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Fantasy Academy For The Gifted

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As Lilian walked in she noticed the bed, her slightly cocking her head when she saw it. At the moment she thought to herself, 'Maybe it's a dragonkin thing..?' She ignored the question in her head and just smiled over at Zara, her sitting her bag down near the door. "So this is your pad," she simply stated with her Oooo face, her doing a complete 360* to get the whole view. "It's so neat and tidy," she added as she stretched a bit, her pjs riding up to show her stomach a bit. It was a bit obvious that they were a bit old, considering that they obviously were not a complete fit. She paused mid stretch and looked back over at Zara, asking with a tilt of her head, "Anything you want to do before beddy bye?" -Yes she just said beddy bye-
(Rpnation lag again, uhgggg!)

Zara just stood there awkwardly silent, unsure of what to do or even how to respond. Not only was this type of thing new to her, Lilians' new behavior was still shocking Zara quite a bit "Umm, I don't know" replied Zara as she moved one of her hands up and down her other arm awkwardly. "In truth, I've never done this type of thing before" explained Zara after a few moments of silence.

Lilian smiled awkwardly and admitted with a slightly embarrassed tone, "Hehe, well I haven't either." She paused and rubbed the back of her neck while adding, "My other half isn't exactly a social butterfly." She paused once more and thought on it for a moment, her placing her hands o her hips as she did so. Then all of a sudden she raised one finger as if to say I got an idea, her announcing with-figurative-sparkles in her eyes, "How about we play a game?" With that said she added with a nod sitting on the other bed in the room, the normal looking one, "How about we play Never Have I." She explained what the game was shortly after, "Well take turns saying Never Have I followed by something we have never did, and if the other person has done it they have to give a where and when explanation."
Zara stood there for a few moments, taking in Lilians' suggestion of a game, one in which she had never head of before. "Sure, sounds fun" replied Zara with a shy smile as she went to the fridge. "Do you want something to drink?" asked Zara as she took out an old-fashion flask from the fridge.

She turned to face Zara and smiled a warm smile, saying, "Oh sure, anything's okay with me." At that moment she realized that Zara was just like any other girl, she's just subconscious somewhat like Lizzy. The mere reason for this is probably because of the way she looks, surely some students and others treat her as an outcast because of her appearance. That is something that the humans an supernatural species have in common, regrettably in Lilian's mind. Normality was overrated in Lilian's mind, seeing as how normal is nothing but a speculative assumption which doesn't exist in the first place.
"Alright here you go" replied Zara as she took another flask from the fridge and handed it to Lilian, in it was just plain water; but fresh from the rivers. She sat down on her bed, it immediately acting like foam, allowing her to sink a little. The bed was also very warm, just like how Zara liked it. "So do you wanna go first?" asked Zara before taking a small sip from her flask.
@Federoff @Defective Kitten

Lilian cocked her head at the flask that had water in it, her expecting a bottle or something but this wasn't a bottle obviously. She shrugged and took a sip of the water, her eyes lighting up was she did so seeing as how fresh the water tasted, "Yummm!" She double blinked and thought on it for a moment, her eventually replying, "Hmm okay, never have I even...."

(Thinking we're just going to skip the night rp, this might take a while haha, I'll just skip right to the asleep part)

(Next morning rps now)

With a slight roll over in the other bed in the room Lilian's eyes closed with a slight sigh coming from her, at the moment her life was rather pristine. More times than naught she would have just went straight back to her room and fell asleep without any thoughts of the next day, but now that her human side was in control of the reins there is no telling what will go down tomorrow. Just like that she was asleep, counting the time until she awakens to the next day...the sleepover, her first sleep over something that she will always remember.
Zara was asleep on her weird bed, the warmth enveloping her as she slept. Due to the weird properties of the bed, she was able to sleep on her wings without any pain, the bed just made way for them. She offered Lilian a spot on the bed, Zara didn't understand why she wouldn't take it, the bed was truly comfortable. Zara figured Lilian learned quite a bit about herself last night, and vise verse. Zara had revealed how she once drowned, how she was never liked nor loved at her old home, and little tidbits of information like that.

The next day arrived within a few seconds, only remembering a few of the thousands of dreams she had that night. Opening her eyes with a slight flutter to them, the sun was barely rising but it had already made the room bright as a hundred lights. Her eyes adjusting to the light, she saw Altier sleeping right in front of her. He had such a peaceful and cute sleeping face, she couldn't help but smile. Slowly using her finger to brush some strands off his face, she tried to be gentle enough so he wouldn't wake up. Checking her watch, it was an hour or two before school had started, seeming that she had slept early that night it wasn't a surprise that she would wake up so early.

