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Fantasy And We Go from Nothing to Something

Astraia had run before; in high school she'd even been on the track team, but running like this was different. The heightening of her senses in this form- of her smell, sight, and hearing- made her more aware of her surroundings. Things that she'd never hoped to be alert to before becoming a werewolf, she was aware of. In the cell she wasn't able to hear much outside of it, but she was able to hear Sarah's heartbeat. There, she could actually smell the iron table and see every nook and cranny. In the more dark areas of the room it had been slightly more difficult to see, but after some time, those areas became clearer to her. Out among trees, the bird song was much louder to Astraia and if she strained her ears she could just barely make out the sound of something falling, possibly snow from a tree. Almost everything she could smell was muffled by the snow, but she could still smell the wolves that ran in front of her.

Astraia watched Sarah run close to Sin and knew that there was no way that she herself could even attempt to outrun either of them. She felt she was fast, but she knew she could be faster. 'Maybe I will be with practice,' she thought. 'This is the first time I've gone for a run as a wolf.' Before long she saw Sarah and Sin slow down and stop in front of a small river. She stayed on dry land while taking a drink from the river, knowing the water was bound to be cold. She looked up when she heard a body crash through the undergrowth and fall. Her eyes grew wide seeing three wolves following close behind the boy. The moment a foreign voice spoke the command, two of the wolves tore into the boy and ripped him apart. She could barely stand to watch, but she stood her ground. After watching the white female and the golden furred male throw the pieces of the boy's body into the river, she knew that she wouldn't drink from it again.

The voice seemed to belong to the white male as he had turned his heated glare towards Astraia and Sarah. The dislike she instantly felt for him didn't surprise her as he was the one to order the two wolves to kill the boy. She took silent pleasure in seeing the wolf scared of Sin after hearing all of the disrespectful things he said. She wasn't quite bothered with being called a mutt as Sarah and Sin were, but the venom put behind the word told her that she was indeed lucky have been found in Sin's territory. That and the fact that he wasn't offering her and Sarah up to the other wolf. When the three wolves were leaving, Astraia caught the white female looking over at them. 'From what I can tell, she seems to be the nicer one of the bunch,' she thought curiously.

She had noticed two wolves come and stand to the sides of Sin earlier while he was talking with the white male, but now that he was gone she noticed that they smelled familiar. 'They must be the betas.' She tore her gaze away from them before listening to Sin. 'Marik, Alpha Kuma, Luna, and Leo,' she thought trying to remember what they looked like and their names. Although she had yet to meet or even see Alpha Kuma, she knew that it'd be good to remember his name.

Astraia watched Sarah storm off with a worried gaze, but she figured that it may be good to let the older girl cool off for a bit and have some space. Seeing Sin head back towards the den, she figured that their outing had come to an end. She watched the betas for a moment thinking that if she were going to be around them often, then she should at least know their names. After a few heartbeats of trying to figure out how to change back, she shifted. She smiled triumphantly at her accomplishment before looking over at the betas again. She wasn't sure what they thought of her and after seeing what happened earlier with the boy, she wanted to be cautious in case it was really only Sin who was okay with her and Sarah being among the pack. 'They seemed nice enough before, though.' Quickly, before she allowed herself to dwell on just how nice a certain beta seemed to be, she took a step forward before saying, "Hey," while she lifted her hand in a greeting.
" Catch me no way I'm letting a ball of puff catch me I'm out of here see you never " And with that Dusk turned around and ran off muscles rippling under her glossy well kept coat as the sun danced on her black fur her icey eyes angry from the insulting comment and she jumped across the stream and deep into the forest

Dusk ran till her paws where numb before she found a clean puddle she drank and sat down alert of everything like the squirrel scurrying up a tree and the birds singing the trees blowing in the wind and the smell of rabbit her mouth watered and she looked towards a bush then stood up slowly and stalked over to the bush she could see flecks of white in its fur and she pounced landing pinning the rabbit down and she bite down on the back of its neck and shook it died and she dined when she finished she licked her lips and got up and trotted off towards the mountains to find a place to sleep for the night she rolled in mud to mask her scent

Awhile later Dusk found a cozy hollow she crawled in and settled down tail curled around her and ears pricked to any sign of movement she would be ready for this " beta " that black wolf spoke of and she slowly drifted to sleep deep at the back of the hollow hidden in darkness
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Sarah grunted, taking the opportunity that the Alpha was snatching at some poor and idiot omega. She sniffed softly and slunk off, trying hard to keep her pawsteps silent. As she got the right distance, she spun and began to trot off, in case he caught her he couldn't say she was 'running' off. Her legs ate up the ground, even as she moved at a slower distance than running. It was easy to put distance between the two, but if he was as determined as he made himself seem, he would definitely catch her in no time.

