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Fantasy Academy For The Gifted

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(Well it's about 11pm for me, not as late as you but I think I'm gonna head to bed now. Goodnight!)

Bringing her hands down from her face after he had given her a pet on the head, she gave Lilian an amusing smile back. "You guys are.. strange.." She stated with a giggle but continued on, "but that's okay, because you're all my closest friends and I'm weird myself." She cheered happily as she finished her pancakes. A light hearted smiled showed itself on her face, it was good to know that she was able to be be herself, more or less, when she was around them. Hearing Altier's remark she simply looked at Lilian, "Lilian, I have a question." Asking with a slight pause before continuing on, ".. how come you seem different from when I met you a while ago?" Her head tilted with a curious look in her eyes, she had been wondering but didn't want to seem like a lier to Altier.
@Defective Kitten (Sweet dreams and such)

Altier was wondering about that as well and now that she had asked about it he was sure that this was normal, him figuring that something had happened...seeing as how it would be pointless for her to lie about such a thing as this, him not even thinking that she would have anyway. With that in mind he sat there and awaited an answer from Lilian, him quite interested to learn the reason behind it all.

Lilian double blinked and thought that it took her long enough to ask about that, her wondering why she didn't just ask about it to start with. With that in mind she took a large bite of the last piece of toast and then washed it down with some orange juice, replying with a slight tilt to her head, "Well I guess you could say this is my human half." She paused and looked from Altier to Lizzy adding with a nod after thinking briefly, "I haven't been out in like ten years, my demon half is what you befriended but were the same person though." She paused once more taking a sip of OJ, adding after, "I still experienced all that she did, like the first time we met in the art room Liz, and personally I like what you did with the tree." She giggled lightly an smiled warmly.

Altier listened to all that she said and thought on what she had said, figuring something had triggered the change. It didn't seem to matter that much though considering the both of them seem to share the same body and they seem to have the same morals. That was sort of a relief considering the way this usually goes is that the body has a good half and a bad half, but in this case the body has a emotionless half and a over emotional half. The latter is much better than the alternative and he was sort of glad that it worked out this way, Liz pretty much adding another friend to her list...happy go lucky Lilian, check.
Zara sat their, silently eating her breakfast. She had grown accustom to the two, but talk of relationships and what not really made her uncomfortable, so she just stayed quiet, content on just listening. While she remained silent, a girl from "Fausts' fan club" came up to Lilian and handed her a note from Faust, it explained that he was terribly ill today and could not make it to breakfast.

Listening to the explanation, she tilted her head slightly in confusion trying to understand. It didn't take very long until Lizzy's eyes lit up, "Ohh!" she cried out, " I understand now..!" She cheered with a smile on her face. "Well I don't care which personality you are," Pausing as she took a sip from her strawberry smoothie, "I like you, for well, you!" Speaking happily with a grin on her face. Liz didn't care if she were the emotionless one or the one with emotions, they both excepted her for her when they met and that was enough, she would think that Lilian would want the same. "So what did you two do yesterday?" She asked unaware that Faust was with them.
@Defective Kitten @Federoff

Lilian looked down at the note her tilting her dead as she read it, she was curious as too why she hadn't seen him today and well this pretty much sums it up. With that out of the way she looked back over at Lizzy, her having asked what they did yesterday. She tapped her chin with her finger and then looked over at Zara, "Well the three of us hung out for a while and then I slept over at Zara's dorm room." She paused and her eyes lit up as she looked back over at Lilian, "You should come next time Lizzy." By that she meant eventually, having a sleepover right after the other would kind of beat the purpose.

Altier double blinked at the conversations that were going on at the moment, him just happy that Liz had such good friends around her. It was comforting to know that she had other people out there that can make her happy, which is obvious by how she is talking with them. He thought that a sleepover would be good for her eventually, him half expecting that she has never done one before. "So Lizzy looks like you have a clique," he grinned and added with a raised brow, "Who would've thought you were the queen bee type." He was obviously teasing her right now, but he thinks she likes it to a certain point so that's why he does so.

Lilian made her Oooo face and nodded in agreement, "Definitely, Lizzy the Queen Bee."

Altier nodded as well and replied to Lilian's proclamation, "That's one vote yes."
(Sorry, had drum practice)

Zara quickly read the note out of the corner of her eye, an ability she picked up long ago. "Poor Faust, bet his cold was a big blow" stated Zara with a small frown. Her frown did not last long as Zara smiled slightly and nodded, "Yes, I would loved that" replied Zara, it would be nice to have some company; other wise she would just be to herself and her usual ways.
(Practice was so fun today!)

