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Fantasy Academy For The Gifted

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Feeling the tap on her forehead, she simply rubbed it. "No, my legs wouldn't give out. My legs are super strong! I'm a swimmer you see." Lucy said and patted her thighs which made a slapping around as she hit them. "Strong as stone." She gave him a reassuring smile, technically it would be a frown but you know.
@Defective Kitten

Altier could see her overthinking just by the different expressions on her face, him wondering if he should have just wiped the icing off himself. He didn't know if it would have ended up better if he did it that way but he figured it was to late to think about that now. He watched as she sped up her pace, obviously to focused on what ever she was thinking about at the moment. Suddenly she hit the curb and started to fall forward, Altier double blinking as he realized that she would slam her head right into the ground. Without a second thought he hurried over to her and threw himself underneath her so she would land on him and not the floor.

As she landed on him and him subsequently on the ground he rubbed the back of his head and said with a light smile, "You okay Lizzy?" Him not really worrying about himself seeing as how he would heal fast if he did get any scratches or whatever. Although Liz did have his powers to an extent she was still a human so she could still get hurt, or at least that's what he has figured out. He thinks the power copying that she has is like a mirror image of the original, she obtains the benefits and so on but at the same time retains her initial power to mirror. So in that aspect he figures her human essence is still present even if she did mirror is powers, it being all speculation though...him never reading about such a power before, this being the first time he has seen one.

When she fell on his he currently has one arm around her waist and the other one moving to her shoulder after he rubbed the back of his head. A he did so, a small trickle of blood started to come from his head, him not noticing it at the time. Good thing he is a vampire or this probably would have knocked him out, or maybe worse.
Luna walked down the hall way making her way to.... who knows where, seeing two kids on the ground this was all she could say, "the floors are dirty, you might wanna get up before it stains your clothes" she said while looking down at them.

"Oh yes very strong" he said with a small laugh, he got down on his knees so that he didn't have to keep looking down to see her face.
Rather than falling on something hard and hurt herself, she fell on something warm and soft. Looking up she saw that it was Altier saving her once more. Despite not hitting her head, she was still in a daze from the thought of falling. Once she saw the blood trickle from his head, she touched it with her finger, staining her skin with red. It was not too long before she had realized what had happened. Getting up from him, she tried her best to stop the bleeding but all that happened was more blood on her hands.

Scared for his life, tears began forming but she held them back. "I'm sorry. this was my fault for your head." She apologized as she let his head rest on her lap. He was a reserve vampire so he would heal but despite knowing that, Lizzy was still worried for him. Lizzy was no doctor but from reading all the books, even if she was a doctor, she didn't have any supplies to stop the bleeding with. Her carefree smile had disappeared and a scared frown replaced it on her face. "Should I take you to the infirmary? No, we are going to the infirmary..!"

(Last post of the night. I would've stayed up longer but I have to wake up early to register for my classes next year. Byee!)
@Defective Kitten (Checking out to)

Altier shook his head as she looked down at him, Luna walking by and commenting on them on the ground. He didn't notice though, considering he was a bit out of it at that time. He laughed lightly and cupped her face chin with his hand, "Oh don't worry about it Lizzy." He smiled lightly and added as he removed a handkerchief from his pocket, holding it to the back of his head, "It'll stop soon." He sat up and gave her a warm smile, all of the students now out of the vicinity which was a good thing for Liz...considering her shyness. As the warm smile continued he pecked her on her nose with a kiss, saying with a nod, "I'm just glad you're okay Liz."

It wasn't a big deal to him that he was bleeding, him at the moment more worried that if she was okay or not. His head would heal quickly and it wouldn't take much for him to ignore it at all, all he would need is to eat a vegetable or two to get back into top form. If she had been the one to have fell it would have been much worse, and honestly this was the best that could have happened with the past circumstance.
"Okay then" she mumbled, walking off since no reply was returned, figuring that something important was happening over there.
When they finally arrived at the girls dorm, the group sat down at an empty table; since most people were still at the cafe there weren't to many people here. The quiet was peaceful and nice thought Faust as he unpacked the box and handed everyone there food. shrimp soup for Lilian, salmon and lemon for Zara, and a lobster soup for Faust.

