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Fantasy Academy For The Gifted

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@Defective Kitten

Altier could feel her slipping away, it was quite obvious that she was not use to dealing with a reverse vampires power. He knew that taking her to the nurse would be pointless, seeing as how all that she had done when he brought her there last time was just let her sleep. With that in mind he moved back over to the bench with her and sat down, him saying while rubbing her back, "You haven't caused me any trouble at all." He knew that standing was probably a bit to much for her at the moment so she was now sitting right next to him, him adding with a light smile, "You can make it, I know you can." He believed in her even if she didn't believe in herself, after one time of contact he thinks that she can get use to it so this time he hopes won't be as bad.
Within a few moments, Liz had just realized that she was sitting down next to Altier. If she could stay away through the whole transaction, she would be able to touch Altier without a problem anymore. Although this was a rather risky, it was worth a shot, and there were no other students with powers for Liz to come into contact with. The transaction could last anywhere from half an hour to 12 hours. She leaned her head against Altier's arm, "Don't let me.. slip away.." She mumbled, too tried to even try to look at him.

Half an hour had passed and her fever had risen, her cheeks flushed with a soft rose color. She kept her eyes closed, but held onto Altier's arm to make sure that she stayed awake. If her arm dropped, that meant she had slipped away. "You have a lot of power in your body, my body can't take it all. How long do you think this will last..?" Liz asked in a soft tone, from her voice you could tell she was trying her hardest to speak even when she was at this state.
@Defective Kitten

"Wouldn't dream of it," he said with a light smile as he held her close to him, trying to keep her up. He paused briefly and kept his eye on her, making sure she wasn't fading away him replying to her last question with a definitive tone, "No idea Liz but I'll be right here the whole time, no matter what." He wasn't sure how long this was going to take and that sort of bothered him quite a bit, him feeling bad for Liz. He didn't want her to go through this but it was unavoidable now, her having already came into contact with him.

Altier kept a close eye on her throughout this entire time, him listening to her breathing as well. One free hand on her should around her back and the other hand that has the glove covering one of her hand that's on her lap. Her other hand was still gripping onto his shirt, holding on to her awareness as she does so.
It had already been two hours and it seemed that the fever and the dizziness has subsided. Although she still felt weak, the dangerous part had passed. "I think.. I think it's over.." She spoke softly but her breathing was better and she wasn't as short breathed. After two hours of a fever, dizziness, and trying to stay awake, it was finally over and she was free to sleep.

Laying her head down on his lap, she lifted her arm and played with strands of his pretty blond hair. Giving him a light smile as she did, it would appear that she was slightly drunk even though she didn't drink anything. "I can touch you now" Lizzy's smile grew a little bigger as she realized that she could do so. Placing the hand she used to play with his hair with, she place it gently on his cheek. He was warm and soft, being out of her mind for the time being, she began giggling, "You're warm.. very warm.."
@Defective Kitten

Altier watched as she laid down in his lap, this quite different than how she usually acts. He smiled lightly as she commented on how warm he was, it quite the opposite of how a normal vampire would feel. His brow raised and he said with a slight smile, him brushing few strands of hair out of her face, "Told you, you could." She was not quite herself at the moment, if anything she seemed like she was a bit drunk or at least sort of drunk. The effects of the fever probably had some sort of consequences on her, perhaps giving her a half out of it feeling or something similar.

With that in mind he lifts her back up for a moment, sitting her next to him for a moment. He looked over at her for a moment and smiled lightly, saying in a light tone as he looked her right in the eyes, "There has been something I've wanted to do for a while now." He paused for a moment and placed one hand on her cheek, him moving in closer to her face. However as he approached her he moved up and kissed her on the forehead, him pulling back and lying her back on his lap. "Now go ahead and get some rest," he said with a light smile looking down at her, adding as she once again brushed the hair from her face, "It doesn't look like the rains stopping anytime soon."

