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Fantasy Academy For The Gifted

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Sliding her hands down a bit so her eyes would be the only thing visible on her face. Lizzy smiled knowing that he was trying to comfort her. Despite having her face covered, you could see the smile through her eyes. Nodding slightly, she got up and waited for Altier to get up before grabbing onto his sleeve so he could lead the way to the pool or courtyard. Although it didn't matter the destination, she just wanted to get her mind off of things and enjoy the last few hours before she could having to return back to her dorm.
A light pink flourishes on Zaras' scaled cheeks, the pink highlighting the individual blue scales as it did so. "Th-thank you" replied Zara shyly as a thanks for the complement before slowly sitting down on a chair, as to not hurt her wings in the process. Her eyes looking down at her lap, awkwardness oozing form the girl.
@Defective Kitten

Altier grinned and walked with her to the pool area, it seeming that the swim team had gone for the day. The two of them stood by the pool and he looked up at the sky, it slowly turning dark outside. Only a small smattering of stars were visible at the moment, it just now being dusk. With that in mind he looked down at Liz, him wondering at the moment what was going through her head. With that in mind he spoke aloud as he looked back up at the sky, "The last time we were here you were so awkward and clumsy."

He paused and took her hand into his own adding with a light smile, "I wondered why no one wanted to be around you." He paused yet again and then squeezed her hand softly, "Now I see why, they all just envy you Lizzy. They all are afraid to own up to their short coming and in ding so they need to find someone to vent on." With that said he let out a light sigh, adding with a nod, "In my mind you are the strongest person that I know par none."


@Nenma Takashi

Lilian double blinked as Haruka made herself rather comfortable without much hesitation, and subsequently complimented Zara on her wings. In more ways than one the two of them were polar opposites, it quite obvious that Haruka doesn't lack confidence and she just seems to say what ever she feels like on the spot. With that in mind Lilian takes a seat next to Haruka, sitting in the middle of the two of them although Zara had chosen a separate chair to commandeer. Lilian looked between the both of them and realized that Zara was getting rather uncomfortable with all of the attention placed on her. So to alleviate that she posed a question to Haruka, "So Haruka, have you always had this power?"
Lizzy smiled at his compliment, intertwining her fingers into his. "I'm still as awkward and clumsy as ever..." She spoke with a soft smile on her face, his hands were warm and soothing, like cuddling in a blanket in front of a fire on a cold rainy night. "Did you know.." She spoke and looked up at Altier, "When the first time we were walking together to explore the campus grounds.. I honestly believed that you were tricking me to go somewhere so you could prank me or embarrass me.." Lizzy spoke honestly in an ashamed tone of voice, looking down at her feet that walked a steady rhythm.

"I didn't think that someone like you.. Someone who gets all the girls and could probably be as popular as he wanted.. I didn't believe that you could be so kind to me, someone who everyone dislikes and avoids.. and even after getting to know even more, you weren't afraid of me and didn't come to hate me.. instead, you grew to like me, which I still find amazing to think of." Lizzy spoke with a small giggle at the end. "I didn't know people like you existed till now.. But now I have friends, I have you, Lilian, Faust, Zara, and even Leo if he even considers me a friend.. I know it might be small group of people but they're all I could ever ask for." She spoke with a melodic tone in her voice, you could hear her honesty and warmth as she spoke.

An adorable smile kept on her face without her knowing so, talking about this made her happy to know that there are still people who care for her despite all the resentment she receives.

(Just going to put this here (:3))
@Defective Kitten

He didn't know that she thought that he was taking her to a prank or something similar, the thought of that almost made him chuckle a bit but he held it back because it seemed that she wasn't done talking. Altier smiled lightly down at her, him moved by what she had revealed to him underneath the star light. Quite frankly he never knew that she held so much in, although he did know she didn't tell him everything that she felt. When she wanted to she could be quite the speaker and quite frankly if she was like this around school she would possibly be as popular as she thought he should be.

Altier blinked a few times and then slipped off his shoes and socks sitting them to the side, him sitting on the ground beside the pool. With that he rolled up his pants and let his legs hang over the side into the water, him looking up at her as he did so, "Some time you leave me speechless Lizzy." He let out a warm laugh him utterly complacent as he sat there, simply soaking in the moment. With that said he laid down on the floor, and sort of had a deja vu moment...him remembering the last time that they were in here. "How about I make you a promise," he said as he looked up at her with his face basked in the now showing moon light, him adding with a smile, "I'll always be right there with you, until you come to your senses and realize you can do better."

