux couldn't, a force of eighteen silhouettes, armed and dangerous. "Why!? Why do we fight on when death is all we can face in the end!? Light! I wanna face my death... Right now!" He cowered as another barrage of thunder shook the earth, "I... I want to just have peace..." He turned to her as she was standing, sliding her sword back onto her back and connecting the straps, then picked up her lance, "Where are you going!? You said you wouldn't abandon me!?" He was crawling towards her in desperation now. Cold eyes looked down upon him as he received a reply that did not match her face, "I won't."

It was then that thirty six heavily armed feet clattered on the rock of corpses, the rain shining off of their armor as the thunder illuminated the glassy black metal.
"Is she the one? Has to be... There's that damned half-breed as well..." A feminine voice spoke out among the now clattering noise of the sky. A masculine one commanded the two that stood in the clearing, "You two, under order of the house of our great lords, have been sentenced to death." Behind his helmet, his crimson eyes flashed at the boy in leather armor that lay in a heap between the silver-gold armored angel and the obsidian armored demons. "One of you has had their death sentence far longer than the other..." Deux crawled back slowly, shaking his head as his back ran into a pair of firm legs. "Go... Go away!" He felt a strong hand on the back of his collar, as Light lifted him to his feet. She spoke loud enough for the armored soldiers to hear her, "You will not harm him, the first one to lay a finger on him will die." He stood to her side as a weak limb does to its crippled body, rather, the body he was attached to was imposing, and one that wouldn't give up without a fight, as the girl readied her lance in her pit, aiming it as a dare to anyone that would step forward.

The same feminine voice that had spoken of the two unlikely companions earlier now spoke firmly to all of the others,
"Surround them, they will not escape!" And the soldiers obeyed. Light narrowed her brows as the rain fell into her hair like soft patters of celestial tears. Her blue eyes shone bright as another flash of lightning extended from the sky, the more organized warriors moving around the two. Light put her right arm out as she moved Deux behind her, "It's time to fight... Weak or not... I will protect you, but you have to be prepared to kill your enemy, no hesitation..." They were pressed back to a point where the knife that Deux had used just recently to try to kill himself, found its rest.

With the rain sliding down the armor of every figure there and making them shine like a well polished trophy, they tightened their hold on them,
"They're far better trained than your little band was... Look at the way they move, keep your eyes open for a vantage point..." He nodded as she caught the blade in between her heel and toe and flipped it up, moving forward in one quick motion as she charged the demon directly in front of her, sliding her lance cleanly through his armor, seventeen left... Deux caught the knife and was immediately met by an overbearing blade which he used the jagged edge of the celestial weapon to catch. He was shaking, his knees were weak and his opponent must've seen it because a powerful leg knocked him off of his feet and sent him onto his side. There was a blade raised above his head and poised to strike.

It came down, but much like the last time he had had a weapon pointed at him, the sound of metal on metal was heard rather than the more probable option of metal in flesh. A lance was outstretched before him, halting the movement of the blade as he took a few moments to comprehend what was happening, he turned to look at Light who had one of the knights locked in in a grip with his blade in his own throat as her left arm extended and focused on defense. He backed up quickly as she swung the lance upward, disarming the imposing figure in all black. Another roll of thunder.

Deux had to focus on this one demon, he knew Light would be alive by the flurry of sparks flying out of the corner of his eye and sound of metal clashing with metal. He charged the knight in the similar fashion he had charged the angel, and after realizing his mistake, he was flipped, pressed against the ground with a knife against his throat, only this time, the only thing stopping it was his own hands. He was pushing hard as he could feel the wetness from his grip loosening his grip on his very own life.
"Light..." He groaned as he took a dare and removed one hand from the blade, slipping it out to grab onto the dagger and drove it firmly into the weak point in the armor, the sliver of flesh in between the helmet and shoulder guard.