She fell into step once she found the boundary line, taking a nice stroll around it. Her nose fell to the ground, hoping she'd become familiar with other Pack mate scents or she'd find one that didn't belong. So far so good, it seemed. Maybe she could deal with this. It was silent by herself and kinda lonely but it was easy so long as you paid attention.
Sin growled as Dusk made her escape and so did Sarah. Admittedly the alpha was ticked off. So much so that he concidered disposing of them. They were all causing so much trouble and the more that appeared the less patiant Sin became. Finally. He just snapped. He let out a massive howl. The sheer sound could shatter glass as it rocked the surrounding area. Birds and deer fled in terror as the howl traveled for miles and miles in any direction. The betas in the den dropped everything and raced out of the den. Within about 10 minutes Sin's strongest betas had arrived at his side. Only the mothers, pups, and beta on special assignment remained at the den.

"I've had enough of the new-werewolves running around! They are going to start a war. I want them found. All of them! Drag them do the den.", Sin turned away.

"Are you finally going to kill them off and just end all this?", one asked.

Sin didn't reply as he silently went back to the river.
Dusk heard the howl and immediately woke up she growled and sat up then she began to clean her fur with a low growl deep in her throat

Dusk soon finished and she drank from a.small puddle in the hollow to get the taste of mud out of her mouth then she backed to the smallest, darkest place in the whole hollow at the very back nothing would see her and she stayed alert at all times her eyes glowing and pulsing with power and anger
Two trackers and three bulky betas pursued Dusk. The thought that just hiding in a tree would save her was laughable at best. She smelled like an outsider and with five strong beta on her tail, her chances of escaping were slim to none.

The trackers stopped in front of the hiding spot, the other three circling. "Come on out. Come peacefully and we won't hurt you. If not; we would be more then happy to rip a few limbs off. Alpha never said in what condition to bring you in. He has a soft spot for you mutts, we do not." The wolf who spoke was a tracker wolf with sandy fur and brown eyes, his family was killed by a pack of new werewolves. Sin's pack took him in but he never forgave the outsiders. Runaways. Mutts.
Sarah turned to the den, hearing the howl. She snarled out of fear and began to run towards it, knowing if she ran, Alpha would tear her tail off and make her eat it. She slunk around, sniffing at the ground. She could tell he had sent Wolves on her because she could see them trying to track her. She had ran through several small streams in case this happened. Her scent was all over the place and confusing. She slipped past them, sneaking being her signature move.

Sin was a bit away from them and she trotted up to him, head high and proud. "Man, your trackers gotta do a better job! I'm in trouble, huh?" her blue eyes sparkling with mischief and amusement. It was quite simple honestly to sneak around his trackers but she had a feeling these guys were professionals and she easily outsmarted them.
Sin was trying to take a moment to himself. The pressure of being an alpha was ever present and what to do with all of the new-wolves wore heavily on his mind. The stress wasn't helping his illness either as he broke into a coughing fit for a moment, forcing him to step away from the river in fear of falling in. He had just pulled himself together when he heard the distance, slightly less then graceful, thumping of Sarah. He grumbled to himself, his problems always seemed to find him. He turned around and was already facing Sarah's direction when she trotted up. But his face didn't show a hint of good will anymore, and the mercy was also a startling element missing in the alpha's mismatched eyes. His fur stood on end of his glistening pure black coat.

He took in her details for a quick moment. Her paws were wet, she had the lingering scent of fear and a wavering smell of dandy lions. Dandy lions only grew on the boarders of the territory, since the soil in Sin's territory was rather unfavorable to the weeds due to the heavy tree coverage. Even in snow, the pesky yellow flowers managed to grow, the magical power of the land overriding it's natural flow. "Do you really think playing in water would stop the trackers? Simplistic they may be, but did it occur to you when you cross a stream, your smell is on the other side? When you shake water from your fur, your scent flows around you as the water droplets leave your fur? A good, adamant try, and you may even be able to fool a few betas. Also. Tell me. After watching that boy being ripped apart for being LIKE YOU, what makes your little brain think that tiptoeing on the edge of the territory is a good idea?! If you so badly want to cross, then I'll gladly throw you over the line, I'm sure Malik and his group would find you much more fun to hunt then a defenseless child."

Sin paced away from her, admittedly, he was also hurt by her sneaking off. He was trying to make things better for the outcast. Trying to assimilate them with the pack, but neither was cooperating. For some unknown reason, Sin continued to desperately try to bring them together, fighting against all logic and instinct to just kill them, like the Mountianside pack would. Then again, the Mountianside pack was one of the purest packs in the world, any pup born imperfect was killed at birth, and outsiders were absolutely not allowed. In all the world, the mountianside pack was revered as purist wolves. Hell, Kuma, in his enhanced alpha form, was the size of a car! But purity aside, Sin's mind was forced to face the task at hand.

