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Fantasy And We Go from Nothing to Something

Astraia wasn't as surprised to hear Sarah answer her unvoiced question. What she was surprised about, though, was the fact that she seemed so ready to try and protect her. They hadn't known each other long and Sarah didn't seem that much older than her, but she seemed to possess a certain air about her. She seemed like a leader- like someone who would take charge. 'No wonder she seemed to have trouble backing down to Sin,' Astraia thought with a small smile.

Hearing what Sarah said and seeing her get up, Astraia got up from her seat while screwing the top back onto her water bottle. She placed the bottle on the table before walking over to where her companion was pacing. She herself was feeling a bit trapped int he room they were in, but it was mostly because of her wolf. It wanted to be outside running free, but Astraia knew that that would have to wait for now. At the moment, she was at the mercy of the Alpha's whims and if he said that she and Sarah would stay there in that dark and dank underground room, she was going to listen.

"Sarah, you need to calm down. I know how you feel, but just think. Our current accommodations are only temporary. You won't have to be down here forever." Astraia stood in front of where she was pacing with her hands on her hips as she tried to calm the older girl down. As she spoke to her, she also tried to speak to the wolf she knew was in Sarah. While she felt slightly silly trying to, she thought that maybe it would be more effective.

~~Several Days Later~~

The last few days had been rough on everyone. The pack had been on edge with the outsiders. The outsiders on edge because of their imprisonment, and Sin on edge because of all that and more. The alpha stopped outside the door for a moment, sighing softly. He knew he couldn't just let his problems rot away in a 8x10 cell. The alpha opened the door and stepped inside, "Come on ladies. It's time to get out of this cell. Although your not off the hook, admirably you have contained yourselves long enough. We shall go out, mostly for a good run, then we can discuss further arrangements. But, we can all agree keeping you here a moment longer isn't solving anything.", he turned and walked away from them.

Sin didn't show a hint of the illness from before, and the strange scent he had was also gone. Now, he smelled really REALLY nice. Sort of a calming scent that had an alluring effect. It is often believed alphas release pheromones in which they use to aid in their control over their pack. Whatever the reason was, it created a nice environment around the alpha. The sort of thing that just makes you want to stand as his side. Again, the perks of being an alpha. However, none of the females of the back ever got a chance to do anything, Sin avoided them like the pleague and expressed no interest in courtship toward anyone. It infuriated them to no end.
Sarah was near ready to explode, her stomach empty and growling and her Wolf tearing viciously at her own skin. But she got up, calmly and moved past him. He smelt...for a second, so very nice. Something she wanted to spray on a boyfriend and cuddle on. Not that she had many...Sarah raised her chin and pulled Astraia along with her. She was finally gonna shift and was beyond terrified of it. Her Wolf leaned towards Sin for guidance but she wouldn't even look at him.

"Run? I'm not going out there to just run, I'm gonna fly," she muttered to herself. She needed fresh air. God but at least she was out of the cage. She nearly passed out. Again.
Astraia was more than glad to be let out from such an undesirable place, so she let Sarah dragged her out and pass the Alpha. She noticed a peculiar smell that was coming off of him. It was nice. More than a little nice, but she was so done with everything that the last thing she wanted to do was end of hugging the guy that had her in a cell. The past days she was stuck in the cell had did a number on her nerves and she was more than ready for a run and a shower. She was feeling irritable and cranky and was sure that if one person made a remark on her unkempt hair there was going to be a fight. She tried smoothing out her attire as they made her way outside, but gave up halfway through her attempt, too tired to really try to care.

The brightness of the new environment stung her eyes as light started to flood the area where they walked down. "Seriously," she replied. "I have a few kinks that need to be worked out and a run sounds heavenly right now."
Sin lead them through the den, and it wasn't exactly what you would expect when you heard the word 'den'. It was actually a really nice house. The walls painted a fresh coat of paint, statues and painting of wolves tastefully put along the walls. The floors were made of a resistant hardwood to prevent claws from scuffing them. A few other wolves could be seen around the house, the sight of the girls making them mutter to themselves. They gave a worried look at Sin, but the alpha paid them no heed. He stopped at a large bathroom, "This is the female quarters. If you so desire, you may shower before our run. Or, you can wait tell after", Sin said simply. Without the situation at such a critical level, he seemed more laid back and gentle. A complete opposite from the high strung man from a few days ago. He waited for them to finish with the lavatory before returning to their tour, if you'd so call it that.

