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Fantasy Angels VS. Demons:The Eternal War [Accepting!]

"You know what I'm screwed because of you...." His wings smoothed his flight into glide as he found his way to a clearing were he could place the girl softly on the ground. When the boy landed he found his surroundings rather pretty. With flowers and grass scattered around and birch trees that surrounded the two separate creatures. He placed the girl down as softly as he could. Then He studied the creatures around him and found out that a butterfly had found its way onto his pinkie. With a sigh he studied the creature before pulling his hand downward to scare the creature off.

His eyes began to gaze downward to look at the princess he stole. He couldn't understand why demons hated angels, after all this one trusted him after he said a few words, even though he would have traded her to spare himself. He thought about how different his sister was to this girl. We're demons supposed to be cruel mercy less rulers that had no idea what kindness was and were Angels supposed to be poler opposites, were Angels supposed to be the kind and forgiving type, and if they were why would they kill one of their own just because she fell in love with a creature that was full of malice, greed, pride, and lust. What gave the Angels the right to punish one of his own. The had no reason to punish the two for their own free will. He thought about this now because he had nothing else to think about and because he had an idea that some would find stupid and reckless and maybe others that thought the same way he did would support his cause. Asoalle just came up with a plan that could and possibly would crumble to the ground. He wanted to give the world a renaissance, were demons and Angels could work together and swallow their pride. He wanted the two opposites to work together instead of murder each other due to a grudge that happen years and years behind his existence. Asoalle was to start his plan with this girl. And a question that would decide if he would go through with it or not. He wanted to know why she trusted him even though he could have, he wanted to know why she let him carry her away, he wanted to know so many things but he didn't have the time.

"Why would you trust a demon" he asked the girl in the dress and repeated the question a second time but a word changed "Why would you trust me" his mind was scrambling for words as he tried to piece together a sentence. "Why would you trust a creature that lives for itself, a creature that takes joy from the pain of others, and are the beliefs you have about us demons widely accepted In your kingdom or do your people hate us for what we are" he said with a broken voice and a body that was trembling at the thought of his sister gaining power. "Princess I will protect you with my life until this day is over and I will slay anybody that comes my way to take down my new found beliefs." Then his hands were ripping into shadows pulling out various amounts of weapons, spears to guns were being materialized and this would be his supply of weaponry for a fight he predicted to be coming his way. Dark fumes seemed to be poaring out of his clothing, beneath his clothes there was no limbs to see, only darkness could be found. With his armada of weaponry prepared he chose a two handed battle axe that was as light as a shadow in his right hand and had a flintlock pistol that was preloaded with bullets made of pure darkness. Then he waited for anything to come his way.
"That damn Dragon!" Malias cursed. Even the fastest Angels and Demons couldn't catch up to a high speed flying Dragon. He didn't have much time to worry about it as Electra began to chant. He moved and grabbed the Angel before she could say anything and tossed her into the forest, away from the battle that was about to take place. He didn't want to have to worry about someone while he fought. Besides, this was a battle between family.

When the skeletons began appearing, he knew exactly what his sister had done "Stealing another person's form, very brave" he said as his scythe formed in his hand. There were a lot of enemies, but one thing was fortunate. His enemies were already dead. This meant that he could go all out. He pulled his hood up and over his hair, dropping his face into darkness, save his bright blue eyes "Electra, I am going to show you exactly why I am going to rule the Demon World instead of you, why I am the first in line despite father's fondness for you"

He twisted his scythe, the blade bursting into blue flame and burst forward, cutting through skeletons and spreading his fire along their ranks. He was definitely not holding back. He was determined to defeat her and he was using his entire arsenal.

((I'll change it if anyone asks me to))

Maktada Zane Elstife

"Ah, it's such a nice view, isn't it Sharon?" Back at the kingdom of hell, a demon leaned back comfortably in his chair as his legs were propped up onto the railings of the balcony. It really was a spectacular site; being one of the highest points in the building, it had a vantage point on the marvelous landscape that the red head stared out at. In his left hand was a small glass of wine, a sip or two being taken at random intervals, and in his left was Sharon, one of his longest running servants. Well, more accurately it was Sharon's severed head, still dripping fresh with the sweet, sweet nectar that others called blood. What had she done to end up in her current position? Not even Maktada himself could answer that question, though he did have to admit that her lifeless, cold blue eyes were rather enchanting to look at.

Shaking his servants disembodied head like a jar of sprinkles over his glass to let a few drops of blood mix in with the alcohol, he took an extra long drink as he savored the taste. "All of that's mine, you know." He mused to know one in particular, pointing out at the landscape in front of him."Maybe not officially, but maybe someday I'll get around to putting a big ol stamp on it. That reminds me, JESSICA!" A smallish women with attractive features and bright blonde hair rushed to his side as he still looked outwards, though upon the sight of his previous servant she took a few hesitant steps backwards. It's not like it was an uncommon sight, a servants limb being wielded by Maktada, but it always seemed to set the others on edge. One would never know when he would decide their time was up. "Yes, m-my lord?" A smirk of satisfaction spread across the young princes face upon hearing her obvious discomfort. "Where's my oldest sis headed? I noticed she took Nitiri out for a ride, and I'm oh so curious as to where she intends to go." His sister, Electra, was one of the very, very few people he somewhat respected around the place, if only because she acted like a true demon, as she should. After all, both her and himself were pure bloods. However, that wasn't why he wanted to know her destination. Control. If something was going on he wanted to know what it was.

