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Fantasy Academy For The Gifted

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He withdrew his hand after they shook hands and said with a light smile, "How'd I find out. He said and then paused for a brief moment, adding with a nod, "More of a guess I'd say, you are the first Vampire I have meet apart from my parents. I watched you for a bit and observed a few characteristics that I know vampires to have, like your aversion to food just like myself, your aversion to sunlight unlike myself, and you sort of smell like iron which is the chief smell of blood." Honestly he didn't really know if she was a vampire at first but now that she acknowledged it, it would seem that his hunch was correct.
"Well good job Mr.Detective" she laughed "so do you dance at all?" She asked while looking at him "you seem like the kind of guy that wants to know everything" she stated looking him over. Then she twirled her hair again, its what she did when she was nervous.

@Mediocritys Muse

"Detective, he said with a bit of a laugh, turning from the mirror to look at her. Altier said with a slight nod remembering back to all of those lessons his mother had him do, "Yes I do a bit, it's all classical though." His mother was one that believed his first priority was to the past, if he wasn't learning than he wasn't living. "I Wouldn't say 'everything," he said with a slight grin walking to the center of the room, "I'd say almost everything." With that he offered his hand to the young lady, offering her to do a step with him, it seeming right considering they are in the dance club room after all...it would seem wasteful not to use it for it's intended purpose.
She decided she would use detective as his nickname, considering he seemed to observe things a lot. She watches him head to the center of the room, she sees him hold his hand out and she takes it, getting into a comftorable position.
"Well at least I'll be in a room with a friend, better that then a stranger." Alex muttered while opening and turning on his laptop. He attempted to type in the password, however it seemed his mother had changed it again. 'Hmm....Dracula? No...Frankenstein? No...' He thought while trying to guess the password, which his mom changed every month to a different famous monster. Hearing a ding, he had finally gotten the password correct before it shut itself off. "So I guess it's Godzilla this month...Oh yeah, didn't you say you wanted to ask me a question Feather?" Alex asked, remembering she had said she wanted to ask some questions before those guys had popped out of nowhere earlier. @SnowFeather

With that he started to move placing his hand on the small of her back, as is the custom for most classical dances. He moved as if in time with music which was non existent, him having the song in his head at the moment. Altier could feel that she was colder than he was, her hand being how he could tell. Him being a reverse vampire means that he revels in the sun, which in turn has his body closer to human temperature than most supernatural beings. He kept his pace going, looking down at her as the dance continued.
She put her hand on his shoulder. Moving in sync with each of his movements, he was warm but she knew that she was cold, she liked the feeling of warmth but the sun was bright for her or she just wasnt used to it.

@Mediocritys Muse

This was a new yet odd feeling for him, the only kind of people he had been known to associate with in the past were human. They couldn't understand what he is so for that simple fact his parents didn't want him to get close with anyone during his early life. Altier frequently moved from school to school as he grew, not staying in any given city for more than a year. So now him being in one school for the foreseeable next couple of years made him happy, this time he can get to know people and actually let them get to know the 'real' him.

He continued but when the music stopped in his head he released her and did a slight bow, "Thank you my lady." He said with a slight French accent, a slight grin on his face as he did so. Altier might seem fake but he is honestly this kind of person, reverse vampires as a whole are naturally nice. Most normal vampires seeing them as holy, seeing as how holy water and crosses do nothing to them...not to mention the sun. A creature of light being the common description in the texts that still exist, esoterically demons see them as agents of angels, them radiating kindness and good heartedness.
@Mediocritys Muse @Defective Kitten :(Sorry guys, I was in school and just got home)

Faust blinked once more, the girl was scared beyond wits, did he do something wrong perhaps? This thought chewed at his mind for a little until the girl she was hiding behind spoke to him, so they are new here to? thought Faust for a moment as he recollected his thoughts. The two girls were quiet small indeed, well to him that is. He mentally shrugged before replying with a smile. "As you wish" stated the boy as he put his sax case on the ground. "Well this is a predicament, now I have no idea what to have for breakfast" stated Faust as he let out a little chuckle, still having an elegant smile on his face as he did so.