"I don't even know what to do with you anymore. Maybe....", he let the silent absorb his sentence. He coughed softly, keeping his head low and stepping away from Sarah even more. He refused to show weakness....no matter what.
Back at the den, Calla spun round and froze at the sound of the howl and watched as the place started emptying quickly, all through the door she was looking at and it was a slightly scary sight to say the least. What the hell was going on now?! That howl had literally sent chills through her bones and Calla wasn't quite sure how she was supposed to react to it. All she knew was that it wasn't a good sign. With a slightly worried look on her face she stat down on the stairs she had been climbing to watch, try and work out what was going on.
Sarah immediately felt hurt and slightly disappointed that he was yelling at her. Sorry she was trying to get a feel of the place. She merely thought she could help, seeing they had, sorta, helped her. Besides the fact that they threatened to kill her constantly and locked her up in a cell for a week or so. She knew what that maybe was. He would throw her back to that man who killed that boy in hopes they'd take care of the dirty work. She wanted to run away, not letting him get to it.

Instead, against all instinct, her Wolf fell beside him when he turned away, coughing. She could tell it was ongoing, as he's done before in front of her and he stepped away like he knew it was coming. She moved close, tail tucked and ears down, her head lower than his. It went under his head, trying to catch his eyes. Her eyes were genuinely worried and she repressed a small whimper. "Are you alright?" she whispered.
Sin had hoped his coughing would go unnoticed, but Sarah, sharp as ever had noticed it. His ears pulled back, not in an aggressive way, just as a sad sort of way. "It's nothing particularly to be worried about....it's the result of....", he drew very quiet. "Let's just call it bad breeding...", he looked out over the river. The river ran across the boundary line between Sin and Kuma's territory, and the only place the land touched the land was at 5 bridges made by humans along the way and one natural island, and the flower field that never stopped blooming.

"Sarah. I know your scared, scared of this new thing. Your upset at being caged up, being treated as less then human. I understand that and much more...but you trying to shake up trouble isn't helping. Do you know how hard it is to keep you guys from being killed by my pack? So many of them have been hurt by new-werewolves that they are almost in Kuma's mindset... they fallow me without question, but that does not mean that their minds do not waiver...Do you understand?", he looked at her with his mismatched eyes. Overhead, a raven fluttered down from the sky, landing on Sin's shoulder and plucking at it's feathers, preening them.
Sarah sat down, lowering her head like a scolded dog. "I know. I did studies on animals and the purest of the breed are the ones that are usually high on the food chain. You know, in their category of animal. It's funny cuz the mixed ones aer the ones with longer life spans,, she laughed to herself then shut up when she looked up to him. "I'm sorry, okay?"

"I...I promise I'll follow the rules. I can't promise to make friends with every Wolf and you can't expect me to always keep my temper but I will follow the rules. I'm not here to stir trouble...it's just so new for me. Everyone's scared and nervous and it's frying my nerves," she nearly growled but kept still, eyeing the bird.
"Hey," Malcolm replied in his usual deep smooth voice after quickly shifting.

Alysia gave him a humored look, and within seconds she was taking off for the house. Malcolm only watched her go for a moment before she had disappeared into the distance, her sandy fur coat only a blur in the falling snow.

With that aside, Malcolm could turn his attention back to the beta. He truly was curious about her, just as much as he'd been in the interrogation room. You'd think that with a social status such as Malcolm's he'd know close to everything, but he was just as confused as the next wolf of the pack. "So," He started, peering down at her with intention. "What's the deal with you, anyway?" He finished, digging his hands into his pockets.

"If you don't mind me asking." He added abruptly. Her red hair went nice with her lipstick, and Malcolm must've looked a bit distracted by her appearance. He couldn't help appreciate that even after being locked up for days she looked liked she'd hopped right out of a Tommy Hilfiger catalog.
Astraia was glad to know that she was right in assuming that the two wolves were the betas she had seen before. She knew that the rest of Sin's pact probably wasn't too keen to meeting her and neither was she to them just yet. Seeing the familiar face of the boy, however, reminded her of just how good-looking he was with his slightly messy dark brown hair and jawline that looked as if it could chisel granite. Astraia wouldn't be surprised if he was able to kill people with his striking dark eyes that currently stared her down. 'Maybe he can,' she thought. 'I'm new to this whole werewolf thing so I'm open to all possibilities.'

Her eyebrows furrowed in slightly in confusion. "What do you mean?" she asked. She wasn't sure what he meant and he seemed a bit distracted, his stare intense.
Sin chuckled at the notion of long life. "Did you know that a werewolf can live hundreds of years? It is said if they bask in the moon, it will revive their inner wolf, and with that revival, your body resets it's decay cycle... Kuma lived on that mountain when the Wild West was a thing.... No Sarah. I doubt I love that long, for more reasons then your understand", he said simply.

