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Fantasy Academy For The Gifted

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Luna went to sit down as he got his salad. She bit her finger again, except alit harder then she meant to which could be either okay or bad but she shrugged it off and continued, she needed it anyways.

@Mediocritys Muse
Faust smiled back, so the girl did not hate him, perhaps she will open up more; it would be a shame for someone to be afraid of the opposite gender that's for the sure. Faust looked at the marble, curiosity on his face. "Wow, I guess this is your power? I thank you for this gift" replied the orange-haired boy as he took the marble and brought it to the light. It was truly amazing, Faust let off a grateful smile as a thanks before putting it into his jacket pocket. When Lilian said what she just did, that shocked him in two ways. Faust thought that Liz was not a big fan of boys, so there's that and that Lilian called the boy hot. Kinda sucks to think both the girls were already spoken for, he didn't show any signs of these thoughts as he continued to drink his soup. "I would not have expected a comment to come out of a girl... who has yet to show me emotion" stated Faust as he looked at her with a face of curiosity and unbelief.

Zara looked discreetly from her food, seeing that the girl was still staring at her. Why did people always have to stare? that always made her uncomfortable. She continued to eat her food slowly, hoping that the girl would stop staring at her.
(( Re-posting for SnowFeather ))

"Well at least I'll be in a room with a friend, better that then a stranger." Alex muttered while opening and turning on his laptop. He attempted to type in the password, however it seemed his mother had changed it again. 'Hmm....Dracula? No...Frankenstein? No...' He thought while trying to guess the password, which his mom changed every month to a different famous monster. Hearing a ding, he had finally gotten the password correct before it shut itself off. "So I guess it's Godzilla this month...Oh yeah, didn't you say you wanted to ask me a question Feather?" Alex asked, remembering she had said she wanted to ask some questions before those guys had popped out of nowhere earlier. @SnowFeather
"Uhh.. no.. that's not my power.. that's just my power at the current moment.." She spoke, muttering the last sentence hoping he wouldn't hear or ask of it. Everyone who had a power was proud of it and could flaunt it around but not Liz. She was too ashamed of hers to do much with it unless she's with a small group of people or even by herself.

As Lilian spoke of a "hot guy" looking over at her, it was actually quite the surprise that she would sue the term "hot" for she didn't show much emotion. Of corse Lizzy looked for this so called, "hot" guy though she had someone in mind. Of corse it was Altier, her first friend she had at the academy. Seeing that he mouth at her hi, she simply replied with a cheerful smile. It seemed that he was already busy with someone else so she just stayed put.

"That's Altier, he's my first friend." She spoke of him happily. Finishing up her pancakes, she continued thinking of the word "hot." Of corse he wasn't ugly and he defiantly had had the same air around him as Faust did but as a child she never was around boys often enough to understand them and why some had the aura around them, or even why girls would blush at the sight of them. Thinking back, Liz had never experienced liking or "loving" anyone, well besides her family.

Altier eventually acquired his salad and made his back to Luna, figuring on just letting Liz get out of her shell a bit more. With that in mind he sat down at the table and took a bite, his eyes fading back to their original blue color. He looked over at Luna and asked with a slight smile, "So how do you like it here?" The question was rather broad but he wondered if her answer would be like his own or not, considering that she probably had more contact with other supernatural being in her childhood.

It was no secret that the supernatural society of beings was secretive but a reverse vampire was a step above secretive, the simple fact that he was even allowed to come to school here is some what of a miracle in its own right. With that in mind he awaited her answer, him taking a bite full of chopped tomatoes.

@Defective Kitten


"Comment?" Lilian said with a slight tilt of her head, adding with a monotone, "You mean hot?" She paused for a moment looking at Faust up and down, and then said without dropping a beat in her usual emotionless manner, "You're hot as well if that's what you mean." She missed the point entirely but she always told the truth at least, rather bluntly when it isn't needed. She was going to ask about the other guy but figured on just doing that later today, one guy seeming to be all that Lizzy can handle at a time most likely.

Lilian heard Liz's comment about him being her best friend, that in itself was a bit odd considering how she reacted to boys.

