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Fantasy Academy of Possibilities

Glancing at herself and Schiori she knit her eyebrows, "We're like the same weight.. amazing" Blinking she nodded. "It you can handle it lets do it!"
Song lowered her body so the toe could get on. "Here you go! When you're ready. Now, if you don't hold on to me tight enough, you will most likely die." She said the last part in a serious manner.
Shiori cheered along. "Yeah! Let's gooooo!" She yelled. This was the most fun she had in years. You know, after... That happened. Shiori chuckled. "I'm not used to people morphing into giant birds!" She joked, climbing onto Song's back. "Trust me, I won't die. I've fallen off of many cliffs and planes before, and landed on my two feet with no harm...." She continued. "And exactly how high are we going?"
Song would've smirked, except for the fact she had a beak. "You better get used to it! Having a shapeshifting friend us tough!" She giggled a little and asked, "how high do you wanna go?"
Shae climbed on as well not really knowing what to hold onto, but trying to seem like she knew what she was doing.
Oskar watched as everyone left quickly, either because it was uncomfortable or they were going flying. He himself shrugged before walking outside and sitting on the grass to enjoy the sunshine. While he laid on the grass, Black flew around, also enjoying the sun on his feathers.
Shae giggled nervously, "Um.. yeah. But what do I hang onto?"
Alucard woke up in his dorm room and got dressed in his black dress pants and black vest as well as his red bowtie and red coat. He left his room and saw students flooding the school. He wondered what was happening so left the school and saw someone lying down on the grass. He went up to them and asked him, "What's going on?"

@Silent Howling
(Welcome back to the chaos)

Shae nodded awkwardly, "oh.. yes"
((I've missed so much! :( ))

Kaylene Blackthorne

Kaylene put her phone into her back jeans pocket and then stood up, deciding to go outside.

As soon as she was outside, she was instantly greeted by sunshine.

She smiled, enjoying the warmth of it against her skin. Growing up, she'd always loved the outdoors and now wasn't any different.

Spotting two people on the grass nearby, she walked over to them.

Might as well make some friends.

"Hello there." She smiled cheerily.
He sat in his dorm room thinking to himself. Zander sighed and looked around the dark room were he blocked out all the light of the windows. "Zander! Zander! Hey kids answer me! " the voice called for him across the room. "is that you Lana?" Zander asked with a nervous tone. The child's spirit emerged from the wall. "why do you sit in this depressing room when you could be out making friends? " she asked as her silver hair floated up above her face. "I'm not here to make friends! I'm here to learn how to control this devilish difference I was cursed with! " he said with an annoyed expression. Lana the spirit sighed. "don't you get it stupid, this school is most likely full of students just like you with a better understanding of their powers than you! So let's go find them! " she said as she pulled him arm out the door before disappearing in his shadow. "I guess she isn't giving me a choice now is she? " he said as he started walking to the exit.
Oskar looked up when he heard someone talking to him and saw a strangely dressed person, "Not much is happening. I'm just enjoying the sunshine." Black perched on the tree branch above and began to clean his feathers. Oskar looked up briefly before looking back at the boy in front of him.
(I think the notifications are down or something..)

Shae paused before grabbing a handful of feathers lightly not wanting to hurt her friend.
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Damien wakes up behind the main building feeling groggy and disoriented. "What the.....?" He rubs his eyes and he looks around his surroundings. "Oh thats right. I'm at school." He stands up, yawning as he throws his hands into the air, stretching. "I wonder where everyone is." He picks up his back pack and begins to wander aimlessly around the school."
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(Out of character chat please. >.<)

Oskar looked up again when he heard someone speaking and waved at her, "Greetings." He gave a shrill whistle and Black flew down from the tree and landed on his hair, looking up at the two people in front of them.
Shae giggled as she awkwardly gripped Songs feathers not knowing how hard she should.
Shiori grinned. "Let's go!" She yelled, also getting a hold of Song's feathers. "Now, after this... Don't forget about the school thing? Where we eplore the school? We have to wait for everyone to clear, and we'll meet up at the entrance." She explained.

(I'm kinda inactive for this week, I have loads of homework... ;- ;)
Shae nodded enthusiastically in agreement.

(I have finals, I had one today, tomorrow, and Wednesday)
Song nodded her bird head. "Yeah! I'm excited for that!" She said before running and flapping her wings and flying off the ground. She grinned as she rose higher. "How are you guys holding up back there?" She asked her friends. She would've grinned if she had a mouth.

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