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Fantasy Academy For The Gifted

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Faust nodded at Lilians' statement as he smiled, though secretly he hoped Lilian would come back for him to hug her. In truth he would hug her forever if she'd let him. "Very true Kitten" replied Faust as he continued to smile as he saw and heard the other girls' confusion, this amused him very much so.

Zara started to blush at the attention of the two, even more so as Lilian got right up in her face; along with flinching. Never had this happen to her, and so she did not know what to do. "Umm~" was all she managed to stutter out before stretching out her wings to hide her face, her blush showing right though her blue scales the entire time

((I play gods gift to mankind, the trombone (O:))))
Seeing that he was trying to be cute, she simply stuck out her tongue at him, being cute herself. Feeling his hand reach for her cheek and caress it, Liz placed her hand over his and brought it down where she sheepishly intertwined her fingers in his. Laying her head down on her arm, she looked up at Altiers, "Would this be considered affection..?" Speaking almost in a whisper, finding it rather embarrassing that she had to ask him to make sure it was affection. Secretly checking her watch on her other arm, it was already around half past 7. She should've been ready to leave since curfew was at 9 but she wanted to stay a little longer. Inching up a little so her arm would extend to reach his hair, she childishly played with a strand. Twirling it around her finger every now and then.

Lilian tilted her head to the side as Zara hid behind her wings, her moving to the side up under them to look at her again. When she did that she realized that she was blushing and made her Ooooo face again, her reacting by saying, "A-Door-Ah-Bal!" The simple extreme of the difference was pretty staggering, the term split personality taking on a new meaning with this half human/half demon girl. Well considering the place that they are in it seems best for her to re-discover her other side here, it might have drawn a bit more attention in another school. She paused after her reaction to seeing Zara blush and look all cute, standing straight back up and adding wrapping her arms across her stomach and hugging herself, "You're just so cute, I just want to give you a big hug right now."

@Defective Kitten

"Hmm," he said and then paused for a moment, "Yeah I think it does." His eyebrow raised as she started to play with his hair, which now that he thought about it...his hair looked like it might be a bit longer than her own. That made him smile a bit, it seeming quite odd that he just realized that considering how much he looks at her when she's around. "You know it kind of sucks," he said with a light sigh as he looked over right into her eyes, adding with a light smile but it was more of a regrettable smile now...although a hint of a warm smile was present, hinting that he was also saying it honestly as well, "It's to bad there's a curfew, you look so cute when you sleep...bums me out that I cant see that sleepy face." He was referencing back when she passed out some time back, him thinking she looked cute then.
(oh. my bad)

Lucy, sitting hanging from the tree saw that the boy had squatted down to talk to her face to face, more or less. "So why are you on the ground?" Asking in a jokingly way to hearing what he would say in response. "By the way, my names Lucia Nyx, call me Lucy! Nice to meet you!" She spoke in her cheerful tone, sticking her hand out to shake him.
Zara blushed even more, pretty heavily in making a huge difference with the scale coloring on her cheeks. "Pl-please don't, you shouldn't touch me" replied Zara very shyly, even shyer then normal for some reason.

Faust smiled and got up, walking over to be next to Lilian; what he felt was the best place to be. "Your being even more adorable then your normal self Kitten" smiled Faust as he bent down and planted a kiss on her cheek.

Leo chuckled to himself as Lucy asked that question, "Real original" joked Leo sarcastically as he continued to fan himself, the heat was pretty bad for him. He was use to the temperature being in the mid 60's, not this...
"W-when did you see me sleep?" Lizzy asked in embarrassment, her cheeks getting flustered but still kept her hand holding tightly to his. "Are you like the vampire dude in Twilight that watches that girl sleep at night?" Asking him with a disturbed face, which in an odd way made her seem like she was more of an airhead than anything. It seemed like Lizzy wasn't able to make faces that showed angry or disturbed emotions, they turned out more like she was trying to be cute. "are you a.. Pervert?" She asked with a slight eyebrow raised, but that quickly changed to a smirk, ".. peerrvert!" Liz mocked him as she stuck out her tongue, taunting him as she did.
Kaname smiled and shook her hand "because would it make any since if I was floating in the air?" He chuckled "and I'm Kaname" he said while shaking her hand.

