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Fantasy Academy For The Gifted

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Faust gave a little chuckle to her response. "I'll still be making you something one way or another; I'm thinking a braclet to match the kimono" stated the boy, still determined to make the girl something; it was Faust's way of proving his friendship to someone ya see.
Federoff said:
Faust gave a little chuckle to her response. "I'll still be making you something one way or another; I'm thinking a braclet to match the kimono" stated the boy, still determined to make the girl something; it was Faust's way of proving his friendship to someone ya see.
"You are very determined to do this, aren't you?" Koiso said awkwardly, rubbing the back of her neck as her cheeks flushed. You see, Koiso was always widely ignored by the general populace, and always just went with the flow. Never before in her life had she seen someone go as far as to make her a piece of custom jewlery.
"Of course, its my way of saying hello" replied the orange-haired boy as he began to ponder possibilities, noticing it was getting kinda late(?) "I think you and Liz should head back to your dorms, its getting kinda late. The next time I see you, i'll have them done" smiled the boy to Liz and Koiso.
Federoff said:
"Of course, its my way of saying hello" replied the orange-haired boy as he began to ponder possibilities, noticing it was getting kinda late(?) "I think you and Liz should head back to your dorms, its getting kinda late. The next time I see you, i'll have them done" smiled the boy to Liz and Koiso.
"Oh, okay. Thank you very much." Koiso smiled back, getting up and beginning to walk back to her dorm.
"Have a good night" called out the boy as he waved his hand at Koiso before getting to work on the pieces of jewelry he needed to meet. It would take him most of the night, but it would be worth it like always.
Getting up from the tree, Liz simply waved back at Faust, "Bye.." She spoke softly. For some reason she was rather shy again, how long were they just sitting there? It had seemed that the day went by a little too fast her Liz. Thinking back to the painting in the Art Classroom she decided she would pick it up now rather than later.

"I'm sorry I won't be able to walk with you to the dorms, I have some other business to attend to. I'm sure you'll be fine on your own, if not there are signs. It was nice meeting you by the way" She said apologetically, "goodbye." Liz added on a wave and simply made her way in the opposite direction to the buildings.

It was rather creepy at night since there were no lights, she stood in front staring up at the building. "Better now than never" She said to herself as she made her way in. Surprisingly, the front doors were unlocked. "Maybe they just forgot.." She muttered to herself. Not only was the outside creepy, but the inside was rather eery itself.
"Good night Liz" replied Faust with a smile and a wave at Liz. Once the two girls had left, Faust began to work on his gifts; they would take all night and he would most likely not fall asleep until due to exhaustion.
(( Repost for @Silvey ))

Feather laughed as she hopped off his back. She turned into her cat form and stood between his feet, twitching her tail as she searched for the scent. She nodded her head and bounded over the hall and through a doorway. "Come on!" She called and entered a cafeteria. There were a lot of students there and she was getting trampled. A guy saw her and lifted her up. "Here, I'll help you." He said and smiled. Feather growled but didn't fight. He carried her over to the side of the room and set her down, petting her head. "So, what's a small guy like you doing in a school for supernaturals?" He asked, acting silly as he was talking to a cat, crouching in front of her. Feather sat down and twitched her tail. "Wouldn't you like to know?" She hissed, and he gasped. "You can TALK?!" He exclaimed as he looked down at the black, small cat. Feather smiled and purred, pleased to have surprised the guy. @Silvey
Lilian was now lying on her bed on top of the covers, her just simply staring up at the ceiling. Her mind was a bit a buzz at the moment, wondering what was keeping Lizzy so long. The obvious answer was that she was probably still talking with the guy that they had met earlier today, which was a good thing considering her negative reactions to those of the male gender. With such a handicap you wouldn't be able to operate in the real human world that long, seeing as how guys are everywhere now a days. She double blinked and just simply closed her eyes, figuring she'd back here sooner or later.

