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Fantasy Angels VS. Demons:The Eternal War [Accepting!]

Ayrabelle Mariana Kortsy

Ayrabelle giggled as Douma put the flower behind ear. She smiled at him innocently, "my parents...." She thought for a moment. She had never really talked about her parents due to their lack of interaction. "My parents are extremely busy at the moment," she told him the truth, "they don't mind me coming here." She hold the flower close to her then looked down the path, "Are you from the village?" She didn't talk with anyone in the village apart from the kids that she plays with, so she was wondering if he lived in the forest or came from he village.

Ayrabelle tilted her head as she saw Lavina came out of the bush. She looked down at the paper bag in Lavina's hand and smiled. She was already hungry, even though she had breakfast not too long ago. Ayrabelle realised that Lavina had said her name out loud so she walked to her and whispered, "Shh, don't tell him about me please?" She stood beside her as she talked to Douma.


@Guilded Clover
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1432255402.216729.jpg.f0ce89b9c588da3faedfaa49b006ce69.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53310" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1432255402.216729.jpg.f0ce89b9c588da3faedfaa49b006ce69.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Zania bowed her head towards Luna as Malori set her on the floor. Zania seemed to be bowing in apology to both Luna and Zechen. Zechen was older by a few months so he was like an older brother to her, she couldn't help but feel overjoyed to sense his presence and see him again.

Malori smiled with a bit of menace, changing the subject, "apologies dearest twin, I do not wish her back either. Too bossy and violent but I wouldn't dare say that to her face unless you or Malias were there to back me up. Which I hope you two would if that times comes." She tilted her head sensing almost all her siblings were back within the castle.

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"If the time came to it, I would enjoy taking her down. I would love to watch her squirm." Luna grinned with excitement at the thought of calling Electra names ands taking her down. She knew she would be a hard to beat. She smiled at Zania and glanced around the hall. She wondered what they should do next and tapped her finger to her chin. "What should we do next? We won't get much done standing about. Seeing as I'm quite lost here, you should show me the way to Malias. I haven't been out of my room in ages and I would just love to see him again." Luna batted her eyelashes at Malori and winked at her. She was such a flirt and she loved it. She enjoyed seducing others, mostly men, with her appealing looks. Throwing an arm around Malori, she continued to lead them down the hall.


"Wait a minute! I missed the perfect opportunity for a prank! What the hell is wrong with me!?"

He began to run off of his throne, bumping into many servants along the way. He slipped and fell but quickly got up not wanting to miss this opportunity. He went back to Earth and ran to the village he was once at, the crying little girl was gone probably to another village. He sighed heavily and reached into his large bag full of gizmos and what not. He grabbed multiple small explosives and placed them carefully under all of the dead bodies, he also placed large medium sized explosives inside the houses, if any of these bodies were moved the explosives underneath would cause a chain reaction of small explosives, eventually reaching the larger explosive. "Perfect, there's not way I'm gonna miss this... But just in case they don't touch any of those bodies.." He attached nearly invisible wires across entrances of the buildings, if those were activated, an axe would swing towards them at a good speed.

He snicked to himself and rushed back to hell, leaving his bag in the village. He sat back onto his throne and began to plan his next prank he could do in the castle. Nothing was coming in to mind, it was obvious that he was getting annoyed by his lack in creativity. He rubbed the bottom of his chin and paced to his room, in his closet was an arsenal of weapons he could use for his pranks. Shrugging he decided to tie two nearly invisible wires at the entrance of his room, if they were activated three swords would drop from above.
"I'm tired of pranking servants, I wanna mess with someone that's actually important like my family! Hmph."
Grinning, Malori walked with her twin beside her with Luna's arm around Malori. "Flirting dearest twin will get you no where with me. Oh and by the way, Malias' is the other way." Laughing, she turned to lead Luna back down the hallway and turning left down a long corridor. Zania, instead of flying, pounced along the ground trying to catch the shadows of both Malori and Luna.

Nearing their eldest brother Malias' room, Malori sensed that the presence with him was still there including a third now. Biting her tongue she opened her mind a little to sense that it was just Elicia and Alasci, wasn't strange at all, seeing as how he was a flirt like Luna.

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As her twin redirected her the other way, she threw her head back and laughed. "I knew it was that way, dearest Malori. I had just momentarily forgotten." Luna grinned at her and hummed as they made their way to Malias' room. Zechen nuzzled the side of Luna's face before joining Zania on the floor. As they neared Malias' room, Luna cocked her head to the side as she sensed someone else in there. She looked at Malori and pecked her on the cheek. She enjoyed this more than she should have. Dropping her arm from her shoulders, she raised her other hand and knocked on the door.
Blinking from Luna giving Malori a peck on the cheek, she stood there as Luna knocked on Malias' door. "Alasci is with him, twin, he might not like us disturbing. Wait, to hell with that! Bang away, dearest twin!" Looking back to see Zania leaning against Zechen watching Malori and Luna, as if knowing fun was about to begin.

Looking farther down the hall, she saw that Aion's door was cracked open. "Odd, his door is usually closed. Hey Aion! Come bug Alasci with Lu and me!"