"I shouldn't," she repeated and looked over at Faust as he moved up next to her, her then looking back over at Zara. She smiled and scratched her neck briefly as if thinking on something, her then saying with a nod, "Well then you can hug me then when you want." She smiled a toothy grin over at Zara even if Zara didn't see it due to her wings, Lilian quite pleased with herself at the moment. She figured that was her own personal loop hole that would come into effect eventually, or at least she got Zara to talk a little more today and she got to see her act all cutesy. With that she looked up at the clock and pouted a small bit, realizing that it was almost seven in the evening which meant curfew was only an hour away.
Shaking Kaname's hand, she gave him a smile and a nod, "Yup! That's how life works" Speaking happily before returning upright on the branch. "It makes total sense" Lucy said sarcastically, nodding her head while looks down on him.
@Defective Kitten

"Pervert, hmm," he said with a slight smirk of his own, pausing after for his own little taunt. He let there be an awkward silence for a while, him milking it for a good bit of time just to get her back for her little taunt. However after a bit he put his forehead against her own, and asked with a light smile, "You don't remember?" Him adding just after the question, his forehead still against her own, "It was that night in the Greenhouse, you fell unconscious and I carried you back to your room after the rain stopped." He was a bit surprised that she didn't remember that part, him figuring that it just slipped her mind probably...its not like she was coherent while she was asleep after all.
Feeling a warm presents pressed against her forehead, Lizzy's eyes glanced up meeting Altier's eyes. They were so close together that it made her heart skip a beat or two. His blue gem like eyes made her weak as they looked at her, if she were standing she would've fallen by now. "Oh.. so that's how I got back to my room.. t-thank you.." Speaking shyly, she glanced to the side, breaking the eye contact that lingered for the couple of few seconds before. Liz had the strong temptation to kiss him but she felt as if that would make him feel awkward. 'What do I do..?' She thought, in reality she wouldn't have minded if he kissed her but she wasn't so sure about her own body.

Still holding onto his warm grip, she squeezed his hand a little and gave him a small smile as a signal that she trusted him and what he intended to do.
@Defective Kitten

"You're very welcome," he said with a smile to reflect the one that she had just gave him, it kind of apparent that she was being a bit shy at the moment. If there was one constant that she had it was surely her shyness and Altier honestly did not mind that at all, it made her cute when she shied away every now and then. As she squeezed his hand he brushed her nose with his own and moved in for a kiss, this time however he pressed his lips to hers' and left them there for a couple seconds. His eyes closed as he did this, him thinking that she didn't need him looking at her while he did this, him thinking about her shy nature at the moment. He pulled back and then opened his eyes to see her reaction, which for the life of him he couldn't anticipate.
Feeling the kiss on her lips, she closed her eyes rather fond of the kiss. When he pulled back, releasing the kiss, she opened her eyes a second or two after he did. At first, she was rather dazed by the event that had happened, showing no pleasure nor disgust, just in a daze. After time had caught up to her, her facial expression changed to one of shyness and coyness. Her cheeks turned a bright pinky red color and she retrieved both her hands back, coving her face from the shock. Of corse she enjoyed the kiss, it was just too much for to handle at the moment. Hiding behind her hands, she forgot how to speak or even how to react.
@Defective Kitten

"Just the cutest ever," he said while he looked at Liz covering her face to hide her red enveloped cheeks, him finding it pretty cute at the moment. With that being said he laid down on the bed face up, him placing his arm around Lilian holding her pretty close. He let out a light sigh as he laid there, "I'm not sure if I have even been this happy before." He was revealing how he felt right now, laying what he was truly experiencing in this moment. He wasn't really sure if she was okay with lying this close to him and his arm around her but right now this seemed right to him, Altier looking over at her and adding with a light smile, "It's to bad that curfew is approaching."
Feeling Altier's arms wrapped around her body, she was okay with this. Liz didn't fight back or struggle to get out, she simply laid peacefully close to him. She moved her hands down to hug the arm that held her, the redness on her cheeks had subsided to a pale pink color. When he talked about curfew, she checked her watch once more. It was already 8 o'clock but Lizzy didn't want to go back to her dorm, not yet. She wanted to lay her all night and just sleep in his arms. '.. maybe i can..' A thought popped into her mind. Hugging his arm tighter, she closed her eyes pretending-more or less- to be asleep. She was rather tired and weak at the moment so closing her eyes and being unresponsive was something she could easily do since she didn't know how to talk at the moment anyways.
@Defective Kitten

He watched as she just laid there, him wondering what she was doing exactly but he didn't bother doing anything to bother her. He thought at the moment while he just laid there as well, 'Well then, I guess I can lay here quietly for now...' Honestly this was relaxing, having her close to him like this pretty much makes all of his thoughts and plans for tomorrow just melt away. It was sort of like snow on a hot day, after a while it will all melt way and show the bright green grass hiding underneath. In this instance Liz is the sun and he is the green grass waiting underneath that has been waiting all winter, finally the sun has come out.

Altier half wondered what was going through her head at the moment but a the same time her was wondering what was going through his as well, it seeming to be going a mile a minuet even though he didn't show it on the outside. Most would say that he is the perfect guy, one that never shows any sort of insecurities or faults but that in itself is quite the misinterpretation. Going against all things that the students might think he needs Liz, she for all intensive purposes has become an important person in his life in the short time that he has known her. At that moment he thought to himself, his eyes closing as well, 'Simple happiness.'
The longer she laid still in the warmth of his arms, the more tired she felt and the faster she fell into her dream realm. Although it all didn't matter, she was okay sleeping like this for the night. She had her uniform and her bag was already at the school itself, for the most part she was perfectly fine. Moving slightly to adjust herself, she ended up rolling over. Her hand placed on his chest while the other hand was between her chest and his side. Moving her legs while at it, her bottom leg was straight while the top leg was slightly bent at an angle.