With that in mind she looked back over at the girl, seeming to be uncomfortable with how Lilian was staring at her. Lilian figured that she was self-conscious or something similar, that being a feeling that Lilian just didn't really get in the slightest. She tilted her head and offered a wave to the shy young woman, it probably being a sight in her view. A waving girl with not a smile on her face isn't something commonly seen by many people, Lilian trying her best to alleviate the odd vibe that she just sort of gives off.
Faust raised an eyebrow in interest, the girls statement not only intrigued him but also confused him; seeing that the girl was obviously not comfortable talking about it, he simply did not peruse it any further. "None the less, I thank you" replied the boy with a slight bow before finishing the soup part of his food.

The next statement out of Lilian made Faust smile a bit, it was always nice to receive a complement every now and again, even if his statement seemed to be lost of the girl.
"Why thank you, though that was not what I meant, I still thank you for your generous compliment" stated the boy, smiling at the girl. She saw Lilian wave to someone and decided to look towards who the girl was waving at, to see a blue scaled girl. She looked shy and lonely, making Faust wonder why. He turned back around once he saw the girl was not to comfortable and took a piece of his bread bowl the Lobster soup use to be in. A little bird flew onto his shoulder and he greeted it with a smile, offering it a piece of bread. The bird ate form his hands, completely comfortable with him.

Zara saw the girl wave at her emotionless, completely weird and somewhat scary. "Why did people have to stare at her?" asked Zara to herself as she thought about the question, the blue-scaled girl waved at her back shyly, as to not offend the girl.
Luna took her finger out of her mouth a bit of her own blood dripping down but she licked the remaining of it. "I'm not used to being around other supernatural, considering the fact that when I was younger I was called a beast and would always have kids saying 'oooh drink my blood since you love it so much'" she replyed

@Mediocritys Muse
Federoff said:
Faust raised an eyebrow in interest, the girls statement not only intrigued him but also confused him; seeing that the girl was obviously not comfortable talking about it, he simply did not peruse it any further. "None the less, I thank you" replied the boy with a slight bow before finishing the soup part of his food.
The next statement out of Lilian made Faust smile a bit, it was always nice to receive a complement every now and again, even if his statement seemed to be lost of the girl.
"Why thank you, though that was not what I meant, I still thank you for your generous compliment" stated the boy, smiling at the girl. She saw Lilian wave to someone and decided to look towards who the girl was waving at, to see a blue scaled girl. She looked shy and lonely, making Faust wonder why. He turned back around once he saw the girl was not to comfortable and took a piece of his bread bowl the Lobster soup use to be in. A little bird flew onto his shoulder and he greeted it with a smile, offering it a piece of bread. The bird ate form his hands, completely comfortable with him.

Zara saw the girl wave at her emotionless, completely weird and somewhat scary. "Why did people have to stare at her?" asked Zara to herself as she thought about the question, the blue-scaled girl waved at her back shyly, as to not offend the girl.
A small tabby cat walked up to Faust, then gently brushed against his legs and mewed, looking up at him with round yellow eyes.
Faust felt the cat brush up his foot and he smiled at it before reaching down for it and picking ti up with care and setting the cat upon his lap. "What do we have here?" asked the boy to rhetorically as he used his fingertips to pet the cat, a sign in which he knew it was a privilege to pet the cat.

He wasn't really sure how he should take that, figuring it was probably the same with most kids from the supernatural world. He just didn't really know much about their lives, him fairly easily being raised in a human centric society, even going to human schools up until now. "Oh," he simply replied, taking another bite right after. He paused for a moment and said with a slight smile, "Well I'm a good judge of character and I can tell you're a nice person." His smile grew a bit bigger as he said with a nod, "That's enough for me."

He knew all to well that kids can be harsh and it seemed like that branched from the human world across to the supernatural realm as well. Altier was saddened by that fact, him much more preferring if everyone would just simply get along effortlessly. That however was a pipe dream, humanity not even being able to do it with themselves so how would countless supernatural species be able to pull it off? He shrugged it off and placed a napkin over the bowl, him having his fill for the day. He looked over at Luna with a gentle smile asking, "So anything that you want to do today? It's still quite early."

