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Fantasy Academy For The Gifted

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@Defective Kitten

"A squirrel would be nice," he said with a light nod and a warm smile as they started toward the building. When they arrived the building was noticeably old, it having to be over 300 years old, him quite surprised that it was still standing despite how much it had to be crumbling. With that in mind he guessed that supernatural beings could build buildings better than humans, seeing as how they wouldn't need tools and so on. He walked over to the door and opened it, walking inside to take a look before he asked Liz to come in. He wanted to see if the place was safe before he had her come in, him not knowing what to expect in the old worn out building.

With that in mind he was utterly stunned when he stepped through the doors, the outside bellying what it was like on the inside. The inside of the building had been seemingly untouched by time, it looking like it would have back in the 1700's. With a slightly astonished voice he called to Liz inside, "Lizzy you might want to see this..."


Lilian had made her way out of the last class of the day her wandering the halls for the moment, wondering what she could say to Faust. She passed in front of Zara without noticing her, she stopped walking and just stood in the middle of the hallway with a thoughtful conflicted face.
Zara paused when she saw Lilian, she didn't look to happy at all... She guessed what Lilian had to be thinking and mentally sighed before putting on a facade of a smile to try and cheer her up, "Hi Lilian" replied Zara shyly as she went back a few steps to align herself with Lilian, her wings folding in so she would not his Lilian with them.
Walking into the building once Altier said it was okay to, she saw that the inside was like being back in the 1700s. "Woah..!" She exclaimed in excitement. "I would've half expected someone to have vandalized the place but it seems untouched.." Speaking as she trailed forward ahead of Altier. Walking through a few arch ways, you could easily get lost or even lose the person you were with if not stuck close. Too distracted with all the interior, it seemed that Lizzy was walking even further away from Altier, her footsteps on the wooden floor the only thing to be heard.

"What was this place exactly..?" She mumbled to herself, wondering if Altier knew. This building didn't look like an office building, nor did it look like some type of school building, rather it looked like a dormitory mixed with a school, and some type of lounge area. Despite it looking small on the outside, it seemed like it went on forever on the inside. It wasn't too long before Lizzy got too caught up with exploring and lost track of Altier, hopefully he was following her.

Lilian looked over her shoulder to see Zara approaching her saying hi to her, her putting a smile on her face to cover up the earlier expression. "Hello Zara," she said with a light smile upon her face, her adding, "Do you want to go visit Faust?" He not sure what she was going to say but she knew that she needed to.

@Defective Kitten

Altier noticed that Liz was making her way through the place, luckily he was keeping tack of her even though she seemed to momentarily be enthralled by the place to pay attention to what she was doing. With that in mind he made sure to keep her in sight, after a while she seemed to loose herself. To that Altier walked up behind her and placed his arms around her, saying in a whisper in her ear, "You shouldn't run off Lizzy, you could have gotten lost." That would not be good, considering this place seems to have some sort of magic cast over it. It seemed some powerful magic user had trapped the place in a single moment in time, no matter how the outside crumbled the inside would stay the same...this level of magic was not an easy task, the books that he had read said that something like this was neigh imposable to do.
Zara thought about the question for a few moments before nodding, "Yes lets go visit Faust, but only if you want to" replied Zara, not wanting to push the girl into something she was not comfortable doing right now.

Faust was lying in his bed, a huge blanket put on to of him as now only his hands and upper half of his body was showing; the student nurse sitting by him as she preformed her duties. "Well your lucky I can still preform on someone so... human yet unique, such as yourself Mr.Faust stated the nurse as she tended the boy, he looked as if the whole world was too cold for him right now.
Running around the building i her own carefree world Lizzy felt Altier's arms around her and his whisper in her ear, she couldn't help but feel her heart race a little. "S-sorry.. We should... Hold hands so.. We don't lose each other.." Lizzy suggested timidly, her head turned to the side so that she was looking at Altier who's face seemed extremely close to her own.

