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Fantasy Academy For The Gifted

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Feather heard the neko yelp and looked up to see Alex. She could hear his breathing and thrust herself up on her paws. She turned into her silver wolf form and touched her muzzle to his cheek. "I will finish this Alex.." She said before walking towards the wolf who was panting. "We end this now.." She growled, her head high. The wolf snarled and she hopped onto his back, raking her claws over his face. he yowled in pain. She tackled him out of the room and growled. He backed away before sprinting off. She turned just to see the neko get up and rush out of the room. Feather rushed up beside Alex and turned human, a wound forming on her side where the wolf had bit her. She was bleeding, but was numb to the pain. Her first reaction was to help Alex get up, supporting him. She helped him over to her bed, as his bed was crowded with items. She laid him down and rushed into the bathroom, getting a wet towel. Feather came back and sat down beside Alex, dabbing his forehead with the towel. She could tell that he was overwhelmed and so she rubbed his chest with her free hand. "It's going to be okay.." She said, her voice calm and steady. Inside, she was panicking. "What if he's hurt!?" She kept thinking, over and over, but she let it slide. Feather let her fingers entwine with his and she rubbed the back of his hand with her thumb. "They're gone, we're fine.." She said and smiled. "Oh god! What are you doing? I'm not supposed to do this?? Or?..." She shrugged it off. "Go with the flow." @Silvey
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Alex had tried to relax, however instead he started to hyperventilate. Feeling something cold, he realized his eyes were closed so he opened them to see what seemed like Feather over him. In the rush of colors he could see there was red coming out of Feather, and Alex's eyes went wide. "..." He tried to speak, however his throat wouldn't make any sound. "B-blood......S-s.....Side......You..." Alex barely managed to say before his eyes closed and his mind went blank. Passed out, his body stopped shaking and his muscles relaxed while his mind went asleep. The shock of seeing people change shape, fight, and him being cut by a werewolf had finally gotten to Alex, which caused him to lose consciousness. His breathing and heart beat started slowing down, which helped since otherwise Alex would have had a heart attack. @SnowFeather ((Sorry had to carry some firewood and take some medicine xp))
Kitty Liz smiled when the peach decreased in size, small enough for her to bite down on but big enough to feed her small tummy. She enjoyed eating the pitted fruit and once she was finished with it, she decided to jump off his lap, "I mean, it can't be that hard.. cats have natural reflexes so I think I'll be fine.." She thought as she jumped from him lap and onto the ground. Thinking that her cat like instincts would kick in, she jumped but ended up falling on her back.

"Ow..!" She said but it was just a normal meow of distressed. Getting up she shook her head, "I guess cat like instinct don't 'kick in' do they.." Liz thought, sitting her bum on the ground and her tail waving left to right, right to left.
[QUOTE="Defective Kitten]Kitty Liz smiled when the peach decreased in size, small enough for her to bite down on but big enough to feed her small tummy. She enjoyed eating the pitted fruit and once she was finished with it, she decided to jump off his lap, "I mean, it can't be that hard.. cats have natural reflexes so I think I'll be fine.." She thought as she jumped from him lap and onto the ground. Thinking that her cat like instincts would kick in, she jumped but ended up falling on her back.
"Ow..!" She said but it was just a normal meow of distressed. Getting up she shook her head, "I guess cat like instinct don't 'kick in' do they.." Liz thought, sitting her bum on the ground and her tail waving left to right, right to left.

