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Fantasy Academy For The Gifted

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"Yeah it is, but the teachers try" replied Faust with a smile as they waited for class to end, having not much else to do besides talk. "So, mind telling me more about Zara? I'm quite curious" asked Faust, generally curious about the girl; not being told much from Lilian.

"Oh... that's nice" replied the girl awkwardly, not having much else to say besides for that. Zara hadn't been much of a talker her whole life; what with being hated by her entire community.

After the teacher marked their cake, Liz hoped for a high grade. "Can we eat it now?" She asked with a light giggle and a smile. Walking over to the drawer that held all the knives, one of the girls walked by and dumped a carton of milk over Lizzy's head. "That's what you get for hogging the boy, freak." The girl spoke bitterly but to cover it up only said, "Oops, I'm sorry! I didn't see you there, you were just so.. invisible. My bad" She spoke sarcastically. The classroom was silent and all you could hear was the milk dripping onto the ground.

"N-no.. it's okay.. I'm going to.. clean myself off.." Liz spoke in embarrassment before running out of the classroom. Running to the pool area, Liz was lucky to find that she was the only person in the building. Making her way to the showers that weren't in the locker rooms, she sat underneath the shower head and turned it on so it hit her hair and back. Liz was crying but the water made it almost invisible. Within a few minutes, the milk was rinsed out but she still sat as the water hit her back.
@Defective Kitten & @Federoff

Altier watched as the girl poured the milk on Liz, him catching the first part that she said. As Liz rushed out of the room he glared at the girl that had done the deed, him giving her a death glare that you would see in any vampire horror movie. After the transparent glare the girl just sort of froze up, her not expecting the action from Altier. Her friends sort of just stayed away from her at that moment, fearing that they would also get the same glare if they came to the aid of their friend. Odds are the group talked about the action before she even went and done it, so in truth they were all to blame and he knew that.

Nevertheless Altier didn't even think twice about rushing out of the room, grabbing his bag as he did so him not planning on coming back later. The teacher didn't try to stop him, her walking over to the girl to give her a firm and much deserved punishment. He tracked down Liz pretty quickly and eventually found her in the showers, standing under the running warm water fully clothed. He let out a sigh knowing that she was probably crying at the moment even though you couldn't really see it at the time due to the water. With that in mind he sat his bag to the side and made his way over to her, not really caring that this wasn't the men's shower considering no one else was in here at the moment anyway.

He placed his hand on her shoulder and kissed the top of her hair, him now getting wet as well. "It's okay Liz, don't pay them any attention," he said and then added without any hesitation in his voice, "They are idiots and she's the one that made a fool out of herself, you have nothing to cry about."

(Finite for those two, Just pretending they went to the roof and met) --v

Lilian blinked a few times before she replied, "Well she's sort of shy." She paused for a moment and the added looking back at him over her shoulder, "I find her to be very beautiful as well." Lilian didn't really know what he meant by tell me more about her, so she just said what was on her mind at the moment or at least what she thought she should say. She shifted her weight on her other leg and added, "She is also a bit self-conscious I think...although I don't know why she would be." That was one thing that Lilian never could understand, and that was why people always sell themselves short all of the time...her seeing Zara and Lizzy as exceptional people in their own right.
Lizzy shook her head, "No. I'm not crying, I swear.." She spoke with a weak tone and gave a rather pathetic attempt at a smile. "Why are you here? You're getting yourself soaked if you continue to be under it with me." She warned him and in a way, tried to push him away so he wouldn't get anymore wet than he already was. "Today hasn't been a good day despite it being my birthday, I don't understand why people say Happy Birthday anymore. What's so happy..?" Liz spoke, moping a little and staring at the ground rather than at Altier. "Altier.. I have a question, why does everyone hate me..? I don't think I did anything wrong.. did I?" She asked with a dejected look in her eyes, as if she were a puppy who can't reach their toy.
@Defective Kitten

