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Fantasy Academy For The Gifted

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"A second time..?" Liz commented on a rather questionable tone, "I'll have to take a rain check then." She spoke with a smile on her face. They were already down 2 flights of stairs, he was actually going down each flight pretty quickly, well quicker than she could've. Snuggling her head into the crook of his neck, her face rather close to his own which made her feel much more safe. Glancing at him from time to time, she couldn't help but have a smile on her face.

Liz was happy to know that there was someone who would be willing to even carry her. She cared for Altier quite a bit and it was obvious that he cared for her back. ".. thank you.." Liz said softly, her eyes closed at that point but she still stayed awake.
@Defective Kitten

"Anytime," he said with a light smile upon his face as they went down the rest of the stairs, it not taking that much time. When the made it to the ground floor he walked over to the doors that led out of the building, him standing her back up. "We have reached our destination," he said with a slight bow as if he were a servant or something, obviously playing off of the feel of the moment. He could tell that she was getting more use to being herself so he figured more sarcasm every now and then would be a good thing. He opened the door of the building and gestured her to go first, saying with a dignified tone, "My lady."
(Last post of the night!)

When they finally reached the bottom floor, she saw that Altier was playing as a servant which made Liz give a light giggle. "Thank you." She spoke and used her skirt to do a curtsy in return for his bow. Walking out of the building, it seemed that sun had already began its venture to tomorrow land. "Woah, who knew that within an hour or two it was already be this dim.." From when they walked in to now, it was like walking into a dark forest for her. "Let's stop by the cafe. I'm a little thirsty.." Lizzy spoke as she glanced over her shoulder with a soft smile, her hands in reaching length, almost inviting him to grab hold of hers.
@Defective Kitten

Altier followed along with Liz, him glancing around at how late it had gotten as well. It was a bit odd but he didn't seem to care that much, time would indeed fly when one is having fun after all. He noticed that she was pretty much asking for him to grab her hand, to which he offered her a light smile back. He moved next to her and put an arm around her shoulders as they walked the grounds of the school, him wanting at the moment to be close to her. "Now lets go get that drink," he said looking down at her as they walked along.
Looking up at Altier who had his arms around her shoulders, she gave him a warm smile. Being right under him made her feel so small but safe at the same time, she enjoyed moments like this. Nodding on to his statement to get the drink, she cheerfully agreed to it,

Not too long later that were already in the cafe. The cafe was basically lined with air conditioning and once they opened the door, it was like a cool breeze of air her. At this time, more places in the cafe were open mostly dinner stores though. Glancing around to see what she wanted, Liz decided to get a lemonade at the lemonade stand. There seemed to be a stand or store for almost all the foods and drinks you could think of, which was quite fascinating in Lizzy's eyes. Making her way over and quickly getting her drink before paying for it, she sat down with Altier, taking a sip before giving him a smile much resembling a kitten after getting pet. In this case, being next to him was satisfying enough. Lizzy almost didn't notice the fangirls glaring at her as she did.
@Defective Kitten

Altier sat at the table as she went to get her drink, him not drinking anything for more reasons than one. As she took her first she offered him a rather cute smile to which he just had to chuckle at a little, him unable to hold it in all the way. At that moment she sort of reminded him of his kitten he had back at his home, it was the same look that she would get right after he scratched her behind the ear. He responded right after the slight chuckle, "You just reminded me of someone back home." He thought on it for a moment whether or not to tell her who he actually meant by 'someone,' him not really sure how she would take being compared to a kitten.

Regardless he decided to go ahead and elaborate, him smiling lightly over at her as he did, "You reminded me of my kitten Nanako, she makes the cutest faces sometimes." It was obvious that he wasn't being rude at the moment, he honestly thought that it was a compliment to Liz.
Lizzy tilted her head slightly at the thought of being compared to a kitten. It took her a while before she realized that he meant it in good intention and that it was another way of called her cute. "A kitten huh..?" She mumbled, taking another sip and continuing as she did, "Tell me more about your kitten. I wanna know more about you." Lizzy gave him a rather innocent look on her face, her eyes showed eager intent to know more of him. "Do you have a picture of her? I'm sure she is adorable." She spoke with a light hearted giggle and a perky smile right afterwards.

Altier was unlike most vampires, than again he was a reserved one but he was so sweet, it was as if he couldn't even hurt anyone. He was strong but Lizzy just couldn't imagine him becoming angry.
@Defective Kitten

He thought on that for a moment and realized that he did in fact have a picture of Nanako, him having taken it right before he left for school. "Actually I do have one," he said as he adjusted himself to take out his cellphone, which he frequently forgot he had. He scrolled through a number of photos that included his parents and the reverse vampire girl that he use to know, before settling on the picture of his kitten. "Oh, here it is," he said as he held the cell out for Liz to see it better, her probably having seen those pictures he had scrolled past.