He had already made the decision that if he had to he'd carry her to her room-if she was asleep-after the rain stops, such a thing not being a big deal to him at all.
Liz wasn't fazed with the kiss to the forehead, she was too out of it to even realized what had happened. Placing her fingertips on the place where he kissed, she simply touched it lightly. "huh.." was the only noise she seemed to make when she touched the area. "that was a.. kiss.. will I remember this..? Do you want me to remember this?" Speaking as she looked at Altier who was looking down at her. Her golden like eyes were staring at him and she could see good in him, maybe it was due to the power she had just gained. Although that was the first time someone had done something like that to her, she seemed to only smile. ".. rest.. Lizzy going to rest now.." Holding onto the end of his shirt, she fell into a deep slumber. It felt like she hadn't slept in years so I was good to close her eyes and just let go.
@Defective Kitten ((Alrighty, I'm going to go ahead and go to sleep now, see ya))

She slowly fell asleep on his lap him just letting her lay there in a deep sleep, him smiling down at her with a warm smile. Altier sat there with her after a while, the rain eventually stopping after an hour or so. He looked up at the sky and realized that it was now dark, the day seeming to have passed by due to the events in the Greenhouse. Now that it had cleared up he got up and lifted her from the bench, carrying her out of the Greenhouse and over to the girls dorms. It didn't take him that long to find her room, one of the other first years had pointed him in the right direction.

The door to the room wasn't locked which was a welcome sign, the other girl that she shared the room with was already asleep. Altier just laid her down on the other bed and pulled the cover over her, sitting her shoes beside the bed. he figured on going ahead and doing that, seeing how no one really goes to sleep with shoes on after all. After that he made his way out of the room and to his dorm, also lying down and getting ready for the next day. Tomorrow would be the second day to school and it seems like it will be an interesting day for everyone present.
(Just a response to the wrap up)

Faust followed Lilian everywhere for the rest of the day, having fun just being with her. They finally reached Lilians' dorm later in the day, Faust giving off a smile even though he wanted to spend more time with Lilian. He gave her a soft kiss on the forehead and said
"This was fun Lilian, I can't wait to see you again"

With that he walked away to give Lilian some time alone, he made his way to his own dorm and sat his sax down before walking out and into the rain. He didn't mind the rain, being part plant it only made sense that it would feel good to him. Faust made his way around campus, no particular spot in mind as he was just roaming.
((Fine with me))

Altier had a fun time the previous night, him not having much in the way of times like that back in his previous schools. His sleep was fairly good as well, him dreaming about an assortment of oddities in rapid succession. He woke up at a reasonable time and made his way around his room and down to the showers to get ready for the school day, and with all of that done he made his way to the music room with his pack in hand. On his way out of the door her grabbed a leaf off of the nearby plant and started to nibble at it, this being his breakfast for the day.

His first class was a history class if her remembered correctly, him eventually making it into the room and sitting down in a free seat near the back of the class. On his way there he saw the flyer that corresponded to what Liz had said last night, oddly enough there was a fan club. The simple fact that there was a group like that caused him to crack a smile as he sat in the classroom. He figured on just letting this class fly by, him knowing that no one he knew was in it anyway. As a matter of fact no one that he had met so far even has any classes with him, they only have some clubs with him as a matter of fact.

With that in mind the classes sort of dragged by, him eventually making it to the music room, him sitting next to the window as he looks out at the school grounds. His pack was sitting in front of him as he waited for someone he knew to show up, him at least knowing that Liz takes this class. He had something for her, the item in the bag before him as a matter of fact. This was her birthday after all and he wanted to give her something, so in that case he awaited her to arrive if she even would.

Lilian woke up fairly early her getting ready for classes fairly quickly as well. As she did she wondered how today was going to go, the previous day being fairly good, even if she didn't run into but one person. Faust was an unique person to say the least, in more ways than one as a matter of fact. So at the moment she found herself in a gym class, her standing on the track with an utterly emotionless face. Lilian didn't really know why this school even had gym, supernatural beings for the most part being in decent physical shape.

Nevertheless she started to run the laps that they were supposed to, her keeping a steady pace with the rest of the class. Some students were going all out at it but she just went calmly along and didn't really care how long it took, some of the other students were doing the same as well. Although the students that were doing as she did probably did so because they couldn't go all out, them probably being humans with special powers and no supernatural body.
Lizzy woke up that morning a little later than Lilian did. Everything that happened in the greenhouse was a blur to her so she didn't think much in to it. Lilian had already left the dorm room by the time Lizzy had gotten ready. She put on the school uniform and took a look at herself in the mirror, twirling around so that the skirt would sway. Still having time left before the school day started, she swung over by the cafe to get a crepe before heading to her first period of the day.

