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Fantasy Academy For The Gifted

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'I knew he would notice..' Being embarrassed and her face turning pink, her body was faced towards him but her eyes were glancing upward to the side. Fiddling with her fingers she mumbled, "Do I smell like milk still..?" Which to her was quite embarrassing to ask about. She usually didn't care for such trivial matters but for some reason she was couscous about it.

".. and do you know what happened to the girl who accidentally poured milk on me? I hope she didn't get into trouble, it wasn't her fault that she didn't see me" Lizzy always saw the good in people, well for the most part, and gave them the benefit of the doubt. Even if people were targeting her to embarrass her, she still didn't want them to get hurt themselves.
@Defective Kitten

"I'm sure she did see you but I wouldn't worry about her, we have an understanding now," he said with a slight shake of his head as he stood back up, him finding her ability to see the good in everyone rather adorable as well. With that said he kept hold of her hand as he moved next to her with a light smile, him adding with a raised brow, And no you do not smell like milk." He chuckled a bit as he walked over to the bench that they sat on last night, him taking a seat as he pulled her into his lap. The act was pretty easy seeing as how light she was, it was a stark contrast between the two in size.

He paused for a brief moment as she was sitting on him, a light smile on his face. "Anyway, I wouldn't care if you did," he poked her nose with a single nod, and then added with a raised brow, "Regardless, how has your birthday been so far Lizzy?" The question was a bit of a double edged sword for him, considering what had transpired in the classroom a short while ago. However, he hopped that it didn't damage the birthday that he had hopped for her to have.
Being pulled to sit on his lap, Lizzy was rather shocked but also embarrassed by the action. "I'm sorry if I'm heavy.." She apologized before answering his previous question. "Well my birthday.." She paused thinking about her answer since it been one heck of a day. Looking down at both her rings that Altier and Faust gave her, ".. it was.. different from my past ones.. Not only did I get to spend time with people I care for but I also got milk poured on me.." Speaking with a slight smile added on with a light laugh. "I also got to receive my first ever presents.." Smiling as she took both rings off and played with both of them between her fingers.

"All in all, I think this was a pretty nice birthday despite all the ups and downs" Leaning her head in so it would rest on Altiers shoulders, she closed her eyes before speaking again. "Yesterday.. When I told you I killed my parents, I wasn't lying. When I was around 3.. I was told by my relatives that I had a high fever and my parents needed to take me to the hospital. It was snowing and they were rushing to make it to the hospital for my sake.."

Sighing as she stopped the story for a short second, "A driver had hit us in the midst of the storm. They said it was a miracle that I survived but my parents didn't. My aunt told me I was an unwanted child and that I killed my parents.. But thinking back.. I guess I did, didn't I?" Lizzy's hands stopped moving from playing with the rings, they just lied motionless on her lap. "I don't remember what they look like.. and I'm not sad when I think of them.."
@Defective Kitten

"You didn't kill them," he said with a light smile as she kept her head lying on his shoulder, him adding, "Sounds like they were doing all they could to help you." He paused and said while stroking the top of her head with his hand, "You can't blame yourself for an accident, it sounds like your aunt was trying to place the blame on you because she didn't have anyone else to blame." With that said he gave her a light hug adding with a calming tone, "You're the last person I know that would hurt anyone." He was speaking the honest truth at that moment, he had never seen someone so utterly worried about everyone else and so blind to her own well being. The correct word to describe her would be selflessness, which for a while Altier didn't even think people like that existed anymore in the world.

As he let her go he kept his arms around her, him looking down at her with a warm smile if she just so happened to look up at him. It seemed that she had been through a lot in her early years of life but Altier was steadfast in him wanting to be there through the rest of her life. He wanted to try his best to make her life something that she could look at and be happy about, whatever it would take he would surely do it..in his mind she deserved it without any doubt in the matter. With that knocking around in his head at the moment he asked with a slight tilt to his head, "So anything else you want to do on your big day?" He paused and added with a nod, "We have plenty of time left Lizzy.
Looking up she saw Altier's warm unchangeable smile, "Do you think my parents forgave me..?" She spoke softly as she looked back down at her watch which surprisingly still worked. "I guess you're right, we still have a lot of time don't we.." Lizzy spoke tiredly in the warm of his arms, she could probably fall sleep right here. Thinking about where they should do next, her mind went blank, "I don't know.. why don't you pick this time since I picked the greenhouse. I don't want today to be all about me since you're here too" Taking one of his hands, she placed her palm against his. His hands were huge compared to her own which made her smile a bit.
@Defective Kitten

Altier smiled lightly as she asked if her parents forgave her, him nodding and saying, "Without a doubt, I'm positive they did." As she placed her palm against his own hand he thought briefly, and then intertwined his fingers with her own. "I'm okay with just sitting here with you actually," him pausing and then saying with a light smile, "We could take a stroll through the courtyard and into the cafeteria if you want." He figured that she hadn't eaten for a while now, this day being pretty hectic after all. Altier tried to think about what she wanted as well, the second day of school people tend to forget about simple things like eating something...in his case at least.
Zara looked up and smiled, seeing that Lilian had arrived at last. "Hello" she started before looking at the boy shyly and how they were holding hands. "Oh I-I don't mind" replied Zara awkwardly as she continued to sit on the railing.

