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Fantasy Academy For The Gifted

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(Oopsy my bad, I fixed it)

Remembering that Faust was still there she quickly changed facial expressions to try to cover up her last sentence, "Oh no, it nothing. Sorry, I was thinking of… whether I.. uhh…" Trying to stall to make up something, she was never the best liar, always terrible and people would always see through it. "I was thinking that I couldn't have left my greenhouse, so I was thinking of going when school ended.. Right!" She spoke slowly in hopes to make up a better lie but that was what came out.

Checking her watch, there was one more period before all classes were over. There was only 25 minutes left of this period so she quickly packed her things, "I need to go to the… lady's room.." Making up another excuse, she left her bag in the practice room(the same bag she said she left at the greenhouse) along with her violin still out, she needed to go see Altier, but where would he be?
"Alright sure" responded Zara with a nod of her head, they would meet in the room(which ever room it was lol) after the next period. Zara couldn't wait to hang out with Lilian, it was going to be so much fun.

Faust blinked, the girl seemed flustered. Little flowers all grown up thought Faust as he chuckled, noticing her bag was here along with her violin. He decided to put her violin up for her and place her bag next to her locker. Faust took apart his saxophone and whistled a little, a beautiful brown owl came through a open window and landed on his shoulder. Faust wrote a message on a piece of paper and put it on a scroll before putting it in the talons of the owl. "Make sure she gets it my friend" smiled Faust to the bird before it took off. Once the bird found Liz it flew right in front of her, the message hanging in its talons.

I've put your bag near your locker and even packed up your violin for you. Have fun -Faust IV read the message, short and sweet.

Lilian nodded over at Zara seeing how she seemed to accept her plans about hanging out on the roof later, even if it was somewhat of a haphazard suggestion from Lilian. She looked over at the clock and realized that they had maybe another twenty minuets left in the period, "Looks like it's about over." All of the work that she had to do was done at the moment, all they had to do now was wait out the clock so to speak.

Altier was walking down the hallways now, taking a short cut through the music/arts section of the school to get to the gym area faster. He was also wondering where Liz was at the moment, him half expecting her to be in the music room when he had went their earlier. He figured that he just went at the wrong period, which sounded right enough to him at the moment. Today hasn't been that good of a day for him at being on time for classes, which kind of made him feel a bit off today. He rubbed the back of his neck and exclaimed aloud, "Well then...don't need to be late again..."
Running around with her newly found speed, she almost ran into a brown owl. "Owls don't come out in the day.." She said before seeing a note attached to it's talons. Reading the note she felt embarrassed, "Damn, he knew.." She mumbled to herself before shoving the note deep inside her pocket skirt. The feel had rang for the next period but since the campus was so wide, she couldn't find him. "Where are you Altier.." She spoke almost out of breath from all the running and searching. "Ill.. just find him later than…" Liz was quite disappointed at the fact she couldn't find him but it was no use in searching, she would have to search through every classroom at this point. Giving up for the moment, she went to her next period which was Home Eco.
Faust walked outside and towards his next class, not having a care in the world. He stopped every now and again to talk to a few friends he had made on campus, some girls swooning whenever he walked by. He didn't seem to be in much of a hurry, even though the possibilities of being late.

Zara looked up at the clock right before the bell rung and nodded. "Alright I'll see you later, I got Home Eco. next" stated Zara as she waved goodbye to Lilian, her first true friend; well after taking off the coat and handing it back to her. "Thanks" Zara added before she made her way over to Home Eco. and sat down near a window, the sunlight bathing her scales in warmth. "Now this is better" stated the girl as she sat their, waiting for class to begin.
Arriving a little earlier before everyone else did, Liz sat at a table but of corse everyone had already formed their groups. Liz sat by herself at the table meant for 4 people per group, but it didn't matter, she's excluded before and there never really effected her as much as it should. "Oh no, I left my books in my bag.." She realized and it was too late to go get it now. 'You're fine Liz, as long as theres no writing involved for today, you'll be fine' she spoke to herself in her mind to try to calm herself, and it worked.
Altier had made it to the gym, seemingly right on time, the bell ringing for the end of the last period. With him actually on time for a class he leaned back on the bleachers, his eyes tracing the very high ceiling him noticing a few basketballs and such lodged in the rafters. That of course isn't such a big surprise considering this is a school for the supernatural, it was only natural that they do something like this every now and then. The class would get underway sooner or later but he didn't really pay much attention as the students filled in. The girls caught him right when they walked in, then letting out a gasp followed by a course of oh my gah Altier's in this class.