Lizzy crept out of bed, trying not to disturb his sleep as she did. Making her way over to the bathroom, she checked the cabinet for the extra toothbrushes that the school had provided for the two roommates. Luckily for her, he didn't have a roommate so she wouldn't be doing any harm by using the unused one. Doing her normal morning routine of brushing her teeth, washing her face, and combing her hair, she was able to finish in 20 or so minutes. Lizzy wasn't the type of girl to wear make up, and for times like these she was happy to not where any at all.

Looking at the shower, she did feel icky in a sense, "Should I shower..?" Liz thought before shaking her head. 'no, I don't want to invade his space.. well not as much as I already have.' Liz contemplated for a little while, sitting in front of the shower as she bickered with herself in her head.
The next morning came quick for Lilian, it seeming to have passed by in a flash. She didn't have any dreams last night which was odd for her, considering her overactive imagination of her human side. As she rolled over on the bed her eyes popped open rather hesitantly, her preferring to sleep just five more minuets. The sad truth however was that he alarm on her phone was set by her demon half and well that side of her is an early bird, bit as far as her human side care...the worm could wait another five minuets. Nevertheless she did a double blink and sat up on the bed, her eyes going over to Zara who was probably awoken by the alarm as well. Lilian said with a slightly pouty face aloud, Zara being able to hear it if she was awake, "Sucks that I kick in my sleep...

By that admission Lilian did infact want to sleep in the bed with Zara but she was afraid that she would kick her in her sleep.

@Defective Kitten

Altier awoke twenty or so minuets after Liz had, him rolling over and seeing that she had vanished. He thought to himself with a light shake to his head, 'Early bird ehh?' With that in mind he stood from the bed and grabbed his uniform for the day, him half wondering where she had gone. He figured that she probably had made her way back to her dorm to get ready for school. He made his way to the showers after giving his teeth a quick brush, even though they didn't really need it...all of those plants and they fact he was a reverse vampire pretty much make his teeth immaculate. When he walked up to the shower area he saw Liz stalling in front of them, to this he tilted his head and stood there without a shirt on at the moment...him still covered from the waist down thankfully with his previous days attire.

"Lizzy?" He paused and then added with a slight grin, "So that's where you were."
(Wait. Are the bathrooms in the dorm rooms, since this is an academy. Or is it separated like a college?)

Switching her attention over to the voice that spoke her name, she saw that it was Altier. But not just normal Altier, shirtless Altier. Giving out a small yelp, she covered her face with her hands, cheeks blushing as she did. Never had seeing Altier shirtless, let alone a boy, she was rather shy and embarrassed by the fact that he was. "S-s-sorry!" She spoke with a stutter trying to get the word out quickly. "I getting ready a-and I didn't know i-if I should use the shower or not..!" Explaining herself as if she were confessing to a court for a crime, but on this case she wasn't in trouble just nervous.

Although Lizzy only got a quickly glance, she was still too innocent to see a real man's body. She could barely handle the kiss, now he throws her this?

(hey, that rhymed)
Zara blinked her eyes and awoke herself after hearing the alarm clock. "Morning" she yawned to Lilian as she slowly rose from her slumber, the bed going back to how it previously looked. She got up and stretched a bit before turning to Lilian and smiling, "Last night was fun" stated Zara.

Lilian watched as Zara stood from her bed, her watching as the bed went back to normal. At that moment she thought to herself, 'Man...if only.' With that out of the way she nodded and responded to Zara, offering her a bright smile even though she hatted mornings, "Good Morning Zara, and yeah I had a great time to." She paused as she got out of the bed standing with a long drawn out stretch, and then added with a nod, "We definitely should do it again sometime ad maybe next time I can bring Lizzy along." She walked over and grabbed her bag that had her uniform in it, "I think you'd like her a lot, she's really nice."

@Defective Kitten

(I think they would be shared, that's how it is in most dormitories. Maybe showers on each floor for the different grade levels?)

