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Fantasy Academy For The Gifted

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Faust smiled back at Lilian when she turned to face him. "Yes it has...kitten" replied the orange-haired boy as he meet her eyes with his own. Faust had decided that was an appropriate nickname for her, he hoping she would not mind it.
@Defective Kitten

Altier went in right behind her, making sure to follow her where she went. It was quite entertaining to see her like this, him not seeing her so excited all to often. He walked up to her and bent down to her level as she gushed over the flowers she so adored, him saying in a slightly antagonizing tone, "You know you are quite adorable." He stood straight back up and said with a nod still looking at her, "And don't you forget it." It wasn't a lie that he was pushing, he honestly thought that she was adorable even if she didn't think so.
Turning her attention quickly to him once she heard him call her adorable. Her cheeks flushed a pinky color once more, "W-what..? N-no.. There are tons of girls that are prettier then me, like Lilian and that one girl you hung yesterday" She spoke embarrassed since she'd never been called that before. Seeing behind Altier she saw catnip and quickly lost her train of thought. Transforming to her little cat self, she ran to the catnip and began playing with it.
@Defective Kitten

"I beg to disagree kitty," he said as she made her way over to the catnip it her cat form, him shaking his head with a slight smile. It was a bit of a sight to see her in a cat form, seeing as how she isn't a shifter. It was a bit amazing how she can just jump right into whatever power she may have obtained so easily, this power not being over two days old he figured. He bent down next to her in her kitten form and then said with a raised brow, his smile still present, "Pretty sure you'd say your adorable if you could see yourself now."


She heard him call her kitten, which was most likely due to her earlier interpretation. Lilian didn't see any problem with it, seeing how she knew that friends of any kind usually give each other nicknames eventually throughout the course of a friendship. "So," she said with a short pause after, adding, "We still have some time left today." It was at the moment around two in the afternoon, time going by pretty fast in contrast to the previous day.
Faust nodded, continuing to smile at her. "So, what would you like to do with the rest of the day?" asked Faust in response to Lilian's statement, raising a quizzical eyebrow at her as he did so. In truth he wouldn't mind them doing anything, he was enjoying himself on this day.

She really didn't know of anything to do, her not knowing much of the compound off hand. She figured they could go and look for Zara or Lizzy but she didn't any clue as to where they were, her not really knowing their preferences on campus. Zara even less than Lizzy as a matter of fact, her meeting Lizzy in the art room so at least she knew she at least liked art. She met Zara in the cafeteria so in contrast she only knew she ate, which isn't really that much of a help in finding someone. She would like to say hi to the both of them but he didn't have any way to get into contact with them, in other words it was a bit fruitless.

She shook her head and replied, "Nothing comes to mind." Well at least nothing that makes any sense comes to mind, simply walking around being the only think that she could come up with at the moment and they have already been doing that for the past couple of hours.
Faust gave a little chuckle in response to her response. "Well then I guess we are stuck kitten, though I am glad I am stuck with you" stated Faust, smiling like always. Faust thought about this for a few moments and smiled to himself, if they were going to stay near the tree, might as well make it comfortable.

Faust placed a hand on the apple tree and closed his eyes, focusing his thoughts on his task. From the tallest branch, vines fell down and intertwined themselves, then a wooden bench formed; creating a swing was what they were called? He had forgotten what people called it, but he had created it, he gave himself a mental pat on the back, Faust was proud of himself.