It seemed that she was always so shy and blushing around Altier, which she tried to control but she couldn't help. It seemed that even though they were dating, she still wasn't completely over her fear of boys and Altier just happened to be one, but it wasn't fear that she felt. His arms over her, he could probably feel the beating of her heart as it raced from his touch.

Lilian chewed on her lower lip for a moment later replying with a slight nod, "It's not that I want to...it's that I need to." She knew that she should even though she really didn't want to go, it seeming like something that she needed to do. There wasn't a reason to let something go on when there wasn't anyway that it could work, Lilian should have never let it go this far as a matter of fact.

@Defective Kitten

"My thoughts exactly," he said as he let his arms fall back to his side, him placing a light kiss to her forehead as she looked over at him as he stood behind her. He pulled back and took her hand in his own without a second thought, him starting down the hallway as she followed along beside him. He looked over at her and asked with a raised brow, "So Lizzy where do you want to look at next, this place seems pretty big so take your pick." In truth he didn't really care where they went in here, because at the moment he was completely content as long as she was by his side. That sounds rather mushy but it was the truth or at least the truth that he knows, the location doesn't matter, the company is what makes the difference.
Zara nodded at Lilian before reluctantly putting a hand on her shoulder reassuring her next statement. "I'll be there to help" replied Zara, unsure of why or how she was doing this but did so anyways, with no regrets.
Lizzy gave a soft smile as Altier took her hand. Being next to him was something that she was already content with, "Hmm.. well I don't really know much about this place. How about we just continue looking?" She suggested since there was no real destination. Walking to the staircase which spiraled up to which seemed like several upon several floors. "Let's go up!" She exclaimed and pointed up, despite the fact that they hadn't even scratched the surface of the first floor yet.

Walking up the stairs to the second floor, it seemed like there hallways and doors. Walking down one of the corridors and into one of the rooms, it seemed like it was a ballroom type of room. There was a grand piano, along with a few instruments off to the cover which was leveled up, along with a seating and a huge floor to dance on. On the ceiling were chandeliers which seemed to still be intact.

Lizzy's face lite up at the sight of such a massive room. Could such a room even fit into a building that seemed so small on the inside? It seemed as if as soon as they walked in they were in a whole different dimension.
@Federoff (Be back after a while, need to go to the store)

Lilian smiled lightly over at Zara as she placed her hand on her shoulder to try and comfort her, Lilian not even realizing that she was acting like she needed a moment of comfort. Lilian placed her hand over Zara's and said in a warm tone, looking over at her, "Thank you Zara, you're a good friend." With that said they started to make their way over to where Faust was, her having no idea what she was going to say when she got there.

@Defective Kitten

Altier looked around as they entered the room, it seeming to be a ballroom area that once held lavish parties and dances. At that moment he wondered if this was the previous schools grounds, it making sense to hide a school for the supernatural in such a place away from prying eyes. With that in his mind he looked over at Liz, her seeming to light up at the sights before her at this time. He couldn't help but put on a warm smile when he saw her face. He took some more steps in with her leading her by her hand, but as the two of the stepped on the dance floor music started to play...the piano and other instruments moving on their own and creating ballroom music.

That in itself clinched it in his mind, this place was magical without any doubt in the matter. The simple bigger on the inside than the outside was a large boost but now that there were self moving inanimate objects this was definitely in some form magical. With that in his mind he smiled lightly seeing no harm in it for the moment, he placed hid hand that wasn't holding her hand on the small of her back. Him asking in a smooth tone as he looked down at her, "Would you care to dance Lizzy?" He didn't know what he answer was, considering he didn't really know if she liked to dance or not but he didn't see a reason not to ask her.
((K cya later)

Zara smiled at the girl, it was nice to get a compliment, even more so when she had no idea in what she was doing. "Thanks, now yes lets go" replied the girl before starting to walk with Lilian over to Fausts' room, wondering how Lilian was going to do this.
Lizzy flinched when the instruments began playing on there own. Of corse she was frightened but Altier seemed so calm with his smile. Asking her to dance, she couldn't help but nod in agreement. This was like something taken from a fairy tale, Altier was like the Prince and she was the Princess, something that a girls dreamed about as a child or even still. "It would be a pleasure to dance with you." She spoke with an elegant smile followed by a cute giggle. Good thing that Lizzy took some classes of ballroom dancing when she was younger, let just see if she remembered them.