Faust smiled the whole way over there, he was anticipating finally meeting the girl Lilian was telling him about. When they finally arrived, he smiled at the girl, Lilian was right; she was very pretty. "Hello, I am Faust the IV" greeted Faust before turning to Lilian and smiling. "You were right, she is very pretty" stated the boy, causing Zara to blush a little.
"Oh right, eating. We were about to eat the cake, I almost forgot that I needed to eat." Liz remembered, her face had an innocent yet dumb look to it. Getting up from Altier's lap, she spin around facing him and gave him a cheeky smile, "Okay, let's go to the cafe then." Just as she finished her sentence her tummy growled a little. "Oopsy.. sorry.." She said embarrassed but was able to keep her little smile on her face. As they walked out of the greenhouse, Liz realized that her uniform was dry, "Yay, my uniforms dry." She cheered before spinning around happily.

Lucy was in the cafe with all her fans that adored her. She kept an innocent face as if she didn't notice that they all loved her. Coughing a little, the group of fans began worrying about her health, asking her if she was okay, "Oh I'm fine.. I'm just a little thirsty.. I haven't drank any water all day, I think I might just faint.." The group of fans went wild, spending their money to buy her drinks upon drinks upon drinks. "Oh thank you loves." She spoke slyly but they didn't seem to notice.

Lilian double blinked as Zara reacted shyly toward Faust, which she had already anticipated ahead of time. Zara wasn't known for her outgoing personality or at least that's what Lilian had figured during the short time she had gotten to know her. Lilian could see that this was going to be an awkward time, the two utterly varying personalities atop the school were going to be interesting to say the least. With that in mind Lilian wandered over to Zara, letting Faust follow her over if he chose to. When she was right in front of Zara she gestured toward Faust and said with her emotionless face, "He's a bit odd but he's a good guy." Her description of Faust was how she saw him, figuring she didn't lie in any case it seemed.

@Defective Kitten

Altier followed her to the cafeteria, him laughing a bit at her over exuberance about her now dry clothing. He could tell that she was having a better time now, and that was all that he wanted for her today. Someone's birth day should be full of happiness and far from a boring and sad day, him going to make sure of that today. It didn't take them that long to get to the cafeteria, even though they were pretty far from the school's main building. It seemed that Liz was more hunger then she let on, him smiling at that thought as it popped into his head. When they walked into the cafeteria some of the girls closer to them turned to look at Altier, them utterly ah gah at him.

He didn't pay any attention to them however, him looking over at Lilian with a slightly raised brow, "What do you feel like today Lizzy?"
Faust playfully covered his heart, "Ouch" he joked with a smile; kinda proving Lilians' point. Lilian was right though, Faust is quite weird indeed; but he's Faust, its just how he is. Nonetheless he followed Lilian over to Zara, smiling the whole time.

Zara looked from Lilian to Faust and back to Lilian as she was speaking; deciding that she was probably right. "Ok" replied Zara with a nod; Zara was going to try and be friends with the boy. "I'm Zara" she greeted Faust shyly before looking at Lilian. "Do you wanna get something to ear?" asked Zara, somewhat hungry from school.

(Last post till 5, sorry)
"Well since it's my birthday.. I kind of wanted a cake" She admittedly stated with a quirky smile. "Just a small one though" Thinking back from what she had been eating for the past few days, she's just be living off of sweets which wasn't very good for you. Skipping over to the bakery, she waiting in line. The line was rather long for some odd reason, then again the pastries they made here were the best. The people who made the cakes and sweets were those with powers to make delicious food and can make food out of anything.

Across the room, Lucy spotted Altier and immediately made him her next target. Getting up from her seat, she walked over to him and "tripped" onto him, causing her land right on his chest. "Oh, I'm so sorry. I'm such a klutz." She spoke innocently before getting off of him, "Sorry for your troubles, I owe you one. My names Lucy, nice to meet you." Speaking to him in a cheerful manner, she had a beautiful smile on her face as she spoke to him. That's how she got the guys to fall for her, with a simple smile that could make someone blush.
@Federoff ((Don't worry about it, it's all good))

Lilian double blinked and wondered what Zara liked to eat, her never having seen her eat anything to her best recollection. With that in mind she nodded, although she figured the cafeteria was jam packed at the moment. "I am getting a bit hungry as well, she paused and then said leaning on the railing beside Zara, "But the cafeteria is probably packed right now. Her guestament was right on target actually, the place was packed to the gills seeing how many students had the same idea to get something to eat at the moment.