Altier made it to his dorm room seeing that no one else has claimed the other bed yet, which was odd considering that he thought he saw another name on the room's booking ledger when he signed in to it. He shrugged and figured the guy was just late to the party or something, seeing as how Altier himself wasn't exactly punctual on the first day. With that in mind he removed his shirt and threw on something to sleep in, figuring tomorrow to be another slow day. Just as he was about to get into the bed he heard a knock on the door, him walking over to see who it was. As he opened it he was greeted by a guy with black eyes, "Yeah excuse me man, you know where the bathrooms are?"

He blinked a few times and offered a light smile, "Oh yeah, down the hall last door on the right." The guy hustled off doing the pee dance, "Thanks man!" Altier tilted his head to the side as he leaned out of the door to see the guy go on his way, thinking to himself, 'Guess he had to go...' He shook his head and closed the door once more, making his way to his bed. Before long he was asleep, biding time until the sun again had him awaken to a new day.
Leaving the dark building in one piece with her painting in hand, she quickly jogged over to her dorms. Liz was happy to know that she had made a few friends for the time being and that she had a roommate waiting for her at her dorms. The thought quickly made her smile and looked forward to going back to her room.

Arriving in front of her room, she unlocked it and slowly opened the door. She peeked her head in front the crack and saw a bored Lilian laying on the other bed, staring at the ceiling. "Sorry I'm late. I went to go get my painting." She apologized and walked in, placing her painting on the wall. "You know the buildings at night are really creepy" She added as she adjusted the painting so it would be straight on her side of the room.

Opening the window, a gust of window blow on. Taking in a deep breath of the fresh air, she smiled brightly. "I love the night time." She spoke, her elbows perched on the frame and her chin resting on the palms of her hands.
@Defective Kitten

Lilian looked over to see Lizzy walking into the room, with her painting from this morning. She went into a description as to why she came back so late, saying that she went a retrieved the painting from the art room just now. She blinked a few times and replied to her, "As do I." Her statement was rather pointe, giving that was how she was after all. She paused momentarily and sat up in the bed, her a bit curious as to what she had been doing all day. "Did you have a good day?" She asked stoic faced as she looked over at her, wondering if she had a good time or not.

The simple fact that she had came back to the room was enough for Lilian, honestly she was wondering if anything had happened to her. She didn't seem like the type that would like the night time so it was a bit of a nagging thought in the back of her mind for a while, which was odd considering Lilian usually doesn't think about that kind of stuff. Lilian's day was a pretty good one so in that sense she hoped that Lizzy had an equally good day for herself.
"Ummm.. Yah mine was good." She spoke and turned around to face Lilian. Liz leaned back on the frame, her hands clutching the edge so she wouldn't fall. "I think I'm really getting the hang of talking to boys! The Faust guy was really nice, nicer than I expected. Guys like him are.." She pausing, leaning back and looking up at the moon which had risen beautifully. "The way he presented himself.. From what I've heard from my other schools.. He makes girls fall for him, gets their hopes up, and then makes them cry."

Of corse Liz had never really had the courage to talk to boys so she only analyzed how they present themselves and put them in a category of stereotypes that she had built from what others say and what she believes. Looking back down at the room, "I do recall what he does to girls is called.. flirting..?" Lizzy spoke unsure, which was strange because she never never unsure about most things.

"flirt, verb, behave as though attracted to or trying to attract someone, but for amusement rather than with serious intentions." She muttered, reciting the Oxford Dictionary for flirt.

Snapping out of her weird phase, she quickly looked over to Lilian. "But how was your day? I recall you waking away with a girl in the cafeteria, she was quiet pretty." She spoke positively, hoping to change the topic.
@Defective Kitten

It was blatantly obvious that Lizzy was attempting to deflect the attention from her earlier remarks, Lilian seeing that rather easily. She didn't see the need to call her out on it though, seeing as how Lizzy didn't seem to be one that would like that sort of thing in the least. She shook her head and said stoically, "I think everyone is searching for the right person." She paused and added with a nod, "Flirting is just a way to find the right one." That was how Lilian saw it at least, with her analytical way of thinking she often looked at things with out much emotional mist clouding her judgment.

