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Fantasy Academy For The Gifted

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He could tell that she was attempting to pull him down on the ice, so he went ahead and fell. He landed next to her and rolled over on his back, looking up at the ceiling blinking his eyes twice. He chuckled a bit and said with a grin, "So you got a little mischief in you I see." He sighed and glance over at her sitting on the ice still, "Can I ask you something Lizzy?" His face was a bit serious at the moment, but he still had the hint of his gentle expressions lying underneath.
Liz watched as Altiers fell down with her and stuck her tongue out at him as he laid on the ice. He was a vampire, surely he wouldn't be cold. Noticing his eyes set on the roof, she looked up at the ceiling which was a glass roof so they could see the sky. "Pretty.." she muttered to herself, the sky was a pink, purple, orange shade. The sun was setting so the stars were gleaming through even though it wasn't completely dark. She felt the air get a tad bit serious and heard him ask her if he could ask a question. Without a thought she instantly just replied with, "You just did." Her head still stared up at the sky, her eyes glanced over to him. His face was serious but still had a softness about it.
He chuckled at her smart aleck comment, him seeing that she is now getting more relaxed c0mpared to how she was when he had first met her. "I guess I did didn't I," he paused and looked over the sky for a moment, adding with a raised brow, "Are you really alright hanging around a vampire?" He paused momentarily again, glancing over at her and then back up at the sky, "I don't feed off of people but I'm still a vampire, it could be dangerous." His concern wasn't misplaced in the least bit, just because he was a different kind of vampire wouldn't factor in in the least to those that hold a grudge against his normal brethren.
Hearing his chuckle, she felt at peace and calm. "Are you okay with hanging out with me? I get quite the reputation and it might damage your own you know.. I'm also a hassle to take care of. Can't touch me, I'll get sick if we get into contact, I'm.. strange." She spoke, reminding him of her own reputation and what people would think. "And to your question, I don't mind. You might be a vampire but I'm strong too. I can hold my own weight and you don't scare me like most boys do.." She spoke calmly, looking at the sky which she wouldn't forgot till death. She never noticed the sky's beautiful color, it always was just gray. Life was just gray in her eyes.
He smiled a bit and replied with a slight shrug as he sat up, reaching up for the sky with one hand closing it into a fist as sort of a representation as to what he was saying. "Popularity to me is like trying to reach for the stars, you can try but in the end it's meaningless." He lowered his hand and placed them behind himself holding him up, "I try to focus on the here and now, and right now I think this is a great place to be." He paused and added with a nod, "So yeah I'm more than okay with hanging out with you, and we may not be able to have physical contact but that's fine. Every friendship has bad parts, if you let those get to you." He paused and said with a light smile, "You won't find the things in life that matter."
She stared at him, her eyes grew a little wide, but than she dropped it for a laugh. She laughed for a few second before being able to speak again, "You really are so strange. You don't care for popularity and you sound just like a poet when you speak" She said letting out a sigh, "Are all boys like this?" She spoke in a softer tone.

With some time sitting on the ground in silence, she finally stood up and dusted herself off while trying not to fall again. She began sliding around on her shoes, trying her best not to fall, "You know, I think I know the reason why people use ice skates" she said with a laugh as she struggled to keep herself standing straight but rather she was in a hunched over, arms out and legs bent awkward position. She keeps her eyes glue to the ice ground rather than ahead which would've been a smarter plan.
"Probably not," he said with a slight shrug getting up as well, the sun outside now nearly set. He stood in place for a moment as he watched her attempt to skate without ice skates, the act bringing a slight grin to his face. He shook his head and moved over to where she was far easier than her, "I guess it's from having vampire parents, they are more driven than most parents." He laughed a small bit remembering something from his past but then looked over at her, "Anyway we should probably get to the dorms soon, wouldn't want to be out past curfew on the first day." His eyes widen as he adds with a sarcastic tone, a chuckle toping off the sentence him not able to hold it in, "Wouldn't want to be seen as the new delinquents in school now."
Liz nodded in agreement but grabbed onto a small piece his shirt for better balance. Hopefully he won't mind. She walked, or should I say slid over to the nearest edge of the pool and got out. "I'm sure the pool will be thawed out before the next class tomorrow" She said unsure. The ice power she had allowed her to have skin cold as ice but still not be cold which she was grateful for or she would've been freezing her bum off by now but it would've been nice to have a cup of hot coco or a Blanket with her. Exiting the pool, she began on her way to the dormitories with a little skip to her walk.
As she made her way to the dormitories he followed behind, the male and female dorms in the same area. They used different building though for obvious reasons, this school wasn't that trusting in it's students after all. It didn't take them that long to get to the dorms, when they stopped in front of the girls dorms he looked over at her and said with a wave, "Have a good night, maybe I'll see you tomorrow some time." He waited for her to reply and then turned to make his way to the boys dormitory, which was luckily right across from the girls' one.