Arriving fairly early to her AP Foreign Language class, she took a seat by the window near the front. It had seemed that everyone had their own groups to talk to while Liz quietly just sketched in her notebook. Surprisingly no one bothered her but she could hear all their conversations. It just so happened that the president of the Altier Fan Club was debating with the secretary of the Faust Fan Club why their guy was better. Hearing their little debate made Liz smile as she drew, it was just too funny to hear.

When class had started, Lizzy just laid her head down. Barely paying attention to the lesson but understanding each word that the teacher spoke. This class was basically another english class to her and it just so happened english isn't something she enjoys doing.
Faust arrived early to the Music building, him having not much to do this morning at all. He had already eaten his breakfast and was ready for a day of classes, even though most would be boring he thought. He broke out his sax and started to play to himself, no one seemed to be of much talent in the music program for this class, he played some jazz to himself, a few of the better students joining in with him.

Zara was ahead in the P.E. run block, it wasn't like she was running that fast though, she just was better at running then most people; she had done physical excessive her whole life so this was bound to happen. Her blue scales shined in the warmer sunlight, sunlight always felt good to Zara; her being half dragon and all. She was quite and to herself as she ran, not making a single noise.

Leo arrived at the same class as Liz, since Leo was versed in a few languages it would all but make sense to him, maybe not to others. He took a seat in the back to himself, quietly eating some puffer fish squares dipped in toxins. It was a rare delicacy to him and it was well welcomed, the food here to him was terrible. He fanned himself with his fan, it was also to Hot in the classroom, even though the A.C was clearly on.

Lilian was running at the same pace as Zara, her catching the sight of her as she took the turn just ahead. She instantly recognized her as the sun caught her blue scales, no other person in the school looking like that as far as she knew. Lilian caught up to her a bit later and aked with a slight nod, "Zara, how are you doing today?" She was a bit let down that she didn't run into her yesterday but she figured it wasn't that much of a big deal, her figuring that she had things to do yesterday or something.

Altier was sitting in the corner of the room, him singing to himself the other students playing along with Faust. He didn't go along with them though, him not knowing the particular tune that they were playing at the moment. Nevertheless he simply sung out loud to himself, it was a song by a band that he knew his voice more a tune to this singer than any other.(

) He liked the aforementioned song so he didn't really mind if anyone paid him any attention, at the moment he was simply singing because he wanted to. It was a way to pass the time of the day if nothing else, some of the students looking over at him as he did so.
Zara turned her head to see Lilian and gave a small shy smile at the girl. "Good...you?" asked Zara with a breath in between the two words. Zara wondered when the teacher would make them stop, it was truly pointless to make her run; but it truly didn't make much a difference.
Head laid on the table, Lizzy lazily scribbled and doodled in her notebook. The teacher noticing her lack of desire to pay attention, she walked up to Lizzy's desk, creating a shadow over Liz. Seeing the foreshadow, she looked up at the teacher who was obviously peeved, "Miss. Rosewood, since you obviously lack the restraint to sleep in my class, please read what is written on the board." Demanded the teacher. Not wanting to get into anymore trouble, Lizzy sheepishly stood up from her desk. The girls whispered and laughed at her and the boys just stared at her with a smirk as if she were going to screw up.

Looking up at the board she saw that the writing was in Spanish, Lizzy was fluent in the Spanish language when she was 2 years old, "La Guerra México-Americana marcó el primer conflicto armado de Estados Unidos principalmente combatido en suelo extranjero. Se enfrentó a un México dividido políticamente y militarmente preparados contra la administración - expansionista mente del presidente estadounidense James K. Polk , quien creía que Estados Unidos tenía-" "Stop! Fine, you may sit down Mrs. Rosewood." The teacher said agitated while the class just shut up and stared at Lizzy.

Sitting back down, she was quite embarrassed at herself. Around the room she heard whispers that she was a show off and what not, but that didn't matter anymore, she had heard it all before.

She blinked a few times over at Zara, her seeming to be annoyed at the running just as Lilian was. So far the day had been fairly uneventful, but now that Lilian had found someone that she wouldn't mind talking to it was starting to look up. She replied with a no as the teacher told them to stop running and do as they want for the rest of the period, "I'm okay." She paused and then looked around at the other students of the class, the humans breathing rather hard at the moment. Lilian added looking back over at her, asking as she started over to the wall of the school looking to lean against it, "It's good to see you again."