With that said he laughed a small bit, him looking over at Liz with a thought full face after the laugh was over. He paused and then said with a slight tilt to his head, "You know, I do see a resemblance." Now he was just being sarcastic again, although there was something similar between the two.


(Yeah I know, I'm waiting for a reply from the shadow girl)
(Last post. So tired, had a long day)

Despite seeing all the pictures before the kitten one, she was actually quite curious to know who the girl in one of the pictures was. His sister? Or a friend perhaps? Maybe even a past lover? The thoughts made her slightly curious yet worried but it was all pushed back when Liz was handed the cell with the picture of the kitten right on the screen. "Woah..! She so cute!" Lizzy squealed, a cheerful yet mesmerized expression was placed on her face. "I think I just fell in love with your kitten." She spoke in a rather half jokingly way.

"A resemblance..?!" Liz questioned, before giving him a smile and played along. Placing her cupped hands to form two ear like shapes, she put them on the tops of her head where a cat's ear line up. "I think I see a resemblance too." Speaking with a joking tone, a playful smile on her face.
@Defective Kitten ((Yeah I'll be going now to probably))

He made a surprised face as she tried to resemble the kitten, him saying in an astonished tone, "You two could be twins." He attempted to hold his façade but he let if break apart after a while him putting the phone back in his pocket. "You know I was hesitant about coming here to start with," he said with a slightly uneven smile as if he was confessing something uncomfortable. He paused for a moment and added with a light shrug, "I wasn't sure if I would fit in at this school, seeing as how I've only been to human public schools in the past and I've only seen Reverse Vampires up until I came here." In truth he didn't have much in the way of real supernatural world experience, it all came from the many books that he had read.

With that said he looked over at Liz and smiled warmly, "But after a while this place grew on me and I have met some wonderful people already." He paused and looked at the table for a moment, adding as he turned back to Lizzy, "But one of them stood out more than the others."
Lizzy tilted her head at at the statement of being twins with a kitten. Although a bit slow, she realized that it was a compliment.. maybe. Hearing his confession-like statement and seeing his warm expression through his eyes, she was able to see that he really was being honest. A tad bit surprised, a warm rosy color set her cheeks. Liz was happy but a little bit surprised since no one has every told her that, she was always the creepy quiet girl in the back that no one took notice for but Altier did. Although their beginning was a little rocky, she was happy to know that it taken them this far. In the little time they've known each other, they had already been through so much. From their encounter to the green house, even the enchanted building, this was more laughing, smiles, and happiness than in her 15 years of living.

Looking down at her lap, her hands were clenched and she tried not to show her red cheeks. Glancing up, despite being in a public place, she quickly leaned next to him and gave him a peck on the cheek. Pulling back, she gave him a grateful smile, "Thank you... for being okay with.. well.. me." Speaking timidly like she did before, no longer showing her more carefree side just a few moments ago.

@Mediocritys Muse

(Oh my god guys sorry had somethings to do)

Haruka nodded. "Yeah being friends sounds awsome you hear that Shady we made some friends!" The shadow nodded. Haruka looked at Lilian's shadow. "So is your shadow different from Shady?"
@Federoff ((Sorry about my absence yesterday, we had a snow storm thing here))

@Nenma Takashi ((It's all good))

Lilian blinked a small bit looking down at her shadow, her tilting her head at the statement about her shadow. She replied while looking back up at Haruka, "Um yeah, mine is just an extension of me." She paused and added with a light nod looking down at Haruka's shadow, "Yours seems to have a mind of it's own." It seemed that the shadow that Haruka has was one that responds in it's own way without any command from her human counterpart, her figuring a symbiotic relationship. With that said she looked over at Zara and cocked her head, saying with a light smile, "Zara how about the three of us have some tea?"

She remembered the last time that she had asked Zara back for some tea, but this time it was different...there were three of them.

@Defective Kitten

Altier looked over at Lilian with a slight smile, seeing that she had went back to her timid self after she had kissed him on the cheek. He replied with the smile still present on his face, him putting an arm around her shoulders as they sat there, "There isn't a reason why I wouldn't." He paused and then added with a nod, "You're honest with yourself an quite frankly I find that more attractive in a girl than anything." With that said he looked over at her with the warm smile yet again, him quite content in the moment.
Haruka bounced up and down. "Oh yeah tea sound great I like mine with tons of sugar but Shady doesn't like that much sugar he basically is drinking water with some sugar in it he puts so little in it." The shadow shook a finger at Haruka. "Yeah yeah I know mom said cut back on sugar but it tastebetter with a bbunch of it!"
Feeling little pricks and thrones on her, she realized that the fangirls were glaring at her from afar, probably from the kiss on the cheek a few moments back. As Altier's arm came around her shoulders, the intense stares got worse. Taking his arm and moving it so it wouldn't be around her anymore, she scooted a little away from him. Lizzy had an uncomfortable look on her face, showing that something was wrong. Shaking her head, she glancing up at Altier and quickly to the fangirls, back to Altier. Mouthing the words "scary" she gave yet another distressed look, her eyes closed tightly.

