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Fantasy Academy For The Gifted

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Liz was in a moment of shock, she as unsure whether to be super happy or disappointed that she couldn't be in her own room anymore. Thinking optimistically, Lizzy simply smiled cheerfully, "Great! No one was comfortable being my roommate but I'm happy I have a roomie now. I was actually getting a little lonely by myself" She spoke in delight, "I hope we can be great friends." Liz added on. Hopefully Lilian was okay with her and wouldn't have to ask for a room change. Since today was her first day she hasn't heard all the rumors yet, hopefully when she does hear them, she won't run away. Although, Lilian seems like the type of girl would won't really be scare of anything or let alone show emotion because throughout there whole conversation, Lilian hadn't changed her facial expression from her bored look. Or maybe she's bored because this conversation wasn't very interesting and it was just awkward. Either way Liz was happy to be making more friends, or at least she thinks Lilian is her friend, right?
Luna watched as he looked around the room, she was a bir surprised when he asked about her dance "well I usually just dance what interests me or how I feel, like if im happy or stressed I do freestyle, if I'm sad I'll dance to anything until I'm out of breath, so I'd say pretty much everything." She replys while holding one of her arms

@Mediocritys Muse

He says with a slight nod, getting what she was saying, everyone having some form of outlet, "So dance is your escape." With that he walked over to the mirror wall taking slow strides, with a slightly raised brow he posed anther question, "Do you do any classical dance?" He paused and chuckled with a shake of his head waving one hand in front of himself, "My mother pretty much told me it wasn't up for debate, I had to earn all of them." He turned back around and looked into the mirror, "My parents are old fashion like that, or would it be retro?"

@Defective Kitten

She looked on at Liz for a moment saying under her breath, "They were not comfortable..." Lilian thought about that comment Liz had said and it was obvious that the whole story had not be divulged as of yet. She however figured on not dwelling on it, seeing it an unnecessary hassle that would eventually work itself out anyway if left alone. "As do I," she simply stated picking up her bag from the floor, and looking back at Liz.

Just as she stood there her stomach growled a bit, her looking down at it with two blinks being the only facial movement she put forth. "Hungry," she stated placing her hand on her stomach, this girl be quite the slender person although not as slender as Liz. Lilian had a couple inches on her after all and that hair probably added another couple pounds that wasn't weighed. "Would you show me the nearest vending machine or cafeteria?" She hadn't realized it but she hasn't eaten at all so far today and it seems that the only thing she had last night to eat was a single candy bar.
Hearing the girl's stomach growl and asked for directions to the nearest vending machine or the cafeteria, Liz simply smiled. "Let met just put my painting away and ill lead you over, kay?" She begin putting away the canvas in one of the lockers that were provided. Taking the key to the locker she used, she threw it into her bag and made her way over to Lilian. "This way!" She cheered as she lead the way to the cafeteria which was in a different building.

Once they arrived, Liz opened the door from both of them. The cafeteria large and had several "stores" for food and snacks. They were all lined up against the walls and each store had it own theme or food specialty they sold. Most stores were run by staff members but some were run by the students in the culinary class. Since it was so early in the morning, the amount of students was sparse and only some of the stores were open. There were only 5 or 6 student and they were either killing time, eating, or studying, but their personal lives had nothing to do with her. Walking to one of the stores that specifically sold breakfast food, she looked up at the menu, "What would you like? I'll pay as a treat" She said happily, the cafeteria was one of favorite places in the academy.
"Yes pretty much" she replyed, watching him walk to the mirror "hmm, I do some" she replyed as well, she was ready for whatever question he might throw at her next, she then stood beside him.

@Mediocritys Muse
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(Hope you don't mind if I just jump it (O:)))

A tall orange boy came walking into the cafeteria, a alto sax hanging from his neck strap and its case in his left hand. He looked around the room, looking somewhat lost, his emerald-green eyes trying to find someone he could ask for help. His eyes landed on two girls, Liz and Lilian, and he decided to walk up to the two girls.
"Excuse me?" asked the boy calmly as he came to a halt when he neared the girls. "I'm new here, I was wondering if you two could recommend something from the cafe?" asked the boy again, meeting both the girls with a smiling as his eyes shifted from Liz to Lilian, respectfully meeting them both in the eyes.

