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Fantasy Academy For The Gifted

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@Defective Kitten

Altier thought on that for a moment and nodded, "You might be able to, she might visit while we are there." In truth he didn't really know if she would come by or not, seeing as how he thinks she is currently out of the country at the moment. He did figured that she would come by to visit at some point during the winter break though, seeing how she hadn't seen his mother and father for quite some time now. He smiles over at Lilian as she studies the picture, him adding with a nod, "If she does show up I'm sure she'll like you."


"Hmm, I wouldn't say that," Lilian stated with a slight shrug her making her way back over to the bed and siting on it. "Well in that case those people are fools," she stated in he monotone voice, her taking a sip of tea as she paused and then added, "Another word for odd is unique and I find unique people and things far more interesting than everyday normality." At the moment Lilian was speaking her mind and she really didn't care for the jerks that single out someone because they are different, her adding to her previous statement, "As far as I am concerned your are cute." With that said she took another sip of the tea, her at the moment wondering why this girl would think such a thing.
Tashii listened contently as Lilian talked, yawning and blinking every now and again as she did so. After she took another sip of tea, Lilian stated that she thought her as cute, causing a light blush to appear on the girls face. She became silent for a moment, unsure of how to reply; and after a few moments she smiled awkwardly at the girl once more; "Thank you Lilian, that means a lot coming from someone as pretty as you" replied the girl honestly, scratching the back of her head once more as she talked.

It became apparent that the girl before her was someone that always seemed to be sleepy, even when she had already gotten some sleep. With that in mind she looked over at Tashii, seeing that she had a bit of red on her cheeks at the moment. "Anytime and thank you as well," Lilian simply stated and then stood to put her tea cup on the desk, adding as she turned back around, "So what are you exactly?" The question was rather straightforward, Lilian looking over at her as she awaited a reply. The simple fact that she was in this school seemed to mean that she wasn't just a normal human with no powers.
"I'm a Nymph" replied the girl without much hesitation, it wasn't really something to hide and it seemed that Lilian was someone to be considered a friend to Tashii. "And you?" asked the girl after putting down her tea herself and stretching a little, a few pops being heard from her back.
"I really hope so." Speaking with a smile glued onto her face, she couldn't help but be a little excited. Giving the phone back to Altier after she had enough of looking at the photo, she realized that the snow had started to pile up, making the greenhouse darker since the sun no longer could shine through. While playing with her fingers, she noticed the ring that Altier had given her for her birthday previous. "Altier. When's your birthday?" She asked, looking at him with a slight head tilt.
@Defective Kitten

"The nineteenth of January," he simply stated as he looked over at her with a slight raise of his brow, the question seeming to come out of no where since they were previously talking about him as a child. With that in mind he leaned forward and rested his arms on his knees, him a bit worn out because he sun hadn't been out all day. "Man I do like the snow but it can be a pain," he stated aloud, him figuring that she was probably thinking about something for his birthday. He however didn't want her to know he suspected it so he changed the subject in a smooth way, him figuring that she wouldn't really notice much. With that he sighed and stayed slumped over, him wondering when humans would invent a portable uv device.


"A Nymph," she stated aloud with a slight tilt to her head, adding, "I've heard about your kind from mother but have never met one before." With that said she lays down on her bed and blinks a few times as she replies to her question, "In technical terms I suppose I ma half demon and half human." With that she looks over at her and reverts to her darkness form, with her jet black hair and dark purple eyes, her adding as she stays in the form, "My mother is the demon of darkness and shadow so I inherited her traits." With that said she reverts back to her previous appearance with her red eyes and snow white hair. Demons are not common in the human world most of them stay to themselves and never really interact, her mother being an exception.
(Last post for the night)

Tashii gazed transfixed by what just happened, you don't really expect something kike that to happen to you when your dragged to someones' dorm ya know? (
xD ) "That's cool" replied the girl as she stared at Lilian with her dazzling green-eyes. She let out another yawn before coming back to reality, well as close to reality as one gets. "So you know your parents? That's nice" asked Tashii out of the blue, her weirdness starting to show a little.
"You're tired because the sun isn't out? Hmm.." Speaking as she sat up and stretched her arms out. Well since he was tired she thought of just letting him go so he could get under a UV Light. "Well since you're tired should we part ways so you can go get some UV rays?" She asked with a tilt of the head, it wouldn't bother her if he had to go. She would just stay in her dorms until it was time for the ball. It was her fault for keeping him for so long, "I'm sorry I kept you for so long." Liz rather hated being a bother to him or to anyone for the matter, but for his birthday, she would defiantly get him something he'll like. Although it was coming up pretty quickly, what would he like?