Along with those girls was Lucy, although her stare was more of spite for Lizzy rather than of jealousy. "Clever bitch.." She mumbled under her breath, biting her lollipop(no, not the rainbow swirl ones) which made quite a loud crunch and causally tossed the stick on the floor. Of corse her "friends" supported her, agreeing on out Liz was cunning and deceitful who tricked Altier to like her.
@Defective Kitten

Altier didn't even bother looking back at who she was referring to, seeing as how he already had an idea as to who she was referring to. With that in mind he simply chuckled a small bit seeing that she was still her usual self, him saying and he laid his head on the table with his arms underneath him looking over at Liz, "You now you haven't changed a bit Lizzy." He paused and kept lying on his arms, adding with a twinge of admiration in his tone, "I admire that." He didn't really know how the comment would affect her but in truth he felt that he needed to say it, seeing as how the other girls seemed to be getting to her again.

In all honesty he didn't really get why they had to be so spiteful, seeing as how there are many reasons to just drop the hatred and idiocy that they seemed to radiate. Although he figured it was due to their own faults and inabilities to face those faults that they must pick on someone that they see as weaker. However, Altier sees the world for how it is and that is simply that the ones that are seen as weak are the truly strong ones.
Zara nodded at the proposal of tea with a light smile, "Y-yes please, I would love some" stated Zara, reverting back to her shyness due to being around someone new. Well two new people, since the guy had a "shadow friend" as he called it.

@Nenma Takashi ((Just a typo))

Lilian watched as the both of them agreed to it, her getting even more bubbly as she turned toward the girls dormitory. Her calling out to them as she makes her way to the dormitory, "Yay? This way guys." She figured the day could only get better after the earlier dilemma, and seeing how she just met someone new she figured on getting to know her a bit more. On top of that Zara could stand to meet someone new for her to get along with, Haruka seeming to be a nice enough person.
Haruka ran ahead of them Shady shook his head and leaned close to Haruka they stared at each other. Sometimes if they focused Haruka could hear Shady but only she heard. "Can you say for sure these are good people?" Haruka nodded. "Of course Shady come on trust me have I ever been wrong?" "More then I can count." Haruka stuck her to tongue out at him. "Whatever they seem nice trust me okay?" "I trust you."
Lizzy covered her face with her hands, her head tilted downwards. "I'm sorry.. I know I shouldn't care for what they think or do but they stare at me like that.. and it just gets to me.." Her soft tone was muffled through her palms, but her words were still able to be made out. Although Altier might've admired that she hadn't changed, Lizzy hated this side of her. The side that's easily afraid despite not wanting people to pity her or believe she's weak, in reality that's actually what she believed she was.
Zara nodded and slowly and shyly followed Lilian to her room, silent the whole time as they walked. Not only had Zara never been one for talking, but she always had a hard time talking to others. Her blue scaling shinning brightly, along with her blue dragon wings, as the sunlight bathed her in its warmth.

@Nenma Takashi

Lilian double blinked as she could see that Haruka seemed to be conversing with her shadow friend, her tilting her head at the fact before her. She wondered how a shadow could talk to someone, her figuring it has something to do with telepathy or something similar. With all of that wish-washing around in her head they made it up to her room that she shared with Lizzy, her opening the door and inviting them inside. Lilian walked over to where the tea pot was and started to make some, her doing it just as the demon half of her had done. It being increasingly apparent that the two of them are quite the same.

She glanced over and said aloud as she started the tea, "Make yourself at home."

@Defective Kitten

Altier double blinked as she continued to put herself down, him knowing that she was just adding things that made her feel worse inside her head. With that in mind he let out a warm smile as he laid on his arms, him asking as he looked up at her, "How about we just go sit in the courtyard, it should be getting dark soon?" He paused and then added with a slight grin, "It's been a while since we just looked up at the stars." Him remembering the last time that they did that, it being when they were at the pool and she had her ice affinity. That was without a doubt a day that he will never forget for as long as he lives.

"Better yet," he said as he straightened back up and stood from his seat, "How about the pool?" He wanted to cheer her up somehow and he was going to try as hard as he could.
Haruka jumped onto a couch Shady shook his head. "What you heard her she said make ourselves at home?" She stretched a little laying on the couch she looked at Zara. "Nice wings by the way they're pretty." Shady nodded. "Even Shady agrees."

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