'It's no sin," he said referencing that it's not a sin to cry, him adding with a bright smile she he turned her to face him, "And I'm here because I want to be Liz." He paused and brushed the wet hair out of her face, saying as he looked her right in the eyes, "Honestly I don't think they hate you," he paused yet again as he placed his hand on her cheek, "I think they are envious of you. After all that they had done to you, you still haven't retaliated and they just want to see you sink to their level." He smiled one of his caring smiles as he added, "I envy you Liz and I'm sure I'm not the only one." He let out a sigh and took both of her hands in his own hands, holding then as he said, "You have more character than anyone that I have ever met and never forget that."
Liz was happy to hear his response, he always knew how to make her feel better. Seeing that had held her hands, she wasn't reluctant to hold them back, squeezing them as she did. Water, or should I saw tears, ran down her face as she let out a bright smile. "Thank you for being here for me. I'm sorry I rely on you so much, every bad thing that happens to me so far and you've help me through the way." She spoke, no voice no longer weary. Liz was lucky to meet someone like Altier. Although she had never experienced liking anyone before, when he's near her, she feels warm and fuzzy inside. Would this be considered liking someone?

Taking one of her hands, she placed it on his cheek. Lizzy's eyes twinkled and she leaned in closer to Altier's face. Her other hand still holding onto his, she gave him a peck on the cheek, like how little kids did. Although Liz had never done it herself, she saw adults and even little children do it so she thought she'd give it a try. Realizing what she just did, she felt her cheeks become warm so she withdrew both her hands and covered her face, "I'm sorry.." She mumbled under her hands.
@Defective Kitten

He double blinked as she kissed him on the cheek, that being something that he wasn't expecting from her. Liz never being one for doing things that would potentially embarrass her, more times than naught she would take the safer path or at least that was what he figured. He smiled lightly and looked down at her replying to her last comment, "Not at all." With that said he bent down and took her hands once more, him looking her directly in the eyes. He paused there for a moment but he eventually leaned in and gave her a quick peck on her lips, but only a quick one seeing as how he didn't think that she could deal with a full blown kiss.

He wasn't sure how she would deal with this but he had been wanting to do it since last night, which he mulled over whether or not to do it back then. He however opted out and kissed her on the forehead then but this time he just went for it, whether or not that was a good idea he was about to find out.
As Lizzy felt Altier's peck on the lips, she felt like she was going to pass out from a heatstroke. "Y-y-you kissed me..!" She spoke in surprise, never did she expect him to kiss her. Altier took her first kiss, well it was rather a small peck but still, Liz never had that happen to her before. "I though you only though of me as a sister." Liz exclaimed, covering her mouth with her fingertips. She no longer had tears running down her face, only water that was running short from being on for so long. The kiss made her forgot about all her problems but rather on why he did so.

From being kissed on the forehead to the lips, she was rather shaken from the experience. Although it did surprise her, it wasn't the type of surprise that she didn't like. "Does this mean.. you like me..?" Asking hesitantly but wanting an answer, to be honest Liz didn't even know herself what liking someone was. Was the warm and fuzzy feeling it?
@Defective Kitten

Altier watched as she went from disbelief to acceptance in the span of a couple seconds, him awaiting her to say something to him. The question that she asked was the one that he figured that she was going to ask, it being a question that most people would ask after the event that just happened, happened. "I did kiss you," he said with a light smile his hands on each of her shoulders now, him ready if she would have passed out. He didn't think she would but he was ready in the off chance that she did, with Liz he could never exactly be sure as to what she would do. He added to clarify her second proclamation, "And I don't think I ever said I thought of you as a sister."