Lilian noded to Zara as she made her way out of the library, Lilian thinking that she had some kind of science class after this. She made her way to the biology class that she was taking, the main reason she was taking this class being what it would ultimately allow her to take. She only wanted to get to chemistry and physics, she could care less about the things that would be taught in this class, seeing as how she already knew about pretty much all of the lessons that would be taught. With that in mind she figured on just skating right n through this class today without much effort at all.
Faust was having a conversation with one of his fellow classmates about a new song they got, she needing help on a certain rhythm when he saw Lilian enter the biology room. He smiled to himself and walked over to the classroom, he had a free period and he knew the teacher; they wouldn't mind him staying, he was quite good in science so Faust could help the others if they needed it. If he remembered correctly from his biology class before, today was to be a do-it-yourself lab.

Faust walked up behind Lilian and gave her a friendly hug, causing some of the girls to look up for a brief moment before looking back down in jealousy.
"I was wondering when I was going to see you today Kitten" greeted Faust with a smile.
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Lilian was standing in front of the table looking upon the worksheet that she had already filled out, without even cutting into the specimen on the table. She double blinked as she was hugged from behind, replying as she looked up and saw who it was, "Oh hello Faust." The rest of the class nonchalantly looking back at the spectacle that was happening at the moment, them a bit taken aback by it. The guys in the class were even a but envious about it as well, them wanting to approach her but they didn't know how due to her demeanor.

Altier sat at the top of the bleachers and talked with a good bit of people, most of them being female. They all were asking him a great deal of question and writing down the answers so he wouldn't see them do so, it being quite obvious that they were in cahoots with the AFC(Altier Fan Club) or at least doing this for them. There wasn't much for him to do in this class today so he figured on just talking with people until the class was over, any actual physical exertion wasn't mandatory today so it didn't really matter what they did today. With that in mind he just awaited the bell to ring, figuring on going to find Liz when it does ring.
Faust smiled as he bent down a little further, resting his chin or her shoulder, as if he was a parrot on a pirate. "So hows it going kitten?" asked Faust as he continued to hug Lilian, hoping the girl wouldn't mind at all.
Sitting at her table alone, she felt a ball of crumbled up paper hit her head. Turning around, another one hit her forehead, it seemed that they timed it perfectly. Picking up the crumbled up papers, inside read hateful words like "Loser" "Freak" "Go Away" "No one likes you" and what not on these two crumpled up balls. Turning back to her table, she shoved the notes down her skirt again. Her elbows on the table, she rested her chin on top of her hands.

"Today we shall be making cake, here are the handouts to make the cake." The teacher spoke and handed out the recipe for 5 different types of cakes and 8 different frostings with examples of cake designs at the bottom of the paper. "You have an hour, I shall grade you on appearance, taste, and originality. Ready? Go." The teacher spoke with a slight smirk.

This was going to be a bit difficult since Liz was all by herself but she was determined to make a good cake. All the ingredients and supplies were laid out on the table and she had to do was follow instructions. "This was be easy.. I hope.." She mumbled to herself, she often does that, encouraging herself by talking to herself. It was a bit odd but that didn't matter as much.

Lilian passed the paper forward and looked over her shoulder to Faust, saying with a slight shrug, "Pretty good." The day had been going pretty well so far, nothing that annoying had happened yet so all in all it was alright. At the moment the class was halfway over so the school day was nearing its in fairly quicker than usual.

@Defective Kitten

Altier had been sitting in the class for a while now, him asking about what class a girl named Elizabeth had right now. Luckily one student knew which one she had, him asking if it would be okay for him to transfer to another class. The teacher didn't really mind seeing as how gym could be taken at any grade level, so she gave him her okay. With that in mind he made his way over to the home ec. class, it not taking that long seeing as how it was relatively close. Honestly the whole day had been a big bore wrapped in a blah enigma, he at least wanted one class with someone he considered a friend.

With that he walked into the class room and went over to the teacher, handing her the class swap form. She looked it over for a moment not believing that a student would give up PE for Home Ec. however she eventually saw that it was legit and told him to find a station. With that said he looked out at the class all of the female students aghast at who just walked in, Altier seeing Liz and smiling at her as he walked over to her lone station. "Hello there stranger," he said with a slight nod taking up position beside her, "Happy birthday by the way, you'll get your present later." He didn't pay any attention to the girls with utter amazement on their faces, them wondering how this could have happened.
"That's good" replied the boy with a smile as he stood there, continuing to hug Lilian. "So do you have any plans for after school?" asked Faust curiously, a few girls giving an audible sigh of jealousy.