@Defective Kitten @Mediocritys Muse

Zara shyly walked around campus, her blue scales glittering in the early sun as she scanned her surroundings. Everything is so different then back home thought the dragon girl to herself as she made her way over to the cafe and sat in the corner, trying to avoid attention. She brought out of her bag a cooked fish and some strange fruit before quietly eating.
Hearing a voice asking for recommendations in the cafe, she turned around and saw.. a boy! Letting out a squeal and hiding behind Lilian as shield, her heart began to race in fear. Boys were scary and she didn't like them. She peeked from behind Lilian and he was still there, "Get it together Liz! Boy aren't scary and won't-can't kidnap you. You're older and can fend for yourself!" She said in her mind, giving herself a pep talk. Taking another peek, she retreated back behind Lilian's back. "No, no, no. Boy are defiantly scary.." She concluded. Liz was grateful that Lilian was taller than her and that her own frame was small and petite.
Faust was kinda shocked from the girls reaction towards him, but he did not show it. Instead he put his hands over his heart and did a little bow. "Oh how you hurt me flower" replied the boy playfully. "Flower you have no reason to be afraid of Faust the IV, that is a guarantee" continued the boy as he removed his hands and did a proper bow, staying there for a few moments before returning to stand straight back up, his long orange hair bouncing as he did so, a smile on his face once again.
Alex noticed Feather starting to walk away and tried to think of a way to continue the conversation, since ending it here didn't feel right. "O-h wait, I could walk with you on the way and you've helped me a whole lot so it would feel awkward for me to leave the favor unpaid...." Alex stopped talking and thought for a moment. "Oh yeah, since you've been really nice I'll do whatever you want for the rest of the day and answer any question you ask...that is if I know the answer of coarse.." He offered her, deciding not to use his locker for now. Alex believed that this would at least continue the conversation since people usually have some sense of curiosity about others around them. @SnowFeather

(( Sorry I had a huge writer's block for awhile and some IRL stuff needed my attention as well ^~^''))
Feather smiled and turned around, facing him. "Hmm, I like the first part, but you don't have to do anything I tell you, though I do have some questions." She glanced over her shoulder and clenched her jaw. "Well, we should get going.." She blushed slightly and looked back at Alex. "I thought I heard something." She said, a worried edge to her tone. She didn't like the idea of being followed and it sent a shiver up her spine. Feather took a step towards Alex, looking back again as she bit her lower lip. Feather thought for a moment. She turned away from him and paced around the room, until stopping. "I never asked you about your powers did I? How rude.." She said as she turned to him, her eyes bright and cheerful. @Silvey

(( It's alright! ))
@Defective Kitten


Lilian followed Liz to the cafeteria area, them having to go through various other areas to get there. If she knew how far away it was she would have been okay with just a simple candy bar out of a vending machine. She thought about saying something on the way but she ended up not, figuring the girl was showing her the way because she wanted to after all. When they arrived Liz showed her to a booth that served some breakfast items which would work for her, the exact dish not really mattering to her in the slightest.

As they stood there some one came up behind them and asked a question about what was good here, Lilian having no idea personally. Liz reacted to the guy fairly peculiarly, it seemingly stemming from some kind of fear or maybe it was just surprise. Nevertheless Liz was now hiding behind Lilian, her not moving out of the way out of her own accord. Lilian replied to the boy after he replied a second time toward Liz, her voice rather monotone and emotionless. "I am afraid not, we are also new to this school." She double blinked a few times and looked back at Liz, wondering what that reaction was about.


He expected her answer to be what she said, in his experience most dancers know at least some form of classical. The reason perhaps being a steadfast hold on to the past that people just have a hard time letting go, and also seeing how all new dance most likely had deep roots in another older past time. He looked over at her as she moved next to him, saying it in a statement, "Your name was Luna right." He paused and looked back at the mirror, looking at her that way instead of straight at her. He has had something n his mind for a little while now and figured it would be as good of a time as any to ask, beating around the bush getting rather old now.

He scratches his cheek and says with a slight smile, "I eventually found out that you're a you know." With that said he glanced over at her and asked with a raised brow, "Do you have any hatred for other species?" The probability of her naming reverse vampire was utterly non existent, seeing as how vampire pretty much see them as a myth nowadays. He awaited the answer from her, a seed of doubt always being present in his mind.
Lizzy peeked again at the boy once he spoke once more. The way he talked and the way he presented himself, he was the type of boy that the girls called "players." Girls would often run, crying away from them, although she never really understood why. She just expected them to be scary people. "Out of all the boys, you're the scariest type.." She muttered to the boy, half her face showing and hands gripped onto Lilian's sleeve.