It would seem that most students at the academy have roommates on their first year and generally keep them throughout their time here, unless some unforeseen problems occur. Altier wasn't sure if he had a roommate or not, that not being something the school informed him about. He wouldn't mind having one though, him thinking it would make the days here go by faster. With those thoughts in mind he made his way to the room, getting settled fairly quickly. He removed his school attire and got comfortable in some loose fitting/light bottoms, not sleeping with a shirt being how he preferred.

He laid back on the bed and closed his eyes, not seeing a roommate as of yet. He thought as he slowly fell asleep, a light trickle of moonlight penetrating the room through the closed window, 'Well today was enjoyable...wonder what tomorrow will bring...' With that he was out, reverse vampire unlike normal vampires not really enjoying the night so much.

((Finite day one for this character))
Lizzy waved bye to Altiers as they parted. "Goodnight! thank you" She shouted before running into the girl's dorm and finding her way to her room. Her roommate asked for a room change once they met and so Lizzy had a room to her own, which was perfectly fine for her. At least then she wouldn't have to deal with other girls being their into the room. She was happy to have a space of her own.

Undressing out of her school wear, she slipped on a oversized t-shirt and shorts. She hadn't had any homework from school since she skipped so many periods, so she simply jumped into her bed and faced the window. She hadn't close the window and she could clearly see the moon. The cool wind made the curtains of her window flutter, she squeezed her pillow before heading off into the dream realm.

(oh no. I forgot to press reply. my bad)
((Guess I'll go ahead and reply again...))

Day 2 Saturday

Altier found himself in an open field surrounded by a mass of flowers as far as the eye can see, a vibrant array of colors dancing up off of the flowers as the sun cascaded down on them. He let out a pleasant sigh as he laid down amongst the flowers, letting the pleasant fragrance waft around him without any hesitation. However after a few moments had passed by the pleasant smell faded, him opening his eyes to see that he was now lying in a desolate wasteland. Flowers were no where to be found and the sun baked everything in sight, it beading down on him shining right in his eyes.

At that moment the alarm clock on the end table went off, Altier shaking his head and now it obvious that it was just a dream. He chuckled to himself as he moved over to the window, throwing the curtains open and allowing the suns rays to hit him. A new day before him he went through the morning rituals of getting ready, him remembering that it was a weekend today after he had already gotten ready. He casually glanced over at the empty bed, him guessing that meant that no one was going to be rooming with him this year. "Well," he exclaimed aloud, "I guess I can go to one of the clubs, I think the still meet on weekends or maybe the library..."

With that in mind he made his way down the stairs, passing by the odd student as he did so. On his way out the double doors of the dormitory he removed a leak from his front pocket and began eating it, students giving him glances as he did so. He wondered what they thought he was, the only student in the school that knew what he was would be Lizzy. For some reason that made him feel good, seeing as how it felt good to have someone that you could talk to.

As he passed by a group of girls he caught their conversation, him still eating the leak, "I don't know Kim." Who he suspected to be Kim replied, "Come on you know that's sexy, I wouldn't mind being that veggie right now." The other girl replied back with a sigh, "Girl you are a perv, you know that right?" Kim replied with a chuckle, "Heck yeah I do, I embrace it," she paused and then added in a pervy tone, "Wouldn't mind embracing that though..." The other girl, "Oh lord..."

Altier couldn't help but let out a slight chuckle at the conversation he picked up, teenagers being a strange breed no matter what species they may be. Absentmindedly he passed by the Dance Club room on his way to the library, him not even bothering to look in any of the rooms considering the early time. Odds are the majority of the students would be in the bed still, him figuring they would prefer some darkness and Zzz's. He however preferred to be awake as soon as the sun rises, it being a reverse vampire thing...they just like the sun.

After a few more minuets of walking he made his way into the library, him sitting around and reading over subjects that caught his eye as he skimmed over the shelves in the 'history' section. He contently sat at the table near the wall with the windows facing the rising sun, skimming over the books until something catches his attention.
Liz woke up rather early that morning, just in time to watch the sunrise. Looking at her calendar she saw that it was the weekend, "What could I do today?" She ask herself before changing into another overly sized sweater and a skirt. The sweater almost covered the skirt but peeked out a few inches at the bottom. She wore thigh high socks and some boots. Looking at herself in the mirror, she always liked skirts but rarely wore them due to the fact that she believed it didn't suit her.