She laid back on the bed again, letting the cover rest over her chest, her arms lying at each of he sides. "As for the girl," she said and the paused for a moment, "Her name is Zara, and she seems quite nice." That was all that she figured on saying, revealing what she was and so on didn't seem right for her to do. If she wanted to reveal her life story that is something that she should decide for herself, Lilian feeling that it wasn't her place to do so.
(Only listen to firs 2 minutes)[media]

Sekai ni tada hitori (In this world, I'm just alone)

Atedo naku samayoeru (My goal is to sing as I wander)

Koko wa doko de (Going from here to there...)

Ima wa itsu de (thinking on a past...)

ore wa dare nano ka? (just who exactly am I?)

Kimi wa doko ni iru?(Where can I find you?)

Yousei ga sumau fukai mori no (Near the forest is where the fairy thrives.)

sunda izumi no you na (which rose from the broken earth

Suikomare sou na hitomi sa (It threatens to consume the world.)

Keredo, Kini ja nai (however, that isn't you...)

Hoshikuzu no Kamikarazi wo matou (The hair ornaments you wear glimmers like stardust)

yoru no tobari no you na (and your dark hair glistens)

Kirameite nabiku kurokami (It flutters like a curtain at night.)

Keredo, kimi ja nai! (however, that's not you!)

Partial love sore wa Partial light (This partial love and partial light)

Sugisatta hi wa gendou (could be the key to my hidden knowledge)

Ukande wa sugu ni kiete yuku (With this in mind I continue my journey)

Partial light soredo past link (Partial light, despite my past link)

Ushinatta hibi no kusari (seems lost in the chain of my flaws)

mama towa no ai wo motome samayou (my wandering for love makes it feel immortal)

Kimi wa doku ni iru (Where can I find you?)

On top of the roof across from Liz and Lilian's room sat a figure bathed in moonlight, causing him to appear as no more than a silhouette. The silhouette seemed to be facing the moon; his voice reverberating throughout school campus as a soft and gentle voice, yet clearly could be heard for the most part. Sadness was in his voice, a glittering shine fell down his face, a single tear. About 2 minutes after he starts singing, the voice goes away but the silhouette continued to sit and stare up at the moon.

Faust had fallen asleep from exhaustion only after a few hours or working on them; they were completed and lying hidden away from sight. He had a nice dream, a peaceful dream of him playing at a jazz bar; all his friends there listening to him as he played.
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Their conversation was put to a pause as a silhouetted figure on the rooftop sang. His voice was sad and after 2 minutes of listening to his voice, he ended his song, still sitting in the moonlight as he did. It was a voice of a boy, although the sight of a boy did scare her, she didn't know why his singing didn't frighten her. "I wonder who's that.." She murmured to herself. "It's past curfew.." She added on before stepping back from the window sill.

"I'm gonna change" Lizzy said, lingering her voice as she trailed over to the bathroom to change into her PJs. Leaving the window open, she jumped onto her bed. "It feels great to be in a bed.." She said happily before spotting an open empty box on the floor. Getting off her bed and sitting on the floor, she changed to her kitten form and jumped into the box. "I know why cats love boxes now." She thought as she made herself comfortable.
@Defective Kitten

Lilian stayed un the bed, not bothering to get up and check on the voice. She figured it was a student at the school, considering the literally endless amount of supernatural beings in the walls. It wasn't to farfetched to think that there wouldn't be one that enjoyed singing and being under the moonlight, she was partial to night as a matter of fact. She said as Lizzy changed into a kitten and made her way to a box, "Hmm...a cat." She closed her eyes and pulled the covers up to her neck, getting comfortable in the bed, "Good night Lizzy."

