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Fantasy Academy For The Gifted

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"Oh right, I almost forgot" She spoke than had a slight pause before speaking again, "I like your company too. You're really nice and I can speak comfortably around you. I'm just happy you don't mind everyone else's thoughts when they see me with you." Lizzy spoke happily but muttered the last sentence.

Once arriving at the cafe, she looked around to see what she wanted. She spotted Faust and Lilian at a table, it had seemed like they were having a fun conversation, well as fun as Lilian can be that is. Looking around the cafe, she spotted a store that caught her eyes and had a short line. It was the ice cream parlor, all different types of ice creams, some that don't even appear outside of the academy.

Walking her way, almost running, to the Ice Cream shop she ordered an Ice Cream Cone of Cookies n' Cream. Making her way back to Altier she happily licked the ice cream with a childish smile on her fact as if she were a little kid. Ice cream wasn't the best source of food to eat when your hungry but Liz didn't care, she just really liked ice cream.
@Defective Kitten

Altier followed Liz to the cafeteria and watched as she rushed of to acquire some ice cream, him watching as she went at it. He chuckled a small bit with a slight smile on his face, "So you like sweets." He didn't ask it as a question, it being pretty obvious that she did enjoy sweets considering she went straight for the cookies and cream flavor. He paused and then said with a slightly raised brow, "So would you like to visit somewhere I found yesterday?" Him referring to the Greenhouse that he found, it seeming that no one even uses the place for the most part.

In truth he figured that the place was largely there for those that enjoy plants, some faculty members probably keeping the place from falling apart. Most likely the place probably use to have a club affiliated with it back in the day, but that seems to have been a while ago. Nevertheless he found the place to be quite soothing and tranquil, no one else seeming to even know of it's existence. He figured on using it as a place to relax when he needed to be away from the school, him also figuring Liz wouldn't mind knowing about it for that exact reason.


She leaned away from the railing and stood straight back up, her looking over at him yet again. "I noticed something," she said rather plainly and then added with a tilt to her head, "You seem to stare at me a lot." This being further proof of her lack of convocations with people, her asking as she runs her fingers through her hair to get some tangles out, "Any reason why?" This was something that she had been wondering about ever since the cafeteria, her not getting it even if it was obvious to everyone else in the vicinity...some students even discussing it with whomever they were walking with.
Hearing about a place where Altier found, she was curious to know about it now. "Okay! Let's go." She had always been a curious type of person, I guess with her new power she really is a curious cat. As she licked her ice cream, it had seemed that the all the worlds problems were no longer there. "Oh, what did you do yesterday? I saw you once but we didn't really talk" The silence was too awkward so she brought up yesterday to make small talk.
Faust scratched the back of his orange hair, shocked that she didn't realize why he was staring at her so much. He thought about how he was going to explain to her the answer to the question, there were a million possibilities on how he could do it. Faust walked up to Lilian after a couple minutes of him thinking, leaned down, and planted a kiss on her forehead. "I hope that answers your question" stated Faust after returning upright.
@Defective Kitten

"Oh nothing really," he said with a slight shrug as they made their way out of the cafeteria and to the Greenhouse, him adding with a light smile, "I just hung out with someone I met on my first day here for a bit and just wandered around." In truth he didn't really do much of anything yesterday, it was a rather chill day for him. Apart from hanging out with her he only found the Greenhouse, other than that he really didn't do much of anything. In truth Liz probably had more of an eventful day than he did, it was pretty mellow yesterday compared to today and the day before yesterday.

As he rounded a corner with her he asked his own question, looking down at her with a light smile, "What did you do yesterday?" He paused and then added a bit more before she could reply, "I saw you with two people the other day, one of them looked pretty emotionless." She laughed a little but and then added, "I wouldn't mind meeting her once, she seems like she'd be quite the character." In his experience with people he found that the ones that are like her were quite interesting, emotionless people often hide the most bubbly personalities deep deep down.