Grabbing her bag, she threw it over her other shoulder so it would go across her body and left the dormitory. She tried not to make eye contact with anyone when she made her way over to the art room. Before walking in, she peeked her head inside and luckily for her, no one was there. Closing the door behind her, she set up an easel and a stool. She had set it up near the window, facing away from the door. The lighting was wonderful and she began painting the night sky front the night before. When she painted it was like she entered her own world and no one could bother her.
Luna had woken up and was blinded by the light that came in through the window, she rolled off the bed wrapped up in blankets and let out a groan, she untangled herself and hopped up, grabbing her bag and putting on some sunglasses, she then headed out the door and walked to the school, she walked into the bathroom and changed into her dance clothes, which was made of some shorts and a jacket with some sneakers, she then exited and headed into the dance studio hoping no one would be in there, when she saw it was clear she then started to stretch.
(( You could do like Luna did and just skip ahead to the next day and just go with it until S gets back on))

He blinked a few times having reading for a pretty good bit of time now he figured on occupying his time with something else. Altier briefly thought about wondering down to the music room and just playing a tune or something, he sighed putting the book back where it goes on the shelf. "Nah," he said aloud in a hushed tone, thinking to himself as he started to walk to the libraries exit, 'I'm not feeling particularly musically at the moment.' He turned the corner and walked back down the hall, the way he came earlier, 'Maybe I'll just meaner around for a bit.'

He took a slow pace down the hall, students still pretty much non-existent at this time of day it seemed. He glanced around as he walked the hall, even at a point going as far as to count the tiles he was stepping on, 'One, five, ten...' Absentmindedly he glance to his right seeing that a door to a clubroom was open, 'Hmm, wonder what club this is?' He mused to himself as he gently rapped on the door, "Hello anyone here?" Altier walked back by the dance club room but this time he stopped and knocked.
Luna was about to play some music for her music player when someone knocked and startled her, she quietly made her way to the door and opened it looking at the boy, "oh hello, did you need anything?" She asked while biting her lip.
Painting in the silence of the morning, the bird chirped cheerfully outside and no one was in the room to bother her. She smiled slightly as she painted, the blues and light greens along with a slight purples here and there. As she drew a finish to her painting, she felt as if something was missing. The painting was gorgeous, don't get me wrong but Lizzy felt as if something were missing. As she stood up from the stool she accidentally split some black paint on the bottom portion of the canvas.

"No. Oh no.." She uttered, she stared at the painting with a black streak from the bottom to the center of the canvas. Laying down the ruined painting, she sat in front of it, staring at her mistake. She sat with her legs hugged against her chest and simply stared at the painting, "What do I do now..?" She muttered to herself in a gloomy manner. Moments to minutes pasted and it had seemed that the paint had already set and dried.

Getting out a pencil she began sketching on the dried painting. Instead of hiding the black streak, she decided to paint with it. Drawing a ruffed out sketch of a tree, she got out the paintbrush and began painting over the pencil marks. Although trees weren't her strong points, she tried her best. She was in the art room for quiet a long time, just painting and wasting the day away doing something she enjoyed.

He was faced with the same girl that was in the cooking class yesterday, he paused briefly and then smiled. "Oh I'm sorry, not really," he glanced past her and could see what looked like a dance studio, it being pretty obvious that this was a dance club or something. "I'm just wandering around the campus today and curiosity got the better of me it seems, I see a cracked door and I just have to open it." He made a slightly embarrassed face as he added with a nod, "Sort of like how a cat just has to attack a ball of yarn." He was proud of that comparison, although he had some revisions about calling himself a cat even in a hypothetical situation.

@Defective Kitten ((My other character now))

"It was okay the way it was," A voice called out from the back of the room where Lizzy was, Lilian sitting in the darker corner of the room. Her having been there the whole time, and just not saying anything until now to Lizzy. She didn't move from her spot or even look up from her note book, she just kept on sketching. She thought to herself as the girl with the painting probably was wondering who in the heck she was, 'I liked the blot of black on the painting, I thought it gave it character.' She shrugged mentally and looked over at the girl, her red eyes trained on her for a moment.
Luna let out a small laugh when he had reffered to himself as a cat, "well since your so curious you can look around the room" she said while moving out of the way and smiling at him.

@Mediocritys Muse
Startled by the girl, Lizzy shot up an ice barrier between the girl and her. Looking past the clear ice, she could see that it was a normal girl. "Oh.." She uttered and the ice wall started to deteriorate. Luckily Lizzy had really finished the painting.