@Defective Kitten

Altier watched as Liz walked over to the line for the bakery, which he figured she would get something sweet ahead of time anyway. She seemed to like any kind of food that had a good bit of sugar in it, him attributing that to her sweet attitude. He laughed to himself, the connection he had made tickling his fancy just a small bit. Then suddenly someone tripped and fell right into him, Altier catching her before she fell to the ground. His arms were on each side of her shoulder as she began to apologize to him. He waved it off as he removed his hands and said with a warm smile, "Oh not at all, think nothing of it."

With that said he figured he should introduce himself, seeing as how he was a nice guy after all. He held out his hand and awaited her to shake it if she wanted to, him saying with a nod, "It's nice to meet you, my name is Altier Bourneiu ."
Lizzy came back to Altier with a cupcake in her hand, the cupcake was almost as large as her whole hand. 'I hope he doesn't think I'm a piggy.. hehe.." She thought in her head with a little grin on her face. Lightly jogging back over to Altier with the cupcake resting on the palm of her hands, once she got to him she saw the girl. "Whoaa. Altier she's so pretty. She's like a dolly" She whispered in his ear, barely being able to reach even on her tippy toes. Altier and Lizzy were able a foot a part in height, which was quite tall in Lizzy's eyes.

'Strange.. he didn't fall for my smile.. hard to get huh?' Lucy thought in her head as she saw a girl whisper in his ear, "Is this.. your sister?" She said still with a kind smile on her face. 'This girl better be his sister.' She thought in her head as she waited in a reply from Altier. Lucy wasn't one to back down with what she wanted and what she wanted was Altier and no other girl was going to make her give up.
@Defective Kitten

Altier laughed lightly when Liz compared her to a doll in prettiness, him finding her comments funnier each time she comes up with one. He listened to what the girl said with a slight cock to his head, wondering why she had said such a thing. He figured it was a safe assumption, seeing as how he hadn't met this girl before today...her not really knowing who he was and so on. With that in mind he placed his hand on Lizzy's shoulder and said without any hesitation at all, "My sister, oh no she's my girlfriend." He had no problem saying such a thing out loud, in truth he was rather happy to say it for Liz to hear and whoever else around them.

He didn't know what kind of repercussions this was going to have with the AFC and he didn't even really think about those kinds of things, him more focused on Liz at the moment. He partly wondered why this new girl hadn't told him her name yet, him finding that a bit rude but he figured not everyone introduces themselves first when meeting someone.
Hearing the girl ask if they were siblings, looking at the two, I guess they did kind of look like siblings. Liz wasn't as affectionate and wasn't holding hands with him at the moment so she could see why the girl would ask such a thing. Listening to Altier's response, she was rather happy but also surprised by his unhesitant response to the question. Knowing herself, she would've been really shy about answering the question. The girls around them from his fan club were also shocked themselves, some even glaring at Lizzy with eyes of hungry wolves. "Looks like I was the pup who got the last piece of meat.." She thought in her head as her used one of her hands to cling onto the side of his sleeve, quite frightened in reality.

"Oh my apologies, I just though that asking if she were your sister would be a safer route than if she was your sister and I asked if you guys were dating. How embarrassing for me.." Lucy spoke apologetically, "Oh how rude of me. My name is Lucia Nyx, nice to meet you both. I hope we can be friends." She spoke and did a small bow. Watching as the girl grab hold of his sleeve, she grew aggravated but her face showed calm and innocence. 'She's trying to tease me by being so close to him..' She thought in her head.

(I'll be replying a little slower being I need to go run some errands)
@Defective Kitten (Don't worry about it, just reply when you can. Its no big deal)

"Oh it's no problem," Altier said with a light nod over to Lucia as Liz clutched his sleeve, him looking down at her with a light smile. "Well it was nice to meet you Lucia," he said with a light smile to her, it becoming obvious why the other girls were sour at him not choosing one of them. He placed his hand on Liz's back and said to Lucia as he and her walked toward a free table, "Maybe I'll see you again soon." At the moment Altier was more concerned about making Liz's birthday a good one, him realizing that she had not really had a good birthday in her life by what he had learned about her past.