Koiso couldn't help but giggle at the adorable Kitty Liz's attempt at jumping, covering her mouth with a paw as her tail swished playfully. "Nice try." She meowed happily, striding over to where Kitty Liz sat. "Its hard to get a handle on at first, but you're actually picking it up pretty quick."
"Aww don't hurt yourself liz" stated the boy with a smile, concern in his voice as he continued to pet katt liz. As he continued to pet the girl, he was enjoying it quite a bit, giving off a smile to show it; he himself also had a soft spot for animals. He saw the other cat/girl had come closer as well. "And what about you my friend, would you like some attention as well?" asked the boy rhetorically as he started to pet her anyways.
Seeing that Faust had already knew that it was her, as the boy petted her she bit him. Hard enough for it to hurt, soft enough so that no blood shed. Walking a few step away, she sat down and started licking her paw. As she finished she transformed back to her human state, sitting crisscrossed. She let out a playful smile, "thank you for the peach" she said softly, "it was delicious.." Liz spoke, letting out a short giggle as she did. Strangely, she was able to speak a little more comfortably with the boy. Maybe she was getting the hang of it?
As Alex stopped moving she panicked. "Alex!! Wake up!!" Feather shook him carefully, but he didn't wake. "Alex!!" She shrieked. She laid her head against his chest and heard his heart beat. She let out a sigh of relief and looked down at her side. The blood was still oozing out and she felt dizzy. She tried to stand up and make her way to the bathroom, but could barely see a thing. She was loosing a lot of blood and she stumbled down on the knees, groaning. "I have to make it to there... Then I'm good.." She repeated to herself. Just inches away from the entrance to the bathroom, she fell down and hit her head, passing out. Her vision went blurry and it started to darken. SHe tried screaming, but nothing came out as a wave of darkness swept over her, her body limp and her mind frozen. @Silvey ((I gtg, so figured she could pass out..))
As Alex stopped moving she panicked. "Alex!! Wake up!!" Feather shook him carefully, but he didn't wake. "Alex!!" She shrieked. She laid her head against his chest and heard his heart beat. She let out a sigh of relief and looked down at her side. The blood was still oozing out and she felt dizzy. She tried to stand up and make her way to the bathroom, but could barely see a thing. She was loosing a lot of blood and she stumbled down on the knees, groaning. "I have to make it to there... Then I'm good.." She repeated to herself. Just inches away from the entrance to the bathroom, she fell down and hit her head, passing out. Her vision went blurry and it started to darken. She tried screaming, but nothing came out as a wave of darkness swept over her, her body limp and her mind frozen. @Silvey ((I gtg, so figured she could pass out..))

Lilian had been walking for a bit now, the half dragon girl following behind her. It was getting on in the day now, maybe somewhere around three in the afternoon or so, her not really paying much attention to the time at the moment. In actuality the day had sort of flown by in relation to her usual standards, her usually just staying in the art room and meandering around campus at other schools she had went to. Students had initialy tried to have conversations with her but after a while her demeanor put them off, them only offering passing waves and smiles when they ran into her at school. It wasn't that they didn't want to know her, they just didn't know how to approach the girl and hold a conversation with her in earnest.

Lilian glanced back at the dragon girl as she made it to the girls dorm entrance, her saying with a slight tilt to her head, "I think we have something in common." She turned to face her with her emotionless face still present, adding with a nod, "People don't know how to approach us, and because of that you are ostracized." Lilian paused and opened the door to the dormitories entryway, then adding as she made her way in, "I might not look it but I understand, half breeds are always looked at like that." She started up the stairs and said looking over her shoulder, "Just know that you're not alone in it."


Altier had been siting in the cafeteria for a while now but after a few moments of pondering he said his goodbyes to Luna and made his way out into the courtyard. He closed his eyes and simply stood there for a moment, taking in the rays of the sun and loving every minuet of it. This day has been a good one to him and simply put he hopes for more like this, such days far and in between in his other schools. The countless humans that he had made friends with only knew the façade that he put forth in school, the people here can see the real him. That of course being a long shot, seeing as hoe everyone makes their own decisions and everyone is surely not to like him, with that in mind he just hopes to makes some friends.

He says aloud as he opens his eyes, "Wonder if I'll be getting a roommate today?" He shrugs and makes his way down the path, a path that seems to be devoid of any foot travel. That causes him to be a little curious on the matter, which makes him want to see where it goes. In that regard he continues down it and eventually comes face to face with a greenhouse, it being rather massive. He moves over to the doors and knocks, but when he does the doors open, it seeming that they were not even closed all the way.

With that odd happenstance out of the way he walks in, seeing all manner of plants and flowers around him. He thought back to the list of clubs but didn't see a gardening club listed, that being his first choice obviously. He called out as he rounded a corner lined with a array of colorful foliage, "Excuse me anyone here?!" His voice echoed for a moment or two, this place having rather good acoustics it seemed.
Faust did not flinch when the girl bit him in her cat form, instead of blood coming out a sap like substance did instead, weird. Faust let out a chuckle as the girl transformed back to her usual self along with a smile. "I am glad you liked it" smiled the boy as he continued to pet the other catgirl. "Do you know the deal with your friend Lilian? She looked and acted as if she was hiding her emotions" asked Faust, genuinely curious of the girl who spoke and and acted emotionless.

