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Fantasy And We Go from Nothing to Something

Sin noticed a familair wolf storming off into the forest, one who looked rather dirty. "Sarah.", he called to her, "Please come back here", he said. He leaned forward to go after her but a stern coughing spree stopped him, nearly dropping the alpha to his knees as he shivered.


A brindle colored she-wolf trotted up behind Dusk. "Sure. You may use the bathroom in my room", she smiled and lead Dusk inside. The female stopped outside a tan colored door, the name 'Holly' in gold colored paint. "This is my room, make yourself at home, but right now I have other orders.", Holly trotted off to finish her work with the two younger runaways.
Sarah heard his plea and almost stormed off. But his coughing, one that sounded pretty bad, sent her running back like a frantic pup. She leapt on the window sill, shifting to Human and glaring at him. "God, stay here!" she barked the order and ran to his bathroom and got a cup of water. She brought it back, a low whimper in her chest. "Drink it and you're not allowed to refuse or I will shove it down your throat!" she threatened weakly.
" Thanks " Dusk said and walked into the bathroom and found a way to turn on the water and she transformed back into a person in the shower then she washed and got out and changed into her clothes from before Jean shorts, a black tank top, black fingerless gloves, black boots and a black hoodie then she walked back out her hair brushed to the right and she sat on the railing of Hollys porch one legs dangling and the other was being hugged and Dusk rested her head on her knee
Sin looked up just in time to see Sarah charging his way. He moved aside as she jumped into the window. He couldn't help but chuckle softly as she took off running. His raised an eyebrow at the water and her return. He didn't want to cause a fight, and grabbed the water, standing up weakly and going to the dresser and grabbing the cigarette box, opening it and popping out two pills from it and taking them with the water. He put the box back and turned around. "Come to think of it. Your the only girl to ever be in my room who wasn't Holly."

With the excitement over, Sarah got a chance to look around if she so choose. The walls were a deep purple color, and his bed was a mess. The bed sheets had a red-stripe pattern and a single pillow in the center of it, with a tiny stuffed bear missing an eye laying on it. The bed was easily big enough for two, maybe three. The bear looked so small and lonely in all the space. A large wolf paining hung on one wall, and the other one was filled to the ceiling with bookshelves each so full it looked like a single more book would break it. A black desk was pushed under where the wolf painting was and was pretty organized, a black laptop open but asleep. His floor was a pale colored tan carpet, and it appeared he had his own bathroom too. There was a open violin case, with a wooden violin the color of fresh blood inside. A calendar hung by the desk with some days having work shifts scribbled on it. There was also a bird perch and a handful of other things. This room told a story about the Alpha for sure.


Holly soon returned to her room, the two kids (Lilly and Dash) at her sides. They clung to her human form as if they were her own. She was really pretty for being almost 30, with kind eyes and lush brown hair. She smiled at Dusk, "You look much better dear."
" Thank you it feels much better to be clean again, so what are your names ? " Dusk asked the two children
Sarah was glad he was able to breathe deeper now but she blushed at the notion of her being in his room. She absolutely loved his room though. She felt as if she could grab the tiny little bear and curl up in almost warm room and fall sleep for days. That she'd fall asleep and wake up back in her lonely little bed and go back to work at her tiny little office. It was all so small but now it seemed like she could care less what size it was. "Nice room. Any way we could switch?" she teased softly, gazing at the photo. She took a deep breath, growing fond of her strange leaders scent.
Holly shrugged, "They won't talk to me. But I found name tags in their pockets from school. The girl is Lily and the boy is Dash", Holly lead the kids to her bed and put them on it. "Do you want to watch something on TV?", Holly asked. They nodded and the two immediately disappeared into the mass of stuffed animals Holly called her bed. Holly loved to collect stuffed animals, and she opened a wooden cabinet to reveal a TV inside, she flipped don Sponge Bob and the two seemed content.


