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Fantasy Academy For The Gifted

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@Defective Kitten

As she pulled back from the kiss-which he didn't expect at all-he offered her a warm smile, this being the first time she actually was the one to kiss him. With that in mind he leaned in and kissed her forehead placing his hand on the back of her head as he did so, him saying as he let his hand fall to place over her hands that were on his knees, "You surprise me every day, you know that right?" He kissing him was the last thing that he thought she would have done at the moment, him wondering what was going through her mind at the moment. He added as they remained fairly close to each other, "I'm looking forward to it Lizzy."

The sheer drive that she must have mustered up to do this was simply alien to him, every other time he was the one to give her a kiss. In a sense t was rather fulfilling to see that she actually wanted to kiss him as well, a strange part within him always wondered f she would do so. Now that part of him is pretty much non-existent, him now looking forward to the dance later tonight.
(Last post! Got stuff to do in the early morning but I'll be back fairly early)

Liz gave a smile that was of like a puppy that just learned a new trick and getting praised by its owner. "Me too." She spoke in agreement, this was her first dance type of deal so she was looking forward to it. Liz sat down next to Altier, her hand holding onto his. She leaned her head against his shoulder like she did normally.

"During Winter Break.. are you going to go back to visit your family?" Although the question of out of the sudden, she felt like it was something that she needed to ask. Liz was already prepared for him to say he was since he does have a family and all, it wasn't something that she minded as much. She could see from both points of views of wanting to see family and not wanting to be alone. Hopefully someone would still be at the academy when everyone goes back to see family.
@Defective Kitten ((It's alright, I actually may have things to do tomorrow as well so no biggie))

He paused briefly as she asked if he was going to meet his family during the winter break, him figuring that she wasn't. As he say there for a moment he cleared his throat and replied, "Well yes I am." With that sad he paused having received a letter from his mother just a week ago, he wondered how he was going to ask her. With that in mind he decided to just go ahead and ask, figuring the up front approach was the best course of action at the moment. "Well I actually have something to ask you Liz," he paused for a brief moment and then added with a slight smile, him looking over at her as they sat next to each other, "My mother actually heard about you and well, she wanted to know if you would accompany me for those couple days if you didn't have any previous plans."

Honestly he didn't want to ask Liz about if she wanted to go with his to meet his parents, seeing as how this wasn't actually textbook dating protocol. Usually you would casually let your parents see your boyfriend/girlfriend over the time they are together but seeing how this school is live in that was pretty much doomed to fail. He expected her to say that she didn't think she could go, which he wouldn't have blamed her in the least considering this was asking quite a bit. As far as he knew she had somewhere to go or something to do over the break.
Zara gave the girl quizzical look about the offer, not only something not to be expected by she really had no idea what a steak was. "S-sure, that sounds nice" replied Zara, still quite cold from the recent weather changes. The snowing outside did not help at all since sooner or later she would have to go back outside and leave. "Oh Lilian? What is this winter ball I am hearing so much about?" asked Zara, another topic to which se did not know of.
Liz tilted her head up to look at Altier. Her expression was of one of surprise and wonder, "Meet.. your parents?" Her voice was slightly nervous and unsure. Of corse Liz didn't have anywhere to go and being stuck in the academy would be somewhat boring, but would his parents like her? Squeezing her hand that held onto his, "Well.. I don't have any other plans to go anywhere.. but would your parents like me?" She asked weary of whether she should accept his invitation.

Of corse she wanted to go, she just didn't know if his parent's opinion on her would affect how he thought of her. Like what if they didn't approve of her since she wasn't a reserve vampire or even a vampire for the matter?
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@Nenma Takashi

Lilian double blinked and then looked over at Zara, her sort of surprised that she didn't know what a winter ball was. With that bouncing around in her mind she replied after taking a sip of her soup, "It's a dance or like a party type of event around here." She paused and then looked over at Haruka, wondering if she knew about the Winter Ball which she figured she did considering how she seems like the type that would love that type of thing. With that in mind Lilian took another sip of her soup along with a chunk of chicken and then asked with a slight tilt to her head, "Would you two like to go?" In truth Lilian didn't really want to go to the Ball but she would f they wanted to attend, seeing how she actually has people that talk to her now and along with that includes events and obligations.

@Defective Kitten

Altier sort of expected her reaction that she offered him, he knew that she wasn't going to just jump at the offer as soon as he had posed it. With that in mind he started to gently rub her back with his hand, him quite sure that this offer was a bit nerve racking to her. He replied to her question as he continued to rub her back, him offering her a smile as he did so, "Of course they will." He paused and then added with a light nod, "I don't see a reason why they wouldn't like you." I truth the mythos of vampires only liking other vampires was spread around by the vamperic community long ago as a sort of joke, the misconception still lingers to this day.