Zara got to work on baking the cake, it was going all right; until she went to bake the thing. She was never one for this type of thing, in fact she didn't sign up for the class; it was the only thing available to her for this period. The oven smoked up pretty badly, when Zara opened the now beeping oven, she used her blue wings to blow away the smoke. Her cake lied in ruins. She let out a sigh to herself, "Why do I need to know how to do this when I can hunt for myself?" asked the girl to herself as she threw away the failure, getting an F from the teacher and mockery from the other kids; what a boost in confidence for her.
Looking up from the piece of paper that she was reading, she saw that it was Altier. With that she give him a cheerful smile, wanting to hug him but forgot that she could now. She looked around the class room, all the girls were eyeing him like hungry wolves over steak. The girls were shocked that out of all the stations he chose mine. "Oh, sorry. Do I know you?" She asked sarcastically but stuck her tongue out at him. "Okay. Since you're in my station, I haven't actually gotten much done and there's only 50 minutes of class left. Do you know how to bake a cake?" She asked in hopes that he did, in all honestly cooking wasn't something she was good at but baking on the other hand.
@Defective Kitten

Altier chuckled a small bit when she threw out a bit of her sarcastic side, him not seeing that before from her. He thought on it for a moment and then said with a slight shrug, "I know a bit about baking but I'm no savant with a whisk." He looked over the instructions and double blinked, then looking over at her with a light smile. "Well it looks like the instructions are all here, as long as we follow them we should be okay." He didn't really make any food, considering all he really needed to eat at the most was salad.

A packed pantry isn't exactly a necessity back at his house, his parents having a rather large garden and that suited the family just fine. With that in mind he started at getting the ingredients, letting Liz know what needed to be done and in what order. With in a few minuets the basic components were in a vat mixed up, the last thing they needed to do was put it in the oven. He grinned and gave her a thumbs up, the other stations growing even more jealous. "Well all we need to do now is let it bake," with that said he flipped the oven door for her to slide the cake in.


Lilian nodded and said as she looked back at him, utterly ignoring the females and males in the class that were eyeing them. "I actually have plans with the friend I mentioned the other day, her name is Zara." She wasn't sure if he had something in mind but she had already made some plans and she wasn't one to go back on what she had said to someone else.
Faust smiled back at the girl, something that anyone who knew him at all was a common response to say the least. "Do you mind if I tag along to meet your friend? From what you've told me she sounds interesting to say the least" asked Faust innocently, this being his plan from the start; he hadn't much to do after school on most days besides from what he normally does.
"Yay. Now we make the frosting!" She exclaimed excitedly, Liz always loved baking but not as much as she loved eating it. Squatting in front of the oven, she watched it intently before getting up and focused on making the frosting. As she made the frosting, she saw the girl that Lilian hung out with the other day was having trouble with her cake. Giving the bowl to Altier to stir the confectioner sugar and other ingredients, she simple asked him to stir until it became a smooth consistency.

Making her way over to the teacher, she ask if the girl could be in her group and the cake that they make would be her final grade. Although hesitant to give permission to Liz, the teacher eventually gave in but she would judge their cake much harder than the other for this request. Walking over to the girl, she simply smiled, "Hi, you're going to be in my group now if you don't mind. The teacher said that she would give you another chance to make a cake with my group so the grade be get on the cake will be your grade too" She spoke cheerfully, Liz was always better at speaking to girls rather than guys.

"Once you're ready to come over, please feel free, okay?" Liz happily walked over to her station. *ding* Went the timer for the cake, "Cakes done!" She cheered and opened up the oven before reaching in to take the cake out. Taking the cake out, she felt a burning sensation in her hands and finger tips, she had forgotten to put on oven mitts. Not wanting to make a big deal out of it, she tried to hold in her scream. She was conflicted to whether to drop the cake or to set it down. Setting it down nicely onto a kitchen towel, she withdrew her hands. She could feel tears swelling from the pain but it didn't seem like anyone had quite noticed yet.
Zara flinched when Liz came up and talked to her, giving a quizzical look when what Liz had said sunk in. "Th-thank you" replied the girl shyly and timidly before following her to her station; not making a noise in the process. "That looks good" replied the girl as she brought her gaze from the ground to the cake and then back down once more, as if she was fearful for her life.
@Defective Kitten

Altier did as she wanted him to, after awhile sitting the icing down on the countertop. He looked over as she reached in for the cake, him noticing that she didn't put on any kind of oven mit. A girl that Altier didn't know came over to work with them, him giving her a light smile, as she did so. Before he could introduce himself he tilted his head to Liz, him realizing that she had burned herself. Thankfully she had his powers now so it wouldn't be that bad but he took ahold of her hand anyway and saw a particularly bad burn on the tip of her index finger.

He made a tisk tisk tisk sound with his mouth and said with a slight frown, "Just a shame isn't it." He bent down to get a closer look at her finger, however rather unexpectedly he put her finger in his mouth as his mother often did when he was little and burned his finger on one of his mishaps. He wasn't sure as to her reaction to the whole thing but he didn't really think that far ahead, him shortly after removing her finger and saying with a nod the finger now looking rather better, "All better." At the moment he completely forget to introduce himself to the girl that had come over, which was odd for Altier him always being a gentleman.