In the beginning Lizzy seemed to be a bit rusty but as they danced to the rhythm of the music, she was dancing as if she were another person. Without even noticing she saw people appear around her, she saw women in dresses with corsets, men in fancy suits, and she even saw the people playing the instruments on the stage. The windows let in a different view from a different time, it seemed like everyone was enjoying themselves. Liz knew it wasn't actually real people due to the fact that they were more or less transparent, was it all just a hallucination?
Noyeh arriving late at the Academy, he looked up at the Building, amazed. "Wow.." Noyeh says, walking close to the Door and opening it. "Hey, Replica.. Can you identify all the Student's Species?" Noyeh asks Replica. "It'll take some time, Noyeh." Replica responds, hovering over Noyeh's shoulder. He walks in the Hall, trying to stay unidentified as possible. Why would someone make a School like this? Noyeh activates Will Heim, his Left Eye turning Red as he looked at everyone. Afraid of Water... Loud Noises.. A lot more.. So much weaknesses.. Noyeh still tries to be unidentified as possible. "You shouldn't activate your monster now, Noyeh" Replica still hovering over Noyeh's shoulder. Noyeh still walks in the Halls, his Left Eye still Red and him glancing at people continuously.

Lilian nods and the both of them eventually make it to where Faust is, them standing outside of the door until the nurse that was tending to him said that they would go in. This was not something that Lilian wanted to do but she knew that she had to at least give it a try, her human half not letting her just brush it off like her demon half would. With that in mind she walks in with Zara, her absentmindedly thrumming her fingers against her side in a nervous tick. This would be the first time that Zara had seen Lilian nervous, any other time she would be completely composed and without any emotion present.

She walked around and eventually saw Faust lying on the bed, her drawing a blank in what she should say at the moment. She wanted to say 'Hello' or 'It's nice to see you' but she knew what she would have to eventually lead up to, and for the life of her she didn't know how to say it. With that all going through her mind she just stood there unable to say anything for now.

@Defective Kitten

Altier watched as the memories of the past-or at least that's what he figured them to be-started to appear all around them, it perhaps being another mechanization of lingering spell power on the building. Magic is nothing if not unpredictable, the spell to make this place freeze in time would most likely cause such distortions. By the clothing that they were donned in they would have been around the time that the building was condemned and the newer sections were built, which seems to further support the idea of magic being responsible. As he watched the transparent individuals he could tell that they were all oblivious to their presence so he figured that they would not be a threat, for lack of a better way to describe them...they were projections of the past.

With all of that flip-flopping around in his head and looked back down at Liz, who at the moment seemed to be having a good time. He was somewhat relieved about that considering he didn't know how she would take the whole ghost like situation they had gotten in. Altier sort of found that funny though, him laughing lightly and then looking down at Lizzy again after he looked around at the projections again. He explained his laugh with a light smile, "Funny isn't it," he paused and looked around at the transparent people, adding as they stopped dancing, "We walk into a rundown building expecting ghosts and we get the closest thing I can think of..."
Fausts' eyes opened and shot over to Zara and Lilian; a huge smile ran across his face, he was shivering still. "Hello kitten, hello Zara, did you come to see old Faust?" asked the boy in his normal cheerful voice, even if he was sick. The whole world felt like a blizzard to him, it completely showing.
Still walking around, Noyeh gets bored. For no reason at all, heads towards the Nurse's Office. After making it, his Left Eye stops glowing red and returns to a Light Purple Color. "I don't get why they would make a school like this still.." Noyeh says to Replica. "There's many reasons why 'they' would.. But there is too many to count, Noyeh." Replica responds. Noyeh looks over at the Nurse's Office by instinct, seeing people just check on they're friends. I don't get this.. Noyeh's Left Eye glows Red again, peeking into the Nurse's Office as he collects information of they're weaknesses and strengths. There we go.. Noyeh than runs off, Replica matching Noyeh's speed while still hovering over his Shoulder.
"Altier.. how come these people are here..? Ghosts perhaps?" Lizzy asked him when they stopped dancing and stood in the crowd of people who were. Watching as if they were in a movie from the past, maybe a memory of someone's.