@Moonstruck @Seraph Darkfire @WaterPandas
Lavina looked at Ayrabelle. "Oh, I'm sorry." She put her hand over her mouth. She had to give Miss Ayrabelle credit, knowing not to give her real name out to strangers was very mature of her. But it didn't excuse her from being so far away from the castle. "Ma'am, I'm not going to force you to leave this gentleman, but I must keep an eye on you, especially around strangers." She glanced over at the male angel.

@Chiryoshi @Plushie
Ayrabelle Mariana Kortsy

Ayrabelle frowned. She didn't want to go back to the castle so soon. "But Lavina," she started, no knowing what to say at first, then she continued, "must I go back now? Can't I stay a little longer?" She looked up at Lavina with pleading eyes. "He's not dangerous," she said, gesturing towards Douma, "Merie went somewhere further than this, please let me stay a little?" After she had said her sister's name, she wondered when A'Merie was going to come back. She had a crazy idea of going to Earth herself to see, but she knew that it was impossible unless she get away from Lavina...somehow.

@Plushie @Guilded Clover
Blood was drooling out from the open wounds. The sound of blood curdling screams filled the air and Neria's body was trembling with delight. She shivered with excitement when the boy in front of her screamed louder and louder as she pulled the blade out from his stomach. Then the sound of a blade rushing through the neck could only be heard by the flies that were crawling on the bodies of the seven, now eight dead demons that surrounded her. Her legs started to move her over to the plastic clear case that held her monsters. She admired all of the creatures that belonged to her, they didn't get to eat these demons because Neria had a much greater plan for them.

Her raven was now on his masters small shoulder and was talking to her with with his mind while the girl marched across the farm fields and replied with a thought or two when she thought she should respond to the bird that flew through the heads of demons when it was ready to jump into it a state were it was completely indestructible. "Demons took the princess.....we should help.... It is your job" The bird gave the angel a commanding look as it explained the situation that had unfolded. The girl simply nodded her head to let the bird know she understood and would come to help save the girl.

The sound of two sets of wings could be heard if you were close enough to hear it, but luckily no one was in range of the two. Her lips were dancing with smiles as the butterflies in the case got anxious for a feast. The amount of bugs in the single case was a little bit over a thousand. At any rate she cared not for the bugs, they were a tool for the death of demons and not a pet unlike her bird. She cared little for creatures that weren't of her own species, but the raven was an exemption.

Then she found the cave that lead to hell a place she had been to on several occasions. She knew this entrance was into the castle were the royal family could be found but she made no attempt on their lives. Until today. She placed the case down unhooked the metal hook that kept the bugs inside of the case. Her army already had its command to follow her and kill every demon that got close to her even the useless servants.

"13.....14.....now.....15" the bird was counting the amount of servants the bugs had already devoured. The girl was making her way around the castle with a breeze, non of the servants could stand a chance against the bugs that were ment to kill demons and humans alike, but a mistake she made was that she had gotten to close to a room that contained 3 demons two that could handle themselves and one that would stand no chance in a one against when against her. The servant that had been walking around the castle cleaning would cause something big to happen in the next few moment. As the girl screamed from the pain of the tiny teeth chomping of flesh, the demons inside the room could clearly hear it.

@Seraph Night


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"Hey Aion! Come bug Alasci with Lu and me!" While the young prankster loved to bug people he loved to prank people even more, it just so happened that he made a trap at the entrance of his door and Malori was right there, so close... He rubbed his hands together knowing that she could become his next victim. "Malori, I have something important to show you first! I found it on Earth! Quickly you must come see it!" He snickered and went to the right side of the door to wait for her. He popped his knuckles as a very evil grin ran across his face. "I promise, after you look at this, I'll go mess with the others!"

Lavina gave a little smile and a smirk. "I never said we were leaving right now. I'm just going to keep an eye on you until we go back to the castle. I know this man isn't dangerous. You would be gone right know if that were the case. However, if I don't know where you are, am I doing my job? No. Do you know how much trouble I would be in if you got hurt? A lot." She paused for a second before continuing and got on a knee in front of Aryabelle. "Plus, I know you're very smart and you love to explore. And, surprise, I love to explore too! But I can't leave you alone outside of the castle. The Queen and King's orders." Lavina thought for a second. Ayrabell's pleading eyes were getting to her. "But, if I took you somewhere, that would be okay because I'm with you. After this, we can go wherever you want."

@Chiryoshi @Plushie
Luna continued to bang on the door as she looked towards Aions door. It was odd that his door was slightly cracked open and she wondered what he was doing. "Just come out here! It'll be quick. All you have to do it bang on the door with us." She nudged Malori with her hip and gave a look towards Zechen. He nodded his head before flying off to somewhere.

@Abana @WaterPandas
Malori tilted her head while looking at Luna, waving her hand she motioned for Ziana to go see what the scream was about. Ziana shifted to her demon girl form and pranced down the hall towards Aion. "Lord Aion, I can see what you planned." was all Ziana said before pushing the door open triggering the trap, she was able to dodge two of the blades but was stabbed by the third through her thigh.