Altier looked down and realized that she was acting shy because he wasn't wearing a shirt at the moment, "Oh my bad Lizzy." He laughed lightly a bit and turned around to face the other way, "I guess you can use this one." He paused and walked out of the showers after he added, "You can go ahead and get your shower, I'll make sure no one comes in on you." With that he walked out of the door and stood near it, him placing a 'out of order sign on the door as well. This was something that he didn't realize the previous night, it all but slipping his mind that the showers were shared in the dormitories.
Zara froze for a brief moment, another person Lilian said? Some girl named Lizzy? She thought about it for a moment and then nodded, "Alright then, you wanna go get some breakfast? I'm sure Faust is dying to see you..." replied Zara shyly, blushing at the last part of her statement. Zara was never comfortable talking about this kind of stuff, or even talking to other people in general.
Seeing that Altier had left the room, she smiled a bit that he would watch out for her. Quickly hoping into the shower, she briefly scrubbed herself a little and just rinsed her hair, not using any shampoos and conditioner. Once she had finished she dried herself off and changed back into her uniform. All in all, it only took about 15 minutes but she smelled nice and felt refreshed. Leaving the showers, her hair was still slightly wet but no longer dripping. Peeking outside the door so that she wouldn't be seem by anyone, she saw that the only person near of Altier who was standing by the door, "I'm done.." Speaking softly like she did the first day they met.

"Yeah why not," Lilian simply stated as she headed out to get a quick shower and put on her school uniform, "I'll see you at the café, I'm just going to get ready real quick." With that said she made her way to the showers and got ready for the day ahead, making pretty good time all things considered. It didn't take her that long, which in turn would allow her to spend more time in the café when she gets there...it being a while since she had actually eaten any breakfast consistently like this. If this keep up as they are now this might even become a habit, which wouldn't be a bad thing considering breakfast is a pretty important meal. With that all done she started toward the café after dropping off her pjs and such in her room, school bag in hand.

@Defective Kitten

He looked over as she peeked out of the door, him smiling lightly as she did so, "Oh okay Liz." He paused briefly and looked around seeing that no one else was up quite yet, him then looking back at Liz. "You probably should make your way to the café," he leaned in and gave her a quick peck on the lips, "I'll see you there okay?" With that he slipped into the showers, him getting undressed after he turned the water on to heat up. He figured Liz was probably on her way to the café by now, him getting ready for the day ahead...hoping that it would be even better than the last one.
Zara made her way over to the cafe slowly, taking her time to get there. Once she got there, Zara got a nice fish for breakfast; her normal diet. She looked around a little for the tall orange-haired boy, thinking he would be waiting fro Lilian; but he was not anywhere to be found. While sitting at an empty table, she overhead rumors about how Faust was ill today and what a shame that he couldn't be here at all.

Faust lied in his bed, completely sick; he had caught something bad. It would take no more then a day for him to rebound, but in the course of today it would be hell on earth for him. He could barely move or speak without causing himself too much pain.

(Last post, night)
Liz wasn't as embarrassed as she was the first time when he kissed her, she just allowed it to happen and was happy when he did. Following Altier's instructions, she made her way down to the cafe, a slight skip in her step. Since it was quite early in the morning, she luckily didn't pass anyone while walking out of the boy's dormitory.

Arriving at the cafe, she saw Zara with her fish for breakfast. Quickly grabbing and paying for a stack of pancakes with syrup and butter, she sat at the same table as Zara did. "I'm sorry for what happened yesterday. I kind of stormed out of the room and leaving you by yourself." Liz apologized with light smile, hoping that she would accept the apology. It was rude of her to run out and she could see why she would be mad.
@Defective Kitten @Federoff ((Guess we can either just say that Zara is being her shy self and keep rping if you want))

Lilian entered the café and acquired herself some golden brow French toast with a lot f cinnamon flavor packed in, her figuratively licking her lips as she walked away from the window of the breakfast restaurant. She looked around for Zara but was surprised to see both her and Lizzy sitting at the same table, her realizing that it had been a while since she saw Lizzy. The reunion would probably be interesting considering that Lizzy has yet to see Lilian as he human half. With that she walked up and sat down next to Zara, her sitting her plate of French toast down as well...it was just French toast by the way, there was no bacon or sausage in sight. As she sat down she literally was bubbling with happiness, her smiling ear to ear as she looked at Lizzy, "Morning Lizzy," she said with her smile adding after her Oooo face, "Did you have a good time with Altier last night?

She put the pieces together, her noticing that her bed wasn't slept in and nothing was disturbed on her side of the room. Lilian thought that was a good thing though, her knowing that they were made for each other from the start...even if she never said anything.