The tall orange-haired boy took a seat on the bench, making sure it was secure enough, and it was.
"Might as well be comfortable while we decide what to do, care to sit Kitten?" asked Faust as he lay back on the bench, it felt good to sit after a long day of walking.
Playing with the catnip, she turned to Altier her slightly tilted, and let out a meow. Transforming back, she sat parallel from him, their faces the same height. "How'd you find this place? It's so pretty and seems so hidden.." She spoke changing the subject onto him rather than her. Her hands played some catnip that she had pulled off and was playing with and twirling around the finger tips. "By the way, how old are you?" She asked curiously since he was defiantly older than her. Than again, many people are older than her at this academy.
@Defective Kitten

Altier looked over at her him easily figuring why she asked him that question, seeing that it was an attempt at shifting the questions to him. He smiled lightly and just went along with it, "Well I just happened upon this place yesterday." He placed his arms atop his knees as he continued to squat, him not sitting directly on the floor...vampires not really dealing with uncomfortable positions like humans would. He replied to how old he was with a smaller smile, "Seventeen or so." He paused and double blinked as he watched the sun shine through the ceiling of glass, "Don't worry I know better than to ask a woman her age."

To that he chuckled a bit, him looking back over at her with a nod and smile. He paused for a moment and then asked with a slight tilt to his head, "So Liz, are you having a good day so far?" He wasn't really sure if she was or not, him not being able to read someone's mind like all of those vampires from books and tv.


She double blinked at what he had done, such a thing would be quite handy in a day to day life it would seem. She had often wondered about how nature bends to some supernatural creatures and it is out right against other ones, nature being quite the jerk sometimes. Demons as a whole didn't really have mush in the way of enemies, most supernatural being seeing them as the precursors of their own kinds so most of them think of them as patriarchs. With that in mind she took her seat beside him, and looked up at the trees branches. Being able to simply create a tree from a seed in such a short amount of time isn't a common occurrence in the supernatural world, this guy was truly unique.

Lilian looked over at him as the clouds above them started to grow grey and in greater numbers, it seeming like it will start to rain very soon. She paused and looked up at the sky seeing the development, her saying with a few blinks, "It's going to rain soon." No sooner had she said that it started to drizzle, heavier rain sure to come momentarily. For the moment the tree was keeping the rain off of them but it wouldn't last forever, her holding out her hand and after a while she switched into her darkness look. "I don't like to get rained on," she said as an umbrella made out of pure darkness appeared in her hand it opening and covering the both of them.
(Last post for tonight, night)

Faust looked up to see the rain clouds starting to sprinkle down, what a shame. Hopefully someone else would be able to use his creation later, if not himself. He got up and chuckled at the sight of Lilian making the umbrella.
"Well that's handy, but I prefer the rain. Guess its me being part plant, but it feels nice and refreshing" explained the boy as he stood underneath the umbrella anyways.

"Shall we head to the buildings then, so we can keep kitten dry?" asked the boy, he already figured what the answer would be but it still didn't hurt to ask, he didn't want to seem bossy or anything of the sort. Faust took a few steps out from underneath the umbrella, the rain following on him; him absorbing it just like a plant would, slowly but surely; he offered her his hand with a smile as he wait there.
She let a smile when he said that he knows better to ask a women's age, "I'm no women, I'm just.. Lizzy." She let out a quirky smile and continued, "Tomorrow's actually my birthday. I will turn the age of 15 tomorrow and I'm really excited." Although Lizzy never celebrated her birthday with anyone before, hopefully her newly found friends will join in celebrating with her.

Hearing tapping on the glass, it had seemed that the sunny day turned into a cloud sky. "Oh no.. It's raining" She pouted, "I hope there's no lightning.." Liz spoke to herself, she was not only scared of boys but also lightning but of corse she tried not to show her fear of it. She'd rather have her number of known fears kept to minimum.
@Defective Kitten

"Fifteen," he said with a smile and then adding with a nod, "Looks like we need a birthday party then." He then heard her talk about lightening, him figuring she was afraid of it which isn't that odd considering a lot of people are actually. Oddly enough the rain started to fall heavier and thunderclaps could be heard off in the distance...as well as flashes of lightning although the streaks were not visible, him looking down at her as it continued. He saw a bench in the corner and went to sit down on it, it being rather large as a mater of fact.