Malori cried out Zania's name running towards her, she looked at Aion and walked towards him as menace and anger poured out from her very core.

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ectra "Haydie" Elstife

Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt

Hells greatest...


After Electra had drank her fill, she dismissed her four big strong blood bags and began walking down the hall towards her room. She felt MUCH better; simply ready to take on the world. As she walked to her quarters she couldn't help but to sense that all of her siblings where up and at em. Not that she cared anyways. She made her way down a hall way that would lead her to her room when she spotted a servant girl lying on the floor, her flesh town from her body. "Humph Aion's at it again eh?" she said to herself and stepped over the corps. Little did she know that this was not the work of her prankster little brother. Electra finally made it to her room. She simply picked up a couple of thing's then left almost as quick as she came. Her travel down the hall way continued. On her way out, she caught a glimps of the twins peeping in on Aion, saying something about messing with Alisci or other. Everyone was quite lively today for some reason. Speaking of her little brother, the fight with Maliase made her remember her little promise to herself that she would thank her brother for his fun little power's and it was then that a idea popped into her head. 'Hmmm..' Strutting over to Aions door where the twins where hovering, Electra scooted in and pushed passed her sisters, semi admiring this particular prank "Colorful as always, little brother.." she said as the corner of her lip turned up slightly. Paying no attention to her sister's that where directly next to her, Electra stepped into the room and approached Aion, "Tell me little brother, are you bored? You look as if you need a little excitement in your little world." the demoness mused as she fiddled with a couple of trinkets stationed in his room, then turned her attention back to him. Electra walked right up to him and crouched down low enough to be face to face with him, "I'll tell you what. How would you like to help your big sister skin a angel?" she winked, standing up tall again and began walking towards the door. She knew that her brother was a mischievous child, and she knew that he would simply jump at the chance to tinker and torcher and angel.

@Abana @WaterPandas @WeirdPrincess

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"It is always something secret with you" Malias said softly. Alasci's attitude wasn't the most comfortable to deal with, but at least it was consistent. He looked at Elicia as she walked up to the bed just as a knocking came at his door "Has everyone heard about me sleeping?" he asked before hearing the scream. Suddenly, he was serious as Alasci climbed off of him "Elicia, get it for me"

She nodded silently and vanished into a side room before coming back with a glowing blue vial which she then handed to him. He popped the top off and drank the solution inside. For a second his body seized before he climbed out of bed and stretched. His eyes glowed with new energy "I'm going to regret that later" he mumbled as he wiped his mouth.

Elicia sniffed the air "I smell bugs" she mumbled with a grimace "I hate bugs"

Malias formed his scythe and headed to the door "Alasci, I believe that we may be under attack, and I feel that it is Electra's fault" his eyes blazed and his hand tightened on his weapon before he opened the door and stepped into the hallway, looking towards Aion's room and seeing the twins and even hearing Electra's voice in the room "Luna, Malori, something is wrong" he said calmly.
Luna whipped around to see Malori had ran to Zania, who was on the floor. Zechen came rushing back, throwing a mysterious item at Luna before rushing to Zania. He changed into his demon form, which Luna had taught him to do when he was younger. With his head bent, rage burned inside him. Luna knew what he was like when she was mad and it wasn't pretty. She put a calming hand on his shoulder before heading towards Malori. "Dearest twin, you must calm down. You know how Aoin is. I can do something for you." She was about the grab him when she felt someone move her out of the way. Luna tensed at the touch of Electra and rage burned through her. Who did she think she was, just barging in like nothing. With her hands balled into fists, she gazed at Electra and glared at her. "Do you have a reason for being here? Don't you have more important things to do?" Luna questioned as she steadily gazed at her. She was done with Electra and how she thought she could do anything. Though she knew she could, Luna never liked it. She hated her for it. As Electra whispered into Aions ear she turned to her brother Malias. Something was wrong? Of course something was wrong! Zania had gotten injured and Electra was here. Nothing could be worse, well unless Zechen died that it. "What is wrong, Malias?"


"Lord Aion, I can see what you planned."

"You always ruin my fun... You're lucky I don't break your neck." He said as he sighed heavily.

"Colorful as always, little brother.. "Tell me little brother, are you bored? You look as if you need a little excitement in your little world. I'll tell you what. How would you like to help your big sister skin a angel?"

He hopped up from his spot and ran towards his closet, he came out with a dagger that was a lot larger than his hand. He was very excited to torture an angel considering this would be his first actual encounter with one. The young boy cracked his neck and pushed aside the others that were in his way. He stood in the middle of the hallway waiting for his big sister with a sinister smile stretched across his face. He even was beginning to drool over the sweet, sweet sound of death from an angel. "Well come on! We don't have time to waste!" He said eagerly and happily.

Malori gaped at what was progressing in front of her. Electra had whispered something to Aion which had him practically acting like a giddy school girl. She glanced at Luna and could tell she was seething from Electra's appearance. Touching Luna's arm, Malori went to Ziana who was crying now since her wounds were painfully slow to heal. Ziana was holding Zechen's hand as Malori bent down to examine the wound. "Lady Mal, the blood!" Ziana tried to hide the blood but Malori merely held her breathe and wrapped the wound with Aion's table cloth.

