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Fantasy Academy For The Gifted

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"Friends?" Lilian stated with a few blinks, pausing for a moment to think about what she was talking about. She then realized that she meant those two in the cafeteria, saying, "I actually just met them today." With that said she reached up and started to take down her hair, removing the ties and so on. She said as she did this, "I wouldn't know if they are my friends, having only met them once." She sat her ties on the desk with her laptop and then looked back at Zara, "If they are my friends that would mean you are as well." With that said she runs her fingers through her hair to check for tangles, finding none.

The term friend wasn't something that Lilian knew of to well, seeing as how no one really had gotten close enough to be actually called a friend to her. With that said she wasn't really sure if any of them were really a friend to her, but she secretly hoped that they were. In truth it was getting rather dull being all alone, most students at the other schools that she had went to saw her as cool and stoic but at the same time were to afraid to even talk to her. The supernatural students knew who her mother was and that alone kept them at multiple arms lengths, her mother being quite the boogiewoman as it were.
Zara perked up a bit when she heard that Lilian considered her a friend, it put a smile on hr face. "Really? we are friends?" asked Zara, her whole mood changed by this statement.

"Why wouldn't we be?" She asked with a tilt of her head and a few blinks, her moving over to the window tea cup in her hand now. She took a sip and let out a sigh, saying as she opened the curtains a bit more, "To me friends are people you want to be around." She paused and took one more sip, adding looking over her shoulder, "You fit the bill Zara." She sat the cup of tea on the desk next to the tea pot, saying as she looked directly at Zara, "Do you consider me a friend?" Her now asking the same thing Zara asked her, her already figuring her answer but went ahead and asked anyway.
Zara nodded her head in response to the girls question, "Yes I would love to be friends" replied the girl as she took a sip of her tea. How giddy she felt, he first friend, someone who actually wanted to talk to her.

Her expression was unaltered, most people would at least smile when they were called someone else's friend but not Lilian. It became more and more obvious why no one else has even attempted to get to know this girl, her mannerisms not being 'normal' being an understatement. "Okay," she simply said as she offered only a nod of agreement. Lilian looked up at the clock and realized what time it was at the moment, saying as she moved over to the dresser, "Time flies doesn't it?" With that said she removes some white sleeping pajamas, quite matching her overall look considering this girl practically exudes bright happiness...well that is until you try talking to her at least.

She looks over at Zara and says as she makes her way to the door, "It's seems it is time for my shower." She pauses as she is about to open the door, realizing something. She turns back around and asks Zara, "Would you happen to know where the showers are in the dorm..?" Having only arrived here today she has yet to need one, meaning that she hasn't even been to the showers yet.
(GTG School, later)

Zara shook her head in a no fashion, "I am new here as well, I do not know, sorry" replied the girl as she finished up her tea before gazing at the clock herself. "To be honest, I don't even know where my dorm is" continued Zara as she herself stood up.

((It's all good I have to leave for a bit now anyway, I'll just write an ending real quick))

