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Fantasy And We Go from Nothing to Something

Dusk was pushed and she nicked his ear before she fell and when she saw the kids her ears went down in affection and she walked over to them and gave both of them a lick on the for head and said " Dont worry I won't let them hurt you " and she curled around the pair to comfort and heat them
Sin trotted past her. "I ordered all the new-wolves to be brought to the back pasture and if I don't show up your friends will be in trouble. Don't forget most of my pack want you guys dead....", he broke into a soft run. He didn't fear for his health, he knew he would get worse with the coming days. Lucky for him, his illness would always retreat before it got to bad, leaving him with his normal cough. But he tries to keep it to himself. Anyone could challenge him for the title of alpha male at any time, so he kept his illness scedual secret.

He did notice she had showed signs of caring which confused Sin. By he didn't have time to dwell as he took off toward the stone circled pasture.


The kids were unable to shift properly, both staying on their human forms. The boy had a bleeding bite mark on his shoulder and his sister had a patch over her left eye. Both were dirty and wore torn clothes. He were terrified of Dusk even after her affectionate action. They clung to each other for a moment, scared of any wolf it seemed.
Sarah snarled in anger and followed, head low and silent. Her pawsteps were nearly inaudible, the sound of other Wolves slowly growing louder in her ears. "Why? I understand the whole need for Purebred but can't they have the decency to pull us back to our feet, pat us on the back and send us off?" she snarled, almost bitter.
"They don't want you to exist to begin with. In the pack, we are a family. But what of your family? Parents, siblings, lovers, pets. What of your old life? People go looking for loved ones and that causes us trouble. They fear your old life will catch your new one....usually new wolves get shipped off to another region entirely so restart. But none of the local packs would allow such a thing these days."

He stopped for a small cough and rubbed his nose with his paw, shaking his head after in annoyance. "I think I might try to convince them to train your guys rather then toss you over the river. Malcolm and his sister seem to be the only ones besides me who don't particularly want to see the head on a spear."
"Should I leave then? Should I take the others and just fly us out to, say, Paris and just leave your guy's fur? It's not like we planned on getting shifted. We never wanted to cause trouble," she sneered, her bitter side showing. No way was she just gonna sit here and let him tell her that she was just s burden to the rest of the Pack. Sarah could tell when she was unwanted and right now her spidey senses were tingling.
Sin didn't mind the outcast, but he was in a tough spot. "They'll get over if after a bit. Nature does not change overnight and neither will they. Besides. A good portion of the males seem to like you, or at least, they want to have a shot at your and your girls.", Sin chuckled and trotted on. It also showed how the alpha really did pay attention.

"Besides. Paris doesn't have wolves for good reasons", he said on a serious note.
Sarah was downright embarrassed that some Wolves thought they could get at her and her females (for some reason she felt as if that was how it was meant to be said) because they were new and scared. No way! She snarled to herself, bristling as she came upon the scene. "Maybe we'll fix that," she snapped, the real emotion under her anger was fear and nervousness. Uncertainty clouded her vision, next anger.
Sin laughed, "sure. Malcolm is already eyeing your right hand girl. Poor fool just ends up staring at her like she is good or something. Then again, he's always a little off. Great beta, but some social skills dance outside his grasp it seems"

They were some of the last to arrive at he meeting. After it was noted, during Sarah felt all the male eyes on her. Strange, because all the female eyes were on Sin, so it was almost like everyone stared. A grey female walked between Sarah and Sin. "I'm so glad your back alpha. You should come to my room after. We can talk", she said with a smile.

Sin awkwardly huffed and gave a nice smile. "Thanks but no thanks dear...not feeling up to anything"

The grey female stopped walking and glared at Sarah as if poor Sarah had made Sin refuse her offer.
"Anything?" she grunted, sitting with her head high. No way was she letting some females drag her down. "Are you the Pack's model boy?" she teased, the joke hidden under her hushed tone. Let those air-headed blondies think what they wanted. It's not like it was the truth. Sarah snuck a look over at Sin and huffed. "So that's what this Pack is? You leave with a female for five minutes and suddenly you're the talk of the century?" she laughed. "Nice, you guys sound like my Highschool."
"They're always doing it. I never choose a Alpha Female... It's not like just the strongest female can be an alpha, it takes more then that. Plus, compadability is a huge part of it. They've been fighting for it for years. That was just a simple attempt, usually they are more elaborate. I've never said yes to any of them, so they just try harder."