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ectra "Haydie" Elstife

Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt

Hells greatest...


Electra heard the excitement in Aion's voice. He and her two other full brother's Alisci and Maktada where the only brother's that she tolerated. Why? Well, because they acted as be fitting a demon prince. Like a DEMON! Electra made her way back into the hall way but stopped and turned her head to give her sister Luna a quick glance and smooched the air, blowing her a kiss before passing her by. It seemed that her brother Aion was so excited that he beat her to the hallway which nearly made her laugh. That is until her eyes shot towards the other side of the hallway. The demoness lifted her nose into the air and sniffed as if she where a blood hound then frowned with disgust. "It'll have to wait little brother....I small a rat..." she hissed, and on that note, Electra began her strut down the hallway again towards the source of the sickening scent. An angel.

@Abana @WaterPandas @WeirdPrincess




She had flown through the portal, catching ablaze as she stormed into the murky atmosphere, the pressure growing much heavier on her breast the flames spewing from her wings didn't help. She skyrocketed towards the ground, a constant sapping feeling to her powers. It was desolate, a certain coldness to her innards as her eyes flashed out, diverse among the bleakness. She shut her eyes as she plummeted, making firm contact with the ground. She felt the splintering pain shoot up her left arm as she tumbled, forming a small crater from the impact.

She was laying face up as her eyelids debated slipping in and out of consciousness. She groaned roughly as her eyes flashed open, the image of A'Merie suffering bringing a horrific and scornful look to her face. She was twisted, warped, she'd been in worse situation, and there was no way some simple fall under different circumstances would change that for her.
So, this is the underworld... She gazed around at the bleakness of it all, absorbing the dark and morbid surroundings. The air smelled of blood, rotting corpses, a very bi-polar change to the brilliant smells she was accustomed to.

She popped her neck as she turned it sideways, the adrenaline now rushing though her blood as she sat up,
There's no way I slipped in unnoticed, I'm certain that these devils are smarter than that, they'll have to have have known I was here... Of course, if they don't... I could use that to my advantage. She put her knee out in front of her and pushed up that she may have some strength, and gathered herself up to her feet. Her knees locked firmly in place as she rolled her shoulder, letting it pop from the impact of the crash, with a sharp grunt, she unfurled her wings, inspecting the damaged, but not badly burned feathery extensions.

Well, I'm lucky that fire was put out by the impact... She groaned as she retrieved her lance from the ground a few feet away, the satisfaction of having a weapon back in her hands. "A little worse for wear... But it'll be alright..." She gazed up as a flurry of ravenous wings flew overhead, Shit, so they do know I'm here! She readied herself as she gripped her lance with both hands, the sword on her back chinking as the sheath gently battered against her back. The demons charged her quickly, dive bombing down upon her as the first with two blades in hand swung, the first just barely grazing her front side, the second, aimed right for her neck.

She raised her lance with immense speed and caught the blow, twisting the momentum as she brought the careless fighter to the ground. She felt feet planted firmly on her back as soon as the dual-wielder hit the ground, sending her forward and into a roll. She spun herself up as the others landed.

"Well, well... First our lovely queen brings back an angel... A royal no less, and no we've got this little treat... All to ourselves. Must be our lucky day boys!" The much larger demon in the front announced his plans to the six others around him as the seventh scrambled up from the ground and joined them, making a rather triumphant stand despite the blood pouring from his nose. She began to analyze them from left to right, the one on the furthest left was tall and lean, with a spiked whip and what seemed to be an even spikier nose. His eyes were a deep red, and his skin was like ivory, he practically radiated a murky white. The next was a much smaller demon, barely three feet tall with a rather chubby appearance, he had a wooden club strewn over his shoulder. He wouldn't pose much of a threat, his wings looked as though it shouldn't even hold a figure inside, Light hand a mental laugh at his audacity and snarl he was casting at her. The one third from the left was a relatively average built pawn in the game they were about to play, a warrior by appearance, he was armed with a sharp metal shield and a mace. He had a certain hop to his step that made her believe he was actually a talented warrior, then there was the largest of them, the imposing figure with the big muscles and the great sword. The one who had proclaimed to the others that she was a treat. He had full-steel armor on, and would probably be one of the hardest to defeat, his silvery white hair fell down to his shoulders as she could clearly identify the scarred face. The fifth of them all was a woman, one with a bow in hand, who was undoubtedly going to fall back as soon as they charged, she would be trying to make this an easy fight, and that made sense to some extent. However, Light had another thought planned as to regarding her. The second from the right had a staff in one hand planted firmly on the ground and a robe around his waist, a sorcerer, he would be there for support, and should probably be the one she would need to take out first. The last one bore two daggers and was hunched down low, a hood covering his face, he had a certain animal-like perception to him, she'd need to be extra careful around him less he faces a blade in her abdomen.

That was all seven of them, lined up and slowly bending to form a semi-circle around her, barring off any escape from going forward, the only means of protection, or rather blockage to an escape route, was an overhanging cliff behind her. Her boots crunched on the jagged rocks as she slowly moved backwards, keeping her peripheral vision active, waiting for the first sign of weakness in any of them. Her lance pointed to the ground in a charged position, fully prepared to advance whenever the time may present itself.