(whenever I say "ball" I think of Cinderella)
@Odin4Life4Life ( Alrighty )

"Cool," she stated to herself referencing what Tashii had previously stated, her looking over at her as she commented on the parents thing. "So you didn't know your parents," she said with a few blinks of her eyes, her figuring something had happened in her life to not know them. She figured on not pressing the subject, her saying as she reached up toward the ceiling with one of her hands, "Well the past shapes you, it doesn't define you." With that said she sits up from her position and shrugs, "I'm not really interested in the past of those that I know, the here and now mean more to me." As she said that she meets Tashii's gaze with her eyes, her staring into her eyes for a brief moment, "I see that you're a decent person and I'm happy to have met you today."

@Defective Kitten

Altier looked over at her as she suggested that he make his way back, him not really against the suggestion. With that in mid he stands from the bench and says with a light laugh, "I'm kind of surprised they don't have UV lights in the Greenhouse." He shrugged and looked over at Liz with a light smile, "How about I walk you back?" He knew that it was probably even colder outside at the moment, him being able to at least walk her back to the girls dorm. The lack of sun did in fact make him a bit tired but he could still function as long as he had some form of plant to ingest.

He would have to devoid of the sun for a long time for it to actually impair him to a severe degree.
"Walk me back? No, there's no need." Liz spoke with a soft smile, in reality she just wanted to play in the snow for a little bit and didn't want Altier to worry about her getting cold. "I'm gonna.." Trying to come up with a lie she continued, ".. go to the cafeteria to get.. some hot chocolate..! Right." Liz was a terrible lier and you would be blind if you couldn't see right threw that.
@Defective Kitten

He sighed and shook his head, him easily realizing that she was utterly lying at the moment. "You're a terrible liar Lizzy," he paused and then placed his hand on her cheek, pecking her on the lips quickly then adding as he pulled away, "Just don't turn into a icicle, okay." He started to walk away from her and then turned as he made it almost out of sight, "See you at eight Liz!" He knew that she probably just wanted to play in the now a bit, her not wanting him to see her act like a kid or something of the sort. With that said he makes his way back to his dorm, and lays down on the bed with a UV light shining on him from his desk.
Liz smiled softly when Altier kissed her and left, she was just happy that he wasn't mad. At least he wouldn't have to worry about her every lying to him and getting away with it. Out of sight, she skipped out of the greenhouse and into the snow. The cold winds hit her like a bullet train, especially since she was in a warm facility. It took a while for Lizzy to get used to the cold, but like a pool you just have to swim for a little bit to get used to the temperature, or maybe that was just because she could no longer feel her fingers or feet.

Playing near Lazarus, she was in her own little world of white fluff. From what she wore, it was quite light clothing for snow. A chunky sweater, leggings, and boots, very light indeed. The snow wasn't falling as heavily as it was a few hours ago, it was very light and the wind was still at most.

((@Jaeger BLU))
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@Mediocritys Muse

Wow the two had just met, weird at that, and Lilian was already acting super friendly with her, giving her complements and cheering her up. Was this how friends worked? Tashii gave off another one of her awkward smiles, "Thank you Lilian" replied the strange girl, unsure of anything else to say in response to that.

@Defective Kitten @Jaeger BLU

Zane, in his rabbit form, stopped and turned around to see that someone had sheepishly spoken to him, and that a girl was following him in the distance, his eyes sight developed far superior to that of a normal humans'. "Yes" replied the Taguel before slowly walking over to the girl playing in the snow and nudging her very lightly.
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While in the middle of building a snow seal, because snowman are overrated, Liz felt a light nudge on her back. Having a snowball already in her hands from trying to build the seal, she saw a giant rabbit type of creature and out of reflex threw the ball of snow at it. The giant rabbit was almost as tall as she was, except she was only an inch or two taller. Blinking a few times before realizing what she had done, she began panicking, trying to brush the snow off of its fur. "Sorry..! Sorry!" She spoke in a rush, her face was more of a worried look for the rabbit than scared like a normal person would be if they were in her position.