"We always exit the back of the house for runs. After all, we'd hate to have to kill another mailman, or change one for that matter because he saw someone changing out the front door. Humans can not be trusted, because they always spill the secret. So...we do what we must to survive. I do apologize for the earlier quarantine, but it is simply procedure.", he opened the door for them and allowed them through like a gentlemen. As soon as they were outside, he let himself change, once again taking the shape of the massive black wolf. The alpha gave a small yawn, stretching his front toes and cracking his neck before trotting in the direction of the woods. He stopped, and turned back to look at the girls, once again waiting on them.
Astraia looked around the house with silent appreciation. She had to admit, it wasn't what she was expecting. Not that she would admit it out loud with all the possibly hostile people around her, but she thought that Sin and his pack lived in holes or caves or something of the sort. The residence was nice with its hardwood floors that just barely creaked and refreshing paint color that covered the walls. She stopped in front of one of the statues and gave it a look over. It was almost lifelike; the texture of the fur and the proud stance it took, as if it knew it was powerful and wasn't afraid to show it. She reached up a hand and gently traced her fingertips along one of its ears. The figure was smooth and cold to the touch, but it didn't deter her. She knew that she probably wasn't supposed to touch and she wasn't sure why she did, but a solemn feeling washed over her and she felt a deep reaching calm. All of her earlier irritation was swept out of her and she removed her hand from the sculpture. 'I guess this is what I am going to be surrounded by now,' Astraia thought before catching up with Sin and Sarah.

As soon as Sin said that they could use the showers, she hurried from beside Sarah and went into the bathroom. The room had white tiles with black diamonds in them that gleamed where the light reflected off of them. There were several individual showers, making her think of a hostel bathroom. Under a long mirror was a couple sink with a granite countertop and cherry wood cabinets. Astraia opened them all until she found what she was looking for. She grabbed the plush towel and placed it on the countertop. She gazed into the mirror and looked at herself. Her red hair was worse than she thought, looking as if a bird had tried to make a nest in it due to her constantly running her fingers through it and restless sleeping. The dark bags under her eyes weren't severe, but they showed how much she was in need of proper sleep. 'Well aren't you looking picture perfect today,' she thought. She let out a sigh and turned to take her shower.

After finishing her shower and redressing, Astraia walked out of the bathroom feeling a lot better than she did when she walked in. She ran her fingers through her still moist hair while making her way over to where Sin waited. When he continued leading Sarah and her through the house, she followed silently with a look of disapproval. 'He had a mailman killed just because he saw one of them?' she thought with incredulity. 'How... unpleasant.' She ignored his comment on keeping them in a cell; she had already figured that was part of his reasoning. While she was against him killing innocent people, she wasn't against saying thank you to him when he opened the door for her. "Thanks," she said as she passed him and into the sunshine. A smile lit up her face as she closed her eyes and, with outstretched arms, spun a single circle. She thoroughly enjoyed the feeling of the sun's rays and a slight breeze on her skin.

She opened her eyes and nearly had a heart attack when she saw an abnormally large wolf stretching not to far away from her. "Goodness," Astraia said as she put a hand over her heart. "I forgot you were so big." It wasn't only that, though; it still slightly unnerved, and fascinated, her to see a giant wolf in the place of a man. She watched Sin make his way to the woods, before turning to look back at her and Sarah. "Um, well," she said slightly nervous. "I don't know if you wanted us to shift, but I've only done it on accident once before and Sarah has never done it." She fiddled with her hands nervously unsure what to do with herself. The last and only time she shifted, she was freaking out too much to even think about how she did it. She was so confused at the time she had tried to convince herself that it was a dream; she was almost positive it was a dream.
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Sarah ignored the showers. She knew she'd end up getting dirty either way. She went towards the door, her Wolf suddenly silent and it startled her, this the only time in the past few days she's shown real expression. Sarah's given up on leaving, given up on eating and given up on giving a crap. She didn't even acknowledge the Alpha's form, let alone be startled by it. Being her only trusted companion for the past few days, Sarah waited patiently by the bathroom door for Astraia.

