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Fantasy Academy For The Gifted

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Altier stood there for a moment, the nosey girl butting in rather rudely as a matter of fact. That annoyed him a bit but he didn't show it on his face, he simply kept the smile present. He simply said with the smile, "There's no need for this, go back with your friends." The bubbly obnoxious girl obviously didn't want to but she did anyway, her passing annoyed glances their way periodically talking about the weird girl in hushed breaths. He sighed and looked back over at the young girl, "I'm sorry about that, it seems that I have caused you more trouble."

He didn't have any agitation on his face as he stood there, his mind consisting of pleasant thoughts as it always is. The only thing in his mind that wasn't pleasant was his ideas about how annoying that obnoxious girl was, him comparing her to an annoying alarm clock that would just not shut up in the wee hours of the morning. Before she could reply to anything he added with the same polite smile, "You're quite the pianist, I play a little but you're far better than me."
'Right. Right. Make conversation' Lizzy thought as she looked at the boy and then straight down. "No. It's okay.. I get this everyday... it's nothing new.." She spoke softly, still looking at the ground. After hearing his compliment she blushed a little, "O-oh, really? T-thank you, I don't think I'm that good... Can I hear you play? I think your playing would sound lovely.." She added on, trying to keep the conversation going without looking at him. As long as she didn't think of him as a boy, she wouldn't be scared, right?
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He scratched his right cheek and replied, "I'm really not that good, instruments aren't my thing." he saw how hard this was for her and thought to himself, 'This can't be easy for her, so I should at least give it a try.' He nodded and sat at the edge of the piano, not getting to close to her, knowing how she reacted the first time, "Well I'll give it a try, although I'm much better with Vocals." With that he started to play a more simple piece, it still being difficult in most peoples eyes, but no where near as hard as the ne she was playing earlier. he casually glanced over at her and could tell that she was purposely avoiding eye contact, to that he simply smile and looked back at the pianos keys.
Despite all the noise in the room from everyone else, it had seemed like it was only her and the melody. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the music that played from the piano. Liz has almost forgotten the boy was sitting next to her, maybe he could be her friend perhaps.

Once he had finished playing, she looked at him and smiled bubbly. It had been a while since she smiled, and at a boy too. But as soon as she came back into reality, she glanced back down. "That was a really nice piece you played.. So you're a singer? You much be really good, I'm a terrible singer so I just stick to instruments. We should play together some time... But I don't think you'd want to hang out with me after hearing all the rumors a whispers would you? No.. probably not.." She said scratched her head and let out a small pathetic laugh.
He caught the smile she offered before she went back into her shell, a shell that would protect her from things she was afraid of. Altier listened to her belabored question then followed by her outspoken rationalization, a rationalization based on feelings that have seemed to stick with her for years. To that he smiled and looked past her out the window, him saying in a soft smooth tone, "We all have things we are afraid of and we all have people saying things behind our backs. It's not their choice to tell us how to live our lives, that's something I had to learn on my own early in my life. Live for yourself and surround yourself with those that are worthy of your kindness."

That speech was one that his mother offered him before he started elementary school, him being quite the articulate youngster. He looked down at her with a soft smile, and added letting his hands fall into his lap, "I don't let others dictate who I hang around with." He laughed lightly and looked back at the piano, "I don't see any reason why I wouldn't want to hang out with you, I can tell that your a kind person and that's enough for me, rumors and gossip ar of no consequence."
Hearing his speech really lifted Liz's spirits, and she let out a small giggle, "You're strange.. but thank you for not letting what other think of me affect how you view me." She spoke, her expression and movements less stiff but more graceful and natural. "Oh! I almost forgot. My name is Elizabeth, but please call me Liz or Lizzy, even Nova is fine since that's my middle name." Liz spoke with a small curve to her lip. She stuck out her hand to shake his, her bare hand exposed rather than covered by her sleeve like it normally does.
He could finally see that she was being more like her real self now, the previous person being one to keep people out. He reached out and took her hand to shake it, her hand being rather small in comparison. "Well it's nice to officially meet you Lizzy, my name is Altier." He paused slightly as he withdrew his hand after shaking hers, "Yeah I know it's a bit odd, but it's my own." His name was sort of a family thing, his parents being from 'really' old traditional values.
As Altier shook her hand, she realized she had forgotten her own power. Feeling a shock in her head, she placed her hand on her head and fell forward but caught herself with her other hand on the seat. Looking up she could see, hear, smell, and even think better. Everything was enhanced to the max, she could even see people's souls and true intentions, but it was all too much for her, she was just but a mere human and she had realized that he was a vampire. "no.. vampir-..." She muttered as she fell forward and onto the ground, collapsed on the floor.