With that said she slowly drifted off thinking on the next day, wondering if it would be as event filled as today was. Meeting two people and having a reasonable conversation with both of them was literally unprecedented when Lilian is involved, so she was looking forward to what the next day holds.
Faust jolted awake, completely dazed of his surroundings. He sat up and rubbed the back of his head, wondering just how late he stood up. "Ugh so stiff" complained Faust as he stood up and stretched out before picking up a box he quickly made out of grass. He walked over to the cafe and got himself some Lobster soup again, founding himself a table and sat down before starting to eat the food. He would simply wait for his friends he made yesterday, they were bound to show up, eventually.
(Oh so it's morning again? So today is.. Sunday?)

Lizzy woke up as early as she did yesterday. She crawled out of the bow and stretched like cats do, letting out a yawn and followed by a meow. It had seemed that Liz had the melody of the song last night still stuck in her head. Getting dressed and grabbing her bag, she left room but put a note on the table for Lilian to read whenever she woke up. The note simply explained that she left the dorms to do some other business but will hopefully be back early tonight.

Liz stopped by the cafe to grab a crepe and left shortly after, not stopping to sit at a table but rather making her way to the music room with the grand piano. She knew it was too early for anyone to be there but when she got to the room she peeked her head in just to be extra sure. Luckily, no one was. Walking in and closing the door soft behind her, she put her bag on the ground and sat herself down in front of the piano.

"It's been a while my old friend" She poke to the piano and lifted up the full board, revealing the keys that his underneath. "Now let's see how that tune went.." Liz said to herself, placing her hands on the keys and played the melody that she remembered last night.
@Defective Kitten

Altier slept rather well last night, his roommate still having not arrived it seemed. He rubbed the back of his neck and simply shrugged, saying aloud as he stood from his bed, "Eh all well, guess it's not a big deal." He stretched and threw some clothes on, figuring on making his way around the school yet again. He figured on seeing some of the earlier haunts that he had been to already, while also perhaps making some new acquaintances as well. This year as been rather eventful so far and he hopes that it will continue to be as intriguing.

He now finds himself walking down the corridors, but as he enters a hallway he inadvertently hears a tune. As he continues to listen he recognizes it to be a piano, causing him to think it is in the music room...that being the only place that he knew where one would be. As made his way over to the door and thought about going in, but at the same time wondered if he should. Whomever it was inside closed the door for a reason after all, so for that reason he figured that he should simply wait until whomever it was to finish playing before he entered. So he did just that, he stood beside the door and awaited the music to cease.


Lilian had gotten a decent amount of sleep, her dreaming about varying odd things. In one instance there was a talking rabbit with a pogo stick and in another instance there was a lizard that was doing calculus, her dreams were always rather interesting to say the least. She shook her head and got out of the bed, seeing the note that Lizzy had left for her. She double blinked a few times after reading it and simply sat the note back where it was, making her way to the showers and getting a quick one.

She emerged from the showers with her hair hanging down her back, figuring on not tying it up like she usually does today. With modest strides she makes her way out of the girls dorm and down to the cafeteria/café area, looking around as she does so. She notices that the boy from yesterday was sitting in a seat by himself, to which she simply cocked her head a bit. The guy didn't seem like someone to sit alone, which caused her to wonder if he was waiting for someone. With that in mind she went and acquired a simple soup, not wanting anything extravagant for the morning.

