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Fantasy Academy For The Gifted

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"Well my names Luna Crosby" she replyed, she feel the other girls jealousy simply because they were whispering. She simply looked at the other girls to get some glares from them which she simply replyed to it by giving them a menacing look, her father had taught her it to avoid being messed with, they had a feared look on their face so she looked away. And grinned.
"N-No its fine..." He replied back, wondering what she meant by 'them'. He can only remember meeting his father once, but besides that Alex hadn't met anyone else who belonged to his father's side of the family. "That's reassuring, at least I'll be with someone nice." Alex said, before going silent and letting Feather lead him again. He hadn't really paid attention to the people staring, mostly because usually he was used to it. What he wasn't used to, was his body giving him a slight headache about the girl which caused him to flinch a bit. It was as if his body was trying to set off every alarm it could, just to tell him she wasn't human. @SnowFeather
Feather stopped outside the classroom and sighed, still blushing. "Well, this is it.." She replied. She opened the door and sneaked into the classroom, dragging Alex in with her. The teacher standing in front turned his head and smiled. "Ahh, you decided to show up.." He said in a calm voice before motioning to two benches. "Please sit.." He said and continued teaching. Feather walked up to the bench and sat down, resting her head on the desk. She tried calming herself down. She wasn't used to blushing or stuttering, which made her angry. She glanced over to her right where a blonde guy sat. He was staring at her and as he caught her gaze, he winked. She snickered and leaned back in her chair. Feather felt someone tap her shoulder and turned around. She was handed a note with a phone number and looked back to see a guy with hazel eyes smiling at her. She smiled back, before looking at Alex. She blushed and rolled her eyes. If you fall for him, I kill you... She muttered to herself. @Silvey
He caught the look she gave the other girls to which he simply grinned, figuring that to be one of her defensive mechanisms. "Well it is nice to meet you Luna Crosby," he said with a nod and smile, it seeming that he always had a smile on his face which seems to be an odd happening in this school. he looked over at the girls in the group who were now looking away in another direction, talking amongst themselves about unimportant things. It would seem that Luna had struck a cord with them, him looking back at Luna offering her his hand in addition to the 'it is nice to meet you' retort.
Following suit to Feather, he sat at the other bench. Alex noticed that she seemed popular to the other guys, but he didn't really understand why they would embarrass themselves like that only meeting her once. Realizing he had been staring rather than a simple look, he snapped his attention to what the teacher was saying and tried to keep himself from blushing. Glancing left and right, he noticed their was a girl to his left and another guy to his left. The guy whispered something to him about if the girl was his sister or his girlfriend, but Ale quickly shook his head in confusion. 'I don't really see where we look alike....' He thought, while taking mental notes of what the teacher talked.
Feather glanced back and forth, left and right, trying to fight the urge to hop at the two talking in the back. She focused on the teacher and found herself learning something for a change. She grabbed her booklet and skipped to the empty pages, taking notes. When she was done, she had written over three pages of notes, for five minutes of talking. She groaned and rested her head on the desk.

"My brain hurts..." She said and the teacher finished. He dismissed the class and Feather shot out of her seat, startling the 'Hazel Dude', as she called him. She didn't care as she walked up to Alex. "H-Hey.. Since you're the only person I really know around here, want to find our lockers?" She asked, raising her eyebrow.

Feather saw someone glaring at Alex and turned to see it was the guy from earlier. She glared back and his eyes widened, glaring at Alex one last time before quitting.
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She shook his hand and looked at the crepe, it had taken a light brown color so she hopped down and flipped it so the other side would cook, she looked around and noticed that some students had burned theirs or undercooked it, which explained the smell, she took out some spray she had and sprayed it, away from the food of course, she then looked back at him "what class you have next?" She asked, not that she had to know she was just curiouse.
She hopped down and started to flip the crepe, him figuring because it was done cooking on that side. 'She knows how to cook it seems,' he thought to himself as she then looked over at him. He thought about that for a moment, him remembering that he signed up for the music class earlier but remembering that that class was earlier in the day. Meaning that he missed it for the day, seeing as how he had just applied for the class after all. He would have to take the second class tomorrow, which would make him the odd man out it would seem.

He raised his brow ye again and answered her question, "Actually this club is the last thing I have to do today, I missed my other elective today." He laughed lightly as she continued to look at him, "I just now decided to join the cooking club and the classical music class, the music class happens earlier in the day so I missed todays lessons." He shrugged and smiled lightly as he looked at her with that grin.
"Yeah, sure.." He responded to Feather as she seemed to get some guy who had been glaring at him to back off. Getting up Alex tried to remember what the teacher had been talking about, however it seemed to go right over his head. Sighing, Alex saw that the guy who had given Feather his number had seemed to be startled by being brushed off. Walking out of the classroom, he'd rather not know what the guy was going to do next as guys like that don't seem to back off of girls despite the obvious fact she wasn't interested in the guy. 'Maybe she is though....' Alex thought while holding the door open for Feather. @SnowFeather
Feather dipped her head and laughed. "You're not a doorman silly, you don't have to hold the door open for me.." She said, smiling at Alex. She looked at her open booklet and sighed. "I need to stop making notes.." She said, laughing again. She saw that he was still holding the door open and grinned. She took his hand and dragged him away from the door, accidentally slamming it in 'the guy who glared at Alex' face.