Zara looked up from staring at the ground and nodded her head in approval to Lilian's statements. "Sort of, its more like I am treated like I should have never been born" explained the girl, a tear threatening to break loose from her eye but she rubbed it away.

Lilian's hand grazed the rail of the stairs as she made her way up to the second floor, which was where her room was. She had met her roommate earlier today, her having know that it was going to be a fellow fifteen year old girl. Having arrived a day late to the school she had to miss the whole moving in aspect of the school experience. However she was pleased to find out that she was going to room with Lizzy, she seemed like an alright sort in the time that she had gotten to know her. She of course had her problems which wasn't a surprise, everyone has something about themselves that they simply can't help.

Hearing Zara's retort Lilian stopped in her tracks as she made it to the second floor, turning to face her. She placed one hand on her shoulder and said with a nod, however not changing her face, "In my mind, those are the ones that shouldn't have been born." Her meaning that if they would treat someone that way, they themselves shouldn't be permitted to exist. If there was one thing that Lilian didn't like that would surely be ignorance, she added turning and making her way to her room which she wil share with Lizzy, "Only fools judge on appearance." She pauses as she turns a corner, the hallway darker than the previous one, as she makes her way into the dark hallway she changes, enshrouded in darkness as in her photo on the Cs.

She says wile looking like that, "If they judge on appearance I'd be labeled a Demon, but I chose to my own person." With that said she turns back into her human looking self, her white hair replacing the ebony. She looks back at Zara blinking a few times as she reaches for the door handle of her room, "Would you like to come in and have some tea?" She asks as if she hadn't shown Zara anything new, which is her way. As anyone would probably guess, Lilian is her own person and makes her own choices...whether or not they seem to make any sense.
Zara gave an audible gasp along with a look of shock, one would not expect these things to happen, it was not like she was scary it was just a surprise. "Sure, I would love to Lilian" replied the blue-scaled girl as she continued to follow Lilian to her room.
Liz shook her head, "No, even though I just met her today, I believe that's just how she acts. She's just a really blunt and emotionless person, but that's okay because she has good intentions" She spoke with an innocent look on her face. Lizzy always saw the good in people when she first meets them-well except for boys.

The sun beamed down on Liz and she began feeling the heat once more, but it was even more unbearable due to her wearing such a bulky sweater and especially in the summer. But of course she acted as if she wasn't fazed, despite the fact her cheeks were flushed with pink. It was only 94°F but to Liz it felt like 108°F. She was like a piece of bread in a toaster oven inside her sweater. "Damn you global warming.." She thought inside her head.
Faust nodded his head in understanding as Liz spoke, "I just feel like she is hiding something" replied the boy as he noticed the girl's cheeks flush. A couple drops of his sap like blood dropped to the ground, and suddenly a tree spontaneously grew out of he ground, creating shade for the three of them. "Better?" he asked the girl, although he already knew the answer.

They both walked into the room, barely any light escaping through the shades which were over the window. Lilian reached beside the door and flipped on the lights, the two sides of the room rather opposite. One side was Lizzy's and the other was Lilian's, her side being packed up in boxes still. She hasn't had any time to put things where they need to go so much of the stuff is still packed away, the only things that were out were her notebooks and laptop. She said as she walked over to the desk taking out a bag that housed some tea leaves that were crushed up, "Excuse the mess, I haven't had the time to organize yet."

With that said Lilian started to make the tea, putting some water in a kettle accompanied with some of the crushed leaves. She sat it on a hot plate and turned it on, her mother often saying that the only right tea is the tea you crush yourself. She turned to face Zara and said with a light nod gesturing to the bed, "You may sit if you want, it will be a while."
Zara gave a smile towards the girl, revealing fangs with her smile. "Thank you Lilian" replied the girl as she took a seat on her bed, it was comfy and soft; another thing she was not use to. She somewhat flinched when she sat on the bed, she was use to sleeping on the ground and so this was a new experience for her. "Its soft" whispered the girl as she got use to the feel of the bed.
Leaning up against the tree, Lix smiled and her temperature began return to normal. Lizzy couldn't wait until it was winter since she dressed like it was winter all the time anyways. "What are you classes and have you signed up for any clubs so far?" She asked curiously to see if they would have any classes or even clubs the same, she wouldn't mind having him in any of her periods since she had grown to like him.
"Most of my classes revolve around music" replied the boy with a smile before starting to look around the school for no reason, just to take it all in. It was a peaceful place, nice and quiet. "I have't signed up for any clubs yet though" stated the boy as he turned his attention back over to Liz, still petting the cat.
(( Re-post for @Silvey ))