He let out a light laugh, him joking but at the same time it was obvious that he meant what he had said without a doubt.

@Federoff ((Cant see the pic, 0.o))
(Yeah I can't see it either)

Doing the same and taking off her knee high socks and shoes, she dipped her legs into the cool water. In times like these she was happy that she wore a skirt as part of her uniform. Looking at Altier as he basked in the moonlight, talking about finding someone who was better. Lizzy smirked at his statement, "Do better? Shouldn't I be the one saying that?" Speaking with a light smile as the moon's light and stars shined their way into the skylight, hitting them both. The soft lighting from the moon made her eyes twinkle like the stars.

"You can promise me that but.." Pausing as she looked at Altier who sat next to her, placing her hand over his and leaned in the bit. "I'll have to change the part about finding someone better since you're the best I'll ever have." She spoke with a cheeky smile, yet innocent in its own way.
@Defective Kitten

He moved up next to her and hovered over her for a moment, and slowly leaned down to where they were maybe an inch apart. He looked her in the eyes as he placed a soft kiss on her lips, his eyes open the whole time the kiss went on. Quite frankly he had been wanting to do that all day but he decided to wait until later in the day. The kiss lasted longer than any of the other ones that they have had before, him cupping her face as it went on. He pulled away from her and smiled warmly down at her as he stayed over her for a moment, "You know I'm happy that I met you here Lizzy." He paused and then rested beside her, him putting his arm up under her shoulders and holding her up against him as they laid up under the stars.
Despite having kissed before, it still made Lizzy blush and embarrassed to kiss. This one in particular was longer and Altier held eye contact the whole way through. Laying down next to him, his arms around her, she could still feel the presents of his hand still on her cheeks when they kissed. She half expecting the kiss, in a way she did tempt him by leaning in a bit but the part she didn't expect was the length of the kiss. Hiding in his chest, trying to bury herself in his warmth, she mumbled the word, "stupid.." Of corse she didn't hate the kiss, she actual quite enjoyed it to be truthful, she just didn't want to admit it herself.
@Defective Kitten

Altier could hear her call him stupid but he didn't pay it any attention, him figuring it was just her defensiveness taking over. He didn't want to say anything to break the moment that was occurring right now, him quite content in just lying here with her for the moment. He placed his free hand around her as well, him just happy that this was actually happening and that it wasn't just some dream that he just so happened to dream up. With that all going through his mind he started to wonder about what the rest of the year here was going to entail, and about all of the things that they might get to do. In truth he wondered about asking her if she would like to go to the winter dance but that was quite a ways away so he just sat on that question for now.
(Since it's the beginning of the year, is it August, September, or January? Because I know some places start in those months. BTW Last Post.)

Lizzy moved it head so she would be staring up at the skylight, "Woah..! It's so pretty.. like a painting.." She spoke in amazement, somehow the night sky seemed so much beautiful with Altier next to her side. She placed her open hand slightly near his chest when she felt his other arm around her. Glancing slightly up at Altier, she studied his face. He had blue eyes, they were the blue that froze you in place, captivated you for even the slightest of moments. She had sworn there was a sky trapped behind his pupils. It seemed to extend farther than she could ever comprehend. She wondered how many stars his eyes held.

Lizzy couldn't help but smile, unconsciously she reach she a golden strand and began playing with it in between her finger tips. His hair were like golden silk threads that tempted her into touching. She slightly recalled something like this happening not too long ago, although it wasn't something she thought into.
@Defective Kitten ((No idea, I don't think that was decided, I figure early September))

Altier watched as she stared to twist his hair around her finger, him grinning and doing the same thing with her hair. While he was doing that he could feel her up against him, and quite frankly he had never felt like he was meant to be anywhere else other than here in this moment. He wouldn't mind if time would just stop right now, him seeing this night as quite simply one that he would cherish for a very long time. At the same time however he wondered what lies ahead for them, would there be even more good times to be had?