"You don't have to go if you don't want to though Lizzy," he paused and then added with a slight shrug realizing this is a big request, "Mother can be spontaneous with her requests after all."
"Umm.." She began, her 'thinking' face was on and she wasn't sure of what to reply. It would be interesting to go with him on the trip, plus she wanted to meet his parents also. "No.. not at all. I could see why your family would want to meet me after all." Speaking with a few pauses in between since she half of her attention was just thinking of an answer. After a few silent moments passed, Liz looked up at Altier with a shy smile. "Okay. I'll come along if your parents won't mind me, and of corse if you don't mind me as well." Although still unsure of her answer, she was interested to see what type of environment Altier lived in, how his parents acted, and finally be outside the walls of the academy. Thinking of which, Altier did have a royal air around him, maybe he came from a rich family. But that wouldn't change her feelings for him whether he was rich or poor, she liked Altier for himself.
@Defective Kitten

"Of course I wouldn't," he stated with a warm smile and a nod, him adding as he let his arms hang over the back of the bench, "I'm sure they'll love you Lizzy, although they are a bit peculiar." In truth he didn't really know how to sum up how they are, words seeming to not exist to describe how they act around the house when he was there. The proper term to use would most likely be unique, although it doesn't really explain in which way they are unique. He laughed lightly and then said with a raised brow as he looked over at her, "Well if you don't mind coming I'll be leaving tomorrow afternoon at around three thirty." He didn't really know what to expect from his parents but he was sure that they would adore Liz in their own way, him quite curious on the how though.
Zara thought about the information that Lilian was giving her, so it definitely wasn't a ball from winter... but a dance? Lilians' question made her ponder for a little bit, wondering why she would even want to go; Zara was not one for crowds, social events, or dancing. "No I don't think so, there is no reason for me to go" replied Zara after a few moments of thinking.
Liz raised a brow when he tried to explain how they were. The word 'particular' wasn't one she understood well, she would just have to go and see herself then. "T-tomorrow?..!" She knew that they would go soon but not that soon. "How long would we be there?" Asking to see how long there were going to be there and how much she had to pack, not that she had much to pack in the first place anyways. Tomorrow was Saturday, also the first day of winter break which they'll get 3 weeks off. Liz expected that they'll be there for about 5 days to a weeks, maybe.

Flopping down onto his lap, she let out a sigh and turned around, scooting down a bit so that her head would be on his lap. Letting go of his hand for a split second, she quickly grabbed hold of it once more but with both hands as if one hand wasn't big enough to hold onto one of his own, which seemed like that since one of her hands were only a little more than half of his.
Two rabbit ears extended from a pile of snow, going straight up into the sky. Not long afterwards, the rest of the creature burst out of the snow, shaking itself clean of the snow. A giant rabbit, which looked to have some sort of clothing, had busted out onto all fours, 5 feet by 7 feet it measured (Height by length) when on all fours. The rabbit looked very lost and confused as its head scanned back and forth as it slowly walked through the snow; trying to find someone to help it.

What looked like black hair came out of a pile of snow, the black hole looking very wild as if it wasn't brushed at all. Someone had fallen asleep overnight and a pile of snow had gathered on the person. A light snoring could be heard fro it, sounding female in nature, but most people would just ignore it. The girl underneath had bags under her eyes.
@Defective Kitten

Altier shifted a bit as she positioned her head on his lap, him looking down at her as she does so. "Well," he started and then continued with a slight nod, "They don't live that far away so we will just be driving there." With that in mind he looked up at he ceiling for a moment and then added with a slight shrug, "I think they wanted us to stay for like four or five days, although it's not really set in stone." She looked back down at her and brushed some strands of hair out of her face, him not quite use to her having long hair yet. With that said he figured that he should clarify how they were getting there, him saying with a light smile, "The car will be here at around three tomorrow, so we have plenty of time to get ready."


@Odin4Life4Life ((Uhhh that was a lot of typing ))

Lilian looked over at Zara with a slight tilt to her head, her at the moment remembering something that she had failed to do the night before. "I am sorry but I just remembered something Zara," with that in mind she stood from her seat and started to the door, "I will see you later today." She made her way out of the café area and outside, her walking toward the wooded area. She had completely forgotten to make contact with her mother this morning due to the things that had transpired earlier. With that being said she went behind a tree and waited for a moment, her mother emerging from a nearby shadow.

"Lilian," her mother spoke just as she did, without emotion, "Have your studies been progressing well?"

