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Fantasy Academy For The Gifted

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Watching as the cat hopped of her lap and transform back into a human girl, she already knew and that just proved her point. "I'll be taking my leave.." Liz spoke softly, listening to his saxophone as she walked past him. As she exited the cafe, she was excited to try out her new power. She had never gotten an animal shapeshifting power before. Getting on all fours, she quickly transformed into a tiny kitten with stubby legs.


"Darn, I was hoping to get something bigger.. but I can work with this.." Liz thought to herself as she began walking forward. Although her appearance had changed dramatically, her eyes remained the same yellow glowing color. Taking her first step, her stumbled forward and fell, rolling as she did.

"This is harder than I thought.." She thought admittedly. "But let's gooo..!" She said cheerfully, but in reality she just meowed.
[QUOTE="Defective Kitten]Watching as the cat hopped of her lap and transform back into a human girl, she already knew and that just proved her point. "I'll be taking my leave.." Liz spoke softly, listening to his saxophone as she walked past him. As she exited the cafe, she was excited to try out her new power. She had never gotten an animal shapeshifting power before. Getting on all fours, she quickly transformed into a tiny kitten with stubby legs.

"Darn, I was hoping to get something bigger.. but I can work with this.." Liz thought to herself as she began walking forward. Although her appearance had changed dramatically, her eyes remained the same yellow glowing color. Taking her first step, her stumbled forward and fell, rolling as she did.

"This is harder than I thought.." She thought admittedly. "But let's gooo..!" She said cheerfully, but in reality she just meowed.

The girl's eyes were drawn away from the saxophone, to what was now a tiny, fluffy kitten. She smiled, knowing exactly what it was that had transpired. She quickly shifted back into a cat, then trotted over to the kitten and meowed.
[QUOTE="Defective Kitten](Oh. I'm outside by the way. You guys are still inside)

(Oh okay. Just pretend I followed you outside)
((No still here, just no one replied yet, Oh and how about we use the out of character chat tab so we can talk and not clutter the in character roleplay))
@Defective Kitten @queenhistoria

Faust finished playing his sax when he saw he was alone he stopped playing and got up to throw away the trash. He took his sax and quickly dissembled it before picking up the case and following the two girls that left him, once he walked outside and scratched his head in confusion. "Now where did those two go?" asked Faust out loud as he looked around for the two girls, but instead saw the cat/girl from before along with another cat.

He smiled at the sight, the cat girl must have had at least an idea of where Liz had gone, and decided to walk over to the two cats, still smiling.
"Maybe you two can help me find my cute friends" stated the orange-haired boy as he offered his hand to the cats as a greeting.

@Mediocritys Muse

Zara gave Lilian a look of shock, no one has said that about her at all, she gave a light smile, revealing two front fangs as she did so. "Thank you, no one has ever said that" replied the girl shyly as she followed the girl."Hmmm The sunlight feels nice" stated the girl as her scales and wings took in the sunlight, a natural thing for a dragon or half dragon to do. HE wings stretched out to catch the sunlight, her wings now sparkling as well.

(Yeash a person goes to sleep and everyone freaks out O O, love how your going to survive today since i wont be on till about 7 p.m)

"..hehe he doesn't know that it's me.." Liz thought mischievously. Walking awkwardly over to Faust, as if she were a new born kitten first learning to walk, she tripped and tumbled onto his shoe. She meowed, looking up at Faust's face but it was shadowed out by the sun. "Maybe I could get this so called 'petting' and see what that's like.. He just can't touch my paws.." She though once more before meowing at him again, trying to get his attention.

(I won't be on until 7:30 today because I have lacrosse practice but I'll check up every now and then)
Faust smiled at the sight of the cat, it wanted attention how cute. He sat down next to it, slowly to not scare the cat, before gently picking her up and setting Liz on his lap. Using his same method as before, he pet the cat with his fingertips to show it was a privilege to pet it. "How cute" stated the boy with a smile, gently petting the cat.
As Liz was getting picked up and petting, she slummed onto her tummy. "This is the life.. This is awesome.. Feels great.." She thought, "I could get addicted to this!" Enjoying her petting session, she glanced over his lap to see how far the drop was. It was quiet far and that made her dizzy, so she quickly moved away from the "cliff" and closer to Faust.
Faust continued to pet the cat with a smile, seeing it edged closer to him, the cat truly was cute. He let out another smile as his nosed picked up on a familiar sent. With a free hand, he placed it just above the cat, but in front of it as well and a fine peach grew from it, just hanging from his hand. "Go ahead and eat... flower" smiled Faust.
"Flower..." Liz heard him say, "Wait does he know? Oh god.. I hope not.. Just act.. normal?" She though as she approached the peach. First she took her paw and touched the fruit, as if she were playing with a toy. Taking a bite of the fruit, she got nothing, trying once more she got the same outcome. It seemed that the peach was just too big for her and her little mouth wasn't big enough to even take a bite of it. "Hmm.. this is getting infuriating.." She thought before giving Faust a little meow to notice her struggle.