Within a few minutes from her rolling over, she had already fallen into a deep asleep. Any sudden movements couldn't wake up her up, Liz didn't really think of the fact that she's sleeping with Altier, she just liked the moment she was in. She trusted him to not doing anything to her in her sleep, hopefully he wouldn't break her trust.

That night, Lizzy has wonderful dreams. Normally she wouldn't dream but that night she did, such lovely dreams caused her to smile softly in her sleep. She was in her perfect little world not only on her head but also in real life now.

(Last post! Goodnight!)
@Defective Kitten (Yeah opting out as well)

As she fell asleep he removed their shoes, seeing as how he didn't really like going to sleep with shoes anyway. In hindsight it might have been a goo idea to take them off before he got on the bed, although he was a bit dizzy at the time so this time he'll let his absentmindedness slide. After that was taken care of he somehow managed to get the cover up and over the both of them, it being a miracle that he was able to considering the both of them were onto of the covers at the moment. Putting that aside he laid her head in the nook of his neck, at this moment him completely content with his life and being an oddity in a school full of the supernatural. That in itself was a great feat, considering their is a werewolf guy just down the hallway.

All of that notwithstanding he closed his eyes and slowly fell asleep, one of his arms around her shoulders and the other gently brushing her cheek as he finally fell asleep.
Zara shook her head behind her wings, more then likely Lilian and Faust would not see it. No was her answer, she shouldn't be touch nor touch anyone, so were the rules in which she spent her entire life growing up with, so it would be next to impossible to break their grip over her. "It-its time to go" stated Zara as she saw the clock that read it was 8

Faust eyed a clock out of the corner of his eye, it read 8... Faust let out a little sigh in defeat, it was time to go. "May I have the honor of walking you to Zaras' room Kitten?" asked Faust with a smile, trying to hide his disappointment to his best, it may or may not be showing right now.

@Federoff (Intermediate replies for the moment, might be gaps in reply time)

Lilian didn't see Zara shake her head because her wings were in the way, her blinking a few times as Zara announced that they should get going. She tilted her to the side to look out of the window, seeing that it was quite dark at the moment. With that in mind she nodded and said with a small bounce in her step over to the opening out of the dining area, "Sorry I need to go get my stuff for tomorrow." She didn't notice the disappointment on Faust's face at the moment either, her more preoccupied at getting to her room. Before she left she got Zara to tell her which room is hers', figuring on going right there after she retrieved all of the stuff she would need for tonight and tomorrow.

Before she left she waved at the both of them with a very drawn out and exuberant one, her saying as she goes up and down on her tip toes during the wave, "See you tomorrow Fausey, and see you in a little bit Zara!" The remaining students that were in the dining area at the moment were outright shocked yet again, them never hearing Lilian speak in such a way. In truth the girls in the dining area were thinking about giving talking to her another try, seeing as how she wasn't putting off her usual vibes. With all of that said she made her way to her room with the skip in her step still, getting the things that she would need for tonight.
"See you tomorrow kitten" replied Faust with a smile, trying to hide his disappointment and somewhat failing. Faust finished the rest of his food before bidding Zara good night and walking towards his dorm. He thought about the sudden change in Lilian and what exactly happened to make the stoic girl he knew become the social butterfly he suddenly saw. It was a weird change indeed, one wouldn't expect a sudden 180 turn in behavior like that, but no matter what he loved her and didn't care.

"See you soon" replied Zara as she brought her wings away from her face, saying "good night" to Faust as he walked away. She was probably as confused as him she thought, trying to figure out what happened.

Leo saw that is was getting late at night and put his fan back before he burst into a explosion of feathers, Leo was gone but a dragon flew away from the feathers and landed onto the roof, turning back into Leo he walked away. Leo sought his normal place, the highest point on the roof before he layed down and started to sing to himself once again; waiting for morning to come.

Lilian made her way to her room, grabbing her other uniform for tomorrow and her clothes to sleep in tonight. With that in mind Lilian packed the clothing and other essentials in a nearby bag, her then making her way to the showers figuring on going ahead and getting that over with before she made her way over. It didn't take that long to get her shower over, after she threw on her white pj like sleeping attire accompanied with her hair hanging without bands and started off to Zara's room. On the way there she thought about what her room was going to be like, this being the first time she been there considering the last time they were in Lilian's room.

She eventually made it to the room and knocked on the door, awaiting it to be open. She figured that Zara was back already, seeing as how she did go and get a shower in the mean time.
Zara heard knocking at the door and got up from her special bed before walking over to the door, figuring it was Lilian she opened the door and let out a smile. "Hi Lilian, come on in" greeted Zara as she moved out of the way for her to come in. The dorm looked like a normal one, the only difference being that her bed looked more like a block of smoothly polished stone with no sheets; though in reality it was something entirely different.

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