He stood up slowly as he felt the blood run onto his arms, he removed the weapon from the corpse, looking in disbelief upon his sin. He was shaking as he held the weapon, gazing out among the battle, Light was killing them without hesitation, she had told him this, and he wasn't prepared, though she remained focused as she was surrounded, slashing and thrusting with the ultimate amount of her power. He gazed upon her in awe, still caught in a daze, he began to stumble towards the crowd, she was grunting with each movement now, she had to have been growing tired.
"Light... I'll... Save... You!" He snapped, the blood lust filling his thoughts as he ran towards the crowd, diving through the demons and joining the fray with his ally.

She stood back to back with him, huffing deep breaths as the unit took time to recover, only twelve remained,
"You've gotten seven of them already?" She was panting but managed to acknowledge his question, "Yes... And I'm not stopping there..." She steeled herself as she swung her lance overhead and Deux ducked underneath it, going to rush an opponent that stood opposite him, distracted by the wide arc she had created. He threw himself against the demon, laughing a little as he fell back, off balance. However, his laughter was quickly stifled by the gleam in the corner of his left eye, a sharp object, flying through the air, no, not one, three. He didn't have enough time to react, he shut his eyes in anticipation as he screamed. He felt metal clasp around his throat and a firm object in front of him.

The sound of metal had finally claimed its flesh, as he opened, he gazed upon the shoulder that was clad white, long blonde hair falling down the steel as he felt blood upon his own shoulder and heard the sound of a rough cough. It was followed by another horrid sound that had proceeded the two protective hands to push him to the ground, as he looked up, the angel had been pierced by all three of the daggers, and now had a blade sticking through her abdomen, her armor was cracked. Thunder rolled.

He couldn't hear, couldn't think, her blood was on him now as she pulled the blade deeper through her only to slide her lance backwards and pierce the man's chest. She put both of her hands on the tip of the sword as she slid onto her knees, lightning illuminating her blood body, the horrific sight before Deux. Yet, prior to this defeat he thought she would announce, she let out one firm cry as she pushed the blade back out, and grabbed it in her right hand, her lance in her left. She pushed herself up onto one knee as an axe came down to her back, she spun, and with furry, caught the curve of the weapon on the sword and drover her lance straight through the throat. The head spewed off like a pin after getting hit by a bowling ball.

She stumbled as the next strike came, another one, this one aimed for the already injured back, the tip scratched along her skin and cut through the straps, letting her sheathed sword fall weakly to the ground, blood began to fall now, almost as pleasantly as the rain, she swung the sword down hard on the thickest part of the armor, shattering the blade as she drove the fragmented base through the body and left it there. Deux was finally coming around as he picked up his knife, she wasn't dead yet, and he couldn't act as though he was either.
"Light! To your left!" She focused on her left side as she managed to pull her lance up in time to block the oncoming strike from another lance, the edge was right next to her face, which gave her a bit of a rage as she swung back with tremendous force, planted her feet, and spun the weapon as it dug halfway into the side of the abdomen of the attacker.

Deux ran against someone who'd had his back turned to Light and drove the knife into his neck, riding him to the ground as he moved to the next enemy, and the next. Soon, there were only two left, as he stood next to Light, he could hear her raspy breathing as blood trailed from her lip, he lunged at the obsidian figure on his right, while she took the left. They struck quick and efficiently, but it wasn't long before Deux was thrown to the ground again, fighting for his life. He manged to plant his feet on the chest of demon, the slick ground allowing him to slide away as he attempted to regather some stern ground, he found none. Instead, he managed to slip and fall to his knee. He groaned and cursed his luck as once more, there was another blade on him,
Wait!? I thought there were only two left!? Of course, Deux hadn't accounted for the entrance of what appeared to be the commander from the red plume on his head, the red cape, and far more ornate armor than the other warriors. The sword came towards him and he shut his eyes again.