This sudden finger thing caused the whole class to simply gasp in sudden shock, all of them frozen in disbelief...


Lilian thought about it for a moment, her not thinking it would be a bad idea to bring Faust along. Her school life had gotten better as she met more people so in comparission perhaps Zara's school life would also get better in the same way. It was sort of obvious that she had the same problem-but with different reasons-with making friends. She nodded and said, "Yeah I think that would be fine."
"Great" smiled Faust in response to Lilians' confirming that he was aloud to come along with her, this made him happy that he could spend more time with Lilian. He began to wonder what the Zara girl would be like, from what Lilian had told her, she was shyer then Liz; somehow ( :P )

Zara just stood there, somewhat uncomfortable at the sight of the two; but she did not show it. Zara just continued to stare down at the ground, waiting for nothing in particular; except maybe for the end of the class.
Seeing that the burn marks were healing, she didn't quite understand until Altier touched her hand and put her index finger in his mouth. Than she remembered her fever and that he.. kissed her. Her cheeks flushed a bright pink, her other hand close on her chest since her heart wouldn't stop thumping so hard. When he took her finger out, the badly burnt finger only lingered but didn't hurt like I did before. The unexpected action and memories caused Liz to pull back her hand, but there was the awkward silence that everyone dreads.

Trying her best to change the subject, she turned over to Zara she quickly introduced them to each other, staring at the ground the whole time. Everyone in the class was shocked and the girls had eyes of envy for Lizzy. Quickly transferring the icing to a piping bag, she piped on the icing on silence and also timidness, trying not to cause anymore attention to them.
@Federoff @Defective Kitten

Altier saw her cheeks turn a rosy red, which caused him to smile a bit out of reflex. She went about her way, doing what needed to be done to the cake seeming to take the attention off of them. He didn't notice that the whole class was paying attention to them, and the addition of Zara to the two of them made it even more of a spectacle in the classes eyes. Altier looked over at Zara who seemed to be staring directly at the ground, seemingly to be just as shy as Liz when he first met her. To that Altier decided to speak to her as Liz worked on the icing for the cake, him saying with a light smile upon his face, "So your name is Zara, I think I saw you with Liz's friend one time." That time being the first time that her and Lilian had met back in the cafeteria.


Lilian wondered if Zara would be okay with her bringing someone other than herself to hang out, her not to sure if she would be okay with it. In actuality she hadn't really known her for that long so she couldn't really predict how she will react to someone she doesn't know. Lilian figured she'd just have to hope for the best, Zara seeming like she wouldn't be openly against meeting someone else...at the most she'd just be shy at first, maybe. She looked up at the clock, seeing that they had maybe another 20 minuets or so left, "Not much longer now."
Lizzy finished making the cake by adding in a few strawberries on top and in between layers of the cake. Once the cake had been assembled, she was proud of her hard work on the exterior. Of corse the cake wasn't too fancy but it was nice and simple, like in bakeries and what not. Simplicity is sometimes better than going all out like the other stations did.


While working on the cake, it seemed that there was some icing on Lizzy's cheek but she didn't seem it notice too much. Backing up from the finished cake, she proudly announced that the cake was almost finished to her two partners. Walking up to Zara she handed her a few strawberries, "Here, you can just place that at the bottom of the cake to line it, okay?" She had seen that the girl was too timid to help so Liz thought that she could give her an extra push so she could have helped in some way in making the cake.
(Ugh no alertz D:)

"Antsy to see your friend?" joked Faust, chuckling at his own dumm joke, giving off his normal radiant smile. He himself knew it was a stupid one at best, but it helped past the time; not that he didn't wish that he could just stand there and hug Lilian all day.

Zara nodded at Lizzy before taking the berries and planting them where Liz had told her to, not too sure why she wanted her to do something; Zara would most likely would mess it up somehow. "D-do you mean Lilian?" asked Zara shyly, not sure of who he was talking about herself.
@Defective Kitten & @Federoff

Altier watched as Zara placed the strawberries where they were supposed to go, him looking over at her as she replied. He nodded and said with a light smile, "Indeed," he paused and then said with a slight tilt to his head, "Lilian is Liz's roommate actually." Altier figured that would get out in the open eventually, seeing as how she seemed to be close to Lilian. Altier hasn't had the pleasure of meeting Lilian yet but he figured he would eventually, there wasn't any rush after all. The teacher walked by their table and marked her paper that was fastened to her clipboard, without saying a word.

Lilian double blinked at what Faust had said, her replying even though there wasn't any need to, "Not really, this class is just dull." The teacher probably heard what Lilian had said but she didn't say anything, figuring she couldn't really refute what she had said. The teacher even looked a bit board even though she was the one that was teaching the class.

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