With that in his mind he contently stared into her eyes as the time seemed to trickle away, him paying no attention to the time as he laid there holding her close to him.
(I was gonna ask for like a few months time skip request thing if everyone was okay with it so that we could all have a "closer" bond with each other in a sense)

Turning her head back to the skylight, she watched as the stars twinkled. Lizzy smiled and pointed up at the brightest and burst star near the moon, "I believe that one is.. Venus!" She spoke with a spark of cheerfulness in her tone. She was always fascinated by astronomy, how we're so tiny in comparison and how there could be new life forms in the universe.That was one of the reason why she liked the night time so much, looking at all the shining dots in the sky and forgetting about problems in the world.
_________________________Months later, Late December_______________________________

Altier had been with Liz for a couple months now, and quite frankly it has been a thoroughly enjoyable time on his side. By how she has been acting the whole time she has seemed to been enjoying the time as well, although sometimes the groupies can be a pain. Their glares and scorn have gotten to her a few times but all in all she has grown a bit more confident in herself. With that in mind he stretches as he walks around the school compound, today being the day before the big Winter Dance. He had asked Liz if she wanted to go with him to it a few days ago and she said she would give him an answer today.

He figured that was her just being sarcastic, her coming out of her shell even more nowadays. He didn't mind it though considering that she probably wanted to think about it for some reason or another, going to a dance with someone isn't a small matter after all. Quite frankly he was getting stares from many girls in the school, them perhaps hoping that he would come to his senses and ask them to the dance...which was obviously not going to happen. So for the moment he was just wandering the school grounds and waiting on her answer, figuring that she would get to him at some point today.

Lilian's first couple days in the Academy were great but as a friendship sort of went past the friendship stage she had to reveal something, and that sort of put a damper on the good times. Regardless of what she had said to Faust he still wanted to be her friend which made her quite happy, although she didn't really know how this was going to work out in the end. Quite frankly she wasn't entirely sure what Zara thought about the whole situation either, her not really expressing her emotions all that well. In some cases she was maybe a scaled down version of the Demon Side of Lilian in the way she doesn't show how she feels.

Perhaps halfway through November Lilian reverted back to her Demon Side, the exact reason not really being known to anyone that calls her a friend. Now that the dance is quickly approaching she really doesn't know what she is supposed to do, seeing as how she frankly does not care for such things. Her newest friend Haruka would probably want to go to the dance and Lilian wouldn't want to just say that she doesn't want to, her now having friends meant that she has to do things that she doesn't want to from time to time after all. With that in mind she sits propped up against wall lining her bed, her wondering if Lizzy said yes to her Vampire boyfriend yet.

((And there is my attempt at winging it, hope it's satisfactory. Tried to write you're characters in at some point))
(You did good!)

Lizzy didn't bother getting ready that morning, she just lied in bed and stared at the ceiling for most of the morning. Over the corse of the 4 months it had seemed that she did made more friends, Lilian reverted back to her emotionless side, winter break was already here and so was the Winter Ball. Speaking of dances, she didn't know if Lilian was going to it herself, she didn't want Lilian to be all by her lonesome. "Lilian.. are you going to the ball thing tonight?" She asked, turning so she could look at Lilian while still laying down.

"Has Faust asked you to go?" Remembering that Lilian and Faust had a thing, it would be cute for them to together, although she didn't know if this Lilian would like those sort of things. "I've never been to any of these types of things so we should go regardless, I think I'll be fun for both of us" Lizzy spoke happily with a cheerful smile pasted on her face. The dance was more of a formal occasion that marked the beginning of winter, or so that's what the books said. The males would be wearing fancy tuxes and the females would be in lavishing gowns that would make anyone stare at them.
Faust was in the cafeteria, his head propped up against his hand as he sat their; half asleep. Bags underneath his eyes, showing he had not been sleeping well at all; partly due to not recovering from the effects of his cold, the other half of the reason was what Lilian had revealed to him. Faust was devastated by this news, unable to conjure a response. True he would continue to be Lilians' friend, still even loving her, but he knew it was for naught.

Other people had swarmed him of questions in the past few months, him not responding to many of them at all. He let out a yawn as he slept, his orange hair now covering his eyes as he slept from exhaustion. In truth though, his cold was not a actual cold, termites had dug their way into his body when he made himself part tree for a while; his human body not taking it very well at all. The recuperation had been slow, and still was; one had to wonder, would he recover anytime soon?