Everyone stood up, whispers could be heard across the room and everyone just stood and stared. "Who's going to be the next victim?" "Was his power too much for her?" "Is he a vampire?" Than the room went quiet when a girl walked towards her body and touched it before pulling back and quickly ran back to her small group of friends who consoled her for being "brave."
He saw her collapse to the floor, but not before she uttered enough letters for him to figure out it was vampire that she was trying to say. The announcement of his species wasn't really something he minded, honestly he figured they would find out soon enough anyway. With that in mind he scooped her up, no knowing that direct skin contact causes her to react to supernatural individuals. With that also in mind he made sure to not touch any exposed skin, him figuring that it might make things worse him not knowing how her power works after all. He didn't pay any attention to the people in the class, he knew that he needed to get Lizzy to a nurse or something as fast as possible.

So he hurried out of the class and down the hall, finding the nurses office rather quickly, seeing as how the halls were all but empty. As he walked in the nurse told him to lay her down on the available bed, and take a seat on the other side of the room, the nurse closing the white divider as he sat down. As he sat there he felt bad about what had happen, he knew that she was closed off for a reason and now he figured he knew one of the biggest reasons why she was. He sighs and awaits the nurse's re-appearance, it only taking a few moments. The nurse said she figured Elizabeth would wake up sooner or later the time being mere speculation, the shock being the biggest problem with such a power.

Altier thanked the nurse and he walked over to the bed where she was sitting, he sighed again and shook his head. "Guess I did it again, caused you more trouble." He laughed lightly and sat in a chair up against the wall semi near her bed, him sitting there for a while. After a few moments he started to get a bit light headed, him realizing that it had been a while since he last fed. With that in mind he removed a ziplock bag from his pack and removed a portion of leaves, taking bites...thus is the feeding habit of a reverse vampire.
It was about half an hour before Liz woke up again. She had a new power once more but this time it was from the girl who touched her before hand in the class. It had seemed she acquired the Ice Elemental Power, it was actually her favorite power to play with since she wore bulky sweaters all the time.

She laid in bed, staring at the ceiling and recalling what had happened previously. Within a few minutes, the room had turned ice cold due to the power. Lizzy had always loved the cold, her favorite season was winter. Sitting up from the bed and making it squeak, you could see the cold air emanating from her body. Liz thought she was alone, she didn't notice Altier until she looked over to him in which she jumped a little. He was eating.. leaves.. She actually was expecting a blood bag or even a squirrel but nope, leaves. Liz was surprised he stayed with her the whole time she was out, how long had it been anyways? Probably not too long.
Alex felt a huge shiver run up his spine and blood rush to his cheeks when he heard Feather's voice so close to his ear. Closing his eyes and quickly calming himself, he opened his while she was on his back. He didn't really mind her jumping on his back for a ride, but Alex hadn't ever had anyone that close to his face before which sort of scared him. After putting a few scraps of paper in the locker, he closed it. "It would be nice if you'd not talk so close to my ear, it's awkward....and scary..." Alex said to Feather, before sighing heavily and wondered if he'd need to get a new schedule since his pet cat, Lyncii, had ripped it up back home. @SnowFeather
He noticed that the room was getting colder, thankfully it didn't bother him that much...his tolerance to cold temperatures wasn't as high as normal vampires but it was till better than humans at least. As he ate the last leaf he looked up and noticed that Lizzy was now up right in the bed to which he smiled, relieved that she was okay. 'So I guess she got the ice power somewhere along the line...' he mused to himself as she jumped at the sight of him, probably not expecting anyone to be in the room. "I'm glad you're okay, the nurse said you'd be fine guess I was worried about nothing."

He laughed lightly and placed the ziplock bag back into his pack, him now figuring what she was wondering at the moment. "I guess you're wondering about the leaves," he said plainly, "I feel I need to give you an explanation, seeing as how I'm the reason you're in here after all." He paused and added with a nod and soft smile, "It is true I am a vampire, but I do not feed off of humans as my more well known kin does. I feed off of plants and the chlorophyll that they poses, and in such I thrive in the sun. I guess you can call me a Reverse Vampire." He ended the explanation with a slight tilt of his head and a nod, followed by his patented smile.
"Oh. Okay, that makes more sense because for that quick second, I craved salad" Liz said in realization. The last time she touched a vampire, she almost took a bite out of a student but was stopped when she placed her hand on her skin and absorbed their power. "Well since I know your power I guess I should tell you mine, but please don't be afraid once I tell you" She spoke, almost pleading but managed to keep her calm voice.