Altier had been sitting in the music room for a whole period now, him getting sort of tired of the stares of the girls in the class. They were halved between him and the boy with the orange hair, Altier simply standing from his seat and figuring on going to the next period. It was a little early but the next class wasn't in session at the moment so he just figured on getting there a little earlier. The only reason he was in the music room at the moment was because he didn't have this particular period, no class being slotted for this time. With that in mind he made his way to his chemistry class, it being empty at the moment.

The students would eventually make their way to the class but it wasn't quite time for the previous class to be over as of yet, him figuring that they were still in session. With that in mind he simply sat there against the window, him looking out at the far off trees as the time slipped by.
(RPnation is really pissing me off right now -_- )

Zara nodded at the girls response, smiling a bit as she heard the words. "Its nice to see you to" replied Zara as she stood in the sunlight, taking it in with her eyes closed. Heat helped relax and sooth her muscles, a common trait among dragons.

Leo blinked up when Liz was called upon by the teacher, he let out a small chuckle at the other students; people truly hadn't changed that much he figured to himself. Leo got up quietly and went over to sit next to Liz, "Well that sure was impressive" stated the boy as he continued to eat his delicacy.
(how come?)

Liz was surprised by Leo who sat next to her, most didn't sit next to her in class unless forced to. Looking down at her paper, her eyes slowly glance over at him when he praised her, or was that sarcasm. "..n-no, that was nothing.." she said softly so the teacher wouldn't notice her talking to him and get them both in trouble. He was the boy from yesterday, although his clothing has changed, he was still the same. She tried to not let her fear show but rather covered it over with timidness.

"Well I enjoy talking with you," she said with a slight nod, the other students talking amongst themselves as they saw stoic talking to Zara. Lilian leaned back on the brick wall of the school, closing her eyes as the sun beamed down upon her as well. She didn't get exhausted by physical exertion but she could get to hot, her human side still present after all. She let out a light sigh as she opened her eyes to look up at the clear blue sky, only a slight acumination of clouds in the area. "It's hot today," she said with a bead of sweat trickling down her forehead.
(Its loading lag is too much, have had to restart laptop like 3 times -_- ... Its one of those days)

Zara, with her eyes still closed, smiled at the girl. "Its nice for me" replied the dragon girl to Lilians' statement. The sunlight was being absorbed by Zara's scales made her feel at home.

Leo smiled at the girl, she was quite shy indeed. "Come on it was" stated the boy, he was sorta frustrated that the girl was bringing herself down but he didn't show it in his voice nor face. "By the way, you never told me your name" continued the blue-haired boy, seemingly not caring if the teacher heard him or not.
Realizing her fault in not telling him her name she quickly responded, "Oh I'm sorry! I rushed out and I forgot, my names Elizabeth but that's too formal for me so call me Liz or Lizzy" She spoke naturally with a light smile at the end. It was just habit of her to smile when she introduced herself and also to bring herself down since she didn't want to seem like she better than everyone.

"Mrs. Rosewood and Mr. Leo, this is the last straw. Please leave the room and stand outside. You're interrupting the class from learning. To believe that you were an honors student Mrs. Rosewood." The teacher commanded and pointed at the door to leave. Lizzy was rather relieved yet embarrassed that she was being set out but did as she was told to. As she was walking out of the classroom she saw the smirks and laughs of the kids in the class.

Lilian sighed once more and then looked down at the grass, her thinking about inconsequential things at the moment. She then looked over at Zara blinking a few times before she asked, "What's your next class Zara?" She was trying her best at small talk, it not being something that she was particularly good at.
"My next class?" asked Zara rhetorically as she pulled out her scheduled from her pocket, unfolded it and carefully began to read. "It says I have a free period" replied Zara after a few moments of silence. "What about you?" asked Zara in return, raising a scaled eye brow at her.

Leo gave off a small smile as they walked out side the classroom, hearing the snickering of the other students he quietly said to them "I wouldn't be laughing if I were you, you all still have to stay in class," he said this too quiet for the teacher to hear but for the students to hear. That shut them up. When they got outside of the class he leaned against the wall. "Lizzy huh?" replied the boy, the name made his brain stop in its tracks completely as his memories flooded past him. "What a coincidence, that's who the song is about" stated the boy as he continued to eat his puffer fish squares.

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