He looked over at her and said with a light smile, "How about we wait out the thunder?" He didn't think a good idea to go out in the rain, him already figuring that she was not to fond of lightening which most likely meant thunder as well. Altier sat there on the bench and smiled over at Liz offering her the seat beside him if she wanted it.

@Federoff (Wrapping it up)

She nodded and started inside with Faust, them spending a good bit of the day just talking and wandering around the school a bit more. After a while she eventually found her way back to her room and sat contently on her bed reading an old account of some demon from back in the day, her mother giving her many written works from many different demons of the past. Lilian may not be the smartest student in the school but she is by far leagues past anyone on the Demon knowledge train, perhaps even more so than the teachers in the school.
Following Altier to the bench, she sat down next to him trying to ignore the thunder and flashes of lighting. There was a bit of a distance between Lizzy and Altier on the bench, a feet or two. "N-no! I'm okay with just being with.. friends. I never had or been to a birthday party so I wouldn't know what to do, plus only you so far knows so it wouldn't be much of a party" She spoke and her voice wavered at some parts of words when the lighten struck and the thunder rumbled. Seeing the open space between the two, she sheepishly asked if she could sit closer to him.
@Defective Kitten

Altier smiles lightly and moves closer to Lilian, to where they were right next to each other. "I'd be happy to hang out with you on your birthday," he says with a nod seeing her cringe, him adding as he put his arm around her shoulders trying to comfort her a bit, "Don't worry about it, I'll be right here until it's over." He wanted to help her out a bit so he stayed right beside her as the rain and thunder increased in decibels and flow, keeping her up against himself him thinking it's a good thing that he wore a long sleeve today.
(to Lilian, aha)

Feeling his arms wrap around her shoulder, she simply tilted her head up to stare up at his face. She never notice this but he was actually quite handsome, it was strange she only noticed this now. Thinking back, all 3 guys she's met so far were quite the lookers. 'I wonder if he has a lover..? A lover.. With his looks he probably does..' The thought of him having a lover made her sad in a way that she didn't understand, "What is.. love..?" Liz mumbled, unaware that she had spoken out loud.
@Defective Kitten ((Aha? o.0 ))

"Love..?" Altier looked down at her with a raised brow, wondering what was going on his that head of hers. He thought it was a bit odd for her to say such a thing but her figured it wasn't that much of an oddity, everyone thinks of such a thing eventually. With that in mind he says with a slight smile, "I always thought of it as something you always search for and only find when you least expect it, I haven't found it yet but I'm still looking." With that said he looked down at her, him half wondering if that answered her outspoken mumbled question. The rain didn't look like it was going to let up anytime soon, so he figured on just sitting here for the moment.
(No you put Lizzy's name as Lilian)

Her face lit her once more like it did several times already, "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to say that out loud." She had yet again apologized for something small but for some reason she was relived to hear that he hadn't found 'love' yet. "Wait, so you don't have a lover..?" The term lover wasn't something used often in this century, it was mostly girlfriend or boyfriend now a days. "Have you ever been in love?" Liz was curious about this type of stuff such as love and how it works. "Did you know that there's already a fan club for you? It was something new that was posted on the club bulletin board. Thinking back, I think there's also a club for Faust too."
@Defective Kitten ((Ahhh my bad haha))

He shook his head at her questions, him saying with a slight smile, "Nope, I haven't had a girlfriend yet." He paused and then added with a raised brow, "Well I don't think I have been in love before so I wouldn't really know how that's supposed to feel." He double blinked a few times and then said with a nod, "If I were to ever fall in love with someone though, I'd think it would be someone like you." He wasn't sure how that comment was going to go over but he said it anyway, considering it was the complete truth. He didn't even know there was a fan club either, the people in it haven't even announced themselves yet...or that's what he figured.
"Someone.. like me? Why me..?" Liz didn't understand why he said that, her personality wasn't that great and she was basically scared of her own shadow. She wasn't tall like a model and not outgoing like the popular girls. All in all, Lizzy just thought of herself as plain. 'Is he just mocking me?' She thought before continuing, "You mean someone who plays well on the piano?" Her hands were between Altier's leg and her own, it was like a barrier between the two but she was leaned towards his face, there faces only a few feet away but it wasn't like Lizzy understood what she was doing. In her mind she just wanted to look at him when he talked and hear his responses.
@Defective Kitten