With that said Lilian shrugged, "It's fine, I'll find it and you can probably ask faculty member about where your room is." She opened the door and stepped outside, holding I open for Zara to step outside as well. Lilian took a few steps down the hall and then looked back at Zara, saying with a bit of a wave, "It was nice to meet you Zara, have a good night." Lilian made her way down the hallway, looking for the showers in a futile effort. It seemed to her that she would be looking for a while but luckily one of the students that she passed by let her know where they were.
Federoff said:
Faust nodded his head in understanding as Liz spoke, "I just feel like she is hiding something" replied the boy as he noticed the girl's cheeks flush. A couple drops of his sap like blood dropped to the ground, and suddenly a tree spontaneously grew out of he ground, creating shade for the three of them. "Better?" he asked the girl, although he already knew the answer.
Koiso stepped away from Faust and then shifted back into her human form, leaning against the tree. "Thank you…" she said quietly.
Leaning on the tree, she gave a light smile, "thank you.." she spoke softly and patted the spot next to her. "Come sit" She offered. "I'm doing a lot of musical and artistic classes too." Pausing as a breeze passed by, enjoying how nice it felt. "Hopefully we'll have classes together. I wouldn't mind that." Liz spoke, her eyes closed and listened to the wind as it pushed her pink locks back.
After what felt like days, Alex slowly woke up. Rising from the bed, his eyes began to adjust and he tried to remember what had happened. After a few minutes, he looked around and saw Feather on the floor. "Wha....NONONO" As the memories began to flood his mind, Alex Checked the clock to realize it he had been passed out for almost two hours. He ran over to Feather and slowly picked her up, putting her on his back. Carrying her on his back, he carefully made his way out of the room and began to shout at the other students. "HEY, HEY WHERE IS THE NURSE! ANYONE KNOW EHRE THE NURSE IS AT!" Alex kept doing this until one of the students guided him to the nurse's office, which thankfully wasn't very far. The nurse helped him put Feather on one of the beds, and she forced Alex to wait outside while she took care of her. @SnowFeather
Feather woke up and saw a bright light. "Crap?" She said before blinking, her eyes adjusting to the light. She saw a nurse and realized she must be in the nurse's office. She sat up slowly and the nurse walked up to her, steadying her. "Be careful.." She said and Feather nodded. "C-Can I go back to my dorm? I swear I don't feel dizzy or anything! I feel fine.." Feather said. She didn't like needles and stuff that could be made from silver. The nurse sighed. "Your friend is waiting outside.." She said irritably and Feather grinned. She carefully made her way out of the nurse's office and found Alex. She smiled. "Hey bud, miss me?" She joked. "He couldn't have, he barely just met you, duuh! And by the way, great to see you didn't die!" Feather shrugged Sasha's comment off, not bothering to deal with it. @Silvey
As he had waited outside, Alex couldn't stop remembering what his father had done to his mother. 'If I hadn't woken up quick enough....or woken up period.....she would've died...' He thought to himself. Alex remembering thinking something simular when his father had tried to kill his mother. He never wanted to see that ever happen again to someone, yet here he was waiting to see if his first friend here would be OK. When he heard the office door open and saw Feather, Alex jumped from where he was. Hugging her tightly, he silently cried a bit before saying anything. Finally letting go and stopping crying, he wiped his eyes with his sleeve. "If those guys come to you again..I'll kill them." Alex said, not caring if he ended up becoming like his father. He couldn't stop imagining Feather being hurt by his father in his mind, and clenched his fists in anger. @SnowFeather
Feather's eyes went wide as he hugged her tightly and she smiled. As he let go, she laughed. "Don't bother, It'll be my pleasure.." She said. She saw that he had cried and smiled weakly. "Hey, I'm okay.. I'd never leave you, I mean..." She blushed before continuing. "Who'd else protect you, eh?" She joked, blushing wildly. She wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him. "See? I'm fine.." She assured him, smiling. She let go. "So, how about going back to the dorm, I feel like I need to clean up a bit and maybe just relax for a while.." Feather yawned slightly, not tired, but her body was a bit sore. Without waiting for a response, she grabbed his hand tightly in hers and walked into the corridor, keeping close to him. "I won't leave you this time." She said and entwined her fingers with his. As they reached the door, she opened it and sighed. There was some blood on the floor where he had passed out and her bed was a bit bloody as well. She walked in, letting go of Alex's hand and walked up to the bed. "Well, I shouldn't have sat here, cause now I won't be able to sleep, it's still a bit sticky.." She muttered to herself. @Silvey
Alex let her guide him back to their dorm, as he lost himself in his thoughts. When they had made to the room, he looked up and saw the blood. Most of the therapy Alex had gone through was to help him be able to handle the sight of blood, so it didn't bother him very much at this point. "You can sleep on my bed since yours has blood on it. I'll move my stuff and sleep on the floor." Alex offered, putting everything but his laptop back in his backpack. Moving his stuff over the the floor next to Feather's bed, he began to calm down and regret thinking it was fine to end up like his father. Alex glanced at Feather, and wondered what her family was like. Sighing, he decided to just let things cool down for now. Opening his laptop, he went to the school's website and looked at the classes they offered and the electives they had. @SnowFeather
Feather shook her head. "No, no and no. I'm not letting you give up your bed so that I can sleep in it. You are not sleeping on the floor.." She said, her voice stern. "You will sleep in your bed and I'll sleep on the floor." She smiled and walked over to the mini fridge. She took out a soda can and opened the can. She drank some before walking over to Alex, looking down at his laptop over his shoulder. "Hmm, they got a club for hand-to-hand combat.. I might take that.." She muttered. Feather shrugged and set the soda can on the shelf beside her bed and walked over to her closet. She took out a new shirt. "Eyes off." She said as she took off her shirt, flinching as the wound on her side stung, exposed to the cold air. Feather grunted before putting on the new shirt, then grabbing her loose tie and putting it around her neck. She ran her fingers through her hair a couple of times before turning to Alex. "So, how do I look?" She joked as she posed. "See? I'm a supermodel now!" She laughed. @Silvey
Alex thought about the club Feather had looked at, but decided that he would most likely get killed by accident. Hearing her say 'Eyes off' annoyed him slightly as if he actually would do that, but he wasn't stupid enough to look to spite her. When she was done, he turned to to see her. "Looks good, and if I had really wanted to see you change I'd have watched you earlier when you were in the bathroom. Besides, I'm not that stupid to peek..." Alex responded with a laugh before returning his attention back to the screen of his laptop. "Oh yeah, how come it says there are different classrooms for the same class, and which one are you supposed to goto?" He asked, confused as to why they would put multiple classrooms for one class. Alex had been home-schooled his entire life, so he didn't really understand a lot of things about public schools. @SnowFeather
Feather rolled her eyes before making her way over. She sat down beside him and looked at the screen. "For that, I'm the A room, there in the C room and I think there, I'm in.... A as well. the others I'm not sure.." She muttered. She punched his shoulder lightly. "If you would've, you shouldn't have.." She joked and laughed. She looked over the schedule once more. "Oh wait, on the sixth, I'm in the B room!" Feather giggled. "Sorry.." She leaned her head on his shoulder and kept studying the screen. Feather sighed and as she realized what she was doing, she blushed. "Sorry...~" She covered her face in her hands. "I'm weird.." @Silvey
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[QUOTE="Defective Kitten]Leaning on the tree, she gave a light smile, "thank you.." she spoke softly and patted the spot next to her. "Come sit" She offered. "I'm doing a lot of musical and artistic classes too." Pausing as a breeze passed by, enjoying how nice it felt. "Hopefully we'll have classes together. I wouldn't mind that." Liz spoke, her eyes closed and listened to the wind as it pushed her pink locks back.

