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Fantasy And We Go from Nothing to Something

He took the bear and gently ran a long finger over it's missing eye. He coughed softly, "Since you were so nice as to share with me. I suppose I owe you something too. You may ask me a question, any of your choice, and I will answer...as honestly as I can", he smiled and then looked at his Tv. He started flipping through the channels, but nothing appealed to him.


Holly looked over from the book she was reading by the window. "Your body is still trying to understand the change. Soon, the effects will fade and you will have more sway over your changing. That is also why Sin wants you to stay here. I mean, walking through town and then just popping into a wolf makes things...difficult"
"I..." she frowned. "I'm going to keep it and use it later. I have no question that's burning inside me just yet. I promise to use it responsibly, not to get you in trouble of any sorts," she smiled softly. "That's a cute bear you have," her finger crushed it's ear softly, her blue eyes locking on it. There was something about it that made Sin...vulnerable. Not the kind that would provoke her to attack but the kind to find affection growing in her heart for him.
Dusk looked outside and said " Ok " then she sat on the couch and asked " Anything to eat around here ? "
"It was my brother's...", was Sin's only response. He watcher her fingers in case she made a grab for the bear. He coughed softly, knowing he had hit a cycle in his illness which would only get worse. He didn't need to look at his calendar anymore, he just...knew. Of course, his illness also liked to flair up for a day or two when he was really stressed out.


Holly nodded. "I'll take you to the kitchen and make you guys something to eat. Come on Lily. Dash. Let's get some food.", she turned off the TV, much to the dismay of the kids, but they fallowed her. Their tiny paws to big for their bodies and they stumbled a little as they raced after Dusk and Holly.
Dusk walked and yet again was a in wolf form and she followed at a sturdy walk
Sarah couldn't help but stand up and press her hand to his chest in fear. She didn't know what came over her but blushed when she realized what she was doing. "God, Sin, what's happening to you?" she murmured, eyes incredulous. Never had she come across someone just...dying and not caring. He had to. Sarah carefully moved her hand of him, eyes low.
Sin laughed softly, a small cough stopping his laugh. "Do you want to use that as your question? Or should that just be a freebee?", he lifted his hand to hers, but removed it quickly when she withdrew her own. When her hand was on his chest, the feeling was soothing, a sort of soothing he couldn't really place. He almost wanted her to keep it there, because if felt nice. For a fleeting moment, it stopped the painful knotting feeling in his chest. He didn't mean to make her worry, he had just lived with this his whole life that it meant nothing to him anymore. He couldn't imagine how it would look to someone who didn't know about it.


