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Fantasy Academy For The Gifted

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Feeling Altier suddenly pull her closer to him, she was not only surprised but also felt safe. No boy had ever been this close to her, not voluntary anyways. Not even her father held her this tightly when she was little and scared. Despite being scared, Altier's presents made her have the courage to talk to the boy in the other practice room. Taking steady steps, they arrived in front of the door. Taking a deep breath before she walked in, she placed her unsteady hand in the doorknob. "Here we go.." She mumbled.

(we'll just continue when he comes back)
Faust nodded his head in agreement, he didn't mind it one bit. "Of course Lilian" replied Faust as he looked at what Lilian was doing, leaving streaks of black as her hand traced the wall. "That's cool" stated Faust, referring to what she was doing as they walked.

The exotic dressed fox boy looked up when the two came it, he was not expecting two people but never the less it did not matter much to him. As soon as he swallowed his food, he gave them a one sided smile as he gestured for the two to sit down. "Well aren't you two the cute couple" stated the boy as he took the last few of his poisonous mushrooms and ingested them before throwing the bag in a trashcan.
Shocked by the statement Liz quickly tried to explain, "N-no! W-we're not a c-couple!" she spoke, stuttering as she did. She felt her cheeks turn a rosy pink of embarrassment, quickly looking at the ground to avoid eye contact. 'Boys are scary..' she thought, putting more emphasis on 'are' as if she was proving her point. Her tiny hands were holding onto the ends of her skirt, squeezing them making the ends of the skirt crinkle.
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Leon rose an eyebrow at her and mentally shrugged before speaking. "I am sorry for the mishap" apologized Leon as he continued to lay against the wall, he took his fan from his belt and began to fan himself. "Can you close the door? You are letting the hot air in" asked the blue-haired fox boy.
"Ah! Y-yes!" She was quite embarrassed since every word she spoke she had stuttered. Turning herself around, she closed the door behind them softly so it wouldn't make a noise. "S-so why h-have you c-called me in here?" Lizzy didn't understand why she was stuttering, she didn't with the other two boys. Maybe it was because he actually wanted me to go somewhere and meet him maybe? Or maybe she was just scared because he half yelled.
"So tell me, how did you know the melody even though this is the first time I've seen you" asked the boy as he put his fan back, the Ac was turned on to max in here so it was quite cold. "Like I said you have nothing to fear from me" stated the boy after he turned to face Liz, his blue-green markings on his face showing.
"I-umm.. I heard you last night when you sang so I just added in the piano notes since I had it stuck in my head.. and when I heard you sing I just automatically started playing with you.. I'm sorry if I disturbed you, I kind of made up the last 3 minutes because you only sang for 2 minutes last night.." She spoke quickly and softly, trying to explain herself and apologize. Liz was always the one to apologize a lot, she would even apologize for apologizing so much, but it wasn't like she could help it.
Leo nodded his head in understanding to the girls statement, it made sense that at least a few people would have heard him last night. "Do you understand any of it?" asked Leo, he did not mind that she added in at all, it made no difference to him.
".. and if I did?" She asked unsettled, was she supposed to understand? Was it supposed to be some type of secret song? Even so, she heard it and she understood it. But if it were to mean something more, who is this person he is speaking of. Who is he trying to find? Or was it just a song, nothing more..?
"They you do" replied Leo, not revealing nor hiding anything in his answer. "I'll take it that you can understand it then?" asked the fox boy as he turned back to face the ceiling.
Instead of replying, she just nodded that she did. It rather tense in the room for Lizzy, but she rather no show that she was uncomfortable, but that was obvious enough. "Is the song supposed to mean something more..?" she asked but in Japanese to show that she could speak fluently too.
Leo was silent for a bit, deciding whether or not to tell the girl anything. "To remind me of what I once was and what I once did" replied the boy, also speaking japanese so his conversation would be private with the girl.
"What you once were and did..?" She restated in Japanese, 'what was he talking about?' Lizzy thought, now she was curious but would she dig any deeper into the subject. Better not, "I apologize for hearing the song, it must be something deep to you" She spoke again in the foreign language, it was times like this that she was grateful to have a power that made her know all languages through hearing or reading, even speaking sometimes.
Leo shook his head at her in response to her apology. "Do not worry about it, it does not matter" replied the boy, again in a foreign language. "I am Leon, but you can call me Leo" stated the boy as a introduction.

(Be back on in 2 hours, doing fund raising)
"Loen is a boys name. Boys. Boy. He's a boy." She thought, "If that's all you wanted from me today, I'll be taking my leave.!" She spoke quickly and rushed out of the room, Liz had almost forgotten she was talking to a boy. Leaving the room (including Altier too) and closing the door behind her, she transformed into her kitten like size and hid in one of the cubbies, her ears were down and her tail was down. Her paws covered her face and she didn't want to leave her small confined space.

(we'll wait for Altier to respond to continue)
@Defective Kitten

Altier smiled lightly when the boy referred to her and him as a couple, him not minding the miscommunication at all...in truth she was a good person so he didn't mind it at all. He didn't see a reason to say anything throughout the conversation, him thinking that just standing there was enough for her. The fact that the guy called her in here was probably the other reason she was so nervous and scared at the moment, the guy not exactly a textbook example of a normal guy in the least. Altier noticing the poisonous mushrooms that he was eating, him going for something like that when he wants a little spice in his diet.

After a while she excused herself and made her way out of the room with Altier, her rushing off and hiding in a nearby room in a cubby. Altier found her and peeked into the cubby, him saying with a smile, "You did good Liz." He paused for a moment and added with a raised brow, "You don't have to stay in there, we could go do something if you want." He grinned and added with a nod, "And I agree with him on one part, you are the cutes out of the two of us."