He looked around for a moment, "I don't think high school fully summarizes this situation anyway."
Sarah nodded, the joke falling from her face. "Is that how the whole mate thing works? Or is that just for Wolves? Like, the real ones, the ones that stay Wolves. They mate for life, don't they?" she turned to him, voice still low but eyes curious. If she was stuck being the type of person, she might as well try and find her soul mate or one true love. It might make living in this hellhole a whole lot easier if she had a distraction. She smirked at her own idea of distraction, waiting for Sin to reply.
Cal was still on the stairs, watching how things went on like half the pack -man that word felt strange to her- wasn't gone after some weird howl. She didn't get all of this and she felt so out of place, like she was invading. But then, what exactly could she do? It wasn't like she knew where she was exactly and Calla had a feeling that if she tried to run out that front door things wouldn't end well...
"It is different from pack to pack. Some go full native like the mountainsides, only the alphas can mate, unfortunately, alphas have a very very slim chance of reproduction so problems arrise. After Kuma's mate's death, he gave up that tradition. Other packs are strictly only the alpha male can mate with any female and such. Some are ranked by strength, as by 'love'." The way he said the word love was strange, almost like he forced himself to say it. "The alpha before me choose his mate, and from there it was like a mideval structure. So only them and high rankin betas could mate. Right now, I don't have such restrictions. After all, I'm not helping the pack population any."
Sarah let out a laugh. "So, how do you know when you find you one true love," she smirked. No way she would ever find that guy. If he was lucky then he would be going the opposite direction as her. She knew she'd be a handful. "What about you, huh? Why haven't you settled down? I'm sure all the females in this Pack would kill the next one over to be Alpha Female," Sarah looked to him with full curiosity. "Where I come from, if a girl liked you, you took it."
"Before I had power. Before I was a Clearwater....before I was alpha. I was nothing an they treated me as such. I was treated worse then they way you and yours are treated. I have never forgotten their cruelty nor have I forgiven so excuse me for now jumping a the chance to be tied to one of them forever. I still have scars from half of them as they tortured and tormented me.", he muttered. It was a startling revolution that revealed many things about the mysterious Sin
Sarah winced and looked at him, eyes apologetic. "Hey, look, I didn't mean it. I just...god, I have no excuse. I'm a horrible person, and I make a horrible friend," she grunted, lowering her head. Geez, why was she always the bad guy, huh? Sarah looked away but kept her eyes low so she wouldn't catch the one of one of the desperate males Sin was speaking of.
Sin walked pat the pit and stopped, looking down and being surprised to see some outcast inside. He growled, "who said to put them in there!? I said bring them here not toss them in like criminals."

The pack looked at each other but none we too quick to help out Dusk and the others. Finally, Sin Grabbed the latter himself and tossed it down.
Alec came out of the den and stood next to Calla with his hands in his pockets. One of the betas came out behind him and gave a rough shove to his shoulder. His head wiped around to throw a scowl at the beta. "Keep your freaking hands to your self," he said gruffly. The beta had fetched him saying that he had to follow him because the Alpha had called a meeting. Alec turned back around and looked down at Calla. "Come on. We have to go. This guy," he said stabbing a thumb over his shoulder at the beta. "says we have to go to some meeting Sin called."
Sin gave one last glance at Sarah and the other before jumping up onto the rock and climbing up to the top. There, he sat and waited for Cella and the others to show up. Once they did he began.

"I won't take long. As you all have noticed we have some new members. Runaways. Outcast. Newbloods. They were not born into our wolf. It is time you stopped treating them like monsters. In time they will become good pack members. From this moment forward and ill treatment to them will be meet with swift punishment. We will begin to train them on how to be werewolves immediately. It should be know to both back and Newbloods that until they are fully trained they may not leave the mansion grounds until otherwise instructed. The Newbloods will be house in the west wing and they will be guarded by beta of my choosing."

There was loud murmuring among the wolves at Sin's words. They continued to fight against him on this issue.

"Furthermore. I am changing our status to alert orange. We need to try to catch whoever is creating all the new wolves and stop them. I will attempt to sway Kuma and his pack to this cause but since he hunts Newbloods for sport, I doubt I will have much luck. That is all. The Newbloods may wonder as they please inside the mansion grounds. And later tonight they may select their own rooms . Each room has two beds so you may choose a roommate to help you adjust."

Sin looks out at his pack. "My word is law and the law is how I have spoken it to be. Understood?"

Reluctant mutters of agreement came from the pack. Sin concluded the meeting with a howl, and one by one the others joined. Even those who weren't in wolf form howled along. It was a beautiful noise thatstirred something deep inside all the new werewolves. It was almost like a sense of belonging. But it was the first step in a long process.
Sarah watched him, it looking like he belonged up there. And there was something that tugged in her chest. Something...affectionate and warm. She sat back, listening to the howls. But she did not belong here. They hated her, the looks easy to see. Most probably wished they had stumbled into the Kuma Wolf's Pack instead of theirs. She turned as the others started to join in on the howl, walking off. Her head low, she ran off towards the mansion. No, she would not stay. Something in her mind, most likely her stubborn and stupid Wolf, telling her to either accept them as family or she would be in a world more difficult than it had to be. Sarah shrugged it off, lying under someone's window. Her tail wound around her tight, it touching her nose.
Dusk had climbed out of the pit with the other wolves and heard Sin speak then she looked at the others and sat down
Sin looked at the injured children and nuzzled them as they whimpered and trembled on fear. "It's ok. Come on", he walked on. Reluctantly, they fallowed him. "Let's get you guys cleaned up shall we?" He said to them. Neither seemed enthused and they both kept their distances from any of the wolves.

He took them inside to the bathroom. He shifted into his wolf form and started a warm bath. "One of you can wash up now and the other after that", but they both simply undressed and got into the bath together. Sin smiled and laughed, "or together". He grabbed some towels and got them down for the kids. He left them on the care of a trusty Alpha. A sweet older female named Holly, one of the few not to hate Newbloods.


Sin returned to his room and looke at himself in a mirror. With all the problems monetarily at an end he tossed off his shirt and slipped into some boxer shorts. He walked over to the window, tossing it open and sighing as the cold air rushed over his chest. He coughed softly for a moment.
Sarah grunted and stood, under the same window there was the oh so familiar coughing. Sarah growled and walked away from her spot slowly, casting him a way long glance, muddy up to her elbows and haunches. With unreadable eyes, she turn and walked off back into the forest. No way was she sleeping in there once more. A night in the fresh air would chase away the horrid after effects of Claustrophobia.
Dusk looked around and asked " Anywhere I can bath? " then she got up and shook off
Calla stood up and started to move "Sounds interesting" she commented before stopping in her tracks. "Although by the sounds of that howling I'd suggest we're too late and they've already finished." Cal looked round at him with a smile. "But I'm Calla by the way, Calla Belle Dust" she added with a shrug, looking the new guy up and down, trying to work him out.

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