Faust took a good sip of his soup, it was warm and tasted pretty good.
"So what was all that whispering about?" asked Faust as he jokingly raised an eyebrow, although he was not going to pry; if they didn't want to share he wouldn't force them.

Leo sat their contently and silently, fanning himself the entire time. If the girl wanted to speak to him again, she would. If not, he would be left alone to his thoughts, something he has done for a while now.
"I don't care if I'm not hurt, you got hurt protecting me and-and.. and.. and.." Liz spoke in a rush, getting flustered with herself when she couldn't speak fast enough to get to your point. Taking a deep breath which allowed her tears to fall down onto his cheek, ".. I want to protect you too.." speaking weakly as she did. Wiping the tears that wouldn't stop themselves, "I need to get you on a bench or at least somewhere with a soft surface.." Getting up and helping him to his feet, she lead him over to near by bench where she made him sit. "What do you need to heal yourself?" She asked in a calmer manner.
@Defective Kitten (Sow replies for the moment)

Altier shook his head and said as he leaned back against the bench, "I'll be fine, but thanks for your concern." He closed his eyes together and added with a light smile, "It's makes me fee good to know that you care that much." With that said he reaches in his pocked and pops a leaf into his mouth, him looking up at her as her tears start to fall. Altier blinks a few times and says while patting the spot next to him, "It'll close up soon, there's no need to worry remember I have a fast healing rate Lizzy." He reaches up and wipes some of her tears from her cheek with his smile present, "You say your plain but I doubt any other girl here would have worried over me like that."


"Not much," she said with a slight shrug, figuring it didn't really matter that much. She looked down at her soup and took a sip of it, but as soon as she took a couple more sips she started to cough a bit. Shortly after she stopped coughing she double blinked and looked around the room, her eyes changing from the normal red to light blue. At that moment her face changed from her usual stoic and emotionless state, and amazingly enough it went to bubbly and happy. An inexplicable smile came up on her face as she looked at the both of them, the imposable seeming to occur right in front of them.

She looked over at Faust and then at Zara saying in a chipper and happy tone, "What a great day!" Lilian paused and made a Ooooo face right before she added with a nod, "Did I eat some shrimp??? It's been a while hasn't it?" At that moment Lilian remembered why she didn't eat shrimp, her demon half of her personality being suppressed by it...perhaps due to some form of allergy, her parents learning that when she first had a taste ten years ago.
Lizzy looked at Altier, pouting since she once again couldn't help him. Instead of sitting next to him, she was being stubborn and stayed standing instead. ".. stupid.." she mumbled, it was rather interesting how fast her mood could change from scared to stubborn. Standing in front of him but her back towards him, she had her arms crossed. Feeling the soft wind blow by, it was a sign that the season where changing.

(It's short because I'm in school)
@Defective Kitten (Don't worry about it, I'm busy at the moment as well.)

"Well maybe a little," he said with a slight shrug and a sigh, him lying down on the bench for the moment. He was a little dizzy right now, yes vampires get dizzy when they lose a good bit of blood...why should that be a surprise? Nevertheless he was glad that she was worried about him, if this would have happened to her he probably would be doing the same thing that she had tried to do so he couldn't really be upset at her for being stubborn. With that in mind he tugged on her shirt and said with a light smile, his eyes closed at the moment, "Well I could use some help getting back to my room, if you wouldn't mind Liz." He paused as he sat back up on the bench, the loss of blood being a bit of a nuisance at the moment, "I am a bit out of it at the moment."

He wasn't quite sure if he could get to his room by himself and just lying out here all night wouldn't exactly be considered a good idea. He figured she wouldn't be able to carry him but she could make sure he went to the right dorm at least, it wouldn't be such a good idea for him to just lay down in some random room in the girls dormitory after all.
Tilting her head back to look over her shoulder at Altier who tugged at her skirt. Hearing his request, she gave him a smile, "Okay!" She cheerfully agreed to, helping him to his feet and walking him to his dorm which wasn't too far away from where they were. Altier wasn't as heavy as she expected, but she half guessed he wasn't putting all his weight on her shoulders. Arriving at the dorm building for males she looked over at him, "Where's your room?" asking softly since she was so close to his face, almost kissing length from his face.