(because the struggle is real)
"Hmm?" replied the boy as the cat meowed at him, it took a few moments before it dawned on him. "OH, my bad little one" stated Faust as he gave a chuckle, the peace decreased in size so the cat could eat it. "There try now, flower"

(last post till about 7 p.m, got drum line practice sorry)
Feather giggled. "Godzilla? You do know that he does exist, right?" She said, standing up beside her bed. When he continued, she remembered. "Oh yeah.." She raised her eyebrows and narrowed her eyes, trying to remember her question she had been dying to ask him. She walked up to the door and shut it, walking towards her closet. The first drawer had most of her clothes, the second her electronics, and the third her personal things like make-up, perfume etc. She mumbled to herself before opening the first drawer, taking out a pair of black jeans and a white tank. "I'm going to change." She said as she walked into a small room, which turned out to be a bathroom. She closed the door and took her shirt and her dirty jeans off, putting the new clothes on. (( @Silvey So sorry, I was in school... ))
Federoff said:
"Hmm?" replied the boy as the cat meowed at him, it took a few moments before it dawned on him. "OH, my bad little one" stated Faust as he gave a chuckle, the peace decreased in size so the cat could eat it. "There try now, flower"
(last post till about 7 p.m, got drum line practice sorry)
The cat/girl simply sat and watched as Faust petted Liz. Her gaze was cold, but on the inside she was drowning in the utter cuteness of the situation.
"Ah, yeah...to be honest I'm still finding it hard to believe all of this stuff is real, but I don't really have a choice do I?" Alex said, laughing a bit afterwards. When his mother told him she was going to enroll him in a school for stuff like vampires, werewolves, shapeshifters, and maybe even a ghost or two, Alex thought she was just messing with him. Despite him being a little skeptical, Alex thought he was dealing with this pretty well. Closing his laptop and putting it back in his bag, he wondered what sort of classes would be taught at this kind of school. "Hey Feather, what kind of classes do you think they teach at this school?" Alex asked out of curiosity. @SnowFeather