Koiso stood under the shade of the tree, wondering if she was speaking to her or to the boy. She shifted her feet quietly, looking rather awakward as she did so.
Hearing her say which classes she was in just confused him even more. "A...B..C?!? I really don't understand this..." Alex said with fustrastion, while he thought about the last part she said. "I only look for things that make me curious, so I doubt I'd peek..." He remarked, right before a thought came to his mind. "Wait, do you consider yourself a person or a animal?" Alex asked with confusion. He never really thought about it, but since shape-shifter can pretty much turn into anyone or any animal, what were they originally? @SnowFeather
Feather raised her eyebrows. "Hmm? I guess I consider myself a person since I was born human. Some shape-shifters are born in one of their forms, or well not really, but they turn seconds after birth..." She laid back down on the ground and sighed. "A, B, C, it stands for A-room, B-room, C-room. Look closer and you'll find it.." She muttered. Feather stared up at the sky. "Why is he soo cute~ Why is he my roommate? Oh my the questions I have..." Feather thought to herself. She blushed out of nowhere and rolled away from Alex, standing up. She sat down on her bed, staying away from the dried up blood, and leaned her back against the wall. "I'm a mess..." She hissed at herself, making sure Alex didn't hear. @Silvey
"Hmmm....oh your right!" Alex noticed each room was given a letter per class, and there was about three or four letters for each class except for PE and some of the electives. He saw that Feather was acting a bit strange, so he gave a quizzical look for a moment before asking another question. "So where do I go to find out what classes I have besides the one we were in earlier?" Alex asked, wanting to know how she knew where all her classes were. He thought it would be better to not say anything, since she might just be still not feeling well. @SnowFeather
Feather shrugged. "I found out about mine by asking the office.." She muttered, looking down at her hands. She sighed and stood up again, uncomfortable. He was her friend, yet she started developing feelings for him. She dug her nails into her palm and squealed slightly. Some blood came out as she looked down at her open palms. Feather groaned and walked towards the door. She sat down with her back against it and put her hands to her head. Some blood came into her hair and dripped down on her face, but she didn't care. @Silvey ((If you reply fast, I can reply one more time.))
"Well I guess I'll do that then, and you sure your ok? Your acting a bit weird and still bleeding.." Alex asked, worried about her. He hoped Feather would be alright, but then again those people seemed like they were trying to kill them. Walking over to her he picked her up on his back, "If you feel tired or anything I could just carry you like I did before around the school. Your pretty light so it doesn't bother me." He offered, wondering if maybe they should go back to the nurse's office. @SnowFeather
Feather grinned and hugged him tightly. "I'm fine, I promise!" She blushed. "And I'm not that light.." She replied, surprised. She had always thought she was heavy. "You don't have to carry me around like a baby.." She rolled her eyes and rested her head on his shoulder, letting out a sigh. "You're probably the best friend I've ever had, you know that? Best friend ever Alex." She smiled and played with his hair a bit, running her fingers through it. Feather breathed in his scent and felt her heart skip a beat. @Silvey
"Good night" replied the girl as she gave a little wave to Lilian before walking in the opposite direction. Zara did not like nights, they were always bad for her since it brought cold; something she hate. After getting help from a teacher in finding her dorm room, she decided to walk around on no particular direction.

Faust smiled at the two girls in response to there thanks. "It is no problem, you have yourself to thank for biting me" replied the boy to Liz before deciding to lay down and look at the sky. "You seem anxious" stated the boy towards Koiso, not moving his face from the sky. The sky was peaceful, this moment was peaceful. His mind drifted from thought to thought while waiting for the girl to response, A nice first day thought the boy.

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