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Fantasy And We Go from Nothing to Something

He chuckles at her sudden return, but did notice a certain yellow bunny shirt missing. "What? Got something against bunnies?" He scratched his chin with an exhausted yawn. "Not many come this far into the heart of the mansion. So it's unlikely you'd be noticed by anyone..."


Holly nodded. "Things haven't been the same since my mate Gregory passed, it is nice to have new faces around"
She nodded and laughed. "Bunnies are dinner not clothing," she spoke defiantly and left to his bathroom, locking the door just in case he was faking just for a peek. No way, he wouldn't. She rolled her eyes at herself and turned the dial hot, the mirrors steaming. She hopped in after discarding her dirty clothes, rubbing her skin fiercely.
Sin sat in his bed, sitting up and deciding he wanted to get something from the mini fridge by the desk. He hummed softly to himself making or a few steps. Then, he stopped, his heart thumbing as he looked toward the door. No. Wait-

And then he fell to he knees. He was quiet as he fell, coughing softly so he didn't disrerb her. He tried to drag himself to his dresser, which happened to be by the bathroom. He reached for it, but untimately couldn't reach. He tries to get up before Sarah got out of the shower.
Sarah finished up, smelling like Sin's shampoo. She dried out her hair and got dressed. Sarah couldn't find a brush and opened the door. "Hey, Sin, you got-" she cut off, seeing him on the ground, almost at her feet. She kneeled down, concerned. "Oh God, Sin, please don't tell me you just tried to get up!" she bit her lip. She reached under his arm and wrapped hers around his chest, trying hard to be gentle. "Come on, let's get you to bed," she grunted as she stood, a bit shaky but able to carry him.
" I'm sorry " Dusk said and then smiled before saying " But I'm glad I met you Holly "
Sin looked up to see Sarah. "Damn it", he muttered softly. She was now on him trying to help him. "Sarah I tripped just in time for you to walk out. Honest", he said. Noticing her messy hair. "Why don't you go brush your hair? There is a comb in the top drawer. You brush your hair, I'll get back to bed and we'll regroup in like 10 minutes", he said with a smile.


"And I you.", she looked at the pups. "Greggy and I tried for pups, but he had a battle injury which....well it more or less ended in him being unable to reproduce. I always dreamed of having my own pups"
Sarah let out a gasp that sounded like a laugh. "If you had tripped, I would've heard you and you've stood straight by now. Come on," she grunted in determination. She made the last steps and plopped him down but his arm was heavy and took her down with him. They both laid down on their backs. Sarah let out a defeated laugh, limp next to him. "That's one way to move a dog," she teased. "Why didn't you tell me about the comb before, huh?"
He grunted softly in pain at the rough landing. "Hey now miss accusation pants. I'm sorry I didn't think about a comb when you went in.", he crossed his arms, standing behind his answer. "Besides...", he looked at the calendar. He was on day 3 of the week which meant tomorrow and the day after were his worst days. So, he wasn't shocked that his body was starting to shut down. He just never had a reasons to attempt to move around until now
"Besides what? You know what?" she stood, detangling herself from him before she got too comfy that close to him. She stood, arms crossed as well. "You know what I wanna know? Why did you get up when you know you have a weak heart? And that's an 'I-owe-it-to-Sarah-cuz-she-just-picked-me-off-the-ground' question!" she growled, a bit angry now. He should know better than to get up in his condition!
"I was getting something to drink. I still have time to do things myself thank you very much...", he sat up and swung his legs over the bed. Slowly, he got up. He walked over to the fridge and snatched up a ice cold Dr.pepper. He stumbled a little, but recovered quickly. He didn't want Sarah to really tell at him. "Tangles hair gives you a wild look girly", he chuckled softy.
She softened, seeing him do it by himself and giving her a..."Was that a compliment or an insult?" she frowned, watching him but ready to catch him. Sarah watched him settle down and went in the bathroom and got the comb. Still waiting for an answer, she began to brush her damp hair with an expectant look.
Sin was released when Sarah went off to comb her hair. He wasn't sure what to say. He sort of hoped he would just drop it. He smiled as Mythbusters came on, Sin rather enjoyed that show. He shifted into his wolf form and stretched out on the blankets. Even now he felt like he was growing weaker, and he wanted to sleep.
She sighed. "Fine. A compliment," she sniffed and set the brush down. Her hair was dried at the tips, the red bright against the darker, wetter hair atop her head. "Alright. Do you want me to leave? I see you're very cozy and those two will keep you company better than I could," she sighed, actually sad that she was leaving.
"Adam and Jamie? They're my old buddies and have been around for as long as I can remember~", he licked his paw. "Do as you wish sarah. Go pick out a room, or stuck around. Before long the night patrol betas will be out anyway.
"I'm not gonna bother you. I've never met such an indecisive guy. Let alone one who's suppost to be making all the big shot decisions. Even if I did leave, I'm not picking a room. I'm sleeping inside one more day. That damn cell did me enough time for a month or two," she shuddered, remembering the sick feeling of that cell, one that sort of related to a rocking boat.
"I would feel better if you stayed inside. There are bears and stuff around here and besides it's cold and not pleasant outside", he said with a sad look
"Bears? I can take a few bears," Sarah teased in a soft voice but leaned against his door, not exactly leaving just yet. "If I can take sleeping in a cell for a week," she cast an accusing glance. "then I can bear some come. Why are you so interested in my well being, hmm?"
"Fine. Then go sleep outside wild girl.", he rolled away and curled up so his back was to her. His tail thumped softly as he watched Tv.
Sarah sighed. "You...You can call for me if you need help," she spoke softly. She left his room, shoes in hand and dirty clothes in the other. She found an empty room, nearby but not too close, and threw her things in the corner. Emotions swirled in her chest, confusing her and stetting her off balance completely. Sarah shook her head fiercely and opened the window, shifted and ran off to clear her mind.
The next morning Holly was outside of Sin's room, turning away anyone who came by. She scared off challengers and detoured admirers. She didn't let anyone inside at all.
Sarah had gone on an all night patrol with just herself. Her fur was damp, mud was matted, stupid Sin for being right, in her paws and the fur up to her elbows and there were a few times where she swore she was sleep walking of blacked out. Sarah found her own room, scrambled noisily but uncaring into her room through her window and fell dead asleep on the floor.
Holly was trotting around with a quick step, she was trying to balance the twins and Dusk with all the rest of her jobs around the masion.
Sarah had gotten up after a bit, unable to sleep too good as a Wolf. She stood and shifted, looking worse as a Human than a Wolf. She groaned and stumbled out her door and found the closet of clothes, snatching up some jeans and a black tee with a jacket as she leaned heavily on the door like she was drunk.
Calla had slept on the stairs overnight, not sure what she was meant to do. Especially with all the disapproving looks she'd been getting from some of the girls around here. Groaning as she woke up, with her back aching, she stood up and went in search of food, trying to avoid all the females since it was clear they didn't want her around. The guys... she wasn't so sure on but it would work out hopefully.

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