The kitchen was nice, a smooth tile floor and huge counter tops. Three stoves sat side-by-side, each with burners. It only reminded one of the amount of wolves already within the home. There were also several fridges, each labeled. 'Fresh Meat. Frozen Meat. Fruits. Dairy. Cold Vegis. Other.' Holly walked over to the other fridge and poured two cups of apple juice for Lily and Dash, setting the cups on the floor to the pups to lick at until they changed back.
"A freebee," she murmured, an ache in her chest when he touched her hand but she withdrew out of fear. She wanted to press forward and lean into his scent and his warmth. It was something that made her heart both leap for joy and fall on its face in pain. Sarah almost le tout a grunt of pain but stifled it, looking to her shaking hands. Did she have enough courage to reach out and touch his chest once more but she already knew the inevitable answer.
"Earlier I told you my illness is from bad breeding. At it is just that....it's a heart defect I've had since I was born. It's a result of my....", he paused, trying to think of the right way to say it. "of my parents I suppose...don't worry. It'll get worse, but, it always ends and I bounce back with nothing but a small cough. Seriously Sarah, don't worry. Most of the pack know about it already.", he continued to flip through the TV. As if talking about such a serious issue was nothing, but to him, it really was nothing.
Sarah bit her lip, blinking away the burning in her eyes that she realized were tears. "M...May I?" she whispered, her hand trembling in the air above his heart. Maybe to feel for an irregular heart beat or maybe she just wanted to touch him once more. She had no idea what she was doing but she had to do it, for some odd reason."
Sin's miscolored eyes flickered away from the TV to see her hand coming toward him. His jaw tightened for a moment, but he tried to seem calmed and relaxed. No one had ever touched him as much as Sarah had. Except for Doctor Holly. Not a single one in his whole pack, even the obsessive girls. He watched her trembling fingers, and he gently took her hand and put it one his chest. His flesh was warm, soft. She could feel his blood under the skin as it wooshed through his body. His heart beat at a strange rate. Not the normal beats, but a dull sort of mis-beats. Like someone who didn't know how to dance just trying their hardiest, but never got it right. His heart flickered for a moment, causing Sin to softly cough into his hand. "Sorry", he muttered softly.
She shook her head. "Sin, your heart..." she whispered, fear lining her voice. That wasn't what a heart was suppost to be like. No it was steady. Not...this. But he was warm and she wanted to lean into it but stayed put. "No, it's alright. You don't need to apologize to me," she whispered, almost sad for his condition. Guilt consumed her, almost as if she had done it to him herself. "Sin, you have to get better. Something has to work," Sarah looked up at him, uncertainty and determination waging war in her voice.
Sin sat up, looking her in the eyes. "It will, Sarah. Please do not waste worry on me. Honestly, I really appreciate being worried about....your like the first one to care besides Holly. And that's why you have to know I'll be fine...If you don't believe me, look at that.", he pointed at the calendar which had a few notes. In red ink it had a week circled that said 'Heart Cycle'. "Every month it's circled. It runs opposite of the full moon cycle. "
Dusk walked in and changed back then she looked in the fresh meat fridge and got out hamburger meat then lots of spices from the cabinet and she began to season her meat and smash it in a bowl then made patties and then began to fry them
Lily and Dash stopped drinking their juice when the meat started to cook. Soon, the sound of four little paws could be heard tapping across the floor as they raced over to the stove. Their tails wagged wildly in interest at the smell of the cooking food.
She nodded. "You still shouldn't have to suffer, though," she bit her lip. "Come on, we can't be the only ones who cares, now do I? If I was, they'd have killed you off by now," she smiled shakily, wanting to be this close to him for the rest of the night. His scent was pure and clean and his face pulled at something in her own heart.
Dusk looked down at them and said " There almost done one sec " and she brought them burgers of the stove and onto buns with cheese and placed the plates on a tray with all kinds of toppings for them then she grabbed the tray and put it on the center of the table and made her plate then grabbed herself water and sat down
Sin yawned gently, "Trust me, they try often. Any male can challenge me for the title of Alpha Male, and they do. I just...always mange to come out on top. Plus I hide when I'm at my worse point, Holly can usually scare off challengers for a day or so." He let his finger gently outline her hand which was still on his chest, as if he tried to imagine the hand even after it left, which he knew it would. As her land laid there, his heartbeats started to even out a little bit.


The puppies howled happily. Jumping up wildly at the table, trying so badly to shift back into humans so they could sit with Dusk at the table. The whimpered as they were unable to shift, and unable to reach the table.
Sarah blinked, paling as he traced her hand. It was both comforting and exciting. It made her want to stand still like a statue to let him continue yet at the same time, leap around like a puppy on candy. She shivered none the less, eyes bright. "You shouldn't have to hide. You should be out there, fighting those bozos. Someone needs to teach them who's boss and I can't no matter how hard I try. They'd kill me pretty easily, considering I'm new to this," she laughed softly.
Dusk looked to them and placed their plates on the floor and said " There now you can eat " and she went back to eating her own food and said " Holly I made you one to "
"I fight them off without much problem. It's just at my worse, I can't barely move. So, I have no choice. Of course, my challenges just pile up. The day after usually I spend all day knocking them around until they withdraw their challenge and life goes on. It's been like this for years", he smiled as he noticed her behaviors. He had to admit, maybe he was falling under the strange spell that had consumed most of the available males in the pack. "I hate to cut this short, but you still need a shower Sarah. Mine is still open, but if you don't wash the mud off, you'll have your fur matted and trust me, it sucks...", he smiled, "I assure you I won't die in the 5 minutes it takes~"


Holly looked over, she was snacking on a carrot. "How kind of you, thanks.", she sits at the table, and watches Lily and Dash. The two were devouring their food like little monsters.Holly knew these two in-particular would cause trouble. Parents dont usually let both their kids go missing without much of a fight.
Sarah laughed. "Hate to break it to you, bud, but I don't have any spare clothes and I'm not ready to going streaking just yet," she laughed softly. She would rather have matted fur than be caught naked. A shower did sound nice though. Warm steam working out the stress that had been piling up for the past few days.
"There is a closet right outside of my room with spare clothes for both men and women. It's not unlikely for our clothes to get torn up, so we keep spares all over the ground, even in the forest. You never know when you have to look like a person after all. I'm sure there is a bunny shirt with your name on it", he chuckled, looking back at the TV
Sarah let out a low growl, hesitant to pull her hand off his chest. But she did. Slowly, she opened the door and stuck her head out. No one, good! She snuck out and ran to the closet. She smiled as she saw the bunny shirt but instead picked out a nice pair of jeans, some undergarments and a navy blue tee with a number written across. "Thank you," she smiled, closing the door and rushing back into his room.
" I have a back for cooking for more than one person and it's the nice thing to do " Dusk said happily and went back to eating

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