He shook his head and said with a smile, "That's not it at all." He paused and looked down at her, his eyes meeting her own, "I can see how pure your heart is." He paused yet again and added with a brighter smile, "Anyone would be lucky to be with you." His statements were earnest and they didn't have even a hint of dishonesty within them, he could see how much of a good person she was and he didn't even need his power to do so. Liz was a person anyone should be happy to be around, himself included.
Her facial expression change to a one of guilt when he said the word pure. "I'm not.. I'm not pure.. You don't know everything I've done.." She spoke, her heart sank heavy before she got up from the bench. Although it still rained heavily and the wind was picking up, Liz began making her way over to the exit. "I'm not pure Altier, anyone can tell you that." She spoke once more, stopped in front of the door and looked behind her and gave Altier a weak smile. Turning back to touch the door's handle, "I told you my friendship isn't a contract, you are free to leave me.. I'm an unwanted child that killed her own parents.." Speaking as she looked through the glass door, all she saw was the dullness that the rain had made the scenery. Staring long enough, she saw her own reflection that showed a single tear run down her face.
@Defective Kitten

He stood up and made his way over to her, him placing his hand on her shoulder. He doesn't know exactly how her parents died but he didn't really think it mattered in the slightest. With his hand on her shoulder he closed his eyes and spoke to her in a soft tone, "I don't value the opinions of others of you, I see you as a good person and your past doesn't matter to me." He moves in front of her blocking the exit, him wiping the tear from her face with his gloved hand...him getting down to eye level with her. He let out a light sigh and looked her directly in her eyes, "My friendship
is a contract and the only way I get out is if you want me out."
Seeing that he still hadn't left her, her tears began to flow from her eyes. Through the tears she was able to make out the words "thank you.." she spoke before suddenly hugging him. It had seemed that her cheek grazed his ear but she didn't mind the dizzy feeling in her head as long as she was able to hug him. Liz was able to hold on for a little long before the powers suddenly kicked in. It felt as if she were ran over by a monster truck that wouldn't stop going back and forth. Lizzy used all her strength to stay conscious so he wouldn't be bothered by her but it seemed that the fever had already set in.
@Defective Kitten

He felt what seemed like her cheek touch him so he quickly repositioned himself so she didn't touch him that long, him putting her against his chest as he stood back up keeping his arms around her shoulders as she did so. "It's okay Liz," he said with a light smile even though she couldn't see it, him adding as he placed his gloved hand on the side of her face his other hand still across her shoulders, "I'm not going anywhere." He could tell that she didn't see how much of an amazing person she really was, which is usually how it is with most people in existence. They often sell themselves short on how great they truly are, but in her case it was utterly crazy to him seeing how much of a good person she really was. At this moment he thought the same as Lilian had done the night before, him utterly annoyed at how bad the other people she had met treated her.
"thank you.. for not leaving me alone.." She spoke, her breathing heavy and short. As a child Liz had always been alone from the start, this was the first time someone had been with her for this long and even after hearing part of what she had done. Feeling her legs giving up on her, she held as tightly as she could to the back of Altier's shirt when he held her. He held too much power for Liz's small body to handle, it was as if the power wanted out from her body. Altier was too nice to her, she hadn't done anything but caused him trouble since the first day she met him, "I'm sorry for causing you so much trouble.." She mumbled into his shirt before she felt herself slip but Liz was about to push through.

"If you touch a supernatural with strong powers and slip out of conscience, there might be chance your body won't be able to take such amass strength and you might go into a coma, or worse." The voice of the school nurse replayed in her mind, her warnings and the consequences.

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