Sarah followed close by the girl. She would've been the perfect Beta, had the aura around her not have been chock full of authority and anger. She was at her heels but her eyes claimed everything, a burning anger from being locked away for days in some tiny cell. Her claustrophobia shut down her fear but let loose an angry girl, ready to shift and just run. She'd urge Astraia to go with her and would protect herself, even if she had no idea how to be a Wolf.
Sin took a few more steps before he stopped and turned around to look at them. He turned and trotted back to them, sniffing at them a little. It wasn't that he hadn't already memorized their scents, it was that he was because he could smell their anxiety, the pleading of their wolves to run free in such a pent-up sort of way. He sat down, scratching his ear for a moment as he pondered. He stopped after a moment and spoke. But not exactly in the way that they might expect. His voice just appeared at the edge of their minds, at the very farthest reaches. A careful whisper that grew louder slowly. 'You have to give into your wolf. Until now you've fought against it, but you need to fight with it. Each werewolf has their own way of changing, some imagine the forest around them, becoming one with nature. Some get angry and use that to change, some just have a natural talent. I do have special howl which can force other wolves to shift...but I don't want to use it. I think your both special. Your not the regular created wolves we've seen. So. I've decided to personally oversea you...'

The alpha stepped away from them and sat a few paces away, as if he knew that he made them nervous and uneasy. He really was a nice guy, and perhaps one day they would see that. See how he had saved them from the normal tradition of simply slaying outcast wolves.
Sarah let a nod to his words, accepting the voice and not once looking at him. Her Wolf charged forward and she leapt at the empty air, filling it with her Wolf's new bred form. Her size was bigger than most but only by a mere inch or two. Her fur was coarse, unlike the soft down of a dog. It seemed as if a straight grey Wolf had ran through ash and it had settled permanently on her coat. It was more of a speckled look than spotted. Her eyes were the same intelligent yet burning pale blue that overtook everything in her line of sight.

Sarah shook out her coat, unaffected emotionally by her Wolf but turned to Astraia, tail wagging almost hesitantly with her back to the Alpha. She was going to make a point that she hated that he trapped her in a cell like a dog and refused her need of exercise. Her legs were long, as she took up the space between her companion and her in two bounds. Try it. It doesn't hurt. And it's...easy. Just gotta let go of all the logic in your head, she snorted.
Malcolm was sitting with a few of the other wolves. Alysia was curled up on an animal skin blanket in a black tank top and sweatpants, noticeably inattentive as she examined her chipped nail polish.

Malcolm rolled his eyes. He'd been wondering all day about whether or not that the Alpha would want his assistance with the girls. He didn't think of them as outsiders anymore. At times he even wondered if they were sisters, given their similar appearances. But Sin was of course, being the leader, independent and didn't usually require assistance. This, often left Malcolm and Alysia with not very much to do.

Malcolm's dark gaze darted about the den, the sound of the others, mostly males conversing. He eavesdropped.

Most of them were discussing the arrival of the two girls, and where they were now. Most didn't know the truth, but Malcolm knew every last juicy detail. Well, at least as much as the alpha would inform him. Either way, they all seemed to have a mutual interest. He sighed, rolling up the sleeves of his black and white baseball tee to just above his elbows, making the strong muscles in his forearm visible.

Alysia hadn't been too talkative that day. She was just as quiet as Malcolm, simply waiting for something to do. She did wish her type could grow to be a bit more independent, and not having to always be needed. But perhaps it was simply just a side affect of boredom, this over thinking thing.
Astraia listened to the advice Sin gave her, used to hearing voices in her head since she had practiced with Sarah during their time in the cell. She was still nervous though so she looked to the older girl for another example. However, seeing Sarah shift didn't manage to quell her nerves. She watched her wolf make its way over to her and listened intently as she spoke to her in her mind. 'Get all the logic out of my head. I think I can do that,' she thought rubbing her hands together nervously. 'Give in to my wolf.' With that thought, Astraia closed her eyes and took a deep breath, letting go of her inner fears and relaxing. She felt her wolf surfacing and taking over and with one last push from it, she shifted.