She rubbed the place where he had kissed her on the forehead, her replying with a few blinks, "I think it does." It was a bit of a shock that he did that but she didn't show it to where he could tell, her stoicism still quite intact. She paused briefly and then said with a nod, "You are quite the character Faust." Coming from her that sounded quite odd, calling someone a character when she was the epitome of odd characters...story writers wouldn't have even been able to think up such a character most likely. She looked away for a moment and then back at him with a few blinks, "I think I like that about you."

The simple fact that she had said that was amazing in itself, the only other people that she had said such things were to her mother and father and maybe an extent to Lizzy and Zara. For her to say that she likes something about anyone was not a usual occurrence by any means, it would be more attuned to a freak rain storm in the dessert. Nevertheless she did say it, however odd that it might have been for her to do so.
Faust smiled at Lilian, happy that she got what he meant, and happier still when she complemented him once more. "Thank you Lilian" replied Faust, still standing right in front of her as she looked away and back at him.
"Oh! Yesterday hmmm... I met my roommate when I was painting in the art room. That's the emotionless you speak of, her names Lilian. She's a particular character. She's very blunt but she has a good heart, I think she just has a hard time showing it. Then I met this boy named Faust, I met him when he was asking for which shop to eat at. I was, of course, shy and Lilian said I was being rude.." She said ashamedly, "I first thought he was a scary guy, I honestly still think that, but I think I've learned to be okay around him. He's really nice but the way he presents himself.." She stopped her sentence as she let the last word fade.
@Defective Kitten

"Don't worry about it," he said with a slight nod patting her on the shoulder, adding with a smile looking over at her as they turned on the path that led to the Greenhouse, "There's no need to do something you don't want to do." He grinned and tapped his chest with his index finger, "Just go with your heart, some people might seem scary but most of the time they're alright." With that said they started to walk up to the Greenhouse, it being quite massive even on the outside. He looked back at her as he opened the door for her, "I welcome you to my newly found quiet place." This was actually a great place to get away from whatever is bogging you down, be it school or whatever and he was quite glad that he happened upon it.


Faust had been quite different today, her noticing that he wasn't as outspoken as he was yesterday. It might have something to do with him staring at her, which she figured on him maybe liking her or something. She however wasn't all to keen on even realizing the implications of such a thing so she figured she should just get it out of the way. She hopped up on the railing and looked at him with a few blinks, bluntly asking, "Do you like me?" She was rather straightforward, figuring that was how she always was...why should such a thing be a surprise to anyone that knew her even a little bit?
Faust smiled without hesitation to Lilians' question, that alone he figured would give her his answer. "Yes I do like you Lilian" replied Faust, continuing to smile his ever present smile. He admired the girls stoicism, again it made her all the more attractive to him; call Faust weird, but that's what he was, a weirdo. A proud weirdo at that.

A blue feather dragon flew over the school, letting out a screech-roar as a warning it was going to land in the greenhouse before descending into a dive. As it dived down, feathers became to form around the air of the dragon, making it a little hard to see the dragon fully. By the time the feather

"tornado" reached the ground, the dragon was gone and Leo stood in the center of the feathers.

He did not seem to noticed Liz nor the boy with her from earlier. He walked over to a man and began to speak with him, he looked like

a gardener of some sorts.

"Are they ready?"

"Yes they are"

"Good, they are lovely, they will do just fine"

What are they for anyways Leo?

The boy now had two bundles of flowers, one in each of his hands, of Amaryllis's. "One is to go with my lunch, stuff these in a puffer fish and they make a tasty meal. The other one is for Lizzy" replied the boy

"I'm sure she will love them"

"I hope so as well" replied the boy as he looked up towards the sky, his blue-green eyes just staring at...nothing. "Here is your pay" stated the boy as he brought his head down and put both the bundles in his right hand. He dug into his pocket and produced a few gold coins and handed it to the man.