There were a few moments of silence from Jessica, causing Maktada's smirk to turn into a frown, looking over his shoulder with a completely neutral expression. "You don't know where she went, do you?" He stared directly into her eyes, an act that most servants tried their best to avoid, and even though she said nothing he already knew the answer from the sheer look of terror in her eyes. It screamed with that fear of dying that nearly made him groan out loud. Jessica stumbled backwards as she stammered out the best she could give to her master. "I-I-I'm sorry but I-I d-don't know where she went. Maybe one of the other servants k-knows." A few seconds passed as Maktada simply gazed at her frightened expression, and then the most terrifying thing imaginable happened. He smiled. That sick, twisted, wicked smile that meant he had just thought of something absolutely heinous. As he stood up from his chair and turned to face the girl, she made an attempt for the door at the other side of the room. However, in almost a blink of the eye Maktada had flung Sharon's skull at the fleeing woman, deliberately hitting her right leg and shattering all the bones as a result.

It was a slow walk over to the screaming, soon-to-be corpse, and, reaching down and placing a strong grip over her mouth, the red headed demon forcefully dragged her out into the main hall, where multiple other servants of the place were doing their busywork. "Hey, I've got a little game for us all to play!" Raising Jessica high above his head as to get the attention of the rest of everyone nearby, his tone was strangely cheerful, as if he was announcing some amazing revelation. "I want to know where my sister went. I know someone here knows, so it's your guys jobs to find them and bring them to me. For every minute I have to wait, another of you dies! sounds fun, right? But wait, since that's too simple, the one who tells me where Electra went... Oh you're gonna love this...they also die!" He let out a long, oddly joyful laugh, reveling in the reactions he garnered. The other servants knew that he was being serious with his claim, as such activities were common among the prince. Not everyone was happy with having to replace servants so often, but what could they do? Jessica through all this was kicking and screaming through muffled cries as she tried to escape Maktada's grip, which only served to make him enjoy the process even more. With a quick move of free hand, the girls arms was ripped clean off her body, with the bony appendage then plunged into her abdomen. "Now, let's begin!"


"Ah, so it's to Earth... and for an Angel no less." Maktada contemplated his next move as he paced across the bloodied floor and over four of the lifeless carcasses he had created, the girls from before included. He had no problems with Electra bringing back an Angel. That wouldn't slow down his ascent as far as he was concerned, and it was better her than his eldest brother. After all, he wasn't even a pure demon. A part of him, however, was a bit curious on the events going on anyways, and he'd preferred to see things with his own eyes than be told. "Alright, I'm off to Earth! Somebody, clean up this filth! I mean seriously, who would cause such a mess..." A soft chuckle escaped his lips as he made his preparations to meet Electra on Earth to see things with his own eyes.

The Young Prince's eyes slowly opened, he yawned loudly and gripped the blankets of his bed hastily covering them over his head. His door opened with a long creek sound which irritated him greatly. "Y-young Prince, it's time for you to wake up..." Said a female servant, her voice was as soft as silk, her voice was shaky, she knew if she irritated the Young Prince she would be executed so she tried her best to hide her shaky, scared voice with a soft tone. She failed miserably, at least that's what Aion thought. "You know what, servant...?" Her eyes widened, she slowly backed away from the room until she was stopped by the words she hoped for. "You're right, it is time for me to wake up. I have a lot of... Erm... Important stuff to do... Heh." He threw the blankets onto the floor as he got out of bed and went towards his closet. He closed the door and in a matter of moments he was dressed in all black. He walked past the maid but her eyes didn't even glance at Aion, all she did was bow respectively.

He walked downstairs and into the large kitchen. The cooks were ready to prepare his meal, but he was too busy pondering on what he should get.
"Let's see, what shall I have for br-" His thoughts were cut off by a loud scream, a devilish smirk ran across Aion's face because he knew exactly what happened. Eagerly he got up and ran back upstairs. "I'm not gonna have breakfast today!" He yelled back at the cooks who were curious and afraid of what has happened. He reached the final step, and saw the servant impaled through her stomach with a large sword. Tears ran down her face and blood dripped from her mouth and stomach as he clapped his hands in humor. The servant just faced him, her pale body slowly losing life. "W-why..." Those were all of the words she could muster until she slipped off the sword and slowly died on the floor. Aion walked up to the carcass and nudged it with his foot, not a single sign of life. "That wasn't even one of my good pranks..." The little boy said aloud. Other Servants began to crowd the carcass, he responded by facing them, instantly they began cleaning up the body and the sword. He sighed heavily before leaving the kingdom of hell. He was bored and was about to begin terrorizing people on Earth.

Once he arrived he looked around, and put on a mask. It was shaped like a Chinese red Demon. He put it on and summoned a small army of the undead to raid the nearest village, he smiled under his mask as he reached the village, his army of twenty began to raid it, kill people and cause mayhem. Anyone that was near could see or hear what he was doing and it was obvious it was the Youngest Prince. He was in fact known to cause mayhem. "You should have been prepared, imbeciles..."
With love~Å'Merie


When you'd cry I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears

And I held your hand through all of these years

And you still have all of me.