It was the rogue on the far right who made the first move, which had left her at a rather baffled position, followed by the warrior with the shield and then the man with the whip, as she recalled, the arched moved back, she was going to take a shot quickly, the sorcerer went with her. She had to focus on the oncoming flurry of blades however, the first dagger just barely missing her stomach as it tore some of the cloth and left a sharp gash in the material, revealing her pierced belly-button. The second blow from him she managed to catch however, it was the mace the came without warning, she rammed her foot into the shield to push back the warrior and spun the lance in a full circle as she disarmed the figure, swinging gracefully over her head and with one arm, she arced. He moved out of the way in time as her bladed weapon was met by the wrapping of the whip, which had extended its way all the way up to her wrist and locked her into place.

Light planted her feet against an outstanding rock face and pressed hard, just as an arrow whizzed past her, she spun forward like her own arrow and felt her bladed lance dig straight into the whip user, he fell to the ground, bleeding, and just before she could slam the lance into his throat to finish him off, she felt the air pressure of the oncoming mace strike. She raised her weapon and caught the mace, but was then pushed against the same rock face she had pushed off of with the shield. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see the archer knocking another arrow into place, pulling it back,
I gotta get outta here... quick! She managed to slide her lance in between the warrior's legs and pulled upwards just as the arrow went flying, the tip went right through him and was only centimeters away from piercing her breast.

His blood spewed onto her face as he coughed violently. She threw him to the ground and picked up the shield in her left hand, advancing on the archer, but was met by the dual-wielder. He began swinging quickly, he seemed to have much more control on the ground. As he pressed her back towards the rock face, again, she could see the cockiness in his movements, hear the hubris in his voice,
"Oh yeah! Look at this big bad angel!? Thinks she can kill one of our own and get away with it!? What's wrong bitch!? Why're you running?" She stopped her retreat and planted her feet firmly as she slammed the shield into his teeth, knocking him to the ground. He forced his hands up to his mouth as he rolled around, his blades were dropped on the ground and blood was coming out of the crevices of his fingers.

"Who said anything about running?" She smiled as she saw the arrow makes its pathway towards her, she blocked it with a slight recoil, but it was the next attack that devastated her, a huge burst of energy, of magic, came out of nowhere, slamming the shield out of her hand and threw her against the rock face. She smacked her head as she fell to her knees. "Son of a..." Light groaned as she used her lance to push her back up to her feet, she was moving slower now, and her mind was scrambled. She couldn't think straight as the next spell came at her, a sharp shard of ice, and massive at that, she just barely managed to roll out of the way before it crashed into the rock, leaving a large crater. "Well... Shit..."

The next strike came from the much smaller one, a truly humorous sight as his fat jiggled as he ran towards her, club held high above his head and a weak battle cry. She'd have almost felt bad about killing him if he hadn't been attacking her, she extended her lance outward and caught him square in the head, prodding through his skull as he fell to the ground, she planted her heel in his head and pushed hard to retrieve her weapon. She glared as her brows formed a tight knot.

The archer had hesitation in her movements after watching her beloved teammate be mercilessly slaughtered in one blow, the was all the time she needed, she unfurled her wings and broke speed as she appeared within seconds in front of her, giving the girl who'd nearly killed her several times no reaction time. Her lance slid easily through her abdomen and prodded through the other end. She stood her up straight and dropped kicked the end of the pole all the way through as the girl gave a deathly groan and fell to the ground. Light rolled over the corpse and retrieved her weapon as another spell, followed by a flurry of cursing took place.

The sorcerer advanced on her, spinning his staff vigorously, a flurry of fireballs flying towards her, she did some very acrobatic jumps avoiding them. As soon as the fool of a demon stepped within range, she took her advantage and threw her lance forward, slicing through the neck as his head popped clean off of his body. The leader just stood there, arms crossed, gazing upon the murder of all of his friends. She gathered her lance and hopped back down to the clearing to face him, blood staining her body and weapon as he remained, completely unflinching.

"Well done..." His voice was gravelly and he had a depth to it that held experience, "You managed to kill all of the worthless pawns and have finally made it to the king, tell me... What would it take to get a talent like yours under my battalion?" His tone was serious, but it only sparked internal aggression from Light, a man who was willing to bargain his own life for service. He was bluffing, he had to be, there was no way one of him was far superior than the five she had just killed and the one she had left with a good facial injury.

"You can't be serious...?" His dull expression remained, "You're serious. I never expected a demon to be this foolish... To think you could kill a guardian..." She twirled her lance then extended it outwards and with immense force as the blood shot off and onto the ground. "Not a chance, not a chance in this begotten hell hole you thrive in. I don't take pleasure in killing, believe me, I don't, and the sight of you standing there as if losing your allies are nothing..." She paused and bowed her head as a sharp frown took her face, "IS REALLY PISSING ME OFF!" She charged him quickly slashing twice, the first he dodged with ease, the second lead to him resorting to his blade, which parried the strike off and sent her backwards as if she was a feather in the wind. "What the hell was that!?" She exclaimed, her lance was now faced behind her as she slowly readied it back in front of her. "You fool..." He spoke rather harshly, "You're weak and I am strong, simple as that." She narrowed her brows, "Hey..." He raised a brow at her, "What?"