He let out a light sigh one hand moving from her shoulder and his index finger touching her lower lip a she said, "With out a doubt." That of course meaning that he did like her, the small kiss being pretty concrete proof it seemed. He let his arms fall to his side with a light smile on his face as he did a double blink and a slight rise to his brow. Him asking in his own quizitive voice, "How about you Liz?" He would like to know as well, him all in at the moment without a single chip left back.
"I.. I don't know.." She spoke in a rather sad tone in her voice, "I don't know what liking someone is supposed to feel like.. but when I around you I feel warm and fuzzy and.. and I miss you when I'm not with you." Liz was speaking from the heart, she wasn't holding back anything she wanted to say to him. "Is this what you call liking someone? I never understood.. I'm like a robot when it comes to this type of stuff, I just don't understand.." She said, stressing herself out on the matter.

"It's strange..." Liz paused looking at the ground, "but my heart.. it won't stop pounding.." At this point, the water had stopped and the warm water soon turned cold. "Is this normal..? I'm scared." She admitted, staring up at Altier with eyes that could melt a frozen heart, her frightened eyes.
@Defective Kitten

"It's completely normal," he said realizing the water had turned cold, him reaching over and stopping it the water ceasing from the shower head. He paused for a moment after she turned the water off and then added with a light smile, "Seems like you just described how I feel too." Altier closed his eyes and then let out a sigh as he opened them back up, "Liz..." he paused and then said with a warm smile upon his lapis, "Elizabeth, I know one thing and that's without a doubt that I want to be around you whenever I can." He paused for a moment and then added with a nod as he held one of her hands, "Whether that be as a friend or a boyfriend it doesn't matter to me." His words were sincere, which she could easily see because of the power that she now had from him.
The cold water had stopped but the air in the pool area made her have chills. Lizzy's skin was cold to the touch and she shivered a bit. ".. thats how you feel too" She spoke with a delighted smile, ".. boyfriend.." Liz repeated staring at Altier with genuinely confused eyes, "A boyfriend is a regular male companion with whom one shares a romantic or sexual relationship.. right?" She said as she read the definition of boyfriend out loud. "But are you really okay with.." Stopping and raising her hand to point at herself, "... me?" Asking to make sure he hadn't made a mistake in choosing a girl. Lizzy's short pink hair dripped with water that could be heard throughout the building as it echoed off the walls.
@Defective Kitten

He could tell that it was getting rather cool in here now, she did have his powers but she was still basically a human. If they stayed here anymore she would surely catch a cold or something and that wasn't something that he wanted to happen. He replied to her question, him putting his arm around her shoulder as he walks her out of the shower section and where the towels are, "I sure am." He knew something like this would happen, her having a bit of a problem with self-esteem. He handed her a towel and took one for himself as well, drying himself off as good as he could but not really making much of an effort at it considering he couldn't exactly catch a cold after all.

He looked out from under the towel that was now on his head, asking his own question as he stood in front of her, "Would you be okay with me?"
Altier helping her to where the towels were, she sat down on a bench and was given a towel. Lizzy used her tiny hands to get all the water out of her hair, she looked up at him when he asked her that question, "Anyone would be luck enough to have you as their boyfriend.." She spoke softly, her eyes glanced up at him who stood in front of her, only noticing now but she realized how taller he was compared to her short stature.

"You're like a prince from a fairy tale.. and one day you'll find your princess." Pausing as she wiped all the water from her face, "but what if it's not me.. then you'll leave me.." Mumbled Liz behind the towel. "I'm just scared of being left behind.. all alone.." She said, almost in a whisper.
@Defective Kitten

Altier watched as she spoke on and he shook his head, him sitting over next to her. "I wouldn't worry about that," he smiled over at her putting an arm around her shoulders, adding, "You don't have to be alone anymore." He paused and then said with the smile still present, "You have Lilian and you have me, I won't go anywhere Liz and that I promise." He was entirely earnest in what he said, him entirely ready to stay by her side through whatever was ahead. He stood from the bench and said realizing it was very hot outside at the moment, which would counteract the utter chill inside the locker room, "How about we step outside and warm up Liz?"