The rhythm of my heart...


Everything began to move so much quickly after having met Asoalle. First she was being carried away towards more demon's, then the next thing she knew, she was being placed back onto the earth where she had started. The little princess sank to her knees and sat very lady like on the grass; her white dress puddling around her. She watched as Asoalle began to speak and think to himself, then speak again. All the while she had remained calm, allowing the boy to pour his heart out to her. After he was finished, she simply gave him a small but sweet smile,"Have you given me a reason not to trust you?" she replied simply. She neednt say anything more. A'Merie didn't speak very much. She preferred singing above anything else. But when she did speak, her words where full of love and wisdom for her age. After her reply, which she wasn't sure he heard or not..I mean..she was pretty soft spoken..Asoalle had went on about protecting her with his life which made A'Merie a bit worried. In that moment she finally stood and slowly walked towards him, taking great care in her steps and movements to ensure that he knew that she did not pose a threat. "Please..please..put your weapons away. I will have no one dieing for me this day." her voice still came across as sweet as it always did; full of love and peace. Carefully and cautiously, A'Merie moved her hand to gently touch his hand that was holding the axe; her silky skin to his rough touch. "Please..." she whispered and looked into the demon's eyes. Her tone was soft and pleading. She did not want any bloodshed on her behalf. She would have no one fighting for her, especially not someone that she had just met. Princess or not.

Suddenly her mind went off and she couldn't help but to feel a sting in her heart. 'Light...oh light...p-please be alright. This I pray, please be safe' she thought to herself as she fought back tears. It seemed that no matter what, someone was going to fight for her and that was the last thing she wanted. A war had started in her mind. A'Merie wanted so badly to go back and help Light. She needed to! It was her duty as a princess of heaven. She could not leave her behind!

Retreaving her hand from Asoalle's, A'Merie turned and looked towards the direction of where light would be, where a battle surly would be. 'I must go...I...I must! She may require my assistance. I have to stop this fighting! Even...even if...' and that was that. She had made up her mind. She would go after Light.
"I'm sorry...but I..." and before she finished her sentence, she called upon earth to aid her and suddenly a fairly large vine broke through the grassy floor and took a tight hold of Asoalle. This was her chance, A'Merie quickly allowed her wings to appear behind her as she took flight. "...I have to go! I'm sorry!" she called and just like that, she was gone. She knew that the vine would not hold, but at least it allowed her to escape.

@The Akolite



ectra "Haydie" Elstife

Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt

Hells greatest...


Electra stood there looking like her innocent, prankster little brother; skeletons surrounding her...i mean...him...whatever. "Give up brother. You can't defeat me ya knooooow" the little boy giggled as he watched his brother attack and destroy multiple skeletons effortlessly. Of course, Electra didn't expect this little army of useless bones to defeat her brother. But it would sure tire him out and slow him down a bit until she was ready to tear him apart. Plus, lets face it, she LOVED toying with her opponents. So she would wait and watch as her brother fought off her undead army of bones. She would thank her little brother latter for his cute little gift. Speaking of his gift,'Hmm, lets turn up the heat...shall we Maliace..?' she thought to herself as she closed his eyes and focused on her little brothers power. The power to creep into other peoples minds. The power to make them see whatever she wanted. And right then, she wanted him to think that all of the skeletons where his mother. Every last one of them; and if he chose to cut through them anyway, Electra would make it so that every last one he cut down screamed with agony, blood spilling, questions of 'why' and 'please stop' would fill his ears. This was sure to be rather entertaining.

@Seraph Darkfire

Malias stopped only for a second when all of the skeletons became his mother. Then the fire from his scythe slowly moved down, covering not only his scythe, but his entire body. His wings spread out and his eyes blazed. On his face was neither sadness or despair, it was anger. Family or not, no one used his mother, no one made him do what he was about to do. Just for a second, he looked like an Avenging Angel, with blazing blue wings and eyes that burned. Electra had made one mistake, had pushed Malias a little to far. Had she used an image of herself, even one of their siblings, even their father, he would have halted his assault.

But his mother was a line no one was supposed to cross. All it brought back was the fact that he could never see her again, that he'd stopped being human and become one of the most hated creatures of man kind. His eyes snapped to his sister, who was shifted into his brother. He wouldn't kill her, wouldn't torture her like she would. She'd expect that. He was going to do the one thing the King and Queen had never done to her. He was going to humiliate her.

Using his wings, he burst forward, cutting through his mother over and over, blocking out their screams and the anguish he felt inside. He fed his anger and continued to move towards Electra.


ectra "Haydie" Elstife

Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt

Hells greatest...