She let a wicked smile peak out of the corners of her lips,
"Be careful what you say... I've been holding back..." He looks at her, his expression now changing with the tidbit of information he was provided. "You've wha-?" He never had time to finish his sentence before she muttered a few words under her breath and the air around them practically exploded into light, leaving it visible for thousands of miles.

As the dust settled and it returned to its much darker atmosphere, her body was glowing, not metaphorically, literally, it was glowing. Radiating light as her armor had changed, she now had a silver full celestial steel breastplate that covered the front end of her body. The upper part attached to two steel pauldrons that covered her shoulders and the bottom stopped out her groin and curved around before connecting to her belt at the hip. There were laced leather strands across her back to keep her mobile and hold the armor together. The belt around her waist connected to two waist capes that hung on both sides of her body, each with the royal family insignia. Her legs were covered in full white celestial steel, adorned with gold. Her gauntlets covered her entire arms, all the way up to the pauldrons to which they were attached. Her wings shown white and gold now, unfurling as they revealed a powerful aura.

He looked upon her with fear, and with a charged jump from the ground, he spread his wings and began to fly off, but to no avail. She caught him in a matter of seconds and was standing right in front of him, lance at the ready, blood completely gone from his body.
"You're a fool..." She spun hard, ramming the blunt end of the weapon into his jaw and sent him plummeting back down to the area that they had just stood. She landed and began walking towards him, she picked him up by his collar, "Now, you'll know death you coward." He was crying, a grown demon, crying. She stopped for a moment, her eyes wide and her mouth agape, "P-Please.... Don't kill me... I... That kid over there... He's got no family, if... If you were to kill me now..." She threw him to the ground, "You're not changing my mind!" She aimed the tip of her lance against his throat. He was bawling now, his lip was on the tip of an unbalanced quill, fixing to drop any moment. "Can you at least promise me this...? You're reasonable right? That kid... The one who you left alive... Keep him safe... Please? He never wanted any of this..." His voice was straining now as he croaked for air, "He didn't want no part of this! Keep him safe..." She looked at him, her eyes softening a little, "I promise."

He let one final tear slip out before the weapon pierced right through his chest. She laid him down on the ground softly. Her arms ached as she rested the lance on her shoulder, making a slow pace towards the boy, her power had worn off, she was no longer glowing, but she kept the armor. A reminder of who she was. Her sword rattled on her back, as her steel heels clicked on the ground, she neared the fallen boy. He had watched the whole thing and looked up at her in fear, crawling backwards as he got one of his blades in his hands. He held it up with the tip pointed towards her,
"St-Stay away from me!" She swung her lance in one swift movement, as the boy shut his eyes, he predicted death. What he found instead, was a shattered sword lying on the ground in front of him. She set the end of her lance on the ground. She knelt down to him, "I will not harm you..." She paused, he had tried to kill her moments ago, she should finish him now, before he had the nerve to regain his strength and attempt to kill her. She shook her head, "No, I made a promise to keep you safe. I do not wish you dead..." He turned to look at her, "You killed my friends!"

She stood and with a commanding tone, hushed him to the extent where he shut his eyes and hid his face,
"Wrong! You all tried to kill me, I merely defended..." He turned to look at her, then at the dismembered bodies, "You call 'that' defense?" She turned to gaze upon the same thing, "Surely they would've done the same to me had I let them..." He looked at her once more, "You wouldn't want to help me anyway... I'm not wanted, not here, not on earth, and in heaven, I'd be dead within moments." She knelt again, laying her lance down in a much more calm manner. She took her hand off of it, "I don't believe that. I believe you're scared... And you feel alone, but you aren't." He relaxed himself as he looked up at her, "Why...? Why help me...? You should kill me like you did them..." She raised a brow, "I made a promise, and I am not one to go back on my word."

The beating of wings on the horizon signified more demons,
"Shit!" She grabbed his arm and dragged him through a maze of passages until she came upon a rocky indent where they were blocked off from the sky. She entered the small cave with him in tow. He sat down against the wall with his arms folded. She sat opposite him, her lance against her shoulder. Well this is slightly awkward... We just escaped and all of that, and... Wait, he let me let him escape!? I figured he would've fought to go back to his own people... Why did he run? She cleared her throat and stared at him.

"Why did you just decide to come with me?"

"You wouldn't understand."

"Maybe I would if you'd tell me..."

"No, you'll just be like the rest of them..." His adolescent tone signified his age immediately, he was still young, though he'd probably been through a lot.

"I can assure you I wont." She raised her brow.


"Try me."