A few slow seconds pasted and it seemed that the people had disappeared and the music stopped playing, the windows were back to being covered in vines and the light in the chandlers were fading, but the room still remained beautiful and untouched none the less. "What do you think all of this is..?" She asked as her hands tightened around him. The situation wasn't scary when they were in the moment but thinking back, it was actually quite spooky. "Maybe this is a sign to.. go to the next room.." Speaking slowly due to the shock finally getting to her.

"Hi," Lilian eked out, her not being her usual self at the moment. She paused for a brief moment and added with a slight smile, trying to cover up how she was feeling at the moment, "Are you feeling any better?" She asked even though she could tell that he wasn't feeling that well at the moment.

@Defective Kitten

"Don't worry about it Lizzy," he said looking down at her with a warm smile, him patting her on the head to try and comfort her. "None of this is dangerous," he paused and added still looking down at her with a nod, "All of this are the memories that were trapped in this building." He thought on it and kissed the top of her head, "I'm sure that we'll be an apparition when someone else walks in this room in the future." He figured that because the clothing on the dancers didn't match at all, it seemed that all sorts of teenagers had come to this room at some point in the past. Each of the projections were from different time eras and some of them were not even doing the same dance.

The simple fact of the matter was that he was sure that this place hold memories of whomever walks in, the memories that are held are those that are important to those that have them. With that in mind he figured that is why there were so many people's memories in this room, seeing as how when you dance with someone in a place like this you probably have some feelings for them. He smiles down at her after going over that in his head, him taking her hand again, "Yes, lets go to another room Lizzy, lead on..."
Faust smiled a bit, even smiling it looked as if it took a great deal of effort. "Now that your here? yes *Cough* *Cough* She said I will be better now that they got whatever was in me out, but everything is still pretty cold right now" replied Faust honestly, not wanting to hide anything from either person. "Help yourself to anything you want in the fridge Kitten and Zara" offered the sickly boy

"Onward..!" Lizzy spoke with a laugh at the end of it. Exiting the room and back into the corridor, it seemed that the halls were left as they were, empty. "How about we go all the way to the top of the building and see where it leads us?" She suggested before letting go of Altier's hand and running to the spiral stair case. She stood by the railing, leaning forward while looking up, the top of the building seemed tall but it was manageable with a little time and patients.

Estimating the flights of stairs leading up, she guessed that there were at least 16 floors. "Well from what I see, there's only about 15 flights of stairs left for us to climb up to. Maybe there's a treasure at the top..!" She turned around with a cheerful smile on her face. Sticking her hand out for Altier to take, she simply spoke the words, "Come with me."
@Defective Kitten ((Yeah Ima hit the hay as well, see you all later))

He laughs lightly as she sprints to the stairs, her making a beeline quite unlike he has ever seen her do before. As he walked up to her she stuck out her hand for him to take, it seeming that she has gotten more confident with herself recently. He smiled warmly and took her hand saying with a wink, "Any time." With every passing day that they have it seems that she come out of her shell more and more, and each time she does he grows to like her even more. Some students here might say that him liking her was odd and weird but quite frankly he doesn't care, so much so that he ignores anything that he hears second hand about Liz now.