Her wolf's pelt was a strange mixture of white, black, and light brown fur and it was smaller than Sarah's by an inch. When it opened its eyes, Astraia's dark brown eyes shone as she took in her surroundings. When she glanced down at her paws, she let out an excited yelp and looked to Sarah. 'I did it! Did you see? This is so cool,' she thought happy at her accomplishment. Everything she saw was clearer and sharper, as if she had put on a pair of glasses that let her see a hundreds of times better than she originally did.
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Sin looked over toward the house, his mind sending a message to his two most trusted betas. 'I am going on a run with the girls. If you wish, you may attend, we're going to the boarder of our territory by the river. I need to check our boarder line and they needed a run anyway.' He waited a long moment for them to decide and join him if they choose before turning and running off, calling to the girls. 'Come on~' his voice was much more playful then it had been previously. As he ran, he didn't let himself get to lost, he kept a sharp ear on the girls and if they thought for a moment they could out-speed him it would be a fatal mistake. He held himself back as he ran with the girls, so as not to allude to his true speed and also so he didn't leave them in the dust. However, he was nice enough not to comment on any discussions they might have. But that didn't mean he wasn't listening.

He lead them miles away from the house, so far, they had even crossed half of the seemingly endless forest. The stride of a werewolf greatly exceeds that of any other animal on earth, even betas are able to go a hundred miles without much thought. This makes it hard for hunter to catch them, since they can outdistance a car in a matter of hours. However, no such distance needed to be crossed, they stopped at a river just outside of Everett Washington. A river ran between the two towns, and served as a boundary between werewolf packs. Sin's pack expanded all the way to Wenatchee National Forest, and the other pack's range went as far as Mt.Baker. The two packs had long been rivals, but a recent treaty had stopped the bloodshed for the time being. The river wasn't truly so big, besides the mildly strong flow, a wolf could easily cross it, it was barely three feet deep. It was more of a line-in-the-sand than a real wall. Sin stopped at the river, and took a few drinks from it's cool, natural spring waters. All of a sudden, a huge racket came from across the river. Sin lifted his head and watched the scene unfold on the other side.

A boy stumbled out of the bushes, falling over a stick and shifting into a brown wolf, then into a boy a few moments later. It was obvious he was a new werewolf like the girls. Not even two steps behind him came three werewolves. The first was a small she-wolf with white fur and icy blue eyes. She had a hawk feather in the fur, which hung in her neckfur. Behind her came a golden colored wolf, his fur was a mix of copper and blond to make a rather interesting color. The last to arrive was a massive white wolf with a black spot on his forehead. He wasn't as big as Sin, but only a few inches shorter then him. His fur was covered in different feathers from all sorts of birds, and he had red war pant on his face. The three wolves surrounded the boy before the alpha spoke. The male white wolf's voice boomed in everyone's head. 'I WILL NOT ALLOW MUTT SCUM IN MY TERRITORY. KILL IT. KILL THEM ALL!'

Without a moment's hesitation, the golden wolf leapt forward, knocking the boy to the ground with a swipe of his claws. The boy let out a little scream of pain as the white she-wolf jumped forward. She seemed more hesitant to attack the defenseless boy then her companions. The Alpha gave another snarl, a commanding snarl. The white wolf bowed her head to him and then leaping onto the fallen boy. The two wolves ripped the boy apart until his little screams stopped. His limps torn apart, and then they just threw him into the river, dipping their muzzles and paws in the spring to wash off the blood. The white alpha turned to look right at the girls, a deep hate in his eyes the likes of which not even the distance of the river could waver. Out of nowhere, Sin jumped between the white alpha and the girls, snarling at him in a threatening tone, his fur on end. The sight of Sin made the white alpha blink, as if his hate for the girls had blinded him to Sin's presence.

The white alpha called out. 'So. You infest your beautiful territory with mutt scum?'

Sin snapped back. 'They are my charges. Found on my territory. Their fate is nothing of your concern Marik.'

The white wolf Marik chuckled. 'I remember when Trace ruled that pack. When they had the balls to get rid of the scum. Well...I suppose scum breeds scum isn't that right mutt?' Marik directly addressed Sin with the word mutt. Sin snarled back half charging at Marik. The white wolf jumped back in terror and Sin stopped when the water touched his paws. A smirk appeared on Sin's face. 'That's what I thought coward. Now get out of here before I go tell your father on you. I'm sure he'd love to see you playing alpha again.'

With that, Marik snorted. 'Come on Luna, Finn. We don't need to take this crap!', with that, Marik darted away. He was fallowed by Finn, but Luna stopped to look at the girls one last time. There was no hate in her eyes, just a curiosity. However, a howl from Marik sent her running into the woods as well.