Lilian nodded toward her mother and replied right back, "Yes mother, the curriculum here isn't that challenging." She didn't really have much of a challenge at this school when it came to the actual work they do, seeing as how the place is pretty much a normal school...excluding all of the non humans of course.

Her mother raised a brow as she realized that Lilian wasn't saying something, "Has anything interesting happened in these last couple months?"

Lilian nodded yet again and replied to her mother, "Yes indeed," she paused and then added, "I seem to have made friends while I have been here." That wasn't something that Lilian thought she would have done here, her not really social.

Her mother walked over to her and gave her a hug, which was a bit weird to see considering how emotionless they both were. "Well then little one, have fun, I'll see you again in a few months." With that she stepped back into the shadows and melted away in to them.

Lilian stood there for a moment and was glad that she remembered what her mother asked of her every couple of months. You wouldn't be able to tell but her mother is quite attached to her little girl, her not even wanting her to come to this school initially. With that Lilian looked over into the distance and saw what looked like a person half buried in the snow, her cocking her head as she realized what it was. She made her way over to the person and squatted down near their head, her brushing the hair out of the persons face. "Hmm," she mused aloud as she wondered why a person would be out in this kind of weather.

With that she scooped the snow off of the girl and lifted her up, which wouldn't have been possible if she were a human...Lilian having quite a small stature. She thought about bringing her to the nurses office but that didn't seem to be necessary, seeing as how she didn't think she was actually sick or anything. With that in mind she just brought the girl to the girls dormitory which was quite empty at the moment and laid her on her own bed in her dorm room. As she pulled the covers over the unknown girl she mused aloud, her face fairly close to the girl, "Peculiar...today may be interesting."
Zara nodded and waved goodbye at the girl, "Alright see you later" replied Zara before going back to her soup, thinking about what Lilian had told her and what had happened earlier, her face still blushing whenever she accidentally thinking about it.
Tashii groaned lightly as Lilian brought her over to the girls dormitory, but not waking up; it seemed the girl could sleep through just about everything. Once set on the bed, she blinked awake before yawning strongly, wiping the sleep from her eyes, er.. well trying to. Her wild black hair fell back into its place, hair curling up and spiking out in different places. "*YAWN* Huh? Where? Who? *YAWN*" Tashii asked out loud, not frantic nor scared, but more confused of. "Who are you?" asked the girl, her green eyes popping under the few strands of hair that fell down her face.

Lilian watched as the girl blinked awake, her not even seeming to know that she was asleep in the snow. She replied without offering an expression, her saying in a monotone, "Lilian." She paused for a moment and wondered why the girl was asleep in the snow of all places, her perhaps being immune to the cold...although she highly doubted that. With that in mind she sat on the edge of the bed next to the girl and asked noticing the bags under her eyes, "Who might you be?" She paused and then added in an attempt to be comical, although she said it in her usual emotionless tone, "Sleepy head...you seem to be quite tired."
Tashii yawned once more before staring at the girl, who had introduced herself as Lilian, her green eyes looking directly at Lilians' red eyes. She got lost deep in the girls deep red eyes for a few moments, Why is a pretty girl like her socializing with a ugly girl like me? asked Tashii to herself, jolting back to reality after a few moments. "I'm Tashii" yawned the girl once more, clearly still not fully awake. "I always look like this, sleepy or not" explained Tashii as she scratched the back of her head.
"Four.. or five.." She mumbled as Altier brushed her hair from her face. When he looked down on her, she couldn't help but get a little rosy in the cheeks, unsure of why she did. His smile captured her in a dream. Lifting her hand she placed her hand on his cheek, giving him a smile of innocence. In the moment, she didn't understand why she did it but her body moved on its own. Realizing what she just did, the soft rosy blush turned into flushed cheeks of red. She placed both her hands on top of her face, despite the amount of time they were together, it was surprising she still got embarrassed.

Trying to change the subject, she moved her hands away from her face but they rested on her chest. Trying to not make eye contact, she shifted her glance downward, twiddling her fingers to distract herself. "Do you perhaps have any siblings?" It was only logical to ask, if she were meeting his parents she would surely meet siblings if any. Plus it would hopefully distract him too.
@Defective Kitten

He thought on it for a moment and shook his head fairly quickly, with a fairly simplistic response, "Um no, not that I know of. I'm an only child." He paused and then added as he rubbed the back of his neck, "Vampire conception is very rare on either side reverse and normal alike." With that he laughed a bit and added with a shrug, "Most Vampire couples are lucky to get one child, two children within a hundred years or so is unheard of." In truth his parents would love another child but it is a long shot, them thinking that Altier was a miracle child when his mother got pregnant. With that in mind he noticed that she had a bit of red on her cheeks, him realizing that she was attempting to deflect the attention away from her.