Lizzy pouted at the statement of "Queen Bee" and that even Altier agreed on it. She never thought of herself as the type to have a group of friends, let alone be the one to lead them. Setting her chin on the palms of her hands which were sitting on the table, she leaned forward a bit a cheeky smirk, "Well I can barely handle boys, but you obvious are able to talk to people and make friends with everyone Lilian. I think you're capable, and plus; you have the looks. You're obviously a people person." Speaking with a light giggle at the end, the smirk still on her face. "and who's this third person you speak of?" Asking curiously, thinking that it was only Lilian and Zara.
@Defective Kitten (Good on ya) @Federoff

She heard what Zara said about Faust felling bad and how it sucked but she couldn't really do anything about it now anyway. Lilian listened to Lizzy down play herself again, her pursing her lips as she did so. When she asked who the third person was she did a double blink thinking that Lizzy would have figured it out. She replied with a slight tilt to her head, "Faust, the boy with the orange hair." Quite frankly he has been the only other person that she has spoken to in this school thus far, but now that she's human sided that might just change by a very large margin.

Altier just sat there and let them converse between themselves, him rather enjoying seeing Liz converse with her friends. The over all experience was good for her and it was a good sight to see that she talks so freely with Lillian...the two of them seeing rather close in the short time they have known each other.
(I don't understand what happened since I wasn't able to read it but okay c: )

Teasing and going back and forth with Lilian, it seemed that Liz was having fun just talking with a friend. This was a new experience with her and it was something that she would grow it like. Hearing who the third person she hung out with was Faust, she was actually in a bit of shock but her face didn't show it. "Faust? I know him, but you and him hung out? You? .. and Faust?" Liz didn't expect someone like Lilian to actually hang out with someone.. well.. someone like Faust. It must've taken a while for Lilian to warm up to Faust, seeing how she is now. Faust was a smooth talker while Lilian was more of a bunt and unapproachable person, well from how she acted before.

"Hmm.. You didn't seem like the type that would have the time for a charmer like Faust.." Liz spoke in a rather monotoned voice, still trying to analyze the situation. 'Wait.. Were they a.. a thing? No, couldn't be.. But how would Lilian turned into such a emotional person..?! I mean, it wouldn't hurt to ask..' Liz had her thinking face on, stuck in her own little world of over analyzing and thinking every situation through. "Are you.. A-are you and Faust.. perhaps.. a thing?" Speaking in sections, she was timid to ask the question unknowing of why she was.
@Defective Kitten

Lilian grew a bit red at Lizzy's question, which would not have happened if her demon half was still in control. She placed her hands on her cheeks and shook her head, "I don't know, he seems like a nice person." She paused and remembered her earlier question about her falling for a charmer. Her eyes narrowed and placed a grin on her face as she looked from Altier and then to Lizzy, "You didn't seem like the type to fall for a charmer either chick." She gave her a wink and grin as she stood from the table grabbing her plate, starting on her way to put it up, "Anyway, I'll see you two love birds later, and I'll see you in gym Zara."

Altier looked over at Lilian as she responded saying that he was a charmer as well, which he couldn't really refute considering he didn't really know what a classified charmer was in the first place. He double blinked as she walked away and called them 'love birds,' which would have been the first time someone had said such a thing to them. At that moment he wondered what kind of reaction Liz was going to put forth, him looking over at her.
Zara waved goodbye to Lilian as she walked away, "See you in gym Lilian" replied Zara,; herself also blushing at the comments. True it made no sense for her to be, but when people talked about this kind of stuff; it made her feel somewhat uncomfortable and what not. She turned her head from Lilian back over to Liz and Altier before taking a bite of her food.

(It was juts a mix up, don't worry about it :P )
Seeing Lilian blush was so cute, seeing now that she was able to express emotions, that made her easier to talk to and, in a way, have more of a character than she did before. After hearing that Altier was named charmer himself, she narrowed her eyes to the side that didn't face Altier, rather wondering if Altier was really a charmer or not. Liz surprisingly didn't blush, she just acted more shy and a little distant. "Soo.." She spoke, breaking the silence that filled the air after Lilian had left.