@Defective Kitten


Lilian stood from her seat, and looked over at Lizzy picking up her plate. "I'm going to the dorm now Liz," she stated quite plainly as she started to walk over to the spot where the dirty dishes are sat. On the way there she had to walk by the girl who was sitting alone, as she passed by her she stopped and simply said, "Hello my name is Lilian." That was all that she said to her, Lilian once again starting off toward the dirty dish disposal area. She was never really sociable and this sort of confrontation was common place, more often than naught it caught people off guard...understandably.
Seeing that Lilian had left her alone with Faust and this strange cat, she took her time putting her plate away. By that time, more stores opened up. The Chocolate Shop, Candy Land, Blood Bank of America(lol), The Drippy Cone-which was an ice cream shop-, and few others that would take too long to list. All in all, there were about 45 shops in total and 15 vacant stores for if students wanted to open more shops. The cafe was more like a food mall then a normal cafeteria.

Liz sat on the other side of Faust, looking down at her lap rather than at him. He had the cat for company so she didn't bother speaking. Lizzy had a soft spot of animals but tried not to show her love and urge to pet the kitty.
Faust raised an eyebrow when the girl stood up and walked away, saying a quick "Goodbye Lilian, can't wait to see you again" as she left. He continued to pet the cat softly, noticing that Liz was looking at her lap all lonely like. He cleared his throat before smiling at her. "Would you care to pet our new friend?" asked the orange-haired boy, even though he knew the answer was yes. He beckoned for her to come sit right next to him so she could pet the cat.

Zara flinched a little when the girl came up to her, she didn't expect someone to be so up forth, let alone even talk to her. "H-hi" she managed to say shyly before Lilian left her to be alone once more. Zara had finished her food and so just sat there silently, looking down at the table in silence as she tried to get a grip on herself.
Liz face went a little pink at the cheeks, was her want that noticeable? She simply nodded to pet the kitten and switched sides to pet the kitten. As the cat was placed on her lap, her face instantly lit up and she had a big grin on her face. Her smile was like a child's at a candy store. Liz petted the cat, a smile unconsciously on her face as she did. Although there was something strange about this cat, why was there a cat at an academy? Did it just find its way here? Or was it someone's pet? As Liz petted the kitten she forgot about all the questions she asked herself and soon got lost in her own little world of ANIMALS.

Lilian sat her dishes down and started back, wondering what she was going to do with the rest of the day. She had earlier commented on going back to the dorm, she could go ahead and put everything up she guessed. That however seemed a rather dull thing to do so early in the afternoon, it would be something you'd do before you went to sleep or perhaps early in the morning to wake yourself up. She looked back over at the girl whom she had just introduced herself to, perhaps she could get to know someone else. Her mother often told her to speak with different people, and it seemed to work well with Liz.

With that in mind she walked back over to the girl, her sitting in the seat in front of her. This action was rather forward but she didn't really see it that way, her saying in a emotionless tone, "Excuse me I was rude earlier." She paused and then added with a nod, face still the same, "As I said earlier my name is Lilian." She wasn't referring to the staring, that seeming to not even register as a bad thing to do. She was staring not out of rudeness, but more out of wonder at that time.
[QUOTE="Defective Kitten]Liz face went a little pink at the cheeks, was her want that noticeable? She simply nodded to pet the kitten and switched sides to pet the kitten. As the cat was placed on her lap, her face instantly lit up and she had a big grin on her face. Her smile was like a child's at a candy store. Liz petted the cat, a smile unconsciously on her face as she did. Although there was something strange about this cat, why was there a cat at an academy? Did it just find its way here? Or was it someone's pet? As Liz petted the kitten she forgot about all the questions she asked herself and soon got lost in her own little world of ANIMALS.

The cat mewed softly, enjoying the touch of the two. This is the life…thought the cat. She looked up at them and waved her paw in greeting.
Faust smiled at this sight, it was cute watching the girl pet the cat; soothing things they are. "You and Lilian are different, its nice to meet such unique people" stated the boy as he broke off a part of his bread bowl and fed it to himself, not making a noise as he did so.

Zara was surprised when the girl came back, people usually didn't talk to her unless they were scowling her for existing in the first place, the girl seemed nice even though she seemed to be... monotoned. "Hi I'm Zara" replied the girl shyly as she lifted her head to greet the girl, her scales a whole spectrum of blues, a beautiful sight to behold, even if she was made fun of it.
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Touching the cats little paw with her finger tips, she began feeling a tingly sensation. A cold electric feeling ran through her like getting shocked. "I knew it.." Liz said under her breath. She realized this wasn't a normal cat, it was a human in cat form and she just came into skin to skin contact with it. She continued petting the cat with her cute little smile of hers as if nothing had happened in that quick second. She continued playing with the kitten, playing with it's paws and scratching its little ears.