"I have 2 powers, one of them is Omnilingual, it is basically the power to decipher any language and able to memorize any books or just events in life into my brain permanently. It helps from learning new languages or even instruments. You know music is its own language too." She paused, letting out a sigh.

This was the part she dreaded, this was the part where they always got scared and left her but she had faith in Altiers. "My other power is the power mimicry. If I get into skin to skin contact with someone with a power, I can have their power but the original owner doesn't get affected, I swear. I can only have 1 power at a time so every time I touch someone in this academy, I get their power. Everyone is scared of me because of it, believing that if I touch them they'll loose their power." She looked down ashamed of her own power and her face felt hot, as if she were to cry but she was able to hold it in a little longer, "But if I touch a vampire or werewolf or another powerful creature, I absorb their strength, speed, and senses and my body can't handle that much at once so if I don't switch powers over.. they say I'll go into a coma or worse.." She said, looking up giving him a weak smile. Her face was red but no tears showed, she wouldn't show weakness. Weakness was bad.

"So, Altiers. Are you afraid of me? The doors open, my friendship isn't a life time contract. You are free to leave me." She spoke with the weak smile on her face.
Luna throughout the whole class has to hide her laughing, everyone had to shoe what they had and she already went, people would say she was a show off but she did shown what she knew so she could have credit for that right? As she watched everyone else she had to cover her mouth every time they fell,stumbled, or trilled on their own feet, "seems im the only professional" she groaned to herself,

A trio of girls had come up to her "oh look its the show off" one girl said, "I know right, such good moves for such an ugly person" and the last one didn't really say anything but had a smirk in her face, "pfffft... at least I dont tripbover my own feet big foot, and at least a boy well talk to me without being forsed to, a Thank yuh" she said while giving then a menacing look, they all had shocked look in their faces, she then tilted her head "what? Never seen a vampire that could bite?" She said while smiling, and showing off her fangs.
Feather blushed and hopped off his back. "S-Sorry.." She said awkwardly. She walked back to her locker and opened it, grabbing some of the knives. She put them in her pockets and closed the locker again. She glanced at Alex before returning her gaze to the floor, leaning her back against her locker. She let out a breath of air before shaking herself. "Well, I think I'm going to go check for my dorm.." Feather said and turned away from Alex. She started walking away. She thought about turning into her cat form, making it easier for her to escape everything around her, but figured it was a waste. Why hide? I'm the scary and dark one here! I should be feared by the entire school.. She thought and growled. You never know what I could do.. She continued, annoyed that her reputation hadn't followed her here. @Silvey
@Defective Kitten

He shook his head and smiled, moving his pack to the side next to the chair, "I don't see why I should be." He used and blinked a few times saying in a complacent tone, "If anything you should be the one that's afraid of me, it sounds like you've had a hard burden to shoulder in your life." He sighed and looked back over at her, leaning forward in his chair placing his elbows on his knees, "I don't think I could deal with what you have had to go through, you're quite the strong person." He laughed lightly emphasizing his point with a calm and gentle smile at the end of the sentence.

He stood from his seat and said stretching, "And as for you question about if I still want to be you friend." He now had a set of gloves on his hands-him putting them on before he moved his bag to the side-just thick enough to ignore her power. "I don't see any reason why I wouldn't," he paused and offered her his hand to shake her hand again, "As long as you want a salad eating vampire as a buddy that is." He looked on her with a sense of understanding, something that only another non-normal pariah could comprehend, reverse vampires being something of a myth for other myths.
It took a while for Liz to realize what was going on and once she did, she smiled happily and took his hand. A tear rolled down her cheek but when it fell, it turned into an ice drop. ".. Thank you .." She spoke gratefully. Everyone who she told this to was always scared but he wasn't and that was something she always wanted, a friend. It was a nice feeling to have a friend, she hadn't had a friend in a long time. Maybe now she wouldn't be afraid of boys anymore and could possibly be outgoing and carefree like she always wanted to be.

"By the way, what time is it? Was I out long?" She asked curiously, the room had no clock within the white tarp and she had no watch.
He shook his head and said while walking around the bed, "No you weren't out to long, maybe half an hour or so." He paused and slung his pack over his shoulder, adding with a grin, "Most of the classes are over now though." He double blinked and then looked up at the clock, "I was thinking about having a look around the campus." With a slight pause he realized that she might still be feeling the effects of the earlier incident and subsequently not be up for any moving around. Regardless he figured on asking anyway, so with a smile he turned to face the doorway looking over his shoulder, "If you're feeling up for it you can come along if you want."