Checking her watch before she began talking again, it was half an hour before classes started. "Zara..." Liz didn't want to exclude her since Lilian had just left. Seeing that she was uncomfortable talking about the topic, she changed it to something that would make her feel a little better. "What's your first class of the day?" Speaking with a soft smile on her face, avoiding Altier but she didn't know why.
(( I'm just going to skip the first couple classes for Altier and Lilian, seeing how they are just filler anyway))

Altier spent an innumerable amount of time in his classes today, oddly enough he actually made it to each of them today. The teachers didn't even realize that he wasn't there which was a bit odd to him but he figured on just letting it go for now. At the moment he finds himself in his third to last class, him actually going to his music class on time today. His next class wouldn't even be a class, seeing as how he has that period off...him double checking that a few times to be sure. So at the moment girls were surrounding him and asking him questions, and knowing Altier he was answering them even though he didn't see the point in it.

Lilian was now in the gym, it seeming that the boys were scheduled to do some outside activities for the day. The class swapped up every now and then, letting the boys outside and then the girls outside at different times. With that said she was dribbling a basketball with off to the side, her at the moment looking for Zara in the scores of girl students that made up the gym area.
Zara made her way over to Lilian, seeing that she was dribbling a ball; Zara also doing the same thing so it looked like she was actually doing something. "Hey Lilian, how are you doing?" asked Zara respectfully, a shy smile on her face.
(Woohoo! My lacrosse team won in the scrimmage! c: )

Having gone to her first few classes, Liz decided to skip out on the last few. She wasn't in the mood to be stuck in a class for an hour or two. Spending the rest of her hours of one of the roofs in the school, she sketched for a while. Drawing her surroundings, the sunsets/sunrises, people, or whatever just pops into her mind.

Today wasn't filled with anything big, nothing special or out of the ordinary. Just boring as usual.

(Short I know, but I'm still at school and it been half an hour since the game ended and I'm freezing. It's 57°F and I'm wearing my uniform which consists of a tank top and a skirt that don't go down every further than 2" above the knee, no jacket because I'm stupid.)

Lilian looked over at Zara as she announced herself, her turning around to Zara with a wide smile on her face. She said as she held her ball in her hands, "Zara, I' great." She asked with a quizzical expression, it having been a good bit of time since se has seen her considering this is the only actual class that they had together, "And how are you today girl?" With that in mind she awaited her answer, the warm smile still on her face as the other girl students commented on how they didn't know Lilian was friends with the dragon girl.

Altier sat there in his music class and was utterly bored of all of the questions that the girls were asking him, all the time him wondering what Liz might be doing at the moment. He also wondering if she was going to show up to cooking class today, seeing how she might still be thinking about what had happened yesterday. With that in his mind he utterly figured that she might still show up, although there was still a nagging feeling in the back of his mind that she might just skip some periods today. He had those same ideas as a matter of fact, most of the things that are being taught in his class he had already learned years ago. With that still bugging him he simply awaited his current clock to run out so he could have a free period.
Zara nodded, still showing the light smile on her face. "Good that's good, I've been good as well; thought I do worry about Faust from time to time during my free time" replied Zara as she continued to bounce the ball, if she were to stop it the ball would most likely pop due to her claws.

Lilian double blinked at her taking about Faust, it seeming that she had taken a liking to him a bit. With that in mind she grinned and nudged her with her elbow, "So you got a thing for him right?" It was obvious that she was joking which she made obvious when she added this shortly after the question, "But all kidding aside, I thought I'd cheek in on him after school today." She paused and threw the ball to someone that didn't have one, her not really wanting to play anymore, "Do you want to visit to Zara?"
Zara blushed heavily at Lilians' joke, even though she knew she was joking it still made her blush. "N-n-no its just, well yes that's what friends do isn't it?" asked Zara, somewhat confused at the moment. For a few moments she went quiet before adding "Besides, its obvious that you two like each other" obviously joking as well as she let off a smile, satisfied with herself.

"Like each other..." she stated and then paused for a moment, somewhat oblivious to the fact. It was true that she was way more emotional than her demon half but she still didn't know about the whole liking someone aspect of it all, in truth she didn't see much difference in liking Zara or Faust. The cold hard facts of it all were quite simple, she just didn't really grasp the whole idea of affection yet. Quite simply put she liked Faust about as much as she like Zara or Lizzy, there wasn't much difference in it all. She looked at Zara and double blinked adding as she tilts her head, "I like you to though."

The utter cluelessness on the matter was almost unbelievable but since it was coming from Lilian it was still kind of believable.

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