He hadn't paid attention to the angel, but she had won her battle, and jumped in front of him to save him once again, she parried the attack slightly with her lance, but the force had sent it once more through her abdomen as she spun around and used her already injured back to save him. Her arms wrapped around him tightly, and he felt a tear slip from her eyes, which one, he wasn't sure, it was hard to tell with all of the rain. The point stopped just outside of Deux armor as the weapon stuck itself, he ripped it out forcefully as the once powerful figure dropped her weapon. Deux looked at her with remorse and fear, tears falling from his own eyes now as her figure slowly fell before him. Her arms slipped down from his shoulders as she slumped onto the ground, feeling coldness envelope her. Deux shook as he fell to his knees, wrapping his arms around her neck.

"Light!? Light!? Light!? Please... come back!" Of course, he wasn't counting for her breathing to remain. She slid her hand up to his face, her eyes were losing light quickly as a faint dull expression could be seen, "Deux..." She touched him softly as her hand cupped his cheek. "I... I need to unlock my next level... I have to tap another level of my power... I won't... be able to win if I don't." Her hand was shaking, Deux made a quick note that he had never seen her shake. "What do you need me to do?" She shook her head, "I can't ask you to do anything, you'd have to keep them busy for a full ten minutes." He looked at her, "I... I can do it...!" She turned to look at the two figures that were readying themselves for the final blow, "No, you can't." She let her hand fall weakly onto her breastplate. "I'm all out of energy..." He looked at her, "What are your means of getting a second wind?" She narrowed her brows and let out a weak laugh, "You know... I don't honestly think I know...?" He let a faint laugh course through his throat as well as the two approached.

"I... I've failed, haven't I?" He looked at her, she looked back, with a soft expression, "Run..." He looked at her with bewildered and infuriated eyes, "Not a chance!"


"I can't just leave you here!"

"Either way this turns out Deux..." She coughed roughly as blood spewed from her mouth, "I'm on death's doorstep..."

"I... I can't just..." He began to tear up as his tears came within their own rhythm, defying that of the rain's.

"Yes you can, go... Now..." She pushed him off of her and began to rise to her knees. Her hand working its way towards her lance. To her surprise, they never struck her, rather, the commander held her down firmly with both hand and then planted his foot on her face, "Watch closely now oh brave angel." He laughed a little as the demon that had been holding Deux down a few moments ago caught the boy within a matter of seconds and pinned him down, ramming his steel fists into the body over and over again. He then began to kick as she could watch the boy become more and more unconscious with each shake of his body from the force, "S-Stop it..." She gritted her teeth as her hands rose slowly.

"Why would we do that!?" He rammed his other foot into one of her rising hands, pinning it to the ground as she moaned in pain, "We figured if you could fight so bravely, we'd give you a little show of what true justice is like..." He finished just before Deux could pass out, and held him down by the hair as he pulled out his knife. Light's left hand gripped onto the boot that was on her face, watching in horror, "No... Nooooo....!" She was starting to get a little louder as her blood ran across the ground. A small pool forming itself as she watched it spread beneath her.

The knife worked its way down to the boy's back as it carved its path, then stopped near the wings,
"Filthy half-breed..." He began to slice as the sound of the wings being torn from the boy's body was too much to bare, "Light!!! Help me!?" He wriggled in pain as tears slid down his cheeks, "Stop it, please!?!?!?" He begged until the wings were entirely off, ripped from his back, he let out a blood-curling scream. Light's pupils dilated as lightning flashed, thunder rolling in hard, a sudden boost of adrenaline drove her hand into the back of his knee firmly, enough to knock him off as she scrambled to her feet charging the man who'd just taken off Deux's precious wings. "You mother-" Thunder rolled, "I will kill you!" She pinned him to the ground and spun him over as she gripped both of his wings tightly and pressed her feet on his back. She wasn't certain which she'd heard first, the spine snapping or the flesh being ripped from his back, whichever it was, he moved no longer after the dismemberment. Deux was passed out and was no longer screaming. She advanced on the commander, picking up her knife off of the ground she began to scream, out of pure rage and under the assumption Deux had died. Another flash of light, she stopped bleeding, as she stamped on the fleeing figures leg, sending him sprawling to the ground.