He sighed and thumbed his two hands together, the pain in his mouth still leaving him rather reluctant to talk,
"Well... You see, coming with you wasn't necessarily a choice of mine. Er, it was, I was caught between a rock and a hard place. You see, I'm a half-breed. A practical shame to the demonic race. The only exception was the damned prince, and its just cause he's royalty and protected by blood and stuff. You see... When you're born on the street as a half-demon, people hate you. Either it's because you're half-human or half-demon. And since I'm a little of both, you angels should hate the living hell out of me." He cleared his throat as he rubbed his mouth. Light handed him a canteen she had had in her belt to wash down some of the blood. "I'm sorry about that you know?" He nodded as he chugged the entire thing down, "Damn boy!? When was the last time you'd had anything to drink?" He looked at her shyly, "It's been about three days." She blinked a few time sand let him continue on with his story, "Oh yeah... Where was I?" He thought back, "Oh! I remember... So, yes, being of what blood I am, I'm basically not safe. And then there was this whole little incident with some stealing andddd.... The demonic royal family wants me dead. I might've taken something precious of theirs... now they're hunting me down, that guild I had joined, you know, the one you mercilessly slaughtered... they were the ONLY folk who would have housed me and protected me."

Light narrowed her brows as she looked down,
"I'm sorry..." He looked at her, "Good... It's your fault they're dead." She paused and glared at him, "You lot attacked me!" He rose up with a slight raise to his voice, "And what would you have done if a demon was in your home realm!?" She stared up at him, "You're pretty smart for someone so young." He huffed a sharp breath and plopped back down, arms crossed and a frown to his face. "Either way... I was given the option to protect you, and I accepted." She gritted her teeth, protecting a demon? I must be insane. "Let's restart our whole little friendship..." She cleared her throat, "My name's Light, at least, that's what everyone calls me, and yours?"

The half-breed turns to her,
"Deuxun. Friends just call me Deux." He put his face in his knees as he began to let the tears fall, and she knew why. She let him continue on for some time, "Deux huh? It's a nice name... Pretty close to Deus, which, if I'm correct in Latin, means God." She looks over him carefully. "Look, I need your help Deux." He gave her a sharp glare, "You want 'me' to help 'you'!?" She looked him dead in the eyes. "Yes."

"Forget it!"

She replied even quicker than the first time,
"What if I could promise you a place where you didn't have to run? Didn't have to hide? You'd be completely safe." He became rather serious now as he gazed into her icy-blue eyes, "What do you have in mind?" She spoke sternly, "Come live in heaven."

"No way!"

"Why not?"

"Because, they'd try and kill me you liar!"

"Listen! I'm looking for the princess, I am the Kortsy family's royal guardian, say you were to help me, as I'm certain you know, the princess has been capture by Electra. Well, yeah, say you were to help me, to help me get her back, You'd be committing a greater kindness for heaven than even the king himself could reward. You'd have yourself a place reserved, all for yourself. And, I think the worst you've ever done to an angel was try to kill me, which I can clearly overlook... You seem to detest this place. Then leave, come with me."

"Well... I... Umm... Can I really do that?"

"Yes... I have faith that you can, all I would require is assistance in this land, it would be no easy trek to recover the princess, and alone, I face an impossibility. Listen, I know no way out of here, and I don't intend to leave with A'Merie... Can I count on you Deux?"

The boy stands up proud, putting his hand on his chest,
"Well of course, there'd be no greater ally here than that of your's truly!" She smiled and let out a soft grunt, "Good, then we're companions?" His acknowledgement was accompanied by his nod.

"So... Where are we headed Light?" He stretched his arms out in front of him as he gazed out of the cave, she spoke softly, "A fight." He turned to her with a rather nervous glance, "You're kidding right?" He was met by a completely stoic response, "No. I don't kid." He wiped his forehead, "Well, who're you planning on fighting?" She stood up with her lance, "The entire royal family." His eyes went wide, "What!? You're totally kidding now!? That's just stupid, not even an army could take them down, you've got to be joking!? I cannot go along with this, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!" He waved his hands around frantically.

She put a calming hand on his shoulder,
"Hey, I never said this'd be easy. But, you're not facing it along. Please tell me you have some sort of weapon experience?" He gave her a shy glance, "No..." She sighed, "This won't do." She looked at her lance, then back at her sword, she handed him the lance as he took it, nearly dropping it from the weight, "W-What... It's so heavy?" She raised a brow, "Of course, that's a real weapon, not like those dull swords you were swinging at me. Also, I trust you with a bit more range than with something like this." She thumbed at the sheathed sword on her back.

He looked up at her,
"I... Um... Hey, this is stupid, but, you wont let me die, will you?" She cracked a smile, "Of course not, I'll leave this horrid place, with you and the princess alive." She patted his head as he held the weapon that seemed much to large for him and awkward in his hands. "We'll get some combat training in later, for now, that light I released earlier had to have attracted some unwanted attention. It'd be best if you waited here." She began to walk back to the battlefield, his voice calling out behind her, "Where are you going?" She spoke over her shoulder, "To take out the trash." Light began to walk back to the area that would've attracted nearly every demon within a thousand mile radius.


As the angel turned the corner she saw a sight that wasn't very appealing. She knew if she took these people on she knew she wouldn't make it out of this castle. Thats when the butterflies swarmed around the corner. She wasn't expecting to run into the whole family and sighed because she really wanted to fight someone, but no she had to run into every single royal demon in this dark castle. "Okay....." She said with a whisper as she started to walk down back the way she came to find something that wouldn't end in her death, but before she left she let the butterflies go on a rampage in their search of food, they just weren't aloud to touch the bird.