She snickered and rushed off, hoping the guy wouldn't follow them. "Quick! Hurry before he notices where we went!" She called out to Alex as she disappeared behind a corner. Feather bumped into someone and fell down on the ground, grunting. "Ouch.." She said sarcastically.
Following her, Alex quickly turned the corner and saw Feather had fell down. "Hey, you ok?" He said to her as he bend down to help her up. Turning to face the other person, he barely acknowledged them. "Get lost." Alex said to them in a serious yet calm tone, slightly upset someone had bumped into his new friend.

"I don't think we should need to run, so try to be a little careful alright? It's not like that guy is some kind of murderer." Alex joked as he wondered if Feather was the kind of person who rushed into things without thinking. She seemed pretty friendly and didn't seem to mind helping him, so from what he could tell she was nice.
"Well I signed up for dance, I think its after this class," she said while removing the crepe from the bowl, she then cut it into four peices and gave him one, she then have the other girls a peice as well "I think we got an A" she mentioned while taking a bite
Feather looked up at Alex and rolled her eyes. "You did not see the look that dude gave you.." She said as she sat up on her knees. She brushed the dust off of her shirt and fixed her loose tie. She rose up and looked around the corner, seeing the guy had lost them. "Well, he won't be bothering us until tomorrow.." She said sarcastically. She looked back at Alex. "Sorry, yes, I'm ok.." She sighed.

Feather leaned her back against the wall and put a hand to her head. "Like really, this isn't the normal me! I don't feel like myself at all.. It's creepy.." She shook her head and looked back at Alex, lowering her hand. "Now, maybe we should find those lockers.." She smiled and looked down at her booklet. "So, you're 16, which means your locker is in the B section, like mine. C'mon.." She took his hand again firmly, this time ignoring the glares and stares she was given. However, whenever someone glared at Alex, she glared back. "
Don't mess with my friend.." She just said, and they would stop. @Silvey
He took a bite of the piece she gave him, it not tasting good seeing as how he is still a vampire after all but appearances often have him doing such things. He smiled anyway, and gave of the vibe that is way good even though his vamperic taste buds were saying 'spit it out you fool.' "Yeah I would say that's an A," In response to her quip about the grade that they may receive, he however thought back to what she had said earlier. "Dance you say," he looked over at the advisor of the class and realized that they were now waking up, him figuring that meant the period of the cooking class was now up. "Well, that sounds like a lovely time, I took a few lessons in my youth. My mother always said a young man should know how to carry ones self."

He stood from his seat as the teacher did, and before the teacher even called the class to be dismissed he said with a light smile, "Would you permit me to walk you there?" He paused momentarily and added as the two girls walked away, "I seem to have the rest of the day free anyway."
Giggling a bit, Alex was happy to see him thinking they were friends wasn't two sided. "So your 16 as well? That's reassuring." He said, seeing Feather didn't seem to like people staring at them. He didn't really get what she meant when talking about the look that guy gave him, but Alex guessed it wasn't good. "You know, I got this key from my mom this morning but I was too sleepy to know what she said it was for. I think it had a number on it maybe." Alex told Feather, wondering if she already knew that. 'Maybe she is psychic....' He thought to himself. "Hey Feather, can you read minds?" He added, curious about her. @SnowFeather
Liz came late to the academy late that morning on purpose. The sun beamed down on her and she felt as if she were getting toasted from the heavy sweater she wore. Sleeves too long on her and they hung off her arms a bit. She wrapped her books around her arms and hugged them against her chest. No one was in the courtyard and luckily no kids where there. The current power which she was stuck with was mind reading from looking into someone's eyes. Walking up the steps and into the nice cool building, she enjoyed taking her time to the club sign up bulletin board.

The clubs ranged from archery to culinary to even "dream club" which was basically a club to sleep in. She had already decided on what clubs she wanted to join which was Music of Arts, which was a club for the musical kids. Liz played the piano, flute, and violin to name a few off. The next club which she would join was the Culinary Club, it's self explanatory. Last club which she would sign up for was the Art and Design, which was more a class than a club since it took up one of her periods.

Had memorized her schedule before hand and missing her first few periods already, she was off to Music of Arts. Once arriving, the teacher gave her a glare and asked her why she was late. Responding with a shrug, she sat herself down next to the piano. Today's lesson would be independent study which was basically practicing whatever or just talking until the next period. Most of the classes she took were independent study so that was always good since than she wouldn't have to speak often. Situating herself in the position of playing and releasing a sigh, she began playing a song that could take months for a normal person to master, perfectly.