With that said hey made their way over to a free table with the eyes of most of the cafeteria on them, Altier sitting down next to Liz at the table. He never really saw the need to waste money on food for himself seeing that all he had to do was walk outside and get a leaf or similar green. "Eat up," he said with a slight grin eyeing the fairly large dessert that she had acquired, him raising a brow in amazement and maybe a little picking at her appetite all in fun.
Sitting at the table she set the cupcake down, her expression slightly worried. "I don't think you fan club agrees with me being your girlfriend.." Liz spoke shyly, staring at her cupcake rather than eating it. Still feeling all the tense stares of the girls, she felt awkward sitting in front of their idol. Liz was never one people would be envious of or been the one people notice but Altier noticed her through all the girls that threw themselves that him.

Lucy went back to her table, bitter. She didn't understand why he didn't fall for her or why he chose such a plain girl of all girls. Taking her bag, she walked out of the cafe and to the administration office asking for the schedule change to match Altier Bournieu. Of corse they denied at first but using her voice manipulation they gladly changed it for her.
@Defective Kitten

Altier blinked a few times, wondering what she had meant about that. He turned to see a slew of girls looking over at him, to that he simply turned back to Liz and shrugged. "That doesn't bother me," he said with a light smile picking up the fork on the plate, him slicing a piece of the cupcake, "Don't worry about what others think Liz, just be you." With that he skewered the piece of cupcake and held it in front of her mouth, a raised brow to accompany his smile that was present. "Open wide now," he awaited her to comply him acting purely on what he thinks he should do at the moment, it being pretty obvious that she wasn't going to take a bite anytime now.

Altier didn't really notice that the girl had left the café, him not facing the exit of the café area. At the moment he was more interested in getting Liz to take a bite of the Cupcake that she had paid for, him knowing that she really liked sweets after all...having her waist sweets would surely come back to haunt her.
(BACK! :D )

Faust thought about this for a few moments, wondering what they could do. Lilian was probably right, the cafe was probably full. "Well we can always order take-out, there is a nice store down the block that delivers food and they are quite good" replied Faust after being silent for a little, if that didn't work they could always go out to a restaurant if needed to; but there was most likely none near by.


Lilian paused and thought about his idea for a moment, her figuring that it would be a decent idea. She didn't really feel like standing in line for ever to just get a sandwich after all, that didn't sound like a fun time at all. Lilian looked over at Zara, her saying as she leaned away from the railing, "That sounds okay to me, we can have it delivered to the courtyard if that's okay with you Zara." She didn't really know the exact food that was at the restaurant that he was talking about but it shouldn't be that bad. A place that's close enough to a school that has dorms can not be that bad of a place, considering that if it was bad it probably would have closed down a long time ago.
Zara nodded her head shyly in response to Lilian, she did not mind at all; her stomach would est just about anything. "If they have anything with fish, I would like that" continued Zara with a small smile.

"Alright then, what do you want kitten?" asked Faust as he turned his attention back over to Lilian. "They have a lot of stuff they deliver" added Faust, hoping that would make it easier to decide; probably not though.

Leo was laying on a tree near the front office, completely alone as he pulled leaves from a Amaryllis and chewing on them separately not having a care in the world. He looked to be in between not caring for anything and deep in thought; a weird mix but nonetheless that's the only thing that could really describe how he looked. Hanging from his hand was the portrait he had recently shown Liz; in truth he was just thinking of the past, like he always did since he had woken up. "A lot has changed" stated Leo to himself.
Seeing that Altier was trying to feed her the cupcake instead, she felt as if she were only a child in his eyes. Lizzy pouted but ate the piece on the fork anyways due to temptation. When she finished eating the piece of cupcake she simply glanced at him, "Can you only eat leaves and other greens? It can you also eat cake and stuff too?" She asked curiously, despite not having her kitten powers anymore, she was still the curiously cat that she was.

(Got contacts and they feel so weird. and I'm back at home again!)

Walking out of the administrations office, her plan coming into play, she was a happy camper. Lucy was a demon in a innocent looking girl's body, which she was okay with. Glancing down at the schedule with all of Altier's schedules she secretly planned her next move in her head. Noticing someone in the trees, she tilted her head like a confused pup trying to figure out who might it be. It was a foreign looking boy which she had never seen before, 'Maybe I could use him..' she though before coming closer to the tree and looking up at the boy.

"What I want," stated Lilian with her trademark monotone, her not really sure at the moment. She paused for a moment and thought about what she would like, her remembering something that she had not eaten in a long time. She replied to the question after her short pause, "I haven't had shrimp soup in a while." In truth she hasn't had anything with shrimp in it in like ten years or so, the reason behind it all slipping her mind. For the life of her she just could not remember why she hasn't eaten shrimp in so long. If she remembered right she liked the taste of it so she couldn't come up with any reason she outright abandoned it for so long.

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