She was just waiting for it to dry at that point. "I'm sorry.. I didn't notice you, you scared for a little bit there.." Liz said awkwardly, feeling bad for making an ice wall. Lizzy untucked her pink hair from her ears, "Maybe I could make another friend.." She thought. Lifting up the still wet painting, she showed the girl and smiled slightly, "I like the tree.. what do you think?" She asked shyly, hiding behind the painting. "I'm not that great with trees.."
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Altier moved on in with his hands behind his back, glancing around at the room as he did so, him feeling a little better now that he sees he isn't the only restless one in the morning...now that he thinks about it though, this could just be a fluke. He shrugs mentally and does a 180 spin in place to look back at her, exclaiming with a slight grin, "So a jack of all trades I see." Him remarking back to yesterday as well, him so far seeing her cooking and now in a dance club. He however couldn't really say anything on the matter, seeing how his drive to do new things regularly pretty much have made him a vessel for random knowledge and skills he will probably never need to know in real life.

He stretched, his shirt riding up a as he does so him not noticing. He double blinks and then looks over at her with a raised brow, "So what kind of dance do you do?" He was actually interested, conversations with his classmates back at his olds schools were what kept him going after all. It was surely not the challenge of the school assignments, he never even had to take homework home once and that was advanced placement. Now that he thinks about it that also might be a reason for the sudden change in academic relocation, perhaps his parents also could tell that he wasn't happy with his schools even more than he himself realized.

@Defective Kitten

Lilian looked over at the panting and noticed that the girl in question was actually a good artist, although she had already half expected that ahead of time by how much she was concentrating on the work. She held her pencil in her hand for a moment thinking about it, and then went back to her drawing answering in a monotone, "I liked the smudge better." She paused and closed her note book sitting it in her lap, pencil now in-between her fingers. She added with a slight shrug, emotionless, "It's a good painting though, I'm no good at painting." Many a person finds it hard to converse with Lilian, their most common reaction being nervousness, followed by sweating.

Some might take her as a rude girl or even a jerk but the simple fact of the matter is that she is just blunt and won't lie, her mother always saying 'A lie spreads more lies up until you have to kill someone to cover the lies up.' The joy of having a demon for a mom, regardless her mother made Lilian who she is today. What she is...is, umm...is utterly transparent, you want the truth? If you ask her you better be ready for it because it will come at Mach speed most likely.
Liz did feel a bit offended but that was just her opinion so she had nothing to be mad about, instead she just awkwardly giggled. "I guess so.." Liz set down the painting back on the easel letting it dry. Liz had never seen that girl around before which made her question why she was here today of all days. On a weekend and this early in the morning. "S-so..." Liz was terrible at making conversation, ".. umm.. What's your name?" She asked timidly. It had seemed that this girl was okay with talking to Liz, well more or less. At least she was nice enough to compliment her painting skills.
@Defective Kitten

Lilian could tell that the girl was uncomfortable, it literally palatable in the air at the moment. This was a common occurrence for her though and she was quite use to the awkwardness, in truth it would take quite a lot to get her uncomfortable. The girl had asked her what he name was which is usually as far as people are willing to come when talking to her for the first time, after an initial my name is so and so they only offer a wave every now and then. Regardless Lilian said with the same monotone voice, placing her pencil in her bag along with her notebook, "Lilian Kinsley and this is my first year here, I missed yesterday so this is my first time here." She paused and then stood from her seat, asking with a yet again emotionless look, "Would you happen to know some one named Elizabeth Nova Rosewood?"
"Lilian.. That's a lovely name" Liz said cheerfully trying to get the awkwardness in the room to pass. "Oh. I basically missed the first day yesterday too. I skipped the first few periods because I slept in and was only there for the last period." She laughed a little at herself for being stupid and missing periods which was bad. "I'm also a first year student too" she added on, it seemed that they had more in common then she thought.

Hearing that Lilian can asked for her, she was curious to know why she was looking for her. "Yes I do know someone named that.. because that's me. But my names quite long so feel free to just call me Liz or Lizzy. Even Nova is fine with me. I don't really mind much" Liz spoke as she leaned against the stool.
@Defective Kitten

She simply stared at her for a moment, thinking to herself, 'Well that was easier than I thought it would be.' She double blinks and says with a light nod, "Liz then," she said with a nod and then added not missing a beat "I have been informed that I am to be your roommate since the last one didn't work out." In truth the faculty thought that putting Lilian in the same room with Elizabeth would be beneficial, seeing as how a lot of people are sort of intimidated by Lilian. So in short the faculty was just killing two birds with one heck of a stone, analogy not withstanding. Lilian's expression still hasn't changed since they have started talking, it was easy to see why the faculty would have put her together with Liz...they simply hope to avoid any more room switches.

Lilian didn't really mind sharing a room with someone, if anything there would be someone there to occupy time for her. You might not be able to guess it but she likes to have people around, but her unrelenting blunt attitude sort of scares them away. The odd thing about the whole situation with her is that they are scared of her but at the same time they found her cool and admirable, so in short she is alone even though they admire her...screwed up right? Anyway Lilian waited the reaction that Liz would pose, her wondering if she had already gotten use to the idea of having a room to herself.

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