She looked around and figured she could sit with the guy, her remembering that his name was Faust. She walked over to the table where he was sitting and looked at him from across the table, asking in an usual monotone, "Would you mind if I sat here?" She wasn't shy like Lizzy and didn't really pay any attention to how one carries oneself, the guy being a magnet for the ladies but in truth she didn't really label people. Labels are for those that are to afraid to see the world how it is, and that is chaotic and ever changing. If labels were used they would only be changed shortly after, the whole process to her being utterly wasteful...so in that case she prefers to see things in her own way.
Faust looked up from his own soup and smiled, perfect he thought to himself as he smiled, some visible bags under his eyes today; in truth he did not sleep as well as the others. "Of course you can Lilian, I would love the company" replied the boy before picking up a napkin from under the grass box and wiped his lips clean of the lobster soup.
Finishing the song as it was finished last night, she sat on the piano seat just staring outside the window. The sunlight seemed to hit the room as perfectly as a painting and made everything in the room seem just a tad bit prettier and softer, such as in a pastel painting of some sort. Laying her head against the keys which in return made a terrible loud sound, she felt the pressure of the keys on her cheeks and the sun's rays through her clothes.

"Tomorrow is yet another day of school.. Another day of gossiping and boredom and probably a new power in the least.." She muttered but quickly shook it off. Getting on all fours she transformed into her kitten form out of boredom. Luckily she landed on the keys, "hmm.. let see if I can play.." She said but only meowed. Stepping on the keys to make a slow but steady-and bit off- melody, that seemed to cure her of her boredom since it was something new to her.
@Defective Kitten

Altier's brow rose as he heard a random assortment of tones coming from the room, him thinking to himself, 'Umm...did something happen?" With that in mind he turned the knob and walked inside of the room, seeing a small kitten as he did so. It seemed that the kitten was now on the piano attempting to play a song, it being rather adorable to him. He closed the door behind himself and took a few steps into the room, him saying with a light smile not knowing that the kitten was Liz, "How adorable." He paused and added placing his hands behind his back as he walked over to the kitten that was on the piano's keys, "You're pretty good little one."


Lilian sat down at the table across from him, her taking a sip of her soup as she got settled. She noticed the bags underneath his eyes fairly easily, such a thing quite common to her because she often didn't sleep well in her youth. Being the daughter of a well known demon can put a bit of pressure on a young girl, but she had long ignored such ideals. She queried after one more spoon of soup, "Didn't sleep well?" Her eyes focusing in on his bags as she asked the question, remembering that Lizzy came back at a reasonable time causing her to wonder why he didn't get much sleep.
Faust rubbed his eyes a little, letting out a muffled yawn as he did so. "Yeah, I spent a lot of time on these last night" replied the boy as he put a hand on the box with a smile, even though he was tired he still looked proud of whatever was in the box. Faust stretched his hands upward, sending them pretty high due to his own height; then after a few moments he brought his hands down.
Liz turned her attention to the person just entered the room. She was rather startled but realized it was only Altier who was there, still she didn't quite expect him. "Should I turn back..?" She thought, her head tilted a bit, staring at Atlier as he called her cute. She meowed at him, wondering what he would do. Lizzy wondered if he might pick her up and pet her. The sensation of getting petted was like getting your hair played with or someone messaging you.
@Defective Kitten

He walked over to the piano and sat in the bench in front of it, him looking over at the kitten with a light smile, "I adore cats." In truth he has one back at his house, but he wasn't able to bring it with him because it wasn't 'necessary' because of his species. Some supernatural beings are able to bring their pets but a vampire isn't awarded such a benefit, seeing as how they are not dependent on anything for their power...apart from blood or in his case plants. He pats his lap as he looks over at the kitty, an utter calming aura simply radiating from him, "Don't be afraid little one." He awaited the kitten to either jump on him or run away a smile still present on his face.


Lilian watched as he let out the telltale signs of one that is sleep deprived, which would be a problem usually but seeing as how it is the weekend it wouldn't be much of a problem. "Really," she simply replied taking another sip of her soup, her seeing that most of the students didn't even bother leaving their rooms today. It was far more packed the previous day, her figuring that Saturdays warrant more of a turnout than Sundays. Absentmindedly she wondered what the other two were doing, it being rather enjoyable to even have people that you could wonder about at school. With that in mind she patted what soup was on her lips away with a paper napkin, "So what has you up so early?"

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