Lilian had been walking with him for a while now, her seemingly have made her way around most of the school now. She looked over at him and said in response to him remarking on her marks on the wall, "That's what I do." She stated simply figuring on giving a more in-depth explanation, "I can control shadows or darkness, from mother." She of course was nothing compared to her mother though, her mother was a force to be reckoned with in more ways than one. She paused and posed a question expressionlessly, "Do you worry about things?" In truth he didn't seem like one that did, which peeked her curiosity quite a bit.

((Sorry for the absence, slept in today))
Leo blinked when the two left the room, he let out a heavy sigh and fumbled around with his fan, turning it over in his hand as he stared at it. "I do not belong here, oh how I miss you...my dear Lizzy" stated the boy to himself, a little loudly, looking up at the ceiling he started his song once more, a little slower this time. This time when one would hear the song, pictures of far away places, of different people, of different things would appear in their minds eyes as he shared his memories with his gentle voice.

Faust thought about the question for a bit and finally shrugged after a while. "No not really, I just do what I love" replied the boy, satisfied with his answer. "That's cool that you can control darkness" smiled Faust at Lilian as they continued to roam.

(Its alright bro)







(His memories he is projecting through song)

"To an extent," she said stopping next to a line of columns that overlook the courtyard one floor off the ground. She didn't really have anything else to say at the moment, questions not exactly lining up in her head. With that in mind she brushed some hair out of her face and secured it behind her ear, now regretting forgoing tying up her hair this morning. Gusts of wind were blowing at a frequent pace, annoying her quite a bit. If she knew the wind would be such a problem today she would have went ahead and tied her hair up like she usually does, but well she isn't attuned to the weather so such a thing would have been possible.

She looked over at Faust and wondered why he was still talking to her, matters of the heart not something that she knows. In more ways than one she is quite perceptive and in others she is utterly dense, affections not being something that she can pick up on that well. Demons were never as attuned to such things, them being far more susceptive to hate, anger, and lust than any other feelings. Even in that aspect her mother didn't initially love her father, it started out as a simple dare from some of her fellow demons. The demons didn't take into account how much of a sweet guy Lilian's father was and well her mother soon fell in love with him, creating the half-breed standing next to Faust this very moment.

Lilian double blinked the thoughts away and looked back out at the courtyard, watching the fountain trickle water down its ornate sides. She spoke again disturbing the silence, "Did you have fun with Lizzy yesterday?" She was simply looking for something to break the silence, figuring she wanted to know anyway.
Hearing Altier's voice, she slowly crawled out of her cubby. Hesitant and weary but hearing that she did good was something she was proud of. Once completely out of the box, she transformed back, her hair moving due to the wind and sitting on her knees. "Really? You think so? I think I did terrible" She spoke with a sigh. Before he could reply, her tummy rumbled a little which made her cheeks flush a rosy pink color again. ".. sorry.." She said almost in a whisper, staring at the ground in embarrassment.
Faust thought about the question for a little before shrugging. "Yeah, we mostly talked though; she is a shy one that Liz" replied Faust with a small chuckle, satisfied with his answer. "So how about you? Did you have fun after you left?" asked the boy, trying to keep the conversation going.
@Defective Kitten

Altier smiled lightly and pated her on the head, "You did very well." He paused and offered his hand yet again covered with the same glove, "How about we get something to eat Liz?" He didn't comment on her embarrassed expression, figuring she had enough of the embarrassing moments for one day. He was entirely truthful when he told her that she did a good job, he wasn't blowing smoke at all. Him remembering how she was when he had first met her, her barely able to even react to him at that moment.


She nodded lying her arms on the rail across the veranda-esk place they found themselves, "Yes." She paused and then added looking over at him, "I met someone after I left you two, she was a good person." With that in mind she forgot to mention her name, thinking that it had slipped her mind for some reason. She added after a few moments, her looking back at the courtyard as she did so, "Her name was Zara."
Look up at Altier who kindly offered her his hand, she kindly took it and stood up from the floor. Giving him a nod about the food she gave him a appreciative smile and went to get her bag which she threw over her other shoulder. "Alright, I'm ready" She spoke shyly as if it was there first time meeting again.

Walking outside of the music room, she began thinking of what to get to eat. "What do you want to eat?" Quickly glancing at her watch she continued, "By this time there should be many stores open" She spoke cheerfully this time. Liz rather liked food quite a bit, but she liked sweets the most.
"I'm glad that you are making more friends" replied Faust with a smile as Lilian leaned(?) on the rail. He had noticed not many people talk to her in the short time he had know her, so it was nice to know she made friends as well. "Your hair is beautiful" stated the green-eyed boy, not realizing he had said that out loud.
@Defective Kitten

Altier double blinked and said with a nod, "Actually I'm okay." He smiled down at her and started toward the cafeteria area with her, "I had some greens before I came out today." Him partly wondering if she had forgotten that he was a reverse vampire, which he would have liked quite a bit. He looked over at her and said with a light smile, "I'll just keep you company, I don't mind at all." He paused and placed his hands behind his back while adding with the smile still upon his face, "I rather enjoy your company Liz."


"My hair," she simply stated gripping some in her hand as she looked down at it, "Thank you." Other people had said the same thing but she didn't really pay much attention to them, considering they often vamoose right after saying it. She looked over at him and got the impression that he wasn't going to say that, but it sort of slipped out. She nodded and replied, "Your hair is quite nice as well." Compliments were not something that she really knew how to do either, having no one other than the three people she had met here to compliment in her whole life sort of put a damper on her ability to do so.
Faust smiled at hearing Lilians' complement, "Thank you" replied Faust as he stared back at Lilian. A thought arose in his mind as he replayed her compliment back in his head, he wondered that if she has not had much practice in complementing people.

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