"Thank you" replied the man before he left.

Leo grabbed his feather fan from the strap and spread it out, its green feathers producing a nice cool breeze for him. "Man its so hot here compared to Ignis, how do the people of today survive?" complained the boy to himself as he looked up, lost in his own little world.


She listened as he confirmed what she figured, this being an odd moment for her to say the least. She had never thought this out before, someone saying that they liked her wasn't even in her top ten things that may happen list. "Hmm," she said with a slight tilt to her head, adding as she swings her feet form her sitting position on the railing, "That's new for me." She honestly thought that he would have liked someone else in this school, seeing as how no one had ever really had the gall to tell her such a thing.
"Good or bad?" joked Faust, hoping that it was good news to her; that would make him elated to say the least. He heard his stomach rumble a bit, he was a little hungry. Faust chuckled at himself and two apples grew in the palm of his hand. "Want one?" asked Faust as he took one of them and held it up to Lilian.

She looked down at the apple and didn't really have any reason to say that she didn't want it, her liking fruit good enough. She took the apple and said with a nod, "Thank you, I'd be happy to." She took a small bite out of the apple, figuring on seeing how it tasted...her not having the chance to eat a supernaturally made apple before so she relished the opportunity. After she swallowed the bite she said looking over at him, "It's quite good."

She paused for a moment and backtracked a bit to his earlier statement, "And as to your question." She paused once more and then said with a nod, "I would have to say somewhere in the middle at this point." She wasn't going to lie to anyone and simply say what they wanted to hear, in truth he does seem like a good guy but she hasn't known his long enough to make any such guestement on whether or not she likes him. She doesn't operate on her heart's whims, she rather choses to use more of an analytical slant on things involving her life. She wasn't sure how this would affect Faust but to her she thought it was the right thing to say, there being no grey in her way of thinking.
Faust smiled at the girl before taking the other apple for himself; he took a bite of it and swallowed after a little. "Its a start" replied the boy as he took in Lilians' response; it wasn't what he was hoping to hear but hopefully he could make it work. "So where else do you want to go today?" asked Faust after taking another bite of the apple.

"Not sure," she said with a slight shrug, her not really knowing any of the places around the campus that well. Considering she had only been here for a couple days it wasn't any surprise that she didn't know much about the place. Sliding off of the rail and to her feet she added, "I haven't seen much of the place." She figured he didn't know much of the place either, seeing as how she thinks he is rather new to the place as well.
Faust nodded his head and took another bite of his apple. "Well then, we can explore this place together then" replied Faust with a smile, he was knew here as well so everything would be new to him. Maybe the have a theater? That would be cool thought Faust to himself, he had always been a fan of movies and plays, so it would be nice.

"That sounds fine with me," she said with a slight nod, looking up at him. She takes another small bite of the apple she has as well, her starting to walk along the veranda-esk place they were currently at. After a couple moments of walking she looks over at him and does a double blink, "So what are you exactly?" She pauses and then adds before he can reply, her explaining what she meant by her question, "I know you can control plants, but what are you?" She had some ideas about what he was, ranging from some form of tree spirit all the way to a some form of human hybrid but she wasn't dead set on any idea she had concocted.
Faust finished off the last part of his apple as he walked with Lilian, her asking him just what he was exactly. That made him mentally stop, he always really had trouble talking about his past. Faust took the seeds from the apple core and planted them in a nice spot in the sunlight and smiled to himself, hoping they would be able to grow. After sighing he got up and turned around to Lilian.

"I was a sick boy growing up, I was operated on so much just to save my life. Then an...unorthodox...doctor....injected me with plant DNA to save my life"
replied Faust as he walked over to Lilian and put his hand in the air as if he was going to say an oath. He turned his hand into bark and ripped off a piece, just for it to grow back; then turned his skin back into skin.