She climbed on top of him,
"Why!?" She drove the blade once into his abdomen and left it there, twisting it slowly, "Who sent you!?" She drove it in in another part of his stomach, twisting firmly, "Who!?" She rammed her fist into his helmet, placing a firm dent as she removed it and began to beat on his face until there wasn't much left of him, blood soaked his head as he mumbled. "The... Royal.... Family... Please... Let me live.... I've got a family..." She looked at him with disgust, "He did too..." She was making reference to Deux as she picked his head up than rammed her fist into his skull, letting the bone crack as it hit firmly against the ground.

She stood up, sheathing her knife as she staggered towards the figure in the now even greater field of corpses. She fell down and slid her fingers up to his neck, feeling for a pulse, she found one, though it was faint. She picked him up and unfurled her wings, taking a very slow flight towards what she assumed to be the right direction. Or any direction, that would see them seclusion.


She fell as soon as her wings grew weary to the ground amid a dark forest, faint blue lights of insects illuminating the trees dimly as she crawled towards him. "Deux... I don't know if I'm gonna be waking up..." She laid down her lance next to the two of them, "If I don't... Save her..." She pulled the boy into her arms as she lay underneath a tree, wrapping her wings around the two of them. The evening birds singing a soft hymn for the two dying warriors.

In about the total amount of time that consisted of an hour, Deux awoke, looking around slowly in the dark forest, the nearby trickling of water soothing to his ears. He looked up to find Light's head rested against his. He put his hand on her cheek and smiled, though, as reality came back to him, he felt a singeing pain in his back, he tried to unfurl his wings, but felt nothing. He started screaming as the pain grew worse, crawling backwards and moving around frantically,
"L-Light! Help me!?" He went over to the body of water and laid his back in it, feeling a cooling sensation but the pain was still there. That's right... they removed my wings... But, how did I wind up...? He looked over at the angel who laid silent against the tree, "Oh... No, please no..." He crawled towards her after leaving the comfort of the water. He put a hand on her face softly, "Please... Don't be..." She opened an eye lazily, "Shuddup and let me sleep... You're heavy you know..." He began to cry as he found comfort in her opened arms. She closed them tight around him and laid her wings over them like a blanket, "I'm so foolish... I shouldn't have been there... Or you wouldn't have been..." He looked at her injuries, "You wouldn't have been..." She put her finger over his lips softly, "Shh... We can compare who's injuries are worse in the morning. For now, I just wanna sleep..." He ran his finger along the front of her armor, stopping at the frayed metal where the blades had pierced her.

As soon as she'd gone back to sleep, he removed his armor and laid her down, then, after removing his tunic, wet the cloth. He then walked back to her and undressed her, letting her armor rest against the tree. He ran the cloth along her body, completely washing her off, blushing a little at gazing at the sight of a naked woman.
C'mon man, don't be immature, just finish up here and then get something to cover her for the night. He grabbed her head softly and laid her back down against the tree, moving her body accordingly to put her armor back on after she'd been cleaned. After she'd been redressed, he laid down next to her, letting the wet tunic rest on his back to give him some comfort for his exposed flesh where his wings were, "I can't believe you took them all on... You're far braver than I thought..." He looked at her sleeping figure as she wrapped her arms around him subconsciously. He leaned his head on her breast and soon found himself falling asleep, both of their breathing now regular, with the steady rhythm of her heartbeat. "Goodnight Light..."

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And Thus The Prince Has Awakened... For What Purpose?

"... tsy ..."