Liz was rather fond of animals, didn't matter what type of animals or what it looked like, she adored them. "Sorry little rabbit for throwing a snowball at you." Examining its size once more, "or should I call you big rabbit." Speaking with a childish giggle at the end. Liz was rather unaware that the rabbit was actually a boy and could talk, either one would sort of scare her.
Zane did not flinch when the snowball flew at him, in fact it made him laugh a little bit. The Taguel had an aura of calming and happiness around it, what looked like a smile on its face formed. The rabbit used its long ear to scoop up snow from the ground and throw it at the girl jokingly, it playfully sticking out its tongue.
Unable to dodge the snowball in time, her face was covered in snow. Wiping the snow from her face, she began laughing. Such an odd rabbit, to be able to throw a snowball back at her and stick it tongue out. "Fine fine. You got your payback." She spoke light-heartedly with a soft expression on her face. Glancing to the side of the rabbit as she heard a crunch in the snow, she saw that it was a boy. Even in the past few months, Lizzy still wasn't able to get past her fear of meeting new boys.
Zane lowed his stomach to the ground a little more, detracting a few inches off of him at the moment. It was not a demanding thing like a cat would do to be pet, it was more like an offer; his clothing in the middle more looking like a harness then actual clothing. He tilted his head sideways as if he was asking a question.
Petting the rabbit as it lowered itself down, tilting it head as if offering her to pet it. Went the boy greeted her she simply reacted the way she normally did with boys, shy and awkward. Distracting herself with the rabbit, she mumbled "h-hi.." Unable to fully be carefree and outgoing like she was a few seconds ago. The rabbit had very soft fur and it wore something like a harness on its back, maybe it was the boy's rabbit perhaps?
Zane took the petting to be weird, he wasn't offering it and usually people didn't pet him, but it felt nice. Her hands were cold, that sent a little shock through his body, but due to how much warm fur he had, he was able to remain warm to the touch. He noticed that both of the two were quite shy indeed, it would be interesting to see how they reacted to each other.
Liz looked at the boy with a raised brow, "It talked to you?" She questioned, 'maybe he has the power to speak to animals.. maybe that's what he meant..' Trying to think logically. "You have the power to.. speak to animals..?" She asked softly, looking back down at the rabbit. It's rabbits fur was quite warm so it felt nice on her cold hands, especially since she was playing with snow a few moments ago. Liz tried her best to hold a normal conversation with a boy, it was going okay, or at least that's what Lizzy believed. This was more than she normally spoke to a boy she had just meet.
Looking at the rabbit and back at the boy, "The rabbit.. talked?" She asked weary of the boy, had he gone delusional due to the cold? Boys were defiantly strange, defiantly. She had a right to be scared of them.
Zane listened in on their conversation as he was being pet, wondering whether or not to back up the boy. If he didn't the boy would look crazy, and it would be hilarious; he was almost tempted to not say anything, but he decided to help the boy out. "Yes I talk" replied the Taguel boy, not sure on how Lizzy would react; though he hoped she would not freak out, so he said it in a nice calming tone.
Hearing the rabbit talk, she could tell it was a boy's voice. Looking at the rabbit, she was rather shocked that she stopped petting it. Gasping both hands together and holding them to her chest, she couldn't help but feel a bit light headed although she tried not to show it, despite her face becoming pale. It wasn't the fact that the rabbit could talk, it was more that he was a boy that frightened her. Altier or Lilian or even Faust was always with her when he met new people, this was a new experience for Lizzy. Although speaking to 2 boys at once was quite a leap for her. She tried to talk but nothing would come out, fear was like a bubble in her throat making her unable to speak and slightly difficult to breath.
The boy could tell she was shocked and scared at the same time, his hearing was great; he could hear her heartbeat quicken. He tried to calm her down through his calming aura ability; or the ability to make other people feel more relaxed and less tense; hoping that it would work and let her calm down. He nudged her hand softly with the top of his head, "Do not worry, I am friend" replied the Taguel boy; a smile on his face.
Lizzy's fear for boys was pushed back a little when the rabbit placed her hand under her hand. Although still afraid and feeling light headed, she felt a little more relaxed for some odd reason. Her heart still raced a little fast than normal but it wasn't as fast as it was. She felt herself wanted to faint but instead she just slumped down in the snow. It seemed that her legs had given up on her. Liz sat in the snow, looking up at the boys and let out a little sigh. She felt stupid for getting scared because she was near boys, she really wanted to push the fear away but it seemed hopeless at that point.

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