Zara blinked herself awake, and let out a small yawn before getting up and stretching; sleep had always came good to her due to the nature of her bed, it was a very nice bed to have when one is part dragon. She got up and walked over to the door and entered the hallway, closing the door, and started to head towards the cafeteria for some food. Along the way she passed by Lilians' dorm and paused, wondering if maybe the girl would like to accompany her to get some food. In the last few months, Lilian had become a good friend of Zaras', her now feeling completely comfortable around the girl. She knocked on the door, "Lilian?" queered the dragon girl as she waited for a response.
@Defective Kitten


Lilian glanced over at Lizzy as she asked if she was going to he dance with Faust, her remembering that Lizzy didn't know about what had happened a while ago. That was mostly due to her inability to relay emotions at the moment, as well as her not really sure how to explain it. To that she simply shook her head in response, "Faust and I, I am afraid not." Her reply was simple and sufficient, her not really saying anything else about the matter. With that said she turned around so she could face Lizzy directly, "Hasn't your boyfriend asked you?" Her question was blunt, and quite frankly if he hasn't asked her Lilian would be quite shocked.

She added with a slight shake to her head, "I'm sure I will be accompanying Haruka and Zara if they decide to go Lizzy." She paused as she heard a knock on the door, her turning her head and responding "Come in."
Zara heard permission to come in from Lilian and opened the door before walking in. "Hey Lilian do you wann~" she froze as she saw another person; not out of shyness but out of shock. She had completely forgot about Lilians' roommate, Lizzy. Zara let out a sigh before waving at her. "Hello" she greeted before looking over to Lilian and continue her sentence. "Do you wanna go get some breakfast with me?" queered the dragon girl, her wings stretching out as she did so; signalling she had just woken up herself.
Haruka woke up she had fallen alseep in her dorm she was woken up by Shady and went to Lilian's dorm seeing Zara there as well. "Sup."
The bunt little answers that Lilian have given made her somewhat confused in whether she was going with Faust or not. Before she could answer, Zara walked into the room with a question that was cut off. Hearing the little sigh as Zara stopped her question when she saw Lizzy, she simply greeted her with a smile and got up. Of corse Lizzy wasn't as close with Zara as Zara was with Lilian so she simply felt like she was interrupting with her presents. "I'll just go get ready for the morning." She spoke awkwardly before taking her stuff and leaving the room for the showers.

Down the hall and into the showers, Lizzy simple set up her stuff. As she brushed her teeth in the mirror, she couldn't help but notice that her hair length had gotten longer within the months as well. Making its way down her back before stopping in the middle. Finishing her daily regimen she looked at herself in the mirror again before tilting her head back and forth so that her hair would sway, stopping and pilling up a strand, "I guess my hair did grow." She mumbled to herself as she examined the lock of hair and let it go.


Her hair length, not her but just an outline of where her hair lays now

@Nenma Takashi

As Lizzy walked out of the room Lilian simply watched her do so, her not really getting her utter silence on the matter. Nevertheless she replied to Zara with a slight nod standing from her bed, "That sounds okay with me." With that in mind she moved over to her dresser and removed some clothing to wear, seeing as how classes were canceled for a week due to Christmas vacation and the dance. She absentmindedly wondered if any of her friends were going home to visit their families like most of the school was, her not going to be one of them that goes to visit. She didn't bother going to the bathroom to get changed seeing as how she had gotten a thorough shower the previous night and she figured on getting one before the dance.

With that in mind she turned to face the two of them, Haruka having just walked in with a simple 'Sup.' She paused as she looked at them and then spoke with a nod, "I'm about to get undressed, although I do not see a problem with the two of you staying." It was obvious that she was back to her old self at the moment, the other Lilian would most likely have not said that. Just then she started to take her clothing off and get dressed, her not paying much attention to whether or not they were still in the room.


Altier was more or less wandering around the school grounds for the moment, him not really knowing where he was going at the moment. Although after a while he found himself in he café/cafeteria, him noticing that the boy that he ha seen with Lilian and the gang was off to the side. With that he approached Faust and sat across form him, Altier noticing that he was a bit drained. As he sat with Faust the girls in the general area were starting to talk, them having never seen the two of them together at the same time. To them this was a once in a life time event, and they were not about to miss it for anything.

Altier said as he noticed the guys eyes sort of drift from open to closed, "You seem out of it." He paused and then added with a double blink, "Faust right?"

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