Suddenly a fact dawned upon him, he had made a grievous error, and so he went to correct it immediately.
"Oh dear where are my manners? rhetorically asked Faust. "My name is Faust IV, it is a pleasure to meet you both" greeted Faust as he did another bow, a smile on his face as he brought himself back up.
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"It was my pleasure" she smiled at him. "Your pretty good for someone who dances a little bit" she laughed and shifted her gaze to her feet.
Liz, on her tippy toes, she leaning over to Lilian's ear. "Tell him that the stores that are open are the Crepes Stand, Waffle House, The Breakfast Bin-which was the one they were at-, and French Frenzy... but I like the Breakfast Bin the most.." Each store's name was explainable but French Frenzy was a store that served French food and also foods that had the word 'French' in them such as French Fries, French Toast, and even French Ice Cream. Even though Liz was absolutely terrified of boys, she still wanted to help in some way.

Backing away she quickly got in the line for the store and focused on the menu. Selecting what she wanted and what she thought Lilian would like, she got up to the lady, "Can I have the.. New York Cheese Cake Pancakes.. and also the Strawberry Banana Pancakes.." She said in her soft monotone voice. At that point she didn't remember the boy but rather was focusing on the food since she felt her tummy growl.

"That's thanks to my mother," he said plainly with a nod. He paused for a moment and said stretching his arms above his head, "Today does feel Saturday like." He put his arms back down and rested them behind his back in a relaxing manner, him looking at her for a moment deep in thought. "My father often talked about vampires like they were the devil reincarnate," he smiled a gentle smile adding as he looked her in the eyes, his a dark green due to him getting hungry, "But now that I have gotten to know you, I couldn't disagree with him more. I know there are those out there that are evil but it's nice to know someone like you exists."

His whole conversation could be misconstrued completely rehearsed but he is honestly truthful at the moment, Luna seeming like a genuinely earnest person. Altier stood there with a pleasant smile on his face at the moment, completely and irrevocable alright with where he was at the moment.

@Defective Kitten


Lilian listened to the guy as he introduced himself as Faust, it being an odd name to her but she didn't make any mention of it. Such a thing as introducing ones self was a common occurrence to Lilian, it usually being the last thing anyone does until they get a bit uncomfortable with her and just offer simple waves to her. She had no problem with the guy initially, he just seemed overly friendly which isn't a bad thing or at least that's what she thought. "It's fine," she simply said as Lizzy leaned over and said the names of each place in her ear in a hushed whisper, before breaking away.

She looked over at the guy and said in a monotone, "There are only a couple open, if you like French toast there's one over there." She didn't feel the need to say all of the places, seeing as how there are signs and detailed menus at each location. Lilian looked back at Lizzy and then back at Faust, adding, "She's really a nice person, she just doesn't like guys." She said that plainly, much to plainly almost like it was commonplace. With that being said she walked over to where Lizzy was saying with a slight wave over her shoulder, "It was nice to meet you Faust, my name is Lilian."
"Since your a reverse vampire, what do you eat?" She asked while tilting her head, it was obvious what she ate, she wasnt proud of it. She put her fingertip in her mouth and bit it, Drinking a little of her own blood while waiting for a reply.
Faust smiled at hearing the girl speak, she proved that she would be interesting to say the least. "Lilian, such an elegant name" replied the orange-haired boy as he spun his hand from his wrist, when his hand came full circle, a rose of the same shade as Lilian's eyes was in his hand. Faust then preceded to put the flower on her ear with a smile. "There, it complements your eyes" stated the boy with a smile before picking up his case. He walked up to the girl taking the orders and raised his hand. "I'll take anything you have with seafood, I'll also be paying for these two lovely girls" claimed Faust, taking out a thick wallet and pulling out a $100 bill. "Order whatever you want Lilian and flower, to make up for scaring you" explained the orange-haired boy with a smile.
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The total of the food came out to $12.38, pulling out her wallet and getting a $10 and $5, she processed to hand over the money but the scary boy handed a $100 instead. Liz wasn't weak enough to except that amount of money, did he believe she was poor and that she wanted his pity? Still he was a boy and he was still her number one fear, so instead of letting him pay or yelling at him, she took her order, quickly laid down the $15, "Keep the change!" She uttered and took off to one of the empty tables.

Once at the tables, she set down the two stacks of pancakes. She was almost drooling like a puppy looking at a big piece of steak. "Which one would you like Lilian?" Liz spoke with a calm voice, brushing off the event that just happened with the boy like nothing happened. "This one," pointing at the left stack," is Strawberry Banana, and this one," pointing at the right stack, "is New York Cheesecake. You can choose which one that appeal to you more" She said with a small giggle.