He paused and then looked over at her with a smile and a thumbs up, "Oh well done Lizzy, you're getting good at that." He gave her a small laugh as he leaned his head back to look up at the ceiling, snow slowly covering the glass little by little.


"Interesting," Lilian said aloud as she walked over to the desk, her looking back at the girl now known as Tashii with a question, "Would you care for some tea?" She started to make some anyway, seeing as how if she didn't want any Lilian still would like a cup or two. She added as she turned the hotplate on to get the water to boil, "You were passed out in the snow so you must be cold." In truth she didn't really know if she was or not, her seeming to be out of it due to her seemingly constant sleepy state. Lilian sort of wondered how this girl would react to how she acted, most finding her stoic and emotionless exterior to be intimidating.
"Tea?"queered Tashii back at Lilian, tea was one thing Tashii did not consume often as it was expensive and not worth it, well; at least to Tashii it was. "Sure" replied the black haired girl, her throat was somewhat dry and she needed a way to relieve herself of the dryness. "Oh I was? didn't really matter" continued Tashii, seemingly either unaffected by the girls stoicness or noncaring.
Giving Altier a cheeky smile for being able divert the attention from her, she realized that she would be able to see baby pictures of Altier since he is an only child, lots too. "Wait. Is the conception of vampires not being able to see themselves in the mirror and take picture of themselves true?" Remembering as she read that somewhere before. It would be quite sad if there were no pictures of Altier as a child. But since he was an only child, was he always alone? "Altier.. have you always been alone? Who would play with you as a child?" Since she still didn't know much of his childhood or past, it was always a pleasure to know a little more of him.

Checking her watch, it was only 12pm, eight hours or so before the winter ball. It started at 7:45 and ended somewhere at midnight.
@Defective Kitten

He shook his head and replied with a slight laugh, "Oh no, that's just a myth they started to avoid suspicion." When she asked who would play with him as a child he thought back and realized that he did have a photo on his phone. "Well there was one person I played with as a child, we sort of grew up together." With said he pulled out the phone and stopped on a photo of him and his friend back when they were children, "Her name was Ella and she was a reverse vampire as well." He held out the phone to her to let her see the photo, him remembering that he actually has a phone more often now.

https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/f1/7e/d1/f17ed15ee565d978e2c7ea65362bc82f.jpg <---Photo


As the water for the tea continued to heat up she walked back over to the bed and sat down, her looking over at Tashii. "So do you go to the school?" She asked wondering if she went here considering she hadn't seen her around yet, her figuring that she would remember a girl asleep in odd places. With that in mind she sort of just stared at her for the time being, her awaiting an answer from the new slightly odd girl that she had just met.
Tashii nodded at the girls question, a legit question as she just had transferred here a few days ago. "Yeah, I just transferred last week" replied the odd girl as she got up from underneath the blankets and tried to walk over to the girl; but ending up tripping over nothing and slamming her head against the floor. "Owwww" stated the girl as she went from face-palming the ground to sitting and rubbing her forehead lightly.

"Clumsy as well," she simply stated as she witnessed the girl fall to the floor, Lilian double blinking as she sits up and rubs her forehead. She paused for a minuet as the tea kettle started to whistle, Lilian walking over to it and pouring the water in to two cups which already had the tea bags Lilian makes herself in them. The tea that Demon Side Lilian likes to drink is more on the bitter side but at the same time it does give you a bit of a warming sensation as you drink it, perfect for those cold winter days. She walked over to the girl and handed her the cup of tea, her sitting in front of her on the floor. She said after she took a sip of the tea, her face still emotionless, "You know some people would find your clumsiness cute."

That's Lilian for you, the blunt individual that often speaks her mind whether or not she should.
Looking at the photo on the phone, she was happy to know that he wasn't alone when he was younger. "She's so cute..!" She exclaimed studying the photo as she saw the girl and boy. "Is that you when you were younger?" Tilting the phone up so he would be able see where she was pointing. From the expression on her face, you could tell she was excited at looking at the photo. "If she's that cute when she's younger, she must be beautiful." Liz spoke with a light giggle. "Could I meet her perhaps when we go see your parents?" Asking with a cheerful grin on her face, she was more excited than nervous at the moment.
Tashii continued to rub the part of her head that she hit when she hit the floor, her black hair all over the place like always. "Oww. Yeah no one has ever called me cute, try odd and ugly" replied the girl, a depressive tone in her voice as she got back up and made her way over to the tea. She put on an awkward smile, not a shy awkward one, but just an awkward one; "Thank you" said Tashii before taking a cup of the tea herself and ingesting it, the bitterness seemingly taken ok by the girl.

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