He laughed softly, a small redness coming to his face. "I don't usually let people into my room...it's not really interesting or anything.", he walked over to the wall and turned on a TV which previously had been missed. He yawned and looked at the muddy footprints that now covered his floor. "If you want you can shower in my bathroom. Some rooms in the mansion have their own bathrooms and some are shared between two rooms. This mansion use to be a boarding school at once point."
Dusk walked inside and sat down in a chair next to the tv and she swivels around to face the kids and she lip sinks what the tv is saying doing funny motions as she dose
Sarah looked back to him and blushed. "As fun as gossip is, I'm not gonna stir anything by showering in your room. I'll find somewhere else. The girls might corner me and shank me for...this," she beckoned to her being in the room. "Gosh, I'm so sorry," she bent down and took off her shoes, holding them in her hand. "I-I can clean it up," she bit her lip, looking back to him. "I'm sorry, I hope that I didn't ruin your carpet," she groaned.
The kids split their attention between watching the Tv and looking at Dusk or Holly. The whole time neither saying anything.


Sin rolled his eyes. "Well if you don't say anything they won't know your in my room.", he crossed his arms over his bare chest. His body was lean but toned nicely. His skin was a off paled peachy color, and across his arms and back small scars could be seen. No doubt the ones Sin had mentioned earlier. As a wolf it was hard to see but when he stood shirtless, it was much easier to notice them. Each had their own story to tell, and there was a particularly bad scar over his chest, right over his heart. Or, perhaps it was from surgery, it was hard to be sure.
Sarah saw him, saw his lack of clothing and looked away, blushing even deeper. "Oh, hey, ugh, nice clothes you got on," she murmured, her voice both sarcastic and nervous. "Well, I'm hoping no one knows about this little meeting or else the females will for sure kill me," she laughed nervously. "A shirt and some pants would be nice. I hope you didn't get your hopes up on asking me to go streaking with you because the answer is now," she grinned to herself.
Sin looked down, and blushed a million shades of red, he had completely forgotten he had switched into a pair of boxers and that was all he worse. He snatched up the first shirt he could find and put it one, stumbling into some black pants. The shirt was a simple dress shirt. He coughed and rubbed the back of his head, his wild black hair even more out of order. "I-umm...sorry. In my defense, this IS my room and a man deserves to walk about in boxers if he so chooses. Anyway, I recommend you clean the mud up before it really does stain."
Sarah laughed. "I'm so sorry I interrupted your walking about as a man," she snickered and then laughed harder at his attired. "Nice, really. You going out on a date?" she laughed. Smirking, she got up and found a sponge under his sink and began to scrub the mud stains. "Well, don't get used to me being your maid. I'm only doing this because I'm nice," she sniffed.
Sin rolled his eyes. "I don't think you have the body to be a french maid anyway", he jabbed back at her. He grabbed a plain t-shirt and changed in the bathroom, coming back and grabbing his violin and he started to tune it a little. He didn't get to play it as much as he wished he could.
Dusk stopped and watched the kids then she got up and got on the bed then went in between them and ruffled Dashs hair saying " So you guys hungry "
Sarah stood, a hint of hurt in her eyes. "There. I'm all done," she indicated to the clean floors. Sarah out the cleaning supplies away, a bit stiffly. In the bathroom as she closed the door to the cabinet, she looked down at her waist with a frown. With a heavy gulp, she put on a fake smile and grabbed her shoes. "Sorry for intruding," she spoke softly.
Admittedly, Sin hadn't meant to really hurt her feelings, he was just trying to come up with a quick comeback. unfortunately it didn't come off so nicely. He did feel bad and rubbed his head, "Come on. I didn't mean it like that. It was more along the lines off your to sassy to be an obedient little scantily dressed maid not a jab at your body. I mean your hot-", he face flushed red, "I mean you look sexy- errhhh swd", he got super tongue tied. He turned away, unable to even face her for the moment, he just coughed and said simply after a moment. "You look nice." His face was as dark as the bed sheets.