Altier finished his shower and got ready, him making his way to the café as well now. It too him only a short while to get there due to the lack of students cluttering the halls, which was just fine for him. On his way there he grabbed a few various leafs for his breakfast, being a reverse vampire enabled you to save money on food at least. As he walked into the café he looked or Liz, seeing her sitting with the girl from yesterday and her friend Lilian he thought. With that in mind he slowly started to walk over, him taking his time because it looked like they were currently talking at the moment.
(Well just continue for a little while before I head to sleep)

Blushing slightly, Liz was rather shocked by the personality change from her emotionless self to, well this! Lizzy didn't bother asking why her personality was the complete opposite, she was sure that Lilian was well aware of her personality change herself. Liz just brushed it off as she hit her head or something else. "N-no..!" She exclaimed, trying to hide the truth. Head sunken low, she moved her eyes to the pancake stack and playing around with her food, "Okay fine.. maybe.." Mumbled Liz as she took a bite out of her pancakes.

"B-but it's not like we did anything..! I just got tired while bringing him to his room after he fell and it just happened.." She explained, hoping that they wouldn't get the wrong idea. Although Liz was half lying, she was tired but not tired enough to not be able to walk back to her room, and she did fall asleep-intentionally but she'd just keep that to herself. "How did you even figure out that it was him anyways..?" Liz asked shyly, taking yet another bite of her pancakes, completely unaware that Altier had walked into the cafe.
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@Defective Kitten (It's alright, seems like we have similar clock out times haha)

Lilian grinned and took a bite out of her French toast, replying after she swallowed it, "I saw how he was around you, and your bed wasn't touched so I figured you two were together." She took another bite and then washed it down with a cup of orange juice, her all but bouncing out of her seat as she added, "There's nothing wrong with that by the way, I think you two make a lovely couple and he is quite attractive after all." This side of Lilian was for lack of a better word 'alien' to all of the students that go to this school that knew about her previous self, and in a weird way it seems that the other students are now warming up to her now that she isn't dejected. With all of that said she finished off a slice of French toast and said with a nod, "I wouldn't mind meeting him one day though, odd that I have yet to meet the guy."

Altier slid in next to Lilian with a slight grin, "I'm guessing this is Lilian." He looked over at Liz with a slightly raised brow, her nothing like Lilian had described her that one time. If he remembered right she said that she wasn't an emotional person and she spoke in a monotone way, but he was seeing an entirely different person it seemed. For that moment he briefly thought that she may have a twin that goes to the school as well, although that idea was quickly thrown out...seeing as how cliché that idea would be. As he looked over at Lizzy he smiled lightly, at the moment Altier and Lilian seeming to have identical smiles...odd.
(What time is it where you live?)

When Altier had slid into the seat next to Lilian, she looked around as if she didn't know where he had come from. Looking back at them, both of them smiling oddly the same smile to her. Slightly terrified of the attention, her face became flustered in which she covered it with her spread out finger tips. Her golden eyes still looking at them but her cheeks covered by her palms, she thought that their might be something stuck to her face, "W-why are you guys staring at me.." Speaking in a more insecure tone. "S-stop it..! You're scaring me.." Lizzy's voice didn't sound angry, she had never actually been angry before, not that she could recall. Her voice was rather a mixture of frightened and timidness.
"Yeah total sense" he laughed again, he watched her climb upright, "I already think I have a nickname for you" he smiled...

(Do the identical smiles mean anything? :0)
@Defective Kitten (Um right now abouts 1 am) (I was trying to emphasize that she is a vastly different person now...more attune to Altiers personality than her previous one)

Lilian tilted her head at Lizzy's reaction, her replying with a slightly confused face, "We're scaring you?" She double blinked and took a bite of her toast her making a funny face after she washed it down in an attempt to cheer her up by making her laugh, "Still scared?" Her human side was overly emotional which can be seen at the moment, fully capable with any situation it seemed. Where Demon side Lilian is stoic and thought out, Human side acts on emotion and just rolls with it.

Altier watched as Lilian once again defied all preconceived notions of who she was supposed to be, him chuckling a bit at her funny face she was currently making. As he attempted to hold the laugh in he said placing his hand on top of Lizzy's head, lightly petting her a small bit t attempt and alleviate her embarrassment, "Your friend Lilian is quite the character." He let out the laugh he was holding in at that moment, him letting his hand fall from her head at that moment. Altier called it last night as he was falling asleep, him hoping and at this moment his wish was coming true...this day had all of the makings of a good one so far.

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