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Fantasy Academy For The Gifted

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Lilian had gotten her shower and now she felt rather refreshed, she was now walking back to her room dressed in her white pajamas with her hair hanging down her back. She let time get the better of her today, which was understandable considering how man new things happened to her today. She had planned to take the shower way earlier today but meeting Lizzy and talking to Zara sort of threw her time table off a bit, her not minding that at all considering how much fun she had. Of course you wouldn't be able to tell if she had any fun or not, her never changing her expressionless façade.

As she made her way down the hallway to her room she partly wondered if she should become acquainted with other people that will be staying near her room, it seeming to be what other more normal students would do. With that in mind she walked to the room which was right beside Lizzy's and her room, however as she was about to knock she noticed a sign that read 'not occupied.' Oddly enough none of the rooms around them had any occupants, which was odd but not unexpected. She shook her head and walked back into her shared room, sitting own on the bed and looking blankly outward.

Her mind was strewn with many ideas but they all led back to what was obvious, all of the students that were in the rooms around them moved to other rooms. The simple cause of this either herself or Lizzy and that ticked Lilian off to no end, her utterly annoyed at how heartless students could be. She sighed and looked over at Lizzy's bed, saying aloud, "I'll stay..."

Altier had walked around the large greenhouse for a good long while now, him seeing no one or any form of life in it. That sort of confused him, considering all of the plants in the enclosed space were still very much alive and that would mean someone had to be taking care of them. He eventually decided that he probably just missed whom ever it is that takes care of them, which seems the most likely of explanations. He looked down at his watch and realizes what time it was, him exclaiming as his eyes go wide, "Woah, have I been walking that long..?" He rubs the back of his neck and chuckles a bit as he starts back to the dorms, making his way out of the greenhouse and down the path he had previously taken.

"Well I guess it's not that late," he says with a shrug as he continued walking, his hands behind his back as he made short strides. He glances up at the sky and sees the stars making their appearance, him thinking back to the previous night with a light smile. "Who would have thought she'd be hiding under that shell?" He laughed a bit out of happiness stopping walking and just staring up at the sky for a moment, adding, "Wonder if the rest of my time here will be as just as good..." He shook his head and made his way back to the boys dorm, getting ready for the next day at this school.
Federoff said:
"Good night" replied the girl as she gave a little wave to Lilian before walking in the opposite direction. Zara did not like nights, they were always bad for her since it brought cold; something she hate. After getting help from a teacher in finding her dorm room, she decided to walk around on no particular direction.

Faust smiled at the two girls in response to there thanks. "It is no problem, you have yourself to thank for biting me" replied the boy to Liz before deciding to lay down and look at the sky. "You seem anxious" stated the boy towards Koiso, not moving his face from the sky. The sky was peaceful, this moment was peaceful. His mind drifted from thought to thought while waiting for the girl to response, A nice first day thought the boy.
"I…um…I'm not sure if I should sit next to Liz or whether or not she wanted you to…" said Koiso quietly.
"Who ever wants to. I don't mind" She spoke in a calming voice, her eyes opening slowly. "What time is it? We've been here a while" Liz realized, she didn't mind the company of people. She wanted to enjoy it for as long as she could until they decided to leave her. Before they hear the nasty rumors, some true, some false.
[QUOTE="Defective Kitten]"Who ever wants to. I don't mind" She spoke in a calming voice, her eyes opening slowly. "What time is it? We've been here a while" Liz realized, she didn't mind the company of people. She wanted to enjoy it for as long as she could until they decided to leave her. Before they hear the nasty rumors, some true, some false.

"Oh, okay then." Said Koiso, sitting down next to Liz. She enjoyed the gentle breeze sifting through her hair, simply at peace in the company of her newfound friends.
Faust turned his head to the girl and smiled. "By the way, would you honor us with your name? Mine is Faust the IV" asked the orange haired boy as the three of them continued to sit under the tree in peace.
Federoff said:
Faust turned his head to the girl and smiled. "By the way, would you honor us with your name? Mine is Faust the IV" asked the orange haired boy as the three of them continued to sit under the tree in peace.
My name is Koiso." She said. "Koiso Ozaki. Nice to meet you, Faust."
Faust smiled back at the girl, the same way he does to everyone. "What a fitting name" replied the boy before returning his gaze back up to the sky, his thoughts once more wandering to who knows what. "Hey Liz, I have a question for you" stated Faust as he turned his head to face Liz.
Seeing the smile he gave to Liz to Koiso, she than realized that was defiantly the type of boy who made all the girls fall in love with him than made them cry for some reasons Defiantly the scariest type of boy out there. Fixing her eyes back to the little sunlight that peeped through the leaves in the trees, she was like in her own world of peace.

Hearing her name being mentioned, still leaned against the tree, Liz tilted her gaze over to Faust. "Hmm?" She replied to him asking a question. "Yay, more questions. .." She thought thinking back from Altiers 'Can I ask you a question ' comment from last night.
"I was planning on making you all a gift, something I do whenever i make a friend, which would you prefer a band to go on your head, or a necklace?" asked Faust out of genuine curiosity, he had no alternative motives what so ever on this, it was truly something he did for all friends. That reminded him, what was he going to do for Lilian and Koiso? "I'm thinking a flower necklace would look divine on you, it would add to your shy yet fun look" continued the boy, the vision now coming to him. Not many people knew this about him, but he is quite into fashion.