((its okay ^w^))
Feather had just finished putting on her jeans when he called out to her. She opened the door slightly and stuck her head out. "Well duuh! There's the usual like Science, English, blah, blah, blah.." She said, tiring out. "Then there's electives, and then a special class for, well, people with special abilities.." She said, looking at Alex. Feather cleared her throat and and slipped her head back inside, quickly putting on her top. She opened the door and walked out, putting the dirty clothes in a bag that she would bring to wash later. She glanced over her shoulder at Alex and blushed, trying to hide it as best as she could. The fur on her shoulders laid flat as she turned into her black cat form, walking over to Alex's bed. She hopped up on his lap and stretched her head as high up as she could, wanting to be scratched. She purred and flicked her tail, her eyes sparkling. @Silvey ((HW..))
"Hmm..." He responded quietly, nervousness rising inside of him. Although he had made a good friend, he was still slightly worried about people finding about his father and thinking Alex was going to follow in the man's footsteps. It continued to rise until his attention snapped, and realized Feather had became a cat and jumped onto his lap, wanting to be pet. Smiling and sighing heavily, Alex gave in and pet her, wondering why he was so worried. Stopping for a moment, Alex continued when he remembered that he hadn't told Feather what his power was. "If you couldn't tell, the reason why I didn't beat those guys or tear them to shreds is cause I can't. Sadly the only thing I really can do is act like a detector or a radar." He said, smiling and petting her as he did so. Alex felt oddly calm while he did this, even though he was itching to hug her to death, he decided it wouldn't be a smart idea. @SnowFeather
Feather parted her jaws in a smile. "Yeah, don't hug me to death.." She said teasingly. She purred and laid down on his lap, absorbing his warmth. She had no idea why she felt so safe and calm around him, but it didn't matter to her. "That is a pretty strange, unique and amazing power! You don't even have to ask people what their power is! That way, when you meet someone new, you know what they are, and can be prepared if it comes down to a fight!" As she said the last part, she swiped a paw in the air and flicked her ears and tail, as if knocking her opponent to the ground. Feather then gazed up at Alex and she smiled again. She rolled over and laid on her back, bushing her head against him. First, her actions freaked her out, but then Feather just brushed it off. @Silvey
"I won't, promise and its...sort of like that...." Alex said as he thought of how to explain it. "Basically I get different feelings from different kinds of people or powers. The bad thing is, unless I have felt the same feeling before, I'll only get something vague like 'they are not human' or 'they are using their powers right now'. Since I feel you and I know that your a shape-shifter, now anytime a shape-shifter gets near me I'll know almost immediately or close to it. I'm not sure if feeling is the best word for it, but it's the only way I can really explain it..." Alex described, however there was a lot of things that he didn't understand about his power. For one thing, it seemed that when his body was trying to tell him what Feather was instead of what everyone around him was. It let him know that the people around him were not fully human, but for some reason it focused mostly on Feather even to the point of giving him a minor headache. Alex started to think deeply of why it would do that, and slowly stopped petting Feather while staring at the floor. @SnowFeather
Feather stopped purring and rolled over on her side, looking over at the empty soda can beside her bed. She perked her ears and her tail flickered,, but she relaxed, letting it slide. She rested her head on her paws and kept flicking her tail, annoyed. "If you need any help thinking, you could always ask me.. I know a lot about supernatural beings and..... thing.." She said as she rose her head to stare at Alex. She didn't know why, but she felt like she was developing feelings for Alex. There was a sound outside the door, a knocking, you could say. Feather hopped off of Alex's lap and growled. She crouched, her belly fur just barely touching the floor. She crawled over to the door and scented. "It's them... It's the 'Dudes'.." She hissed. Feather sprang back as the door was kicked open and in strode a fiery fox, a smoky cat, and a hazel wolf. They all growled and flicked their tails, Feather doing the same. She snarled, and the fox flinched. "Leave me alone, will you!?" She spat at them. The wolf stepped forward. "We're not here for you, cutie, we're here to beat up your little friend~" He smirked and they all chuckled, Feather taking a step back, hissing and twitching her tail. "Well, you'll have to go through ME first..." She said calmly, stating it as if it was a fact. @Silvey ((Sorry, I like action.. She's gonna fight them.. I think..))
Alex stopped spacing out when he heard the knock. When the door burst open and it was the guys from before, he was slightly startled but not worried very much. Calmly going through his bag, he got out a knife that had several scriptures from the bible on the blade along with it appearing to shine. "Werewolves don't like silver, and demons don't like things that are blessed I think so since kitsune's are basically a demon fox..." Alex said in a calm tone as he got up with the knife in hand while walking towards the three guys, "...I guess you won't like a knife laced with silver that been blessed.....You seriously think that I wouldn't be prepared if someone was to attack me, and hope there would be a person to 'protect' me right?" Ale asked in a sarcastic voice. He guessed that since he didn't notice them come near the room, then his ability would work if he was focusing on it. "Also...FOUR!" Alex shouted, running and kicking the cat-boy outside and slashing around him, careful not to attack Feather. He wasn't sure if what he thought was true about werewolves and demons, but his mom never let him come with her to places without something blessed and sharp, so at least it was something. @SnowFeather ((It's fine, I don't mind :3 ))
Feather yowled in excitement as she turned into her silver wolf form, springing at the other wolf. She rolled him over and as she pinned him down, he aimed as bite at her throat. She easily dodged and turned into her small cat form, landing with a thud on his belly fur. Before he could shake her off, she raked her hind claws on his underbelly and he yowled in fury. He flung her off and she hit the end of Alex's bed. Feather grunted and got up, shaking dust from her pelt. The wolf was hurt, but he was limping towards Alex, twitching his tail to the kitsune. The kitsune sprang at Feather, but she ducked, sending him crashing into the wall. She turned into her fox form and bit his fluffy tail, making him explain in pain. She shook her off and rolled her over, pinning her to the ground. "Hello, princess!" He hissed as he bent down next to her ear. Disgusted, she replied, "Hello, weakling!" She spat. She bunched her hind-legs and pressed them against him, sending him flying off of her. He rose carefully and bounded out of the dorm, his red fur covered in blood. Feather turned into her cat form and was about to run after the neko, but collapsed as she felt someone knock her legs out from underneath her. Her head spun around to see the neko. Her green eyes went wide as she realized he was much bigger than her, seeing she was small compared to the average she-cat. She yowled in surprise as he tackled her. @Silvey
Alex ran at the wolf with knife in hand, however the wolf jumped at him and attempted to slash his throat. Although he moved to the side to avoid being cut, Alex was nicked in the shoulder. With heartbeat moving rapidly and in a rage, he stabbed the wolf in the back with all the strength he had in himself. The wolf yelped in pain, and tried to rip Alex apart with his claws, but he jumped onto the back of the wolf while using the knife as leverage. Glancing over, Alex saw the neko had tackled Feather. He quickly jumped off the wolf's back while pulling the knife out roughly which caused the wolf to cry out, and ran to the neko. Grabbing it by the tail, Alex threw at the wall away from Feather, and thrust the knife he had in front of him. Although Alex had been doing okay at first, he was now breathing very heavily and could feel his shoulder screaming out in pain despite only being barely cut. His vision was starting to slightly blur, which caused Alex to be filled of fear at the thought of him passing out. Attempting to calm himself, he could tell his entire body was shaking and Alex could feel his mind starting to go blank. @SnowFeather

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