(Oh my god, I just got out of practice and we had to condition. I'm dying here)
(Aha, no that's not what I meant. I play lacrosse and for the last 30 minutes of practice we had to condition as in run 4 120s, cardio, planks, and other stuff like that)
@Defective Kitten (Sounds like you had a heck of a day, practice can be a pain I remember that)

He thought about it for a moment, trying to remember which room number he had. He did a double blink and said with a nod, "It's up the center staircase room 2-10." He pause for a moment and then added with a as they were walking up the staircase, no one in the vicinity at the moment, "And you don't have to worry, there isn't anyone rooming with me at the moment." He figured that was something that he should say ahead of time so she wouldn't have to worry about meeting someone new right now, him knowing meeting boys wasn't exactly on the top of her list of things to do. All in all today was pretty good, apart from the incident and cracking his head open. At the moment he hopes that she had a good day, even if it did kid of derail in the afternoon.

After a while they eventually made it to his room, which was at the end of the hall, and now that he thought about it...it was quite a walk. With that said he reached out and opened the door for them, him walking in with her and lying on his bed with the handkerchief still pressed against the back of his head. With that he looked over at her with a warm smile, still a bit out of it, "Well some day huh?"
(Back from band practice! :D I feel you about conditioning, I have to do that for marching band and lets just say its probably about a thousand times worse ( :( ):0/5:)

Now it was Faust's turn to do a double blink, Lilian was acting strange; very strange. Not only her emotion changing, but her eyes as well; thought they were still very pretty to Faust. "Yes it is Kitten, thought it would be better if I could hug you again" replied Faust with a smile on his face; maybe she would allow it again, no knowing with her change in attitude.

Zara almost choked on a piece of salmon as she saw Lilian change her attitude, it was very very weird and not what Zara was expecting. She quickly grabbed for her flask of water and drank it all down. "Y-yeah it is" was all Zara managed to say, not out of shyness this time but that was literally the only thing she could say.
(School for 7 hours and practice for 3 hours right after school. I feel peachy, what did you used to play? and you wanna talk about which is worse?)

Walking into his room, it was rather clean than a normal guy's room, not like Lizzy would know though. As Altier plopped onto his bed, Lizzy sat down on the foot of his bed shortly after he did. She was quite relived to know he didn't have a roommate, it was less people-especially boys- that she had to introduce herself to. Liz was rather okay around girls, but I would take a few hours to a few days for her to be comfortable. Looking around the neat room and back at Altier who seemed very comfortable in his bed, she had another question.

"What do couples do?" Asking since her knowledge with this type of subject was all new to her. Her innocence was something that held her back in reading into this type of stuff. Her knowledge of relationships only reached as far as kissing.

(I brb, I'll have Lucy reply in a bit but I need to quickly shower first!)
@Federoff (Yeah thought I'd add a bit of a twist to her character, pretty much played out the stoic, an alternate personality is a good change of pace me thinks)

Lilian Looked at the both of them with a look of confusion, her not really getting why they were looking at her as they were. She took a shrimp out of the soup with her fork and ate it with a slightly raised eyebrow, followed by a quick sip of water. "Why wouldn't you be able to Faust?" She asked with a slight tilt to her head, almost like a kitty would do when confused. She clapped her hands together and turned her attention to Zara, saying with newfound enthusiasm, "How about I come over to your room and have a sleepover." In truth this side of Lilian had always wanted to do that but her demon half of her persona was in control for the past ten years.

She didn't really think Lizzy would mind her not coming back tonight, her knowing that she was probably hanging out with that Altier guy by now. The other side of Lilian might have not been to keen on such things but she figured out that he liked her from the first time she saw him with her, this side of Lilian-meaning her human side-pretty good with emotions and such....pretty much the exact opposite of the demon half. With that said she paused and realized something, adding before Zara could reply, "Oh I'm sorry you probably have a roommate or something."

@Defective Kitten (Well Football for a couple years, I really hatted practice in the heat in Alabama...>> man it got friggin' hot down her back then) (+Backstory)

He looked up at the ceiling as he said aloud as if thinking about it, "What do couple do?" He paused and touched the back of his head, it seeming that the bleeding had stopped. "Well most of the time they just stay near each other and enjoy each others company," which he said with a nod and then added, "Other times they go on dates, walks, and show affection to each other through gifts and so on." In truth he hasn't really had much experience in that field either, sure girls have been after him all his life pretty much but that doesn't mean he dated all of them. He has only had one girl friend as a matter of fact and that was way back in elementary school, her being another Reverse Vampire from another family.