"Prince Kortsy! Wake up!" A royal squire had been shouting to Hael while rocking the young prince's body back and forth in dynamic motions until he finally opened his eyes. "What... what's wrong? Is something the matter, squire?" Hael had finally spoken, although mumbling under his nose in a sleepy tone, then let out an exhausted yawn while looking around with the simple movements of his eyes. The squire, who looked obviously worried, was trembling with fear as he spoke: "We need you, prince Kortsy... Your younger sister... She..." The squire paused on every couple of words as his lips went dry. Hael glanced at the man's eyes, his own also filled with anxiety, and held both of the squire's shoulders with his tender and a bit shaky hands. "Tell me more about my sister's trou-" he stopped, filled with thoughts. "Are you talking about A'merie?!" Hael momentarily asked, "What happened?" as he took a stronger grip of the older man's shoulders. "She's... hn... gone... Hurts, Your... Majesty..." the squire panted in pain. Upon hearing the man's tone, Hael quickly let go of his shoulder and apologised momentarily. "Is she...?" Shekinah asked. After further thoughts, the squire realised what the prince was asking and after rubbing his aching shoulders and exclaimed "No! It's still not verified, Your Majesty! She may still be out there! From what I know, she is taken hostage by the daemons. I'm sure she lives!". That attempt to calm down Hael wasn't very successful as the prince could see the worried look in the squire's eyes. But he didn't want to upset the man any more, so Shekinah gently patted his shoulder and spoke with a smile: "Do not dare worry, squire, as I and the whole angel army will rescue her from those cruel creatures and lead both ends of the world to peace!". Then he left off without waiting any further for the squire's reaction.

Hael had slept through the whole event, so he had no clue what was going on. He was feeling concerned about A'merie, but did not know where to start on his journey. How could he save his sister from the daemons' claws? How could he get to the Underworld without creating a huge commotion and making things even worse? He knew he must do something, but what? First things first - proper equipment! The prince knew he would get to nowhere with just a piece of cloth that barely even covers anything, what's left to protect him. Thus he decided to go to his bedroom and take the "armour" he had prepared in case he needed to protect his body. Upon opening a chest under his bed, he murmurs to himself:
"I've seen humans walking with such sheets on their bodies every time I take a glance at the world below ours... I wonder if I would be able to fit in them...". Hael grabs one of the "sheets" and examines it - having four holes, he is confused as to how he is supposed to put it on. When trying to go through the bigger one, he manages to plop his head out of the medium one against the bigger hole. Thinking it was probably successful, he realises there are two long tube-like parts of the sheet hanging from his left and right side. After a couple of minutes trying (wasting valuable time...), he figures out that's where his arms are supposed to fit. And that's when he learned how to put a shirt on! Then on with the pants... and the shoes... At least he got the hang of the technique!

"Human literature never described what these sheets are, nor how to wear them... I think the one on my torso is called a shu... shopkt... how was it? Sherit? I don't remember!" Although finding himself as a smart being, he is actually quite... forgetful. So not much of the human knowledge stays in his mind for long.

"I think I'm ready to head to the human world! With all the knowledge I have, I can easily fit in!" he thought. Ooh, was he a deluded one! Taking a silver sword in one hand, the sheath hanging on a belt he surprisingly knew how to put on, and a "Driver's Manual For Dummies" in the other, he felt ready to be useful. After so many decades living in a peaceful world much different than Earth, how would he survive?

Hael walked. And walked. And walked... And... Where was he heading? He didn't have a clue as to how to get to Earth as his mother, servants and sisters usually helped him open up the portals to Earth! Desperate, he plopped himself on the grass in the garden outside the palace and stared at the clear blue sky... How was he gonna be of any use now?
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Luna held on to the queen for dear life. Seeing a dead body was nothing new, but knowing that this was once her mother scared her. Masking her terrified expression, she now had a blank one. Not many could see past it, except for Malori. As Alasci left, she moved the body so that she was the only one holding it. She didn't want Malori to have to burden of holding her dead mother. She held her bridal style and watched as Electra left. She couldn't even touch her, now that she had their mothers powers. She was furious by the fact that she didn't that, why couldn't she just leave her mother in piece. She was as heartless as ever. Luna awaited where the burial spot would be to put their mother.
"Morning, My dear Alasci." He yawned. "What Time is it?" He rubbed his eyes, and hiccuped. "I remember my wife was making me some nice food when I woke up...Where is she?" The room was sealed off from the outside world, and most of space/time froze in his quarters while he slept, only to resume the moment he woke up. "HONEY?" He yelled down the hall, and looked around, he shivers a bit. Something was wrong...Where was she?

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