'That is Marik. He is the only child of the current Alpha named Kuma. Those are his guard betas. Luna Standly and Leo Piddly.'
Sarah had ran beside the Alpha, sometimes moving ahead but too much, knowing he'd attack her if she left his sight. He seemed like the kind to do that. She felt no hate for him but there was something that kept her from running too close to him. She had to suppress several growls so she wouldn't get a lashing to the muzzle. It was easy to run as a Wolf as if she was always a Wolf.

The river startled her, knowing that must've ran far, as she never heard a river when she first shifted. She moved into the water, paws splashing but it never touching her belly. She lapped it up, her eyes glued to the Alpha, making sure he never lunged or tried to come after her. Sarah moved away when she heard the sounds of the Wolves.

Sarah was that close to attacking Sin herself for not intersecting on the death of the innocent child. No, she almost went after them herself but she could smell that the ugly white Wolf was an Alpha. Call her a mutt once more and she'd rip those ugly feathers off him.

Coward, she snarled at the hesitant female that she knew could've refused to kill that boy but never did. She turned to Sin with a snarl of disgust and turned away from him, walking back to the den.
Having received the message, Malcolm stood, peering out the window at the beautiful snow coated territory. "Alysia," Malcolm said without turning his head, summoning his sister.

Within seconds she was at his side, her field of vision also settled on the window. "I'll go, but only to support the alpha."

Malcolm gave her a look of disbelief mixed in with a little bit of a sly smirk. "Are you sure it's not because you're just as bored as I am?" He asked, quirking his brow.

Alysia rolled her eyes, and left the den. Malcolm followed close behind. Normally he'd like to lead the way, or at least be next to his equal, but he would let his sister have her fun while it lasted. The two stopped at the door, now side by side, and almost simultaneously shifted to their wolf forms. Like their human appearances, they were of a somewhat similar looks, only Malcolm with darker eyes and a larger build. Alysia was of a pure white, with a coat of dirty brown on her back, and on most of her face. Her stomach and paws were a true white. Malcolm was all over a greyish chocolaty brown, and unlike his sister's overpowering blue glare, he had a dark golden brown gaze.

This time, Malcolm took the chance to bound ahead of Alysia. He raced ahead, but although he was fast, Alysia was faster. It was well known that she was notorious for her speed, he for his strength. As Malcolm expected, his sister came shooting past him, almost like a silky coated bullet. Eventually she skidded to a stop, the snow on the ground flying up into the air around her. Her small structure proved much easier for running, mostly because her legs were the longest part of her body. "This way," Malcolm said, pacing ahead of her when he got the chance again. Alysia followed, trotting to his side. Malcolm sniffed the air, trying to pick up a scent. It wasn't long before he did, because Alysia found herself chasing him this time.

The two came upon the alpha, but he was not with just the girls. He was conversing with what looked to Malcolm and Alysia to be more strays. The two came to either side of the alpha, a few feet away from him.
Sin made his way back to the den as well, he didn't pay much heed to Sarah. It was obvious she would not accept that things were different, and he started to care less for her well being. If only she knew how much she was chopping away at the more then generous rope. Watching the boy, it should have told Sarah how lucky she was to end up on Sin's side of the river, but that didn't seem to have such effect. Admittedly, the alpha was losing patience and fast with her. She was one more snippy comment away from some serious lashings from Sin.

Upon returning home, there was a small group of females, about three of them. They each hooted and tried to get Sin's attention, but they gave them no heed. After all, the spot of Alpha female was still up for grabs in this pack, but Sin had not choose his queen yet. The spot of alpha was to alluring to pass up, and every female wanted it, besides, Sin wasn't particularly a bad guy, and he respected women unlike some other alphas. Life with him would not be the worst fate that could befall them.
Sarah ran beside him, trying hard not to anger him. Her fur occasionally brushed his, trying to show him she wasn't here to anger him. She was just...uneasy now. This second train of thought drove her insane, biting her nerves down to bitter stubs. That poor boy didn't deserve to die and never in her life did she want to see the Human anatomy in that condition.

