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Fantasy And We Go from Nothing to Something

Sarah bumped the door open, moving silently. "Okay, Sin, I brought you breakfast. I'm turning the light on now," she warned, knowing the pain of unexpected light on blind eyes. She flicked it on and winced herself, his room still the same as ever. "You alright? Holly said you weren't taking any visitors but she was too busy making Cella food to bring you yours."
Sin was under the covers, only his arm exposed. The skin along the limb was so pale and clammy looking, his hand was open and unmoving. The teddy bear sat across the room at the desk, and Crest was on his perch. The raven cawed loudly at the light. A small voice came, "No....visitors.....", it didn't even sound like Sin at all. The voice was weak and small, stressed and crackly.
"I'm...the exception?" she spoke softly, almost fearful. Was he alright? God, no, he was nowhere near alright. She pulled up her chair from yesterday, taking the teddy gently in her hands. "Hey, I brought you something," she placed his teddy in his opened hand, fingers brushing his. A low whimper boiled up, hating to see him like this. And she had yet to see all of him.
Sin slowly closed his hand around the bear, and dragged it slowly under the covers. The effort was a lot for him, to the point he didn't even stick his arm back out. Under the blanket, Sin looked at the bear, gently stroking it's missing eye with his thumb. He knew Sarah was outside, and it made him want to come out even less. She would really flip out if she did, that he was for sure.
"Sin, are you alright? I mean, you told me yesterday that these were your worst days but please," the pleading in her voice near close to begging, "please tell me you're alright. Just come out and tell me you're alright," she bit her lip, wanting to see him. Sarah felt as if she had to do something to help him. Maybe force him to eat something or place her hand back against his chest. It might not help his condition but it sure as hell calmed her down.
He took a deep breath, and summoned his strongest voice. Trying so hard to sound normal, "I'm find Sarah. Just cold", it was a lie, but he hoped it was enough to detour her questions.
She sat back, paling. "Now I know you're not alright," she whispered, knowing he could hear her. "Sin..." she wanted to speak but instead grabbed the edge of his blanket, tugging it down so she saw his hair but only that. "Sin, let me see you," she whispered, handing shaking. Something in her told her she was going to see something she didn't want to but she had to see him.
Sin's hand appeared and gave a small, pathetically weak attempt to tug the blanket back. "I'm naked. Don't do it", he warned. Again, it was another lie. He had pajama pants on, but he just didn't want her to see him...
Sarah let out a nervous laugh. "Liar, if I ever saw one. Trust me, I won't go past your shoulders. Or will I? Guessing just half the fun," she made her weak attempts at jokes, wondering if he was too weak to actually pull down the covers or he was making it seem like that but he actually wanted her to pull it down. Sarah took a deep breath and pulled it down to his shoulders, gasping softly.
Sin looked like a corpse. His skin so pale, it was almost see-through. His lips were a pale color, nearly blood from poor blood circulation. His eyes were sunk in, with dark rings around them. His eyes had no luster to them, no lively shimmer. Her face was speckled with blood, as was part of his neck. He shivered every few moments. IT would be easier to accept he was dead rather then alive, suffering so much. His breaths were as uneven as his heart beats.
Sarah whimpered softly, tearing up a bit. She ran her knuckles gently down his forehead to his neck, hand shaking. "God, Sin, you look like crap," she let out a sad laugh, her other hand rubbing her eye with the heel of it. Her face burning in grief but it calmed her down to be touching him. "You know, I'd put makeup on you if you were a girl," she threatened weakly, failing to smile. "You lied, Sin. You're not okay."
Despite how cold he looked, he was burning hot to the touch. He closed his eyes for a moment, feeling the cooling touch drift over his flesh, he opened his eyes when it turned away. He wanted the touch back, but stopped himself, he didn't blame her if she wanted to leave. "This? I forgot to put make-up gone...wasn't expecting visitors today", he tried to smile.
Sarah laughed, pressing her hand against his cheek. "Geez, Sin, you're burning up. If you leave now, you could make some money in the heating business as a temporary storage heater," she bit her lip with a faint laugh, trying hard to cover her emotions. A stray tear fell down her cheek and she lowered her head, hand still in place. "God, Sin, you look horrible. You shouldn't have to go through this."
He scoffed softly. "I'm fine Sarah. How many times must I tell you? Sarah....you can't do anything about it. Neither can I. So, don't cry for me. Don't waste tears...", he leaned into the touch, enjoying the coldness. He coughed gently, and slowly tried to sit up.
Sarah nodded but pressed her hand firmly against his chest, her hand right above his heart. "Stop it. Whatever it is, I can get it for you. And, right now, you're in no way able to tell me what to do so I can cry if I want," she sniffed defiantly but wiped away the tear quickly. "Now you will stay still or I will shove the entire carton of applesauce down your throat, including the container," she growled halfheartedly.
Sin winced, and whimpered as she pushed him back onto the bed, not that he had gotten very far to begin with. He frowned, "Sarah...I'm an adult...I can do my own things....", he tried to lift his head but had troubles with even that. He looked at the applesauce and turned away, "I'm not hungry anyway", he said gently. His hand clutching the bear a little tighter.
Sarah shook her head and kept her hand in place. But, saw this was not the way to go with an Alpha. Instead, she kneeled down, her head below his at this level and looked up at him. "Sin. Please tell me what you need so I can help you," she spoke in a soft voice, eyes bright. All she wanted to do was get him back to his feet and snapping at her heels when she messed up.
Sin sighed gently. "I don't know what you can do....I......my body just sort of handle itself...", he said softly. He raised his head and rubbed his head gently. He weakly reached out, setting a hand on her cheek and wiping away any remaining tears. "See? All better...."
Sarah leaned into his touch, closing her eyes. His hand was cold but it felt good against her hot cheek. Her face always got hot when she was upset as well as her hands. "I just want to help, Sin. I'll do all I can. I'll even get into that maid outfit," she laughed softly at yesterday's joke.
"That would make me feel better", he said with a soft smile. His belly growled loudly, but he didn't want to eat. His body hurt so much, every movement took twice as much effort but he had half as much energy as normal, it was a sad combination that just didn't help him. He coughed gently, blood drizzling from his mouth. "Sorry...I know I look dreadful...I don't blame you if you decide to leave"
Sarah didn't even flinch, picking up a rag. "Shh, turn your head this way," she took his head in her hand gently and turned his head to the side. "If you keep spitting up blood with your face up, you'll drown," she murmured. "Next time, I'll remember to buy that costume, alright?" she spoke softly with a fait smile, dabbing up the blood. Her hand that was still on his head rubbed his temples softly, something she did unconsciously.
Sin weakly rolled over with a pained whimper. He coughed more, not coughing up nearly as much blood. He leaned into the gentle rubbing, he really likes it, and it soothed him. He chuckled, "you better"
Sarah smiled. "I'm not leaving, Sin," her hand moved from his head to his back, rubbing it in circles. She noticed his blanket moving down just a bit and looked back to him. "You gonna tell me you have pants on?" she raised an eyes brow, reaching for another rag to wipe up his blood.
He laughed weakly. "Yes...I have pants on", he grumbled as she wiped off the blood. He kicked the blanket of to reveal regular pants. "Holly made me wear them. I didn't want to, but he is scary when she is mad...."
Shaking her head, Sarah pulled the covers back over him, knowing he was cold. The blood had stopped for a bit and she put the rag aside, her hands slightly tinged red with his blood. "This happens every month?" she cocked her head, voice soft and scared for his well being.

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