"Stop it stop it! You're killing her Maliase!" Electra, who was still in the form of her brother called. This was just to much fun for her to bare. Though what would have made it more fun was if Maliase had actually shown some remorse that she knew he HAD to feel. 'Tsk tsk. Your never any fun...' she thought. And just when she was about to unleash yet another wave of terror, she felt her blood pulse and her body quiver for an instant. 'No...not now...damn it!!' It was about that time. Electra was quite powerful in being able to morph and utilize others ability's, but everything comes with a price. Even for someone like her. She was being to hasty, and she did choose quite the being to shift into. Her brother's ability to call back the dead and get into peoples heads was exhausting. Her power's where draining quickly and this was definitely not the time to be weak. Not while she was fighting Maliase. Quickly, she made her decision and shifted quickly back into her normal self, all the while Maliase was still charging at her; and now, he had a better chance of striking her because just as she shifted back to normal, her army had turned to smoke and vanished. She was vulnerable. Well, not really. Electra was a very witty woman and she knew her Maliase more then she would have cared to. He wouldn't hurt her. He wouldn't kill her. No matter what., This she was certain. Why? After all that she had done, even conjuring up look alikes of his mother for him to strike down, why wouldn't he kill her. 'Because he's weak...' was her thought. It was because he was soft. He was once human and that was his biggest weakness. She would use it. Oh would she use it.

Electra's blue green eyes watched as Maliase closed in on her. Her gaze was calm, yet there was a twing of....what...puppy dog eyes?

@Seraph Darkfire

The second he reached her Malias stopped. His fire died down and his scythe vanished as he looked at her. For a second it looked as if her tactic had worked. After all, she wasn't wrong. He'd never kill her, she was still family. However she had crossed a line that she shouldn't have, and for that she deserved a special punishment. His eyes still burned with the fire that had once covered his form "I know your power better than you think" he said softly as he stared directly into her eyes "You are far weaker in this state, so weak I could choke the life out of you"

He raised his hand as he continued to stare at her "But I've got a better idea" it was then that he brought his hand down and struck her across the face "Stop acting like a child who's had everything handed to her" he said calmly "You are a Princess of the demons, act less like a spoiled brat and more like a ruler, and as one, you must consider not only your wishes but the wishes of your people"

Not even their father had hit Electra. It was a simple act, one most demons wouldn't think of. But, after all, Malias wasn't entirely human. He'd been raised by a human mother who'd disciplined him when he got top out of control. The act of slapping someone was far more powerful than one could imagine, it was a sign of both disappointment and disrespect.


ectra "Haydie" Elstife

Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt

Hells greatest...


As Maliase came to a sudden stop in front of her, she did not move, nor did she waver in the slightest. She remained perfectly still and just stared. Thats all. No cumpulsion, which iched at the back of her mind as he stared into her eyes. She knew it would be a waist of time. Maliase was one of the very FEW that could half way resist her excruciating gaze; but in her current state there was no point. She would conserve her energy for something else. As Maliase spoke, Electra continued to stare until finally she felt a sting on her left cheek as her head turned with the impact. 'Did....did...her just....'

Everything went still. It was as if time had taken a dramatic pause. Even planet earth couldn't believe what had just happened. Never in her long life had she ever been struck; not even as a child. Electra's face remained turned for what seemed to be forever; her long raven hair covering the now reddening mark that she bared. After a moment, Electra had finally began to turn her head back around to face Maliace. However, instead of looking into her normal beautiful blue green eyes, he stared back at pure black ones. Black like the tars of hell had taken over not only her pupils but her entire eye. Her body began to tremble with anger, "Youuuu....how...dare yo..." but before she could finish, she stumbled back a step. The demon princess desperately needed to calm herself. She was getting far to worked up with to little energy. She needed to feed. She needed blood but none of her chosen demon's were there for her to sink her teeth into. 'Damn..'

This was bad. Luckily no one else was around to witness her humiliation, but it didn't change the fact that she needed blood. Now.

With a sigh, Electra closed her eyes and took two deep breaths to calm herself, and when she opened her eyes again, they where normal. Without giving Maliase a second glance, Electra straitened up and began walking past him. She had enough for the day.

@Seraph Darkfire

Malias opened his wings, knowing he'd won this time "I'll do it again" he said as a warning "I'll never kill you, never cut your skin, but I will slap you if you push me too far" he slowly rose into the sky "You can handle a beating in a fight, but a slap is different" he said calmly "A slap is a child's punishment" he took off into the air. The pain of his slap would fade relatively quickly, but the memory would stay with her. It would remind her that he thought of her as nothing more than a child, despite her power and intelligence.

He sighed and rubbed his face
"I need a bath" he mumbled "Elicia better have run me one, sending me out here to save an angel and slap Electra, cause that isn't going to make anything worse" he grumbled to himself. Honestly, he'd never intended to slap her. Originally he'd gone through all sorts of ideas, but in the end, a single slap sounded like the most effective thing. It was simple and powerful, yet ridiculous at the same time. It got his point across as well as broke the tension of the fight.

As he flew, he dropped in the air slightly and shook his head
"Damn, I used far more energy than I should have" he said softly as he rubbed his face again "I should be able to make it home before I just pass out" and he did. He just got through the portal and landed before he dropped. He remembered very few things, but he remembered Elicia laying him on his bed. Unlike his sister, he didn't feed on blood to regain his power. He just slept. This was when he was at his most vulnerable.

It was the only time Elicia never left his side. She was his protector during these times and would fight off even the King if she thought he was going to harm Malias.