The locker rooms were connected to the outside, a door leading right out so it was easier for the PE students could get to the field easier. He extended his hand to her for her to take, a warm smile still present on his face and as long as he was around her it would stay there, him having every reason to smile at the moment.
Taking his hand, she smiled back at him. Putting all her faith in him, that's what she'll do, and she'll believe in him like she should've from the beginning. ".. thank you Altiers.." Her voice was smooth and calming. Getting up from the bench, she held his hand that he extended towards her and walked behind him as he led them outside into the warm sun. Having short hair was something Liz was grateful for at the moment, within a few minutes her hair had dried but not her clothes which were still damp. "Altiers.. what does this make of us?" She asked him the question that she was dying to know, it was never made clear what they were going to be after this but she was okay with anything that meant he would always be with her.

Hand in hand, the girls that walked by were speaking of how attractive the boy was and how they were envious of the girl who held his hand. In a way, Liz was happy to know that some people where envious to be in her position right now since she wouldn't change it for the world.
@Defective Kitten

He looked over at her, still holding her hand at the moment. He paused and then said as she awaited an answer to her previous question as to what they are, "Well, we can start at boyfriend and girlfriend if you want." He wasn't sure if her interpretation of the implications of the tags were how he saw them so he added with a smile, "It'll mean that you are dear to me and that I'll do my all to make you happy." The sun slowly drying the fallout from the earlier shower happenstance that they found themselves in as they conversed. He paused for a moment and kissed the top of her hand that he was holding, saying after he did so, "Happy birthday Lizzy."

That was the first time he called her Lizzy and not Liz, it maybe meaning something if you'd analyze it very hard. He had a token birthday present for her but it seemed rather pointless at the moment, nevertheless he pulled out a small ring from his pack on his back. (Seen bellow) He handed it to her with a light smile, "It's not much, it's something of a family tradition. "We give a ring like this to those that we adore and have a connection with." The ring wasn't that ornate, it not even having a stone in it-ignore the small diamond in the picture-which leans to his family tradition meaning.

"I'm okay with being girlfriend and boyfriend.. and I'll try my best to make you happy too." Liz looked at him with an adorable smile, as if she's saying that she'll protect him no matter what and despite her size. Seeing the gift that Altier had taken out, it was a beautiful ring that she grown to adore. "It's beautiful, thank you." She spoke holding the ring between her fingers. Liz couldn't care whether if it was 14k diamonds or just a simple plain ring, anything that Altier gave her was something special she would hold dear to her heart.

It had seemed that classes ended not too long ago, everyone was either already in their dorm or still hanging around the courtyard. "Come on." She said, slipping the ring on her finger and leading Altier to the greenhouse where they could enjoy some peace and quite. Liz rather liked the greenhouse, it was something that she could imagine herself coming to when she is bored or stressed or just needed some alone time.

(I have an idea. Since this is an academy, why doesn't it hold a ball type of thing once a year to celebrate the coming of winter. Like a Winter Ball. I don't know, just ideas)
@Defective Kitten

Alter followed along with her it seeming that she was going to the Greenhouse, him having no problem with that at all. He was happy that she accepted him as her boyfriend and without a doubt he accepted her as his girlfriend. If anyone tried to refute that he would set the straight, and no one better treat her like they did earlier today. Those girls were far out of line and his death stare hopefully set them straight, if not he would surely do it again. As they approached the Greenhouse he smiled lightly opening the door for her as they walked inside, "I'm happy that you like it here," he paused and then added as he turned back around to look at her, "I had a feeling you would."

((Sounds alright with me, I don't have a problem with it, although it might be a while seeing how it's still warm in the rp))
((Morning :D , oh I wont be on much today from 9-5))

Faust listened contently to Lilian, soaking in all the information she was giving him.
"Well, I could tell you someone else that is beautiful" stated Faust with a smile, planting a light kiss on her cheek afterwards. He stood up and offered her his hand, still smiling as he did so. "Why don't we go and find your friend?" asked Faust as he stood there.