Liz once again hid herself in her little shell of fear and timidness. She watched as some of the girl around the cafe already fall in love with the boy, she didn't understand why either. To most girls, the aura around him was dreamy and prince like, same with Altiers but Liz didn't seem to think that way. All boys had a scary aura around them, dark and monstrous, like they would eat her up like candy.
Alex silently listened to Feather, and nodded in agreement. He could tell she was worried about something, and from the way she kept checking to see if anyone was around seemed to be if someone was following her. "Lead, and I shall follow. Ask, and ye shall receive." Alex said, in a fake fancy tone while bowing. Pulling his head up, he wondered why she would care about his powers, but it didn't matter either way because Alex chose to keep his word regardless. Even though, it did spark a bit of curiosity inside of him since maybe people knowing what your powers are may be dangerous. @SnowFeather
Feather blushed. "It's nothing, you don't have to tell me.." She took his hand and walked away from the locker area. They came into another busy hallway but they easily pushed past everyone. Well, almost. They were almost at the dorms when someone grabbed her free hand. They tugged, and she felt her grip around Alex's hand slip. She gasped as she was pulled into a room and the door shut. She found herself in a classroom, three guys surrounding her. There was 'Hazel-Guy', a red head, and the guy earlier, who was slammed by the door. She growled and started walking towards the door. The red head blocked her path, but she grabbed his shirt and pulled him aside. She laid her hand on the handle when her arm was pulled back. She shrieked as the 'Guy From Earlier' pushed her down on the ground, laughing. "Ha, ha.. You've had your fun.." She spat at him, getting up once more. He growled and she growled back, much more power behind it. He flinched, but tried not to show it. Feather smirked as she turned into her cat form, startling the guys. She hissed and lashed her tail. "Don't mess with me!" She snapped. "Alex! Where are you when I need you?.." She thought in her head, boiling with rage. "You're going down..." She growled, about to topple one of the guys to the ground. @Silvey (( Mad bro? Lol.. ))
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It took a couple of seconds for him to grasp what had happened. 'Feather was guided me by the hand, pushed past some people, and then was about to head to the dorms...' Alex went through his mind to remember what had happened when he realized that she had been inside a classroom. Quickly pushing people away to see which one, he felt something strong coming from the room on his left. He kicked the door, but it didn't budge. Closing his eyes, Alex calmed himself and opened the door. "I guess this school really was built for monsters and freaks." He said while entering the room. Glancing around he saw there was three guys, two of them he remembered from earlier and a talking cat. Sighing heavily, Alex was happy she had told him what she was or else it would have been near impossible to find her. "You guys shouldn't mess with us. First of all she could most likely tear you to shreds, and even if she can't catch you I'll know where you are no matter where you go or what you are." Alex threatened, although he didn't like bluffing it was the best he could do since for all he could know these guys could rip his body to pieces. @SnowFeather
Feather smiled as she heard Alex's voice and scurried up to him. She climbed her way up and sat down on his shoulder, hissing at the guys who were stirring. They were obviously pissed off at Alex and she wasn't going to let anyone hurt her friend. "You hurt my friend, I rip you to shreds.." She spat, rubbing her muzzle in his neck. "And I can..." She added quietly to Alex, a cheer in her tone. The guys stepped back, but she was alert, her tail and ears twitching, her claws flexing. She purred and rose to her paws, standing lightly on Alex's shoulder. "Let's get back, shall we?" She addressed him, her voice calm and friendly. "They should be no trouble.. They're only a werewolf, kitsune, and I would say that the red head is a neko.." She murmured, eyeing them. They took a step forward, the 'Hazel-Guy' turning into a fox, the 'Guy From Earlier' into a wolf, and the red head into a smoky cat. She snarled, and they all stepped back, knowing they had the disadvantage if she decided to turn into perhaps a tiger or a lion. @Silvey
Alex slowly giggled, until he couldn't handle it and burst into laughter. "You guys must have some really bad luck! I mean, not only did you pick a fight with someone who is stronger and faster than you but you didn't over power her when you had the chance....well, that is if you had one." Alex said to the three guys who had transformed. He had been worried if they were a type of vampire or werewolf, but since only one of them had been a real threat it was hilarious. Regaining his composure, he quickly let himself memorize how each one of the guys felt with his sense. Oddly enough, the feeling they gave him was like the one that came off Feather but slightly different. Nodding his head in response to Feather, Alex left the room with her still on his shoulder. Once he had walked a good distance from the classroom, he whispered to Feather while smiling and petting her. "It's sort of hard for me to act serious when your tickling my neck, and your kind of cute in this form!" @SnowFeather
@Defective Kitten


Lilian didn't expect such a reaction from someone like Liz, to put it bluntly it had surprised her a small bit. She double blinked looking back at Liz, seeing that she was firmly attached to her sleeve at the moment. Such a sight reminded her of countless movies and tv shows that portrayed a child hanging on a parents coat, such an image was only in the form and realm of fantasy for Lilian in part of her upbringing. She looked back up at the guy now saying in a-yet again-emotionless monotone, "This is nothing personal but could you refrain from speaking to my friend." In truth it became obvious to Lilian that Liz didn't like men for some reason or another, her adding with a nod, "If you have any questions you can address them to me."