He said as he pulled out a leaf from his shirt pocket, taking a bite out of it. "Good ole mother nature," he said with a slight grin, adding with a nod, "That's why we like the sun I suppose." He shrugged and put the leaf back into his pocket, figuring that she would be okay with that half explanation. He didn't really know why entirely, but his kind were how they are simply because. Trying to explain it any further would mean going into science and long drawn out explanations that his father had given him years ago, which he didn't want to get into.

With that in mind he looked down at his watch, realizing that it was almost noon now. He said aloud smiling with a shake of his head, "Today seems to be flying by." Altier added with a slight tilt of his head, him wondering this at the moment, "Now that we're on the topic, what do you eat here? Do you brings your own blood packs or does the school supply them?" He wondered that, him not really having to worry about such a thing, all the had to do was go outside and get some plants after all.

@Defective Kitten


She had a flower placed behind her ear which caused her to glance over at it out of the corner of her eye, her face still rather emotionless. There has been question as to even if she were able to smile and well that debate is still open, no one seeing a smile from the stoic one as of yet. he went ahead and paid for the food as well, as a sort of apology for scaring Lizzy which was nice of the guy. It seemed that Lilian's earlier estimation of the guy was rather spot on, him being overly nice was a pretty good attempt at it. It doesn't seem like an act on his part, guys like that do exist after all...however rare they may be.

Lizzy promptly paid with her own money and made a hasty retreat from the guy, Lilian's earlier guess that she was afraid of boys proven correct. She bowed to the guy and said with a yet again emotionless face and stoic tone, "I am sorry for that, it was nice meeting you Faust." With that she made her way to the table and sat down next to Lizzy, her looking over at her as she spoke. When she was done speaking she said with a slat tone, "That wasn't very nice." Her of course meaning what she did a bit ago, Lilian quite unable to sugar coat anything.
Faust blinked at what just happened, usually when someone offered to pay for your meal one would just take up the offer whole heartily (I know i would lol), but the girl was persistent and he had to respect the nameless girls wishes. Once his food came out, he paid for the money and did not bother to take the change, then preceded to walk over to the table the two girls were sitting at. He set his food on the table along with his sax case, opened it and carefully took apart his sax. A lot of random stuff was in the case, some notes, a lot of money, and a couple other items.

After doing this, he put the case on the ground and sat in one of the chairs, and began to slowly eat his lobster soup. After intaking a good portion of the soup, he swallowed it and wiped his face clean before speaking.
"So Lilian, do you mind sharing your friends name? I don't think I'll get much out of her, since she hates me" asked the boy, looking and sounding completely innocent in his request.
"Well I usually refuse to eat others blood so I drink a little of my own which often leaves me with a dry throat, my dad said I could go blood thirsty if I don't drink blood but I think I'll be fine, but yes they do supply them when I'm forced to drink it" she explains while taking her fingertip outta her mouth and wiping it off on her shirt.

@Mediocritys Muse
"I know.." She muttered, not trying to even explain herself. It was too much of a hassle to anyways. Giving Lilian her plate of pancakes, she noticed the boy coming over to the table, "oh god, please don't sit here.." She thought but just get luck, he did. For her to think that, Liz did feel like a jerk. She watched as he took apart his sax and placed it in his case along with all the notes and wads of cash. It was obvious his family was rich since he not only offered to pay but to pay with a $100.

Getting back to her figurative defensive shell, she ate her pancakes in silence, faced down. Liz was a strange girl and with how she acted towards him, wasn't he suppose to avoid her rather than to sit near her? He probably came to sit with Lilian, she was quite pretty. She could probably go into modeling if she wanted to. Boys like girls with long hair, that was obvious in what she had learned through her few years of life, so in order for them to not notice Liz, she cut hers short. Liz did many things so boys wouldn't notice her, but why is it when se comes to this academy that she's already met two boys. It was interesting.

"You have to be nice.. have to start not fearing boys.." She thought to herself.

"Oh," he simply exclaimed with a nod, that being rather understandable in the whole grand scheme of things. It was also a relief that she didn't suck people dry at night as well, him obviously not thinking that she did such a thing in the first place but it was reassuring to hear her say so. He didn't know that they could drink their own blood as sustenance either, although it has been a while since vampires his kind really exchanged info so discrepancies are a necessary evil it seems. He watched as she wiped her finger on her shirt, the smell of the blood causing his nose to cringe a small bit.