As Alex stopped moving she panicked. "Alex!! Wake up!!" Feather shook him carefully, but he didn't wake. "Alex!!" She shrieked. She laid her head against his chest and heard his heart beat. She let out a sigh of relief and looked down at her side. The blood was still oozing out and she felt dizzy. She tried to stand up and make her way to the bathroom, but could barely see a thing. She was loosing a lot of blood and she stumbled down on the knees, groaning. "I have to make it to there... Then I'm good.." She repeated to herself. Just inches away from the entrance to the bathroom, she fell down and hit her head, passing out. Her vision went blurry and it started to darken. She tried screaming, but nothing came out as a wave of darkness swept over her, her body limp and her mind frozen.

Lilian took a seat as well next to her, she heard her say that the bed was soft which was a bit odd considering that's how bed were supposed to be. With that in mind Lilian placed her hands in her lap, her glancing over at Zara, "I'm not use to small talk." She paused and added placing her index finger on her chin, feigning thinking even though her face had not changed, "Is this when we ask about each other?" In truth this is the first time that she had gotten past the hello my name is so and so part, so she didn't really know how to continue. The only other time was with Lizzy but she pretty much winged the whole conversation and just said what came to her mind.
"Ask each other what?" asked the girl in response the Lilian's question, it confused her quite a bit since she did not finish, or so it seemed. Zara gave a nod to her statement, she herself was not big on small talk, she was not one on talking much anyways do to where she came from.

She thought about it for a moment and said with a slight nod, "Our hobbies I guess." She paused and heard the tea kettle start whistling, meaning it was ready. Lilian stood from the bed and said as she lifted it up and turned the hot plate off, pouring two cups of tea, "I don't really know much about this sort of thing." She handed her a cup of tea and took her seat next to her again, the awkwardness of the moment being rather obvious. In that case Lilian took a sip of the tea with a glance over at the desk, her face emotionless as she asked "I like to draw, what do you enjoy?"
"I like to read in the warming sunlight" replied the girl as she took the cup from Lilian's hands and took a sip of the tea. "This is really good" smiled the girl a little, it truly did taste good. "I wish I could draw, but I can't with my claws" stated Zara as she showed one of her hands, claws instead of fingers.

Lilian looked down at the claws on her hand, only offering a double blink in response. She then took another sip of the tea, saying as she took Zara's hand in her own, "Mother told me about the claws your people have." She nodded and sat her tea to the side as she stood up from the bed letting her hand go, "She was impressed by your people." Lilian moved over to the shelf and pulled a book out, it detailing he mother's visit to the land of a half-dragon clan long ago. She handed the book over to Zara and said with a nod, "Mother also known as 'Night Devil' visited some Half-dragon kin a long time ago, she had an order to destroy them but decided not to when they fought back bravely."

The tome describes the actions and what happened back then it being a handwritten account by her mother. It would seem that Lilian knows about Zara's species through her mother's first hand fighting and subsequent be-friending of some half-dragon kin a long time ago. At the back of the book it has some testimonies from some dragon kin that were there, saying that I quote, 'The sky went back and shadows came to life, we were fighting our own shadows, for a moment I thought I was going crazy.' Another one stated, 'She was relentless but spared all of us, seems like she didn't intend on killing any of us.' Lilian took after her mother in more ways than one it seemed.
Zara was shocked at Lilian's words, not only the words itself but also that she knew of what happened. "Wow, I thought almost no one knew of that" replied the girl as she took another sip of her tea. "Whats it like?" asked the girl before clarifying. "I mean, whats it like to have such nice friends?" asked Zara, referencing the two people she saw her with in the cafeteria earlier.

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