(Last post, night)
"umm.." She spoke, unsure of what to say since that was rather an odd question. 'Maybe he gives each of his female "friends" things so that when they wear it it means that they are his claim..' She thought, thinking only the worst in him. Particularly since he was a boy an all. 'No! stop it. He's a good person! ... maybe..' She thought snapping out of it, "I'm sorry, those types of things don't quite look.. nice on me.." She spoke, giving rather a pathetic giggle since she was self downgrading herself.
"Oh come on, jewelry looks good on everybody, even more so someone as cute as you" replied the boy to Liz's attempt of lowering her self esteem, at least that's what it look like in Faust's eyes. "You should stop being so down on yourself" stated the boy as he ran a hand through his hair before bringing the same hand to his chin, then preceded to stare at Liz deep in thought. He tried picturing many different styles on her, trying to figure out the best fit for the girl.
"Sorry... habit" She spoke with a slight pause then continued, ".. how about something on my wrist or hand instead? I feel like a necklace or band would draw too much attention" She suggested, "like a ring.." Liz said with a quirky smile that seemed to make her unexpectedly seem a little more adorable and innocent.
"Alright a ring it is, now to decide which flower to use" replied the boy with a smile, beginning to think of the possibilities. "What flower would you like?" asked Faust after a few moments of thinking.
"My favorite.. flower..?" She asked in confusion, thinking back with a slight, "hmm" as she did. "Well.. I really like White Camellias. They're really pretty although not the smallest so I don't believe you'll be able to make one into a ring" Liz spoke a slight 'oh well' tone.

"What's the difference between a friend and a best friend?" Alex asked, as he carried Feather outside the room and closed the door. It seemed strange to him, that there were so much stuff he still didn't know yet. As they left the room Alex took off the sign on the door that read 'Not Occupied', and wondered to go to the lunchroom or go find out what the rest of his classes were. "So you want to go find something to eat or explore the school?" He asked, still carrying Feather on his back. Alex decided it would have been rude to not let her decide since she had been helping him left and right, not to mention gotten hurt because of him. @SnowFeather
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Feather smiled. "I dunno, I'm pretty hungry I guess.." She wrapped her arms around his neck, raising her head to look around. She sniffed. "I think it's to the right here, yeah. Then left and then left, then through the big hall and to the right." She nodded her head and laughed. "I'm pretty good at finding food.." Feather blushed. "And about earlier, there's a big difference. A friend will stand by you and watch you succeed, a best friend will succeed with you.." She quoted the words of her brother Aaron, and sighed. She shook herself. "I consider you the best best friend I've ever had.." She finished, hugging him tightly, her cheeks hot. @Silvey
"A-ah...." Alex responded, as he felt a bit awkward with Feather hugging him this tightly. Usually he would hug people and they would just brush him off, however since he thought it was nice he just stayed silent and followed her directions while blushing slightly. Once he made his way inside, he was amazed at how huge it was. It mesmerized Alex for a few minutes before he brought his attention back to Feather. "Wow....so where do we to get food...?" He asked, a little embarrassed that usually he would just make himself a sandwich or buy some pizza at his house. @SnowFeather
Feather laughed as she hopped off his back. She turned into her cat form and stood between his feet, twitching her tail as she searched for the scent. She nodded her head and bounded over the hall and through a doorway. "Come on!" She called and entered a cafeteria. There were a lot of students there and she was getting trampled. A guy saw her and lifted her up. "Here, I'll help you." He said and smiled. Feather growled but didn't fight. He carried her over to the side of the room and set her down, petting her head. "So, what's a small guy like you doing in a school for supernaturals?" He asked, acting silly as he was talking to a cat. Feather sat down and twitched her tail. "Wouldn't you like to know?" She hissed, and he gasped. "You can TALK?!" He exclaimed as he looked down at the black, small cat. @Silvey
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Faust smiled back at the girl, she was right it would not be easy, but it isn't impossible. "Very well then, I will stay here and make it for you; you will have it tomorrow morning" explained the boy as he began to fiddle around with some flowers and plants.
Federoff said:
Faust smiled back at the girl, she was right it would not be easy, but it isn't impossible. "Very well then, I will stay here and make it for you; you will have it tomorrow morning" explained the boy as he began to fiddle around with some flowers and plants.
"This is something you do for all your friends? It seems like a lot, especially being what I think to be fairly popular." Said Koiso quizically.
"Yes, and what about you?" asked the boy in response to Koiso's question, his eveer present smile on his face.
Federoff said:
"Yes, and what about you?" asked the boy in response to Koiso's question, his eveer present smile on his face.
"What do you mean what about me? I don't quite understand…" she said.
Faust did a little bow with a smile, "Sorry, let me clarify; what would you like?" asked the orange-haired boy with a smile.

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