"See without it I was going to die. They gave me DNA of what many believed to be a forest lord" explained Faust more as he fumbled with the piece of bark in his hands. "Afterwards my life was never been the same, I had a hard time growing up with my parents not understanding me, so I had no choice but to run away. continued Faust, his smile now faded as the painful memories came back to him vividly.

"Then I met you..."
Faults smile replenished itself across his face as he stared down at Lilian, his emerald eyes meeting her red eyes.

She listened to his whole story or at least she he had told her, it seeming that he had somewhat of a hard life...more so than most people in the world at least. Lilian double blinked as he finished, her saying as he looked down at her with a smile, "Sounds like you had it rough." Her repeating what he had already said in her own words, she paused briefly and then added with a do, "Everyone has a problems in ones' life, it's how you overcome them that makes you who you are." She took a few steps forward and then looked back at him with her eyes, a smile not present but they way she said this made it seem like she smiled on the inside, "I think you turned out great."
Faust brought his hand up to behind Lilians' head and traced the back of her head, kinda like petting a cat. "That's very nice of you to say, thank you" replied Faust with an even bigger smile than before. "Your hair is so soft, its like petting a kitten, a small adorable kitten" stated Faust, completely honest like always.

"A kitten," Lilian looked up at him and thought that was an odd comparison for him to say, although her hair was rather soft so she guessed she could see a similarity in that way. At that moment she kept her stoic exterior but did a pawing motion as a cat would, an attempt at a joke on her part. As she did this she said in her emotionless monotone way, "Meow." She double blinked and put her arms back to her sides, saying looking back over at him, "A kitten."
Faust chuckled at the way Lilian acted like a cat, it was too adorable for him. "Your too cute" replied Faust as he continued to stroke the back of Lilians' head slowly. Man I could just stand here all day and pet her thought Faust to himself as he tossed the piece of bark behind him with his free hand. The bark landed near the seeds he had planted and dissolved into the ground, after a few moments a tree began to grow and it formed a perfect apple tree.

Lilian wasn't use to such a day, more times than naught she was completely alright with sitting alone and looking over a book or drawing something. Human interaction wasn't that high on her list of things that she regularly does, although it was an interesting turn of events that she could at least pull it off. With that on her mind she squatted down and picked up a spider which was crawling along the ground, it seeming to not mind her at all. Upon closer inspection it could be seen that it was about to wander into a large assortment of ants, her picking it up before hand. "Poor dear," she simply said and then placed the spider on the tree that had just grow not to long ago, her seeming to bet getting more complicated by the second.
"I hope it enjoys its new home" stated Faust as he came up from behind Lilian, putting a hand on her shoulder as he stood in line with her, smiling the entire time. Faust was contempt with life, this being the best it had ever been. "If it chooses this tree that is" added Faust.
(sorry I went swimming and at a friend's house)

Liz looked at the massive building, amazed by the architecture and beauty. "Woah.." She exclaimed in excitement, "This wasn't in the layout of the school that I saw.." Joyfully running up the sets of the greenhouse, she slipped in and started to run around. Looking at all the flowers and greens growing with in. "I've never been to a greenhouse before, it's beautiful!" Once Liz found the white camellias, she got so excited. Camellias were an asian flower and most places don't have them so this was something she looked forward to. "I've only ever seen them once but they're beautiful in person." She spoke softly, the sunlight flowing in through the glass and hitting her perfectly. In that moment she looked so innocent and cutesy without even noticing.

"It will stay," she said with a light nod and then added looking back over her shoulder, "Bugs will be drawn to the tree." Lilian being a creature of the dark often liked things that also enjoy the night and dark, seeing as how she controls the very shadows and darkness it was a bit unavoidable. Her affinity for the darkness perhaps being another reason for her utterly transparent expressionless demeanor, that of course being highly speculative. She stood there for a moment watching the spider make its way up the tree, it finding a place right at the middle of the trees height. She turned and with a few steps said looking back at Faust, "Today has been pretty nice."

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