Her feet planted hard into the earth as she was thrown back, the young boy had power, and gave her no time to react, she tumbled in a frenzy as she rammed into a tree. Forcing herself up slowly, not even the slightest emotion to her face. With a careful dusting off, she rose back into the sky,
"He can hold her, that's all I need, all I need is some time..." She felt the presence of her princess nearby, she kicked off with heavy force as she streaked across the sky in a brilliant ball of light, the twilight now fading to night as the moon rose.

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Lavina woke up from her nap feeling refreshed and energized. Looking up at the sky, she saw that it was nearly lunch time. She got herself onto her bare feet and headed to the dining hall. She helped prepare and serve and also cleaned up. When she noticed Aryabelle didn't show up, she decided to make her a little portable lunch. She's probably in the forest right now, as always. Putting a sandwich, a bottle of juice, an apple, and a small slice of angel cake into a paper bag, Lavina headed out into the forest.

She spotted Ayrabelle in a clearing filled with white flowers. She seemed to be with someone else. Lavina tensed up a little and crouched behind a bush. The angel didn't seem to be evil or anything like that, but she felt like she couldn't take any chances. She quietly came out of the bush smiling and holding the paper bag in front of her. "Miss Ayrabelle, I brought you some lunch." She came closer to the pair, keeping her eyes on the male angel while talking to the princess. "I asked around where you were. Sera said that you were out here reading." She stopped a few feet away. She now turned her attention over to the male angel. He's older than many of the other angels here. He's probably from the village over there. Lavina has never been there herself and a part of her really wants to explore, but she has duties to attend to. She decided to engage in conversation with him. "How are you doing sir? I'm Lavina. Are you from around these parts?"

@Chiryoshi @Plushie
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ectra "Haydie" Elstife

Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt

Hells greatest...


Strutting off as if nothing had happened, Electra began walking in the direction of the angel, which, to her surprise was headed her way and she couldn't help but to gin. Everything was going her way. Despite the unplanned visits of that pesky angel and her annoying brother. 'Yessss, come to me little angel' she thought to herself as she stumbled again. 'Damn...' she didn't have the strength that she did before thanks to her brother. Surely she would be no match for an angel in this state. "No...I will have what I came for." and she would. Despite there unplanned fight, Maliase had made one critical mistake; he left, which meant that the angel was free game. With that in mind, she lifted her fingers to her lips as she did before and whistled hard, calling her ever so 'adorable' pet dragon to her.

Nitiri had been tracking the angel. At first, she sensed that the girl was with another demon. Her master's brother, and she couldn't help but to snort. The boy would surly be punished for his disobedience. But that was beside the point. Her mission was to find and capture the girl; and capture the girl she would. However, as she drew near the spot where the angel was being held, her senses had detected that she was now on the run again, but this time alone. Now! This was the perfect chance for Nitiri to grab the girl and make a clean break without having to interact with Asoalle. Her wing's flapped a couple more times before she was pushed forward at a blinding pace. She could hear the wind whistle past her rapidly, but beyond that she heard another whistle. Thee whistle. Her master was calling her which she assumed was her way of saying it was time to leave. A'Merie was now in sight, and before the little angel could so much as detect her approaching, she grabbed her rather roughly with a single claw and continued on her way towards Electra, who was not to far away from where A'Merie flew.

Upon seeing her dragon, Electra used what was left of her strength to push up from the earth, jumping high in the sky and landing perfectly on the back of her dragon, and once Nitiri confirmed that her master was safely on her back, the two disappeared into the night and made there way back home. To hell.

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She had neared on the location of her princess as she came into view, a slight relaxation of a breath came as she slowed herself. However, within the few seconds of complete and utter contempt another force came into view, the blasted dragon no less! With her guard lowered, she wasn't able to react quick enough as she watched A'Merie get swooped up in the wretched claws, being carried quickly from her sight.

With the fatigue building up in her wings, she chased after it again, she wasn't accustom to moving this fast for any reason. She kicked her leg in the way she was familiar with, her speed gradually picking up, she tailed the dragon, only able to match its speed, unable to catch up. After being forced to chase the creature, she watched its master hop above its back, riding it like a tamed pet.

She converged on the two within the time it took for them to join, still a little behind them, she could now see the two, they were clear in her eyesight, she could make out everything.
"ELECTRA!" She exclaimed as her wings beat furiously against the wind, compelling her to follow this girl until she may stop, no matter how tired her snow-white feathers grew. She readied her lance and pointed her toes out to increase her aerodynamics as she broke out in blind speed towards the dragon. She tightened her left hand as an immense level of power formed, a ball of frayed light assembling itself as it cast its own glow in the night sky.


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Malori glided through the gates of her home, the demon castle. She and her little dragon, Zania, had just got back from visiting the North Pole. "Zania I just don't understand humans. We didn't encounter a single flying reindeer or elves or even an old man that resembled the Saint Nick." She shuddered at the word Saint. Zania, perched on Malori's shoulder merely rubbed her scaly cheek against Malori's neck with a purr.