The kids were horrified to be separated, but they were to scared to reach out to each other. When Dusk ruffled Dash's hair, he started to cry, and Lily started to cry because he started to cry. Holly frowned and walked over. "Come on you two, it's not all of that. She's being nice.", she moved Dash around Dusk and he snuggled back up with his sister, sitting closer to her. Once reunited, the two stopped crying. After a moment, they shifted, whether on purpose or accident was unknown. Then, two little puppies just sat next to each other, blending into the stuffed animals. They looked at Dusk, now ignoring the Tv for the moment. Mostly, they seemed worried she might separate them again.
Sarah blushed deeply yet was very amused he was growing redder by the moment to earn her favor back after his back jab at a comeback. "Well, dang, soldier. If I had known, I would've brought my costume," she winked and laughed harder. "Calm down, I'm okay. But what I didn't know was that I was 'sassy', 'hot' and 'sexy'," she listed off her fingers with a comically villainous grin. "Oh and nice," she added.
Sin's face didn't get any less red. "That's why the other say, I have no such opinions.", he made one last attempt to save his skin. It was true that the other males pined for her, and would no doubt soon try to wooh her. After all, she was a nice female and they were running low on females in the pack anyway. Some didn't even care she was a newblood. A good portion them thinking of her as nothing more then a vessel for the next line of werewolves.
"Glad you're in on the talk of the new females," she narrowed her eyes, lips pursed. "I know each boy had their weakness but I never expected yours to be huddled in a circle of other boys talking about me," she raised an eyebrow. "Should I be offended or flattered?" she crossed her arms to torture him further.
He stepped over yo her, a look of seriousness on his face. "Did you notice that when it was you and your runaways you could all read each other's thought? Even a little? It was because you started forming a pack. An alpha has more control then you know, a pack is synchronized. We can feel each other's pain at some points, reach each others mind, share feelings, even pass along memories. And as alpha, all of those things are in the edge of my mind every second of the day. I don't have to talk to them to know their thoughts, to know how they feel."

He turned away from her, returning to his bed just in time for a sever round of coughing to hit him. A small about of blood drizzled from the corner of his mouth. He wiped it away carelessly with a tissue from the side table and he looked her in the eyes. "I'm not exactly their favorite guy and even as an alpha, most of them avoid me when they can. Even if I wanted to sit around with a beer and talk about girls, they wouldn't want me there. "
Sarah bit her lip, touching his shoulder in concern. "Please," she bit her lip, knowing there was nothing she could do. He was sick, he took his medicine and now..."So? What about it? We're part of your Pack now. It doesn't matter now. I'm not in any way an Alpha. I wanted to be but now..." she closed her eyes and shaking it. It didn't matter because right now it was Sin that was hurt. Not her.

"So? Maybe you should lighten up? I'm your friend, right? I mean, if you got as far as a friend with me, I think you can be friends with just about anyone. Make them wish they were your friend," she spoke softly, catching his eyes. She was serious, not joking. There was real concern in her eyes for him and real determination in her voice to help him.
"If you want to be an alpha then be one. Prove to others that you can do it. Show them that your not just a joke. Prove to them your more then just a pair of nice legs. Show the females how a alpha female should really act. As for me being fiends with them, I doubt it. I wasn't their friend as a pack member, and I'm definitely not their friend as an alpha. Sometimes, it's not about being friends. Friendship...doesn't really work the same for us like it does humans. It's more like Kinship I suppose..."Sin laid down on his bed, and the teddy bear fell off. He frowned and weakly tried to retrieve the stuffed animal but it was beyond his reach. He sighed and withdrew his arm, giving up on it for the time being.

"So Sarah. Who were you....before?", his eyes drifted over to her.
Dusk looked to the pups and whispered " Your very cute " then she transformed into her wolf form randomly to and was laying on her back and she streached her legs towards the ceiling before rolling to her belly and giving the pups a lick before jumping of the bed and mid jump transforming back into her human form she sighed and asked Holly " Is there a way I can control this random transforming ? "
Sarah pulled up a chair to sit beside him, retrieving his teddy. She held it in her hands for a moment, almost longingly, and passed it to him. "Me? I was someone you saw everyday and couldn't give to shits about. I had an easy life; simple. My parents raised me an only child and then I was off. I've lived in Seattle my entire life, never leaving it's boundaries. My father said 'It is from home you never roam'. I never really understood it until I moved in by myself. I was alone, never had any serious boyfriends or any pets. None of it appealed to me. I got a job in payroll after I got my Master's Degree in college and worked full time. I had a daily routine. I woke up, got dressed, went to get my coffee from the same store, drove to work, got lunch at the same place, worked some more, went home and ordered something for dinner. I was...so naïve to what I could've really done with my life. But you never know what you've got until it's gone," she sighed, eyes sad.

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