"Well I think I should pay a visit to the cafeteria, that leaf wasn't enough," he said with a slight nod turning toward the door, but he added before walking, "You're welcome to come if you want." He looked over his shoulder toward her, unsure whether or not if she would like to come. In this short time he had came to know her he has registered a bit of knowledge about her, but it isn't nowhere near enough to formulate predictions on her behavior. He was rather curious as to what they even had at the cafeteria in this school, most importantly what kind of salads would they have?

@Defective Kitten


Lilian watched as the boy sat down in front of them, him asking what her name was. It was quite obvious that he was wondering what he had done wrong, which was nothing as a matter of fact. She took a bite of her pancake and looked over at Lizzy and then back at the by replying, "Her name is Liz." She didn't know if it was okay to just give her name out but she figured it couldn't hurt, its not like she gave her full name out or anything. She noticed the sax and then took a sip of her juice, her eyes glancing around the cafeteria catching a couple people strewn about.

Her eyes landed on a girl in the corner, seeming to be alone by choice. She stared a moment at her wondering why she was all by herself in the corner, perhaps having a similar problem like Liz. (Referencing Feds other character) At the moment she noticed that she had scales on her person, somewhat visible at this distance. Most would show some sort of facial expression to this but Lilian simply continued to look, somewhat intrigued by this.
"Such a fine name for a reserved girl like yourself, as short as your cute hair" stated the boy as he shifted his head to face Liz, giving her another smile. He slowly took his right hand and waved a circle in front of him, suddenly a yellow lily grew out of thin air. Faust then blew a breath of air, sending the flower towards Liz. "A lily for Liz" smiled the boy innocently as he took another sip of his lobster soup.

Zara casually noticed a white haired girl staring at her, and this made her feel uncomfortable. She tried to look as unsuspicious as she could and continued to eat her food, hoping the girl would not draw attention to herself. The sunlight felt good on her scales, not only did it feel nice it also made her scales glitter a bit.
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"Well I have nothing better to do" she shrugged and started to follow him looking at the posters or simply just the drawings that the art club would do some hen they would meet. She let out a small cough and continued to follow him.
Hearing Faust's compliment than saw the flower grown out of thin air, she caught onto what his power was. Well, for the most part anyhow. Reaching out for the flower, she grasped it and looked at it, studying the petals and the flower as a whole. It was beautiful and made Liz feel happy inside. This was the first time she was given a flower, and from a boy too. Maybe boys aren't too bad..

"Thank you.." She spoke, almost in a whisper but finally looked up at Faust. She gave him a slight smile. Setting the flower down, she used her ice powers to make snowflakes. Sticking her hand out, the flakes gently floated on her palm before she took both her hands, squeezing, and all you could see was cold air escaping.


Something like this. (but magicaler, yes I know that's not a word)

Once she opened her hand again, the snowflakes were preserved in an ice marble. "It won't melt.. It's been preserved.." She spoke timidly, the quarter sized marble with the snowflakes within resting on her palm. Liz gave him yet another gentle smile as she offered the marble to him.
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He walked along with her, not really saying anything on the way to the cafeteria. When they arrived he looked around, seeing more people than he would have guessed. Initially he thought that most of the student body would just stay in their rooms for the day, typically Saturdays in his mind host excessive sleeping and lounging around your room. However here were a good deal of students making use of the bight day, he found it odd but in the end chose to just forget about it. He looked back at Luna, saying with a light smile, "Looks like we were not the only ones that got an early start today."

With that in mind he stepped a bit further into the cafeteria, him now noticing Liz with two people sitting with her. He thought about going and saying hi but he wasn't sure if he should, it seeming that she was already conversing with two other people at the moment. Oddly enough one of the people sitting with her was a guy, which sort of surprised him a bit...if he remembered right she had an aversion to all things guy after all. The first time the two of them met she was highly closed off, it taking a while for her to open up to him. He decided to simply wave over to her, which he did mouthing, 'Hi Liz,' when she looked over in his direction.

He looked back at Luna and said with a smile, "I'll just be a second, just getting a salad, yu can find a seat if you want." He went to the counter and awaited the salad he ordered.


@Defective Kitten

Lilian watched as the girl all on her own seemed to notice her watching, although she quickly withdrew in a sense. To this Lilian simply double blinked and glanced over at the two that had just walked in, one of them seeming to be looking in this direction. She said aloud when she noticed, "Liz some hot guy is looking at you." With that said she looked back over at the girl sitting alone, wondering if she should just go say hi or now. Lilian has never been one that adept at saying 'hi,' today being a rather fast day in meeting people. Her emotionless face stayed in the alone girl as she took a bite of her pancake.

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