Entering the castle, Malori stood there and smiled, "Home sweet home. Although I only sense one of my siblings, odd where did every run off to, I wonder." She thought about taking the portal to the human realm again but she had just returned home and was starving. "Zania, dear would you be the best little dragon a princess could have and find me a meal?" Zania stretched and took flight down a hall, leaving Malori to walk up the steps to her father's thrown. She touched the chair that had been there since she was born, sitting on the arm rest she leaned back and closed her eyes so that her senses heightened. She searched around to see who all exactly was here in the demon realm, be it friendly or foe, if it were foe she and Zania would capture them and ask her eldest brother Malias what they should do with the intruder. She didn't dare take anyone to her sister Electra, if she did there was bound to be blood which Malori wasn't fond of.

Zania returned in a young girl's demon form, her claws elongated with blood dripping down. Malori ignored the blood to see a plate of food; potatoes, steak, broccoli soup, dirty rice, and boneless BBQ chicken littered the plate making Malori salivate. "The cook refused at first. Thought I wanted it." Zania grumbled delicately making Malori laugh, "Well you are getting half because I can't eat all that, anyway." Taking the plate she realized there was another plate underneath causing her to laugh again. "I love you, my Zania" causing Zania to grin with delight.

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The Douma
There was a pause after Douma's introduction, his eyes curiously scanned the girl's face to see what could be the hold up. The thought of reading her mind wasn't something Douma wanted to do so he just waited, maybe the child was nervous of his presence since he was a stranger and was much older then her by 'who knows how many decades' of age. Catching the name given and the white flower offered to him,"

Nice to meet you too, Ayra and what lovely flowers, Thank you.

" Douma gladly took the gift but instead placed the flower behind Ayra's ear as it gave her an extra touch of cuteness, a smile dawn on his face,"

I do, quite often. The forest is always the quietest with many wonderful sights to see though... a child such as yourself should not be here all alone. Where are your parents?

" He asked wanting to know why the girl was here in the first place besides admiring flowers. Her appearance was also strange to him seeing her wear a over-sized robe covering her form as if she was hiding.

Watching Ayra's eyes, he followed where she was staring at. It was a bracelet. Douma studied the bracelet with keen eyes and noticed how Ayra's expressions changed to a worry look before being replaced with a smile to hide her frown. Raising an eyebrow, he wanted to ask what could be bothering her but dismissed that thought thinking maybe she was in the age of being rebellious towards her parents and was reminiscing on something bad.


With love~Å'Merie


When you'd cry I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears

And I held your hand through all of these years

And you still have all of me.

The rhythm of my heart...


A'Merie was hell bound on finding Light. She was like a sister to her. Always there when she needed and her protected her with her life. Now it was her turn to protect Light. She had been flying rather quickly, not only to get to Light, but to ensure that she successfully escaped Asoalle. He would be alright. Her vine wouldn't hold him for long and she made certain that it wasn't to tight to actually hurt him. A'Merie would never hurt him. She wouldn't hurt anyone.

Just before she had made it to the clearing where she last saw Light, A'Merie was suddenly grabbed by something. Immediately her mind went to Asoalle and thought that he had caught up to her and was taking her back with him; but this grip was unfamiliar and was far to tight and rough to be him. "Oh no! P-please, let me go!" she cried as she tried to move her wing's but soon realized that she couldn't. Whatever it was that had her, had her in a grip so tight that it was hard to breath and claws so sharp that it dug into her delicate silky skin. Blood began to stain her perfectly white dress and drip down onto the grass as they flew at lightning speed. Everything was all a blur again. 'What is going on...w-whats happening'

Before she knew it, everything had slowed down just a little and the ground got closer and closer. They where landing finally, which she hoped that she would be released so that she could tend to her wounds. She wasn't. Who or whatever had her had hovered just above the ground momentarily only to be taken back up into the sky's again on yet another blindingly fast adventure. Twenty long minutes latter, they had finally landed and she was dropped (more like thrown) to the hot hard ground. A'Merie took this time to gather her strength and her thoughts before she finally looked up to meet the eyes of her kidnapper. Her eyes widened; her cool wintery grey eyes met a pair of fiery crimson ones. It was a dragon. A creacher she had never seen before and swore didn't exist anymore. Oh man was she wrong.
"Oh..h-hello." was all she could think to say. The girl had no idea where she was or why she was brought there, nor why this dragon had taken her. Everything was so confusing. Attempting to stand, the little angel winced in pain as she settled herself back down to the ground and took a look at her right arm. There where deep hole's in them from the dragons claws digging into her flesh and blood had been pouring out since she had been taken. It took everything she had not to cry and freak out from witnessing so much blood. She simply hated the sight of blood. Quickly the princess took her left hand and hovered it over her wounded arm. Her hand began to glow a bright silvery color and with that, the holes in her arm began to shrink and eventually vanished and healed completely. There was still traces of blood on her arm that had begun to dry, but at least it wasn't fresh blood. She would have to bare it until she figured out where exactly she was.

A'Merie turned her attention back to the dragon who had been watching her carefully,
"E-excuse me, but, may I ask where I am? Why have you taken me here sweet one?". Her voice was the same as always; sweet and loving. There was no traces of anger or irritation. More like curiosity. Again, A'Merie tried to stand, but this time it wasn't her weak body or wounds that stopped her from rising to her feet, but the dragon before her. Nitiri growled loud in her chest and inched her face closer to A'Merie which made the princess slowly sit herself back down again. the growel echoed throughout the cave that they had taken shelter in. Nitiri's cave. Whatever was going on couldn't be good. There was one thing for sure. A'Merie was trapped in a cave with a fire breathing dragon.