Honestly Altier never really had someone that he could relate to, supernatural occurrences for reverse vampires fading into myth even for the oldest normal vampires. With out any proof on the matter vampires all but regard vampires that revel in the sun as a superstitious fantasy, somewhat comparative to that of Atlantis in mortal standards. He looked forward to coming to this school, even if there were many variables within that he could not account for. Lizzy seems to be one variable that he is happy to have not accounted for, her seeming to be a kind person. Atier can see deep into ones soul, and when he first looked upon Lizzy he could see that beneath her calloused shell-corroded by many who feared her-she is respectably and truthfully good.
Liz watched as Altier walked around the bed and then offered her to have a look around campus with him. I guess this is what the girls in my class would call "hanging out" but Liz honestly didn't know. She quickly jumped out of the bed and hopped to her feet, stumbled forward but caught herself before falling on her face. "Let's go!" She said happily with a grin. Although she had already memorized the school from a map, it would be nice to actually see what they look like with a friend.
With that he started to walk with her, making their way down the hallways which housed the nurses office and a couple other classrooms. They walked in silence for a couple moments, him unsure as to what to talk about, the first day for both of them being rather eventful after all. Considering on his first day he 'literally' knocked a girl off her feet, to that he shook his head and chuckled a little bit aloud. He was pretty sure that she caught his chuckle, him guessing she'd make her own assumptions about it. As they made it further down the hallways they passed by (( @SnowFeather & @Silvey )) the two students that he had earlier seen in the cooking class, Altier making eye contact with the both of them for a moment.

He turned back to Lizzy with a few blinks and smiled as he posed her a question, "So where do you want to go to first? we have some time before curfew."
With every step that Lizzy took, she left a trail of ice and cold air. The silence was quite awkward and seemed like it wasn't going to go away. Hearing his chuckle, she glanced over, "Was he laughing because it was awkward? Or is he laughing at me? Maybe it's a plan to trick me into a prank? No.. Couldn't be.. right?" She thought hard, and slowed down her pace a bit before stopping completely. She looked down than outside, the sun was still in the sky but barely. It was going to get dark in an hour or so. "where do you want to go first" she heard him say, looking up and then she caught up with him with a few quick steps. "Want to go to the pool? It's an inside pool I think and I think the swimming club is gone." She said softly, she had an idea to turn the water into ice and skate on it. That's what she said for fun sometimes at home.
She posed that they go to the pool, which he didn't even think about before she said anything about it. He smiled lightly and nodded, "That sounds like a plan." With that in mind he wondered why she offered that up as a suggestion, it being rather late for a pool excursion. As they walked to the local of the indoor pool her put the pieces together and realized that she might be thinking about freezing it or something. He wasn't all to clear on the rules for freezing an entire pool in school but he figured it wouldn't be to much of a hassle for the faculty to thaw, there had to be a person here that could create fire after all.

The pool area wasn't that far from them so it didn't take that long to get to it. As they walked up to the pool he looked over at her with a raised brow and said with a nod, "Don't freeze the whole thing now, the swimming teacher might not like that to much." He smiled lightly and said with a nod, "Maybe just a couple inches on top."

((Be back later, have stuff I have to do))
Realizing he already figured out her plan, she smiled, "Fine fine. I'll only do half of the pool." Placing her hands on top of the water, which created a ripple, she closed her eyes and the process of freezing water began. The water cracked underneath as it began to become solid. "Only half" she reminded herself. At the half mark line, she created a straight line across. Getting up and looked at the half frozen pool, she stepped on the ice and began slipped around before falling on her butt. Despite falling, she just laughed and went along with it. Before being able to get up she realized that she was already sliding around but on her bum.
He watched as she slipped and slid on the ice, fairly quickly falling flat on the ice. He couldn't help but let out a slight chuckle at the sight, him finding it pretty funny. He thought back and couldn't really remember when he last was on a frozen surface, it perhaps being when his family lived in Finland for a brief period. With that in mind he carefully made his way on the ice, over to where she was. If he wasn't a vampire he would have probably fell flat on his butt as well, having supernatural balance was a big plus in times like this.

He stopped near her and offered her his hand-him keeping the gloves on for obvious reasons-to help her up off of the ice, "Nice spill." He said with another light chuckle, adding with a nod, "I'll give it a solid 8 1/2 out of 10."
Liz watched as he slid gracefully over to her, yet another perk of being a vampire she guessed. Hearing his remark, she grabbed his offered hand and smirked before pulling him down with all her force and weight. Not knowing it would work or not but it was worth a try.

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