((We should wait for Fed to reply before we add anymore Kitten))
Feather purred as he petted her and grinned. "Glad to know.." She laughed, people in the hallway blinking at the laughing cat. She nuzzled his neck with her muzzle before laying down on his shoulder, purring all the while. "Your shoulder is so soft and comfortable." She said and blushed as she realized what she said. "Erm... I meant.." She coughed, but said nothing more. She perked her ears and then relaxed on his shoulder, sometimes flicking her tail against his cheek to tease him. He was the best friend she had ever had, and she liked him. He had a great sense of humor, and she felt safe around him. They arrived by the dorms and Feather sat up, waving her tail in excitement. She hopped off his shoulder and bounded off, returning a second after. "I found my stuff!I found my room!" She praised herself, her eyes glowing. "Come on!" She bounded off again and entered a room, curling up on the soft and comfy bed. Feather looked over to the other bed, where there laid a bag. It looked like a bag that a guy would use, so she assumed her roommate was a guy. @Silvey ((BTW it's your choice if you want to be the roommate or if it's some other guy..))
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Although she kept teasing him by flicking her tail on his cheek, he liked her. Feather seemed like a really cool person, and despite him being pretty scared at first after his mom told him that this school would be filled with monsters and people with powers, Alex had started to find it exciting. When he followed Feather into her room, he was surprised at how neat and nice it looked. Seeing a bag on the second bed in the room, Alex remembered his mom explaining what dorms were a couple of weeks ago. "Oh you have a....room-mate? I think that's what you call them right?" He asked, not too sure about it.

The bag reminded of when his mom decided to pack his things and carry them to the room he would get, since the only item he was going to originally bring was his laptop to do research with. The only things she let him bring on his own was his phone and a notepad along with a pencil, even though he rarely wrote things down. "If that bag has a laptop with the initials M.R. on it, then most likely I'm in this room too. I doubt it though, since usually public school's with dorms separate the guys and the girls from each other." He added, while continuing to look around the room. @SnowFeather
Feather hopped off her bed, tail waving in excitement. She sprang up on the other bed and opened the bag carefully. She ducked her head inside and looked. "There is definitely something hard and smooth in here.." She turned human and dragged her head out,taking out the object. It definitely was a laptop and when she placed it on the bed, turning into her cat form yet again, she flicked her tail. "M..R.."She said, reading carefully. "Hmm, probably yours." She said while sneaking into the back, disappearing entirely. She looked around in the bag and then slipped out, a pencil in her jaws. She set it down and looked at Alex. "Looks like this is your bag!" Feather hopped up on his shoulder and purred, brushing her muzzle on his cheek. Her gaze traveled around the room until she caught something. She gasped and hopped down from Alex's shoulder. "It's a MINI FRIDGE!!" She yowled as she managed to open the heavy door. Inside was some soda and chocolate bars. "It must have been my mom.." She said, waving her tail. Feather turned human and grabbed a soda, closing the door. She opened the can and drank some. Feather then walked over to her bed and laid down, looking up at the ceiling. @Silvey
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Luna was a bit surprised he had remembered her name, usually guys don't care for names, they just say 'hey you' or 'you there or just plainly 'you girl'. "I don't hate any species just certain people, no need to hold a grudge from just one member of that species right?" She answered while starting to twirl her hair around her finger.

(Forgot to put in the color on this post... woops)

@Mediocritys Muse

((It's all good))

He was particularly gladded by her response to his question, honestly he was a bit curious the first time that he had met her. She didn't seem like the typical vampire girl, or at least she seemed to have more of a grounded outlook on the world around her. He smiled lightly and closed his eyes for a moment, opening them shortly after as if he was thinking about something. "How rude of me," he said with a shake of his head, adding with a slightly embarrassed grin, "I should have told you what I was before I announced that you are a vampire." With that in mind he held out his hand for a hand shake, as is the custom his mother had taught him when meeting a fellow vampire. "My name is Altier Bourneiu of the last of the Reverse Vampires."

In truth she would be the second person he had informed of his exact nature, Lizzy being the first one as a matter of fact. That in itself was interesting to him, seeing how before these few days the only ones that knew what he is were his parents. He knew though that if he hid things from people that he viewed as friends that it would only lead to dishonesty among them, which leads to trouble own the road in the future.
She shook his hand "I've never met a reverse vampire, oh and how did you find out what I was?" She asked curiously while raising a brow, she was looking him over carefully, he seemed different then all the other guys, he has actually put effort into getting to know her, even of she can be stubborn sometimes.

@Mediocritys Muse

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