Wow, that was a weird class; Zara was left alone like always and so she let out a sigh of relief when the bell finally rung. Now she wouldn't have to suffer from people staring at her all day, she made her way over to the roof where Lilian and her promised to meet and sat on the railing; taking in the sunlight. "Well at least now I won't be stared at..." said Zara out loud to herself as she waited.
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Lilian had stood there as he commented on her being beautiful as well, to which she didn't really respond to. Faust gave her a kiss on the cheek shortly after her only offering a double blink in response, her getting rather use to the kiss on the cheek that he offered. As the bell rang signaling the end of class she took his hand and started out the door with him, making their way up the stairs to the roof area. When she walked through the doors that lead to the roof she saw Zara standing in place looking out into the distance. Lilian said with a slight nod, Zara I'm here, she paused and then added while looking back at Faust, "I hope that you do not mind that I brought someone else along.
Happily running around the greenhouse and randomly picking the smaller flowers, she sat on a grassy area and began making something that she tried to keep secret from Altier. When he came near when she was making it, she would run away. Within the greenhouse was its own secret world, it even had a fountain in the middle that still worked and had little fishes swimming around.

Sitting on the edge of the fountain, it seemed that she was finished with whatever she was making and was just being entertained with the fishes. "Altier..! Come here, look. There's fishes in here." She spoke in delight, it was amazing how she could be so amused by the smallest things. When Altier was close enough, the placed it on his head, it was a flower crown. "I know it not much and I'll probably wither away but for now, it's still pretty and it's all I have." Giving his a innocent smile and a kiss on the forehead, which she was still embarrassed about doing but it felt right in the moment.
@Defective Kitten

Altier walked over to her and watched as she placed her flower creation on his head, him double blinking as she placed a kiss on his forehead. He could tell that she was still embarrassed about showing affection but he didn't say anything about it, him placing his hand on her shoulder. He said with a grin looking down at her, "Don't you beat all." He ran his fingers over the crown she planted on his head, him adding, "Thank you very much Liz it's perfect."

With that said he looked down into the fountain and could see fish swimming around, him not expecting to see any fish in the fountain. He thought she was just kidding about the fish but it was now apparent that she wasn't. He squatted down to look into the fountain construct his placing his finger into the water and moving it around to make small ripples in the surface. At the moment he looked into the water letting the sun from above shine down, it hitting the water and bouncing up into his face lighting him up a bit.
Looking over at Altier who was making ripples in the water, she simply just smiled and enjoyed the time she spent with him. He had such pretty blond hair, they were like golden threads when they reflected from the sun. This was the first time she had actually looked at him, at all his features and saw how handsome he really was, even with the flower crown which made her giggle a bit. 'If you looked at him from behind and he was wearing a dress, he'd probably look like a girl..' She thought and a smile grew across her face, giggling as she did. Since they were close, she could almost smell him. He smelled sweet, like pastries, or was that the flowers?

Remembering the incident that happened early with the milk, she been self conscious of whether she still smelled like milk or not. Scooting a little bit away so there was a foot or two between them. 'I hope I don't smell like milk..' she thought in her head before scooting away some more. Hopefully he wouldn't notice the space between them, but he was almost one to notice the smaller things so he probably would.
@Defective Kitten

He noticed that she was giggling about something, which took his attention from the water and to her. As he looked over he noticed that she was inching away, him not to sue as to why she was doing such a thing. He figured that she was thinking on it at this very moment, him double blinking as he glanced over at her his hand taking her own hand. "Something wrong?" He simply asked as he stayed in his current position, him not standing back up yet...him looking up at her. It was sort of obvious that something was on her mind at the moment but he didn't really know what it was, which sort of made him uneasy to a certain extent.

She had giggled just a short moment ago so he figured that it wasn't anything serious or at least that is what he hopped, her mind not being something that he can openly predict unlike a lot of the other students. Most students here have rather simplistic thinking patterns, mostly revolving around selfish ideals and what they want for themselves. It was kind of sad at how many students here only thought of themselves, supernaturals and humans having more in common than at first glance.

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