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Luna stared up at the ceiling in her room and sighed. She was so bored and she didn't know what to do. A scream erupted from the corner of her room and she shifted her gaze towards the peasant. Blood ran down their head and shoulders and one of their eyes had been pulled out. Arms had been broken and legs had been mutilated beyond recognition. She smiled at them before giving the peasant a wink. Their scream rang through her sound proof room and she enjoyed it. With the flick of her wrist, a long stream of blood had come from the peasant. One look was all it took for them to know that they were going to die by the princesses hand. Rumors were told about princess Luna that she was merciless and cared for very little people, but the peasant thought that he could change that. That's what they all thought, until she killed them. She willed the stream of blood to go around their neck and squeezed her fist. They gasped and wiggled to try and escape, but it was no use. She thrust her hands out and slammed them against the wall, making her chuckle. All of this was too funny, but now she was getting bored. "
I'm going to kill you now. I'm quite surprised you aren't dead yet." She left her bed and walked to the peasant. "Goodbye." She whispered softly. Grabbing them by their neck, she snapped it in half and tossed the body out of the window.

She slowly left her room in search of Zechen, her dragon. Her best friend and pet. A roar echoed through her, making her grin with happiness. He was close, she could feel it. 'Where are you?' She thought, looking around left and right.



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ectra "Haydie" Elstife

Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt

Hells greatest...


"Alec!" the great demoness called harshly as she staggered through the palace doors. "Emmet, Versaris, Raegon! Get those asses moving NOW!" she roared and could almost be heard through the entire castle. It took her select four but a few second's to meet they'er princess at the castle door's. The four lined up in a strait line before her, got on there hands and knees and bowed before her. Electra didn't waist any time as she grabbed the closest hottie in front of her, Raegon, and vigorously latched her teeth onto his neck and nearly drained him dry but stopped short of him dieing. After she was finished with him, the released her grip and allowed his body to collapse onto the floor in front of her and turned her attention to Emmet who immediately stood and presented his neck to her. This made Electra smirk. Her boy's where so cute and obedient; and for good reason. This time, instead of attacking Emmets throat as she did with Reagon, she was much gentler with her approach, first licking his neck once, then letting her teeth sink into his skin like butter. This made Emmet groan in pleasure and close his eyes as he bit his lip in enjoyment. There was a reason why her four boy's where so willing and eager to be her personal blood bag's. Not only because they had the unique privileged of being so close to the ever so magnificent and seductive queen of the night, but because when she fed it made her victims feel sheer ecstasy. That's right...it felt good to have there necks bitten and there blood drained from them. Even with poor Regon, who was now passed out of the floor, felt sheer and complete pleasure from getting his throat practically ripped open. It was just the nature of how Electra fed that she could not help. It was even rather pleasing to her. This was one of the many reasons why she had select men to feed from and why every time she fed it seemed like a porn flick. Because...well....it kind of was. Another reason why she chose those four men is because they where not just simpleton servants. They where once part of the royal demon guard and where four of the strongest of the bunch. One thing about Electra was that she only fed from the strong. Sure she could have found MUCH stronger demon's, like one of her brother's for example, but then she knew that they would take advantage of her weakness and possibly use it against her. The poor girl was paranoid. And who could blame her.

When Electra had arrived back to hell just before all of this occurred, she had jumped off of her loyal pet dragon Nitiri, panting as if she had run a marathon. 'Nitiri. Take her with you to your cave and keep and sharp eye on her. Do not let the little bitch escape. I will meet you there after I'm done with my business. Now go.'. with a low growl in response, Nitiri flew off towards her cave which was miles away from the castle. Electra and Nitiri had a special bond that only they shared. Nitiri could feel and sense Electra's emotions and detect whether she was in danger. The two also could communicate telepathically, which they only really used when they didn't want outsider's to hear. Their bond was strong and Electra even considered Nitiri to be her best and only friend. She was all she needed.

After eating their fill of the food, Zania let out a hiss before reverting back to her dragon form. "Zania?" Malori called to her dragon but Zania was flying out of the room. Dropping the plates, the servants would clean the mess otherwise Electra would have their heads, Malori took off after Zania. She could sense her twin sister within the castle but why Zania would bother tracking her down, Malori didn't know.

"Zania! Where are you?" Malori had lost sight of Zania and she couldn't sense dragons like she could other living creatures. She passed Asaolle's room and was nearing Malias' room, why would Zania come this way? Best turn back, this is the male's section of the castle after all. as she turned around she sensed another presence with Malias. She hesitated, she loved following him around but he was asleep with someone in there, best not disturb. Without thinking, she kicked the door and ran off to search for Zania again, stumbling when she heard Electra's yell.

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Luna was lost. She couldn't find her way out to Zechen, making her growl in frustration. She hated the fact that the castle was so big that she could easily get lost. It was rare for her to ever leave her room, unless it was to go talk to Zechen. A groan slipped through her lips and she furiously stomped on the floor like a 5 year old. Why couldn't she find her way out? Why wasn't she more social or at least leave her room more often? All these questions ran through her head and smiled at the most obvious answer, peace. She liked to be in her room where she knew she could have a quiet place to kill and think, but mostly kill. Luna continued her walk down the long hallway and knocked on every door she saw. She didn't know if anyone was in there, she just wanted to have fun. Growing tired, Luna stopped and gazed out of the window, jumping in surprise when she saw Zechen's face. Opening the window, Zechen stuck his head inside and purred when she reached her hand out to pet him.