Then the creatures went after the whole lot of demons. As the swarm got nearer and nearer, a black bird came running through the cloud of bugs and heading straight for Electra's torso. What could be noticed from the bird was that it was glowing blue in some areas. The bird was indestructible for the next 15 seconds and it would retreat as soon as it ether went through or past the demon princess. The bird turned a plowed through the swarm again not even checking to see if he got his target.

Verain felt the sharp talons land on her shoulder as she continued her march around the castle looking for something important to kill and she already had her steel katana out ready to slice through anything that dared to stand in her way.

OCC NOTE: You guys control the bugs now......
"Damn it Electra" Malias mumbled, knowing that this was definitely his sister's doing "Elicia, find the Angel Princess" he commanded as the tip of his blade became covered in blue flames "This minor invasion is nothing our family can't handle" it was rare that all of his siblings were together in one place and even rarer that they worked together. Separately, they were all powerful in their own ways, but together they were more powerful than a thousand thousand soldiers.

Elicia nodded and slipped away, vanishing down the hallway. While she couldn't sense presences like the Princes and Princesses, she did have a powerful sense of smell. It only took her moments to catch the sent of Angel and Electra mingled together. Electra had brought the smell of the Angel Princess with her as she walked through the Palace, this helped distinguish the smell from the other angel in the area. She grinned and continued moving.

Malias stepped passed his siblings and stepped slightly to the side as a small bird flew by. He then closed his eyes and pierced the floor with the blade of his scythe "I order this hallway to burn" a swirling vortex of fire engulfed the area in front of him and barreled down into the swarming bugs. He made a small face at the idea that he'd just slaughtered a thousand creatures as the fire died down leaving an empty, extremely torched, hallway.

He made another face "Father's not going to be happy about that" he said softly.


ectra "Haydie" Elstife

Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt

Hells greatest...


Electra didn't so much as flinch when the insects where charging towards her. As predicted, Maliase took over the situation, burning them all to a crisp. The little insect army was not what bothered her, nor did the fact that Maliase had sent his little wench to try and retrieve the angel that she had taken, which she would inevitably fail seeing as Nitiri was guarding her. What bothered her most of all was that there was an angel in her house and another outside the castle. She could sense that much. 'Humph..a swarm of rats..'

As the flames from the hallway died down, Electra pushed passed her siblings and started the forward march down the hall,
"Silence Maliase. I will deal with you later..". she said sounding all business like. "And you really must not value the life of your little servant girl. She'll be dead before she gets remotely close to my little prize." the princess added matter of factly and that was no bluff. Nitiri WAS an ancient and powerful dragon and there was a reason why Electra had chosen her to be her loyal pet and companion. Having Nitiri guard the princess was like having a small army guard her. "Now, come with me...big brother. We shall take care of the vermin inside the castle. The rest of you handle things outside. No. Mercy." and with her order resting in the air, Electra turned the corner to follow after the Angel assassin that had escaped.

@Abana @WaterPandas @WeirdPrincess

"Elicia can care for herself, it is almost a guaranteed that you've set your Dragon to guard and she'll know that" Malias said before looking back towards his siblings "I know how some of you are, try not to cause too much trouble for our subjects, I already have to clean up Electra's mess, don't make me have to clean up yours too" he was specifically speaking to Aion and Alasci, who were the ones most likely to cause trouble for the sake of causing trouble.

He then turned to follow Electra "It'd help if you set a better example" he said as they walked "We are the eldest children of the King, we are supposed to be preparing to rule, not capturing our enemy's princess to do whatever you want with"

"Now we have an Angel in the castle and an Angel out among the Demon folk, both who intend on killing as much as possible or necessary"
he was already mildly irritated from having to wake up early do to Alasci's appearance, but he'd also had to drink Angel's Blood. The stuff tasted foul, yet it acted as a energy boost for most demons, at least those who could handle it. He'd been saving it for when he became King and had to fight Electra for the position. It would have boosted his strength, now it'd been used to revive his energy from his previous fight with her.

No matter what demon drank it, all had a similar negative effect, double that for half bloods. It was pure Angel Blood. For full demons it made them incredibly sick, putting them in bed for days. For half bloods it was worse. Their human side was affected by the blood the most. A human can become either Angel or Demon, but never both. Introducing Angel Blood into a Half Demon's system started the Angel conversion of their human side. It was extremely painful.

The two halves can't exist together and one always destroys the other, generally the Demon Half survives, however, this process could take weeks.


Meanwhile, Elicia was getting close to the source of the Angel scent when she froze, smelling the tell tale scent of a Dragon. She frowned and wondered how she would get passed the great beast. Then she had an idea, a painful one, but an idea none the less. Peeking around the corner she spotted where the Dragon was resting and began to focus. If she could do it just right, she could create a gateway to Earth big enough to drop the creature through before she had a chance to react, though it would take some time to build up the necessary energy. She hoped that she had the time.

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