@Federoff ((Alight))

Lilian shakes her head at the offer for a beverage or food, her not really thinking drinking anything at the moment would help any. She knew that something had to be said but for the life of her she didn't know how to say it, and quite honestly she didn't think this was the right time to say it. He was literally laid up at the moment, surely she should wait a bit more before she makes any rash decisions. With that in mind she replies to him, her deciding that at the moment she will just be her usual self and inform him when he is feeling better, "No I'm fine thank you though."
(It's the weekend. I'm not gonna sleep for a while, but goodnight guys c: I'll just finish off my last post for the night then)

Walking up each flight of stairs, her legs began to ache when they were around the 8th floor, but her persistence and curiosity beat out the pain. Or maybe it was the fact that she didn't want to seem weak in front of someone who always protected her. Either or, they finally made it up the final floor where there were no more stairs to climb up. Breathing heavy and her cheeks flushed a bit, she looked back at Altier with an excited smile on her face. Liz placed her hand on the door nob and took a deep breath and let it out.

Opening the door, they were blinded by a bright light at first. Once Lizzy's eyes were able to adjust to the light, she clearly saw a beautiful garden of some sort. It wasn't anything like the greenhouse, this place was 10x much more beautiful. The scenery were something from a beautiful painting and you could even feel the warm of the sun and the wind that blew by. As Altier's grip loosened due to the bright lighting, Lizzy instantly ran off into the field of flowers, laughing and smiling as she did. She had never seen such a view in her life, there were actual hills and real flowers.

It seemed as if that door lead them to another universe with fields of flowers and hills with trees placed on the top for shade or even to climb on. The flowers seemed so real, even the bunnies and animals were ones that you found in the wild. There was still water running from the streams that you would think to have ran dry by now. The sun was warm and the wind was refreshing, the water ran cool and everything seemed to be at piece. There were even natural pathways made by who knows, but one in particular lead to a gazebo.

The view of the gazebo in the garden area
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Lance, eagerly looking for a guide, wanders through the school aimlessly, wondering who could help him get started on his very first day. He was very enthusiastic when he enrolled into this school, sure of himself he would get accepted because of his uniqueness of an ability. He doesn't even know where to begin, he enrolled himself in, but never read an article or an evaluation sheet, feeling that jumping right into the crowd without an ounce of knowledge would be fun, but obviously, he is lost. He does not even know where to look for his questions, or rather, he does not even know where to look for who may know where to find what he does not know what to look for. This is hurting his brain...

I guess I should start with a bio of myself to have ready for someone who decides to approach me.

Lance takes out a pen and notepad and begins jotting down key aspects of himself:

I am electrokinetic, I was never born with abilities and never started out gifted.

I may be the most normal person here.

I trained myself in manipulating electric flow and being able to find anyone on Earth with remote viewing.

My electrokinesis is very noob basic, I can only shock people, however my remote viewing was learned with intensive third eye training, and even that has no incredible accuracy.

I am very good at talking sometimes, other times I am a horrible conversationalist and my speach will become riddled with 'hm's' and 'I see's'.

I am in spirit a dragon from a distant planet in the 4th realm of existence, yet none of that affects me physically.

Zara also politely declined, showing that she already had a drink. Faust very lightly shrugged, as he continued to shiver, even though he was under 3 heavy blankets. "So, did the nurse tell you anything?" asked Faust with curiosity in his small voice that he had at the moment.
Haruka arrived at the school she was out of breath from walking for so long. She began to wonder why she walked. "Oh yeah I thought I would have time to talk more with you Shady." He shadow moved slightly Shady was the name she had given him she wasn't that great with making up names but it was better than nothing. "Wow this place looks cool what kind of people go here I bet they are all super strong and could crush us in the blink of an eye!" Again her shadow moved. "Yeah I'm excited as well Shady!"

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