"Zara," she repeated the name as if to remember it, adding as she now got a better look at what was blue, "So you're half dragon." It was a statement, almost as if she knew what one was or something. In truth she was told about them once before from her demon mother, her saying quite a bit about them when Lilian was younger. She blinked twice and then added to clarify how she knew, "Mother knew some in her past." In fact she spoke quite fondly of them, almost like she missed whomever she knew to be one.
[QUOTE="Defective Kitten]Touching the cats little paw with her finger tips, she began feeling a tingly sensation. A cold electric feeling ran through her like getting shocked. "I knew it.." Liz said under her breath. She realized this wasn't a normal cat, it was a human in cat form and she just came into skin to skin contact with it. She continued petting the cat with her cute little smile of hers as if nothing had happened in that quick second. She continued playing with the kitten, playing with it's paws and scratching its little ears.

The cat got up, then leapt off of her lap. In a blur, the cat grew taller and thinner, it's ears dissappeared, along with its fur, and what was once the cat was now a human girl with blue hair, dressed in a purple silk kimono.

"I believe that's enough for now…thank you for that." She said, bowing slightly.
"Such a cute cat" smiled Faust before taking the rest of his bread bowl and putting it next to the cat. "You may have it little one" clarified the boy as he reached for his sax case and took out his saxophone, quickly assembling it correctly. He started to play one of his favorite songs to play, simply lost in the Jazz of it. He noticed that the cat turned into a girl a few moments later, quite cute indeed, but he continued to play.

(refer to CS for the song he is playing)

Zara nodded at the girl shyly, not quite sure why she was telling her this but did not complain, to shy and quiet to anyways. "Yes I am part dragon" replied the girl shyly as she looked down at the table, waiting for the scowling to come.
Federoff said:
"Such a cute cat" smiled Faust before taking the rest of his bread bowl and putting it next to the cat. "You may have it little one" clarified the boy as he reached for his sax case and took out his saxophone, quickly assembling it correctly. He started to play one of his favorite songs to play, simply lost in the Jazz of it. He noticed that the cat turned into a girl a few moments later, quite cute indeed, but he continued to play.
(refer to CS for the song he is playing)

Zara nodded at the girl shyly, not quite sure why she was telling her this but did not complain, to shy and quiet to anyways. "Yes I am part dragon" replied the girl shyly as she looked down at the table, waiting for the scowling to come.
The girl looked up at Faust, listening intently to the saxophone, and looking at it with wonder in her eyes. She slowly walked towards him.

She blinked a few times but kept her stoic expressionless face, "Hmm that's cool." Her response was a bit different than usual, although she meant what she said. Lilian honestly found Zara interesting, even if Zara herself didn't find herself interesting. She paused momentarily and said slightly looking over toward Lizzy and them, and then back to Zara. "Would you like to take a walk?" She asked plainly, her standing from her seat and adding with a nod, "It's quite lovely outside."
Zara looked up the girl with a mixed look of shock and curiosity. "Umm... sure" replied Zara shyly as she stood up to walk outside with the girl. Why was the girl talking to her? Zara could not tell, it was weird but in a good way.

The both of them walked out of the cafeteria, Lilian thinking at the moment the girl was probably curious as to what in the heck was going on at the moment. Her way of doing things was and is quite odd but this was just a walk, there isn't any hidden agenda behind it. She continues to walk, them now in the courtyard of the school, a clear sunny afternoon before them. After a few more feet she stopped in the center of the courtyard, a fountain right beside them. "So you're not that confident are you?" Her comment/question was a bit rude on the outside but she followed it up with a thumbs up while saying, "You should be, you are quite attractive."

After she said that she simply turned around and started to walk again, in the direction of the girls dorms. She added making her way down the sidewalk, not looking back, "Don't listen to what anyone says, I think your scales are beautiful." She didn't look back to see if she was still following her, if she was it would have bothered her at all.
Lilian...quite the odd one.

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