(sorry, I don't know where everyone is. I was at school)
Feather laughed. "No.." She looked at him. "Why would I? I'm a shape-shifter, not a mind-reader.." She laughed again as they arrived in section B. "Yeah it does, the key." She showed hers. "Mine's number B202, what's yours?" She asked, raising her eyebrows, curious. Even though she only met the guy, she had a good feeling about him. She started searching for her locker and soon found it. She opened it with success and grinned. "Yes, they're bigger than in my last school.." Feather took out some stuff from her pockets and put them in her locker, such as a couple of knives, phone etc. @Silvey

((I gtg so I'll reply tomorrow, please don't post too much...))
"Oh, so that is what a shape-shifter feels like..." Alex closed his eyes and quickly memorized the now clear message his body gave him of Feather. Opening his eyes, he took a key out of his pocket, and looked at the number on it. "B198" He said aloud, while noticing among the items she had put in her locker, Feather seemed to carry knives on her. "Hey...if you don't mind me asking, why did you have knives on you?" Alex asked, while hugging her from behind. Since he knew what she was, his body seemed to relax and his curiosity of Feather seemed to grow as he kept finding things to ask. @SnowFeather (ok, hope to see you soon~)
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Feather laughed as he hugged her. "Well, some dudes don't know when to back off, so it's good to be on the safe side.." She smiled. She blushed slightly as a guy walked by and glared at both of them and she laughed. Feather turned and hugged him 'normally'. She closed her locker and locked it, putting her locker key in her pocket. They walked over to his locker and as she waited for him to open his, she hopped onto his back, laughing. Due to her very light weight, it shouldn't be a problem. She wrapped her arms around his neck. "Open it, I dare you.." She whispered in his ear. @Silvey ((K, now I gotta go..))
"Hmm.. sure" she said while gathering her things together and getting ready to leave the class she motioned for him to come along and began walking to the room where her class should be at, once again having to push some guys away from her or out of the way.

Altier walked along with her, him having a similar problem with the girls in the class but all he had to do was offer them a polite smile and they moved out of the way. He walked her to the room that held the dance instructors class, and as they stopped in front of the door he glanced down at his watch and it suddenly hit him. 'Ohhh....yeahhh...' he thought to himself rubbing the back of his neck with a slightly embarrassed face. "I'm sorry but I have to leave you now Luna, it seems that I have got my times wrong. My music club is actually already underway." He turned and started to walk down the hallway, waving back at her with a slight smile on his lips, "It was nice to meet you, maybe I'll see you tomorrow."

@Defective Kitten

He quickly made his way to the room that housed the music club, it already underway. He made it there a few minuets after Liz did, which would make him exponentially tardy to the first gathering of the year. He rubbed the back of his neck and opened the door of the room, and as soon as he did her was faced with a pianos melodic melody. His eyes moved over to see a young girl playing a piece that was more tune to a master of the art, it seems that all in the class were taking notice of the young girl without showing it directly...perhaps they were feeling threatened, the piano is a center piece in any schools music ensemble after all. He walked over to the piano, seeing as how no one in the room would openly acknowledge the young girl on her playing.

With that in mind he ignored the advisors warnings about showing up in time, him only offering a passing glance and a simple nod to which it seems she accepted. The young girl (Meaning Liz) sat at the piano playing along, him standing next to her, maybe a few feet from her as to not encroach in on her personal space. He simply stood there with his eyes closed and a smile upon his face, content to listen to the melody she had ben playing, his eyes opening 'when' she stops playing him looking down at her when she does so.
Liz stopped abruptly in the song, the keys all slammed down creating a loud chaotic mess of noise. She had noticed the boy whom listened contently to her music and her fear of boys came flowing in. Her fear of boys came from when she was little. A few men had kidnapped her from the playground and she had never liked being near boys ever since, not even her father. Hands still played on the keys, she met eyes with the boy and she felt her heart beat race, of fear of course.

She heard all the whispers and murmurs from everyone in the room. They were all says stuff like "She's crazy" "What a freak" "Why would an attractive boy like him pay any attention to her." Of corse Liz had already gotten used to the whispered, but not so much attention and especially from a boy. Liz stared intently into his eyes, reading his thoughts like a book. This power she acquired was actually quite useful.
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Instead of his eyes opening when she stopped playing the song they popped open when she abruptly caused the piano to make a sudden loud noise, him looking down at her with a confused expression momentarily. he however realized quickly that he was the problem, due to her faster heart beat. He smiled lightly and moved away from her, "I am sorry, I didn't mean to intrude on your playing." He figured it was best that he make some distance in-between the two of them, her heart beat similar to one that a human might achieve if put in a dark room with the fear of dark places.
Liz watched as the boy backed away, 'No I did it again. I have to apologize' she thought. As she was about to open her mouth, a girl came from the side and grabbed onto his arm. "Don't talk to her, she's a freak who's a boy-aphobic. It best you stay away from her, she might try to hurt you ya know? Stay over here with the flutists and hang with us, kay?" The girl spoke, chewing her bubble gum as she spoke.

Lizzy's fear went down when she heard the word "freak", instead she began feeling angry and wanted to punch someone. She wasn't gonna let no sissy girl talk down on her! Looking into the eyes of the girl she responded with, "At least I didn't try to seduce the English teacher for a better grade in the class.." She muttered to the girl who replied angrily, "What did you say you freak?! N-no I didn't!" She said stuttering because she knew it was true.

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