"Where have you been? I got lost looking for the way out trying to find you!" She growled at the beast in front of her. Zechen scoffed and nuzzled his head against her hand. He knew that she had a terrible sense of direction and that was why she got lost.

"I am most sorry for troubling you. It there anything you would like as an apology gift." Zechen spoke to her, knowing full well what she wanted. He sensed that someone was on their way here and nudged Luna to get on. He wasn't worried about her, he knew very well that she could handle anyone.

"I want chocolate. Get me some of that stuff." She stated, pushing away from him. She smoothed her shirt down and smiled at Zechen. "As much as you want me to ride you, I cannot. I have to find the others and see how they're doing. You could come if you'd like."

He nodded eagerly and pushed himself through the window. Zechen wasn't at full size yet, so he could still fit through that window. Right now he was in his baby form because he knew Luna liked that best. If they were in the palace together, she would have him revert to his baby form because it was much easier to fit him inside her room. Zechen was only ever in his adult form if they were in his cave or he was alone. He preferred to be in his weaker for to please Luna and in his stronger form to protect her. He felt that he should shift into his stronger form to protect her from the upcoming person that was coming their way, though he knew he shouldn't. She affectionately pet his head as he flew next to her, walking through the halls. She wondered where everyone else has gone when she saw her twin sister stumble. She snickered at the fact before bursting out laughing. She couldn't hold it in, watching someone trip was way to funny to her. She didn't know why, she just found it highly hilarious.



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Malori glowered at the sound of her twins laugh, standing up straight to look Luna in the eyes, "Hello sissy, did you know Electra was back?" She looked from Zechen, Luna's dragon, to Luna herself. Just then Xania decided to appear and run smack into Zechen resulting in them tumbling to the floor. "Zania! There you are!" Zania was nuzzling Zechen's neck with affection making Malori groan. "Hey Lu, does Zechen have some kind of attractive scent or is that just Zania?" Stepping forward Malori bent over to lift Zania in her arms.

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Five skeletons remained, they all surrounded a small child appearing at the age of six. She was holding a teddy bear closely to her chest as tears streamed out of her eyes. The Skeletons held up their weapons and began their final strike. "STOP!" The young boy yelled out, his skeletons all turned and nodded before turning into a pile of ash. Aion walked up to the girl, she seemed almost happy but her happiness was wiped out by the young Prince's dagger to her neck, he didn't cut or stab her. He leaned in close to her ear and whispered through his mask, "Spread the word about who I am and what I did... Or I'll kill you." He said devilishly before he walked back into the woods, he gently took off his mask and threw it to the ground. The girl stood there in utter terror as she fell to the ground and cried loudly. In an instant he was gone back to the Kingdom of Hell.

He looked around and rushed back to his room, nobody was there. Great. Nobody for him to prank. He flopped onto his bed and sighed heavily into his pillow, he was extremely bored. While he was lying down he thought if one of the angels would see the village he destroyed, dead bodies spread across the grounds. He laughed at the thought of their reactions before going downstairs once more just to sit on his throne. In his pocket he had a slingshot loaded with a sharp pebble. He aimed it at one of the servant's eyes and shot it while snickering to himself, it sure was nice to be prince.

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Luna growled at Malori for bringing up Electra. She never liked her in the first place. She was to bossy for her liking and who love to hit her if she could. "Like I care that she's back. I wish she wasn't." She looked towards Zechen that was being nuzzled by Zania and made a confused face. She looked at Malori with a scrowl as she lifted Zania. "That's probably just Zania. Zechen doesn't have anything on as far as I know." She crouched down next to him and dusted Zechen off. He easily flew back up and landed on Luna's shoulders. She looked Zania and raised an eye-brow. "Is there a reason you attacked Zechen? I'm sure you owe him an apology."

Zechen didn't mind at all that he was tackle. His gazed turned to Zania and he smiled in a way. He was happy to see her again. Though he knew to contain his happiness around Luna.



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At the sound of Alasci's voice, Malias' eyes snapped open "Alasci, dear brother" he said smiling as he slowly sat up "Can't I simply rest without being pestered by my family" he said chuckling before looking looking up at the ceiling and sighing "Elicia, get down from there" she was perched on the ceilings rafters, her claws out. She never left his side when he was at his most vulnerable. However, she was much weaker than most demons, being smaller than others. However, the poison in her claws was more than enough to take down any opponent should she catch them off guard. Once their bodies were racked with pain, she could deal with them at her leisure.

She sighed and slowly climbed back down, her claws receding back into normal nails "You never know who will show up my Lord" she said acting more like a servant around other members of the family.

Malias chuckled, knowing full well how dangerous many of his family were. However, he trusted that most of his family wouldn't attempt something in their own home, even Malias, disliked by many as he was, held a great standing in the much kinder Demon Folk. He turned his eyes back to his brother "So, what brings my brother here? Snooping around again?"


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