That little stint lasted until halfway through middle school, him and her breaking it off mutually. She and him just didn't mesh together all that well, they were the same species of supernatural and all they both knew that it wasn't going to last. He still sees her from time to time but now they are just friends, seeing as how they knew each other since they were babies it wasn't like they would just stop talking to each other after all.
((8 hours of school, 3 hours practice on Tuesdays through Thursdays, 12 hour practices Saturdays... Last two weeks of summer straight 9-9(12 hours) and we are on turf; which adds 20 degrees to any weather. Anytime school is off, we have a practice, always have to do fundraisers... this is but the surface (:'()... yet I still do it! ( :D )))

Faust chuckled a little bit at Lilian, it was a new side of her that he had yet seen; who knew Lilian could be so bubbly?
"Well I'm glad you feel that way Kitten" replied Faust before scooting over and wrapping Lilian into a hug; smiling the whole time he hugged her. A few girls from school walking by as he hugged her, jealousy written on their faces as they squealed remarks such as "Lucky!" and "How cute!"

Zara blinked as she considered her request, no one had really ever wanted to really be in the same room at all with her, let alone room with her. Zara nodded with a shy smile, "I would love to, and no I don't have a roommate" stated Zara as she continued to eat her food.

As Faust wrapped her into a hug she looked up at him and gave him a warm smile, the girls that were around a bit shocked at Lilian acting this way...considering they were to afraid to approach her stoic emotionless previous self. "You're actually pretty warm Faust," she said with a light nod looking up at him while still in the hug. She looked over at Zara with a big wide smile and all but-figuratively-jumped for joy as she replied, "That's great, we're going to have a blast." She paused while Faust still had his arms around her, and then added with a slight cocking of her head looking up at Faust, "You know you kind of smell like cherry blossoms today Fausy."
"Really now? That's interesting" responded Faust with a raise of one of his eyebrows, he had never noticed that he had smelt like cherry blossoms; either that or he had gone nose blind to the fact many years ago. He mentally shrugged at the thought as he continued to hug Lilian. "I was right, your smile is beautiful Kitten" stated Faust with a smile of his own.

(I surrender! Aha, but I played flute and right now I play violin for orchestra)

"Affection.." Lizzy mumbled the word, crawling to the other side of the bed where there was more room, she laid down next to Altier. She was on her stomach and had her head perched up by her arms that sunk into the mattress. Studying his face a little, she tilted her head to the side a tad bit. "Are you okay now?" Seeing that the blood had subsided, she was amazed on how fast it healed despite all the blood that came out. Lizzy wanted in some way shape or form be able to repay him back since he got hurt, "If you don't have a gift, what else can you do to show affection?" Asking with a little sly smile on her face, her legs behind her were swinging back and forth softly.

(just took a quick shower and I feel reborn! Sorry it took so long, I had to cook dinner and wash the dishes)

Lilian double blinked and said with a quizzical expression on her face, "Beautiful smile." She shrugged and grinned right back up at him to match his smile, "Well then I guess I should do it more often then." She looked over at Zara and slipped out of his hug for a moment, moving next to her. Lilian got really close to her-face to face-and said with a light smile, "I think Zara's smile is beautiful to." She looked back over at Faust and added putting her hands on her hips, "She should do it more often, right?" This was all to odd for Lilian to behave this way, all of the girls in the dinning area were just staring at the utterly different person before them aghast.

@Defective Kitten

He thought on that for a moment him tapping his chin with his index finger as if in deep thought, "Hmmmm." He paused briefly and added with a slight nod looking up at the ceiling, "Well I don't eat chocolates." He gave her a sly smile right back and raised a brow, "I'm utterly stumped Lizzy." It was pretty obvious that he was just being cute at the moment, Altier was just simply trying to lighten the mood that was not to long ago rather tense. With that said he placed is hand on her cheek, him looking into her eyes with a raised brow, "So what's left..?"

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