The raven cawed loudly as it took flight. Three betas walked through the bushes, surrounding Sarah. "Hey. I have this one user control. Gather the others and take them to the dug-out in the western pasture."

The three looks at each other, and then walked back into the bushes obediently.
Sarah bristled, head low but you could tell by her darting eyes and bunched muscles she was ready to fight. It was something she did unconsciously, something she didn't mean to do but realized it only after she let out her breath and relaxed her muscles. As they left, she grunted ever so softly and stood, still keeping her head low.

"I just...If you need any help, I'm here. I don't want to be a burden. I really want to be part of this Pack...I'm not Sarah Diaz anymore. I don't know who I am anymore," she lifted her eyes to him, and for just a second, they were scared and vulnerable. Then she dropped them, head nearly touching the ground.
Dusk growled and smelled......five betas she snorted and stood up in the hollow she had heard the threat and she walked out looked at all the wolves and shook off dirt scattering everywhere and she said sarcasticly " What am I an alien.....take me to your leader " and she chuckled then said seriously " And... " she had her ears and tail down fur fluffed up " if you lay a single paw on me you won't ever see the light of day again " and she looked to the Sandy colored one who had spoken before and said " Now what do.you want with me anyway ? "
The sandy color wolf laughed. "Your pathetic threat is the funniest thing I've heard all week. Don't worry, you will meet the alpha soon enough. As for now, coming along willingly is your best chance to keep your face how it is now. "

The two beta who had circled behind the hallow growled, making Dusk fully aware she was surrounded and doing what they say would lead to a longer life for her. Sin had forgiveness toward the outcastes new-wolves, but his pack did not.


"If you want to really find who you are listen to your wolf. She will show you the path, and lead you to your new life. I see you fight her, defy her, ignore her. She wants", he has to stop as he goes into a sudden coughing fit, he backs away from her once again until it stops. The bird had returned, a worried look in its Black eyes. Sin gave one last cough, wiping some blood from his mouth, "she wants to survive just as much you do."

He started a slow walk to the meeting point, his pack was gathering there with the new-wolves in tow. They gathered in a huge circle, the ground was packed tightly and smelled odd. Symbols carved the stones that surrounded the circle area and a massive rock stood at the front of it. There was also a rock pit, one that once you fell in, you would need a rope and someone's help to get out. It was like the main meeting place for the pack outside of the house.
" Yes I heard you I have working eats and I don't take kindly to threats " Dusk growled and then continued " I know the way back so let's go " She turned and trotted the way she had come before mentioning with her tail for the others to stop gawking and follow as well her muscules defined and rippling fur sleek and shiny eyes glowing as the sun went down
Sarah, before Sin could step to the meeting place, stepped in front of him, eyes burning. "You stop that right now! You're bleeding from the mouth! Go to the damn hospital before you bleed out and die!" she barked, it sounding almost like an effective order. It would've had actual force in it, if it was not muffled by the uncovered tone of concern and worry. Why did she care? Her Wolf did. Must be an Alpha thing. Sarah stepped closer, her head brushing his chest so he was forced to stumble back a step. There was a no bullshit look in her eyes, meaning no matter what threat he gave her, she wasn't backing down. He'd have to hurt her to get her out of the way. And that would mean he'd lash out on someone who had actual concern.
The sandy wolf and his gang made sure she went to the meeting place, and when they walked by the hole, he pushed her in. A sense of satisfaction overcame him as he watches her fall. A few other nameless runaways were in the hole already, trembling and huddled together in a corner. It was a brother and sister, each no older then 6 or 7.


Sin raised an eyebrow at her, her sudden show of caring from him making him take an extra step back. He tilted his head to one side, as if he was unprepared for this situation. He stepped around her. "I told you before not you worry about me. It's not something that just started....and besides. I can't go to the hospital, most doctors aren't trained in treating werewolves..."
She snapped at his feet, back in his way once more. "Do I look like I care?! You have to find someone! And it can't be healthy for you, no matter how long you've had it!" she whined, the bravado leaving her voice slowly, it turning into the sound of a concerned mate. Her Wolf barked and snapped at him but she would not let herself turn into some other blathering female awaiting the hand of a male! No, she was just concerned for her friend...wasn't she?
Sin sighed softy. "Sarah. I have it taken care of. I just didn't my meds this morning.", Sin said simply. He kept the strange calm voice the whole time, his tail swayed softly behind him. He did notice she started to stare off, as of in heavy self discussion.

He stepped around her once more, "there is to much to do today"
She sighed, giving up. "Fine. Just...don't kill yourself," she grunted as she turned to leave. "May I leave?" she growled before taking a step, not wanting to anger him more. But it did get under her fur how nonchalant he was about his own declining health. She wanted him to get better. But why? As a friend, he didn't really qualify. She only trusted him slightly, his threats towards her still fresh in her mind.

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