She broke off when she saw the females, turning away from the house. She trotted away, her focus on finding a nice and quiet cave to lie down in. Somewhere dark and alone where she could quietly cry, realizing her small and easy life as a Human was gone. She snuffed a cave but there was a stray puma in it. Sarah, in the heat of rage, lunged, the two fighting loudly. She ended up on top, the male cat dead. She suffered a few minor scratches but dismissed them as she crawled to the farthest corner, tears rolling through her the soft fur of her cheeks.
Sin stepped to the door and happened to look over his shoulder, he noticed a special annoying run-away was missing. With a snarling grumble, he stepped away from the door and trotted back into the forest. His strong nose had no problem tracking the troubled outcast's scent. Although, perhaps Sin should stop referring to them as such, after all, they were slowly assimilating into the pack. Some, easier then others. He fallowed the scent to the gave, taking note of the dead cat outside.

Sin didn't enter the space, simply ducked his head in to look at her. "What? Don't like cats?"
Sarah jumped and turned her head, wiping at her wet cheeks. "Never have. I'm a dog person," she grumbled, stifling a sniffle. Why did he not trust her? She hasn't killed anyone yet? Well, it's not like she blamed him. She'd be a bit iffy about some stray newbred Wolves stumbling onto her home.

"Why are you here?" she stood, doing her best to wipe her fluffed cheeks but failing. She lowered her head, nose almost touching the ground, as she brushed past him. No way would she show weakness. No way would she show him that she was crying. She could not afford another fight, no one to try and put her down. She couldn't give him something to hold against her.
Dusk was down by a stream she had been living in a nearby hollow now she was sitting a small breeze tickling her face and making her fur flow she closed her eyes and let the sun heat her face she was gorgeous as she tried to remember anything before this......nothing again she shook her head and looked into the stream at her reflection.......a wolf
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Calla had woken up later than the other girls in the den but when they went out for a run she hadn't gone for some reason. She wasn't quite sure why she just... she just didn't want to for some reason. So instead, Calla headed out into the house and decided to explore, see what was around in this place she was stuck with some weird ass rules and a load of stuff that sounded like it was straight out of a book.
Sin snorted at her rude response. "Anything you screw up will come back to me. My scent is all over you and it would be my luck you'd stumble into trouble and I'd have to take a wrap for it-", Sin stopped suddenly. His ears perked up and he stepped away from Sarah, he had caught an unusual scent. It was a scent he hadn't smelled before, sure he knew a wolf was nearby, but, it didn't have the scent markings from another pack. Which made it even more dangerous, Sin did not want to deal with an omega right now. He still had to give Sarah the stiff talking to she so deserved.

Through the thick branches, he could see another wolf, with the elements on his side and the wind going his way, he launched an attack. Like a shot of black lightning, he rushed forward and with a single swipe of his massive paw sent the poor smaller female to the ground. Not even a heartbeat later, he was on top of Dusk, his huge paws pinning her down easily. His lips curled back in a snarl and all of his fur was on edge. Sarah had been brought ot him after already being caught, this one had nearly surprised the alpha. Nearly.
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Dusk hit the ground slightly dazed she snorted and heard growling she looked up to see another wolf snarling at her and she growled and snarled at him lips curled to show pure white and razor sharp fangs she pushed him off with massive strength and her fur bristled with furry and she got into a defensive stance legs spread and good balance she kept her tail and ears down her icey blue eyes piercing her pitch black fur in the light of day and she snarled " What did you go and do that for ?! " With an Alfas tone she stared at him gathering all the scents around her and his she growled ready for the next attack

( dude you just POed a werewolf bad move (> :) ) )
Sin snarled, stepping forward. In the end, a fight with Sin would end in death for Dusk if she choose to try. He was an alpha, and even among Alpha he was well known for his strength. He didn't even really put any force behind pinning Dusk, if he had, she wouldn't have been able to get up. Sin simply huffed as she got into a defense position, nearly laughing at her foolishness. Now he knew she wasn't even an omega, no omega was stupid enough to try to fight an alpha.

He turned away from Dusk. He disregarded her as non-threatening, although she could always try. But to attack him would not be good for her long term health. Sin trained long and hard, able to smash rocks with his head and rip through steel with his claws.
" Hey I asked you a question.......Why did you attack me ?! " Dusk barked as he walked away she growled and took a step towards him breaking a twig and she glared at him with her icey eyes

( That was quite OP )
Sin glanced over his through. "For a moment I though you were a threat. I'll have some beta catch you later. Now, I have more pressing matter to attend. "

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